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CS 299 – Web Programming and Design
Overview of JavaScript and DOM
Instructor: Dr. Fang (Daisy) Tang


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 2
Introduction to JavaScript
• What is JavaScript?
– It is designed to add interactivity to HTML pages
– It is a scripting language (a lightweight programming
– It is an interpreted language (it executes without
preliminary compilation)
– Usually embedded directly into HTML pages
– And, Java and JavaScript are different


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 3
What can a JavaScript Do?
• JavaScript gives HTML designers a programming tool:
– simple syntax
• JavaScript can put dynamic text into an HTML page
• JavaScript can react to events
• JavaScript can read and write HTML elements
• JavaScript can be used to validate data
• JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor’s browser
• JavaScript can be used to create cookies
– Store and retrieve information on the visitor’s computer


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 4
JavaScript How To
• The HTML <script> tag is used to insert a JavaScript into an
HTML page
<script type=“text/javascript”>
document.write(“Hello World!”)
• Ending statements with a semicolon?
– Optional; required when you want to put multiple statements on a
single line
• JavaScript can be inserted within the head, the body, or use
external JavaScript file
• How to handle older browsers?
<script type=“text/javascript”>
document.write(“Hello World!”)
// -->


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 5
JavaScript Where To
• You can include JavaScripts in head, body, or
simply use external JavaScript file (.js)
• JavaScripts in the body section will be
executed while the page loads
• JavaScripts in the head section will be
executed when called
• Examples:


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 6
JavaScript Basics
• Variables
• If … Else
• Switch
• Operators
• Popup Boxes
• Functions
• Loops (for, while)
• Events
• Try … Catch
• Throw
• onerror
• Special Text
• Guidelines


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 7
Java Objects
• String
• Date
• Array
• Boolean
• Math
• RegExp


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 8
RegExp: Regular Expression
• Two ways to define regular expression:
– new RegExp(“[xyz]”)
– or, /[xyz]/
• String object methods that supports regular
– search: search a string for a specified value. Returns
the position of the value
– match: search a string for a specified value. Returns
an array of the found value(s)
– replace: replace characters with other characters
– split: split a string into an array of strings


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 9
JavaScript Regular Expression Examples
• Check input for 5 digit number
• Different categories of pattern matching:


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 10
More RegExp Examples
• Example 1:
– var string1="Peter has 8 dollars and Jane has 15"
– parsestring1=string1.match(/d+/g)
– returns the array [8,15]
• Example 2:
– var string2="(304)434-5454"
– parsestring2=string2.replace(/[()-]/g, "")
– Returns "3044345454" (removes "(", ")", and "-")
• Example 3:
– var string3="1,2, 3, 4, 5"
– parsestring3=string3.split(/s*,s*/)
– Returns the array ["1","2","3","4","5"]


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 11
More RegExp Examples
• Valid number: contains only an optional minus
sign, followed by digits, followed by an
optional dot (.) to signal decimals
• Valid date format
– 2-digit month, date separator, 2-digit day, date
separator, and a 4-digit year
– e.g., 02/02/2000, 02-02-2000, 02.02.2000


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 12
• What is the DOM?
– It stands for Document Object Model
– With JavaScript, we can restructure an entire HTML
document by adding, removing, changing, or
reordering items on a page
– JavaScript gains access to all HTML elements through
the DOM


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 13
Using JavaScript Objects
• When you load a document in your web
browser, it creates a number of JavaScript
• These objects exist in a hierarchy that reflects
the structure of the HTML page


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 14
HTML DOM Structure


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 15
DOM Resources
• Tutorials:
• DOM examples:


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 16
Java Advanced
• Browser
• Cookies
• Validation
• Animation
• Timing
• Create your own object


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 17
Some Dynamic HTML Examples


CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 18
Case Study
• More Examples:
• Form validation:

More Related Content


  • 1. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design Overview of JavaScript and DOM Instructor: Dr. Fang (Daisy) Tang
  • 2. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 2 Introduction to JavaScript • What is JavaScript? – It is designed to add interactivity to HTML pages – It is a scripting language (a lightweight programming language) – It is an interpreted language (it executes without preliminary compilation) – Usually embedded directly into HTML pages – And, Java and JavaScript are different
  • 3. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 3 What can a JavaScript Do? • JavaScript gives HTML designers a programming tool: – simple syntax • JavaScript can put dynamic text into an HTML page • JavaScript can react to events • JavaScript can read and write HTML elements • JavaScript can be used to validate data • JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor’s browser • JavaScript can be used to create cookies – Store and retrieve information on the visitor’s computer
  • 4. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 4 JavaScript How To • The HTML <script> tag is used to insert a JavaScript into an HTML page <script type=“text/javascript”> document.write(“Hello World!”) </script> • Ending statements with a semicolon? – Optional; required when you want to put multiple statements on a single line • JavaScript can be inserted within the head, the body, or use external JavaScript file • How to handle older browsers? <script type=“text/javascript”> <!— document.write(“Hello World!”) // --> </script>
  • 5. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 5 JavaScript Where To • You can include JavaScripts in head, body, or simply use external JavaScript file (.js) • JavaScripts in the body section will be executed while the page loads • JavaScripts in the head section will be executed when called • Examples: –
  • 6. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 6 JavaScript Basics • Variables • If … Else • Switch • Operators • Popup Boxes • Functions • Loops (for, while) • Events • Try … Catch • Throw • onerror • Special Text • Guidelines
  • 7. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 7 Java Objects • String • Date • Array • Boolean • Math • RegExp • HTML DOM
  • 8. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 8 RegExp: Regular Expression • Two ways to define regular expression: – new RegExp(“[xyz]”) – or, /[xyz]/ • String object methods that supports regular expressions: – search: search a string for a specified value. Returns the position of the value – match: search a string for a specified value. Returns an array of the found value(s) – replace: replace characters with other characters – split: split a string into an array of strings
  • 9. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 9 JavaScript Regular Expression Examples • Check input for 5 digit number – • Different categories of pattern matching: –
  • 10. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 10 More RegExp Examples • Example 1: – var string1="Peter has 8 dollars and Jane has 15" – parsestring1=string1.match(/d+/g) – returns the array [8,15] • Example 2: – var string2="(304)434-5454" – parsestring2=string2.replace(/[()-]/g, "") – Returns "3044345454" (removes "(", ")", and "-") • Example 3: – var string3="1,2, 3, 4, 5" – parsestring3=string3.split(/s*,s*/) – Returns the array ["1","2","3","4","5"]
  • 11. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 11 More RegExp Examples • Valid number: contains only an optional minus sign, followed by digits, followed by an optional dot (.) to signal decimals • Valid date format – 2-digit month, date separator, 2-digit day, date separator, and a 4-digit year – e.g., 02/02/2000, 02-02-2000, 02.02.2000 •
  • 12. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 12 HTML DOM • What is the DOM? – It stands for Document Object Model – With JavaScript, we can restructure an entire HTML document by adding, removing, changing, or reordering items on a page – JavaScript gains access to all HTML elements through the DOM
  • 13. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 13 Using JavaScript Objects • When you load a document in your web browser, it creates a number of JavaScript objects • These objects exist in a hierarchy that reflects the structure of the HTML page
  • 14. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 14 HTML DOM Structure
  • 15. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 15 DOM Resources • Tutorials: – • DOM examples: –
  • 16. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 16 Java Advanced • Browser • Cookies • Validation • Animation • Timing • Create your own object
  • 17. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 17 Some Dynamic HTML Examples •
  • 18. CS 299 – Web Programming and Design 18 Case Study • More Examples: – – S299-S09/examples/changestyle.html • Form validation: –