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Auto Dosing & Dispensing System For Dye House
Prepared By : Mazadul Hasan sheshir
ID: 2010000400008
13th Batch (session 2009-2013)
Department : Wet Processing Technology
Blog : www. (visit)
Southeast University
Department Of Textile Engineering
I/A 251,252 Tejgaon Dhaka Bangladesh
Prepared By :
In addition to the control of dyeing machines, a fully-automatic control system
performs various other functions, as summarised in. An alternative approach to totally
automatic weighing is to use simple or paternoster storage systems with manual
weighing in a down-draught booth, controlled by a check-weighing system. This is
followed by dissolving or dispersing and distribution from dispense tanks that can be
linked into the control system (section 3.12).
Developments in control systems have centred around increases in the power of
microprocessors with a reduction in their size and cost . The dyehouse manager can
interrogate the control system from home using the Internet. Information from the
system can be used to optimise the areas of: planning and scheduling, process
control, selection of recipe and process, quality and production information.
Systems can be operated from keypads or touch-screen colour displays and can include
machine diagrams, on-line process diagrams, displays of future scheduling and various
analytical information functions (such as efficiency and consumption analysis).
Virtually any function can be automated at a cost, needless to say, but some of the
control parameters that are available to assist in obtaining RFT processing are listed in.
commercially available systems. Dispensing and automated handling systems for
dyes and chemicals have been reviewed and a tabular guide given of the
functions available on commercially available systems for which contact details are
given . The ColorService TRS automatic weighing and dissolving system for solid dye
brands has been described. The main advantages include sealed, dry and safe
storage of dyes, preventing moisture fluctuations commonly encountered with
open containers, elimination of health hazards to operatives because of dust-free
storage, weighing and dissolving conditions so that < 1 ppm dye dust is detectable in
production areas .
Control systems can be stand-alone or include colour physics capabilities and several
options for the use of automation in both the laboratory and production were
suggested . A typical control system is illustrated schematically in Figure 4.1 and
details of the Process ITM (Datacolor International) system are given in.
As indicated in section 3.12, the dispensary is a major key to success in obtaining
reproducibility of dyeing and has received a great deal of attention . Dispensing,
dosing and metering of dyes and chemicals have been thoroughly reviewed recently
, with discussion of all the elements involved in
Major factors in achieving reproducibility in dyeing are the weighing,
measuring and dispensing of dyes and chemicals. Sumner [43] identified
inaccurate weighing of dyes and measuring of chemicals as the two most
important causes of off- shade batches. The location, design, layout and
equipping of the ‘drugroom’ or dispensary, therefore, are vital factors in the
quality management of a dyeing operation.
This facility also impacts on health and safety requirements, as discussed in
section 2.1.1. Many advantages and savings can be gained by the selection of
rationalised ranges of dyes, auxiliary products and chemicals, as discussed in
section 5.8.1. In view of the demonstrated importance of these factors, it is
surprising that they have been neglected in many dyehouses.
Dye And Chemical Dispensing
It is standard practice to isolate the dispensary from the main production area
of the dyehouse to avoid contamination of work in progress. The removal of
all dye handling from dyeing machine operatives, moving the dispensary into
a dedicated area and ensuring that only suitably trained personnel work
there, probably achieves the greatest single step in improving accuracy. A
saving in labour costs follows but these actions are also essential on health
and safety grounds. Early dyestores were primitive ‘kitchens’.
Even when dyes and chemicals are dissolved or dispersed manually, it is
advantageous to locate the dispensary on an upper mezzanine of a two- or
three-tier dyehouse, so that dye/chemical solutions/ dispersions can be
gravity-fed to the process equipment. Where it is not possible to site the
dyestore on an upper floor because of building restrictions, mobile dispensing
tanks can provide a first step towards centralising dye and chemical handling.
Dispensing to processing equipment sited on the same level is possible but
requires the use of pressure pumps to transfer solutions or dispersions and
this complicates cleaning procedures .
