Brochure Consulting
Brochure Consulting
Brochure Consulting
The opportunity
of a lifetime
Your career is just that; yours. You choose it. You live it.
You make it happen. To get the best from it, you need the
best opportunities. That’s why opportunities are at the heart
of a career with us. Opportunities for you to grow as an
individual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact
in a place where people, quality and value mean everything.
1st 1 6
Students voted us the We’re the UK’s Graduate We’ve been named as
number one Graduate Employer of Choice for one of The Times Top 50
Employer in The Times Consulting according to Employers for Women for
Top 100 Graduate The Times. the last six years.
Employers survey for
the last 13 years.
We like to give our people lots of visibility and exposure to the best opportunities.
That’s why everyone you see in this brochure works with us.
Smart, courageous people who forge strong relationships
make us the best at what we do: measuring, protecting and
enhancing what matters most to our clients. And although
the work we do will vary, the way we work will not. We’re
passionate about making a difference for our clients and
each other, constantly creating and adding value. It’s an
inspiring backdrop for your career, whether you’re making
a difference to a public or a private company, a government
organisation or charity. Be part of something special and
find out how your drive and initiative could open up new
opportunities for you and our clients.
Management Consulting 4
Strategy Consulting 10
Economics Consulting 14
Technology Consulting 22
How to apply 28 1
A closer look at our
Consulting practice
Getting results Thanks to our unparalleled knowledge
Deliver practical, insightful advice base and client list, you could work
that gets straight to the heart of big globally as well as in the UK. Last year,
business issues. Whichever part of for example, our Consulting graduates
Consulting you join, you’ll help worked in many different countries
organisations of all shapes and sizes across four continents. With a buoyant
from strategy through execution. economy behind us, there are now
And whatever issues you’re tackling on plenty of opportunities to help clients
their behalf, you’ll work with inspiring reshape their organisations and adopt
leaders to deliver results they can more effective ways of working –
measure and a standard of client giving you the opportunity to take
service that’s truly second to none. on a wider variety of challenges and
more responsibility.
Thinking big
Spanning industries
We have ambitions for the future.
Since our inception we’ve recruited Integrated into many different parts
over 800 graduates into our industry- of our network, our Consultants are
recognised programme. This year organised into specialist teams.
alone we’ve provided ambitious Each team works with household
people with over 60 internships, and names in a diverse range of industries
made over 300 promotions across our – from big-name broadcasters and
business. Our efforts have been high street banks to multinational
rewarded, having been recognised telecoms operators, energy
as the number one graduate employer companies and government
for Consulting in the UK for the third services. They’re incredibly bright,
year running. experienced people and you’ll learn
a lot from them. And no matter
And we’ve seen similar levels of
which part of Consulting you join,
growth across our global network.
you’ll quickly develop outstanding
These are exciting times for us –
business awareness, as well as
and you could soon be part of them.
your communication, project
management, coaching and core
consulting skills.
Jer 3
Management Consulting
Boosting effectiveness
Management Consulting helps the The way we’re organised allows you
world’s most significant organisations to develop your core skills. Over time
– public and private – quickly become you’ll align to a specific consulting
more effective. We improve the way area, developing real insight and
they operate; accelerate their growth; building relationships. This is
reduce their costs; manage their risks; important because our clients
develop their talent; and change the demand both an understanding of
way they do business. In doing so, what they do, as well as insights into
we focus on their agendas and the what they should change, and how.
big issues they need to deal with,
both today and in the future.
You’ll gain 21 months of training
and development on the Management
Consulting training programme 5
As your career unfolds, industry experience and knowledge
become more important because our clients demand we have
a full understanding of what they do, as well as an insight
into how they should change.
Specialist knowledge
You’ll experience several different � i nsurance and
areas of Consulting: investment management
� elivering Deal Value
D � national government services
� Finance � o il and gas
� O
perations � retail and commercial banking
� P
eople and Organisation � retail and consumer products
� Portfolio and Programme � t elecoms, media and technology
Management � utilities and nuclear.
� R isk Your job description
� S
trategy You’ll typically find yourself working
� Sustainability and Climate Change as part of a team of anything from
� Technology. 5 to 30 people. You’ll spend a lot of
Our ability to quickly combine the right time with clients dealing with issues
competencies and industry insight – as they arise, and gaining valuable
uniquely for each client issue – sets us exposure to different types of projects
apart. Industry insight and experience and diverse industries. You’ll carry
become more important as your career out detailed analysis and help make
progresses. We’re organised into recommendations that change their
industry units to focus on specialist businesses. This experience, combined
sectors: with deep technical training, an
� c apital markets emphasis on continual learning
� devolved regional and through the cycles and the opportunity
local government to work on internal support roles to
� h ealth industries gain specialist knowledge from within
� industrial products the network, will equip you with the
skills to really make a difference. 7
Meet our people
I wanted a career that would have I’ve had the opportunity to spend
plenty of variety, challenge and time working internally with our
development opportunities, which is student recruitment team as well as
exactly what Management Consulting on an international project involving
gives me. Through the graduate travel to the US and Switzerland.
