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HACCP for Fruit Processing
Case study: Canned Pineapple sliced in
   Ms.Atcharaporn Khoomtong st113172
12 Steps of HACCP
 Assemble HACCP Team
 Describe Product
 Identify the intended use
 Construct flow diagram
 On-site confirmation of flow diagram
 Conduct a hazard analysis.
 Identify critical control points.
 Establish critical limits for each critical control point.
 Establish critical control point monitoring requirements.
 Establish corrective actions.
 Establish record keeping procedures.
 Establish procedures for verifying the HACCP system is
  working as intended.

Assemble HACCP team

                      HACCP Team


Establish HACCP Team
  Name       Position/Department        Experience
 Mr. ABM      Production Manager   B.Sc Food Technology
             (HACCP Team leader)   GMP,HACCP
Miss FEBT     Quality Assurance    B.Sc Food Science
                  Manager          GMP,HACCP
Mrs.SET      Assistant Manager of B.Sc Food Science
            Research Development GMP,HACCP
Mr.SERD     Engineering Supervisor B.Sc Food Technology
Mrs.SET      Purchasing Manager    Bachelor degree

Product Description and Intended Use
Product name                       Canned pineapple in syrup
Important product characteristic   Sliced pineapple ,added syrup Brix
of product                         14-18 ,
(aw, pH, etc.)                     Commercial sterilize, pH not more
                                   than 4.2,No pathogenic Bacteria,
                                   The color of the product shall be
                                   normal for the varietal type
How is it to be used               Ready to eat
Packaging                          The product is packed in tin can*
                                   size A2(20 oz) , end coated with
                                   lacquer place in corrugated carton,
                                   sealed with PP tape and strapped
                                   with plastic strapped.
Shelf life                         3 years from production date in
                                   original pack at mentioned storage

Storage * mean"Tin" cans are made of tinplate (tin-coated room
   Note                            Store in dry condition at
   steel).                        temperature 25- 30 C
   In some locations, cans made of aluminum are called
Product Description and Intended

Where will it be sold       foreign market
Labeling instructions       name or trademark identifying a
                            product , manufacturer, lot,
                            manufacture date,
                            expiry date, ingredient, Drained
                            Weight in grams, Net Weight
Target group of customers   Food industry and General consumer.
Intended use                Food industry and General consumer.
Distribution Control        Keep the product in dry place during
                            distribution, storage and handling.
Plant Layout

Raw Material and Ingredient

       Raw              appearanc       storage        package   size
      material/             e
    Pineapple          Fresh, whol   Room temp.           -       -
                       e             Not more than 2
       Sugar           Crystals,wh   Dry@Room          PE bag    50
                       ite           temp.                       Kgs
                                     2 years

     Citric acid       Crystals,wh   Dry@Room          PE bag    50
                       ite           temp.                       Kgs
                                     2 years

Hazard occurence in process step /
      Environment of Production
   Biological              Chemical                Physical
Pathogenic Bacteria     From Raw material       - Wood
: Bacillus cereus       - Herbicide             - Metal
: Salmonella Spp.       - Heavy metal           - Plastic
: E.coli                - Nitrate               - Sand
: Coliform bacteria     -From Equipment         - Jewelry
: Staphylococcus        -Lubricant             - Glass
aureus                  -From Tin cans
: Clostridium botulinum -Tin
: Clostridium           -Lacquer
Perfringens             -Rusty
: Flat Sour group       - From Sanitizing
: Aciduric spoilage     Chemical
group                     :Detergent
Yeast & Mold              : Sodium hydroxide
                          : Nitric acid
Flow diagram


CCP    Flow diagram





                ’     11
HACCP Analysis
    Process       Hazards and
                                          Control measures        Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
      step       possible causes
    1           BIO.
    Receiving   Salmonella spp.,     Approve supplier list ;Raw
    Pineapple                        Material Specification &
                E. coli, Clostridium
                aureus, Exist:
                from rotten fruit,
                Fertilizer                                        Y   N   Y   Y   N
                                     Truck inspection & Record
                bacteria &
                Yeast &Mold
                From trucks
Con             CHEM.

’               Herbicide
                                      Approve supplier list
                                      (GAP), Fertilizer &
HACCP Analysis
    Process      Hazards and
                                   Control measures           Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
      step     possible causes
    1         CHEM. CON’
                and     Control Fertilizer & Chemical Control
    Receiving Nitrate                                         Y N Y    Y   N
              possibl measur Record Nitrate Inspection Q3
    Pineapple Contamination:
                                    Q1          Q2                 Q4
                  e        es
              From plantation

              Oil & Lubricant   Raw Material Specification,
                                                              Y   N   N   -   N
              Contamination:    Record Oil & Lubricant
              From trucks       Contamination
              Wood, Sand        Raw Material
                                                              Y   N   N   -   N
              Contamination:    Specification, Record
              From Supplier     Foreign Matter

’                                                                             14
HACCP Analysis
Process     Hazards and
                                    Control measures      Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
  step     possible causes
2 Sorting BIO.
          Pathogenic bacteria Cleaning Program & Record   Y   N   Y   Y   N
          Yeast &Mold
          From Equipment
          Lubricant             Preventive Maintenance,
          Contamination:        Check Lubricant
          From machine          Contamination
                                                          Y   N   N   -   N
          Sanitizing chemical   Cleaning Program &
          Contamination:        Record, Chemical
          From cleaning         Residual
          No perceived          -                         -   -   Con
                                                                  - -     -
                                                                  ’           15
’                     HACCP Analysis                                          16

Process     Hazards and
                                 Control measures         Q1 Q2 Q3    Q4 Y/N
  step     possible causes
    3     BIO.
Washing E. coli, Coliform     Water Treatment Control &   Y   N   Y       Y    N
(Residual bacteria            Record
Cl2 20-40 Contamination:
  ppm.)   From Water
                                                          Y   N   Y       Y    N
          Pathogenic        Change water (over flow or
          bacteria GROWTH drain every hour)
          :From dirty water
          High chlorine       Water Treatment Control     Y   N   N   -       N
          Contamination:      & Record
          From Water
                              Cleaning Program            Y   N   N   -       N
          Sanitizing chemical &Record,
          Contamination:      Chemical Residual
          From cleaning
HACCP Analysis
Process    Hazards and
                                Control measures           Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
  step    possible causes
   4    BIO.
Grading Pathogenic          Cleaning Program & Record,     Y   N   Y   Y   N
                            Sanitation Inspection Record
        bacteria &
        Yeast &Mold
        From Equipment
          Lubricant         Preventive Maintenance,        Y   N   N   -   N
          Contamination:    Check Lubricant
          From machine      Contamination

