How To Write A Love Letter For Your Girlfriend Or Boyfriend

Expressing your feelings through a letter is just the surge of romance your relationship needs.

Reviewed by Nathalie Maggio, LMFT Nathalie Maggio Nathalie MaggioLMFT
Written by , Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by , MA (English) Asmita De MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Fact-checked by , MA Sangita Goel MA linkedin_icon Experience: 2 years
Last Updated on

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”– Lao Tzu.

For those struggling to express their adoration for their loved ones through the written word, we have jotted down some tips on how to write a love letter to your lover. In this modern age, technology has made many things simpler. One such thing to see a drastic change is how we communicate with each other. The advent of social media platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat has changed how we communicate with each other. But, nothing can replace the timeless love letters when it comes to expressing your love. Nathalie Maggio, LMFT, says, “Love letters mean more than just a few sweet words. You may want to opt for a hand written love letter as they can be beneficial to both you and your loved one’s mental well-being. Writing love messages by hand has been found to trigger the release of dopamine- a chemical in your brain that helps us feel pleasure. Over time, this means we are not only likely to form a deeper connection with our partner but also may increase our own happiness.” These letters can be stored, eternalizing your feelings and words. They are one of the most classic romantic ways of showing your authentic and emotional side to your partner and showering them with tender and passionate words of love. Scroll down for tips and ideas on writing a heartfelt love letter.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Try to pick a personalized medium (based on their professions) to write a letter on instead of a mere piece of paper.

How To Write A Love Letter

Perfect way to write a love letter to a friend
Image: Shutterstock

Writing a love letter for your girlfriend is easy if you are a great writer and always have words in your mind. But the art of writing may be challenging if you don’t know what to write in a love letter. Below is a simple format to help you organize your thoughts and churn out a masterpiece love letter. It is effective for composing heartfelt long-distance love letters for him or her and also helps bridge the gap between you. Scroll down and take a look.

  1. Greetings: Don’t just start with ‘Dear, (name).’ Instead, use something special, such as ‘To My Darling’ or ‘To my true love.’ You can even use their nickname to make it an intimate salutation.
  2. Reasons: Begin by stating why you are writing this love letter. Ensure that the phrase you use is unique. You may try something like ‘I just want to say how truly I love you’ or ‘I was thinking about you and how much I love you.’ Never use self-deprecating words or phrases such as ‘I know you never think this way’ or ‘You may think I’m crazy.’
  3. Memories: This is the most crucial part of your love letter. Every love story is unique, so is yours. Stating your transition, write about how your life changed after meeting your soulmate. Sharing some beautiful memories of you both will make the recipient adore you more. Remember, the letter’s main purpose is to communicate all your deep feelings to the person. Using too many flowery sentences may damage the raw beauty of the letter. In an attempt to sound passionate you may end up using too many fancy words, which can take away the personal touch or sentimental value of the letter. So, refrain from doing this.
  4. Closing Line: End the love letter with a positive note. You can also use a statement that describes how you feel about your love. For instance, you can write, ‘I am lucky to find you,’ or ‘I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,’ or a simple yet classic ‘I love you!’ You can also shower some kisses.

protip_icon Quick Tip
If you have trouble finding a creative flow to write a love letter to your partner, just relax and take your time. You will find the right words when you create some space for yourself. The letter doesn’t have to be poetic or extremely captivating. Simply focus on getting your feelings across and don’t worry about making it perfect or faultless.

Note: Start your letter with a rough draft, either electronically or on paper. Keep improving on it by emphasizing the above points and fine-tuning your expression.

You can say more than what is on your mind with a sweet love letter. But remember that writing a love letter is quite different from writing a formal one. Below are some sample love letters you can refer to while penning one for your boyfriend to express your love and assure him how special he is.

Sample Love Letters To Boyfriend

Read some sample love letters before writing one
Image: Shutterstock

To My Sweetheart,

I held all my words and feelings close to my heart for a long time, but now I feel it is the right time to lay it all out before you! Your company brings much more happiness into my life than there was earlier. I cannot imagine my life without you and feel that I am truly blessed to have a loving and caring partner like you. You encourage me in all my ups and downs with your unconditional support. My feelings for you are so deep that it feels like I just met you yesterday. All our memories of the time spend together are so fresh in my mind. I’m sure I cannot ever return everything that you have given me. I owe you my heart, filled with all the love in the world for you.


Follow this sample love letter to write a heartfelt message on your relationship anniversary:

My True Love,

Three years ago, you proposed to me, and we both began this beautiful journey of our love relationship. I still blush when I remember how you got down on your knee and made me feel special. That was one of the most precious moments of my life. And after all this time, I feel my emotions for you have grown deeper and deeper. All my dreams came true with all your support and love. I cannot imagine myself being far away from you. And just cannot wait to take this relationship further and enjoy many more years of blissful togetherness.

