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Regulatory press release

Advance voting prior to Storytel’s annual general meeting

The board of directors of Storytel AB (publ) (the “Company” or “Storytel”) has as previously announced in the notice for the annual general meeting resolved that the shareholders should be able to exercise their voting rights by mail.

Advance voting at the annual general meeting

In light of the spread of the coronavirus, the board of directors has decided to implement certain precautionary measures for the annual general meeting on 6 May 2020 in order to ascertain the well-being of the Company’s shareholders as well as the opportunity for them to exercise their rights at the annual general meeting.

The Public Health Agency of Sweden has made the assessment that the risk for spread of the virus is very high and recommend avoidance of large gatherings and crowds. If one cannot avoid large gatherings, any time spent in such a situation should be kept at a minimum. For this reason, and as previously announced in the notice, the timeframe for the annual general meeting will be kept a minimum, without restricting the shareholders’ rights.

Considering the current situation, the shareholders of Storytel are asked to consider the possibility not to attend the meeting in person and instead attend by proxy or vote in advance. The Swedish Parliament has adopted a temporary legislation, which from 15 April 2020 provides Swedish limited companies increased possibilities to use advance voting by mail to facilitate general meetings. With support of this temporary legislation, the board of directors has resolved to provide the shareholders with a special form for exercise of the shareholders’ voting rights. Instead of attending the general meeting in person, a shareholder may use the form to notify its participation at the annual general meeting and cast its vote in advance.

The proxy form can be downloaded at the following place

For more information, please contact:

Jörgen Gullbrandson, Interim CFO, Storytel: +46 73 378 01 75

FNCA Sweden AB is the company’s certified adviser. FNCA can be reached at and +46 8 528 00 399.