          No perceived      -                              -   -   -   -   -
          hazard                                                   Con
                                                                   ’           17
HACCP Analysis
Process    Hazards and
                                 Control measures           Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
  step    possible causes
5 Peeling BIO.
          Pathogenic         Cleaning Program &             Y   N   Y   Y   N
                             Sanitation Inspection Record
          bacteria &
                             Swab Test Program &
          Yeast &Mold        Record
           From Equipment
          Lubricant          Preventive Maintenance,        Y   N   N   -   N
          Contamination:     Check Lubricant
          From machine       Contamination

          Metal fragments    Preventive Maintenance,        Y   N   Y   Y   N
          Contamination: :
          From Equipment
                             Record                                 Con
          (GINAGA)                                                  ’           18
HACCP Analysis
Process     Hazards and
                                  Control measures           Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
  step     possible causes
6          BIO.
Trimming   Pathogenic         Cleaning Program &             Y   N   Y   Y   N
                              Sanitation Inspection Record
           bacteria &
                              Swab Test Program &
           Yeast &Mold        Record
            From Equipment
                                                             Y   N   Y   Y   N
           E. coli, Coliform  Personal Hygiene & Record,
           bacteria,Staphyloc Swab Test Program &
           occus aureus
           From Workers
           Sanitizing          Cleaning Program &            Y   N   N   -   N
           chemical            Record, Chemical
           Contamination:      Residual
           From cleaning                                                         19
HACCP Analysis
 Process    Hazards and
                               Control measures       Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
   step   possible causes
6        PHYS.
Trimming Metal fragments    Preventive Maintenance,   Y   N   Y   Y   N
CON’     Contamination from
                            Personal Hygiene &
                                                      Y   N   N   -   N
           From Workers                               Y   N   N   -   N
                              Glass control
           From Light bulbs

20                                                                ’
HACCP Analysis
Process      Hazards and
                                    Control measures     Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
  step      possible causes
7 Slicing   BIO.
(SLICER)    Pathogenic           Cleaning Program &      Y   N   Y   Y   N
            bacteria &           Sanitation Inspection
            Yeast &Mold          Record
            Contamination:       Swab Test Program &
             From Equipment      Record
                                                         Y   N   Y   Y   N
            E. coli, Coliform
            bacteria,Staphyloc   Personal Hygiene &
            occus aureus         Record,
            Contamination:       Swab Test Program &
            From Workers         Record
            Sanitizing           Cleaning Program &      Y   N   N   -   N
            chemical             Record, Chemical
            Contamination:       Residual
21          From cleaning
HACCP Analysis
Process      Hazards and
                                 Control measures       Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4     Y/N
  step      possible causes
7 Slicing   CHEM.
(SLICER)    Lubricant         Preventive Maintenance,   Y   N   N   -   N
CON’                          Check Lubricant
            From machine

            Metal fragments   Preventive Maintenance,   Y   N   Y   Y   N
            from machine
                              Personal Hygiene &        Y   N   N   -   N
            Jewelry           Record,
            From Workers
HACCP Analysis
Process      Hazards and
                                    Control measures     Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
  step      possible causes
8 Filling   BIO.
            Pathogenic           Cleaning Program &      Y   N   Y   Y   N
            bacteria &           Sanitation Inspection
cans                             Record
            Yeast &Mold
            Contamination:       Swab Test Program &
            From Equipment       Record
            CONVEYER /
            FILLER)                                      Y   N   Y   Y   N

            E. coli, Coliform    Personal Hygiene &
            bacteria,Staphyloc   Record,
            occus aureus         Swab Test Program &
            Contamination:       Record
            From Workers
            Sanitizing           Cleaning Program &      Y   N   N   -   N
            chemical             Record, Chemical                        23
            Contamination:       Residual
HACCP Analysis
 Process     Hazards and
                              Control measures   Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
   step    possible causes
8 Filling PHYS.
into cans Jewelry          Personal Hygiene &    Y   N   N   -   N
CON’      Contamination:   Record,
          From Workers

                              Glass control
                                                 Y   N   N   -   N
           From Light bulbs

24                                                           ’
HACCP Analysis
        Process    Hazards and
                                       Control measures       Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
          step    possible causes
    9         BIO.
    Receiving Bacillus spp. &       Approve supplier list ;   Y   N   Y   Y   N
    Tin Cans MOLD EXIST             Empty Can Inspection &
                  Bacillus spp. &                             Y   Y   -   -   CCP
                  MOLD, E. coli,  Empty Can Inspection                         1
                  Coliform        (Tear down & Visual
                  Staphylococcus Seam)
                  From Double
                  seam defect
Con               Oil & Lubricant   Approve supplier list ,
                                                              Y   N   N   -   N
’                 Contamination:
                  From machine
                                    Oil & Lubricant
                                    Contaminate Inspection
HACCP Analysis
 Process     Hazards and
                              Control measures        Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
   step    possible causes
9         PHYS.
Receiving Metal fragments  Foreign Matter             Y   N   N   -   N
Tin Cans Contamination:    Contamination Inspection
          From TIN Plate

26                                                                ’
HACCP Analysis
     Process    Hazards and
                                      Control measures         Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
       step    possible causes
    10         BIO.
    Washing    Pest                Pest Control & Record       Y   N   Y   Y   N
               Can storage

               E. coli, Coliform   Water Treatment Control &   Y   N   Y   Y   N
               Contamination       Record
               From Water

               Rusty can           Water Treatment Control     Y   N   N   -   N
               Contamination       & Record
               High Chlorine

Con            PHYS.
               No perceived                     -              -   -   -   -       -27
’              hazard
HACCP Analysis
    Process    Hazards and
                                     Control measures         Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
      step    possible causes
11 Water      BIO.
              E. coli, Coliform   Water Treatment Control &   Y   N   Y   Y   N
              From Water

              High Chlorine       Water Treatment Control     Y   N   N   -   N
              Concentration:      & Record
              From Over f
              eeded Cl2 water
              No perceived                     -              -   -   -   -       -

