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Building modern web sites
         with ASP .Net Web API,
        WebSockets and RSignal

     Alessandro Pilotti
     MVP ASP.Net / IIS
     Windows Azure Insider

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
ITCamp 2012 sponsors                                                       Mobile &

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Agenda                                                                     Mobile &

• ASP.Net Web API
• SignalR
• WebSocket

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
What’s the deal?                                                            Mobile &

• The web app designer’s holy grail:
     – Reach the usability level of a desktop app

• The web app designer’s curse:
     – Lack of standard API on the browser’s side

• Until recently the only way out was a RIA
     – Flash / Silverlight

@   itcampro   # itcamp12    Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
HTML5                                                                      Mobile &

• HTML5 is changing the game
• Great set of new browser features:
     –   Application cache
     –   Web storage
     –   WebSockets
     –   WebWorkers
     –   Geolocation
     –   Drag&Drop
     –   Multiple file uploads
     –   Inline SVG
     –   History management
     –   … and that Video thing

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Javascript?                                                                   Mobile &

• Javascript is getting a huge boost
     – There’s more than meets the eye
     – Its prototyping nature and flexibility is great
          • The rest sucks 
• An enormous amount of frameworks are
  available today, e.g:
     –   JQuery / JQuery UI
     –   Knockout.js
     –   Backbone.js
     –   Underscore.js
     –   History.js
     –   …And a gazillion more

@   itcampro    # itcamp12     Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
SPA                                                                        Mobile &

• Single Page Applications
     – A single HTML is loaded in the browser
     – History (aka back button) is managed via
     – Templates are used to load and render in the
       DOM content on demand
         • Some Ajax might be useful for that
     – Offline usage
         • Application cache
         • Web storage

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
And how do we access Data?                                                      Mobile &

• Web pages communicate with the server via
  asynchronous calls
     – XmlHttpRequest (as in ajax)
     – JSON serialization
         • Way faster than XML
         • Originally decoded with “eval”
         • Modern browsers provide native encoding /
               – JSON.parse(…) / JSON.stringify(…)
               – Even faster!
     – RESTful APIs
     – WebSockets
         • Where supported
@   itcampro     # itcamp12      Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Great advantages                                                           Mobile &

• Faster web sites
• Lower traffic
• Clear separation
     – UI
     – Services / BL
• Enhanced testability
     – Unit tests for the server API
     – MVVM in Javascript (e.g. Knockout.js)
• Enhanced portability
     – E.g. Mobile UI

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
ASP.Net Web API                                                                   Mobile &

• ASP.Net Web API
     –   Comes with MVC4
     –   Provides a new RESTful Web API framework
     –   ODATA support
     –   Very easy
     –   Great IoC support
     –   EF integration (DbDataController<T>)
     –   Can be also installed on MVC3 or Web Forms
          • Install-Package AspNetWebApi

• All the ASP.Net Stack is open source!!

• Alternative: WCF
     – RESTful support
     – More control
          • Complicated bindings configuration

@   itcampro     # itcamp12        Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
RESTful APIs                                                               Mobile &

• Use of HTTP verbs:
     – GET
     – POST
     – PUT
     – DELETE
• Great for CRUD operations
• Errors use HTTP semantics
     – E.g. not found => 404
• Uses custom routing
• A lot less bloated than SOAP

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
RESTful APIs example                                                               Mobile &

Action                       HTTP verb           Relative URI
Get a list of all products   GET                 /api/products
Get a product by ID          GET                 /api/products/id
Get a product by category    GET                 /api/products?category=category
Create a new product         POST                /api/products
Update a product             PUT                 /api/products/id
Delete a product             DELETE              /api/products/id

@   itcampro       # itcamp12       Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
jQuery example                                                                  Mobile &

jQuery does all the dirty job, the result is neat and clean:

       function(data) {
          $.each(data, function(index, value) {
                $("#products").append('<li>' + value.Name + '</li>');

@   itcampro   # itcamp12        Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
ASP.Net Web API routing                                                                Mobile &

   name: "API Default",
   routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
   defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

