2.4 - 2.5 Water Quality and Treatment, Water Demand and
2.4 - 2.5 Water Quality and Treatment, Water Demand and
2.4 - 2.5 Water Quality and Treatment, Water Demand and
Water Quality
• Physical: Colour, pH, taste, odour, temp.,
turbidity etc…
• Chemical: Metals, pesticides, salinity,
hardness, TDS etc…
• Microbiological: Bacteria, Virus, other
organisms, eggs
• Radioactive: Isotopes of Uranium, Radium etc.
Case of Japan Nuclear leak last year
Do we have WQ std.?
• NDWQS- 2006
Water Purification
• Bar Screen
• Removes
It removes the particles heavier than
silt/ colloids
Sedimentation Tank
time: 2- 4 hrs.
Slow Sand Filter
•Removes silt/ Colloids
•99% Bacteria
HLR: 100- 200
Rapid Sand Filter
Amount of Wash
0.2 to 0.4% of
filtered water
Hydraulic Loading
6000 liters/ h/ sqm
• Chlorination: apply chlorine and leave for at
least 30 mins. Residual chlorine must be more
than 0.2 mg/ liter, dosage: 2.5mg/ liter in
normal condition and 4 mg/ liter in rainy days.
• Ozonation: mix ozone with water and nascent
oxygen is released. It kills bacteria.
• SODIS: Expose to sunlight for minimum 6 hrs.
• Boiling: till first bubble
• Fluorination
• UV radiation: pass through UV radiator
• Iron & Manganese Removal
Aeration and filtration
• Arsenic Removal
3 Pitcher method, Kanchan filter
Water Demand & Supply
• Water Demand: minimum 45 lpcd in rural area,
65 lpcd for yard connection, above 100 lpcd in
urban area
• Supply should be adequate to meet the
demand for the design period
• Design period: 15 yrs. if population growth rate
(PGR) is more than 2.5% / annum and 20 yrs. If
PGR is less than 2.5%
Source Protection
• What is source protection?
- Source Water Protection prevents drinking
water sources from contamination and
overuse. The goal is to ensure we have enough
clean drinking water for generations to come.
Source Protection….
• Why protect source water?
- The simple answer is because it's the most
cost-effective and reliable way to protect our
drinking water for generations to come. It can
cost 40 times more to treat contaminated
groundwater than to protect it from getting
contaminated in the first place.
Source Protection….
• Potential threats to source water:
- Pollution (domestic, agricultural, industrial
etc.) may enter to the source: DRAINS u/s
- Animal intrusion: FENCE
- Stability of the source area: Protection,
Vegetation etc.
2.5 Intake, Collection Chamber and BPT