Lots of love

Just like men, women, too, adore expressive ways. They want their soulmate to express their love in either words or actions (and preferably both). In a heartfelt letter, Sarah Bloomingdale, a blogger, expresses overwhelming love for her partner, David. She writes, “When we first met, I wrote an article about you, referring to you as ‘the guy I hope never breaks my heart.’ And also as ‘this boy I’m really starting to like.’ Crazy to think that this ‘guy’, this ‘boy’ has turned into my whole world and into the man that I want to and fully intend to spend the rest of my life with.

You see, I’ve felt love for others in my life, but it was always the messy unreciprocated kind. But for you, not only is the love completely reciprocated? But, I don’t just feel love for you, I know, that I’m completely, madly, entirely in love with you (i).”

Sample Love Letters To Girlfriend

Write an honest love letter to your partner
Image: Shutterstock

To My Beautiful Love,

I still remember the day I met you for the first time. Since then, I have spent every moment in awe of your beauty, intelligence, and sensibility. Your love is pure, and the smile on your face makes my day special and blessed. I was waiting for this day to express the true depth of my feelings for you. You are the most beautiful and strongest person I have ever met in my entire life. The thought of being with you brings me joy. It’s my promise that I will be with you forever and make each day special.

Cutie Pie

If you want to celebrate your love anniversary and ask her hand in marriage, here is a sample letter that will surely move her.

To My Sunshine,

I feel so blessed that we have known each other since childhood and are now in love. I want to celebrate our long and beautiful journey with you on this special day. Remember how splendidly we spent our high-school days? The most memorable day was when we took our friendship to the next level and kissed each other for the first time. I cannot thank you enough for all the good and lovely days you have given me. And I feel it’s the right time for us to become a family now. I feel blessed to be by your side all the time, and I cannot wait for us to start the next chapter of our happily-ever-after. Will you be mine forever?


Writing a letter to your girlfriend or boyfriend is one thing but putting your feelings on a piece of paper for your crush to read is a whole other ball game. It is tricky because you are unsure if they love you or just like you. So, while writing love letters to him, always keep the letter short and avoid clichéd compliments. Additionally, be prepared for any outcome. Scroll down for a sample to help you word a love letter to your crush.

Sample Love Letter To Crush

Write a love letter to your crush
Image: Shutterstock

My dear XXX,

I have guarded a secret in my heart for a very long time. But now, I cannot wait to reveal it all to you and share my feelings finally. You might be unaware of how much happiness you give me with your presence. I feel so safe, strong, and relaxed when we sit in the canteen together and talk for hours. My heart throbs when you stand close to me, and I feel tongue-tied when we speak. Yet, I am sure that nothing can stop me from loving you and cherishing you in my heart forever. I love you!

Sweet Angel

If you want to ask your crush out but are not well-acquainted with them, here is a sample letter for you.

Dear XXX,

There is something I wanted to tell you. Ever since we first met a month ago, I haven’t been able to forget about you. From the moment I saw you, I could not shake off this feeling that you are someone special. I appreciate how you were so kind and went out of your way to help me. There is something about your presence that makes everything feel safer and brighter. I know we only met a month ago, but I enjoyed every talk we had since then. Your texts always made me smile and I find myself drawn to you more with each passing day. I love you! Would you like to go out with me sometime?

[Your Name]

Letting your partner know the reasons why you appreciate them in your life will help build a stronger and healthier relationship as you go forward. Check out the sample letter to help you word a beautiful and thoughtful letter to your partner.

Reasons Why I Love You Letter

My Dearest [Partner’s Name],

Every day with you is a treasure trove of moments that fill my heart with joy. I love you for the way you effortlessly bring sunshine into my life, illuminating even the darkest corners with your laughter and warmth. Your kindness and unwavering support make me feel invincible, reassuring me that I’m never alone. Your strength inspires me to be a better person each day. Your understanding and empathy create a safe haven where I can be myself without fear or judgment. Your love, pure and unconditional, is the greatest blessing I’ve ever known. I cherish you for being my partner and my best friend. With you, I’ve found a love that feels like coming home.

Yours always and forever,
[Your Name]

Here is another way to let your partner know about the reasons you love them and make them feel special.

Dearest [Partner’s Name],

Although words can never capture the depth of my feelings for you, I wanted to take a moment to express them anyway. There are so many reasons to love and cherish you forever. You have a heart big enough to embrace the entire world. Yet, you make me feel like the most important person in it. When I am with you, I feel complete as if every piece of my being has found its perfect match. I feel cherished, supported, safe, and loved. No matter what life throws my way, I know that with you by my side, I can overcome anything. You are my solace and strength. Thank you for being the light in my life.

With all my love,
[Your Name]

Parting with a special one is heartbreaking as it is the end of the beautiful time you spent together. It is, thus, tough to pen down a goodbye note for someone you love. But some goodbye letters can pave the way for a continued friendship or even acquaintance if that’s how you want it. However, the most important point is that goodbye letters should never be bitter and have a somber yet honest tone. Scroll down for a sample letter to get cues for yours.

