Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Student Name: Viraj Mankani
Roll no. : 106123079
Submission Date: 23rd September 2023
Topic : Diesel Cycle
Q-1: What is pressure (approximately), at the end of compression
phase of the diesel cycle(in bars) –
Q-2:Original Cycle proposed by Rudolf Diesel was a-
A:Constant volume cycle
B:Constant pressure cycle
C:Constant temperature cycle
D:Compound pressure combination cycle
Q-3:In a diesel engine, the fuel is ignited by-
B:Injected Fuel
C:Heat Generated during compression of air
D:Any source producing EMI
Q-4:Diesel Cycle is a type of combustion process of-
A:Reciprocating IC Engine
B:Expansion And Compression Of Gases
C:Conventional burning of Fossil Fuels
D:None Of these
Q-5:Deisel engine can be designed as
A:Two stroke cycle
B:Four stroke cycle
C:Both A&B
D:None A&B
Q-6:Diesel cycle is also known as
A:Constant volume cycle
B:Constant temperature cycle
C:Constant pressure cycle
D:Compund volumetric combination cycle
Q-7:Which of these processes is not involved during the combustion of
heat engine
A:Isentropic(reversible adiabatic)
Q-8:Thermal efficiency of typical automotive engine is-
A:30 to 35%
B:50 to 55 %
C:70 to 75 %
D:75 to 80 %
Q-9:With increase in cut-off ratio, the thermal efficiency of diesel
engine having fixed compression ratio will-
C:Be independent of cut-off ratio
D:Cannot be determined
Q-10:The fuel in diesel engine is normally injected at a pressure of
A:5 to 10
B:20 to 25
C:60 to 80
D: 90 to 130
Q-11:Compression ratio of diesel engine ranges from:
A:6 to 10
B:10 to 15
C:16 to 20
D:25 to 40
Q-12:Higher compression ratios can be achieved in-
A:Diesel Engine
B:Otto Engine
C:Both A and B provide almost same compression ratios
D:Cannot be determined
Q-13:Which of these quantities is constant during heat addition in diesel
D:Both A and C
Q-14:Mean Effective Pressure of an atmospheric diesel engine ranges
from (in bar)-
A:12 to 17
B:7 to 9
C:14 to 18
D:8 to 11
Q-15:The diesel engine is similar in operation to-
A:Otto Engine
B:Gasoline Engine
C:Spark Ignition Engine
D:Inline Engine
Answer Key
• Q-1 : D
• Q-2: C
• Q-3: C
• Q-4: A
• Q-5: C
• Q-6: C
• Q-7: D
• Q-8: A
• Q-9: B
• Q-10: D
• Q-11: C
• Q-12: A
• Q-13: B
• Q-14: B
• Q-15: B