Money is defined as a current medium of exchange like coins and banknotes, as well as the assets and resources owned by someone. Money is needed for daily living expenses, relationships, and life plans. It affects standards of living, health, education, and self-esteem. Money functions as a lubricant and power in society, and brings freedom and status. Like oil, it can move resources to where they are needed. People are either spenders who lack regard for the future or savers who are shrewd investors and goal-setters. Proper money management is important for success through life's stages of dependence, independence and responsibility.
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How Important Money is?
2. Money is the
“current medium of
exchange in form of coins
and banknotes; coins and
banknotes collectively”.
Money also means
“the assets, property or
resources owned by
someone or something;
3. $ For your daily living: food,
clothing, shelter, etc.
$ For your relationships.
$ To fit properly into your plans.
$ Money affects our standard of
living, health, and education
$ For your self-esteem.
4. Money as Lubricant
Money as Power
Money brings Freedom.
Money as “TIME”
Money as “STATUS”
5. Keeps the wheels of commerce turning.
Keeps the Flow of interacting lives working as a
smooth machine.
Like oil, can be moved where it is needed.
12. ** Stage of Dependence
** Stage of Independence
** Stage of Responsibilty
There is the need for you to lay the right kind of
foundation for your future success.
Money management skills are important for your
success in all three stages, especially the last two.
14. SPENDERS ---
Have itching hands.
- They spend their money
and want to spend
other people’s money also.
- They have little practical
regard for tomorrow
and its demands.
- They are familiar with
begging and begging tricks!
- Spenders spend until they
are spent.
15. SAVERS ---
Are shrewd.
Are builders.
Are investors.
Are self-motivated and
Are business-conscious.
Are goal-setters.
W. Clement Stone said: “If you
cannot save money, then the seeds
of greatness
are not in you.”
17. Educating Yourself About
1. Money Management
1.1 Set Goals
1.2 Get Organized
1.3 Track Spending
1.4 Build a Budget
1.5 Save Money
2. Earning more money will not make you rich!