Perfect at Last WEIGHT (Book One)
Perfect at Last WEIGHT (Book One)
Perfect at Last WEIGHT (Book One)
Perfect At Last
An Evolutionary Perspective's Guide on
Attaining an Ideal Body Weight the Fastest,
Most Natural Way
Copyright © 2019 by
Josephine Grace Chua Rojo
ISBN: 978-0-359-71550
Truths About
Eating and
What we need to accept as humans
“Health and healing will follow fasting.”
-Jentezen Franklin
Versus Fat-
Understanding how fats are made and
“The best of all medicines are resting and
-Benjamin Franklin
Why Meal
Timing Matters
Recognizing “when to eat” is the key
“If anything is worth doing, do it with all
your heart.”
The Basics of
Must-knows every future faster needs
“The secret of change is to focus all of your
energy, not on fighting the old, but on
building the new.”
1. Salt
Sodium as the basic chemical component of
salt is the most abundant electrolyte in our
body. It is one of the most common
components for humans to perform regular
functions, and its most important organ
regulator of which is our kidneys. When
one has more sodium, kidneys just simply
eliminate it through urine and when the
same is depleting, the kidney will try to
keep whatever amount it can save before
urinating. However, it is not that easy to
perfect the optimum water intake, and to
teach kidneys to readily save all the salts
you have during your first few days of
fasting. Thus, to slowly introduce the
transition, you can prepare and infuse your
body with home-made salt water, and
taking sips when necessary. (Again, I find
that mixing salt, water and vinegar is more
palatable than salt and water alone.) You
will be amazed that you can immediately
feel some improvement on your strength
after you take a sip. The more organic the
salt, the better it is. Good reviews were
handed to pink Himalayan salts, but I find
any pure, organic sea salt to perform the job
just as fine. To make your own concoction,
just take 1 tablespoon of salt and mix it
with 50-500 ml of water. Whatever amount
left that day should be discarded and make
another one for the next day. Or, simply
have a pinch of salt to your tongue and
flush it with water as needed. Signs and
symptoms of low sodium or hyponatremia
include muscle cramps, loss of appetite and
dizziness. These symptoms are often
attributed to hypoglycemia or low blood
sugar, but more often than not, it is just due
to low salt in the body. Thus, if this
happens, take some and see the
improvements after.
2. Magnesium
While magnesium is commonly
disregarded, it is in fact very important in
processes that involve electrical impulses in
the body, particularly in the muscles, nerves
and heart. Symptoms of deficiency will
include muscular cramps and spasms,
difficulty to concentrate and palpitations.
During the first 1-3 days, seldom does
hypomagnesemia occur. But as your fasting
progresses and you start to feel these
symptoms to occur, you can consider taking
in magnesium supplements at 200 to 400
mg per day. Personally, I only noticed
symptoms of muscle cramps on the 10th day
of water only fasting. This may vary from
person to person depending on you bodily
3. Potassium
This is the second most important ion in the
body. It functions hand in hand with
sodium. And since sodium loss is expected
especially during the early phase of fasting,
potassium loss or hypokalemia can also
Symptoms of hypokalemia can include
muscle weakness, blood pressure changes
and mental confusion. Thus, it is optimum
to have potassium supplements in handy
when engaging in extended fast (>5-7
days). The amount you need will depend on
your physical activity. If you are an athlete
or doing heavy physical labor, you can
consider taking in a little more than the
recommended daily allowance of
1,500-2,000 mg for the average adult.
However, for those that are not engaging in
strenuous activities, potassium is seldom
required even in extended fasts of more
than 5-7 days.
Aside from those, there are also other
electrolytes that are needed in small amount
but seldom causes problems unless you are
very physically active or doing resistance
training or already has signs of
osteoporosis. These include calcium,
chloride (already part of salt as sodium
chloride), bicarbonate, phosphorous and
phosphates. However, if you are still young
without co-morbidities and are not
engaging in laborious routine, you can
proceed without taking much of the latter
supplements. On the other hand, if you feel
you need them, further readings are
Remember, electrolyte deficiency is the
most common cause of Ketoflu, and a
resultant termination of fasting. It is of
great importance to prepare and properly
equip yourself prior to embarking on an
extended fast in order for you to be fully
prepared and attain success in this journey.