Dye And Chemical Dispensing
In an ideal design, a bulk storage area on the ground floor holds unopened
containers of dyes and auxiliaries. A lift is provided for transferring these to the
higher level dispensary when needed. On this upper mezzanine, a dry room with
suitable storage devices is available for products in immediate use. Another dry
room, equipped with a laminar-flow or down-draught extraction booth, is used
for weighing. It is preferable to convey product containers to this second room for
weighing in turn directly from a delivery container into a clean, dry, stainless-
steel bucket using a clean, dry scoop. A wet room is provided for dissolving or
dispersing and dispensing from mechanically stirred mixing vessels.
The floor in the dispensary should be chemically resistant and of sufficient
weight- bearing capacity to allow for the traffic of heavy containers. Walls and
floors should allow for easy and regular cleaning. Suitable storage for dyes ranges
from simple shelving to paternoster devices. The wide variations that exist in
container design and size, often influenced by the physical properties of solid or
liquid brands of dyes and auxiliaries, complicate the design of storage systems.
Dye And Chemical Dispensing
The variability which can occur in the moisture content of disperse dyes caused by
changes in ambient conditions has been studied and the influence that such
changes have on the colour of wool dyed with acid dyes has been measured
instrumentally . The simplest expedient is to keep containers tightly closed
between weighings. Air-conditioning and ventilation should be considered in the
dispensary, since recent work [38] indicates that this investment gives a short
payback period through improved consistency in wool dyeing. Complete air
changes should occur six times per hour, with simple ‘air-lock’ door systems (often
photo-electrically controlled) under slightly negative pressure being provided at
entrances to maintain the atmospheric conditions while preventing the escape of
contamination. Extraction equipment with air-conditioning and ventilation in the
dispensing area removes steam from mixing and dispensing tanks.
Weighing of dyes, chemicals and auxiliaries is crucial. Repeatable and accurate
weighing to within 1% of target is required. At least two balances are required, one
to handle amounts in grams up to 1 kg and the other for 1 kg or more. To weigh
small quantities for pastel dyeings and shading additions, dilute solutions of the
dye can be used. The weighing operation raises serious concerns for health and
safety since the disturbance of powders produces aerosols which can be inhaled by
the weighing operative . Reactive dyes have been the main cause for concern
Dye And Chemical Dispensing
Engineering solutions are the preferred approach to this problem with the
installation of weighing booths and extraction cabinets. The selection of suitable
physical forms, such as liquids, grains or non-dusting powders, also alleviates the
problem. ‘Space-suiting’ including nasal masks, goggles, gauntlets and overalls
that must be regularly laundered are provided individually for each operative.
Standard operating procedures should be established for dissolving or dispersing
and dispensing dyes. The modern dispensary is equipped with stainless-steel
dispensing tanks, these being either conical or cylindrical in shape, the number
required for each dyeing machine depending on the process details. Such tanks
are usually equipped with the facilities listed in.
Dyes, chemicals and auxiliaries are gravity-fed to the dyeing machine through
stainless-steel or glass tubes. When dispensing from the mezzanine level,
sufficient time must be given at the appropriate phases of the dyeing routine to
allow homogenisation of the liquors and travel to the dyeing machine. The
increasing use of ultra-low liquor ratio (ULLR) dyeing machines and centralised
dispensing emphasises the need for dyes and chemicals of adequate solubility or
dispersibility and stability properties. Large weights of salt and alkali associated
with the dyeing of cellulosics are added at the dyeing machine level. The
packaging, storage and handling of dyes and chemicals have been reviewed .
Dye And Chemical Dispensing
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto Dosing System
1. All the chemicals required for dyeing operation are mixed in the dye bath
automatically from “auto dosing system”
2. It is an integrated system controlled by computer which involves all the
calculation required for exact amount of chemicals needed for dyeing a
particular recipe.
3. No. of tanks:- 17
Two large tanks (SILO) for Salt & Soda – Soda tank: 16 ton
Salt tank: 31 ton
Salt & Soda are made solution in the mixing tanks before storing into Silos. There
are 3 mixing tanks-
-Common mixing tank for both soda & salt – 1000 li.
