Personal information
The information requested from you is necessary for SPARTOO to complete your order. This information is registered in our customer database.
In accordance with the EU 2016/679 regulation, you have a right of access, rectification, interrogation and if necessary opposition to data concerning you, which can be exercised by contacting :
by email: to
[email protected]
by post: to SPARTOO SAS, 16 rue Henri Barbusse 38100 Grenoble
You can also oppose yourself to data regarding yourself for legitimate reasons.
SPARTOO reserves the right to collect personal data relative to site users, most notably via “Cookies”, mentioned in article 8.
SPARTOO also reserves the right to share the data collected on the website for commercial purposes if you have ticked the box "Check The Box To Receive Special Offers & Promotions From Selected Third Parties". You can subsequently withdraw your consent at any time by unchecking the same mention. Any treatment based on consent given prior to withdrawal is lawful. The SPARTOO company may then be required to transfer the data to foreign companies. It undertakes to communicate this data only to foreign companies that have the same level of data protection as France and the European Community.
For more details, you can consult the section confidentiality charter in our general conditions of sale and the note entitled "data protection policy".