Goodbye Letter To Someone You Love

Perfect way to write a goodbye letter to someone you love
Image: Shutterstock

Dear Partner,

It’s heartbreaking to accept the truth of our separation. However, the days spent with you are memorable, and I will always cherish them. I am eternally grateful to you for being the most fun and loving partner, for pushing me forward when I was down emotionally, and for all the support you gave me in our relationship. I can understand that we cannot be happy together anymore due to the recent issues. And I accept the fact that neither of us is the reason for this situation. So, I wish you all the prosperity in your life, and may you be happy and successful wherever you are.


Here is another sample letter you can use to bid farewell to someone you love.

Dear [Partner’s Name],

I am swept by countless emotions as I sit down to write this letter. In my head, we are still together – happy in our little bubble! But as soon as the truth of our relationship hits, my heart goes numb. It hurts to admit it, but the joy of togetherness that we once shared has faded into mere memories. I know we have worked hard to rebuild our relationship, but it has caused us only sadness and despair. And I can never see you in pain, love. As I accept that the only way out of this emotional turmoil is to part ways, I wish you nothing but happiness. Please know that you will always hold a special place in my heart.


[Your Name]

Infographic: 4 Tips To Write A Great Love Letter

Throughout many centuries, lovers have expressed their unyielding love via love letters. Writing a love letter involves penning down your most intimate thoughts and wearing your vulnerability on your sleeve. It can be a daunting task! But since nothing comes close to the magic of words, we have compiled a list of helpful tips that will guide you to write a love letter for your beloved. Check out the infographic below for more information.

4 tips to write a great love letter (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

A love letter is the most ideal and sincere expression of your feelings, provided it comes straight from your heart. However, writing one can be tricky, especially if you are not so good with words. Also, you cannot make it sound like a formal letter and keep it as informal as possible. Start with the greetings and mention the reason you are writing the letter. Then, proceed to the best memories you share with your loved one and end with a heart-warming, endearing closing line. You can follow the above-listed ways to write a love letter and make your lover go all mushy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do love letters work?

Yes. While there are different ways of expressing love in the fast-paced social media world, love letters have a unique charm. A handwritten letter says much more than an email, an instant message, or social media post. It gives a personal touch to your writing and feels like the person is speaking in front of you.

How do you express your love in words?

Words are a powerful tool of expression. Saying ‘I love you’ to your loved ones might be a cause of hesitation or panic, especially when you are new in love with someone. However, you can always make it more impactful and enchanting by stating why you love the person. Also, you can use phrases like ‘I cherish you,’ ‘I want a lifetime with you,’ ‘I adore you,’ ‘I cannot stop thinking about you,’ and much more.

Is writing a love letter a bad idea?

No. Sharing your true feelings with someone is never a bad idea. However, you should do it without expectations and with an open mind. You may choose a handwritten or digital letter to express your love. However, if the recipient cannot preserve it properly, go with the digital option.

What to avoid in a love letter?

A love letter brings two souls together. Thus, it is ideal to avoid any negative comments or mention incidents that make either of you feel bad about the love or relationship that you share.

Do guys like love letters?

Yes, contrary to popular belief, guys do like love letters that express genuine feelings and thoughts.

How soon is too soon to write a love letter?

A love letter is an honest and serious expression of love and commitment. A love letter right after the first couple of dates may be too soon. It may be ideal to wait till you develop mutual feelings to a certain extent before writing a love letter. However, every relationship is different, and if you feel comfortable writing one, then feel free to go ahead on the impulse.

Key Takeaways

  • Use a pet name or an affectionate greeting to start off the letter.
  • Handwritten love letters are about expressing your feelings of appreciation, affection, and gratitude
  • Write about the qualities and memories of the person you are addressing.
  • Add a personal touch with a small photograph, drawing, or special note.
  • Sign off with a heartfelt and sincere message, expressing love and gratitude.

Illustration: How To Write A Love Letter For Your Girlfriend Or Boyfriend

how to write a love letter

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Learn how to write a heartfelt love letter that expresses your feelings. Watch this video to get tips on what to write and how to make it special.

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Nathalie Maggio is a licensed marriage and family therapist and EMDR-trained and certified clinical trauma specialist with 5 years of experience. She pursued her Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Wuerzburg, Germany, and MS in Counseling from California State University, Long Beach.

Read full bio of Nathalie Maggio
Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha has a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relationships and lifestyle.Sneha began her career as an instructional designer, shifted to freelance technical and research writing, and self-published a novella on the theme of adolescent mental health.

Read full bio of Sneha Tete
Asmita De
Asmita DeAssociate Editor
Asmita De is an associate editor with over three years of experience. She graduated in English Literature from the University of Calcutta. She has collaborated with several digital companies and reputed publishing houses as an editor.

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Sangita Goel
Sangita GoelBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sangita is a content writer with a passion for exploring diverse genres. She has written 100+ blogs on an array of topics, including relationships, travel, beauty, and fashion. Armed with a master’s degree in history from Indira Gandhi National Open University, she has leveraged her curiosity to write captivating, engaging, and informative articles.

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