18 March 2005 Walking simulator for evaluation of ophthalmic devices
James Barabas, Russell L. Woods, Eli Peli
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Proceedings Volume 5666, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging X; (2005)
Event: Electronic Imaging 2005, 2005, San Jose, California, United States
Simulating mobility tasks in a virtual environment reduces risk for research subjects, and allows for improved experimental control and measurement. We are currently using a simulated shopping mall environment (where subjects walk on a treadmill in front of a large projected video display) to evaluate a number of ophthalmic devices developed at the Schepens Eye Research Institute for people with vision impairment, particularly visual field defects. We have conducted experiments to study subject's perception of "safe passing distance" when walking towards stationary obstacles. The subject's binary responses about potential collisions are analyzed by fitting a psychometric function, which gives an estimate of the subject's perceived safe passing distance, and the variability of subject responses. The system also enables simulations of visual field defects using head and eye tracking, enabling better understanding of the impact of visual field loss. Technical infrastructure for our simulated walking environment includes a custom eye and head tracking system, a gait feedback system to adjust treadmill speed, and a handheld 3-D pointing device. Images are generated by a graphics workstation, which contains a model with photographs of storefronts from an actual shopping mall, where concurrent validation experiments are being conducted.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
James Barabas, Russell L. Woods, and Eli Peli "Walking simulator for evaluation of ophthalmic devices", Proc. SPIE 5666, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging X, (18 March 2005); Logo
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