• Avoids conflicts with MVC routing
• Naming Convention
     – GetAllProducts, DeleteProduct, etc
• Explicit action attributes:
     – [HttpGet], [HttpPost], [HttpPut], [HttpDelete], [NonAction]
• User "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}” for RPC style routing
     – Needs explicit verb attributes

@   itcampro      # itcamp12            Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
HttpMessageHandler                                                         Mobile &

• ASP.Net Web API is based on a pipeline
• Inherit from DelegatingHandler to create
  your handlers
     – E.g. check an API key
• Add with:
     – config.MessageHandlers.Add(new

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
ODATA + Web API                                                            Mobile &

• Open Data Protocol
     – A web protocol for querying and updating data
• Enable ODATA queries on your Web API
     – Just return an IQueriable<T>
• Examples



@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
CURL                                                                       Mobile &

• Great tool for troubleshooting

• curl -i -H "Accept: application/json"

• curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H
  "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
SignalR                                                                        Mobile &

• A framework that provides some magic for:
     – Persistent connections
         • LongPolling
         • WebSockets
         • Examples: chat, stock ticker updates
     – Dynamic proxy generation for Javascript code
         • Hubs
     – JSON serialization
•   Asynchronous model
•   Supports self hosting
•   Unrelated to MVC or Web Forms
•   Install-package SignalR
     – Or:

@   itcampro   # itcamp12       Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Long Polling                                                                         Mobile &

        A way to simulate push data connections

        1.   The client connects via HTTP
        2.   The server waits for available data
        3.   The server sends the response
        4.   Back to step one

@   itcampro      # itcamp12          Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Persistent connections (server)                                                          Mobile &

 public class MyConnection : PersistentConnection
     protected override Task OnReceivedAsync(IRequest request, string connectionId, string data)
       // Broadcast data to all clients
       return Connection.Broadcast(data);

Routing setup in global.asax:

RouteTable.Routes.MapConnection<MyConnection>("echo", "echo/{*operation}");

@    itcampro        # itcamp12           Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Persistent connections (client)                                                Mobile &

 $(function () {
    var connection = $.connection('/echo');

          connection.received(function (data) {
              $('#messages').append('<li>' + data + '</li>');


          $("#broadcast").click(function () {

@    itcampro     # itcamp12    Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
PersistentConnection API                                                   Mobile &

• Task OnConnectedAsync(IRequest request, string

• Task OnReconnectedAsync(IRequest request,
  IEnumerable groups, string connectionId)

• Task OnReceivedAsync(IRequest request, string
  connectionId, string data)

• Task OnDisconnectAsync(string connectionId)

• Task OnErrorAsync(Exception error)

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
IConnection API                                                            Mobile &

• Task Broadcast(object value)
• Task Send(string signal, object value)

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
External broadcasts                                                        Mobile &

var context =


• Useful to send messages starting from a server action

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Hub (server)                                                                  Mobile &

public class Chat : Hub
   public void Send(string message)
      // Call the addMessage method on all clients

• Methods can have any name, the client resolves the names
  via proxy
• Clients is a dynamic object
     – addMessage is defined in Javascript!!

@   itcampro   # itcamp12      Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Hub (client)                                                                              Mobile &

 var chat = $;

    // Declare a function on the chat hub so the server can invoke it
    chat.addMessage = function(message) {
       $('#messages').append('<li>' + message + '</li>');

    $("#broadcast").click(function () {
        // Call the chat method on the server
           .done(function() {
           .fail(function(e) {

    // Start the connection

@   itcampro        # itcamp12             Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Look Mama, no global.asax routes                                                   Mobile &

• SignalR’s AspNetBootStrapper defines
     – [assembly:
     – Initialize calls: RouteTable.Routes.MapHubs();
         • Mapping the /signalr route

• No need for:
     – Explicit global.asax route mapping
     – Web.config settings

@   itcampro    # itcamp12          Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
External broadcasts                                                        Mobile &

var context =


@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
IIS setup for high loads                                 Mobile &

• appcmd.exe set config /section:serverRuntime

• In
     – maxConcurrentRequestsPerCPU="20000”

• In
     – <processModel autoConfig="false"
       requestQueueLimit="250000" /> technologies
@   itcampro   # itcamp12
                       Premium conference on Microsoft

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
WebSockets                                                                 Mobile &

• TCP/IP communication style model
     – Handshake resembles HTTP
• Interoperable
• Standard W3C (still in draft)
     – Older browsers support old versions
• Bidirectional communications
• Supports cross domain access!

