53 “You Are My Everything” Quotes To Strengthen Your Bond

Express your feelings and grow deeper in love with some meaningful and heartfelt quotes.

Reviewed by John Ryan De Oca, Relationship Expert John Ryan De Oca John Ryan De OcaRelationship Expert insta_icon
Written by , Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by , MA (English) Asmita De MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on

Finding that special soulmate you want to spend the rest of your life with is incredibly fulfilling! They become your whole world, your everything, and you can’t imagine a day without them. Let your partner know you feel that way with these ‘you are my everything’ quotes. “This can also be a cute habit you form with your partner of exchanging a love quote with them every day to keep the romance alive,” adds Relationship Expert, Dr. John Ryan De Oca.

Relationships grow and flourish when you express yourself wholeheartedly. So express yourself with these quotes and let your partner know how important they are to you. It will strengthen that special bond you both share and give them something to smile about.

The Best “You Are My Everything” Quotes

If you are looking for quotes and messages to let your partner know what they mean to you, we have some love messages for him to make him feel special. Read on!

The best You Are My Everything quotes

  1. The world has never looked brighter, more wondrous, or more hopeful than after you came into my life. I wake up every morning excited for the day, yearning to explore new things with you and rediscover myself in the process. You alone make me a better version of myself! I cannot wait to spend the rest of days with you.
  2. When I look at you, I see my future. You are my partner, my best friend, and my rock. You mean everything to me and I cherish every moment we spend together.
  3. I am not a perfect person. But I want to be better for you, because you are everything I have ever hoped for. And I promise to spend the rest of my life becoming the person you want to love with all your heart.
  4. I want to see you while I wake up in the morning and end my day with you for the rest of whatever life is left.
  5. You light up my darkest days just with your smile. You understand me even when I don’t say anything; you sit beside me and comfort me with only your silence. You are my savior and my soulmate. You are everything I ever dreamt of. You are my everything.
  6. Even when everything goes down, I want to go down with you. I want to be with you in your happiest and saddest moments. I want you to be mine forever. I can’t afford to lose you ever as you are my everything.
  7. You are the one that brings me all the little happiness. You are the one that makes me laugh in serious situations, and you are the one that never lets any moment of my life be dull. I see you as my forever.
  8. I met so many people in my life, but no one comes close to you. You are the ray of hope, positivity, and love in my life. You are everything that keeps me going on my tough days. I cannot imagine even a single moment of my life without you.
  9. I want to see beautiful sunrises and sunsets with you. I want to visit every corner of this world with you because there is no other happiness in the world than exploring the whole world with your world by your side.
  10. I want to be there for you when you fall, I want to be there for you when you rise, I want to be there with you when you cry, and I want to be there for you when you laugh. I want to be there for you in your every moment because you are my everything.
  11. I can never forget how we met the first time and instantly fell in love and how strong we have been together ever since. I can always remember how we fought so hard when times were rough and then came back stronger. I have been through many moments with you and cannot afford to lose you ever because you are my everything and you are the best thing ever happened to me.
  12. I love how you take care of me, I love the pure bond that we share, and I love the fact that you will always be my everything, no matter what.
  13. You have no idea how calm your smile and laughter make me in my tough times, and I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky to have you as my everything in this life.
  14. You are my peace amidst this chaos and the best thing that ever happened to me. You are the whole world and everything to me.
  15. I can never forget how beautiful you were looking the day I first saw you. Your smile made my heart skip a beat. Ever since, my eyes always look for you in the.
  16. There are many people in this world, but nobody’s as beautiful and kind as you. I can never imagine loving someone the way I love you. You are my everything, and I am never letting you go.
  17. I don’t know what I do to get you as my counterpart, my best friend, my love, and my mentor. My 3 am friend, my everything.

  18. I never thought I would be so madly in love with somebody ever in my life, but after having you beside me, the whole concept of love has changed. Thank you for existing, my love! Thank you for making me believe in love, my everything.

Every part of me loves every part of you

  1. Every part of me loves every part of you. I can never imagine somebody else being by my side other than you. I love you, and I am proud to have you in my life.
  2. All the things that you do for me make my life a little better every day. All the things you say to me make me fall in love with you a little more every day.
  3. I am proud and in love that you are my everything, and no amount of difficulties or bad days can ever change this.
  4. With you every day, I feel a little happier and a lot more grateful to God that he made you my everything.
  5. In this world full of heartbreaks, you are the strongest shield of my heart, and I cannot be thankful enough to have you as my soulmate and my everything.
  1. When I see you, my heart skips a beat. When I talk to you, my smile gets a little brighter. At the end of the day, when I think about you, I thank my stars for making you the best part of my life.
  2. Even when I am sitting with different people, my mind and my heart keep wondering about you. Every moment, my heart longs to feel the touch of your warmth and to see your beautiful smile. You are my everything.

You are the one who owns my whole heart and my entire mind

  1. You are the one who owns my whole heart and my entire mind. I want you to have me for the rest of your life as your everything because you are my everything and will always be.
  2. I can never keep you off of my mind because the person who means everything to me cannot just be a two-minute thought in my head.
  3. You made my boring life exciting, just by your presence. You are my everything, and I can never forget how much you love me.
  4. With every passing day, my love for you increases; it feels like I am falling in love with you all over again, my everything.
  5. Even if I don’t get anything anymore in life, I will still be satisfied, because I already got you – I already got my everything.
  6. You keep me sane. You make me happy. You make me realize what love is. I don’t want to lose all these feelings. I don’t want to lose you, my everything.
  7. I think I will never be able to witness a love like you made me do it. Love has no other meaning for me. It is just you and your endless love.
  8. When I see your smile in the toughest of the day, I get relaxed, and I feel good. You are my home. You are my peace. You are my everything.