-Salt mixing tank – 1000 lit – 1.5 lit water per kg of salt.
-Soda mixing tank – 1000 lit – 2.5 lit water per kg of soda
Chemical Tanks -total: 15
1.14000 lit – 1 tank – Hydrogen Per Oxide Solution
2. 2000 lit – 2 tanks – Acetic Acid & Softeners
3. 1200 lit – 12 tanks – 1. Demineralization & Sequester.
2. Antifoam
3. Soaping agent
4. Detergent.
5. Deaerating agent.
6. Sequester.
7. Stabilizer.
8. Anti-creasing
9. Sequester 2.
10. Stabilizer 2
11. Detergent 2
12. Caustic Soda
Dispense tank requirements
1. Automatic level control for filling
2. Steam heating and temperature control
3. Stirring device of the correct design
4. Gravity feed to the dyeing machine
5. Drain to waste for cleaning
6. Rinse ring, usually a perforated pipe in the top of the vessel
7. Hot and cold water, often supplied through the rinse ring
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Use for store dry
salt and soda at
large volume
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Dyestuff Dispensing
Dyestuff Rack
Dyestuff Rack
Salt Dispensing
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Dyestuff Dispensing
Salt Sailo Dispensing
Liquid Chemical
Dyestuff Dispensing
Dyestuff Dispensing
Auxiliary Dispensing
Dyestuff Dispensing
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Layout of LAWER Auto Dosing System
Dose Dos Dose Chem
Silo Dos
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Salt Sailo
Silo for Salt
Measuring unit
Liquid Soda &
Salt Dispensing
Dispensing line
Dyeing machine
Layout of Salt And Soda Dispensing Unit (Silo Dos)
Layout of Salt And Soda Dispensing Unit (Silo Dos)
Silo for Soda Silo for Salt
Measuring unit
Liquid Soda &
Salt Dispensing
Dispensing line
Dispense to Doing Tank
Dyeing machine
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Layout of Salt And Soda Dispensing Unit (Silo Dos)
Salt Sailo
Soda Sailo
Measuring unit
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Layout of Auxiliary Dispensing Unit (Dos Chem)
Layout of Auxiliary Dispensing Unit (Dos Chem)
Measuring unit
Auxiliary Tank for store 20
types of liquid Chemical
Dispensing line
Dispense to
Doing Tank
liquid Chemical
loading port
Layout of Auxiliary Dispensing Unit (Dos Chem)
liquid Chemical
loading port
Measuring unit
Dispense to
Dosing Tank
Auxiliary Tank for store 20
types of liquid Chemical
Layout of Dyestuffs Dispensing Unit ( Dye Dos )
Dye storage
Measuring unit
Dye dissolving
Liquid Dye
dispensing unit
Layout of Dyestuffs Dispensing Unit ( Dye Dos )
Layout of Dyestuffs Dispensing Unit ( Dye Dos )
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
Advantages of semi-automatic control (SAC) systems
Increased productivity
1.Same production with less labour More production
from same labour Shortened dyeing cycles
2. RFT production by blind-dyeing techniques
3. Elimination or reduction of colour corrections Elimination
or reduction of reprocessing Improved reproducibility
Improved quality
1. Reduction in off-shade
2. Improved levelness
3. Preservation of substrate quality
4. Less material loss
Increased flexibility
1. Improved plant management and supervision
2. Improved production planning
Improved safety
1. Less risk of human error
2. Improved working conditions
Cost reduction
1. Overall reduction in processing costs Savings of dyes
and chemicals Improved utilisation of labour force
Outline of fully-automatic control (FAC) system
1. Transfer of recipe details to colour and chemical dispensary
2. Totally automatic weighing (liquid or solid), dissolving or dispersing and
distribution of dyes and chemicals
3. Control of additions of dyes and chemicals
4. Updating of planning, scheduling and stock inventories
5. Storage of diagnostic and management information, including consumption
and utilisation of resources
6. Graphical presentation of stored data to generate reports
Auto dosing  and dispensing  systems For Dye house
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Auto dosing and dispensing systems For Dye house

  • 1. Auto Dosing & Dispensing System For Dye House
  • 2. Prepared By : Mazadul Hasan sheshir ID: 2010000400008 13th Batch (session 2009-2013) Department : Wet Processing Technology Email: [email protected] Blog : www. (visit) Southeast University Department Of Textile Engineering I/A 251,252 Tejgaon Dhaka Bangladesh Prepared By :