’                                                                                     28
HACCP Analysis
            Hazards and
             possible          Control measures        Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
12 Added   BIO.
Syrup      Clostridium      Packing Media Control (pH) & Y   Y   -   -   CCP
(Packing                    Record                                        2
media)     botulinum
           From : High pH
                            Cleaning Program &          Y    N   Y   Y
           Pathogenic       Sanitation Inspection                        N
           bacteria         Record
           Yeast &Mold      Swab Test Program &
           Contamination:   Record
           From Equipment
           Sanitizing       Cleaning Program &          Y    N   N   -   N
           chemical         Record, Chemical
           Contamination:   Residual
           From cleaning
HACCP Analysis
Process     Hazards and
                                    Control measures   Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
  step     possible causes
   13     BIO.
Exhaustin Bacillus cereus,     Initial Temperature     Y   Y   -   -   CCP3
          Bacillus coagurans Control & Record
          SURVIVAL Flat
          sour group, Aciduric
          Spoilage group
          From Low initial
          Sanitizing chemical   Cleaning Program &
                                                       Y   N   N   -    N
          Contamination:        Record, Chemical
          From cleaning         Residual
          No perceived          -                      -   -   -   -    -
                                                               ’            30
HACCP Analysis
Proces      Hazards and
                                  Control measures        Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
s step     possible causes
  14      BIO.
Seaming   E. coli, Coliform Tare down & down visual       Y   Y   -       -   CCP4
          bacteria,         seam inspection & record
          From Double seam
          Sanitizing chemical   Cleaning Program &        Y   N   N       -   N
          Contamination:        Record
          From cleaning

          Oil & Lubricant                                 Y   N   N       -   N
          Contamination:        Preventive Maintenance,
          From machine(         Check Lubricant
          SEAMER )              Contamination                         Con
                                                                      ’           31
HACCP Analysis
Proces      Hazards and
                                 Control measures   Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
s step     possible causes
  15      BIO.
Cooking   Bacillus cereus,   Cooking water temp.&   Y   Y   -       -   CCP5
          Bacillus coagurans cooking time
          Flat sour group,
          Aciduric Spoilage
          group SURVIVAL
          From Inadequate
          temperature & Time
          No perceived       -
                                                    -   -   -       -    -

          No perceived       -                      -   -   -   Con
                                                                 -       -
                                                                ’            32
HACCP Analysis
Proces      Hazards and
                                  Control measures        Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
s step     possible causes
  16      BIO.
Cooling   E. coli, Coliform   Residual chlorine control   Y   N   Y   N CCP6
          bacteria,          in cooling water (Not less
          Recontamination than 0.2 ppm) & record
          From Cooling water
                             Center Can Temperature       Y   N   Y   N CCP7
          Bacillus cereus,   After Cooling control &
          Bacillus coagurans Record
          Flat sour group,
          Aciduric Spoilage
          group SURVIVAL
          From High CCT.
          After cooling

          No perceived        -                           -   -   - -     -
          PHYS.                                                   ’       33
          No perceived        -                           -   -   -   -   -
HACCP Analysis
Proces      Hazards and
                                 Control measures        Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
s step     possible causes
  17      BIO.
Storage   No perceived                    -              -   -   -   -   -
          High TIN content    Tin Content                Y   N   N   -   N
          not more than 200   Specification & Record
          ppm                 Check before loading
                              Shelf life not more than
                              3 years.
          No perceived                    -              -   -   -   -   -

                                                                 ’           34
HACCP Analysis
Proces       Hazards and
                                   Control measures       Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
s step      possible causes
  18       BIO.
Labeling   Pathogenic bacteria Label inspection& record   Y   N   N   -   N
           Growth              and labeling & casing
           :From shelf life    inspection
           product more than
           shelf show in label
           High TIN content    labeling & casing          Y   N   N   -   N
           not more than 200   inspection
           No perceived        -                          -   -   -   -   -

HACCP Analysis
Process    Hazards and
                                   Control measures          Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
  step    possible causes
19        BIO.
Receiving No perceived      -                                -   -   -   -   -
Citric    hazard

          Impurity              Approve supplier list ,
          (Heavy metal)         Analysis heavy metal
                                                             Y   N   N   -   N
          Contamination         from supplier, COA
                                (Certificate of authentic)

          Wood, Sand            Citric Acid Inspection
                                                             Y   N   N   -   N
          Contamination:        (Foreign Matter)& Record
          From Supplier

HACCP Analysis
 Process     Hazards and
                                 Control measures     Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
   step     possible causes
20          BIO.
Unloading   Pathogenic        Cleaning Program &      Y   N   Y   Y   N
            bacteria &Yeast   Sanitation Inspection
            &Mold             Record
            Contamination:    Swab Test Program &
            From Equipment    Record

            E. coli, Coliform                         Y   N   Y   Y   N
                                Personal Hygiene &
            occus aureus
                                Swab Test Program &
            From Workers
            Sanitizing chemical Cleaning Program &    Y   N   N   -   N
            Contamination:       Record, Chemical
            From cleaning        Residual

HACCP Analysis
                 Hazards and
                   possible          Control measures       Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
20             PHYS.
Unloading      Jewelry            Personal Hygiene &        Y   N   N   -       N
CON’           Contamination:     Record,
               From Workers

                                  Preventive Maintenance,
                                                            Y   N   N   -       N
               From Citric acid   Strainer

38                                                                          ’
HACCP Analysis
Process    Hazards and
                                   Control measures       Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
  step    possible causes
21        BIO.
Receiving No perceived      -                             -   -   -   -   -
Sugar     hazard

          Impurity (Heavy       Approve supplier list ,
          metal)                Analysis heavy metal
          Contamination         from supplier,            Y   N   N   -   N
                                COA(Certificate of

          Wood, Sand            Citric Acid Inspection
                                                          Y   N   N   -   N
          Contamination:        (Foreign Matter)&
          From Supplier         Record

HACCP Analysis
 Process     Hazards and
                                 Control measures     Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
   step     possible causes
22          BIO.
Unloading   Pathogenic        Cleaning Program &      Y   N   Y   Y   N
            bacteria &Yeast   Sanitation Inspection
            &Mold             Record
            Contamination:    Swab Test Program &
            From Equipment    Record

            E. coli, Coliform                         Y   N   Y   Y   N
                                Personal Hygiene &
            occus aureus
                                Swab Test Program &
            From Workers
            Sanitizing chemical Cleaning Program &    Y   N   N   -   N
            Contamination:       Record, Chemical
            From cleaning        Residual

HACCP Analysis
                 Hazards and
                   possible        Control measures     Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
22             PHYS.
Unloading      Jewelry          Personal Hygiene &      Y   N   N   -       N
CON’           Contamination:   Record,
               From Workers

               Plastic                                  Y   N   N   -       N
               Contamination: Preventive Maintenance,
               From Sugar bags Strainer

