BMW Z3 1997 Service Repair Manual On PDF
BMW Z3 1997 Service Repair Manual On PDF
BMW Z3 1997 Service Repair Manual On PDF
During the course of engine repairs some basic engine measurements are required to verify engine diagnosis as
well as to complete proper repairs. These measurements are made by precision measuring tools such as
micrometers, Vernier calipers, cylinder bore gauges and dial indicators.
Also, a working knowledge of the metric system is also a vital skill that is needed by the technician. All BMW
engine measurements consist of metric specifications. Some of the routine engine measurements performed
Among all of the skills possessed by a modern technician, basic measuring techniques are perhaps the most
overlooked and least used. This is why it is important to review these skills from time to time as a refresher.
Also, it is necessary to access technical data to obtain the proper specifications for these measurements. This
course is designed to review measuring techniques to assist in engine diagnosis.
Vernier Measurement
The Vernier scale is used on various measuring tools such as the Vernier caliper and the Depth Gauge. The
Vernier scale can be used with Fractional (US) and Metric systems. For the purposes of this training module we
will always refer to the Metric Vernier scale.
The Vernier scale consists of a fixed scale and a sliding scale. The fixed scale is divided with graduations in 1
millimeter increments. The sliding scale has 10 graduations in increments of .5.
In the example shown at the right, the zero mark is resting between 26 and 27 mm. Therefore the base
measurement is 26 mm.
Next, the decimal measurement must be taken. For this, find a line on the Vernier that most closely matches any
line on the fixed scale.
Using the example drawing, the "4" on the Vernier scale is lining up directly with a line on the fixed scale.
Combining the previous reading with this reading, the result would be 26.4 mm.
The designations on the Vernier scale are in increments of .5. For example, if a reading on the Vernier scale
falls on the .5 (i.e. 2.5, 3.5 etc) designation this would indicate 5/100th's of a millimeter.
Fig. 4: Identifying Vernier Scale Reading
Micrometer Measurements
Another valuable measuring tool is the micrometer, which can be used for measurements such as bearing
journal diameter, cylinder head thickness, valve shim thickness and brake rotor thickness etc. Micrometers also
come in configurations for inside measurements as well.
The micrometer scale comes in both fractional and metric varieties. We will cover only the metric micrometer
scale in this course.
First you must familiarize yourself with the construction of the micrometer in order to understand how
measurements are made.
The micrometer is constructed of a few basic parts. The actual item to be measured is placed between the anvil
and the spindle. The micrometer can be adjusted to the approximate size using the thimble. The thimble should
only be used for the coarse adjustment. In order to make the actual measurement, the micrometer should only be
turned using the ratchet (a.k.a. the friction stop). Do not attempt to make a measurement using the thimble. This
will give an inaccurate measurement and ultimately damage the micrometer.
Micrometers are available in various sizes for outside as well as inside measurements. The more common
variation is the outside micrometer. They are usually available in 25 millimeter increments such as 0-25 mm,
25-50 mm, 50-75 mm etc..
The metric micrometer can measure in increments of one hundredth of a millimeter (.01mm). One hundredth of
a millimeter is equal to 0.0003937 inch which is less than one thousandth of an inch.
The measurement area of the micrometer consists of the sleeve scale and the thimble scale. The sleeve scale is
used to read whole and half millimeters. The thimble scale (which rotates) reads in hundredths (.01) of a
millimeter from zero to fifty. Two complete revolutions of the thimble equals one millimeter.
On the sleeve scale, each scale mark above the center line indicates whole millimeters. Below the center line,
half of a millimeter (or .5mm) increments are indicated.
Using the example shown above, the micrometer is a 125-150mm micrometer. To read this micrometer, first
take the basic reading from the sleeve scale. The thimble is past the 139 mm mark. Therefore the reading is a
least 139 mm. Next, look at the thimble scale and note the reading on the centerline. The "10" on the thimble
scale is lined up with the centerline. This indicates a reading of .10 mm. If you add the two readings; 139 + .10
= 139.10 mm.
