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Chrome Extensions
    Ahmad Tahhan
Who are you to stand in
     front of us ?
Do you have a problem
    with your dad?
       Flight Status
What is Chrome anyway?
What i can do with extensions ?
●   Change browser behaviour
●   Easy to install from the gallery
●   Auto-updates
●   Trivial publishing and updating
●   Many others ...
It is a math
Extension = webpage + UI modification +
        chrome API + packaging
Give me an example
●   Currency Converter
●   Google Mail Checker
●   Page Monitor
●   Dictionary Lookup
●   Inline Search & Lookup
So what i need to start ?
●   JSON :
●   HTML
●   CSS
●   Javascript
●   text editor
●   no special tool nor special software
Meet your new friends
● And your best friend is : chrome:
● developer tools
● task manager
A familiar page with unfamiliar face
             Developer mode

● Load unpacked extension...
● Pack extension...
● Update extensions now
before we go any farther what
            exactly i can do ?
● Browser UI :
  ○   Browser Action & Badge
  ○   Page Action
  ○   Content Scripts
  ○   Override Pages eHistory
  ○   Themes
● Chrome API
  ○   Controlling browser/page actions and badges
  ○   Internationalization
  ○   Manipulating windows and tabs
  ○   Intra-extension Communication
  ○   Manipulating Bookmarks
Interesting stuff
● Webkit API / HTML5 Support :
  ○   localStorage
  ○   Web SQL Database
  ○   <audio> and <video>
  ○   CSS Animation
  ○   Web fonts
  ○   Desktop notifications
  ○   <canvas>
Manifest File
  what is that ?
Event Pages
  also that ?
Options Page
    what else?
Web SQL Database
Show me how
      Page Monitor
    Dictionary Lookup
Inline Search & Lookup
What Next ?
do it yourself and show the world
  Google : RTFM
and do what it says :)
contact me

     Facebook : tahhan
        Twitter : tahhan
   Website :
Email :

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Chrome extensions

  • 1. Chrome Extensions Ahmad Tahhan
  • 2. Who are you to stand in front of us ?
  • 3. Do you have a problem with your dad? Flight Status
  • 4. What is Chrome anyway? Extensions
  • 5. What i can do with extensions ? ● Change browser behaviour ● Easy to install from the gallery ● Auto-updates ● Trivial publishing and updating ● Many others ...
  • 6. It is a math Extension = webpage + UI modification + chrome API + packaging
  • 7. Give me an example ● Currency Converter ● Google Mail Checker ● Page Monitor ● Dictionary Lookup ● Inline Search & Lookup
  • 8. So what i need to start ? ● JSON : ● HTML ● CSS ● Javascript ● text editor ● no special tool nor special software
  • 9. Meet your new friends ● ● ● And your best friend is : chrome: //chrome/extensions/ ● developer tools ● task manager
  • 10. A familiar page with unfamiliar face Developer mode ● Load unpacked extension... ● Pack extension... ● Update extensions now
  • 11. before we go any farther what exactly i can do ? ● Browser UI : ○ Browser Action & Badge ○ Page Action ○ Content Scripts ○ Override Pages eHistory ○ Themes ● Chrome API ○ Controlling browser/page actions and badges ○ Internationalization ○ Manipulating windows and tabs ○ Intra-extension Communication ○ Manipulating Bookmarks
  • 12. Interesting stuff ● Webkit API / HTML5 Support : ○ localStorage ○ Web SQL Database ○ <audio> and <video> ○ CSS Animation ○ Web fonts ○ Desktop notifications ○ <canvas>
  • 13. Manifest File what is that ?
  • 14. Event Pages also that ?
  • 15. Options Page what else? localStorage Web SQL Database
  • 16. Show me how whereami eHistory Page Monitor Dictionary Lookup Inline Search & Lookup
  • 17. What Next ? do it yourself and show the world
  • 18. Advice Google : RTFM and do what it says :)
  • 19. contact me Facebook : tahhan Twitter : tahhan Website : Email : [email protected]