41                                                                      ’
HACCP Analysis
 Process    Hazards and
                                Control measures     Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
   step    possible causes
23         BIO.
Mixing&    Clostridium       Packing Media Control   Y   N   Y   Y   N
Heating    botulinum         (pH) & Record
           From HIGH pH
                             Cleaning Program &
           Pathogenic        Sanitation Inspection   Y   N   Y   Y   N
           bacteria &Yeast   Record
           &Mold             Swab Test Program &
           Contamination:    Record
           From Equipment
           Sanitizing chemical Cleaning Program,     Y   N   N   -   N
           Contamination:      Check Chemical
           From cleaning       Residual

HACCP Analysis
             Hazards and
                possible       Control measures     Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
23 Mixing& PHYS.
Heating    Plastic          Preventive Strainer &   Y   N   N   -       N
CON’       Contamination: Check Strainer
           From Sugar and
           Citric acid bags

43                                                                  ’
HACCP Analysis
             Hazards and
              possible           Control measures     Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
24          BIO.
Filtering   Pathogenic        Cleaning Program &      Y   N   Y   Y   N
            bacteria          Sanitation Inspection
            Yeast &Mold       Record
            Contamination:    Swab Test Program &
            From Equipment    Record

            Sanitizing        Cleaning Program &      Y   N   N   -   N
            chemical          Record, Chemical
            Contamination:    Residual
            From cleaning
            Metal fragments   Preventive Strainer &   Y   N   N   -   N
            Contamination:    Check Strainer
            From strainer
HACCP Analysis
                Hazards and
                 possible           Control measures     Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
25             BIO.
Syrup          Pathogenic        Cleaning Program &      Y   N   Y   Y   N
storage        bacteria &Yeast   Sanitation Inspection
               &Mold             Record
               Contamination:    Swab Test Program &
               From Equipment    Record

               Pathogenic                                Y   N   Y   Y   N
               bacteria &Yeast
                               Delay time control
                               (not more than 8 hrs)
               From Delay time
               Sanitizing        Cleaning Program &      Y   N   N   -   N
               chemical          Record, Chemical
               Contamination:    Residual
45             From cleaning
      CCP1: Step 9 Receiving Tin Cans
     Process      Hazard        Critical      Control     Monitoring Corrective/
       step                      limit       measures      method    Preventive
    Receiving   BIO:          Not found      Empty can    WHAT:           DURING
    Tin Cans     Bacillus     Critical&maj   (Visual      Critical&majo   PROCESS
                spp. &        or             seam         r               LINE: Reject
                MOLD, E.      Defect         inspection   Defect seam     WHO:
                coli,         seam           )                            QA .
                Coliform      (Visual                     HOW :           Supervisor
                Staphylococ   seam)                       Visual
                cus aureus                                external
                Recontami                                 seam            FINISHED
                nation                                    inspection      PRODUCT
                From                                                      PRODUCT:
                Double                                    WHEN:           Hold
                seam defect                               every lot       (Sorting
                (supplier)                                                100%)
Con                                                       WHERE:
                                                          Incoming        WHO:
’                                                         area            QA .
       CCP 2: Step 12 Added Syrup (Packing media)
     Process      Hazard        Critical    Control   Monitoring Corrective/
       step                      limit     measures    method    Preventive
    Added       BIO:          pH not more pH Meter   WHAT: pH      DURING
                Clostridium   than 4.2    (Check pH                PROCESS
    (Packing    botulinum                 Eqilibrium HOW :Check LINE: Adjust pH
                                                     pH Eqilibrium WHO: operator
    media)      growth                    product)
                From: High                                          FINISHED
                pH                                    WHEN: First   PRODUCT
                                                      time,every    PRODUCT: Hold
                                                      code,every    (Incubation 14
                                                      hour          Days)

                                                      WHERE:        WHO:
                                                      Packing       QA . Supervisor
’                                                     QA .
       CCP3: Step 13 Exhausting
    Process step   Hazard    Critical limit    Control     Monitoring       Corrective/
                                              measures      method          Preventive
    Exhausting BIO:          Can              Check       WHAT: initial   FIRST
               Bacillus      size<A10         initial     temperature     OPERATION
               cereus,       not less         temperatu                   LINE: until
                                                          HOW :Check
               Bacillus      than 60 ˚C       re before                   reach temp
                                                                          required and
               coagurans                      seaming     temperature
               SURVIVAL      Note                         before
               Flat sour     (A2 =20 oz.)                 seaming
                                                                          production line
               group,                                     WHEN: First     DURING
               Aciduric                                   time,every      PROCESS
               Spoilage                                   code,every      LINE: stop
               group                                      30 Mins         process until
               From Low                                   WHERE:          reach temp
               initial                                    Packing         required and
               temperature                                media           stop cooking
                                                          inspection      time
                                                          area            FINISHED
Con                                                       WHO:

                                                                          PRODUCT: Hold
                                                          QA .                      48
                                                                          (Incubation 14
     CCP4: Step 14 Seaming
    Process     Hazard         Critical        Control      Monitoring        Corrective/
      step                      limit         measures       method           Preventive
    Seaming   BIO.           Not found        Empty can     WHAT:            DURING
              E. coli,       Critical&major   (Visual       Critical&major   PROCESS
              Coliform       Defect seam      seam          Defect seam      LINE:
              bacteria,      (Visual seam)    inspection)                    stor&seamer
              Staphylococc                                  HOW :            adjust
              us aureus                                     Visual           WHO:Operator/
              Recontamin                                    external         Mechanic
              ation                                         seam
              From Double                                   inspection       FINISHED
              seam defect                                                    PRODUCT
                                                            WHEN:            PRODUCT:
                                                            Every 30         Hold (Sorting
                                                            mins             100%)
                                                            seamer for   WHO:
                                                            visual check QA . Supervisor
Con                                                         WHERE:
                                                            Seamer area
’                                                           WHO:
CCP5: Step 15 Cooking
                                     HACCP Plan
    Process step     Hazard      Critical limit    Control      Monitoring        Corrective/
                                                  measures       method           Preventive
    Cooking        BIO:          Temp not less Temperatur      WHAT:            DURING
                    Bacillus     than 97˚C     e recorder      Cooking          PROCESS
                   cereus,       A2 >20 min    (Check          water            LINE: stop
                   Bacillus                    temperature     temperature      process until
                   coagurans                   Commercial      (MIG)and         reach temp
                   Flat sour                   Sterilization   Cooking time     required and
                   group,                      )               HOW :Check
                                                                                stop cooking
                   Aciduric                                    temperature      time
                   Spoilage                       Check time   Commercial       WHO: operator/
                   group                          control      Sterilization    QA . Supervisor
                   From                                        WHEN:            FINISHED
                   Inadequate                                  every 30         PRODUCT
                   temperature                                 Mins             PRODUCT:
                   & Time                                      (T)(productn     Hold
                   cooking                                     line) /every 1   (Incubation 14
                                                               hour(T)          Days)
                                                               (QA line)
Con                                                            WHERE:           WHO:

