This document outlines a lesson plan for teaching 6th grade students about context clues. The objectives are for students to familiarize themselves with context clues, identify what they are, enumerate common types of context clues, and determine word meanings using context clues. The lesson will use a PowerPoint presentation to explain what context clues are and examples of different types like definition, synonym, antonym, and inference. Students will then practice identifying context clues in example sentences and answering assessment questions before being assigned a reading passage to identify unfamiliar words using context clues.
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A semi detailed lesson plan for english
1. A Semi-Detaied Lesson Plan in English
(February 15, 2016)
I. Level: Grade 6
II. Objectives
Students must be able to do the following at the end of the lesson with at least
75% proficiency:
a. familiarize themselves with the concept of context clues,
b. identify what context clues are,
c. enumerate the most common types of context clues and,
d. determine word meanings using context clues.
III. Subject Matter
Context Clues
o Ragno, N. N., Gray, B. G., Toth, M. D., & Hiebert, E. (1996). World of language.
Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett & Ginn.
o CONTEXT CLUES - Miami Dade College. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2016,
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Worksheets
Values: discipline, diligence, zeal
IV. Procedure
A. Routinary Matters
- Greet the students and ask them to clean their places and to get ready for the
lesson while she is preparing the presentation.
B. Motivation
- Ask the students how they are able to identify the meaning of an unfamiliar
word contained in a sentence
- Several sentences will be shown in the powerpoint presentation containing
made-up words
- Afterwards, let the students identify the definition of the unfamiliar words in the
sentences given and asked them how they are able to come up with such
C. Presentation
- Begin the lesson by stating the objectives needed to be learned for this lesson.
- Show a slide explaining the what context clues are
2. Context clues are words that surround an unfamiliar word that give clues
to the word’s meaning.
- Show a slide explaining the different types of context clues with examples
Definition: an unfamiliar word is directly defined in a sentece in which it
Synonym: a word with a similar meaning may be stated to help define the
unfamiliar word
Antonym: a word that is oppposite the unfamiliar word may also be stated
as a clue
Inference: an unfamiliar word can be assumed with both prior knowledge
and the context in which the word sits
- Example sentences for each type of context clues will be shown so that
students are aware of how such context clue is used in a sentence.
E. Assessment
- Students will answer a short drill prepared by the teacher in relation to context
clues and its types (see attached file).
F. Assignment
- Students will be given a short reading passage which contains unfamiliar words
that they would need to learn by practicing the use of context clues (see attached
Prepared by:
Ma. Theresa Carmela E. Kanlapan
Teacher Applicant (English)