Fig. 7: Identifying Correct Micrometer Reading
The dial indicator is used to measure the travel or movement of a specific item. It can also be used to measure
axial and radial runout. In engine measurement applications, the dial indicator can be used to measure valve
guide wear, axial movement of the crankshaft (thrust), and runout of flywheels and harmonic balancers.
First, it is important to familiarize yourself with Dial Indicator construction. The face of the dial indicator
consists of a moveable bezel which is also attached to the large measuring scale. This allows the tool to be
brought to the "zero point" when needed.
The main measuring device is the contact point. The contact point (1) is placed against the object to be
measured. Usually, the contact point is rounded or has a ball bearing. This allows for a more accurate
The measuring face of the dial indicator consists of 2 scales. The smaller scale is for the "coarse" measurement
which is in graduations of 1 millimeter. One revolution of the small scale is 10 millimeters.
The large scale is in graduations of .01 millimeter and the scale goes from zero to one hundred. Therefore, one
revolution of the large scale is one millimeter.
The dial indicator also needs to be held in place when taking a measurement. This requires a stand or base.
Depending upon the application, these stands can be a clamp type, magnetic or a threaded base.
When taking a measurement, place the contact point on the object to be measured. The dial indicator must be
pre-loaded slightly to prevent the measurement from bottoming out.
When reading the scale, be sure to "zero" the dial indicator first. If the readings to be taken are less than 1
millimeter, you do not need to use the small scale. If the readings are larger than 1 millimeter, be sure to factor
the small scale into your measurement.
During engine repair procedures it is sometimes necessary to assess engine wear to make determinations on
parts replacement. Also, some engine measurements are needed to verify a previous diagnosis.
For example, a cylinder leakdown test could indicate a cylinder sealing concern. Once the engine is
disassembled, it would be necessary to verify this condition by checking the piston and piston ring condition. If
OK, the next step would be to determine the condition of the cylinder bore. At this point, the cylinders should
be checked for taper (conicity) and for out-of-round. The correct measurements could mean the difference
between just replacing the rings and/or pistons or replacing the engine block. This is why it is necessary to make
accurate measurements when needed.
If a repair requires removal of the cylinder head, a few basic measurements can be performed to save time and
unnecessary machine shop costs. If an engine has been overheated or has an internal or external fluid leakage
(coolant/oil), it is a good idea to check the cylinder head for warpage.
This can be done by using a commercially available machinists straight edge and a feeler gauge. by sliding the
feeler gauge under the straight edge in various locations, it can determine if there are any low spots or warpage.
Usually, the specification is about .05 mm.
Fig. 15: Identifying Cylinder Head
Also, check to see if the cylinder head has a specification for machining limit. If so, it may be possible to have
the cylinder head re-surfaced. Depending on the amount of material removed during the machining process, it
may be necessary to install a thicker head gasket. There are some "service" head gaskets available through the
part s department.
The cylinder head can be checked for minimum thickness. This is done using a micrometer or a vernier caliper.
This is not possible on all engines, the example shown is a 6-cylinder (M52TU/M54).
If the minimum thickness is not met, the head will need to be replaced.
Fig. 16: Measuring Thickness Of Cylinder Head
Piston Measurements
When replacing pistons and/or piston rings, there are some basic measurements that need to be made. When
fitting a piston to a cylinder bore, the piston diameter should be checked to ensure a proper fit.
The piston diameter is measured using a micrometer. The measurement is taken at a specified point (A) which
is 90 degrees from the piston pin axis. Each engine has a specific location to measure piston diameter. For
example, the illustration below shows measuring Point A. The specification for this engine (N62) is 18 mm. So
the piston diameter is measured 18 mm from the bottom of the piston skirt.
Fig. 17: Measuring Piston Diameter Using Micrometer
The piston diameter, when subtracted from the cylinder bore equals the cylinder wall to piston clearance. If the
clearance measurement obtained is not correct, re-check your readings.
There are some important specifications to check when installing piston rings. One of the measurements in axial
clearance. Axial clearance is the distance between the piston ring and ring land. This prevents the rings from
binding in the ring land at operating temperature. Axial clearance is measured using a feeler gauge.
