The document describes techniques for image texture analysis and segmentation. It proposes a methodology using constraint satisfaction neural networks to integrate region-based and edge-based texture segmentation. The methodology initializes a CSNN using fuzzy c-means clustering, then iteratively updates the neuron probabilities and edge maps to refine the segmentation. Experimental results demonstrate improved segmentation by combining region and edge information.
14. Integrating Region and Edge Information for Texture Segmentation We have used a modified constraint satisfaction neural networks termed as Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network for Complementary Information Integration (CSNN-CII), which integrates the region and edge based approaches. +
16. Constraint Satisfaction Neural Networks For Image Segmentation 1 < i < n 1 < j < n 1 < k < m Size of image: n x n No. of labels/classes: m Ref: [Lin92] i j k
17. Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network for Complementary Information Integration (CSNN-CII) Each neuron in CSNN-CII contains two fields: Probability and Rank. Probability: probability that the pixel belongs to the segment represented by the corresponding layer. Rank: Rank field stores the rank of the probability in a decreasing order, for that neuron. 0.1 0.5 0.4 Probabilities 3 1 2 Rank
18. The weight between k th layer’s ( i, j ) th , U ijk , neuron and l th layer’s ( q, r ) th , U qrl , neuron is computed as: Weights in the CSNN can be interpreted as constraints. Weights are determined based on the heuristic that a neuron excites other neurons representing the labels of similar intensities and inhibits other neurons representing labels of quite different intensities. Where, p : number of neurons in 2D neighborhood (dynamic window). m : number of layers (classes). U ijk : represents k th layer’s ( i , j ) th neuron. R ijk : Rank for ( i, j ) th neuron in k th layer or U ijk neuron. Ref: [Lin 92] U ijk U qrl W ij,qr,k,l
19. Algorithm Phase 1: Initialize the CSNN neurons using fuzzy c-means results. The probability values obtained from FCM are assigned to the nodes of CSNN. Ranks for each neuron are also computed on the basis of initial class probabilities. FCM output 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.2, 2 0.2, 2 0.8, 1 0.3, 2 0.6, 1 0.2, 2 0.6, 1 0.3, 2 0.6, 1 0.8, 1 0.8, 1 0.2, 2 0.7, 1 0.4, 2 0.8, 1 0.4, 2 0.7, 1 0.4, 2 Rank Probability CSNN-CII Layer-1 Layer-2
20. H ijk : sum of inputs from all neighboring neurons. O ijk : the probability of ( i , j ) th pixel having a label k (Probability value assigned to the U ijk neuron) . N ij : a set of neurons in the 3D neighborhood of ( i,j ) th neuron (considering Dynamic window). Iterate and update the probabilities, edge map and determine the winner label Algorithm (Cont.) U ijk H ijk i j k
23. Where, Algorithm (Cont.) Labels to each pixel of an image are assigned as: Where, l l m Updated probability values: 0.2, 2 0.2, 2 0.8, 1 0.3, 2 0.6, 1 0.2, 2 0.6, 1 0.3, 2 0.6, 1 0.8, 1 0.8, 1 0.2, 2 0.7, 1 0.4, 2 0.8, 1 0.4, 2 0.7, 1 0.4, 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Layer-1 Layer-2 Y
24. Updating Edge Map: B : Edge map obtained using lower threshold. E : Edge map obtained using higher threshold. M ij : the set of pixels in the neighborhood of pixel ( i , j ) in the output image Y of size 2 v+ 1 , excluding edge pixels in E. Algorithm (Cont.) Y E Edge map at each iteration is computed as:
25. Check the convergence condition, i.e., the number of pixels updated in Y , at each iteration. If there is any update go to second step. Algorithm (Cont.) Edge map at each iteration is computed as: B Y Updated edge map ( E ) E M
26. Phase 2 Iterate, and update edge map E, by removing extra edge pixels and by adding new edge pixels. Algorithm (Cont.) L ij is considered as: Edge map E is updated as: Y
27. Merge Edge map and Segmented map to get final output. Finally, new edge pixels are added where E ij = 0 and min( L ij ) max( L ij ) Algorithm (Cont.) E Y Updated edge map ( E ) E Y Updated edge map (E)
28. Merge Edge map and Segmented map to get final output. Final Output Segmented map Edge map
29. Input Image Segmented map before integration ( Ref: [Rao2004] ) Edge map before integration ( Ref: [Lalit2006] ) Segmented map and Edge map after integration Results
30. Results Input Image Segmented map before integration ( Ref: [Rao2004] ) Edge map before integration ( Ref: [Lalit2006] ) Segmented map and Edge map after integration