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White Paper On Education
1) The founder of Pakistan QUAID-E-AZAM MUHAMMAD ALI
JINNAH realized early that the future of this nation depends on
knowledge through education.
2) Periodically, the State of Pakistan tried to address the educational
needs of the people in this regard, in 1947, 1951, 1959, 1969, 1970,
1972, 1979, 1992,1998 and so on.
3) But the educational needs of the people were not fulfilled properly
because these noble ideas of development in educational system
were not more than a failure because of two reasons,
i. Firstly, there were no genuine goals to achieve through education.
ii. Secondly, the strategies and plans developed to achieve the policy
goals were unrealistic and did not have the resources required to
achieve these targets.
4) Historically, we have failed to realize that education is both for
development and for social justice and there is no choice between
these two objectives.
5) All the educational policies lacked uniformity (regularity).
6) They did not have formal oversight and monitoring of implementation
of the policy.
7) Achieved progress irregularly and were personality driven.
• Knowledge is the main driver of progress and advancement of
• Knowledge adds value to life of an individual and a society.
• Knowledge in itself, is the aim of education.
• External agendas should not pale pursuit of education into the
• A dynamic (powerful) doctrine of social behavior to provide the
ideological basis for the Education Policy.
• Dogmas (a religious doctrine without proof), obscurantism (opposition to
spread of knowledge) anything anti-change should not influence the
mind of the learner.
• Concrete goals and targets – rather then abstract wish lists – should be
the the purpose of education.
 In 2005, it was decided to review the National Education Policy to
achieve targets of human development, set by the Government of
Pakistan and to achieve various targets in the field of education, to
reduce conflicts and achieve knowledge based individuals to realize
his or her innate (in born) potential fully.
 Federal Ministry of Education distinguishes itself from efforts of
educational (public policy) making in Pakistan. White Paper
document is also due to their genuine contribution.
 According to this document Islamic education is must for ethical
development of students.
 It does not and should not impinge (advance beyond the usual limit)
upon pursuit of knowledge both for individual and social development.
• Education for All a guaranteed fundamental right under Article 37(2)
of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
• Though Education is a subject but educational policy formulation
has to be nationally determined, developed and owned.
• A National Policy formulation will always need to be moderated at
the federal level.
• No standardized and agreed format for policy making in the education
sector, all previous 9 documents followed varied methodologies.
• The revised National Education Policy to be presented to the
competent forums for final approval.
Stage I: Diagnostic:
􀂃 Literature Review
􀂃 Green Papers
􀂃 Research Studies
􀂃 District Consultations
􀂃 Education Conferences (National/Provincial/Area Governments)
Stage II: Prescriptive:
􀂃 Issue-based Consultations
􀂃 Organization-based Consultations
􀂃 Coordination with Development Partners
􀂃 Thematic Papers
Stage III: Policy Development:
􀂃 The White Paper (December 2006)
􀂃 The White Paper (Revised- February 2007)
􀂃 The Policy Paper
􀂃 Strategy/strategies
􀂃 Implementation Plans
The White Paper has been developed:
• In view of the socio-economic development policies of the state and
international obligations through a evolutionary & participatory approach
• With the help of public and institutional incisive(ability to recognize)
reflective views gained through a broad participatory process
• Based on commonalities of views, reflective of hopes of the people
& views of experts for every sub-sector of education
• With an educational policy that is philosophical & thematic, not
sectoral (about particular aspect of life)
• Proposing a number of policy options for debate and discussion; to
be accepted, modified or discarded
• With feedback on the White Paper organized in the revised paper to
ensure Stakeholders influence the final policy document
• To set a representative for a continued dialogue amongst all
stakeholders in a reform process
1. Governance and Management
2. Quality
3. Equity
4. Access
5. Relevance
6. Religious Education
7. Linkages with Principal Social Issues
8. Education in Emergencies
Recognizing education as a right of the citizen, it is the
aim of the state of Pakistan to provide equal and ample
opportunity to all its citizens to realize their full
potential as individuals and citizens through an education
that enriches the individual with values/ skills preparing
him/her for life, livelihood and nation building.
