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2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content Marketing
The Top SEO & Content Marketing
Trends for 2024
Zack Kadish
Sr. SEO Strategy Director
Alex Carchietta
Senior Customer Success
● What is the future of SEO in 2024?
● Top SEO trends and predictions to
prioritize for 2024
● Which SEO trends to ignore in
● What is the future of content
marketing in 2024?
● Top content marketing trends and
predictions to prioritize for 2024
● What’s ahead for SEO and content
marketing in 2024
Presentation duration
● Zack Kadish
● Alex Carchietta
30 minutes
Poll Question #1
What SEO trend are you most excited about?
AI Overviews
The rise of user generated content
AI written content
Mastering E-E-A-T
What is the future of SEO in 2024?
There’s a lot happening in the SEO
and search world right now.
● AI Overviews Are Here
● Google is better at identifying
auto generated and low quality
● User generated content is
Top Trends & Predictions to Prioritize for
AI Overviews Will Significantly Impact SEO
AI Overviews Launched Last Month in
the US
Google is showing more and more AI-
generated answers but we are unsure
what this will look like when it’s rolled
Thing we can expect:
● Be prepared for a decrease in
organic traffic and clicks
● Identify ways to prepare your
content for AIO & EEAT
How to Prepare for AIO
Steps to take to make sure our content is in good shape
Now that AIO is launched, any report should be taken with a grain of salt since
it’s not rolled out to the public yet and we are unsure what results will
What can we do?
● Ensure your site has structured data on it
● Make sure we are optimized for relevant keywords
● Have our content be discoverable, crawable, and indexable
How Conductor Can Help:
● Check out our blog post about AI Overview SEO Strategies
● Request a Free AI-readiness website assessment
E-E-A-T Has Never Been More Important
Defining what E-E-A-T means
Experience means the extent to which the
content creator has the necessary first-hand or
life experience for the topic.
Consider the extent to which the content
creator has the necessary knowledge or skill
for the topic. Different topics require different
levels and types of expertise to be
Consider the extent to which the content creator
or the website it known as a go-to source for the
topic. While most topics do not have one official,
Authoritative website or content creator, when
they do, the website or content creator is often
among the most reliable and trustworthy sources.
Trust is the mechanism by which raters determine
if the page is “accurate, honest, safe, and reliable.
Raters look for things like:
Sufficient contact information, content accuracy
and citing of sources and security of the site.
Lily Ray’s E-E-A-T Resource
Roundup, including FAQs, helpful
videos, definitions, additional
articles, podcasts and more
Authorship Will Continue
To Increase In Importance
E-E-A-T has become the Googs
mantra and it is permeating into
everything they do.
Helping them understand who is
writing a piece of content and why
they are an authority has become a
necessity vs. a nice to have.
Think About Real Estate,
Not Rankings
Thinking about the SERP as a
whole and how much real estate
you take up vs. where your .com
ranks is a necessary to stay ahead.
● Paid
● Organic
● Social
● Knowledge Graph
● Rich Snippets
Specificity Will Be Key
Moving Forward
Google is looking for the best
possible answer to users queries,
which may be in a comment on a
forum, a snippet from an article, or
a post on a site like Quora or
This Is The Next Evolution Of SEO
Google is answering more informational queries directly
Focus on complex, transactional, and commercial queries to future-proof
We need to prioritize creating content
that allow our sites to dive deep into a
more complex topic that can’t be
directly answered by ChatGPT or AIO.
First-hand experience or
knowledge of the industry and topic is
critical within content
to rank and drive organic search traffic
in 2024.
With the rise of AIO, long tail conversational
searches are going to become more of the norm
and we can expect users to start typing in a
more stream of consciousness format
Expect an increase in long tail searches
What SEO Trends Can We Ignore in 2024?
Voice Search
Remember when voice search was going to change SEO? Yeah, so do we and if this was
going to happen - it would’ve already. Most people are still typing their searches even with
the fact we have virtual assistants in our pockets.
Voice search can’t be measured so how important can it be.