programme, I was able to explore One of the things I appreciate most
the different consulting areas, about my job is the amount of
developing a strong and broad responsibility I’m given in these roles
skillset. I’ve now specialised in a and the support I’ve had to develop
specific area, but the work remains and progress. I’m continually
diverse. My roles have ranged from learning from the work I’m doing
advising a Local Authority on their and from the people I work with.
organisational structures, to I’m currently working my way
managing communications about towards my next promotion to
new global processes for a manager and am very much looking
pharmaceutical company. forward to my future at PwC.
Joined 2012
BSc International Business,
Finance and Economics with
Spanish at University of
" Management Consulting
I work with
Having studied Mechanical I think I expected the culture to be
Engineering and spent a short time more ‘corporate’ but have found that,
working in Cameroon, I joined the although people are very professional
graduate programme, keen to gain and deliver fantastic work, they’re
a range of consulting experience. really flexible and interested in your
18 months into the scheme, I’ve had well-being. An example of this is the
the opportunity to work one-to-one PwC Games, a kind of business-wide
with senior clients, gain a deep sports day, where I was part of the
understanding of the health industry team triathlon. I’ve even managed to
and work across the banking and find time to work with some of my
retail sectors. I’ve even contributed to friends from the programme to help a
policy change that made it into charity in Ethiopia.
national news! Equally I’ve made
some great friends and met a diverse
range of inspirational people.
Joined 2015
MEng Mechanical Engineering
with Management at University
of Manchester
Management Consulting
I’ve been amazed by how
closely I’ve been working
with senior clients 9
Strategy Consulting
The two teams share many of the same same; variation is at the core of what we
attributes – fast progression (aim to do. Our pragmatic, strategic solutions
reach Manager within three years), focus on execution to help clients build
working in small teams, international capabilities to give them the advantage
opportunities, the opportunity to do they need, helping to take them from
MBAs, and flexible start dates – in strategy through to execution.
September and April. Pay is exactly the M&A Strategy is a fundamental part
same for graduates. The work mix does of how companies seek to win in their
however vary between the two teams. markets and we help clients make the
As a graduate you’ll be aligned to one right M&A decisions. With us, you’ll
of our two teams, and after a few years get to know a company from the inside
you could experience working in both, out, and combine razor-sharp analysis
as we often resource projects together, with creative problem-solving. Strategy
and provide the opportunity to transfer and M&A go hand-in-hand, so while
between teams. we are often assessing companies
Corporate Strategy separates and markets in the context of a
business success from failure. As part transaction, many of our projects go
of our team of problem solvers and beyond M&A, helping clients develop
creative thinkers you will put your innovative strategies to deliver
analytical skills to the test, creating revenue and profit growth.
strategic solutions to address the
complex challenges faced by business
leaders. We work across all industry
sectors, where no two problems are the Part of the PwC network 11
Meet our people
My first experience here was in my I’ve really enjoyed working on a
Summer Internship in 2013, which wide range of industries such as
gave me a great opportunity to telecommunications, security and
understand what the job involves on a insurance. I recently worked on a sale
day-to-day basis, experience a range of a telecommunications business,
of projects and meet the people in our which gave me a lot of exposure to
team. I found that the work was both management in client meetings,
thought-provoking and challenging. offering me the opportunity to explain
The people were welcoming and the analysis we had done directly.
friendly, so much so that when they Beyond work, I still find time to keep
decided to offer me a job it was the travelling, as well as some sailing and
obvious choice to take it! Between unsuccessful kite surfing. I’ve also had
finishing my finals and re-joining a great time with the people from my
Strategy&, I travelled for a year intake, building new friendships and
around South and Central America. going on social trips to Nice, Henley
and the South Coast.
Joined 2014
BSc Economics at
University of Cambridge
M&A Strategy
I have really enjoyed
working on a wide
range of industries
I didn’t study a business or economics range of sectors in locations as
degree at university, so I was a bit diverse as New York, Russia and
nervous when I first started my career Norway. This can be a bit hectic at
in consulting. With coaching sessions, times, but is great fun and means
on-the-job training and advice from you’re never bored!
my colleagues I’ve progressed quickly Finally, despite the busy schedule I
along a steep learning curve. I now always try to join Friday drinks in the
feel able to add real value to any team office as well as some of the many
I work with. other extracurricular activities going
One of the main reasons I enjoy on. For example, this year I’m captain
consulting is the level of exposure of the London contingent travelling
you get working directly with to the Strategy& Soccer Cup in
partners and senior client staff. It’s a Amsterdam. We had so much interest
great way to build your network both that we’re having to enter four teams
cross-industry and cross-geography – hopefully one of them can bring
– I’ve been lucky enough to work in a the Cup home!
