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Title Contract for the Trading of Beneficial Securities or Asset-Backed Securities on the Taipei Exchange CH
Date 2012.05.29 ( Amended )

Article Content

1     Contract for the Trading of Beneficial Securities or Asset-Backed Securities on the Taipei Exchange

    ________________ (hereinafter, the "Issuer"), in accordance with Article 5 of the Regulations Governing Securities Trading on the Taipei Exchange (the "Regulations") has applied with the Taipei Exchange (TPEx) for the trading on the TPEx of its □ beneficial securities □ asset-backed securities of which the public offering and issuance has been duly approved. In accordance with Article 9 of the Regulations, the parties agree to enter into this Contract and to mutually comply with the requirements specified below:

Article 1
    The Issuer's □ beneficial securities □ asset-backed securities that will initially be traded on the TPEx under this Contract are as follows:
│Name of the │Date    │Volume  │Unit        │Total   │Remarks │
│beneficial  │of      │issued  │denomination│issue   │        │
│securities/ │issuance│(units) │(NTD)       │amount  │        │
│asset-backed│        │        │            │(NTD)   │        │
│securities  │        │        │            │        │        │
│            │        │        │            │        │        │
    If subsequently there is any addition, deletion, or amendment to the content of the TPEx traded □ beneficial securities □ asset-backed securities specified in the preceding paragraph, the addition, deletion, or amendment to the content of the beneficial securities or asset-backed securities as recorded in the Application for TPEx Trading of Beneficial Securities or Asset-Backed Securities or the Application for Amendment of the Content of Beneficial Securities or Asset-Backed Securities, as approved by the TPEx, shall form an integral part of this Contract for the Trading of Beneficial Securities or Asset-Backed Securities on the Taipei Exchange.

Article 2
    Securities related laws and regulations and the rules and announcements of the TPEx all form an integral part of this Contract for the Trading of Beneficial Securities or Asset-Backed Securities on the Taipei Exchange, and both the Issuer and the TPEx shall comply with them.

Article 3
    After the signing of this Contract, the Issuer shall, before the initial TPEx trading begins and within the first month of each year thereafter, pay the TPEx fees for the TPEx trading of securities at the TPEx trading fee rates set out in the Taipei Exchange Securities Listing Fee Rates adopted by the TPEx.
    The TPEx annual fee rates for TPEx trading of securities as mentioned in the preceding paragraph form an integral part of this Contract. In the event of any subsequent amendment to those fee rates, the amended fee rates shall apply.

Article 4
    The TPEx, on the basis of related laws, regulations, TPEx rules, or as it deems necessary for other reasons, may suspend or terminate the TPEx trading of the TPEx traded Beneficial Securities or Asset-Backed Securities.

Article 5
    The Issuer and the TPEx agree that the Taiwan Taipei District Court shall be the court of venue and jurisdiction in the first instance for any litigation arising out of or in connection with this Contract.

Article 6
    This Contract is executed in five original counterparts. One counterpart shall be submitted to the competent authority and the remaining counterparts held by the Issuer and the TPEx.

Article 7
    This Contract shall take effect after both the Issuer and the TPEx have affixed to it their official seals.

    Contracting party:
    Statutory representative:

    Taipei Exchange
    Statutory representative:

    This ___ day of _____ _____