Evolving search ranking factors
Ignore ranking factors… no really.
We need to focus on the bigger picture. Think of concepts like E-E-A-T. We need to make
sure our content is written for humans with valuable, relevant, and useful information.
Google’s ranking factors are almost entirely ML-driven now so we can;t worry about tracking
these factors anymore. 14
Poll Question #2
Which trend do you believe will have the
biggest impact on content marketing in 2024?
What is the future of content marketing in 2024?
Increasing productivity and efficiency
within workflows through AI.
Don’t use AI to completely write all your
content (we’re looking at your Sports
Pro Tip: It’s important to keep in mind that Google isn’t
against using AI within content creation processes. You
can—and should—leverage it to increase efficiencies and
create human-first, high-quality content. What you will
get penalized for is content written entirely by AI.
Content Trends To Focus on in 2024
1. AI shifts from center-stage to a
supporting role within content
2. Quality > quantity remains true.
Prioritize leveraging trust and
experience within content to
improve quality.
3. Seeing a return to the
fundamentals to adapt to
disruptions like SGE.
Pro Tips for 2024 Content Marketers
1. Run a content audit on your site to understand current performance,
content gaps and identify opportunities. This can help you create a
plan to repurpose or create value-driven content.
2. Target relevant, hyper-targeted, niche topics and create
comprehensive content around them. Focus on being specific in your
3. Create pillar pages and topic clusters to show Google how
authoritative you are around a topic and make it easy for users to
navigate through your content.
4. Consider adopting a TikTok-style approach to product videos to
capture more interest on social, humanize your platform or products,
and engage a larger audience in a more casual way.
In Conclusion: What’s ahead for SEO and content marketing
in 2024
The future of SEO and content marketing is
pivoting towards a more user-centric, human-
first, and expertise-driven approach.
Creating content that is accessible, value-
focused, and demonstrates E-E-A-T.
Leveraging AI to support our content, not
create our content.
2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content Marketing
Thank You!
Any questions?

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2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content Marketing

  • 2. The Top SEO & Content Marketing Trends for 2024
  • 3. Speakers Zack Kadish Sr. SEO Strategy Director Alex Carchietta Senior Customer Success Manager
  • 4. ● What is the future of SEO in 2024? ● Top SEO trends and predictions to prioritize for 2024 ● Which SEO trends to ignore in 2024? ● What is the future of content marketing in 2024? ● Top content marketing trends and predictions to prioritize for 2024 ● What’s ahead for SEO and content marketing in 2024 4 Agenda Speakers: Presentation duration ● Zack Kadish ● Alex Carchietta 30 minutes
  • 5. Poll Question #1 What SEO trend are you most excited about? AI Overviews The rise of user generated content AI written content Mastering E-E-A-T Other
  • 6. What is the future of SEO in 2024? There’s a lot happening in the SEO and search world right now. ● AI Overviews Are Here ● Google is better at identifying auto generated and low quality content ● User generated content is everywhere 6
  • 7. Top Trends & Predictions to Prioritize for 2024
  • 8. AI Overviews Will Significantly Impact SEO AI Overviews Launched Last Month in the US Google is showing more and more AI- generated answers but we are unsure what this will look like when it’s rolled out Thing we can expect: ● Be prepared for a decrease in organic traffic and clicks ● Identify ways to prepare your content for AIO & EEAT 8
  • 9. How to Prepare for AIO Steps to take to make sure our content is in good shape Now that AIO is launched, any report should be taken with a grain of salt since it’s not rolled out to the public yet and we are unsure what results will What can we do? ● Ensure your site has structured data on it ● Make sure we are optimized for relevant keywords ● Have our content be discoverable, crawable, and indexable How Conductor Can Help: ● Check out our blog post about AI Overview SEO Strategies ● Request a Free AI-readiness website assessment 9