Also the piston ring end gap has to be checked. This measurement is checked using a feeler gauge.
This clearance is critical in order to prevent the end gaps from contacting each other when the engine is at
operating temp.
When installing the piston rings, always stagger the end gaps as per the repair instructions.
Fig. 18: Measuring Piston Ring Gap Using Feeler Gauge
Fig. 19: Measuring Piston Ring End Gap Using Feeler Gauge
Cylinder Bore
In order for the cylinder bore to be considered acceptable, it must not be excessively tapered or out-of-round.
Once the cylinder has been checked for obvious damage and the surface finish is OK, the integrity of the bores
must be verified. If cylinder wear is suspected, it must be checked using the proper cylinder bore gauge.
Each cylinder must be checked at three position in the bore - top, middle and bottom. Also there must be two
opposing dimensions that should be checked. The difference between the top and bottom measurements will
indicate the taper of the bore. The opposing dimensions will indicate the out-of-round specification.
If these measurements are out of specification, the cylinder bore must be re-finished or overbored. New pistons
and rings must be fitted as well.
Fig. 20: Checking Cylinder Bore Using Cylinder Bore Gauge
The unit of length, and the basis for all other metric units of measurement is the meter. The meter (1 meter), as a
point of reference, is slightly longer that a yard (39.37 inches).
The divisions of a meter are hundredths and thousandths. One hundredth of a meter is called a centimeter, and is
equal to .3937 inch or about half the diameter of a nickel.
One thousandth of a meter is called a millimeter. The small marks between the centimeter increments are each
one millimeter, or one tenth of a centimeter. And as a point of reference, a standard paper clip is about one
millimeter thick.
Throughout the metric system, common to all units of measurement, are prefixes which designate multiples or
fractions of the unit.
For automotive applications, the most common prefixes are centi; designating one-hundredth; milli; for one
thousandth and kilo- for one thousand.
There are letters uniformly used throughout the system to label the divisions or multiples of each unit of
measurement. The letter "m" represents milli, "c' is for centi and "k" is for kilo. These are then combined with
the letter representing the unit of measurement.
For example, mm is millimeter, cm is centimeter and km is kilometer. The same applies to liter which is the unit
of volume and gram which is the unit of weight.
One kilogram is equal to one thousand grams which is equal to 2.2 pounds. All metric measurements are
directly related. For example, one thousand cubic centimeters, or 10cm x 10cm x 10cm of water weighs one
kilogram. The volume of those one thousand cc's is one liter.
Production: All
It is a process utilized by BMW, which groups system specific operating requirements (Data) together and then
assigns a label/code to each of these groups of data. The various groups of data are all pre-loaded into system
specific "codable" control modules, along with a basic set of operating instructions (Program).
The procedure of assigning one specifically labeled group of data to the operating program of a specific control
module/component is referred to as "coding".
Fig. 1: Identifying Data Before Coding
Fig. 2: Identifying Data After Coding
A "codable" control module has a basic operating program already installed along with several specific
variations of operating data. The coding process allows a specific set of operating data to be assigned to the
basic operating program of that module/component, with respect to its specific application.
NOTE: Codable control modules/components are system specific, which means that
not all control modules are codable.
(Program) into a module/component which already has the systems operating requirements (Data) installed,
plus it can be used as a means of updating data and operating instructions previously installed in a control
Basic programmable control modules have a pre-defined set of operating data already installed which allows the
module to be fairly generic until a specific operational program is installed.
As a global manufacturer, BMW must design a large variety of control modules to meet numerous vehicle
requirements pertaining to issues such as:
By using Coding and/or Programming, the large variety of control modules needed can be reduced to a smaller
number of model specific hardware variations.
In order to use this type of control module it must first be CODED to ensure that the operating data specific to
that vehicle/model application is used by the operating program of the control module.
In order to use this type of control module it must first be PROGRAMMED to ensure that the operating
program specific to the vehicle/model application is used.