Without you I am incomplete

  1. Without you, I am incomplete. You are like the last significant piece of my puzzle. I love you and want to keep you as you are in my life forever.
  2. I didn’t believe in angels until the day I met you. Thank you for making my life a little better each day.
  3. I love you, and you have no idea how much on earth I feel for you. You are the best person I have in my entire life. You are my soul mate, whom I am never going to leave.
  1. I can lose all the things I have in this world, except for you. I cannot even imagine how my life would look without you, so I will not let you go, not now, not ever.
  2. You are my prized possession. You are the most beautiful person in my life. You are my everything, and I can’t afford to lose you.
  3. You bring out the best in me. You bring out sides of me that I never knew existed. I can never be thankful enough to God for sending you in my life.
  4. It is only you and your love that keeps me going on some days. You are the best person for me, and I can’t imagine anyone else taking your place in my life.
  5. How you make me feel every day just cannot be put into words. I love you, my everything. Thank you for just existing.
  6. With you by my side, I can achieve all that I want to. I can become all that I want to. You bring confidence in me. You bring out the best in me, my love.
  7. If I could, I would make you see your value in my life, and I would make you see how much you mean to me, my everything.
  8. I have never seen someone so pure and beautiful like you. Your eyes make me speechless. I now love my life even more just because you are in it.
  9. I cannot afford to lose you because if I did, I would lose my life. I would lose everything.
  10. I wish you to stay beside me when we are 80 and all old because there is no other way I could see my life without you.
  11. I love you for what you are, and I would never want you to change. I accept all your flaws and love you a little more each day because I am never giving up on you, my everything.
  12. You make me feel like the luckiest person in this whole world, and you make me believe that there is true love in this world.

All the days that I have gone without you have been the toughest of all

  1. All the days that I have gone without you have been the toughest of all. I want to be with you for every moment of my life and experience everything in this world just with you.
  2. You take me to all the brightest places just by smiling. You are an angel. You are the love of my life.
  3. Thank you for making me feel like I am the best thing in your life. You should know that you are my everything, and no one can ever replace you.
  4. I want to thank you for being the reason for my smile every day, and I thank you for coming into my life. You are my everything, and I can’t imagine my life without you.
  5. I still remember the first day you said you love me; I always feel butterflies in my stomach. Thank you for making me feel so unique and worthy of love, my everything.

Infographic: Simple Activities To Make Your Bond Last Forever

The quotes mentioned above convey your most profound and authentic feelings of love for your partner. They are your everything, and you would want to spend your entire life with them. However, every relationship needs some effort to blossom. Appreciation of their fondness, commitment, and loyalty can be done through simple activities together. In the infographic below, we have listed some activities that you can engage in together to create an unbreakable bond. Keep scrolling!

simple activities to make your bond last forever (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

When you know you have found that special someone, you do not want to leave any chance of making them feel loved, appreciated, and wanted. However, not all of us are so creative as to find a new way to express our admiration every time. Using terms of endearment, you can make it clear that your love towards them is not mere enchantment or infatuation but full of passion. You can tell your beloved they are your everything by small gestures of love or simply saying it out loud and clear. “You are my everything” quotes can add that pinch of thoughtfulness, sentimentality, romance, and intimacy to your expression of love. They can bring forth deep feelings of cherishment, devotion, and adoration for one another. So, what is the holdup? Pick one or more of the above quotes and let your special someone know how much they mean to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you express love in words?

You can convey your love through romantic love quotes or even simple sentences like ‘I cherish you’, ‘I love you to the moon and back’, ‘You are my heart and my soul’, or ‘You light up my darkest days just with your smile’.

How do you say you are special to me?

Express your affection and dedication and let that important person in your life know they are special and mean the world to you by writing a heartfelt letter and sharing sweet quotes or poems with them.

What can I say instead of ‘I Love You’?

You can instead express your love by giving them a shout-out, telling them how much they mean to you, telling them how grateful you are that they are in your life, or how well you two go together.

Key Takeaways

  • Expressing your love and dedication with the help of ‘you are my everything’ quotes not only strengthens your bond but also makes you cherish your partner more.
  • These heartfelt quotes bring two people closer in a relationship by conveying one’s emotions and feelings.
  • Instead of simply saying “I love you”, you can share some romantic ‘you are my everything’ quotes with your partner and bring a smile to their face.


you are my everything quotes_illustration

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

The beauty of love often lies in the expression of it. You can go for deep love quotes or messages to let your partner know what they mean to you. Click to discover quotes that encompass the profound emotions and tender moments that make your special someone the center of your universe.
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John Ryan De Oca
John Ryan De OcaRelationship Expert
John Ryan De Oca is a relationship expert with six years of experience in coaching people and helping them achieve their desired outcomes with a mind-body-soul approach. He aims to transform how his clients feel about themselves and make them feel confident in their relationships.

Read full bio of John Ryan De Oca
Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha has a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relationships and lifestyle.Sneha began her career as an instructional designer, shifted to freelance technical and research writing, and self-published a novella on the theme of adolescent mental health.

Read full bio of Sneha Tete
Asmita De
Asmita DeAssociate Editor
Asmita De is an associate editor with over three years of experience. She graduated in English Literature from the University of Calcutta. She has collaborated with several digital companies and reputed publishing houses as an editor.

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