Collaborate, Advise, and Build
We’re all in this together and The Society Library unequivocally recognizes that. We see ourselves as a part of a movement of many organizations and practitioners hoping to advance an epistemic revolution towards what we ourselves call the “e-lightenment era.” We’re hoping to democratize the benefits of accessing large volumes of high-integrity knowledge to improve the collective intelligence, and therefore, the collection coordination of humanity.
To accomplish this mission, we are collaborating and co-creating with many groups in various ways, each working on their own approach towards enabling access to knowledge, and hope to continue to do so with more people and groups. Thanks to all of our colleagues in: decentralized science, knowledge graph work, networked knowledge, data integrity, knowledge preservation, topic/argument/concept/debate mapping, argument mining, AI deliberation and chain of thought thinking, and others who are either directly or indirectly advancing this cause which we are dedicating ourselves to. If you see a way in which we could and should be collaborating, please reach out.
Our friends include:
We also make ourselves available to advise projects, and can also be contracted to build tools.
If you would like to partner in any way, please feel free to reach out.