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Evergreen Line api portal

ShipmentLink API Developer Portal

What is API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules and protocols that allow communication, interaction and data exchange between different software applications and allow them to interact, even if they are not designed to work together. APIs allow different software systems to share information and functionality, giving them the ability to cooperate without knowing each other's inner workings.

For example, when you go to a restaurant you don't go into the kitchen and tell the chef what you want. Instead, you order through your waiter. Simply put, an API is like the waiter providing the details of your order to the chef. It’s the same way API lets you access certain features or resources within software without needing to know their inner workings. This approach makes software development more flexible and easily scalable.

How does API achieve the purpose of data exchange?

The server system receives a request and processes it. It may need to authenticate the client or perform other checks to ensure the request is valid.


The server system then sends the response back to the client system, usually in the form of data or a status code. The response may include the requested data or may simply indicate if the request was successful.


The client system processes the response and takes appropriate action.


APIs can be used for a variety of purposes, from integrating different software systems to providing data and functionality to third-party developers. They are commonly used in web development to create services that can be accessed by other applications.

API achieve the purpose of data exchange
Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA)

Evergreen has been participating in the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) since 2019 and cooperated with international carrier shipping companies to promote digitization and standardization of information in the container shipping industry, including API specifications for shipping information transmissions. This makes the interaction of information between related industries more efficient, saves energy and reduces carbon emissions. At the same time, we have also built a global operations platform so that customers can tap into the operational efficiencies of the entire industrial and supply chains, further contributing to the goal of establishing a zero-carbon shipping ecosystem.

What API services does Evergreen provide?

Evergreen’s goal is to provide electronic and mobile shipping information in paperless formats that are in line with global trends. Currently, Evergreen has completed the API service provision of TNT (Track & Trace) 2.2 , including message subscription and active push functions. At the same time, we are developing booking and bill of lading eBL API services, and will provide this high-quality service to customers in the near future.

How do I obtain API services?

4 Steps to get started.

Step 1 - Submit Request

Submit your API subscription request to your Evergreen Sales Representative. Once your request has been filed, the Sales Representative will get back to you and verify the scope of your subscription.

Step 2 - Fill out an API Requirement Form

This authentication document is required in order to proceed the API gateway configuration.

Step 3 - Testing

Once we have received your authentication document, you will be contacted by email when a testing environment has been created.

Step 4 - Go Live

Once your testing environment is verified, you will have the full capabilities of the API service available to you.