This document discusses the harmful effects of smoking on the lungs and respiratory system. It begins by describing the healthy respiratory system and shows photos of healthy versus smoker's lungs, demonstrating damage. Smoking damages lung tissues, cilia, and alveoli, reducing the lungs' ability to exchange gases and remove chemicals. Long-term signs of damage include shortness of breath, coughing, infections. Smoking also increases risks of cancer, heart disease, and other health issues. Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals including carbon monoxide, arsenic and formaldehyde that cause this damage. Nicotine is highly addictive but quitting can improve health.
2. Human Respiratory System
• The human respiratory
system consists of nasal
passages, pharynx.
larynx, trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles, alveoli and
• It is designed to bring
fresh oxygen in and
exchange it for carbon
dioxide which is then
removed from the body.
6. Effects of Smoking Tobacco
• The next few slides
will outline for you
how smoking tobacco
can harm your lungs.
• It will explain the
effect of smoking on
specific parts of your
respiratory system.
7. How Smoking Hurts Your Lungs
• Smoking will damage
your lung’s natural ability
to clean and repair
• This means cancer
causing chemicals will be
trapped in the tissues of
your lungs.
• This is because the cilia
and mucus lining are
damaged an cannot
remove the chemicals
8. How Smoking Hurts Your Lungs
• Smoking will
permanently damage
the alveoli and make
it very difficult to
• The smoke reduces
the ability of the
alveoli to stretch
which makes it hard
for you to take in
9. Signs of Lung Damage from
• Feeling out of breath when walking up a
short flight of stairs.
• Coughing (smokers cough)
• Spitting up mucus
• Reoccurring chest infections
10. Other side effects of smoking
• Can lead to health problems such as heart
disease, stroke, emphysema, and COPD.
• Smoking can lead to many types of cancer
including lung, throat, stomach, and
bladder cancer.
• Increased risk of osteoporosis, pneumonia
and bronchitis.
• Can cause fertility problems.
11. Other side effects of smoking
• Unhealthy skin – smoking can prevent
oxygen and nutrients from getting to the
skin which causes wrinkles.
• Yellow teeth and Bad breath – persistent
bad breath known as halitosis.
• Hair and clothes smell bad
• Reduced athletic performance
• Increased risk of illness.
12. What causes all the damage?
• The following slide is a list of some of the chemicals
found in cigarettes.
• There are over 4000 chemicals in cigarettes and many of
them are known causes of cancer!
13. Chemicals in Cigarettes!
• Carbon monoxide (found in car exhaust)
• Arsenic (rat poison)
• Ammonia (found in window cleaner)
• Acetone (found in nail polish remover)
• Hydrogen cyanide (gas chamber poison)
• Napthalene (found in moth balls)
• Sulphur compounds (found in matches)
• Lead
• Volatile alcohol
• Formaldehyde (used as an embalming fluid)
• Butane (lighter fluid)
15. What about nicotine?
• Nicotine is a drug found in tobacco plants.
• It is a lethal poison and it can kill a person
in less than an hour if it is injected into the
• Each cigarette contains very tiny amounts
of nicotine that over time cause you to
become addicted to cigarettes and causes
many health problems.
16. Kicking the habit
• If you are a smoker it
is never to late to
• Although some
damage is permanent
people who quit will
notice a significant
difference in their
health issues.
• There is help if you
need it!