, pub-2043536406869964, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Simply Gourmet: 2017

Friday, December 8, 2017

Sifting Through Life: Breitenbush Hot Springs

NOTE:  There are not any naked pictures in this post. This is a family friendly site. Just in case you were wondering....LOL

It has been a long week. Finals are next week and I am sick. The kids are sick too. The hardest part is, here we are in December, and our weather is gorgeous. Like bright blue sky, mid 50's, little to no wind, gorgeous. Here we sit, sniffling and coughing watching this weather pass by, and we can't enjoy it, other than to watch it from behind our windows in the house, on the couch. Bummer.

Today was the worst of it for me. My body decided to put a halt to all studying and parenting for the day and I found myself in bed. I did have class at 2 but promptly came home and went back to bed. Two naps in one day has done wonders, I am feeling better. Although, it is 11 o'clock at night and I am wide awake. I have studied metamorphic rocks and volcanoes until my eyes are bursting from over studying.

I've been wanting to write this piece for a while, ever since we came home in October from our trip to Breitenbush Hot Springs in Oregon. I guess today, with it's bright blue sky and beautiful weather reminded me of our trip. I booked this October trip back in May. I knew that it may be wet from rain, cold, and dreary. I didn't care because I thought the hot springs would be great with the cooler temperatures outside. We were pleasantly surprised with a burst of bright weather over the last weekend in October. The picture below was taken on our drive up to Detroit Lake, OR. You can see the blue sky and Mt. Hood in the distance.

We arrived, our first time here, to a little bit of paradise. Checking in at the parking lot was a piece of cake. The attendant in the registration office was informative and welcoming. The parking lot is above the retreat. They provide pull dollies to carry your stuff from your cars to the cabins. We needed two. Our stay was for 3 days but you need to bring your own bedding, pillows, bathroom stuff, etc... Of course, we needed snacks. We way over packed! Keep in mind this resort is an optional clothing hot springs. So clothes while in the hot tubs is not necessary, you will need clothes to walk around the retreat center and to dine in the cafateria. We didn't know what to pack because the weather in Oregon this time of year is all over the place. I am glad I packed warm clothes, the nights were very cold. I saw some people there in their pajamas and robes the whole weekend. I chose to change more frequently for meals and classes than most. Next time, I will still bring my warm coat, gloves, and hat but leave some of the other stuff behind.

Our little cottage was so cute. One full bed and a twin, a toilet, and a sink. Small and the perfect size for just the two of us. We weren't quite sure what to do when we first got there. Neither of us had ever been to anything like this before. It is something I have wanted to do for a while. I can't tell you why I wanted to get naked with strangers in an outside environment, other than to say I felt compelled to do it. I felt it was something I needed to do for me as a woman, as a human, as a person. I needed to let go and just be. I wanted to be naked and unafraid. I was hoping for a change in my perspective and I got just that. 

I had no idea what to do or how to do it other than to go to a hot spring, take off my clothes, and get in. It all happened that fast. My stomach was flipping, my heart was racing, my hands were sweaty. I looked like a pro on the outside but on the inside I was all wiggles, giggles, and anxious. Cory and I stopped at the first hot spring and did what everyone else did. We followed the leader and it worked.
Honestly, I was afraid if I thought about it, I would chicken out. 

I am so glad I did not chicken out. It turned out to be the best visit for both of us. We met some of the most amazing, like minded people, that resonated with our value system and ideas. We felt like we had arrived home. Inside the hot springs we chatted, laughed, and talked for hours with people from all over the world. Married, single, same-sex, parents with kids, older couples, younger couples, you name it we saw it. All body types. This was comforting for me. I was nervous about my body. I am almost 50 and my body has been through child birth several times and natural aging and sagging. It happens. Nobody cared what our body looked like. Or at least, that is the impression I got from the whole experience. Nobody pointed fingers, laughed, or made wise cracks. 

People were at the springs for a variety of reasons, but after our conversations with a few, it felt like they were there to relax, let go, take some yoga classes, enjoy the outdoor scenery, be inspired, and breathe. By the end of the three day weekend, I missed the kids, but I didn't want to come home. It felt too good to be true to have found a place that was so peaceful and accepting. A place that we could be with strangers without our clothes one minute and then eating dinner with them, fully dressed, the next minute. 