  • 10. E-E-A-T Has Never Been More Important Defining what E-E-A-T means 10 Experience Experience means the extent to which the content creator has the necessary first-hand or life experience for the topic. Expertise Consider the extent to which the content creator has the necessary knowledge or skill for the topic. Different topics require different levels and types of expertise to be trustworthy. Authoritativeness Consider the extent to which the content creator or the website it known as a go-to source for the topic. While most topics do not have one official, Authoritative website or content creator, when they do, the website or content creator is often among the most reliable and trustworthy sources. Trustworthiness Trust is the mechanism by which raters determine if the page is “accurate, honest, safe, and reliable. Raters look for things like: Sufficient contact information, content accuracy and citing of sources and security of the site. Lily Ray’s E-E-A-T Resource Roundup, including FAQs, helpful videos, definitions, additional articles, podcasts and more
  • 11. Authorship Will Continue To Increase In Importance E-E-A-T has become the Googs mantra and it is permeating into everything they do. Helping them understand who is writing a piece of content and why they are an authority has become a necessity vs. a nice to have. Think About Real Estate, Not Rankings Thinking about the SERP as a whole and how much real estate you take up vs. where your .com ranks is a necessary to stay ahead. ● Paid ● Organic ● Social ● Knowledge Graph ● Rich Snippets ● SGE Specificity Will Be Key Moving Forward Google is looking for the best possible answer to users queries, which may be in a comment on a forum, a snippet from an article, or a post on a site like Quora or Reddit. This Is The Next Evolution Of SEO
  • 12. Google is answering more informational queries directly Focus on complex, transactional, and commercial queries to future-proof efforts. 12 We need to prioritize creating content that allow our sites to dive deep into a more complex topic that can’t be directly answered by ChatGPT or AIO. First-hand experience or knowledge of the industry and topic is critical within content to rank and drive organic search traffic in 2024.
  • 13. Generative With the rise of AIO, long tail conversational searches are going to become more of the norm and we can expect users to start typing in a more stream of consciousness format Expect an increase in long tail searches
  • 14. What SEO Trends Can We Ignore in 2024? Voice Search Remember when voice search was going to change SEO? Yeah, so do we and if this was going to happen - it would’ve already. Most people are still typing their searches even with the fact we have virtual assistants in our pockets. Voice search can’t be measured so how important can it be. Evolving search ranking factors Ignore ranking factors… no really. We need to focus on the bigger picture. Think of concepts like E-E-A-T. We need to make sure our content is written for humans with valuable, relevant, and useful information. Google’s ranking factors are almost entirely ML-driven now so we can;t worry about tracking these factors anymore. 14
  • 15. Poll Question #2 Which trend do you believe will have the biggest impact on content marketing in 2024?
  • 16. What is the future of content marketing in 2024? Increasing productivity and efficiency within workflows through AI. Don’t use AI to completely write all your content (we’re looking at your Sports Illustrated) Pro Tip: It’s important to keep in mind that Google isn’t against using AI within content creation processes. You can—and should—leverage it to increase efficiencies and create human-first, high-quality content. What you will get penalized for is content written entirely by AI. 16
  • 17. Content Trends To Focus on in 2024 1. AI shifts from center-stage to a supporting role within content workflows. 2. Quality > quantity remains true. Prioritize leveraging trust and experience within content to improve quality. 3. Seeing a return to the fundamentals to adapt to disruptions like SGE. 17
  • 18. Pro Tips for 2024 Content Marketers 1. Run a content audit on your site to understand current performance, content gaps and identify opportunities. This can help you create a plan to repurpose or create value-driven content. 2. Target relevant, hyper-targeted, niche topics and create comprehensive content around them. Focus on being specific in your content. 3. Create pillar pages and topic clusters to show Google how authoritative you are around a topic and make it easy for users to navigate through your content. 4. Consider adopting a TikTok-style approach to product videos to capture more interest on social, humanize your platform or products, and engage a larger audience in a more casual way. 18
  • 19. In Conclusion: What’s ahead for SEO and content marketing in 2024 The future of SEO and content marketing is pivoting towards a more user-centric, human- first, and expertise-driven approach. Creating content that is accessible, value- focused, and demonstrates E-E-A-T. Leveraging AI to support our content, not create our content. 19