Mail Room

The mailroom provides comprehensive mail and postal services to Schools and Units in the University of St Andrews.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Royal Mail delivers to the Mailroom each morning and collects the outgoing mail in the afternoon. For same day posting the deadline for last post is 4pm at the Mailroom.

The Mailroom driver collects and delivers mail from most Schools and Units once a day. Delivery times are available on request.

To help us deliver the mail promptly please ensure that you address your internal mail as fully as possible. Many Schools and Units are spread over split sites and unless the names of the departments and buildings concerned are included in the address the mail may inadvertently be delivered to the wrong site. Please ensure the department is shown on any mail for Walter Bower House to ensure it is delivered to the correct locker.

All student mail should be addressed to their Halls of Residence or private address as it is not dealt with by the Mailroom.

Any direct queries in relation to mail deliveries should be directed to  [email protected].

Sending mail

Please ensure that your mail is correctly addressed. A postcode is required for UK mail and the destination country should be shown for International mail.

Full postal addresses for University departments are available on through the contacts page on our website.

Mail is sent out 2nd class unless the envelope is marked to be sent as 1st class.

UK mail can also be sent out Signed for, Special Delivery or by courier. International mail will be sent by Airmail but can also be Tracked or sent by courier. Should you wish to specify the way any mail is sent a form is available from the Mailroom which can also be returned to you confirming the cost and any tracking details.

International letters should have a blue Airmail sticker attached to the top left-hand corner of the letter. Please contact the Mailroom should you require any stickers.  

All non-document items that are going abroad require a customs label. Please ensure this has been completed before the item is collected for posting. Where the value of the item is below £270 a CN22 label is required. If the value exceeds £270 a CN23 label must be completed. These labels have already been provided to several departments for use or are available from the Mailroom on request.

Where the package exceeds 2kg in weight it will be sent by courier. Additional information for customs is required where an item is sent abroad using a courier. Please contact the Mailroom for the latest form which you should complete with full details of the package contents. The Mailroom will then arrange the shipment and submit the customs information.

Bulk mailing

If a School or Unit is preparing a bulk mailing, the mailroom should be given two days advance notice of posting. This will enable the mail to be processed in the most efficient way. It is also helpful if all addresses are kept facing the same way up.


The mailroom makes no additional charge for its services, the cost of postage is recharged to Schools and Units using the appropriate cost centre coding.

Advice and general enquiries

Royal Mail deliveries are made to the Mailroom.

Amazon lockers have been provided for the collection of items at the University Library and at David Russell Apartments. Staff are urged to use this service for the collection of personal items. You may be asked to collect your item from the Mailroom if it is obviously not work-related.

Couriers will deliver to the address shown on the package so staff must ensure when ordering items that the correct address is used and a contact phone number is provided. If couriers are unable to access the building or contact the recipient, the item could be returned to the sender or may go astray if it is just left at that address. 

Full postal addresses for University departments are available through the contacts page on the website.

Advice and general enquiries about any of the University mail services should be directed to the Mailroom.