  • 3. In addition to the control of dyeing machines, a fully-automatic control system performs various other functions, as summarised in. An alternative approach to totally automatic weighing is to use simple or paternoster storage systems with manual weighing in a down-draught booth, controlled by a check-weighing system. This is followed by dissolving or dispersing and distribution from dispense tanks that can be linked into the control system (section 3.12). Developments in control systems have centred around increases in the power of microprocessors with a reduction in their size and cost . The dyehouse manager can interrogate the control system from home using the Internet. Information from the system can be used to optimise the areas of: planning and scheduling, process control, selection of recipe and process, quality and production information. Systems can be operated from keypads or touch-screen colour displays and can include machine diagrams, on-line process diagrams, displays of future scheduling and various analytical information functions (such as efficiency and consumption analysis). Virtually any function can be automated at a cost, needless to say, but some of the control parameters that are available to assist in obtaining RFT processing are listed in. Automation
  • 4. commercially available systems. Dispensing and automated handling systems for dyes and chemicals have been reviewed and a tabular guide given of the functions available on commercially available systems for which contact details are given . The ColorService TRS automatic weighing and dissolving system for solid dye brands has been described. The main advantages include sealed, dry and safe storage of dyes, preventing moisture fluctuations commonly encountered with open containers, elimination of health hazards to operatives because of dust-free storage, weighing and dissolving conditions so that < 1 ppm dye dust is detectable in production areas . Control systems can be stand-alone or include colour physics capabilities and several options for the use of automation in both the laboratory and production were suggested . A typical control system is illustrated schematically in Figure 4.1 and details of the Process ITM (Datacolor International) system are given in. Automation As indicated in section 3.12, the dispensary is a major key to success in obtaining reproducibility of dyeing and has received a great deal of attention . Dispensing, dosing and metering of dyes and chemicals have been thoroughly reviewed recently , with discussion of all the elements involved in
  • 5. Major factors in achieving reproducibility in dyeing are the weighing, measuring and dispensing of dyes and chemicals. Sumner [43] identified inaccurate weighing of dyes and measuring of chemicals as the two most important causes of off- shade batches. The location, design, layout and equipping of the ‘drugroom’ or dispensary, therefore, are vital factors in the quality management of a dyeing operation. This facility also impacts on health and safety requirements, as discussed in section 2.1.1. Many advantages and savings can be gained by the selection of rationalised ranges of dyes, auxiliary products and chemicals, as discussed in section 5.8.1. In view of the demonstrated importance of these factors, it is surprising that they have been neglected in many dyehouses. Dye And Chemical Dispensing
  • 6. It is standard practice to isolate the dispensary from the main production area of the dyehouse to avoid contamination of work in progress. The removal of all dye handling from dyeing machine operatives, moving the dispensary into a dedicated area and ensuring that only suitably trained personnel work there, probably achieves the greatest single step in improving accuracy. A saving in labour costs follows but these actions are also essential on health and safety grounds. Early dyestores were primitive ‘kitchens’. Even when dyes and chemicals are dissolved or dispersed manually, it is advantageous to locate the dispensary on an upper mezzanine of a two- or three-tier dyehouse, so that dye/chemical solutions/ dispersions can be gravity-fed to the process equipment. Where it is not possible to site the dyestore on an upper floor because of building restrictions, mobile dispensing tanks can provide a first step towards centralising dye and chemical handling. Dispensing to processing equipment sited on the same level is possible but requires the use of pressure pumps to transfer solutions or dispersions and this complicates cleaning procedures . Dye And Chemical Dispensing