The education system should raise highly knowledgeable, skillful
productive, creative and confident individuals who have advanced
reasoning and perception of problem solving skills; are committed to
democratic values and human rights; are open to new ideas; have a
sense of personal responsibility; are committed to moral values; have
assimilated the national cultures; are able to tolerate differences in
opinion, faith and culture; have empathy towards all of humanity;
and can participate in the productive activities in society for the
common good using Social and Physical Sciences and Technology.
• To establish an education specific Committee of the Cabinet to formalize
Education related policy initiatives within the federal government.
• Roles and Responsibilities of the Federal Ministry of Education and
the sub-national governments be agreed through a national mechanism and
must be reflected in the respective Rules.
• The distribution between the provincial and district governments must be
thematic or functional rather than administrative as under the present system.
• An inter provincial mechanism for national management of broader policy
issues of education be institutionalized through the apex body
i.e. “Inter provincial Education Minister’s Conference”.
• The process for review of the National Education Policy must be
standardized. The framework must ensure that it is:
• Demand driven and has equal role for all federating units.
• It is transparent with involvement of as many stakeholders as possible.
• Amendments in any extant policy be made only after approval of the Inter
provincial Education Minister’s Conference.
• Develop an integrated, country wide, Management Information
System, at all levels of educational management.
• A minimum investment of 4% of GDP be equitably distributed
amongst all provinces/ area governments. Federal and provincial
governments should be encouraged to legislate minimum levels of
investment in education to make it administratively binding upon
successive governments to continue pursuing these goals.
• Educational financing 6% of GDP (gross domestic product measure
of an economy) by 2015 Enhanced utilization capacity must precede
higher investment.
• Legislation should be encouraged to pursue accountability and
transparency in the administration of education, separating it from
government’s general mechanism of accountability and to ensure
ready remedies from corruption and political interference.
• District Education Boards be created to evaluate current needs of
the district and be responsible for community based oversight.
• Establish twelve years of schooling.
• National education quality standards to ensure provision of standards of quality
of content, instruction, environment and assessment to all schools.
• Uniform Curriculum for public and private schools should be a clear goal and
mandatory for all institutions leading to certifications and degrees originating in
Pakistan. This curriculum must be incrementally raised to the highest
international standards, preferably by 2015, to obviate (eliminate) the need for
studies in Pakistan leading to foreign certifications.
• National Education Quality Standards Organization should be established
forthwith. It should develop a National Testing System.
• A uniform assessment system in country up to Class XII should be a medium
term goal.
• Textbook development should be carefully structured and the process should
include subject specialists, teachers and managers.
• After 2010, every teacher in the country should be placed in a minimum of BS-16
irrespective of his/her level of teaching.
• A teacher should have the legitimate expectation of rising up to at least BS 20,
based on his/her qualification and performance,irrespective of the class a teacher
• A law for free and compulsory education up to Class-X must be enacted by each
province. Access to Education should be Equal & Equitable. Imbalances in
Gender, Economic and Geographical differences must be addressed.
• Early Childhood Education age group be recognized as 3-5 years and one year
pre-primary education be universally provided by the State with a provision of
separate budget, and separate teachers and assistants.
• Primary education official age group be redefined as 6-10 years.
• Free, universal and compulsory education must be provided up to Class-X in a
predictable time frame to be prepared matching the streams of financial
investment that can be made available to this sector or which must be made
available to this sector. It should be no later than by 2020.
• In the Higher Secondary Classes i.e. Classes-XI & XII there should be the
elective streams of humanities and social sciences, and natural sciences in the
secondary schools and separate diploma awarding Higher Secondary
Schools/Polytechnics for technical and vocational education established on
identified need basis.
• The present initiatives of HEC should continue transparently and fairly
and greater investment in higher education may rise to 18% of education
financing with a total investment of 4% of GDP in education by 2010-11
and rising to around 24% of expenditure on education with total
investment in education reaching 6% of GDP by 2015.
• Higher education should not be over subsidized (support from public
• The role of education in Social Sciences in reducing conflicts from
society must be recognized and emphasized (stress upon).
• Institutional linkage with industry be created at the national and
sub-national levels to link specific industry associations with educational
institutions actively.
• A National Institute for Training & Research in Adult Literacy and Non
formal Basic Education be established with Literacy Resource Centres at
provincial and district levels.
• The popular demand for teaching in the mother tongue should be
balanced against the lack of economic prospects associated with
mother tongue proficiency.
