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Web Browser Extension

Lucian Novac and Rusu Alexandru
Faculty of Computer Science, Al. I. Cuza University of Iaşi
Browsers Extensions
Browser Extension?
• You write them using :HTML, JavaScript, and
Google Chrome Extensions
•   A manifest file
•   HTML files (unless the extension is a theme)
•   JavaScript files
•   Other files
Google Chrome Extensions
   manifest.json                .js


Google Chrome Extensions
• manifest.json is a manifest file and is the most
Google Chrome Extensions
Example of manifest file provided by Google Chrome:

 "name": "My Extension",
"version": "2.1",
"description": "Gets information from Google.",
"icons": { "128": "icon_128.png" },
"background_page": "bg.html",
   ["http://*", "https://*"], "browser_action": {
   "default_title": "", "default_icon": "icon_19.png", "default_popup":
   "popup.html" }
Opera Extensions
• based on the W3C Widgets specification .
• add the browser UI and functionality
• edit web pages
Opera Extensions

     The two basic parts of an Opera extension and
     how they communicate.
                     From Opera
Opera Extensions
•   /config.xml
•   /index.html
•   /background.js
•   /popup.html
•   /icons/example.png
•   /locales/no/index.html
•   /locales/no/background.js
•   /locales/no/popup.html
•   /options.html
Opera Extensions

• config.xml is mandatory and provides valuable
  meta data for the extension
Opera Extensions
• config.xml file(provided by Opera):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<widget xmlns=""
<name>My test extension</name>
<description>API experiments and testing.</description>
<author href="" email="foo-">Foo Bar Corp</author>
<icon src="icons/example.png"/>
Opera Extensions
• index.html file(provided by Opera):
<!doctype html>
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
var theButton;
var UIItemProperties = { disabled: false, title: "101 - createItem w popup big", icon:
  "icon.png", popup: { href: "popup.html", width: 250, height: 500 } } theButton =
  opera.contexts.toolbar.createItem( UIItemProperties );
  opera.contexts.toolbar.addItem( theButton ); }, false);
Mozilla Extensions
• Add new functionality to browser
Mozilla Extensions


 AdBlock Plus             Delicious
Mozilla Extensions

  Chrome.manifes                 .css
          t                     .png

Mozilla Extensions

             Xul Components
Mozilla Extensions
• XUL (XML User Interface Language) -alternative
  text, graphics and layout.
Safari Extensions
• Safari application
• Web content
Safari Extensions
• JavaScript API
• This API is documented in Safari Extensions
Safari Extensions

          The extension architecture
                 From Safari
Safari Extensions

• Extension Builder for make extensions
• Safari 5.0
Safari Extensions
• The main ingredients of an extension are:
  oGlobal HTML page
  oContent (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, media)
  oMenu Items (labels, images)
  oInjected scripts
  oInjected style sheets
  oIcon image

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Web browser extension development

  • 1. Web Browser Extension Development Lucian Novac and Rusu Alexandru Faculty of Computer Science, Al. I. Cuza University of Iaşi
  • 3. Browser Extension? • You write them using :HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
  • 4. Google Chrome Extensions • A manifest file • HTML files (unless the extension is a theme) • JavaScript files • Other files
  • 5. Google Chrome Extensions .css .png .html manifest.json .js .crx Components
  • 6. Google Chrome Extensions • manifest.json is a manifest file and is the most important.
  • 7. Google Chrome Extensions Example of manifest file provided by Google Chrome: { "name": "My Extension", "version": "2.1", "description": "Gets information from Google.", "icons": { "128": "icon_128.png" }, "background_page": "bg.html", “permissions": ["http://*", "https://*"], "browser_action": { "default_title": "", "default_icon": "icon_19.png", "default_popup": "popup.html" } }
  • 8. Opera Extensions • based on the W3C Widgets specification . • add the browser UI and functionality • edit web pages
  • 9. Opera Extensions The two basic parts of an Opera extension and how they communicate. From Opera
  • 10. Opera Extensions • /config.xml • /index.html • /background.js • /popup.html • /icons/example.png • /locales/no/index.html • /locales/no/background.js • /locales/no/popup.html • /options.html
  • 11. Opera Extensions • config.xml is mandatory and provides valuable meta data for the extension
  • 12. Opera Extensions • config.xml file(provided by Opera): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <widget xmlns="" id=""> <name>My test extension</name> <description>API experiments and testing.</description> <author href="" email="foo- [email protected]">Foo Bar Corp</author> <icon src="icons/example.png"/> </widget>
  • 13. Opera Extensions • index.html file(provided by Opera): <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script> window.addEventListener("load", function(){ var theButton; var UIItemProperties = { disabled: false, title: "101 - createItem w popup big", icon: "icon.png", popup: { href: "popup.html", width: 250, height: 500 } } theButton = opera.contexts.toolbar.createItem( UIItemProperties ); opera.contexts.toolbar.addItem( theButton ); }, false); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
  • 14. Mozilla Extensions • Add new functionality to browser
  • 15. Mozilla Extensions Firebug AdBlock Plus Delicious
  • 16. Mozilla Extensions .xul .js Install.rdf Chrome.manifes .css t .png XPI Components
  • 17. Mozilla Extensions Xul Components
  • 18. Mozilla Extensions • XUL (XML User Interface Language) -alternative text, graphics and layout.
  • 19. Safari Extensions • Safari application • Web content
  • 20. Safari Extensions • JavaScript API • This API is documented in Safari Extensions Reference.
  • 21. Safari Extensions The extension architecture From Safari
  • 22. Safari Extensions • Extension Builder for make extensions • Safari 5.0
  • 23. Safari Extensions • The main ingredients of an extension are: oGlobal HTML page oContent (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, media) oMenu Items (labels, images) oInjected scripts oInjected style sheets oIcon image
  • 24. Bibliography • • • •