  • 7. In an ideal design, a bulk storage area on the ground floor holds unopened containers of dyes and auxiliaries. A lift is provided for transferring these to the higher level dispensary when needed. On this upper mezzanine, a dry room with suitable storage devices is available for products in immediate use. Another dry room, equipped with a laminar-flow or down-draught extraction booth, is used for weighing. It is preferable to convey product containers to this second room for weighing in turn directly from a delivery container into a clean, dry, stainless- steel bucket using a clean, dry scoop. A wet room is provided for dissolving or dispersing and dispensing from mechanically stirred mixing vessels. The floor in the dispensary should be chemically resistant and of sufficient weight- bearing capacity to allow for the traffic of heavy containers. Walls and floors should allow for easy and regular cleaning. Suitable storage for dyes ranges from simple shelving to paternoster devices. The wide variations that exist in container design and size, often influenced by the physical properties of solid or liquid brands of dyes and auxiliaries, complicate the design of storage systems. Dye And Chemical Dispensing
  • 8. The variability which can occur in the moisture content of disperse dyes caused by changes in ambient conditions has been studied and the influence that such changes have on the colour of wool dyed with acid dyes has been measured instrumentally . The simplest expedient is to keep containers tightly closed between weighings. Air-conditioning and ventilation should be considered in the dispensary, since recent work [38] indicates that this investment gives a short payback period through improved consistency in wool dyeing. Complete air changes should occur six times per hour, with simple ‘air-lock’ door systems (often photo-electrically controlled) under slightly negative pressure being provided at entrances to maintain the atmospheric conditions while preventing the escape of contamination. Extraction equipment with air-conditioning and ventilation in the dispensing area removes steam from mixing and dispensing tanks. Weighing of dyes, chemicals and auxiliaries is crucial. Repeatable and accurate weighing to within 1% of target is required. At least two balances are required, one to handle amounts in grams up to 1 kg and the other for 1 kg or more. To weigh small quantities for pastel dyeings and shading additions, dilute solutions of the dye can be used. The weighing operation raises serious concerns for health and safety since the disturbance of powders produces aerosols which can be inhaled by the weighing operative . Reactive dyes have been the main cause for concern Dye And Chemical Dispensing
  • 9. Engineering solutions are the preferred approach to this problem with the installation of weighing booths and extraction cabinets. The selection of suitable physical forms, such as liquids, grains or non-dusting powders, also alleviates the problem. ‘Space-suiting’ including nasal masks, goggles, gauntlets and overalls that must be regularly laundered are provided individually for each operative. Standard operating procedures should be established for dissolving or dispersing and dispensing dyes. The modern dispensary is equipped with stainless-steel dispensing tanks, these being either conical or cylindrical in shape, the number required for each dyeing machine depending on the process details. Such tanks are usually equipped with the facilities listed in. Dyes, chemicals and auxiliaries are gravity-fed to the dyeing machine through stainless-steel or glass tubes. When dispensing from the mezzanine level, sufficient time must be given at the appropriate phases of the dyeing routine to allow homogenisation of the liquors and travel to the dyeing machine. The increasing use of ultra-low liquor ratio (ULLR) dyeing machines and centralised dispensing emphasises the need for dyes and chemicals of adequate solubility or dispersibility and stability properties. Large weights of salt and alkali associated with the dyeing of cellulosics are added at the dyeing machine level. The packaging, storage and handling of dyes and chemicals have been reviewed . Dye And Chemical Dispensing