I left that weekend with new friends, a new perspective of myself, a new lease on life, a new me. I knew I needed to do this but I wasn't sure why. I know why now. For me it was the final removing of a belief system about nudity that been preached to me from the time I was young, nudity was wrong, nudity was evil. There is shame and regret attached to this too. It was my perception, from an early childhood, that it was all for the purpose of recreating. Nudity was looked down upon and was something that should be hidden especially when it came to women. Women should be covered up always to save face, to prevent a bad reputation, and to hide our flaws. 

As a woman, I wanted to let it all go and be free, my flaws and all. I wanted to lay out on the rocks at midnight, naked, and watch the stars. I wanted to sit in the sauna and then go sit cross legged outside and meditate in the cool crisp air, naked. I wanted the freedom to just be a human in human form without clothes, makeup, or society telling me to change. I needed this to happen and I am so glad I followed through with this bucket list item.

I can't wait to go back and neither can Cory. We both felt so alive when we left and refreshed. Our spirits were high and our outlook had been changed forever about nudity, freedom, and self care. It was easier than we thought, and less scary on the inside once you take the leap of faith to do it. I don't know what we expected but what we got was nothing like it. People were open and accepting. We are planning a trip for Mother's Day. They host all types of weekend retreats. In May, they offer a special Mother's Day Family weekend. 

Here is a direct link to the January workshops (click link for more information) and weekends in case you are interested in attending.

Lodging Information (click link)

I know that this experience is not for everyone. I understand that we all come different upbringings and religious back grounds and for some, this might be bordering on an over the top experience.  If I could go back and tell my younger self one thing, it would be to do this long before now. I came home and told all my kids of my experience and how I wanted them to do it now, and not wait, like I did for the right time, the right body, the right what-ever our ego tries to protect us from. Do your research and find the best place for you to shed your clothes. I don't think I could go just anywhere and have the same experience. I know that Breitenbush Hot Springs was the right place for me and my family. As an added note, you don't have to be naked. I saw people with swim suits, some bottoms only. 

Remember, be you. Be authentic. Be carefree. 

This is not an ad. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Rainbow Fried Rice #vegan

Rainbow Rice is such a fun dish to serve to our guest. I have been making this version of fried rice for years. We use a ton of fresh vegetables, some from our garden, and make it every week. My kids eat Rainbow Fried Rice as a snack or a replacement for any of their meals, breakfast included.

The recipe is basic but you can definitely alter any of the ingredients and add some too. I love to top mine with fresh avocado and black sesame seeds. If I am daring, then I will also include Sriracha Mayonnaise. I use my VEGAN MAYONNAISE and a little bit of the red hot stuff.

This is a sneaky parent trick, sneaking in as many vegetables as possible under the guise of fried rice, into a dish they love. I think using the rainbow as a guide when preparing our daily meals is a great way for me to think about the variety of vegetables available to my family each day. It encourages me to think outside the box and look for vegetables that might not be in our family's top ten list. We are often trying new things in order to achieve our "rainbow a day" mentality of eating our vegetables.

My kids, who mostly eat a plant-based diet, are still kids. They love their pasta, top ramen, noodles, crackers, bread, and all things carb related. I have to keep on top of their choices, otherwise, they would eat only pasta and bread. It's an easy habit to form and one that I hope we are teaching them to reevaluate. Some ways that I ensure they get at least a few fruit and vegetables in their diet each day are with morning smoothies. We fill them up first thing in the morning to start their days off with a bang of rainbow flavor. Then we have our favorite, Rainbow Fried Rice, available for lunch and dinner. I often make a homemade marinara sauce (which they love) that is also packed with vegetables.

It is challenging feeding our families nutritionally dense meals with how expensive groceries are becoming. This is another reason why we eat a lot of rice and beans in our diet. These are staples in many homes around the world and cost a fraction of what processed food or meat does. It makes our food budget stretch in the right direction. I went to the store yesterday and our bill was much higher, for the same foods I buy each week, by about $75.00. I was shocked! The events that are occurring in our world surrounding the flux in weather patterns are starting to affect the prices at our local grocery store.