’                                                              Cooking area     QA . Supervisor
     CCP6: Step 16 Cooling
    Process     Hazard         Critical       Control       Monitoring       Corrective/
      step                      limit        measures        method          Preventive
    Cooling   BIO.           Residual        Chlorine       WHAT:           DURING
              E. coli,       Chlorine not    test           Residual        PROCESS
              Coliform       less than 0.2   kit(LOVIBON)   Chlorine in     LINE:
              bacteria,      ppm                            cooling water   Adjust Residual
              Recontamin                                                    Chlorine until
              ation                                         HOW :Check      required
              From Cooling                                  Residual        (minimum
              water                                         Chlorine        0.2ppm)
                                                                            WHO: operator
                                                            WHEN: every
                                                            2 hours by  FINISHED
                                                            cooker      PRODUCT
                                                            WHERE:      Hold
                                                            Cooker area (Incubation 14
Con                                                         WHO:
                                                            QA .            WHO:
’                                                           Inspector
                                                                            QA . Supervisor
    CCP7: Step 16 Cooling
    Process      Hazard       Critical    Control     Monitoring    Corrective/
      step                     limit     measures      method       Preventive
    Cooling    BIO:         CCT not      Center       WHAT:        DURING
               Bacillus     more         can          CCT after    PROCESS
               cereus,      than45˚C     temperatu    cooling      LINE:
               Bacillus                  re                        Increasing
               coagurans                 inspection   HOW          flow rate of
               Flat sour                 after        :Check       cooling water
               group,                    cooling      CCT after    WHO:
               Aciduric                  (CCT)        cooling      operator
               group                                  WHEN:        FINISHED
               SURVIVAL                               every 4      PRODUCT
               From High                              hours by     PRODUCT:
               CCT.                                   cooker       Hold
               After                                               (Incubation 14
Con            cooling                                WHERE:       Days)
’                                                     area         WHO:
Verification Plan
     Calibrate seam micrometer            Every 6 months
     Calibrate pH Meter                   Everyday before operation
     Calibrate Thermometer                Every 3 months
     Calibrate Timer                      Every month
     Refresh Training operator @ CCP      Every year
     External lab for inspection finish   Every year
     Internal audit GMP/HACCP             Every 6 months
     External lab for inspection WATER    Every year
     Verified HACCP Documents             Every year or Anytime that
     (From step 1 – step 12)              production line/Ingredient was
Thank you for your
     attention ka/krub


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Haccp of pineapple canned in syrup

