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Storytel is one of the world’s leading subscribed audiobook and e-book streaming services, with more than 2.3 million paying subscribers under the brands Storytel, Mofibo and in more than 25 markets, where the Nordics represent the largest proportion of revenue.

The streaming platform offers listening and reading of more than 1.5 million titles in 40+ languages on a global scale. The audiobooks business is highly localized. Around 85 percent of hours listened comes from local authors, and takes place in the local language.

Storytel is well positioned as a result of the high loyalty we continue to earn from our subscribers. More than a million subscribers listen to Storytel for at least ten hours per month, and more than 40 percent of paid subscribers listen to at least five minutes of Storytel every day. These numbers reflect just how well we’re executing on our mission to Move the World Through Story on behalf of our subscribers, and how much we mean to these subscribers.