We are trying to enlarge our garden for next year because I feel that the prices of our food may continue to increase. In some ways, being the Mom, I feel it is my job to find easy meals to prepare that are budget-friendly and still feed my kids the nutrients they need to extend their playtime, keep their minds sharp, and their bodies strong.

I am passionate about eating the rainbow and I will try my best to teach my kids this philosophy through preparing meals that introduces them to the rainbow of foods available, through my own example, and through educating them on the benefits of eating a plant-based diet.

I would love to hear your ideas of dishes you prepare that use an array of ingredients that represent the rainbow. Also, are you planning on changing the way your shop for food or starting your own garden, given the current tone of our nation and weather-related issues (hurricanes, tornados, fires, etc...)?

That was a lot of chatting just to get to the recipe below but we are living in some different times and different times require us to approach things, well, differently. I felt that I needed to share a bit about some of the changes we are trying to make possible in our own family to keep our food budget on track and plan for the future.

Rainbow Fried Rice #vegan

4-6 cups of day old rice (new rice seems to be a bit too sticky)
1/2 cup red onion, diced small
1/2 cup diced carrots, diced small
1/4 cup red, orange, or/and green bell pepper, diced small
1-2 small zucchini, diced small
1/4 cup celery, diced small
soy sauce, use gluten-free if necessary
oil, to fry vegetables in

Optional toppings: sesame seeds, avocado, minced nori sheet, Sriracha mayonnaise

1.  I prefer to use day of sushi rice to make this dish. I make it the night before, stir it, and leave it in the rice cooker. The next morning I stir it again to loosen up the clumps and ready it to be thrown into the fry pan.

2.  Slice and dice all  of the vegetables listed or of your own choice. Add 1 tablespoon of oil to hot pan and saute vegetables for 4-6 minutes.  Add rice and stir.

3.  The soy sauce is added to taste. My family prefers a darker looking rice so we add a few squirts. Soy sauce is salty so you don't want to add too much. Also, if they want more, they can add it to their own bowls of rice later.

4.  Remove from heat and serve. Serve with or without the options. Store all left overs in the refrigerator up to a week.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Fried Yellow Squash #vegan

Summer squash is a vegetable I remember from my childhood. My grandma always fried it and served it with mashed potatoes and chicken fried steak.  My grandfather was from Texas and he loved his fried food. Every once in a while I need fried food too.

Our garden this year is producing a ton of squash. I can't believe how many I have from one plant. We are almost squashed out!  I have frozen most of it. I grate it, squeeze it, add a cup to a freezer bag, and freeze.  I will add this to muffins, sauces, soups, and cookies.  It blends in well with most bread, soups, and broths.

Along with the yellow squash, I have zucchini and patty squash in the garden. I use this process to make all three of these into fried slices of squashy summer goodness. I like to serve my fried squash with a sauce. I usually start with my VEGAN MAYONNAISE and then add herbs, spices, lemon, and capers. Blend them together and serve on the side. You can always buy sauces too if this is an easier alternative for your family.

Fried Yellow Squash #vegan

1 large yellow squash or 2-3 small squash
1 cup cornmeal flour (fine not coarse)
1 cup of flour or gluten-free flour
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon parsley flakes
1-2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

1/2 -1 cup dairy free milk (I use almond or coconut milk)
coconut oil for frying, or oil of your choice

1.  In a large cast iron or heavy duty skillet, melt 2 cups of coconut oil. Use medium-high heat to melt coconut oil and then adjust as needed to obtain a crispy crust on the squash.

2.  Slice the squash into 1/4 inch rounds. Mix all of the dry ingredients in a shallow dish.  Add milk to another shallow dish.  Dip a squash round into the milk, then into the flour, then again into the milk and back into the flour. I like to double dip mine to get a nice coating all over the squash pieces.