  • 1. HACCP for Fruit Processing Case study: Canned Pineapple sliced in syrup By Ms.Atcharaporn Khoomtong st113172 FEBT
  • 2. 12 Steps of HACCP  Assemble HACCP Team  Describe Product  Identify the intended use  Construct flow diagram  On-site confirmation of flow diagram  Conduct a hazard analysis.  Identify critical control points.  Establish critical limits for each critical control point.  Establish critical control point monitoring requirements.  Establish corrective actions.  Establish record keeping procedures.  Establish procedures for verifying the HACCP system is working as intended. 2
  • 3. Assemble HACCP team HACCP Team Leader HACCP Team 3
  • 4. Establish HACCP Team Name Position/Department Experience Mr. ABM Production Manager B.Sc Food Technology (HACCP Team leader) GMP,HACCP Miss FEBT Quality Assurance B.Sc Food Science Manager GMP,HACCP Mrs.SET Assistant Manager of B.Sc Food Science Research Development GMP,HACCP Mr.SERD Engineering Supervisor B.Sc Food Technology GMP,HACCP Mrs.SET Purchasing Manager Bachelor degree Marketing GMP,HACCP 4
  • 5. Product Description and Intended Use Product name Canned pineapple in syrup Important product characteristic Sliced pineapple ,added syrup Brix of product 14-18 , (aw, pH, etc.) Commercial sterilize, pH not more than 4.2,No pathogenic Bacteria, The color of the product shall be normal for the varietal type How is it to be used Ready to eat Packaging The product is packed in tin can* size A2(20 oz) , end coated with lacquer place in corrugated carton, sealed with PP tape and strapped with plastic strapped. Shelf life 3 years from production date in original pack at mentioned storage condition. Storage * mean"Tin" cans are made of tinplate (tin-coated room Note Store in dry condition at 5 steel). temperature 25- 30 C In some locations, cans made of aluminum are called
  • 6. Product Description and Intended Use Where will it be sold foreign market Labeling instructions name or trademark identifying a product , manufacturer, lot, manufacture date, expiry date, ingredient, Drained Weight in grams, Net Weight Target group of customers Food industry and General consumer. Intended use Food industry and General consumer. Distribution Control Keep the product in dry place during distribution, storage and handling. 6 Con’
  • 8. Raw Material and Ingredient Raw appearanc storage package size material/ e Ingredients Pineapple Fresh, whol Room temp. - - e Not more than 2 days Sugar Crystals,wh Dry@Room PE bag 50 ite temp. Kgs 2 years Citric acid Crystals,wh Dry@Room PE bag 50 ite temp. Kgs 2 years 8
  • 9. Hazard occurence in process step / Environment of Production Biological Chemical Physical Pathogenic Bacteria From Raw material - Wood : Bacillus cereus - Herbicide - Metal : Salmonella Spp. - Heavy metal - Plastic : E.coli - Nitrate - Sand : Coliform bacteria -From Equipment - Jewelry : Staphylococcus -Lubricant - Glass aureus -From Tin cans : Clostridium botulinum -Tin : Clostridium -Lacquer Perfringens -Rusty : Flat Sour group - From Sanitizing : Aciduric spoilage Chemical group :Detergent :Chlorine Yeast & Mold : Sodium hydroxide : Nitric acid 9
  • 10. Flow diagram CCP 1 10
  • 11. CCP Flow diagram 2 CCP 3 CCP 4 CCP 5 CCP6 , CCP7 Con ’ 11
  • 12. 12 Decision tree
  • 13. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 1 BIO. Receiving Salmonella spp., Approve supplier list ;Raw Pineapple Material Specification & E. coli, Clostridium Record Perfringens Staphylococcus aureus, Exist: from rotten fruit, Fertilizer Y N Y Y N (plantation) Truck inspection & Record Pathogenic bacteria & Yeast &Mold Contamination: From trucks Con CHEM. ’ Herbicide Contamination: Approve supplier list (GAP), Fertilizer & 13
  • 14. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes Hazards 1 CHEM. CON’ and Control Fertilizer & Chemical Control Process Receiving Nitrate Y N Y Y N possibl measur Record Nitrate Inspection Q3 Pineapple Contamination: Q1 Q2 Q4 step e es From plantation causes Oil & Lubricant Raw Material Specification, Y N N - N Contamination: Record Oil & Lubricant From trucks Contamination PHYS. Wood, Sand Raw Material Y N N - N Contamination: Specification, Record From Supplier Foreign Matter Con ’ 14
  • 15. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 2 Sorting BIO. Pathogenic bacteria Cleaning Program & Record Y N Y Y N & Yeast &Mold Contamination: From Equipment CHEM. Lubricant Preventive Maintenance, Contamination: Check Lubricant From machine Contamination Y N N - N Sanitizing chemical Cleaning Program & Contamination: Record, Chemical From cleaning Residual PHYS. No perceived - - - Con - - - hazard ’ 15
  • 16. HACCP Analysis 16 Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 3 BIO. Washing E. coli, Coliform Water Treatment Control & Y N Y Y N (Residual bacteria Record Cl2 20-40 Contamination: ppm.) From Water Y N Y Y N Pathogenic Change water (over flow or bacteria GROWTH drain every hour) :From dirty water collect CHEM. High chlorine Water Treatment Control Y N N - N Contamination: & Record From Water treatment Cleaning Program Y N N - N Sanitizing chemical &Record, Contamination: Chemical Residual From cleaning
  • 17. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 4 BIO. Grading Pathogenic Cleaning Program & Record, Y N Y Y N Sanitation Inspection Record bacteria & Yeast &Mold Contamination: From Equipment (Grader) CHEM. Lubricant Preventive Maintenance, Y N N - N Contamination: Check Lubricant From machine Contamination PHYS. No perceived - - - - - - hazard Con ’ 17
  • 18. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 5 Peeling BIO. Pathogenic Cleaning Program & Y N Y Y N Sanitation Inspection Record bacteria & Swab Test Program & Yeast &Mold Record Contamination: From Equipment (GINAGA) CHEM. Lubricant Preventive Maintenance, Y N N - N Contamination: Check Lubricant From machine Contamination PHYS. Metal fragments Preventive Maintenance, Y N Y Y N Contamination: : From Equipment Record Con (GINAGA) ’ 18
  • 19. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 6 BIO. Trimming Pathogenic Cleaning Program & Y N Y Y N Sanitation Inspection Record bacteria & Swab Test Program & Yeast &Mold Record Contamination: From Equipment (TRIMMER) Y N Y Y N E. coli, Coliform Personal Hygiene & Record, bacteria,Staphyloc Swab Test Program & Record occus aureus Contamination: From Workers CHEM. Sanitizing Cleaning Program & Y N N - N chemical Record, Chemical Contamination: Residual From cleaning 19
  • 20. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 6 PHYS. Trimming Metal fragments Preventive Maintenance, Y N Y Y N CON’ Contamination from machine (TRIMMER) Personal Hygiene & Record, Y N N - N Jewelry Contamination: From Workers Y N N - N Glass control Glass Contamination: From Light bulbs Con 20 ’
  • 21. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 7 Slicing BIO. (SLICER) Pathogenic Cleaning Program & Y N Y Y N bacteria & Sanitation Inspection Yeast &Mold Record Contamination: Swab Test Program & From Equipment Record (SLICER) Y N Y Y N E. coli, Coliform bacteria,Staphyloc Personal Hygiene & occus aureus Record, Contamination: Swab Test Program & From Workers Record CHEM. Sanitizing Cleaning Program & Y N N - N chemical Record, Chemical Contamination: Residual 21 From cleaning