Prior to the availability of Coding and Programming in the workshop this task could only be performed at the
Initially the factory installed Control Module(s) with a common operating program or data into vehicles and as
theses vehicles reached various points in the assembly process the control modules were updated with the
required operating data or program specific to the application for that particular vehicle. Since replacement parts
always need to be available, parts inventory needed to contain all variations of preprogrammed control modules
installed in all varieties of vehicles that were manufactured. This was not a big problem in the early years, when
the variety/quantity of models was smaller.
As the number of control modules and the complexity of the various systems installed into vehicles increased,
the number of modules that needed to be stored in parts inventory began to increase as well. Eventually this led
to the stocking of hundreds of different control modules that were either pre-programmed or pre-coded for a
specific application and model, but only differed slightly in the way they were coded or programmed.
Pre-programmed and pre-coded control modules always needed to be available in the event a control module
failed once the vehicle left the factory floor, since this was the only place programming & coding procedures
could be performed. In order for repairs to be made quickly, dealers were required to maintain a stock of several
varieties of control modules, since technicians could only remove the failed module and installed a new
preprogrammed or pre-coded module into the vehicle.
As a result of having to maintain a very large inventory of pre-programmed and pre-coded control modules in
parts inventory, it was decided to make coding and eventually programming available in BMW workshops.
The following advantages have occurred since programming and coding can be performed in the workshop:
Fewer control module hardware versions are needed (only need basic control modules)
Lower parts and inventory costs
Able to update software in a control module without having to replace the module (Re-Code/ Re-Program
to address service Measures)
Ability to add special equipment features to existing control modules (DWA, Day Time Running Lights,
Customization of vehicle operation (Conversions, VKM, A/C, ...)
The means by which coding or programming information is provided to a control module varies and is
determined by the vehicle, model year and type of module(s) installed.
Coding Plug
DME variant Coding
Coding Code
Central Coding Key (ZCS) or Vehicle Order (VO)
EPROM Programming
Flash Programming
Vehicle and Key Memory (VKM)
The control modules used in our vehicles store data/information on one of the following:
In essence these devices are similar to the harddrive of the PC (P ersonal C omputer) that many of us use daily
to store the images and documents/files of information.
An EPROM is a computer memory chip that can be electrically programmed, however in order to erase data
that is stored on the chip it must be removed from the device and exposed to UV lighting for a specific time
period. An EPROM has what is commonly called a "window" on the top portion of the chip usually located
underneath a protective label, it is this area that must be exposed to UV light of a certain intensity for a specific
time period in order to erase the information stored on it.
Early engine control modules (DME 3.X) and transmission control modules were the first devices which
allowed technicians to first remove the chip from the module, install a new "blank" EPROM and then program
the module.
Fig. 6: Identifying EPROM (Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory)
An EEPROM is a computer memory chip that can be electrically programmed and electrically erased, thereby
not requiring the chip to be removed from the module or exposed to light. In general this chip is not easily
removable from the device it is installed into.
Since the entire process of programming and erasing is done electronically this device is commonly referred to
as "Flash Programmable".
During the programming process the following type of information may be loaded into the control module
depending on the specific application or update that needs to be installed:
Characteristic Maps (Ex. Ignition, Injection, Purge Control, DSC Regulation, ...)
Control Constants/ Operational Data
Operational Program
Control Module Identification Information (Ex. Hardware Number, Program Number, Date of
Modification, ...)
In order to code or program a vehicle, specific equipment and special software is required such as a DISplus,
GT1 and an SSS which must all be connected to a network and have the must current version of CIP (C oding, I
ndividualization & P rogramming) installed. CIP is the software program that contains all the latest data and
program information to allow control modules to be updated to the latest level to address customer concerns and
implement service solutions.
With the release of CIP 15.0 and the implementation of Progman (see PROGMAN ) the DISplus and GT1 will
only be capable of performing vehicle diagnosis and activation/initiation of a Coding, Individualization or
Programming task through the SSS. A special program management tool (Progman) will only allow the DISplus
and GT1 to act as remote terminals to the SSS (regarding Coding, Individualization & Programming), which
means that the SSS will be the single supplier of Coding, Individualization and Programming information to a
vehicle and its respective control modules.
Production: All
Coding and Programming of a control module can only be performed within the workshop network using BMW
Group Equipment and Software.
