The document explains how to create a SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers) diagram by using making a dinner party as an example process. It outlines the steps to identify the suppliers that provide inputs to the process, the specific process of preparing, cooking, and serving the meal, and the outputs and customers of the process. The completed SIPOC diagram visually maps out all of the elements to help understand the context and stakeholders involved in the process.
2. Created by Tom Curtis 2011
Presentations: on
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @onimproving
3. Introduction
A SIPOC diagram helps us understand what is
upstream and downstream from our process. The
elements of the diagram are: the Suppliers (S) to
our process and their Inputs (I), our Process (P), and
the Outputs (O) we provide to our process’s
Customers (C). A SIPOC can be drawn quickly
and can help us better understand the context of our
process and explain it to others. What follows is how
to create a SIPOC that uses making a meal as an
example. Let’s get started. --Tom Curtis
9. Red=New step
Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers
Garden Cook
Bakery Serve
10. Red=New step
Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers
Store Pasta
Sauce Prepare
Garden Lettuce Cook
Bakery Cake Serve
11. Red=New step
Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers
Store Pasta Main
Sauce Prepare
Bread Course
Garden Lettuce Cook Salad
Bakery Cake Serve Dessert
12. Red=New step
Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers
Store Pasta Main Dinner
Sauce Prepare
Bread Course Party
Garden Lettuce Cook Salad 7.
Bakery Cake Serve Dessert
13. Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers
Store Pasta Main Dinner
Sauce Prepare
Bread Course Party
Garden Lettuce Cook Salad
Bakery Cake Serve Dessert