Other than electrolytes, other non-caloric
additions can improve the fasting
experience. This is considered a clean fast.
1. Coffee - whether with or without
caffeine, as long as there is no sugar or
cream is a good addition to your water.
It boosts your metabolism and a great
option for those who are avid coffee
drinkers. For those who are not used to
taking in black coffee (i.e. no sugar or
cream), you can start taking it as light
as possible and slowly increase the
strength to suit your taste.
2. Tea - any organic tea leaves is
okay to add flavor to your water in
addition to the inherent properties of
individual teas (i.e. green tea's appetite
suppression, calming effect of
chamomile, caffeine-fix of black teas).
3. Zero calorie spices like cinnamon,
ginger or turmeric are also welcome,
however, carefully consider prior to
adding these since flavor instantly
triggers appetite and subsequent
hunger sensation might result.
Water with electrolytes is the best fluid you
can take in achieving functional, energy-
sufficient fasting days. Fasting without any
fluids, which is called dry fasting is
When engaging in your first extended fast,
I suggest keeping it as clean as possible, as
whatever length of time you clock in, is
already a lifetime worth of personal
achievement that you can take pride
and make reference to. For instance, a
week-long water-only fasting, is a bragging
record and a motivational reference for
your future self that if you can do it that
one time, surely you can do it again and can
readily take on any other less challenging
tasks, and mind you, there are too many
less challenging tasks than saying no to any
amount and any type of food for days.
On the other hand, below are the fluids you
can consume while on dirty fasting mode as
advised by Dr. Jason Fung in his book
entitled, The Obesity Code and The
Complete Guide to Fasting. These fluids
have high fat and nutrient contents, that
even if you are truly already breaking your
fast, “biochemically” you are still fasting
because you would be utilizing fats/ketones
still, thus, you are not getting out of ketosis
stage or the fat burning stage and you can
proceed with your body fat loss thereafter.
-Islamic Proverb
Who Cannot
“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy,
I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.”
Fasting, especially extended fasting is not
recommended among limited groups of
individuals belonging in this subgroup:
“Everyone can perform magic, everyone
can reach his goals, if he is able to think, if
he is able to wait, if he is able to fast.”
-Herman Hesse
“Periodic fasting can help clear up the
mind and strengthen the body and the
-Ezra Taft Benson
What Can
Jeopardize Fat
Loss & Fasting
“The discipline of fasting breaks you out of
the world’s routine.”
-Jentezen Franklin
Foods That
Enhance Fat
“The philosophy of fasting calls upon us to
know ourselves, to master ourselves, and to
discipline ourselves the better to free
-Tariq Ramadan
b. Low-carbohydrate vegetables –
cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers,
asparagus, cucumber, zucchini,
celery, radishes
Foods to Avoid
to Ensure Fat
“Start the practice of self-control with
penance; begin with fasting.”
No Cheating,
Make Plans
“Fasting is necessary as feasting.”
What About
“The goal of fasting is inner unity.”
-Thomas Merton
Weight Loss
“Fasting is not just a spiritual discipline; it
can be a spiritual feast.”
-Jentezen Franklin
-Mahatma Gandhi
Thoughts and
Tips During
• First, believe.
• If others can do it, I can too.
• All good food can wait.
• A large group of people worldwide are
into fasting, be it for religious, health
or philosophical reasons.
• This may not be important to you, but
even celebrities swear by it including
Hugh Jackman, Beyonce, Jennifer
Lopez, Nicole Kidman, Benedict
Cumberbatch, Ben Affleck and many
• Before eating out of your window, ask
yourself, is this a nutritional eating or
just an emotional eating?
• Always remember what certain foods
make you feel. (Like for me, eating
sugary foods reactivates my allergic
rhinoconjunctivitis. It gives me itchy
eyes as well as bloated stomach and
return of cravings, making fasting
hours even more difficult.)
• Don't compare yourself with other's
weight loss pace. Compare yourself
with your previous self. Even if you
are not losing as much, be glad that as
of this moment, you are no longer
gaining more weight.
• As they say, just mind your own plate.
