Life is short for bad design!

Shipping Info

We ship with the Greek Postal Service .

When you select Standard Shipping, we will ship your order with the least expensive carrier and method.

Processing Time
Most orders ship within 1-3 business days from our warehouse in Athens, depending on the volume of orders currently being processed.  International orders will generally arrive 4-15 business days after being shipped depending on shipping method selected.

We will highly appreciate your patience for waiting during the postage period.
As you know that international delivery is so complicated and the Postman
is out of our control, we will always try our very best to help in case there
is any shipment delay by post office.

# of Items (and above) Shipping Price
1 $3
3 $4
5 $5
10 $7
15 $9
20 $12
30 $14
40 $16
50 $18
100 $22
500 $25
1000 $30
2000 $35
3000 $35
5000 $50


Payment methods-Bank transfer info