Joined 2015
MBioChem Molecular and
Cellular Biochemistry at
University of Oxford
Corporate Strategy
I now feel able to add
real value to any team
I work with 13
Economics Consulting 15
Meet our people
I joined PwC three years ago as a Africa, supporting the client’s
graduate into the Economics and engagement with senior stakeholders
Policy team. Since then I’ve worked on the findings of our analysis.
across a variety of sectors and areas Aside from impact assessments,
of economics. One of the most my main focus has been on
interesting projects I’ve worked on competition economics and, more
was for a mining company in Southern recently, healthcare. One of the most
Africa. We were asked to measure the enjoyable parts of working in the team
direct, indirect and induced impact of is the breadth of opportunity and
the company on a country where diversity of projects that you’re able
mining is a major contributor to Gross to be involved in. From supporting a
Domestic Product. We measured the global airline as part of a state aid
impact on Gross Value Added and case, to understanding devolution
employment using input-output in Greater Manchester, I’ve felt
methodology. I was able to work in constantly challenged.
Joined 2013
BSc Econometrics
and Mathematical
Economics at LSE
Economics Consulting
The most enjoyable
part is the breadth of
opportunity and
diversity of projects
Joining the Economics Consulting dispute; assisted with the
team at PwC has given me the development of a transformation fund
opportunity to put into practice the for a region’s Health and Social Care
theory and techniques that I learnt as services; and helped to assess the
part of my degree. Being able to work social impact of community
on a wide range of high-profile client pharmacies across England. Before
projects from the outset has enabled joining, and throughout my first year,
me to further develop these skills and I’ve been given great support. This
gain many new ones. made integrating into the team easy,
So far I’ve worked on behalf of a large and it’s given me a great platform to
international airline in a competition progress with the organisation.
Joined 2015
BSc Economics at
University of Warwick
Economics Consulting
Before joining, and
throughout my first
year, I’ve been given
great support 17
Sustainability and
Climate Change Consulting
*Please refer to our website as the application requirements and process for Summer
Internships for this area will differ from our other areas of Consulting 19
Meet our people
After completing my undergraduate One of the best parts of being on the
degree in Economics, I spent just over Sustainability and Climate Change
two years working in financial team is the variety of projects and
services at an investment bank. subject areas. This has allowed me
However, I’d always been interested to gain experience in areas I’m
in the relationship amongst finance, interested in, while exploring areas
economics and sustainability, so I that I’d never considered before.
returned to university to pursue a I’ve been able to take a remarkable
Master’s degree in Environmental amount of ownership over the
Economics and Climate Change. direction of my career in a relatively
While completing this degree, I joined short space of time.
the Sustainability and Climate
Change internship programme and
was offered a full-time position which
I started at the end of 2015.
Joined 2015
Economics at Barnard College,
Columbia University, MSc in
Environmental Economics and
Climate Change at LSE
" Sustainability and Climate
Change Consulting
I joined the Sustainability and Climate community engagement programmes,
Change Consulting team through the increasing my understanding of
internship programme in 2015. I really sustainable development. Throughout
enjoyed the internship, both for the all my projects, my favourite thing
exciting range of experiences it offered has been the people I’ve worked with.
and because of the amount I learnt in The Sustainability and Climate
such a brief period. Change team is full of motivated and
Since joining the team permanently, enthusiastic people, who are keen to
I’ve continued to appreciate the share and spread their knowledge.
breadth of my work. It’s varied from I’m looking forward to continuing to
environmental impact valuation, learn and benefit from being part of
allowing me to develop my technical, such an engaging environment.
academic expertise, to designing
Joined 2016
MSci in Natural Sciences at
University of Cambridge
Sustainability and Climate
Change Consulting
I’ve had support from
experts which has made the
learning process enjoyable
and interesting 21
Technology Consulting
What we do
We work with a wide range of clients
� Digital and Emerging
to help them effectively use Technologies helps our clients
technology to solve a range of create winning business strategies
business challenges. This can include for the digital age, using digital
improving the way that they operate, technologies (including Google for
accelerating their growth, reducing Work) to drive business performance.
their costs, managing their risks,
� Enterprise Applications brings
developing their talent and together extensive business and
fundamentally changing the way technology backgrounds to help
they do business. Technology is at the solve complex business problems.
heart of any business and is often a It uses innovative technologies
key driver and enabler of change. such as Oracle, SAP, Microsoft and
We combine our business and Salesforce to deliver success.