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Handshake                                                                      Mobile &


GET /mychat HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13


HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HSmrc0sMlYUkAGmm5OPpG2HaGWk=
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat

@   itcampro   # itcamp12       Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Javascript                                                                 Mobile &

• Url: ws://yourhost/etc
     – wss: when used with SSL/TLS

var socket = new
socket.onopen = function () {
   setInterval(function() {
     if (socket.bufferedAmount == 0)
   }, 50);
@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Minimum requirements                                                       Mobile &

•   IE 10
•   Chrome 4
•   Firefox 4
•   Safari 5
•   Opera 11

• Server: IIS 8

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
Proxy support                                                              Mobile &

• Proxies tipically don’t recognize WebSocket

• By using SSL/TLS the problem is mitigated
     – Client uses HTTP CONNECT in this case

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
IIS 8 – enable WebSockets feature                                          Mobile &

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
WCF 4.5 – HTTP Activation                                                  Mobile &

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
WCF 4.5                                                                    Mobile &

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
In ASP.Net – updated support                                                                        Mobile &

•   Install-Package Microsoft.WebSockets
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("connect",
                new WebSocketServiceHostFactory(),

public class GameService : WebSocketService
        private static GameServer server = new GameServer();

        private GameConnection connection;

        public override void OnOpen()
            string nickname = QueryParameters["nickname"];
            int gameSize = int.Parse(QueryParameters["gamesize"]);
            connection = server.JoinGame(this, nickname, gameSize);

        public override void OnMessage(string message)

        protected override void OnClose()
            if(connection != null)

@   itcampro           # itcamp12                    Premium conference on Microsoft technologies

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies

@   itcampro   # itcamp12   Premium conference on Microsoft technologies

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ITCamp 2012 - Alessandro Pilotti - Web API, web sockets and RSignal