  • 22. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 7 Slicing CHEM. (SLICER) Lubricant Preventive Maintenance, Y N N - N CON’ Check Lubricant Contamination: Contamination From machine PHYS. Metal fragments Preventive Maintenance, Y N Y Y N Contamination from machine (Knife) Personal Hygiene & Y N N - N Jewelry Record, Contamination: From Workers Con 22 ’
  • 23. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 8 Filling BIO. Pathogenic Cleaning Program & Y N Y Y N into bacteria & Sanitation Inspection cans Record Yeast &Mold Contamination: Swab Test Program & From Equipment Record (BELT CONVEYER / FILLER) Y N Y Y N E. coli, Coliform Personal Hygiene & bacteria,Staphyloc Record, occus aureus Swab Test Program & Contamination: Record From Workers CHEM. Sanitizing Cleaning Program & Y N N - N chemical Record, Chemical 23 Contamination: Residual
  • 24. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 8 Filling PHYS. into cans Jewelry Personal Hygiene & Y N N - N CON’ Contamination: Record, From Workers Glass Glass control Y N N - N Contamination: From Light bulbs Con 24 ’
  • 25. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 9 BIO. Receiving Bacillus spp. & Approve supplier list ; Y N Y Y N Tin Cans MOLD EXIST Empty Can Inspection & Record Bacillus spp. & Y Y - - CCP MOLD, E. coli, Empty Can Inspection 1 Coliform (Tear down & Visual Staphylococcus Seam) aureus Recontaminatio n From Double seam defect (supplier) CHEM. Con Oil & Lubricant Approve supplier list , Y N N - N ’ Contamination: From machine Oil & Lubricant Contaminate Inspection 25
  • 26. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 9 PHYS. Receiving Metal fragments Foreign Matter Y N N - N Tin Cans Contamination: Contamination Inspection CON’ From TIN Plate Con 26 ’
  • 27. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 10 BIO. Washing Pest Pest Control & Record Y N Y Y N Contamination: Can storage E. coli, Coliform Water Treatment Control & Y N Y Y N Contamination Record From Water CHEM. Rusty can Water Treatment Control Y N N - N Contamination & Record High Chlorine Concentration Con PHYS. No perceived - - - - - -27 ’ hazard
  • 28. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 11 Water BIO. E. coli, Coliform Water Treatment Control & Y N Y Y N Record Contamination From Water CHEM. High Chlorine Water Treatment Control Y N N - N Concentration: & Record From Over f eeded Cl2 water PHYS. No perceived - - - - - - hazard Con ’ 28
  • 29. HACCP Analysis Hazards and Process possible Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step causes 12 Added BIO. Syrup Clostridium Packing Media Control (pH) & Y Y - - CCP (Packing Record 2 media) botulinum GROWTH From : High pH Cleaning Program & Y N Y Y Pathogenic Sanitation Inspection N bacteria Record Yeast &Mold Swab Test Program & Contamination: Record From Equipment CHEM. Sanitizing Cleaning Program & Y N N - N chemical Record, Chemical Contamination: Residual From cleaning 29 PHYS.
  • 30. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 13 BIO. Exhaustin Bacillus cereus, Initial Temperature Y Y - - CCP3 g Bacillus coagurans Control & Record SURVIVAL Flat sour group, Aciduric Spoilage group From Low initial temperature CHEM. Sanitizing chemical Cleaning Program & Y N N - N Contamination: Record, Chemical From cleaning Residual PHYS. No perceived - - - - - - hazard Con ’ 30
  • 31. HACCP Analysis Proces Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N s step possible causes 14 BIO. Seaming E. coli, Coliform Tare down & down visual Y Y - - CCP4 bacteria, seam inspection & record Staphylococcus aureus Recontamination From Double seam defect CHEM. Sanitizing chemical Cleaning Program & Y N N - N Contamination: Record From cleaning Oil & Lubricant Y N N - N Contamination: Preventive Maintenance, From machine( Check Lubricant SEAMER ) Contamination Con PHYS. ’ 31
  • 32. HACCP Analysis Proces Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N s step possible causes 15 BIO. Cooking Bacillus cereus, Cooking water temp.& Y Y - - CCP5 Bacillus coagurans cooking time Flat sour group, Aciduric Spoilage group SURVIVAL From Inadequate temperature & Time cooking CHEM. No perceived - - - - - - hazard PHYS. No perceived - - - - Con - - hazard ’ 32
  • 33. HACCP Analysis Proces Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N s step possible causes 16 BIO. Cooling E. coli, Coliform Residual chlorine control Y N Y N CCP6 bacteria, in cooling water (Not less Recontamination than 0.2 ppm) & record From Cooling water Center Can Temperature Y N Y N CCP7 Bacillus cereus, After Cooling control & Bacillus coagurans Record Flat sour group, Aciduric Spoilage group SURVIVAL From High CCT. After cooling CHEM. No perceived - - - - - - hazard Con PHYS. ’ 33 No perceived - - - - - -
  • 34. HACCP Analysis Proces Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N s step possible causes 17 BIO. Storage No perceived - - - - - - hazard CHEM. High TIN content Tin Content Y N N - N not more than 200 Specification & Record ppm Check before loading Shelf life not more than 3 years. PHYS. No perceived - - - - - - hazard Con ’ 34
  • 35. HACCP Analysis Proces Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N s step possible causes 18 BIO. Labeling Pathogenic bacteria Label inspection& record Y N N - N Growth and labeling & casing :From shelf life inspection product more than shelf show in label CHEM. High TIN content labeling & casing Y N N - N not more than 200 inspection ppm PHYS. No perceived - - - - - - hazard 35
  • 36. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 19 BIO. Receiving No perceived - - - - - - Citric hazard acid CHEM. Impurity Approve supplier list , (Heavy metal) Analysis heavy metal Y N N - N Contamination from supplier, COA (Certificate of authentic) PHYS. Wood, Sand Citric Acid Inspection Y N N - N Contamination: (Foreign Matter)& Record From Supplier 36
  • 37. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 20 BIO. Unloading Pathogenic Cleaning Program & Y N Y Y N bacteria &Yeast Sanitation Inspection &Mold Record Contamination: Swab Test Program & From Equipment Record E. coli, Coliform Y N Y Y N bacteria,Staphyloc Personal Hygiene & occus aureus Record, Contamination: Swab Test Program & From Workers Record CHEM. Sanitizing chemical Cleaning Program & Y N N - N Contamination: Record, Chemical From cleaning Residual 37
  • 38. HACCP Analysis Hazards and Process possible Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step causes 20 PHYS. Unloading Jewelry Personal Hygiene & Y N N - N CON’ Contamination: Record, From Workers Plastic Preventive Maintenance, Y N N - N Contamination: From Citric acid Strainer bags Con 38 ’
  • 39. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 21 BIO. Receiving No perceived - - - - - - Sugar hazard CHEM. Impurity (Heavy Approve supplier list , metal) Analysis heavy metal Contamination from supplier, Y N N - N COA(Certificate of authentic) PHYS. Wood, Sand Citric Acid Inspection Y N N - N Contamination: (Foreign Matter)& From Supplier Record 39
  • 40. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 22 BIO. Unloading Pathogenic Cleaning Program & Y N Y Y N bacteria &Yeast Sanitation Inspection &Mold Record Contamination: Swab Test Program & From Equipment Record E. coli, Coliform Y N Y Y N bacteria,Staphyloc Personal Hygiene & occus aureus Record, Contamination: Swab Test Program & From Workers Record CHEM. Sanitizing chemical Cleaning Program & Y N N - N Contamination: Record, Chemical From cleaning Residual 40