technical skills in response to our
� Data Analytics and
clients’ rapidly changing business Technologies helps organisations
needs. We’re constantly evolving, to harness their data in order to
exploring new ideas and adopting generate actionable insights,
new approaches that add value to improve operations and achieve
our clients. compliance against various
There are four different areas that regulations.
you can join us in:
� CIO (Chief Information
Officer) Advisory helps our
clients understand and evolve the
way they align IT with their business
strategy. The team advises
technology leaders on how to
source, organise and manage IT to
deliver the modern day demands of
the business.
echnology is at the heart of any business
and is often a key driver and enabler
of change
You can apply for this vacancy all year round, but to avoid
disappointment, we’d advise you to apply as early as you can. 23
Meet our people
I joined Technology Consulting at We always have to be looking ahead of
PwC because I wanted to be part of a the trend to advise companies as to
large transformation change. how to make the technology and the
Technology change underpins so principles underpinning their business
many areas of consulting, spanning as future proof as possible.
across industries and company So far, my projects have all differed
functions which allows technology massively – from one of the UK’s
consultants to gain a huge breadth of largest banks to an edgy fashion
experience. The most exciting part of retailer – requiring me to be adaptable
the job is that everything is always and constantly ready to absorb new
changing; the technology, businesses, knowledge.
markets and economies.
Joined 2014
BSc Economics and
French at Queen’s
University Belfast
Technology Consulting
The most exciting
part of the job is that
everything is always
By joining the Oracle team I had the the back office through to the
opportunity to work with a variety consumer facing functions.
of clients across numerous sectors. Working for PwC Consulting has given
I’ve worked with international me the opportunity to work across the
retailers, a government finance UK and the world, meet hundreds of
company, an international postal people and work in exciting, dynamic
company, a global financial services teams. It gave me high levels of
firm and a mining company. Despite responsibility very early on in my
the differences between all of these career and I’ve learnt so much and
clients, the problems they all faced developed myself every day since I
were similar and the utilisation of started. Every day is different and the
digital solutions helped them simplify ever-changing challenges keep me on
processes, reduce costs and increase my toes. After just two years in
revenue. Working for such a variety Consulting, I can’t imagine myself
of clients has allowed me to learn so working in any other business.
much about business processes from
Joined 2014
BSc Biology at University
of Nottingham
Technology Consulting
Every day is different
and the ever-changing
challenges keep me on
my toes 25
What we look for
Assess your strengths The PwC Professional
Our people make us stand out, so we All our people need to demonstrate
choose the best and invest heavily in the skills and behaviours that help us
them. For Economics Consulting, deliver our business strategy. This is
you’ll need a 2:1 in an economics- important to the work we do for our
related undergraduate degree and a business, and our clients. These skills
340 UCAS tariff, or 240 but achieved/ and behaviours make up our global
on track for a 1st class degree. leadership framework, ‘The PwC
For Management Consulting Professional’.
you’ll need a 2:1 in any degree subject. The PwC Professional focuses on five
For Strategy Consulting, you’ll core attributes: whole leadership,
need a 2:1 in any degree subject and business acumen, technical
at least a 340 UCAS tariff. capabilities, global acumen
For Sustainability and Climate and relationships. We use this
Change Consulting you must have framework to recruit, develop and
a sustainability-related Master’s e.g. assess our people at all grades and in
Environmental Science/Economics or all areas of our business, because we
Development Studies. expect all of our people to be leaders.
For Technology Consulting, you’ll
need a 2:1 in any degree subject.
Bringing out the best in you
We’ll help you make the most of
your talents with a structured,
comprehensive, ongoing development
programme. It includes everything
from a formal induction to intensive
interpersonal skills courses and
technical training. Ultimately though,
our best training takes place in our
close team environment, on-the-job
and in front of our clients.
Think about your skills
We’ll be looking for
you to show you can:
For more information on what we look for and The PwC Professional,
go to 27
How to apply
The recruitment process may vary slightly across business areas so check specific details on our website.
If you’re looking to apply for Strategy&, visit
3 First stage interview 4 Assessment day
This could be over the phone or We’ll invite you to this if you have
face-to-face. It will be competency- a successful first stage interview.
based, so think how your experiences There’ll be numerical tests;
demonstrate the behaviours and skills logical reasoning tests; a group or
we’re looking for. Find out more at individual exercise; and a written exercise. For Economics, this will
pwcprofessional and try our include a technical economics
e-learning tools at case study exercise.
@pwc_uk_careers /pwccareersuk
/pwc_uk /careerspwc
This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not
constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication
without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is
given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the
extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, its members, employees and agents do not
accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone
else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any
decision based on it. © 2016 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved.
In this document, “PwC” refers to the UK member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network.
Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.