  • 1. Building modern web sites with ASP .Net Web API, WebSockets and RSignal Alessandro Pilotti MVP ASP.Net / IIS Windows Azure Insider @alexpilotti @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 2. ITCamp 2012 sponsors Mobile & Development @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 3. Agenda Mobile & Development • ASP.Net Web API • SignalR • WebSocket @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 4. What’s the deal? Mobile & Development • The web app designer’s holy grail: – Reach the usability level of a desktop app • The web app designer’s curse: – Lack of standard API on the browser’s side • Until recently the only way out was a RIA framework: – Flash / Silverlight @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 5. HTML5 Mobile & Development • HTML5 is changing the game • Great set of new browser features: – Application cache – Web storage – WebSockets – WebWorkers – Geolocation – Drag&Drop – Multiple file uploads – Inline SVG – History management – … and that Video thing @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 6. Javascript? Mobile & Development • Javascript is getting a huge boost – There’s more than meets the eye – Its prototyping nature and flexibility is great • The rest sucks  • An enormous amount of frameworks are available today, e.g: – JQuery / JQuery UI – Knockout.js – Backbone.js – Underscore.js – History.js – …And a gazillion more @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 7. SPA Mobile & Development • Single Page Applications – A single HTML is loaded in the browser – History (aka back button) is managed via Javascript – Templates are used to load and render in the DOM content on demand • Some Ajax might be useful for that – Offline usage • Application cache • Web storage @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 8. And how do we access Data? Mobile & Development • Web pages communicate with the server via asynchronous calls – XmlHttpRequest (as in ajax) – JSON serialization • Way faster than XML • Originally decoded with “eval” • Modern browsers provide native encoding / deconding – JSON.parse(…) / JSON.stringify(…) – Even faster! – RESTful APIs – WebSockets • Where supported @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 9. Great advantages Mobile & Development • Faster web sites • Lower traffic • Clear separation – UI – Services / BL • Enhanced testability – Unit tests for the server API – MVVM in Javascript (e.g. Knockout.js) • Enhanced portability – E.g. Mobile UI @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 10. ASP.Net Web API Mobile & Development • ASP.Net Web API – Comes with MVC4 – Provides a new RESTful Web API framework – ODATA support – Very easy – Great IoC support – EF integration (DbDataController<T>) – Can be also installed on MVC3 or Web Forms • Install-Package AspNetWebApi • All the ASP.Net Stack is open source!! – • Alternative: WCF – RESTful support – More control • Complicated bindings configuration @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 11. RESTful APIs Mobile & Development • Use of HTTP verbs: – GET – POST – PUT – DELETE • Great for CRUD operations • Errors use HTTP semantics – E.g. not found => 404 • Uses custom routing • A lot less bloated than SOAP @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 12. RESTful APIs example Mobile & Development Action HTTP verb Relative URI Get a list of all products GET /api/products Get a product by ID GET /api/products/id Get a product by category GET /api/products?category=category Create a new product POST /api/products Update a product PUT /api/products/id Delete a product DELETE /api/products/id @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 13. jQuery example Mobile & Development jQuery does all the dirty job, the result is neat and clean: $.getJSON( "api/products", function(data) { $.each(data, function(index, value) { $("#products").append('<li>' + value.Name + '</li>'); }); }); @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 14. ASP.Net Web API routing Mobile & Development routes.MapHttpRoute( name: "API Default", routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}", defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional } ); • Avoids conflicts with MVC routing • Naming Convention – GetAllProducts, DeleteProduct, etc • Explicit action attributes: – [HttpGet], [HttpPost], [HttpPut], [HttpDelete], [NonAction] • User "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}” for RPC style routing – Needs explicit verb attributes @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 15. HttpMessageHandler Mobile & Development • ASP.Net Web API is based on a pipeline • Inherit from DelegatingHandler to create your handlers – E.g. check an API key • Add with: – config.MessageHandlers.Add(new ApiKeyHandler()); @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 16. ODATA + Web API Mobile & Development • Open Data Protocol – A web protocol for querying and updating data • Enable ODATA queries on your Web API – Just return an IQueriable<T> • Examples –$filter=Enabled%2 0eq%20true –$orderby=Name% 20desc –$filter=startswith( Name,’whatever') @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 17. CURL Mobile & Development • Great tool for troubleshooting • curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" • curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d @data.json @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 18. WEB API DEMO @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 19. SignalR Mobile & Development • A framework that provides some magic for: – Persistent connections • LongPolling • WebSockets • Examples: chat, stock ticker updates – Dynamic proxy generation for Javascript code • Hubs – JSON serialization • Asynchronous model • Supports self hosting • Unrelated to MVC or Web Forms • Install-package SignalR – Or: @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 20. Long Polling Mobile & Development A way to simulate push data connections 1. The client connects via HTTP 2. The server waits for available data 3. The server sends the response 4. Back to step one @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 21. Persistent connections (server) Mobile & Development