Link Popularity Comparision toolLink Popularity Comparision tool
This Link Popularity Comparison Tool allows you to quickly and easily compare your link popularity scores to competitor's websites. Enter the URL of the sites to be compared on the blank fields. Click COMPARE to know the results of comparison. The results show up the comparison of the link popularity of the website with the other one. The comparison can be done with more than one website i.e. up to three websites can be compared.
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Website 1:
Website 2:
Website 3:

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Link Popularity Comparison Tool

Link Popularity Comparison Tool facilitates users to compare their link profile to other competitors. As backlinks are the most important parameter meant for boosting the rank of the site, most of the search engines use this link popularity in their formulas. The comparison tool provides competitive link popularity scores that help check your website the measure of quality links than your competitor. Using the tool, users can quickly compare the quality link scores of two or more web pages. It facilitates you to check the link popularity of your site quickly and easily. 

The link popularity is important for higher rankings on search engines for reaching the potential customers. Using this tool, you can check comparing your domain with multiple websites. Just enter your website URL in the below given first box followed by the comparison websites and click on ‘compare’. The Link popularity results will be generated instantly. The tool is completely free to use and In case you need further assistance in knowing about Link Popularity Comparison Tool, feel free to contact us and send suggestions about this tool. Each suggestion will be respected and valued.    

SEO and Web Tools