• Medium of instruction for the first three years of the child’s
education should be the mother tongue wherever possible.
Special budgetary provisions for teaching in the mother tongue,
including learning materials, teacher education, assessment options
and approaches should be immediately initiated.
• A National Languages Commission may be established to help in
operating policy option and cater to the demand of development of
regional languages.
• At the primary level the courses should cater to the requirements of the
specific culture/province. Introduction to diversity should be left for later
classes. Lessons should be about local issues, personalities, etc that are
familiar to the students as well their parents.
• English should be made a compulsory subject, starting from Class I, in
all public schools. Such compulsory education of English should only
start after suitably qualified and appropriately trained teachers for
English language are available to staff positions in all primary schools
of the country to ensure that the benefit is assured to all the citizens, and
not just the elite.
• Technical education must be introduced at the secondary level.
• Secondary Education and Higher Secondary education should be taken
as one composite sub-sector and the separations removed preferably in no
more than the next five years.
• Higher education should continue with its investment in applied
sciences and research in pure sciences.
• The planners must capture the opportunities offered by ICT in improving
the quality and quantity inputs in the education system.
• Sectarianism
• Population growth
• Health
• Democracy
• Environment
• Islamic values must determine the education policy with special
provisions for Minorities.
 Islamic Education:
• Must cater to the needs of the modern Muslim interpreting the letter of
the law without disturbing the spirit of the religion.
• Must be compelled by individual and social needs.
• To inculcate in the Muslim child the Muslim value system between
Classes I to V & Class-VI onwards formal instructions in Islamic
practices, which are common to all Muslim beliefs.
• Ethics for Non Muslims: courses in values/morals drawn from
recognized sources should substitute Islamic Studies at all compulsory
Public-private partnership be developed in:
• Higher Education/Technical and Vocational Education
• Monitoring and Quality Assurance/School Inspection
• Professional Development
• Assessment and Evaluation System
• Inclusive/Special Education
• School Education in areas where satisfactory private
sector infrastructure exists- Fee vouchers

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White Paper On Education

  • 4. BACKGROUND OF WHITE PAPER 1) The founder of Pakistan QUAID-E-AZAM MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH realized early that the future of this nation depends on knowledge through education. 2) Periodically, the State of Pakistan tried to address the educational needs of the people in this regard, in 1947, 1951, 1959, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1979, 1992,1998 and so on. 3) But the educational needs of the people were not fulfilled properly because these noble ideas of development in educational system were not more than a failure because of two reasons, i. Firstly, there were no genuine goals to achieve through education. ii. Secondly, the strategies and plans developed to achieve the policy goals were unrealistic and did not have the resources required to achieve these targets. 4) Historically, we have failed to realize that education is both for development and for social justice and there is no choice between these two objectives.
  • 5. CONTINUE…. 5) All the educational policies lacked uniformity (regularity). 6) They did not have formal oversight and monitoring of implementation of the policy. 7) Achieved progress irregularly and were personality driven.
  • 6. OVER VIEW • Knowledge is the main driver of progress and advancement of civilization. • Knowledge adds value to life of an individual and a society. • Knowledge in itself, is the aim of education. • External agendas should not pale pursuit of education into the background. • A dynamic (powerful) doctrine of social behavior to provide the ideological basis for the Education Policy. • Dogmas (a religious doctrine without proof), obscurantism (opposition to spread of knowledge) anything anti-change should not influence the mind of the learner. • Concrete goals and targets – rather then abstract wish lists – should be the the purpose of education.
  • 7. POLICY  In 2005, it was decided to review the National Education Policy to achieve targets of human development, set by the Government of Pakistan and to achieve various targets in the field of education, to reduce conflicts and achieve knowledge based individuals to realize his or her innate (in born) potential fully.  Federal Ministry of Education distinguishes itself from efforts of educational (public policy) making in Pakistan. White Paper document is also due to their genuine contribution.  According to this document Islamic education is must for ethical development of students.  It does not and should not impinge (advance beyond the usual limit) upon pursuit of knowledge both for individual and social development.
  • 8. CONTINUE…. • Education for All a guaranteed fundamental right under Article 37(2) of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. • Though Education is a subject but educational policy formulation has to be nationally determined, developed and owned. • A National Policy formulation will always need to be moderated at the federal level. • No standardized and agreed format for policy making in the education sector, all previous 9 documents followed varied methodologies. • The revised National Education Policy to be presented to the competent forums for final approval.
