5-1D Arrays
5-1D Arrays
5-1D Arrays
You are required to store the following data for the Health Ministry Department of India: Name of states and union territories along with capitals Population of each Literacy rate of each
Compute and display the state with highest population and literacy rate.
Notion of an array
Array Homogeneous collection of variables of same type. Group of consecutive memory locations. Linear and indexed data structure. To refer to an element, specify Array name Position number ( Index )
Array Format
Elements of an array can be integers, floats, characters etc. All the elements share a common name with an index called subscript. In an array of n elements:
[0] [1] [2] [3] [n-1]
Memory Layout
When declaring arrays, specify Data type of array ( integers, floats , characters..) Name of the array. Size: number of elements array_type array_name[ size ] ; Example: int student[ 10 ] ; float my_array [ 300 ] ;
For example, int x [ 4 ] ;
Square bracket
memory addresses
An array of integers of 4 elements. Note that the starting memory address is determined by the operating system (just like that of simple variable). Contiguous memory locations are allocated.
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Integer array of 20 elements: int array_1 [ 20 ]; Character array of 50 elements: char array_2 [ 50 ]; Float array of 100 elements: float array_3 [ 100 ];
The amount of storage required to hold an array is directly related to its data type and the size. Example Total size in bytes for a 1 D array: total bytes = sizeof( data type) * size of array int a [ 7 ] ; total_bytes = 2 * 7 = 14 bytes in memory
int main( void) { float f1[10] ; char c1[10] ; printf(%d, sizeof(f1)); printf(%d, sizeof(c1)); return 0; }
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Example 1
Write a program to read 10 integers from the user and display them. int main( void) { int digit[ 10 ] , t ; printf( \n Enter the value of 10 integers ) ; / * for reading 10 integers from the user using scanf * / for( t = 0, t < 10 ; t + + ) scanf( %d, &digit [ t ] ); /* for displaying the integers using printf */ for( t = 0, t < 10 ; t + + ) printf( %d, digit [ t ] ); return 0;}
Example 2
Write a program to read 10 integers and add 5 to odd elements and 10 to even elements.
Exercise 1
In an organization 100 employee are there. Write a program to store the employee id and salary of all the employees. Then input the employee id, and display the salary of the employee.
Steps Declare two arrays int emp_id[100] and float emp_sal[100] Input the value of both the arrays from the user.
1 2
1 2
ARRAY Example
Grade lists Sporting event times/scores Telephone numbers Voting tallies Digitized images
Arrays - Why?
One example:
Employees salaries in a company. Each salary is a float. All the salaries could be stored as an array of floats. Can then do things like: Change an employees salary Find out an employees salary Get the total salary bill
and do it more easily than representing each salary as a single float (convenience of representation)
scanf (%f,&sal1);
scanf (%f,&sal2); scanf (%f,&sal3);
The array size need not be specified explicitly when initial values are included as a part of array declaration.
Array size will automatically be set equal to the number of initial values specified with in definition.
All individual array elements that are not assigned explicit initial values will automatically be set to zero.
digits [ 0 ] = 3 digits [ 1 ] = 30 digits [ 3 ] = 0 digits [ 4 ]= 0 digits [ 7 ] = 0 digits [ 8 ] =0 digits [ 2 ]= 300 digits[ 5 ]= 0 digits [ 9 ] =0
Initializing Arrays
The second way is to Initialize each array element separately
id[0]=1234; id[2]=2883; id[3]=2322; id[4]=8888; id[5]=8237;
Character Arrays
To hold a single string you need to declare a single dimension character array char str [ 11 ] ; When declaring a character array to hold a string( group of characters), one need to declare the array to be one character longer than the largest string that it will hold
Example above array str[ 11 ] will hold 10 characters and a NULL character ( \0) at the end
In case of character arrays Name of the array is the starting address of the array char str[10]; &str [ 0 ] => str
Disadvantage of %s
While reading a string using %s format specifier, it does not scan the string after the space bar. For example Schin Tendulkar It will scan only Sachin . It will IGNORE any space or tab space
gets( )
gets( argument string) : Collects a string of characters terminated by new line character \n from the standard input stream ( stdin ). It allows to input spaces, tabs and copies all the character till new line into the argument string and append a NULL character \0 at the end of it.
puts( )
puts( argument string ): It displays the string of characters from argument string to standard output till NULL character and appends a new line character at the end. For example puts ( str ) ;
EXAMPLE: Input ten numbers into an array, using values of 0 to 99, and print out all numbers except for the largest number.. /* to accept 10 values in the range 0 to 99 */ int size=10; int value[size], i; for (i=0; i< size; ++i) { scanf (%d,&value[i]); if (value[i] > 99 || value[i] <0) { printf ( enter only values within 0 -99 ); i--; } }
/* to find the greatest among the list */ int maximum= 0; for (i=0; i< size; i++) { if (maximum < value[i] ) maximum = value[i]; }
/* to print all the values other than the greatest */ for (i=0; i< size; i++) { if (value[i] != maximum ) printf (%d, value[i]; }
Home Assignment
Write a program to read a text from console and display the number of words and lines in the text.