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SIOP Strategies . SIOP Made Easy. Today’s Objectives. Content objectives. Language objectives. Discuss the importance of asking HOT questions with your group .
SIOP Strategies SIOP Made Easy
Today’s Objectives Content objectives Language objectives Discuss the importance of asking HOT questions with your group. • Explore how the SIOP Model and IPOTS can be used to promote higher order thinking skills (HOTS) with Ss of all proficiency levels.
Why SIOP and IPOTS? Instruction in the five key components of reading as defined by the National Reading Panel • Phonemic awareness • Phonics • Fluency • Vocabulary • Text comprehension is necessary but not sufficient to teach ELLs to read and write proficiently in English. What is missing? Oral language proficiency is needed also, so ELLs need instruction in this area. Research Findings from the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth
Today’s IPOTs 13-Carousel Charts 14-Numbered Card Impromptus 15 Discovery Channel 16-Cloze Activity with Peer 17-Gap-Filling Tango 18-Matching with Manipulatives 19-Classifying & Sequencing 20-Creating Poetry 21-Chants, Rap, and Songs 22-Hot Onion Review * Kagan - Numbered Heads Together 1-Turn & Tell 2-Favorite Numbers 3-All of your Names 4-Favorite Room 5-Imaginary Photo Album 6-Adding to Circle 7-Creating Own Folk Tale 8-Puppets 9-Starting at the End 10-Concentric Circles 11-Parallel Lines 12-Roaming Reporters
The SIOP Model(Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2008) • Preparation • Building Background • Comprehensible Input • Strategies • Interaction • Practice & Application • Lesson Delivery • Review & Assessment
Why SIOP and IPOTS? • High-quality instruction for English learners is similar to high-quality instruction for other, English-speaking students. What is different? • ELs need instructional accommodations and support to fully develop their English skills. • English learners need enhanced, explicit vocabulary development. Research Findings from the National Center for Research on Education, Diversity, & Excellence.
Questioning Strategy – Numbered Heads Together MATERIALS / GROUPING CONFIGURATION PRODEDURES Questions are asked of the group. Groups work together to answer the question so that all can verbally answer the question. Teacher calls out a number (two) and each two is asked to give the answer. • Form groups of 4-6.
Why Should We Use More Higher Order Thinking Skills - HOTS? Source: Gall, 1984; Watson & Young, 1986 • Of the 8,000 questions the average teacher asks annually, _________ are at the Literal of Knowledge Level. • A) 40% • B) 60% • C) 80% • D) 95%
How Do I Promote HOTS • with my ELs?
Why Wait Time? Reason Why #1: • ELLs need time to translate, often in their head. Reason Why #2 • ELLs need additional time to formulate the phrasing of their thoughts, because they are processing ideas in a new language.
IPOT – GAP-FILLING TANGO Grouping Configuration: Partners Materials: Strategies Handout (Partner A and Partner B) Procedure: • Type targeted information on numbered lines. • Partner A receives page with gaps on even lines. • Partner B receives page with gaps on odd lines. • Partners sit shoulder-to-shoulder facing opposite directions • Students take turns reading for partner to fill in gaps.
HOTS STRATEGY1 –Differentiated question prompts for ELs Example FROM A Science Lesson on Plant reproduction: Good siop Teachers Consciously plan and incorporate questions at a variety of levels (SIOP FEATURE 15 – A Variety of Questions or Tasks That Promote Higher-Order Thinking Skills) • Are seeds sometimes carried by the wind? (KNOWLEDGE) • Which of these seeds would be more likely to be carried by the wind: the round one, the smooth one , or this one that has fuzzy hairs? Why do you think so? (ANALYSIS)
HOTS Strategy 2 - Canned Questions (Vogt, 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model • Ss will be placed into groups (partnered groups at a minimum) in order to provide support for all students. • Ss will draw slips of paper from a can which pose various questions from the various levels of Bloom's Taxonomy about the intended topic. • Ss will answer these questions in their groups, allowing the entire class to hear their answers.
HOTS Strategy 3 - QAR (Vogt, 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model) QAR (Question-Answer Relationships) • Grades 3-12: Ss learn to distinguish between • “Right here” (literal) questions • “Think and Search” • “Author and Me” (inferential) • “On My Own” (from experience) questions and they know where to find the answers. • Grades K-2 • “On the Page” • “In My Head”