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University of Puerto Rico


                                                Biology 3001

                                           Professor Eneida Díaz

Delaine M. Zayas-Bazán Burgos                                                                       June 11th, 2012

                                         Unifying themes of Biology

              Theme                                                             Property of life
                                                 Organisms interact with each other in their own species to reproduce
                                              and by this perpetuate the specie.
  Organisms interact with each other
Organisms and the physical environment                                           Response to the environment
                                                                           Organisms interact with other organisms
                                                                         that are present in their environment to find food and
                                                                         shelter among many others.
Theme                                                                        Property of life
                                                                                                                      Energy Processing
         Life requires energy transfer and transformation                                         Organisms need energy to live. Chemical energy is
                                                                                               transferred between all organisms in order for them to realize
                                                                                               the corresponding functions that would keep them alive.

  Structure and function are correlated at all levels of biological        Life is characterized by a highly organized structure. This structure
                           organization                                is responsible of the proper functioning of organisms, and their
                                                                       systems from cells to organs.

                                                                                         Cells are the basic unit of the highly organized structure that is found
   The cell is an organism’s basic unit of structure and function                     in all living beings. Every organism, system, organ system, organ and
                                                                                      tissue is composed by cells and carries out their work based on the
                                                                                      functioning of cells.

                                                                                            Growth and development
The continuity of life is based on heritable information in the form      Organisms grow and develop according to the genetic
                               of DNA                                  information, in form of DNA, they inherit from their progenitors.

                                                                                                                 Growth and development
                                                                                               The DNA transmitted from parents to offspring determines
 New properties emerge at each level in the biological hierarchy                            from their physical appearance to their illness or health conditions.
                                                                                            The DNA sequences carry all of the information in their genes;
                                                                                            analyzing these sequences could reveal in detail the growth and
                                                                                            development of diverse organisms.
Theme                                                                Property of life
 Feedback mechanisms regulate biological systems            Regulation controls diverse aspects like the temperature of the
                                                         organism and the expulsion of waste. Feedback is responsible of
                                                         the regulation, as well as of diverse biological systems and their

                                                                                                        Evolutionary adaption
Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life                                Evolution permits the adaption of organisms to their
                                                                                   environment. These adaptations, in some cases, led to the
                                                                                   emergence of new species creating the phenomenon of
                                                                                   diversity of the species among the same family unit.

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Unifying themes

  • 1. University of Puerto Rico Cayey Biology 3001 Professor Eneida Díaz Delaine M. Zayas-Bazán Burgos June 11th, 2012 Unifying themes of Biology Theme Property of life Reproduction Organisms interact with each other in their own species to reproduce and by this perpetuate the specie. Organisms interact with each other Organisms and the physical environment Response to the environment Organisms interact with other organisms that are present in their environment to find food and shelter among many others.
  • 2. Theme Property of life Energy Processing Life requires energy transfer and transformation Organisms need energy to live. Chemical energy is transferred between all organisms in order for them to realize the corresponding functions that would keep them alive. Order Structure and function are correlated at all levels of biological Life is characterized by a highly organized structure. This structure organization is responsible of the proper functioning of organisms, and their systems from cells to organs. Order Cells are the basic unit of the highly organized structure that is found The cell is an organism’s basic unit of structure and function in all living beings. Every organism, system, organ system, organ and tissue is composed by cells and carries out their work based on the functioning of cells. Growth and development The continuity of life is based on heritable information in the form Organisms grow and develop according to the genetic of DNA information, in form of DNA, they inherit from their progenitors. Growth and development The DNA transmitted from parents to offspring determines New properties emerge at each level in the biological hierarchy from their physical appearance to their illness or health conditions. The DNA sequences carry all of the information in their genes; analyzing these sequences could reveal in detail the growth and development of diverse organisms.
  • 3. Theme Property of life Regulation Feedback mechanisms regulate biological systems Regulation controls diverse aspects like the temperature of the organism and the expulsion of waste. Feedback is responsible of the regulation, as well as of diverse biological systems and their processes. Evolutionary adaption Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life Evolution permits the adaption of organisms to their environment. These adaptations, in some cases, led to the emergence of new species creating the phenomenon of diversity of the species among the same family unit.