• Fasting and eating healthy has
multitude of benefits that goes beyond
weight loss.
• This is not a quick fix diet, this is a
lifestyle that is sustainable as a
permanent way of life.
• Once you have done an extended fast,
missing a meal or two or even a day
becomes no big deal.
• Fasting makes eating pleasurable by a
hundred fold. A meal becomes not just
a meal but a celebration of life. If you
engage in OMAD, imagine a feeling of
happiness and celebration each and
every day.
• When fasting, you become much
focused and your attention to detail
• Eating sweet foods, even artificial
sweetener spikes insulin and
reactivates sugar addiction for those
affected. Thus, it is a big No-no during
fasting and must be done with caution
during your eating window.
• Do not jeopardize what you have done
just because you felt emotional and
needed food. Try drinking water first
and go for a 10 minute walk with fresh
air and see how it works.
• Fasting allows you to do guilt-free
feasting on momentous occasions with
loved ones.
• Only you have the power to give this
gift to yourself.
• Physical appearance is not everything
that matters, but, our own personal
image about how we see ourselves
• Let your self be the representative of
the real and ideal you.
• Discipline is a state of mind.
• Fasting is 95% psychological
• Practice your mental strength through
fasting and by saying no to unhealthy
• The primary person who can benefit
from all these is you.
• Never stop believing, you can do it.
• Give it at least 2 strict months before
giving up totally.
• What is two months as compared to a
life-long benefit?
• How do you feel about reversing signs
of aging through fasting?
• With proper guidance, how do you feel
about the possibility of not needing
maintenance medications anymore for
allergies, asthma, diabetes, high
cholesterol and hypertension?
• When you are fasting, you are in a
protective and conservative mode.
Your immune system is heightened,
thus, protecting you from common
illnesses like flu and cold.
• I fast to heal my body.
• I fast to improve my mind.
• I fast for clarity and focus.
• I fast for ideas.
• Fasting is being efficient, that includes
no spending for extra food while I still
have fats to burn.
• The moment I eat, I become relaxed
and instantly lose the critical thinking I
had moments before I give in to food.
• I can delay eating a certain food if my
window is not yet open. But I can
remember how it tastes like simply
because the foods that I like are the
foods I have eaten many times
before. The memory of its taste will be
enough until my window opens.
• And yes, you too can wait until your
window opens.
• Weight is only a small aspect of
fasting. Do not be a slave of the
weighing scale. Your body is likely
reshaping and improving more than the
scale can tell.
• Try to move from the scale until you
finish the minimum two months cycle.
• When fasting, your work productivity
• Do not be discouraged when the scale
doesn't seem to move as much as you
want it to. Trust the process and for
some it takes time.
• Have other gauge of improvement
aside from scale like, a monthly mirror
photo, how “honesty” pants/clothes fit,
how light you feel, how radiant your
skin has become and how others keep
on commenting you are slimming
• Do not mind others who are
discouraging you from not eating.
They were not there when you were
eating unhealthy foods 6 times a day.
• If others are giving negative comments
about your practice and how you look
“so skinny”, try to assess first if there
is genuine concern from that person or
just an uneducated opinion. Otherwise,
if you see you are still on your healthy
range of BMI and are functioning well,
you are good to go.
• This is your own journey. If others will
join, then well and good, but if there is
no one else in your circle, keep on and
remember that there is so much
strength and reward in going and
achieving solo.
• Be patient.
• A common reason for fasting failure is
boredom and subsequent
preoccupation with food. Be prepared
and be productive. Plan your days
ahead, best by doing something
worthwhile or even by just binge-
watching a very good TV series.
• Join various support groups in social
media, just type in keywords like
extended fasting, intermittent fasting or
one meal a day.
• Download an app that tracks your daily
fasting goals.
• Reward yourself with non-food
trophies after a successful fast or after
achieving a certain goal.
• Keep yourself busy during a planned
• Plan a productive activity during EF.
• Strive for continued improvement, and
not perfection.
• Be kind to yourself.