3.  Fry each slice until golden brown and flip.  Remove to a wire rack and sprinkle with salt. Serve immediately.  They can be refrigerated but will not retain their crispy outer shell.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Baked Avocado Slices #vegan

Our family loves everything about avocados. We eat them raw on sandwiches, on toast, and plain with a bit of salt and pepper.  We eat them smashed into the tastiest guacamole, fried, and now baked.

Avocados are creamy and smooth when perfectly riped. I know that can be a tricky situation, trying to find a ripe avocado on the day you want to use it. The avocado is in control of when it is ready. I have waited and waited to use an avocado, missed a day, and then avocado went bad.  They are sensitive little guys and gals.

I have learned through trial and error that an avocado will last longer if they are stored in the refrigerator AFTER they have ripened on your counter. This works great for us. I will usually buy 12 avocados at a time, this last us about one week, as they ripen I put them in the refrigerator. We grab and go or use them in our favorite recipe.

I have fried avocado slices with great success.  That recipe is HERE.  This recipe is not plant-based. It does include eggs and parmesan cheese.  The recipe you see today does not include either of these options and taste just as good.

The baked avocado slices are:


The recipe is at the end of pictures. I served the baked avocado slices with rice and our favorite dipping sauce. They make a great main meal or an appetizer.

Our other favorite avocado recipes are listed and linked below:

Guacamole #glutenfree #vegan
Fried Avocado Fries 
Avocado Pesto Hummus Dip
Avocado Bowls #vegan
Avocado Cream Sauce
Avocado, Mushroom, and Tomato Salad
Creamy Corn, Tomato, and Avocado Pasta Salad
Creamy Salsa Verde

Like I said, we love avocado and are always on the hunt for new ways to use them in our recipes and diets.

This weeks essay, Sifting Through Life, talks about our happiness. I encourage you to ask yourself a few questions about your own happiness.  CLICK HERE TO READ FULL ESSAY.

Baked Avocado Slices #vegan

2 large avocados, (best if they are not over-ripe)
Panko crust, recipe below
Veganaise, enough to coat slices
Water to thin mayo
Your favorite cooking spray

Panko crust ingredients:
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1 teaspoon onion powder
salt/pepper to taste
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1-1 1/2 cups of panko (depends on if you double dip the slices)

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. I use a wire cookie cooling rack inside my cookie sheet. This allows the heat to completely surround the avocado slices. This ensures that every part of the slice is crunchy.

2. Mix panko crust ingredients together. In a separate bowl mix mayonnaise and water. I thin it just a little. The mayonnaise will allow the panko crust to stick nicely to the avocado slices.

3.  Slice avocado with a sharp knife and scoop out the slices gently.  Place each slice in the mayonnaise and cover lightly.  Roll each avocado slice in the panko crust.

4. Place each avocado slice 1 inch apart. Lightly spray the slices with your favorite cooking spray. Bake for 18-25 minutes. I like mine a little brown, so I tend to cook mine for 25 minutes.

5. Remove the slices and serve with your favorite sauce. They are crispy right out of the oven, you can refrigerate any leftovers, but the crust will be soft...still good, but a different experience.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

3 Ingredient Crepes #vegan

If anyone had told me that I would be able to make a crepe without egg and cow's milk, I would have laughed.

Oh, I am laughing now but with delight.  These crepes are easy to make and taste delicious. I serve these to our guests and then tell them they are vegan. There really is much difference in texture or taste. The only time I notice a change in flavor is when I use whole fat coconut milk. Then, of course, the coconut flavor seeps into the crepe.  I actually like this added taste to my own crepes.

The one suggestion I have is to be patient. I have found if I make the batter and let it sit for 30 minutes this allows the flour, milk, and flaxseed meal to work together. I also notice that sometimes I need more liquid, while at other times, I have had to add a bit more flour.  I always throw the first one away. I either have the pan too hot, not hot enough, the batter is too thick, or too runny.

Patience is required to make any crepe, not just this version. I bought a small egg pan to save for using it to make just crepes. It is free of scratches. I found that if my pan is scratched it affects the final crepe.  Start with a little oil (butter) in the pan and make sure the pan is hot.  The process works quickly once you add the batter.

