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D.J. Tice

Tice has been a writer, editor and publisher in Twin Cities journalism for decades. He was previously an editor at Corporate Report Minnesota and Twin Cities magazines, editor and publisher at the Twin Cities Reader, and an editorial writer and columnist for the St. Paul Pioneer Press. From 2003-2009, he was the Star Tribune's state political editor, directing coverage of the Legislature, state government, the Minnesota congressional delegation, and elections. After that, he was the Star Tribune’s commentary editor through early 2024. He is the author of two books of popular history. His collection of ordinary Minnesotans' memories, Minnesota's Twentieth Century, published by the University of Minnesota Press, was awarded the Minnesota Book Award for history in 2000.

Latest from D.J. Tice

Our Columnists

Voting for gridlock might be the most rational thing you do

Especially now with your presidential options being what they are.
August 26, 2024

An apology to Dean Phillips

The Minnesota moderate may have set the stage better than I’d thought.
July 19, 2024
Dean Phillips stepped off of his campaign bus at the New Hampshite Statehouse where he filed a declaration of candidacy to run for the New Hampshire presidential primary  Friday, Oct. 27, 2023  Concord, Minn.   ] GLEN STUBBE •
Our Columnists

D.J. Tice: In spite of an awful war, they ‘had a good feeling about this country’

The anniversary of D-Day is a time to ask whether American civilization has passed its peak.
June 1, 2024

D.J. Tice: For this Minnesota legislator, action targeting child abuse is intensely personal

“There were a lot of nights that I would pray for someone to come and save me. And no one came.”
April 23, 2024

D.J. Tice: No room for debate — it’s been a great career

A grateful farewell to readers, with parting worries for a beloved profession.
February 4, 2024

Dogmas of the stormy present confuse Civil War debate

Politicians need only to look to Lincoln's words to understand his objectives during the conflict-turned-bloodbath.
January 9, 2024

Miracle of the loafers and fishes

How fellow pilgrims and I once learned the way of the ice angler.
December 24, 2023

The infinite elsewhere

There's a certain sensibility, otherwise elusive, on offer when you simply pass through — a place? a period of your life? — without much of a plan.
November 25, 2023
Three teenagers walking along a railroad

D.J. Tice: No room for debate — it’s been a great career

A grateful farewell to readers, with parting worries for a beloved profession.
February 4, 2024

Dogmas of the stormy present confuse Civil War debate

Politicians need only to look to Lincoln's words to understand his objectives during the conflict-turned-bloodbath.
January 9, 2024

Miracle of the loafers and fishes

How fellow pilgrims and I once learned the way of the ice angler.
December 24, 2023

The infinite elsewhere

There's a certain sensibility, otherwise elusive, on offer when you simply pass through — a place? a period of your life? — without much of a plan.
November 25, 2023
Three teenagers walking along a railroad
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