  • 9. METHODOLOGY Stage I: Diagnostic: 􀂃 Literature Review 􀂃 Green Papers 􀂃 Research Studies 􀂃 District Consultations 􀂃 Education Conferences (National/Provincial/Area Governments) Stage II: Prescriptive: 􀂃 Issue-based Consultations 􀂃 Organization-based Consultations 􀂃 Coordination with Development Partners 􀂃 Thematic Papers Stage III: Policy Development: 􀂃 The White Paper (December 2006) 􀂃 The White Paper (Revised- February 2007) 􀂃 The Policy Paper 􀂃 Strategy/strategies 􀂃 Implementation Plans
  • 10. HIGLIGHTS OF THE WHITE PAPER The White Paper has been developed: • In view of the socio-economic development policies of the state and international obligations through a evolutionary & participatory approach • With the help of public and institutional incisive(ability to recognize) reflective views gained through a broad participatory process • Based on commonalities of views, reflective of hopes of the people & views of experts for every sub-sector of education • With an educational policy that is philosophical & thematic, not sectoral (about particular aspect of life) • Proposing a number of policy options for debate and discussion; to be accepted, modified or discarded • With feedback on the White Paper organized in the revised paper to ensure Stakeholders influence the final policy document • To set a representative for a continued dialogue amongst all stakeholders in a reform process
  • 11. THEMES DISCUSSED IN THE WHITE PAPER 1. Governance and Management 2. Quality 3. Equity 4. Access 5. Relevance 6. Religious Education 7. Linkages with Principal Social Issues 8. Education in Emergencies
  • 12. VISION Recognizing education as a right of the citizen, it is the aim of the state of Pakistan to provide equal and ample opportunity to all its citizens to realize their full potential as individuals and citizens through an education that enriches the individual with values/ skills preparing him/her for life, livelihood and nation building.
  • 13. PURPOSE OF EDUCATION The education system should raise highly knowledgeable, skillful productive, creative and confident individuals who have advanced reasoning and perception of problem solving skills; are committed to democratic values and human rights; are open to new ideas; have a sense of personal responsibility; are committed to moral values; have assimilated the national cultures; are able to tolerate differences in opinion, faith and culture; have empathy towards all of humanity; and can participate in the productive activities in society for the common good using Social and Physical Sciences and Technology.
  • 15. GOVERNANCE & MANAGMENT • To establish an education specific Committee of the Cabinet to formalize Education related policy initiatives within the federal government. • Roles and Responsibilities of the Federal Ministry of Education and the sub-national governments be agreed through a national mechanism and must be reflected in the respective Rules. • The distribution between the provincial and district governments must be thematic or functional rather than administrative as under the present system. • An inter provincial mechanism for national management of broader policy issues of education be institutionalized through the apex body i.e. “Inter provincial Education Minister’s Conference”. • The process for review of the National Education Policy must be standardized. The framework must ensure that it is: • Demand driven and has equal role for all federating units. • It is transparent with involvement of as many stakeholders as possible. • Amendments in any extant policy be made only after approval of the Inter provincial Education Minister’s Conference.
  • 16. CONTINUE…. • Develop an integrated, country wide, Management Information System, at all levels of educational management. • A minimum investment of 4% of GDP be equitably distributed amongst all provinces/ area governments. Federal and provincial governments should be encouraged to legislate minimum levels of investment in education to make it administratively binding upon successive governments to continue pursuing these goals. • Educational financing 6% of GDP (gross domestic product measure of an economy) by 2015 Enhanced utilization capacity must precede higher investment. • Legislation should be encouraged to pursue accountability and transparency in the administration of education, separating it from government’s general mechanism of accountability and to ensure ready remedies from corruption and political interference. • District Education Boards be created to evaluate current needs of the district and be responsible for community based oversight.