I use a small ladle to add my batter to my hot pan, immediately swirl the batter to create a very thin pancake or crepe. I return it to the heat and watch the edges get start to curl. I use a soft spatula and flip it over once. I remove the crepes to a wire cookie rack and let cool. Once they are cool then you can stack them on top of each other and serve.  We rarely have leftovers, but when I do, I wrap them tightly and store them in the refrigerator.

3 Ingredient Crepes #vegan

1 cup flour (wheat or white) I personally use a half and half blend of wheat and white
1 cup of nondairy milk (almond, cashew, coconut, etc...)
1 flaxseed meal egg SEE BELOW

1.  Make the flaxseed meal egg first. 1 tablespoon blended with 3 tablespoons of warm water. Stir and let sit for a few minutes.

2.  Combine all three ingredients and blend well. For best results let sit for 30 minutes. If you are in a hurry, it will work, but may take a few practice crepes to get it perfect.

3. Heat pan. I use a pastry brush to oil the hot pan each time I add batter to the pan. This helps it to not stick. I do this even in my nonstick pan. The recipe does not contain any oil and it needs the added help to ensure the crepe stays in one piece.

4.  Remove from pan and let cool. Stack when ready to serve. Serve with fruit, syrup, cinnamon and sugar, coconut whipped cream, etc...

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Avocado Bowl #vegan

Simply food is good food. I like making this dish because it is made with things I usually have on hand.  We always have a pot of rice, ripe avocados, and cucumbers.

The combination of the avocado with the rice and sesame seeds reminds me of an avocado sushi roll, minus the nori wrapper.  Although, I have minced up a nori sheet in the past and sprinkled it on top.

I usually drizzle soy sauce and make up a small bowl of Sriracha mayonnaise to add some spice.

Avocado Bowl #vegan

To make you will need:

-cooked rice
-one ripe avocado, sliced
-sesame seeds
-half a cucumber, cubed

Optional items are:

-soy sauce (highly recommend this)
-Sriracha Mayonnaise
-nori sheets, chopped up finely

1.  Warm rice, add ingredients.  Add sauce(s) and eat.

2.  Taste the umami!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Pickled Dandelion Greens and Stems

I recently started making pickled dandelion greens. I hated to waste the stems. I often threw them out because they are bitter when eaten raw. I didn't know what else to do with them until I thought to add them to the leaves and pickle the whole stem.

I discovered that the brine cut through the bitterness of the raw stem and created the right amount of stability to add zing to our hummus and dip experience.  In the pickling, I include whole garlic cloves and red onion slices.  I also used the fresh dill from my window herb garden.

I first read about how important dandelion greens our in our diet years ago. The hard part is now knowing what is good for you to eat, but actually convincing your family to eat it. This is the first time that we have all enjoyed our dandelions. In the past, I have sauteed them with success.  I treat them like I would any other leafy green.

There is a variety of dandelions to be purchased or grown. The variety I find in the grocery store is not the type that grows in my yard. Although we could eat them I choose not to because the previous owner used chemicals on the yard. If you choose to collect or forage for dandelions in the wild, keep in mind the location and how they have been treated. 

Pickled Dandelion Greens and Stems

1 bunch of dandelion greens, washed and sliced (see photo)
1 small red onion, sliced
Fresh dill
Raw garlic cloves
white vinegar

1.  Chop dandelion greens and stems and red onions.  Peel the garlic and leave whole.

2.  In a container of your choice, add dill, greens, onion, and garlic.  Fill the jar 1/4 full with white vinegar.  Fill the jar within 1 inch from the top with water.

3.  Add 1/2-3/4 cup sugar (depends on how sweet you like your brine) and 1-2 tablespoons of salt.

NOTE:  This is an easy way to make brine for any jar you use. This gives you the freedom to pickle small and large batches. You can heat the brine before adding it to your ingredients. I personally don't because I like the bit of crunch they maintain when I use a cold brine.