  • 11. Auto Dosing System 1. All the chemicals required for dyeing operation are mixed in the dye bath automatically from “auto dosing system” 2. It is an integrated system controlled by computer which involves all the calculation required for exact amount of chemicals needed for dyeing a particular recipe. 3. No. of tanks:- 17 Two large tanks (SILO) for Salt & Soda – Soda tank: 16 ton Salt tank: 31 ton Salt & Soda are made solution in the mixing tanks before storing into Silos. There are 3 mixing tanks- -Common mixing tank for both soda & salt – 1000 li. -Salt mixing tank – 1000 lit – 1.5 lit water per kg of salt. -Soda mixing tank – 1000 lit – 2.5 lit water per kg of soda
  • 12. Chemical Tanks -total: 15 1.14000 lit – 1 tank – Hydrogen Per Oxide Solution 2. 2000 lit – 2 tanks – Acetic Acid & Softeners 3. 1200 lit – 12 tanks – 1. Demineralization & Sequester. 2. Antifoam 3. Soaping agent 4. Detergent. 5. Deaerating agent. 6. Sequester. 7. Stabilizer. 8. Anti-creasing 9. Sequester 2. 10. Stabilizer 2 11. Detergent 2 12. Caustic Soda Tanks
  • 13. Dispense tank requirements 1. Automatic level control for filling 2. Steam heating and temperature control 3. Stirring device of the correct design 4. Gravity feed to the dyeing machine 5. Drain to waste for cleaning 6. Rinse ring, usually a perforated pipe in the top of the vessel 7. Hot and cold water, often supplied through the rinse ring
  • 16. SAILO DOS Use for store dry salt and soda at large volume
  • 39. Layout of LAWER Auto Dosing System
  • 40. Dose Dos Dose Chem Silo Dos
  • 46. Salt Sailo Silo for Salt Measuring unit Liquid Soda & Salt Dispensing Dispensing line Dyeing machine Layout of Salt And Soda Dispensing Unit (Silo Dos)
  • 47. Layout of Salt And Soda Dispensing Unit (Silo Dos) Silo for Soda Silo for Salt Measuring unit Liquid Soda & Salt Dispensing Dispensing line Dispense to Doing Tank Dyeing machine
  • 49. Layout of Salt And Soda Dispensing Unit (Silo Dos) Salt Sailo Soda Sailo Dissolving bath Measuring unit
  • 51. Layout of Auxiliary Dispensing Unit (Dos Chem)
  • 52. Layout of Auxiliary Dispensing Unit (Dos Chem) Measuring unit Auxiliary Tank for store 20 types of liquid Chemical Dispensing line Dyeing machine Dispense to Doing Tank liquid Chemical loading port
  • 53. Layout of Auxiliary Dispensing Unit (Dos Chem) liquid Chemical loading port Measuring unit Dyeing machine Dispense to Dosing Tank Auxiliary Tank for store 20 types of liquid Chemical
  • 54. Layout of Dyestuffs Dispensing Unit ( Dye Dos ) Dye storage rack Measuring unit Dye dissolving unit Liquid Dye dispensing unit
  • 55. Layout of Dyestuffs Dispensing Unit ( Dye Dos )
  • 56. Layout of Dyestuffs Dispensing Unit ( Dye Dos )
  • 61. Advantages of semi-automatic control (SAC) systems Increased productivity 1.Same production with less labour More production from same labour Shortened dyeing cycles 2. RFT production by blind-dyeing techniques 3. Elimination or reduction of colour corrections Elimination or reduction of reprocessing Improved reproducibility Improved quality 1. Reduction in off-shade 2. Improved levelness 3. Preservation of substrate quality 4. Less material loss Increased flexibility 1. Improved plant management and supervision 2. Improved production planning Improved safety 1. Less risk of human error 2. Improved working conditions Cost reduction 1. Overall reduction in processing costs Savings of dyes and chemicals Improved utilisation of labour force
  • 62. Outline of fully-automatic control (FAC) system 1. Transfer of recipe details to colour and chemical dispensary 2. Totally automatic weighing (liquid or solid), dissolving or dispersing and distribution of dyes and chemicals 3. Control of additions of dyes and chemicals 4. Updating of planning, scheduling and stock inventories 5. Storage of diagnostic and management information, including consumption and utilisation of resources 6. Graphical presentation of stored data to generate reports
  • 64. 1. Yarn Manufacturing Technology Link : 2. Fabric Manufacturing Technology Link : 3. Garments Manufacturing Technology Link : Technology/472364799463126 3. Wet processing Technology Link : 4. Fashion-Design-and-Technology Link : Technology/587655294583875?ref=ts&fref=ts My Facebook Textile related Pages (Visit My Blog for more Info )