public class MyConnection : PersistentConnection { protected override Task OnReceivedAsync(IRequest request, string connectionId, string data) { // Broadcast data to all clients return Connection.Broadcast(data); } } Routing setup in global.asax: RouteTable.Routes.MapConnection<MyConnection>("echo", "echo/{*operation}"); @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 22. Persistent connections (client) Mobile & Development $(function () { var connection = $.connection('/echo'); connection.received(function (data) { $('#messages').append('<li>' + data + '</li>'); }); connection.start(); $("#broadcast").click(function () { connection.send($('#msg').val()); }); }); @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 23. PersistentConnection API Mobile & Development • Task OnConnectedAsync(IRequest request, string connectionId) • Task OnReconnectedAsync(IRequest request, IEnumerable groups, string connectionId) • Task OnReceivedAsync(IRequest request, string connectionId, string data) • Task OnDisconnectAsync(string connectionId) • Task OnErrorAsync(Exception error) @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 24. IConnection API Mobile & Development • Task Broadcast(object value) • Task Send(string signal, object value) @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 25. External broadcasts Mobile & Development var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager. GetConnectionContext<MyEndPoint>(); context.Connection.Broadcast(message); • Useful to send messages starting from a server action @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 26. Hub (server) Mobile & Development public class Chat : Hub { public void Send(string message) { // Call the addMessage method on all clients Clients.addMessage(message); } } • Methods can have any name, the client resolves the names via proxy • Clients is a dynamic object – addMessage is defined in Javascript!! @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 27. Hub (client) Mobile & Development var chat = $; // Declare a function on the chat hub so the server can invoke it chat.addMessage = function(message) { $('#messages').append('<li>' + message + '</li>'); }; $("#broadcast").click(function () { // Call the chat method on the server chat.send($('#msg').val()) .done(function() { console.log('Success!'); }) .fail(function(e) { console.warn(e); }); }); // Start the connection $.connection.hub.start(); @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 28. Look Mama, no global.asax routes Mobile & Development • SignalR’s AspNetBootStrapper defines – [assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(AspNetBootstrapper), "Initialize")] – Initialize calls: RouteTable.Routes.MapHubs(); • Mapping the /signalr route • No need for: – Explicit global.asax route mapping – Web.config settings @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 29. External broadcasts Mobile & Development var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager. GetHubContext<MyHub>(); context.Clients.say(message); @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 30. IIS setup for high loads Mobile & Development • appcmd.exe set config /section:serverRuntime /appConcurrentRequestLimit:100000 • In %windir%Microsoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319 aspnet.config – maxConcurrentRequestsPerCPU="20000” • In %windir%Microsoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319 Configmachine.config – <processModel autoConfig="false" requestQueueLimit="250000" /> technologies @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft
  • 31. SIGNALR DEMO @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 32. WebSockets Mobile & Development • TCP/IP communication style model – Handshake resembles HTTP • Interoperable • Standard W3C (still in draft) – Older browsers support old versions • Bidirectional communications • Supports cross domain access! @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 33. Handshake Mobile & Development Request: GET /mychat HTTP/1.1 Host: Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw== Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 Origin: Response: HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HSmrc0sMlYUkAGmm5OPpG2HaGWk= Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 34. Javascript Mobile & Development • Url: ws://yourhost/etc – wss: when used with SSL/TLS var socket = new WebSocket('ws:// s'); socket.onopen = function () { setInterval(function() { if (socket.bufferedAmount == 0) socket.send(getUpdateData()); }, 50); }; @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 35. Minimum requirements Mobile & Development • IE 10 • Chrome 4 • Firefox 4 • Safari 5 • Opera 11 • Server: IIS 8 @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 36. Proxy support Mobile & Development • Proxies tipically don’t recognize WebSocket traffic • By using SSL/TLS the problem is mitigated – Client uses HTTP CONNECT in this case @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 37. IIS 8 – enable WebSockets feature Mobile & Development @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 38. WCF 4.5 – HTTP Activation Mobile & Development @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 39. WCF 4.5 Mobile & Development @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 40. In ASP.Net – updated support Mobile & Development • Install-Package Microsoft.WebSockets RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("connect", new WebSocketServiceHostFactory(), typeof(GameService))); public class GameService : WebSocketService { private static GameServer server = new GameServer(); private GameConnection connection; public override void OnOpen() { string nickname = QueryParameters["nickname"]; int gameSize = int.Parse(QueryParameters["gamesize"]); connection = server.JoinGame(this, nickname, gameSize); } public override void OnMessage(string message) { connection.ProcessCommand(message); } protected override void OnClose() { if(connection != null) connection.Disconnect(); } } } @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 41. WEBSOCKETS DEMO @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies
  • 42. Q&A @ itcampro # itcamp12 Premium conference on Microsoft technologies