4.  Let pickled dandelions marinate for a full day. I say this because dandelions are tough.  They need the extra time to brew.  They will last 2 weeks in the fridge. NOTE: You can test the brine a few hours into the process to see if you wish to add more sugar or salt.  I believe that there is not a perfect recipe because our taste buds are all different.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Mushroom Risotto #vegan

Mushroom Risotto is a family favorite.  We love the creamy texture of this dish. It warms our bellies on those cold days while living at the beach. Normally we would be eating this more in the winter months but this year, it's cold.  The beach is cold, windy, and most days, misty.  Last year we had beautiful weather and this year is different. 

To escape the cold we have been leaving the area and camping in Bend, Oregon.  We love Bend.  We were there two weeks ago and it was 95 degrees.  AHHHHHH...that felt so good.  So good, in fact, we just scheduled another week.

Making risotto is not as quick as throwing rice in the rice cooker. It takes some time. Just clear your schedule for about 25 minutes and devote the time to bringing this creamy and filling dish to your family's table. The key to making risotto is adding enough liquid to ensure the rice is not crunchy.  I personally do not like the rice to have a bite to it. I want mine to be a smooth bite.

This is a vegan recipe. I have chosen to use a vegetable stock, no cheese, and fresh vegetables from our local Farmer's Market.  I will say that I used Miyoko's European Style Butter to saute the vegetables and it added a depth of flavor to this dish.

**This is not an ad.  All of the products I mention are simply because I use them in my kitchen and they are what works best in our menu planning.

Next time I will be making the risotto with corn. I want Corn Risotto.

I use the Braggs Amino Acids at the very end to add a robust flavor.  I hate to say the word "meaty" but that is what it does in my opinion.  We use a lot of vegetable stock and sometimes it is nice to have a different flavor and this provides that. This dish with the mushrooms and black pepper pairs nicely with the "meaty" flavor of the amino acids.

Mushroom Risotto #vegan

Makes about 4 cups.


2 tablespoons vegan butter or oil, see comments above
1/2 zucchini, diced small
1/2 medium onion, diced small
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1.5 cups Arborio Rice (risotto rice)
4-6 cups vegetable broth
 1 small can of pre-cooked mushrooms, drained
1-2 tablespoons Braggs Amino Acids

1.  In a heavy dutch oven (I use Le Creuset), heat vegan butter.  Add the zucchini and onion. Saute until clear, about 3-4 minutes.  Add the garlic and saute for 1 minute more.

2.  Add rice and lightly brown rice.  Warm the broth/stock in a separate pan and have near by with a ladle.  Prepare to stay at the stove until this dish is done.  The risotto will stick if you do not stir constantly.

3.  Ladle one scoop at a time to the rice mixture. Stir until absorbed and then repeat.  Stir, add broth, stir, add broth, repeat.  Do this until the rice is creamy and soft.  HINT: My rice tripled in size when it was close to being finished.

4.  Add the amino acids and mushrooms. Continue adding broth until risotto is complete.

5.  Serve immediately or store in a covered container in the refrigerator.  Warm to serve left overs.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Aquafaba Mayonnaise #vegan

This recipe really excites me!  

I've been making this mayonnaise for about two years. It really does taste, feel and look like mayonnaise.  I guess that's because, to me and my family, this is our vegan mayonnaise.  

We use it on and in everything that calls for mayonnaise. What makes it so special to me is it taste just like mayonnaise used to taste when I was a kid. It could be my taste buds have changed but the mayonnaise, especially the vegan mayonnaise on the market, is bland and boring.  This has a hint of lemon, a touch of garlic, and a slight twang of salt.  

We have a friend staying in our home and he is slowly being introduced to all types of new flavors and foods.  This is his favorite!  Just the other day he had a good laugh.  He said, " I can't believe that I love fresh tomato on sliced bread with VEGAN mayonnaise."  

What is aquafaba?   It is the liquid that comes in a can of garbanzo beans or white beans.  I have used the liquid from great white northern beans too with great success. I personally do not notice a change in flavor if I use different liquids from different canned beans.  You can also make the beans from scratch and save the liquid.  I have yet to try this method.  If you google aquafaba you will be directed to a variety of recipes.  For me, I think egg whites describe what it looks like best.  The liquid has the same consistency and reacts the same in similar situations.  So far, I only have used the aquafaba to make this mayonnaise. Others have made meringue, frosting, omelets (egg free), cookies, cakes, etc...The list is getting longer and longer and for that, I am so excited.

