Decision Analysis and Game Theory: Chapter Two
Decision Analysis and Game Theory: Chapter Two
Decision Analysis and Game Theory: Chapter Two
Once the decision situation has been organized into a payoff table, several
criteria are available for making the actual decision. These decision criteria,
which will be presented in this section, include:-
minimax regret,
Decision Making without Probabilities
1. Maximax Criterion
In the maximax criterion the decision maker selects the decision that will result in the
maximum of maximum payoffs; an optimistic criterion.
In the maximin criterion the decision maker selects the decision that will reflect
the maximum of the minimum payoffs; a pessimistic criterion.
Regret is the difference between the payoff from the best decision and all
other decision payoffs.
The decision maker attempts to avoid regret by selecting the decision
alternative that minimizes the maximum regret. [select max. then min.]
The expected opportunity loss is the expected value of the regret for each decision.
The expected value and expected opportunity loss criterion result in the same decision.
Game theory was developed for the purpose of analyzing competitive situations
involving conflicting interests. In other words, game theory is used for decision
making under conflicting situations where there are one or more opponents
(i.e., players). For example, chess, poker, etc., are the games which have the
characteristics of a competition and are played according to definite rules.
Game theory provides solutions to such games, assuming that each of the players
wants to maximize his profits and minimize his losses.
The game theory models can be classified into several categories. Some important
categories are listed below.
2. Zero sum & Non-zero sum game: In a zero sum game, the sum of the points won
equals the sum of the points lost, i.e., one player wins at the expense of the other.
To the contrary, if the sum of gains or losses is not equal to zero, it is either positive or
negative, then it is known as non-zero sum game
An example of non-zero sum game is the case of two competing firms each with a choice
regarding its advertising campaign. In such a situation, both the firms may gain or loose, though
their gain or loss may not be equal.
If the sum of the players' gains and losses equals zero, the game is referred to as a zero-sum
e.g. In a two-person game, one player's gains represent another's losses. For example, if one
player wins $100, then the other player loses $100; the two values sum to zero (i.e., +$100 and
-$100). Alternatively, if the sum of the players' gains and losses does not equal zero, the game
is known as a non-zero-sum game
decides his course of action from the list of courses of action during the game. A
a particular course of action. In other words, if the best strategy for each player is
to play one particular strategy throughout the game, it is called pure strategy.
4. Saddle point
A saddle point is an element of the matrix that is both the smallest element in its row
and the largest element in its column. Furthermore, saddle point is also regarded as an
equilibrium point in the theory of games.
5. Value of the Game:-It refers to the expected outcome per play, when players follow
their optimal strategy. It is generally denoted by V.
Example for Pure Strategy:-
The simplest type of game is one where the best strategies for both players are pure strategies.
This is the case if and only if, the pay-off matrix contains a saddle point. To illustrate, consider
the following pay-off matrix concerning zero sum two person game.
I -2 0 0 5 3
Player A II 4 2 1 3 2
III -4 -3 0 -2 6
IV 5 3 -4 2 -6
I -2 0 0 5 3 -2
Player A II 4 2 1 3 2 1
III -4 -3 0 -2 6 -4
IV 5 3 -4 2 -6 -6
Maximum 5 3 1 5 6
Select minimum from the maximum of columns.
Minimax = 1
Player A will choose II strategy, which yields the maximum payoff of 1.
Select maximum from the minimum of rows.
Maximin = 1
Similarly, player B will choose III strategy.
Since the value of maximin coincides/matches with the value of the
minimax, therefore, saddle point (equilibrium point) = 1.
The optimal strategies for both players are: Player A must select II
strategy and player B must select III strategy. The value of game is 1,
which indicates that player A will gain 1 unit and player B will sacrifice
1 unit.
2. Mixed Strategy
In situations where a saddle point does not exist, the maximin (minimax)
principle for solving a game problem breaks down. The concept is illustrated
with the help of following example.
Example for mixed strategy.
Two companies A and B are competing for the same product. Their different
strategies are given in the following pay-off matrix:
Company B
I -2 14 -2
y II -5 -6 -4
III -6 20 -8
1. Determine the optimal strategies for both the companies.
Minimax = -2
There are two elements whose value is –2. Hence, the solution to such a game
is not unique. In the above problem, there is no saddle point. In such cases, the
maximin and minimax principle of solving a game problem can't be
applied. Under this situation, both the companies may resort to what is known
as mixed strategy.
A mixed strategy game can be solved by following methods:
Algebraic Method
Calculus Method
Linear Programming Method
1. ALGEBRAIC METHOD :- Consider the zero sum two person game
given below: Player B
Player A I a b
II c d
The solution of the game is:
A play’s (p, 1 - p)
p = --------------------
(a + d) - (b + c)
If all the elements of a row (say ith row) are less than or equal to the
corresponding elements of any other row (say jth row), then the ith row is
dominated by the jth row and can be deleted from the matrix.
Dominance property
In some games, it is possible to reduce the size of the payoff matrix by
eliminating rows (or columns) which are dominated by other rows or columns
Dominance property for rows :- X ≤ Y
which shows to delate the least rows
Player B
Player B
B1 B3
Player A A2 712 minimum
5 value and dominated by row 3
A3 8 11
Lastly , after row 2 eliminated, we have one rows so we have to go
column reduction.
Therefore, the selected column greater or equal to other column. So, we
have delete and we have 1 strategy, which is =8
Player A [0,0,1,0,0]
Player B [1,0,0,0,0] and value of the game is =8
Example 3
Player B
column B1 is dominated by B2&B3
A2 10 9.5
Player A
A3 13 13
Player B
A2 118 8 saddle point =12, at A3 and B2
Player A Value of the Game is =12 as it represent
the best
A3 pay
12 off
14 for both the players.
Maximin 12 14