• If all else fails, send me a message and
I´d be very happy to help. My email is
[email protected]
Other Benefits of
“I fast for greater physical and mental
It is said that weight loss is only a side
effect of fasting, although a beneficial one
at that. However, the real benefit of fasting
is said to occur not in the visible scale but
in more significant and qualitative way. The
following are the good effects of fasting in
our health:
• Reduces risk of developing cancer and
even shrinks certain tumors.
• Decreases allergic and inflammatory
diseases such as allergic rhinitis,
arthritis, joint pains, and even asthma.
• Unbelievable as it may seem, but when
done right, fasting gives more energy
and stamina to do heavier work.
• Reverses type II diabetes in select
• Normalizes blood pressure for those
with essential hypertension.
• Clears and heals skin diseases like acne
and eczema.
• Normalizes ovulation especially for
women suffering from polycystic
ovarian syndrome.
• Decreases bad cholesterol level and
reduces arterial occlusion thereby
decreasing risk for stroke and heart
• Slows aging and promotes longevity
through autophagy.
• Improves neurologic functioning.
• Decreases risk for developing
neurodegenerative diseases such as
Alzheimer ’s disease.
The details of each benefit and how to go
about it is already beyond the scope of this
book. It is included in the succeeding books
of this series. Meantime, I believe that it is
of great importance that we are all aware of
such benefits. Now that you are
knowledgeable with the basics of fasting
and how it can improve our way of life, I
encourage you to do your own readings and
research so we can educate many more,
especially those near our hearts, and so we
can get more out of this life TOGETHER.
Summary and
“Fasting of the body is food for the
Asked Questions
I believe that reading the book from cover
to cover will give enlightenment to
common questions. And sometimes, it is
good to re-read either the whole book or
certain chapters after you have already
adapted to fasting as a way of life.
However, for any gray area that this book
may have, kindly send me a personal
message and I welcome it with open arms.
Whether it is a suggestion, a question or a
need for improvement, I consider it a
pleasure and an opportunity to make this
4. Cahill Jr, G.F., 2006. Fuel metabolism in
starvation. Annu. Rev. Nutr., 26, pp.1-22.
5. Castellini, M.A. and Rea, L.D., 1992. The
biochemistry of natural fasting at its limits.
Experientia, 48(6), pp.575-582.
6. Izumida, Y., Yahagi, N., Takeuchi, Y.,
Nishi, M., Shikama, A., Takarada, A.,
Masuda, Y., Kubota, M., Matsuzaka, T.,
Nakagawa, Y. and Iizuka, Y., 2013.
Glycogen shortage during fasting triggers
liver–brain–adipose neurocircuitry to
f a c i l i t a t e f a t u t i l i z a t i o n . N a t u re
communications, 4, p.2316.
7. Sarah C. Couch (7 April 2006). "Ask an
Expert: Fasting and starvation mode".
University of Cincinnati (NetWellness).
Archived from the original on 19 July 2011
8. Anton, S.D., Moehl, K., Donahoo, W.T.,
Marosi, K., Lee, S.A., Mainous III, A.G.,
Leeuwenburgh, C. and Mattson, M.P.,
2018. Flipping the metabolic switch:
understanding and applying the health
benefits of fasting. Obesity, 26(2),
10.Stephens, Gin. Delay: Don´t Deny, Living
an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle
11.Fung, J. The Obesity Code: Unlocking the
Secrets of Weight Loss
12.Fung J, Moore J. The Ultimate Guide to
Fasting: Heal Your Body Through
Intermittent, Alternate Day and Extended
13.The Magic Pill at
f b c l i d = I w A R 1 H l P Y 1 -
articles/306638.php 16.
17.h t t p s : / / i d m p r o g r a m . c o m / r e f e e d i n g -
Minnesota Starvation Experiment
A study in 1944 called the Minnesota
Starvation Experiment was done among 36
middle-aged Caucasian men, where caloric
restriction was conducted and adjusted so the
men can lose 1.1 kilogram per week. The
study period was divided into four phases:
Basal Metabolic Index Chart
Sample Intermittent Fasting Schedules
Sample Short-term EF Schedules
Stages of Intermittent Fasting by Gin
Let’s Start This Journey Together
To you,
ISBN: 978-0-359-71550
Lulu Publishing
Photos A - B were taken in 2017. C was in late 2018. D in March 2019, E taken in June 2019