  • 41. HACCP Analysis Hazards and Process possible Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step causes 22 PHYS. Unloading Jewelry Personal Hygiene & Y N N - N CON’ Contamination: Record, From Workers Plastic Y N N - N Contamination: Preventive Maintenance, From Sugar bags Strainer Con 41 ’
  • 42. HACCP Analysis Process Hazards and Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step possible causes 23 BIO. Mixing& Clostridium Packing Media Control Y N Y Y N Heating botulinum (pH) & Record GROWTH Contamination: From HIGH pH Cleaning Program & Pathogenic Sanitation Inspection Y N Y Y N bacteria &Yeast Record &Mold Swab Test Program & Contamination: Record From Equipment CHEM. Sanitizing chemical Cleaning Program, Y N N - N Contamination: Check Chemical From cleaning Residual 42
  • 43. HACCP Analysis Hazards and Process possible Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step causes 23 Mixing& PHYS. Heating Plastic Preventive Strainer & Y N N - N CON’ Contamination: Check Strainer From Sugar and Citric acid bags Con 43 ’
  • 44. HACCP Analysis Hazards and Process possible Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step causes 24 BIO. Filtering Pathogenic Cleaning Program & Y N Y Y N bacteria Sanitation Inspection Yeast &Mold Record Contamination: Swab Test Program & From Equipment Record CHEM. Sanitizing Cleaning Program & Y N N - N chemical Record, Chemical Contamination: Residual From cleaning PHYS. Metal fragments Preventive Strainer & Y N N - N Contamination: Check Strainer From strainer 44
  • 45. HACCP Analysis Hazards and Process possible Control measures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N step causes 25 BIO. Syrup Pathogenic Cleaning Program & Y N Y Y N storage bacteria &Yeast Sanitation Inspection &Mold Record Contamination: Swab Test Program & From Equipment Record Pathogenic Y N Y Y N bacteria &Yeast Delay time control &Mold (not more than 8 hrs) Contamination: From Delay time CHEM. Sanitizing Cleaning Program & Y N N - N chemical Record, Chemical Contamination: Residual 45 From cleaning PHYS.
  • 46. HACCP Plan CCP1: Step 9 Receiving Tin Cans Process Hazard Critical Control Monitoring Corrective/ step limit measures method Preventive Action Receiving BIO: Not found Empty can WHAT: DURING Tin Cans Bacillus Critical&maj (Visual Critical&majo PROCESS spp. & or seam r LINE: Reject MOLD, E. Defect inspection Defect seam WHO: coli, seam ) QA . Coliform (Visual HOW : Supervisor Staphylococ seam) Visual cus aureus external Recontami seam FINISHED nation inspection PRODUCT From PRODUCT: Double WHEN: Hold seam defect every lot (Sorting (supplier) 100%) Con WHERE: Incoming WHO: ’ area QA . 46
  • 47. HACCP Plan CCP 2: Step 12 Added Syrup (Packing media) Process Hazard Critical Control Monitoring Corrective/ step limit measures method Preventive Action Added BIO: pH not more pH Meter WHAT: pH DURING Clostridium than 4.2 (Check pH PROCESS Syrup (Packing botulinum Eqilibrium HOW :Check LINE: Adjust pH pH Eqilibrium WHO: operator media) growth product) product From: High FINISHED pH WHEN: First PRODUCT time,every PRODUCT: Hold code,every (Incubation 14 hour Days) WHERE: WHO: Packing QA . Supervisor media inspection area Con WHO: ’ QA . 47
  • 48. HACCP Plan CCP3: Step 13 Exhausting Process step Hazard Critical limit Control Monitoring Corrective/ measures method Preventive Action Exhausting BIO: Can Check WHAT: initial FIRST Bacillus size<A10 initial temperature OPERATION cereus, not less temperatu LINE: until HOW :Check Bacillus than 60 ˚C re before reach temp initial required and coagurans seaming temperature recheck SURVIVAL Note before WHO: Flat sour (A2 =20 oz.) seaming production line group, WHEN: First DURING Aciduric time,every PROCESS Spoilage code,every LINE: stop group 30 Mins process until From Low WHERE: reach temp initial Packing required and temperature media stop cooking inspection time area FINISHED Con WHO: PRODUCT ’ PRODUCT: Hold QA . 48 (Incubation 14 Inspector
  • 49. HACCP Plan CCP4: Step 14 Seaming Process Hazard Critical Control Monitoring Corrective/ step limit measures method Preventive Action Seaming BIO. Not found Empty can WHAT: DURING E. coli, Critical&major (Visual Critical&major PROCESS Coliform Defect seam seam Defect seam LINE: bacteria, (Visual seam) inspection) stor&seamer Staphylococc HOW : adjust us aureus Visual WHO:Operator/ Recontamin external Mechanic ation seam From Double inspection FINISHED seam defect PRODUCT WHEN: PRODUCT: Every 30 Hold (Sorting mins 100%) Operating seamer for WHO: visual check QA . Supervisor Con WHERE: Seamer area ’ WHO: 49
  • 50. CCP5: Step 15 Cooking HACCP Plan Process step Hazard Critical limit Control Monitoring Corrective/ measures method Preventive Action Cooking BIO: Temp not less Temperatur WHAT: DURING Bacillus than 97˚C e recorder Cooking PROCESS cereus, A2 >20 min (Check water LINE: stop Bacillus temperature temperature process until coagurans Commercial (MIG)and reach temp Flat sour Sterilization Cooking time required and group, ) HOW :Check stop cooking Aciduric temperature time Spoilage Check time Commercial WHO: operator/ group control Sterilization QA . Supervisor SURVIVAL From WHEN: FINISHED Inadequate every 30 PRODUCT temperature Mins PRODUCT: & Time (T)(productn Hold cooking line) /every 1 (Incubation 14 hour(T) Days) (QA line) Con WHERE: WHO: ’ Cooking area QA . Supervisor 50 WHO:
  • 51. HACCP Plan CCP6: Step 16 Cooling Process Hazard Critical Control Monitoring Corrective/ step limit measures method Preventive Action Cooling BIO. Residual Chlorine WHAT: DURING E. coli, Chlorine not test Residual PROCESS Coliform less than 0.2 kit(LOVIBON) Chlorine in LINE: bacteria, ppm cooling water Adjust Residual Recontamin Chlorine until ation HOW :Check required From Cooling Residual (minimum water Chlorine 0.2ppm) WHO: operator WHEN: every 2 hours by FINISHED cooker PRODUCT PRODUCT: WHERE: Hold Cooker area (Incubation 14 Days) Con WHO: QA . WHO: ’ Inspector &productn 51 QA . Supervisor
  • 52. HACCP Plan CCP7: Step 16 Cooling Process Hazard Critical Control Monitoring Corrective/ step limit measures method Preventive Action Cooling BIO: CCT not Center WHAT: DURING Bacillus more can CCT after PROCESS cereus, than45˚C temperatu cooling LINE: Bacillus re Increasing coagurans inspection HOW flow rate of Flat sour after :Check cooling water group, cooling CCT after WHO: Aciduric (CCT) cooling operator Spoilage group WHEN: FINISHED SURVIVAL every 4 PRODUCT From High hours by PRODUCT: CCT. cooker Hold After (Incubation 14 Con cooling WHERE: Days) Cooker ’ area WHO: 52
  • 53. Verification Plan Calibrate seam micrometer Every 6 months Calibrate pH Meter Everyday before operation Calibrate Thermometer Every 3 months Calibrate Timer Every month Refresh Training operator @ CCP Every year point External lab for inspection finish Every year product Internal audit GMP/HACCP Every 6 months External lab for inspection WATER Every year Verified HACCP Documents Every year or Anytime that (From step 1 – step 12) production line/Ingredient was changed) 53
  • 54. Thank you for your attention ka/krub 54