Wenqiang Xiao

Wenqiang Xiao

Joined Stern 2006

Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Kaufman Management Center
44 West Fourth Street, 8-63
New York, NY 10012

E-mail [email protected]
Personal website


Wenqiang Xiao joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences in July 2006.

Professor Xiao's research interests are primarily focused on designing and evaluating incentive contracts under supply chain settings and more generally, the principal-agent framework. In particular, he is interested in investigating incentive conflicts among parties with asymmetric information.

Professor Xiao received his Ph.D. in Decision, Risk and Operations from Columbia Business School.

Research Interests

  • Supply chain contracting
  • Marketing-operations interface
  • E-commerce pricing
  • Production & inventory planning

Academic Background

Ph.D., Decision, Risk & Operations, 2007
Columbia University

Ph.D., Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2002
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

B.S., Applied Mathematics, 1999
Tsinghua University

Areas of Expertise

Technology, Operations & Statistics

  • E-commerce
  • Supply Chain Management