As far as the oil goes, you can use a variety of oils to achieve slightly different flavor profiles. I personally have used Algae oil from Thrive, a light olive oil brand, avocado oil, and coconut oil (melted).  HUGE SIDE NOTE: if you decide to use coconut oil, then prepare for the mayonnaise to become hard in the fridge.  Not all is lost though. This happened to me. I simply warmed it up, stirred it, and then took my stick blender and re-whipped it to perfection.  I did this twice and each time the mayonnaise was successfully whipped to mayonnaise perfection.  

I really like the flavor profile when using the refined coconut oil. I might use this oil if I am making a small batch and I know that it will all be eaten that day or night.  

Eating only plants allows me to be creative in the kitchen, even more so than before when I ate meat, dairy, cheese, and eggs.  I have to get creative with flavor profiles and ingredients.  Some times I see myself as a mad scientist speaking a foreign language.  This happened last week.  In my excitement of sharing our plant based lifestyle with others, I decided to start a monthly potluck dinner for those who are transitioning to plants only, are already vegan, or have questions of where to begin. Everyone is welcome.  At our first meeting, we had three people. Two were brand new. I started rambling about ingredients, techniques, and recipes.  I could tell that I was losing them and I had to back up a little bit. The ingredients alone are quite foreign to those who don't prepare plant based foods from scratch: nutritional yeast, amino acids, aquafaba, miso paste, etc....

We are excited to meet next month. I met two new people today at the grocery store while standing in line to pay for our groceries. She looked at me and noticed that our purchases were very similar. I asked them if they were vegan. They said YES.  I invited them to our meeting next month along with their daughter.  I love to teach and share my ideas. This gathering is a place for us to find a community of like minded souls, to share in this journey, and to build a strong foundation for helping those who wish to also eat plants only.

Today while at church a lady said to me that it must be hard to be vegan at the beach.  I had to think about that for a minute. I replied, "not really."  I don't crave seafood anymore. I don't want to kill animals.  I believe living at the beach is the perfect place to practice a plants only lifestyle. I see the animals in our area not merely as food anymore. I see them as a friend.

Aquafaba Mayonnaise #vegan

1/2 cup aquafaba (the liquid from a can of garbanzo beans)
1 1/2 cups of your favorite oil in liquid form
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon lemon juice, fresh if possible
1 teaspoon powdered mustard
salt--start with 1 teaspoon and then add/taste, repeat
2 teaspoons minced garlic from a jar (raw garlic will be too strong)

TOOLS:  A stick blender is the only thing I have ever used to make this mayonnaise. Trying anything else may deliver different results. (The link is not an ad, it is only to show you what I mean when I say stick blender).  

1.  I use a quart canning jar because this recipe will make about 2-2.5 cups of mayonnaise.  Our family uses one quart a week. Add the aquafaba and all ingredients EXCEPT the oil.  Blend on low until bubbly.

2.  Slowly start adding the oil.  I have a way of holding the measuring cup on the rim of the canning jar and letting the oil sssllllooooowwwwllllyyy drizzle into the aquafaba mixture.  This takes about 8-10 minutes.  BE patient.  It will be very loose, and then suddenly it will come together. More oil will make the mayonnaise thicker.

3.  As you go, periodically taste your mayonnaise.  Add more salt, lemon, garlic, or mustard powdered based on how you and your family want your mayonnaise to taste.  Our family likes it to have a slight lemony flavor with a hint of garlic.

4.  When finished, refrigerate.  It should stay thick, unless you used coconut oil, for up to 7-9 days.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies #vegan

According to my kids, I have committed a royal sin.

 I announced I made cookies.

Now you would think that Mom making cookies is a good thing, right?

I have learned that not all cookies are the same.

If, and only when, they contain chocolate will they ever be deemed "a cookie" in my home.