  • 17. QUALITY • Establish twelve years of schooling. • National education quality standards to ensure provision of standards of quality of content, instruction, environment and assessment to all schools. • Uniform Curriculum for public and private schools should be a clear goal and mandatory for all institutions leading to certifications and degrees originating in Pakistan. This curriculum must be incrementally raised to the highest international standards, preferably by 2015, to obviate (eliminate) the need for studies in Pakistan leading to foreign certifications. • National Education Quality Standards Organization should be established forthwith. It should develop a National Testing System. • A uniform assessment system in country up to Class XII should be a medium term goal. • Textbook development should be carefully structured and the process should include subject specialists, teachers and managers. • After 2010, every teacher in the country should be placed in a minimum of BS-16 irrespective of his/her level of teaching. • A teacher should have the legitimate expectation of rising up to at least BS 20, based on his/her qualification and performance,irrespective of the class a teacher teaches.
  • 18. ACCESS • A law for free and compulsory education up to Class-X must be enacted by each province. Access to Education should be Equal & Equitable. Imbalances in Gender, Economic and Geographical differences must be addressed. • Early Childhood Education age group be recognized as 3-5 years and one year pre-primary education be universally provided by the State with a provision of separate budget, and separate teachers and assistants. • Primary education official age group be redefined as 6-10 years. • Free, universal and compulsory education must be provided up to Class-X in a predictable time frame to be prepared matching the streams of financial investment that can be made available to this sector or which must be made available to this sector. It should be no later than by 2020. • In the Higher Secondary Classes i.e. Classes-XI & XII there should be the elective streams of humanities and social sciences, and natural sciences in the secondary schools and separate diploma awarding Higher Secondary Schools/Polytechnics for technical and vocational education established on identified need basis.
  • 19. CONTINUE…. • The present initiatives of HEC should continue transparently and fairly and greater investment in higher education may rise to 18% of education financing with a total investment of 4% of GDP in education by 2010-11 and rising to around 24% of expenditure on education with total investment in education reaching 6% of GDP by 2015. • Higher education should not be over subsidized (support from public funds). • The role of education in Social Sciences in reducing conflicts from society must be recognized and emphasized (stress upon). • Institutional linkage with industry be created at the national and sub-national levels to link specific industry associations with educational institutions actively. • A National Institute for Training & Research in Adult Literacy and Non formal Basic Education be established with Literacy Resource Centres at provincial and district levels.
  • 20. EQUITY • The popular demand for teaching in the mother tongue should be balanced against the lack of economic prospects associated with mother tongue proficiency. • Medium of instruction for the first three years of the child’s education should be the mother tongue wherever possible. Special budgetary provisions for teaching in the mother tongue, including learning materials, teacher education, assessment options and approaches should be immediately initiated. • A National Languages Commission may be established to help in operating policy option and cater to the demand of development of regional languages.
  • 21. RELEVANCE • At the primary level the courses should cater to the requirements of the specific culture/province. Introduction to diversity should be left for later classes. Lessons should be about local issues, personalities, etc that are familiar to the students as well their parents. • English should be made a compulsory subject, starting from Class I, in all public schools. Such compulsory education of English should only start after suitably qualified and appropriately trained teachers for English language are available to staff positions in all primary schools of the country to ensure that the benefit is assured to all the citizens, and not just the elite. • Technical education must be introduced at the secondary level. • Secondary Education and Higher Secondary education should be taken as one composite sub-sector and the separations removed preferably in no more than the next five years. • Higher education should continue with its investment in applied sciences and research in pure sciences. • The planners must capture the opportunities offered by ICT in improving the quality and quantity inputs in the education system.
  • 22. LINKAGES WITH PRINCIPAL SOCIAL ISSUES • Sectarianism • Population growth • Health • Democracy • Environment
  • 23. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION • Islamic values must determine the education policy with special provisions for Minorities.  Islamic Education: • Must cater to the needs of the modern Muslim interpreting the letter of the law without disturbing the spirit of the religion. • Must be compelled by individual and social needs. • To inculcate in the Muslim child the Muslim value system between Classes I to V & Class-VI onwards formal instructions in Islamic practices, which are common to all Muslim beliefs. • Ethics for Non Muslims: courses in values/morals drawn from recognized sources should substitute Islamic Studies at all compulsory levels.
  • 24. Public-private partnership be developed in: • Higher Education/Technical and Vocational Education • Monitoring and Quality Assurance/School Inspection Boards • Professional Development • Assessment and Evaluation System • Inclusive/Special Education • School Education in areas where satisfactory private sector infrastructure exists- Fee vouchers Reference: