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And on March 11, 1895, the following Agreement between the
Governments of Great Britain and Russia, with regard to the spheres
of influence of the two countries in the region of the Pamirs, and
concerning the position of Afghanistan in that region, was drawn up:
(1) The spheres of influence of Great Britain and Russia to
the east of Lake Victoria (Zor Koul) shall be divided by a line
which, starting from a point on that lake near to its eastern
extremity, shall follow the crests of the mountain range
running somewhat to the south of the latitude of the lake as
far as the Bendersky and Orta Bel Passes.
From thence the line shall run along the same range while
it remains to the south of the latitude of the said lake. On
reaching that latitude, it shall descend a spur of the range
towards Kizil Rabat on the Aksu river, if that locality is found
not to be north of the latitude of Lake Victoria, and from
thence it shall be prolonged, in an easterly direction, so as to
meet the Chinese frontier.
If it should be found that Kizil Rabat is situated to the north
of the latitude of Lake Victoria, the line of demarcation shall
be drawn to the nearest convenient point on the Aksu river,
south of that latitude, and from thence prolonged as
(2) The line shall be marked out, and its precise
configuration shall be settled, by a Joint Commission of a
purely technical character, with a military escort not exceeding
that which is strictly necessary for its proper protection.
The Commission shall be composed of British and Russian
delegates, with the necessary technical assistance.
Her Britannic Majesty’s Government will arrange with the
Amir of Afghanistan as to the manner in which his Highness
shall be represented on the Commission.
(3) The Commission shall also be charged to report any
facts which can be ascertained on the spot bearing on the
situation of the Chinese frontier, with a view to enable the two
Governments to come to an agreement with the Chinese
Government as to the limits of Chinese territory in the vicinity
of the line, in such manner as may be found most convenient.
(4) Her Britannic Majesty’s Government and the
Government of his Majesty the Emperor of Russia engage to
abstain from exercising any political influence or control, the
former to the north, the latter to the south, of the above line of
(5) Her Britannic Majesty’s Government engage that the
territory lying within the British sphere of influence between
the Hindu Kush, and the line running from the east end of
Lake Victoria to the Chinese frontier, shall form part of the
territory of the Amir of Afghanistan, that it shall not be
annexed to Great Britain, and that no military posts or forts
shall be established in it.
The execution of this agreement is contingent upon the
evacuation by the Amir of Afghanistan of all the territories now
occupied by his Highness on the right bank of the Panjah, and
on the evacuation by the Amir of Bokhara of the portion of
Darwaz which lies to the south of the Oxus, in regard to which
her Britannic Majesty’s Government, and the Government of
his Majesty the Emperor of Russia, have agreed to use their
influence respectively with the two Amirs.
Agreement for laying down the Afghan Boundary from the Hindu
Kush Range to Nawa Kotal; and confirmed by his Highness the Amir
of Afghanistan on December 19, 1895.
Agreement dated Camp Nashagam, April 9, 1895 = 13th Shawal,
Forasmuch as, under Article (4) of the Convention
concluded at Kabul on November 12, 1893, between his
Highness the Amir of Afghanistan and Sir Mortimer Durand on
behalf of the Government of India, we the undersigned have
been appointed by our respective Governments for the
purpose of demarcating in concert the frontier of his Highness
the Amir’s dominions on the side of India in this
neighbourhood of Chitrar and Bajaur, it is hereby agreed as
(1) That on the western side of the Kunar River, this
frontier will be the further or eastern watershed of the stream
which in the idiom of Afghans is notorious and known as the
Landai Sin pertaining to the limits of Kafiristan, and which in
the survey map is also written by the name of Bashgal, so
that all the country of which the drainage falls into the Kunar
River by means of this stream belongs, and will belong, to
Afghanistan, and the eastern drainage of this watershed,
which does not fall into the Landai Sin stream, pertains to
(2) That on the eastern side of the Kunar River, from the
river bank up to the crest of the main range which forms the
watershed between the Kunar River and the country (lit.
direction) of Barawal and Bajaur, this frontier follows the
southern watershed of the Arnawai stream, which falls into the
Kunar River close to the village of Arnawai, leaving to Chitrar
all the country of which the drainage falls into the Kunar River,
by means of this stream, while the southern drainage of this
last-mentioned watershed, which does not fall into the
Arnawai stream, pertains to Afghanistan.
(3) That this frontier line, on reaching the crest of the main
range, which in this neighbourhood forms the watershed
between the Kunar River and the country (lit. direction) of
Barawal and Bajaur, turns southward along this watershed,
which it follows as far as a point in the neighbourhood of the
Nawa Kotal, leaving all the country draining into the Kunar
River within the limits of Afghanistan, and all the country
draining towards Barawal and Bajaur outside the limits of
Afghanistan; but beyond the aforesaid point in the
neighbourhood of the Nawa Kotal the frontier has not at
present been demarcated.
(4) That on both sides of the Kunar River this frontier, as
described in the three preceding articles, for the most part
requires no artificial demarcation, because it is a natural
boundary following the crests of mountain ranges; but since,
at present, inspection in situ is impossible, when the ground is
examined on the spot, it is probable that in the places where
these mountain ranges abut on the Kunar River from either
side, demarcation by pillars for a short distance from the
water’s edge on both sides of the river will be found desirable
for the purpose of separating the boundary of Afghanistan
from Arnawai pertaining to Chitrar and the limits of the Kafir
country (lit. Kafiristan) of the Landai Sin from Chitrar. In that
case these pillars will be erected along the line of the
watershed described in the first and second articles of the
present agreement, subject to any slight divergencies from
this line which may be necessary to protect the local rights of
villages adjoining the frontier.
(5) That the frontier pillars, wherever considered desirable,
will be erected hereafter by an officer of the Government of
India and an officer of his Highness the Amir acting in concert.
(6) That these watersheds, forming the frontier agreed
upon as described in the first three articles of the present
agreement, have been marked by a red line on the survey
map attached to this agreement, which, like the agreement
itself, has been signed by us both. In three places—viz. (i) for
a short distance from either bank of the Kunar River; (ii) in the
neighbourhood of the Binshi Kotal; and (iii) in the
neighbourhood of the Frepaman Kotal—this red line has been
broken up into dots, because the exact position of the
watershed in these localities has not been ascertained with
perfect accuracy; but wherever the watershed may lie the
frontier will follow it, subject only to any slight variations from
the watershed which may be considered necessary under
Article (4) of the present agreement.
(7) That, since on the map attached to the Convention the
Arnawai stream was drawn on the western side of the river in
the place of the Landai Sin of the Kafir country (lit. Kafiristan),
which has been decided to pertain to the Afghan Government,
and, since after inquiry and inspection of the same it was
clearly ascertained by the survey party that the aforesaid
stream is situated on the eastern side of the Kunar River, and
falls into the river near the village of Arnawai, and that the
drawing of it on the western side (of the river) in the place of
the Landai Sin was a mistake, this Arnawai stream has (now)
been drawn and marked on the present survey map in its own
proper place, and that stream, which was drawn in the
Convention map on the western side of the river, was the
Landai Sin stream of the Kafir country (lit. Kafiristan), which
has now been decided to pertain to the Government of
Afghanistan and to be included in the limits of Afghanistan.
Accordingly, in the present survey map it has been marked
with the name of Landai Sin and has also been written with
the name of Bashgal. Moreover, Sao and Nari and Birkot, and
the village of Arnawai, were not written on the map attached
to the Convention, (but) now in the new survey map the
names of all these four above-mentioned villages have been
entered, the village of Arnawai being written on the Chitrar
side of the boundary line, and Sao, Nari, and Birkot on the
side of the Government of Afghanistan.
(Signed) R. Udny.
(Signed) Ghulam Haidar Khan, Sipah Salar.
Letter from Sir Richard Udny, K.C.S.I., Commissioner of Peshawar,
to Abdur Rahman, in respect of occurrences on August 7, 1897.
(After compliments.)
“I have received instructions by telegram from his
Excellency the Viceroy to inform your Highness that the
Government of India have received information from several
sources that large numbers of Afghan subjects have joined
the Mullah of Adda and taken an active part in the recent
attack on the British frontier post of Shabkaddar and the
burning of the British village of Shankargarh. It is reported
that, notwithstanding the severe losses inflicted on the
Mullah’s gathering by the Border Military Police holding the
Shabkaddar post on the 7th August, and by British troops on
the 9th August, he is still being joined by large parties of men
from all parts of the Jelalabad Valley, and that the villages of
Chardeh, Ambarkhana, Basawal, Girdi, Sarkani, and Lalpura
are keeping rafts ready for the passage of the various
contingents. It has also been stated that numbers of Afghan
sepoys in plain clothes and Ut Khels from Laughman have
joined the Mullah. It is unnecessary for the Viceroy to dilate
upon the seriousness of this information. His Excellency
demands that you will immediately take steps to recall your
subjects, prevent others from crossing your Highness’s border
with hostile intent, and render it impossible for them to repeat
an offence so exceedingly grave as this deliberate violation of
the British Indian frontier. The Viceroy in his letter of May 2,
1896, called your Highness’s attention to the unfriendly
conduct of the Sipah Salar Ghulam Haidar Khan. It is
impossible that Afghan sepoys can have joined in this attack
without the knowledge of the Sipah Salar, and the Viceroy is
constrained to warn your Highness that if you do not control
the Sipah Salar, or withdraw him from his command on the
frontier, your Highness must be held responsible for his
actions. For the rest, may you continue to enjoy good health.
“Dated August 13, 1897.”
Letter from the Amir of Afghanistan to the Commissioner and
Superintendent, Peshawar Division, dated Wednesday, 18th
Rabi-ul-Awal, 1315 H. = 18th August 1897.
(After compliments.)
“I received and perused your letter of the 13th August 1897
= 13th Rabi-ul-Awal, 1315 H.
“I read your letter in order to acquaint myself with the
circumstances concerning Sipah Salar Ghulam Haidar Khan
and the people under the jurisdiction of Jelalabad about which
you have written. I now write to say that, as regards Sipah
Salar Ghulam Haidar Khan and the regular Afghan army, not
a single man is or will be with the followers of Mullah Najm-
ud-din, and hereafter, too, none will accompany him. As
regards tribesmen you know yourself that for fear of me they
can never openly join such a movement; if any one has come,
he must have gone secretly. You are aware yourself that a
few years ago Mullah Najm-ud-din fled from Kabul and settled
at Jarobi in the Peshawar district, that the trusted officers of
the British Government summoned him to their presence on
several occasions, and, though he did not attend on them, he
was keeping up correspondence with them and had fled from
my country. On account of the evil acts he had committed,
and the many disturbances which he had created among the
people, he was so much frightened at his own misdeeds that
he took refuge near Peshawar. The Mohmands and the
people of Jelalabad and of the mountain districts of Jelalabad
look upon him as their prophet, and at his bidding and the
bidding of the Mullah of Manki thousands of men are their
devoted disciples. Just as in old days in Europe the Popes
used to profess to be the sole disposers of heaven and hell,
and the people also accepted the word of worthless priests,
so, too, these Mullahs claim to possess the same power; and
during these last few years they have stirred up my own
Afghan subjects to rebel against me, so that in every rising,
whether at Kandahar or in the case of Mullah Mushk-i-Alam or
in the case of the Uzbeg Mullahs who joined Ishak in Balkh, it
was the Mullahs on every occasion who created the
disturbance. There is a village called Hadda, which is
inhabited by Chumars, or leather-tanners, but because it is
the residence of this mischievous Mullah Najm-ud-din, his
disciples have named this impure village Hadda Sharif, that is
to say, Hadda the noble, and his pupils and disciples regard
him as a prophet. What calamities are there that they have
not suffered, and what blood is there that they have not shed
by his senseless commands? He has now taken up his abode
in a country which is independent of Kabul and in the
neighbourhood of Peshawar, and has made himself a notable
personage. Under these circumstances, let the trusted
officers of the British Government themselves look at the
matter impartially and say in what way I could deal with him,
and how am I to arrange for him and his disciples, who regard
him as a prophet and gather round him secretly? Every
Mullah for many years denounced me in various ways as a
Kafir, and at their bidding their disciples fought against me,
and their houses were destroyed and they themselves were
killed. For fourteen years they raised every part of
Afghanistan against me, both in the plain country and in the
hills, till thousands of men perished on both sides, and
several of the Mullah agitators themselves were killed with
thousands of the disciples of these turbulent priests. Every
Mullah raised the people against me as long as he could, and
when he had failed he used to take shelter within the limits of
the British Government, and, by the magnanimity of that
Government, a morsel of bread used to be given him, upon
which these Mullahs used to maintain themselves. These now
are the very same Mullahs who have fled from me and have
settled in territory which is independent of me near Peshawar.
In what way, then, can I manage them? As regards the Sipah
Salar and the regular army, you may rest assured that no
such hostile act shall ever be committed by them, but as it
has been or may have been reported to you that the regular
army or the Sipah Salar Ghulam Haidar Khan is taking part in
this disturbance, this is all a fabrication, and I myself take oath
that neither the troops nor the trusted officers of Afghanistan
have any part in this matter. Every word that may have
reached the ears of the trusted officers of the British
Government is without foundation. On account of the
proximity to you of these Mullahs who are close to your
country, and have now according to the boundary
demarcation fallen within the limits of the British Government,
what more can I add in this matter to these arguments? For
the rest, by the grace of God, all is well. May the days of
honour be perpetual.”
From His Highness the Amir of Afghanistan and its
Dependencies to the Address of His Excellency the Viceroy,
dated the 19th Rabi-ul-Awal, 1315 H., corresponding to the 19th
August 1897.
(After compliments.)
“I have the honour to inform your Excellency that I have
received a friendly letter from Mr. R. Udny, Commissioner,
Peshawar, dated the 13th August 1897 (corresponding to the
13th Rabi-ul-Awal, 1315 H.).
“When I received the Commissioner’s letter, I wrote in reply
to him giving true particulars, and writing them to him in a very
sincere and friendly manner....
“If the false utterances and fabricated reports of self-
interested persons be investigated in a friendly manner, God
be pleased, the relations of union and friendship between
these two Governments will always be considerably
“Further, I have to state that I have secured a letter, written
by Mullah Najm-ud-din (of Hadda), which he has issued as a
notification to the people of Ningrahar, and which is one of the
letters of a similar kind which he has sent to tribesmen in
other parts of the country. I send the original letter of
notification issued by the Mullah in a separate envelope,
which is closed and bears on it my handwriting, enclosed in
this friendly letter to your Excellency. My kind friend, no doubt
he has sent such letters, perhaps hundreds of them, to his
disciples among the tribesmen in Afghanistan. The people
also regard him as holding the position of their Prophet. Such
are the particulars of the Mullah and his disciples.”
From His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor-General of
India to His Highness the Amir of Afghanistan, G.C.B.,
G.C.S.I., dated Simla, August 30, 1897.
(After compliments.)
“It gave me pleasure to read the letter of your Highness to
the Commissioner of Peshawar, dated the 18th Rabi-ul-Awal,
1315 H. corresponding to the 18th August 1897. The denial
which your Highness has clearly expressed therein, of any
complicity on the part of your Highness’s officials and sepoys
of the regular army, was made in a still more marked manner
by the public utterances of your Highness at the Durbar held
on the previous day. Your Highness may rest assured that I
should not have suggested the possibility of so grave a
breach of the relations that must subsist between friendly
allies had I not had reason to think that the complaints made
to me were well founded. That your Highness has taken thus
early the opportunity to make public an emphatic repudiation,
on behalf of yourself and your officials, of any complicity with
the actions of the Mullahs, who have been stirring up strife on
the borders of India, justifies the hope that the charges made
can be disproved, and that for the future no doubt will arise of
the loyalty of your Highness’s subjects and servants to the
alliance with the British Government which your Highness has
again so openly professed.
“It is right that I should tell your Highness the information
which I have received which indicates that tribesmen from
your Highness’s territories have joined the Mullah of Hadda,
and have, in other respects, committed aggression against
the British Government. Bodies of men from Jelalabad district
crossed the Kabul River openly with flags flying and drums
beating. After the fight at Shabkaddar they returned in the
same manner, carrying their dead and helping their wounded.
On the side of Khost numbers of camels stolen from my
troops in Dawar have been taken across the border, and it is
even reported that these camels have been ordered to be
collected by Sirdar Sherindil Khan. Your Highness will no
doubt recognise the propriety of directing the restoration of
camels belonging to the Government of India, which have
been stolen and carried into Afghan territory.
“Your Highness has said that ‘tribesmen can never join
such a movement openly for fear of me. If any one has come
he must have gone secretly.’ What I now ask your Highness,
in accordance with those assurances of friendship which you
have so readily made, is that you will publicly announce to the
tribesmen through your local officers that, if they cross the
border and join in disturbances against the British
Government, they will incur your displeasure. The belief is
entertained by many misguided persons that they will not
incur your Highness’s displeasure by acting in a hostile
manner against the British Government, and this belief can be
dispelled if your Highness’s local officers will keep watch
along the Kabul River and at other places in order to prevent
your Highness’s subjects from crossing the frontier with
hostile intentions, whether secretly or openly. I ask your
Highness, therefore, to issue orders to this effect.
“I mention, for your Highness’s information, the following
facts regarding the disturbances that have arisen among the
tribes. These disturbances were wholly unprovoked and
cannot be tolerated. I detailed a force of troops to punish the
tribesmen concerned in the attack upon Malakand and
Chakdarra. This force has visited the Upper Swat Valley and
received the submission of the tribesmen there.
“The circumstances of the Afridis are these; they have
been stirred up to break their engagements of many years’
standing with the British Government and to display hostility.
The men who are responsible for this are Mullah Said Akbar,
Aka Khel, and Mir Bashir, Malikdin Khel. Some of the Afridi
tribe in the Khyber have remained true to their engagements,
but they were unable to resist the attack of the rest of the
tribe. The posts have been burned, and the road is now
undefended and closed to the passage of kafilas. In the
present state of the frontier, the carriage of valuable goods,
and especially of warlike stores, must necessarily be for the
time discontinued.
“I shall deal with the Afridis and any other tribe which
attacks the British border or British posts in a manner to make
clear the supremacy of the British Government. I am glad to
learn that your Highness in Durbar characterised as false and
unfounded the story concocted by designing persons that the
troops assembled at Peshawar were intended for an attack on
Kabul. Your Highness is well aware that, so long as your
Highness on your part observes the obligations you have
undertaken to the Government of India, the Government of
India will honourably adhere to its promise of supporting your
Highness’s Government.”
From His Highness the Amir of Afghanistan and its
Dependencies to the address of His Excellency the Viceroy,
dated 12th Rabi-us-Sani, 1315 H., corresponding to the 10th
September 1897.
(After compliments.)
“I have received your Excellency’s friendly letter, dated the
30th August 1897, and understood the contents.
“As regards the report which your Excellency had received
to the effect that my subjects had openly collected together
and, forming themselves into separate bands, with flags flying
and drums beating, crossed the Kabul River and joined
Mullah Hadda’s party; that after the fight at Shabkaddar they
returned to their places carrying their dead and helping their
wounded; and as to your Excellency asking me to order my
local officers to prevent my subjects from crossing the frontier
and joining Mullah Hadda with hostile intentions against the
British Government, and even to appoint guards along the
Kabul River and at other places, to prevent them from
crossing, my dear friend, after your Excellency wrote to me,
such a thing has not occurred, viz., that Afghan subjects
openly collected in such bands and crossed the frontier with
flags flying. The true state of affairs has been what I have
communicated to your Excellency in my former letter, i.e., that
Mullah Najm-ud-din, an inhabitant of Jarobi, having spread
the net of his cunning, has made numerous people from the
different Afghan tribes his disciples, and they obey his orders
to the utmost extent. During these times, when he became
the source of mischief and disturbances, he has sent letters in
every direction, and invites all people to join him. I had
secured one of his letters, which I sent for your Excellency’s
perusal, and which your Excellency must have received some
time ago.
“I have ordered the local officers to keep watch on Afghan
subjects to the best of their ability, and prevent them from
joining Mullah Hadda. Thus the inhabitants of Lamkan
(Laughman) had collected a large number of people,
numbering about 30,000 men, and prepared flags; but on the
officers receiving my orders, they used their best endeavours
and succeeded in dispersing them; and they all returned to
their homes. No doubt the news-writers on the frontier must
have communicated this report to your Excellency.
“No tribesmen from my territories can do such an act in an
open manner. Some of them, however, have great faith in
Mullah Hadda, and it is possible that they may have joined
him during the night, travelling like thieves by unfrequented
roads. How is it possible to keep watch on thieves during
nights along such an extensive frontier?
“Your Excellency writes that guards should be appointed
along the Kabul River and on other roads, so that no one
might be allowed to cross over to the other side.
“My kind friend, such an arrangement could only be
possible by posting about ten thousand soldiers on all the
mountain tops and at all the fords in that district. Then they
will be able to execute properly such an arrangement,
otherwise how would it be possible to stop the people who are
familiar with the country? If the well-known roads be guarded
against them, they can, owing to their knowledge of the
country, find paths, over mountains and through desert tracts,
to cross the frontier. As far as possible, however, the local
officials have been watching and will watch any open
movements of the tribesmen.
“As regards the dead and the wounded whom your
Excellency writes that the tribesmen carried away with them
after the fight at Shabkaddar, I beg to state that, if they have
brought back their dead secretly, they have already, according
to their custom, buried them, and now no trace can be
obtained of them. As to the wounded, if questions be asked,
they explain that they are always engaged in tribal feuds with
one another, and they often kill and wound one another, and
that the wounded men have received their wounds in such
tribal feuds; and, as the witnesses belong to the people
concerned, it is difficult to prove anything contrary to what
they allege.
“Your Excellency has kindly informed me that the
disturbances which have broken out on the frontiers of India
have been wholly unprovoked; that a force of troops was
detailed to punish the tribesmen concerned in the attack upon
Malakand and Chakdarra; that the force visited the Upper
Swat Valley and received the submission of the tribesmen
there; that the Afridis, who have had engagements for many
years’ standing with the British Government, have been
stirred to hostility; that the men who are responsible for this
were Mullah Saiyid Akbar, Aka Khel, and Mir Bashir, Malikdin
Khel; that they have burned some of the posts in the Khyber;
that the road was undefended and closed to the passage of
kafilas; that in the present state the carriage of valuable
goods, and especially of warlike stores, must necessarily be
for the time discontinued; and that the Afridis and other tribes,
who have attacked British Government posts, would be dealt
with in a manner to make clear the supremacy of the British
“I have understood the facts of the circumstances which
your Excellency has detailed, and I feel certain that the
tribesmen, who have stirred up disturbances and who, without
possessing any warlike materials and appliances,
commenced hostilities against the Government, will be put to
flight and dispersed.
“I saw some of these people, and asked them by way of
advice why they were disobeying the illustrious British
Government, and exposing themselves to slaughter and loss.
They said that their proceedings were undertaken owing to
the hopeless circumstances in which they were involved, and
they gave the particulars as stated below, i.e., that during
former years a firm promise was given, on behalf of the
illustrious British Government, to the frontier tribesmen that
they would always be exempted from the restrictions of
Government laws, and would remain independent in their own
country; that when they received such orders from the great
Government, they lived with perfect assurance of mind, and
never paid any taxes to any one; that subsequently the
frontier British officials, disregarding the orders of the
Government of India issued to them (tribesmen), began to
make roads in their country, and subsequently asked them for
revenue and inflicted fines, &c., upon them and generally
treated them in the same way as the old inhabitants of India
were treated.
“That the people inhabiting hilly tracts are generally poor
and possess no property; that they have, therefore, exposed
themselves to destruction, and they desire that the frontier
officials should act in accordance with the promise which the
Government of India had given them.
“I then asked them to produce any Government ‘Sanad’ in
support of their statements, and they produced several
printed notifications, declaring the independence of those
tribesmen, issued by the Exalted Government of India.
“As I have heard the above-mentioned particulars from
some of the said tribesmen, and as I saw the notifications
also which they had in their possession, I have communicated
the above as a piece of information to your Excellency.
Apparently the complaints of these people are against the
local frontier officers of India. It is possible that your
Excellency may have received similar accounts.
“Further, as to the closure of the Khyber road owing to the
instigations of the Mullahs and its remaining unprotected, your
Excellency has informed me about the causes which have led
to the discontinuance of the carriage through the pass of
merchandise, and especially of valuable goods and warlike
“I am aware that those independent tribesmen do plunder.
Thus, some time ago Sartip Muhammad Hosein, stationed at
Dakka, had entrusted to the charge of the escort party
(Khyber) some packages of raisins and raw goat-skins, but
some mischievous people carried off the above goods. There
was another kafila carrying about six lakhs of rupees,
belonging to merchants, which subsequently reached Dakka;
but the money was called back from Dakka.
“I have, therefore, arranged that any articles which may be
required to be despatched urgently should be sent by Karachi
and Kandahar, until the Khyber road is made safe again.
“Your Excellency writes further about the story concocted
by designing persons that the troops assembled at Peshawar
were intended for an attack on Kabul, and that the
Government of India will honourably adhere to its promise of
supporting my Government. My dear friend, many men with
interested motives and foolish prattle are to be found
everywhere, and they say whatever comes to their silly
thoughts. No importance has ever been attached to the
foolish statements of such persons who only look to the
surface, and who seek to create mischief.
“Peshawar is a country which is in the possession of the
British Government, who are free to adopt any arrangements
and measures which they may like in it. In this way both our
Governments have authority to adopt measures which they
consider it necessary to take in their own territories. Further,
up to the present, no such thing has occurred as should lead
to the entertainment of such unnecessary thoughts.
Supposing such a thing were to occur, the first step would be
to ask for the cause of it from the side where it should occur.
“If the matter were such as to require an exchange of
correspondence, correspondence would no doubt take place,
so that the cause of it might come to light. Otherwise, why
should ear be given to the foolish talk of interested persons?
“In the same way that your Excellency has written, so long
as the British Government retain sentiments of good
friendship and union in regard to friendship and alliance with
the God-granted Government, please God, I will, with full
confidence, adhere to the friendship of the illustrious British
Government in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
“As regards the camels which the Waziri thieves stole from
the troops in Dawar, and brought to Khost where they sold
them to the inhabitants, I have to state that Sirdar Sherindil
Khan has ordered the owners of the camels to keep them
safe. If your Excellency considers it necessary that the
camels should be taken back from them, then, as the
inhabitants of Khost have bought the camels from the Waziri
thieves, the price current in the country should be given to
them and the camels taken back, so that the people of Khost
may not suffer loss.”