Finnley schooled me on exactly what constitutes a "real" cookie. Keep in mind she is three.  Her favorite saying of late is: "I'm outta here."  I haven't the slightest idea where she is learning these things but they are funny coming from such a small human being.

I explained to her when she woke up that I made cookies. Oh, she was excited!  She ran to the kitchen.  Reached her tiny hand to the top of the counter and grabbed the first one she touched. As she brought it to her mouth she stopped.  She looked at me and cried with frustration.  I had not made a proper cookie. There wasn't a single chocolate chip present.  She quickly returned the cookie and said, "I'm outta here."

Maybe this isn't a kid cookie. But, when I take these cookies to a function with adults, they love them and some kids gobble them up too. The cookies are soft on the inside and crispy on the edges.  I personally think they are a bowl of oatmeal just in a cookie form.  To be honest, sometimes I get tired of eating oatmeal.

I never get tired of eating these Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies 
Makes 24-36 cookies, depends on size of cookie scoop


2 flax meal eggs (1 Tbsp flax meal/3 Tbsp warm water)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup of flour (white or wheat)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups old fashion oatmeal (uncooked)
1 cup golden raisins

1. Preheat oven to 350.  Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

2.  Prepare flax meal eggs and let sit for 3-5 minutes.

3.  Add remaining ingredients to a medium bowl.  Stir to mix well.  Add flax eggs.  Mix together until well combined.

4.  Use a cookie scoop and space cookies 1 inch apart. The cookies do not spread.  They will puff up and outward. I can get 15 scoops on each cookie tray.

5.  Bake for 9-10 minutes. We like ours a little under cooked. If you want a crispier cookie then bake a few minutes longer. Remove cookies to a cookie rack and let cool.  Keep unused cookies in an air tight container.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Veggie Puff Pastry Pockets

Did you know that Puff Pastry does not have any animal products in it?  There are a few foods that are vegan by chance and this happens to be one of them. I found the information on several other sites but this link will show you the specs so you can see for yourself.  Partridge Farm Puff Pastry

We don't eat a lot of puff pastry in our home because we do strive to eat more whole foods than processed food, but let's get real.  I go to school full time, hubby works full time, and we simply don't have a lot of time to prepare long and laborious meals.  This is a quick meal on those extra busy family days.
I make this veggie mix that we often eat on grilled sandwiches or separately as a salad. You can find the recipe  at this link

Basically I have combined onion, cauliflower, carrots, and celery along with salt, pepper, and your favorite mayonnaise.  I am currently in love with Wildwood Aioli which is egg free!

These two items, the puff pastry and the veggie melt mix, happened because I had both of them on hand and the stove was already preheated from baking something else.

I adjusted the heat to 450 degrees to accommodate the Puff Pastry temperature requirements.  I had a bit of fun experimenting with different shapes and styles. I wasn't sure which way would work best. In the end, I went with the smaller hand held size and kept all of the veggie mix inside. I took my fork and stabbed a few holes to let the steam out as they cooked. You can see from the photo below that the cheese oozed out on a few but each bite still felt cheesy to me.

I will tell you that one recipe of the Veggie Melt  mixture will make more than one box of Puff Pastry can handle. I would recommend halving the cauliflower mixture.

To prepare the Puff Pastry I let it sit out on the table for 40 minutes to thaw. I opened each piece and cut them into thirds and then cut those pieces in half. Each sheet of Puff Pastry gave me six pieces to fill.

The Veggie Melt recipe did not have cheese in the recipe. I added a cup of cheese (vegan, cheddar, jack, etc...) and grated a little bit more to add inside each pastry pocket.

Holding the puff pastry in my hand, I gently put a spoonful of filling a bit more cheese, and folded it in half. This can be messy!  Seal the edges and take a fork to cross the edges too.  This secures them nicely.  Stab a few holes in the top of each one.  Add to the cookie sheet. Bake until golden brown. I baked them for 20 minutes, rotated them and added 10 more minutes.  (Honestly I think my oven needs to be looked at.)

The pockets came out perfect and we gobbled them up!  They reheated really well the next day too.

Donut Breakfast Casserole

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