Sodium is the major extracellular cation in the body. It plays important roles in fluid balance, acid-base balance, glucose and amino acid absorption, and cell permeability. The total body sodium content is 4000 meq, with 50% in bones, 40% in extracellular fluid, and 10% in soft tissues. The daily sodium requirement is 5-10 g, though hypertensive patients should aim for 1 g. Common sodium sources include table salt, bread, vegetables, and dairy. Sodium levels are regulated by the kidneys, which filter and reabsorb most of the sodium from the glomerulus under control of aldosterone. Deviations from the normal serum sodium range of 135-145 meq/L can
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1. (Na+) Sodium Total body Sodium is 4000 meq. 50% in bones, 40% in ECF & 10% in Soft tissues. It is the major Extracellular cation .
2. BIOCHEMICAL FUNCTIONS: 1)Sodium regulates Osmotic pressure and fluid balance. 2) Regulates Acid-base balance in association with chloride and bicarbonate. 3) It is involved in absorption of Glucose, Galactose & Aminoacids. 4) It helps in cell permeability .
3. DAILY REQUIREMENT AND FOOD SOURCES: Daily requirement 5-10 gm/day In Hypertensive 1 gm/day is recommended. 5g of NaCl contains 2g of sodium. Table salt (Nacl) is the major source. Other sources are Bread,whole grains, vegetables, nuts, eggs and milk.
4. Sodium is readily absorbed in GIT. Normal Serum level is 135-145 meq/L . Sodium is extracellular cation so very less ammount is present in RBC’s(35meq/l). Mineralocorticoids secreted by adrenal cortex,influence sodium metabolism. Kidney is the major source of excretion. Around 800 gm/day is filtered by Glomerulus in that 99% is reabsorbed by tubules. Reabsorbtion is controlled by Aldosterone.
5. Hyponatremia. Decrease Sodium levels. - Diarrhea, Vomiting, - Chronic renal failure Addisons disease (adreno cortical Insufficiency) ,Mild - head ache, Moderate & severe - Low Blood pressure & Circulatory failure. Overhydration,administration of salt free fluids to patients.
6. Hypernatremia Increase Sodium levels. Cushing’s syndrome. Prolonged administration of steroid hormones (Cortisone, ACTH/Sex hormones). Severe dehydration (only water) as in case of Diabetes Insipidus Increased Blood volume Hypertension.
7. BIOCHEMICAL FUNCTIONS: It maintains Intracellular Osmotic pressure,acid base balance. Involves in cardiac & skeletal muscle activities, Mainly K+ required in depolarization & contraction of Heart. Involved proper transmission of Nerve Impulses. Pyruvate kinase(of glycolysis) needs K+. Involved in Biosynthesis of proteins.
8. Absorption is efficient(90%). Normal Serum Potassium 3.5 – 5 meq/L (Cell contain 100 – 120 meq/L ). Excretion is through urine, during absorption of Na+ there is obligatory loss of K+, Aldosterone increases K+ excretion.
9. DAILY REQUIREMENT AND SOURCES Potassium Total body potassium is 3500 meq 75% in skeletal muscle. Daily requirement 3-4 gm/day Banana, Orange, Potato, beans, Liver etc. Rich Source is Tender coconut water.
10. Hypokalemia Serum K+ less than 3 meq/L Cushing syndrome Renal tubular acidosis. Metabolic alkalosis, Diarrhea & vomiting In Diabetic coma treatment with Insulin & Glucose Diuretics. Muscle weakness, Tachycardia ,Cardiac arrest.
11. Hyperkalemia Renal failure Addison’s disease Severe dehydration. Intravenous administration of fluids with excessive potassium salts. Depression of CNS, Bradycardia.