Carl Roger

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Perrine Voisin

Siri Wirienga

Professional Accomplishments
He lectured, taught, set up counseling
His dissertation: Personality Adjustment
Inventory. The publication was so
popular that in a span of 50 years it sold
over half a million copies.
1939: published his first book called The
Clinical Treatment of the Problem Child.

Second book called Counseling and

Psychotherapy: Newer Concepts in
Client-Centered Therapy: Its Current
Practice, Implications and Theory.

Professional Accomplishments
1956: Association for Distinguished
Scientific Contribution Award to psychology

1940s 1950s: president of the American

Psychological Association as well.
1961: he wrote one of the most influential
books, entitled, On Becoming a Person:
A Therapists View of Psychotherapy.
1964: Humanist of the Year

How Rogers Theories May Be

Used in Educational Practice


Reflection- Mirroring of emotional

communication so the client
understands that the therapist is
listening and cares enough to

Experiential learning: learning by

doing and reflection by doing.

Self- actualization: mans

Self Actualization Tendency= is the
built-in tendency to develop in a
positive way. Those who have selfactualized have achieved
autonomy, self-sufficiency, and
personal growth.
Ultimate goal, the client
become a person

tendency to actualize himself, to

become his potentialities. If ones
needs are meet, a person can
achieve their full potential.
Rogers believed open
communication and empowering
an individual was a key to selfactualization.

How Rogers Theories May Be

Used in Educational Practice
Client centered Therapy

Learner-centered Teaching

The client should say what is wrong,

find ways of improving, and
determine the conclusion of

As educational counselors, Rogers

theory of Person Centered
Therapy may be very helpful in
guiding students to pursue their

The client is in charge of their own


What is taught must be relevant to

the students, otherwise experiences
or materials that challenge the
organization of the self will be
rejected. This is done more easily if
there is no perceived threat to the

How Rogers Theories May Be

Used in Educational Practice


self-theory = the client views

himself/herself, and how through
therapy can help change their view
and future.

Teachers facilitate learning, You

cannot teach directly. (similar to

Humanistic Psychology = helping

the individual help themselves
instead of diagnosing.

By using Rogers techniques of

Humanistic Psychology counselors
can help students help themselves.

Humanistic Theory- Maslow

In addition to Maslows
hirarchical needs:
Need of an evironment that
provides the person
genuineness, acceptance and

How Rogers Theories May Be

Used in Educational Practice

The person centered assumes that

each person has a need for
Unconditional Positive Regard =
acceptance, respect, sympathy,
and love regardless of

Accepting the person without
negative judgment of a persons
basic worth
Through creating a positive
relationship with the students the
counselor has the opportunity to
instill, conditions of worth in his/her
the person is then valued for who
he/she is, not for what he/she does.



Developed the Person Centered


Is everyone essentially

Rogers was the 1st to record/video

tape sessions for educational purposes.

Is everyone trustworthy

to refer to the person as a Client

instead of patient


Coined the term Self Theory

the core of mans nature is

essentially positive.

Rogers Actualizing
Tendency is contradictory
to his belief that people are
essentially good and

The Idea of Ideal Self(What I want to be) may be

very far from what is actual
and/or realistic.

Carl Rogers vs other theorists

Heppner, P. P., Rogers, M. E., & Lee, L. A. (1984). Carl Rogers:
Reflections on his life [Electronic version]. Journal of
Counseling and Development, 63, 14-20.
Kirschenbaum, H. (2004). Carl Rogerss life and works: An
assessment on the 100th anniversary of his birth [Electronic
version]. Journal of Counseling and Development, 82, 116124.
Goldstein, J.H.,& Wallace, P.M. (1997). An Introduction to
psychology. McGraw Hill, Boston Massacheusetts.
Boeree, G.C., (2006). Carl Rogers [Electronic version].
Personality theories.

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