As of 2004 the standard diagnostic equipment available for a workshop consists of:
With PROGMAN (CD14) the DISplus will no longer be able to do coding and programming directly, it will
only be used as a remote terminal that can initiate Coding & Programming through SSS.
With PROGMAN (CD14) the GT1 will no longer be able to do coding and programming directly, it will only
be used as a remote terminal that can initiate Coding & Programming through SSS.
With release of PROGMAN (CD 14) the SSS becomes the only tool for performing Coding, Programming and
Individualization. All requests from GT1 or DISplus will be performed by the SSS. The SSS can also be used to
directly initiate a Coding, Programming or Individualization request.
SSS will be capable for coding/programming multiple vehicles, Max 5 vehicles at a time.
Used For:
Vehicle Diagnosis, Coding, Programming and Individualization on Most bus equipped vehicles.
NOTE: The OPPS is NOT ABLE to perform Diagnosis, Coding, Individualization &
Programming on an I-bus equipped vehicle.
Fig. 11: Identifying OPPS Head - (Optical Testing & Programming System)
Used For:
Vehicle Diagnosis, Coding, Programming and Individualization
NOTE: The OPS is not able to perform optical diagnosis of MOST Bus and Byteflight
systems nor can it be used to perform Diagnosis, Coding, Individualization &
Programming on an I-bus equipped vehicle.
Used For:
Maintaining proper vehicle battery voltage level during Diagnosis, Coding and Programming.
Follow the initial setup of the charger as indicated in the SIB.
During Coding or Programming Procedure the battery charger must be in the Power Supply (PS) mode.
Place the charger into the power supply mode by depressing the "MENUE" button 3 times in rapid
Whenever coding and programming are to be performed on a vehicle, the latest version of software for
DISplus/GT1 and SSS must be loaded/installed on the equipment being used.
The DIS CD xx contains the diagnostic programs (test modules, schematics, system status values...) prior to CIP
15.0 all coding and programming information for early production vehicles (E31, E32, E34, E36, E38, E39,
E46, E53 and E52) was also available.
NOTE: With the introduction of CIP 15.0 all coding and programming information will
be migrated to CIP and incorporated within Progman.
Whenever a new version of either DIS CD xx or CIP xx.x is released this indicates that an update or addition to
a specific coding, programming or diagnostic routine has occurred. The change can be reflected by a
new/updated programming software for a specific control module, the ability to code a new module or the
ability to perform a new retrofit procedure when installing a new system.
As the level of technology in our vehicles continues to increase so does the level of technology that we use in
our diagnostic and programming equipment within the workshop.
In order to meet the ever growing demand for more rapid transfer of information we can no longer have
multiple "stand alone" systems, therefore various infrastructures have been created to allow multiple "stand
alone" devices/systems to interact with each other to share information.
The sharing of information with various control modules in our vehicles has been occurring for quite some time,
now we will also be doing this with the diagnostic equipment in the workshop as well.
In order to make the components used in our vehicles more efficient we utilize bus structures (commonly
referred to as I-Bus, K-Bus, MOST Bus, Byteflight, PT-CAN, etc.). By using bus structures in vehicles, we can
accelerate communication between several different control modules. Many common vehicle systems (such as
entertainment, safety, powertrain, etc.) are "stand alone" systems but also require information from other
modules/systems in order to be more efficient. In order to obtain the required information the systems must also
be able to simultaneously communicate without interfering with each other, which is accomplished by using
various bus structures.
The ISIS (Intelligent Safety Integration System) system on the E65 uses the Byteflight bus structure.
Fig. 14: Identifying Vehicle Bus Systems
Depending on the equipment level of the E65, the ISIS may consist of 11 satellite components (Control
Modules/Sensors) that are connected, using fiberoptic cables, to the SIM (Safety Information Module) which
monitors the status of the satellite components. Since this is a safety system, components need to be activated
within a fraction of a second in order to be effective, there can not be any processing delays. The SIM is
connected to the ZGM (Central Gateway Module) which monitors the activity of the SIM and will direct
information to the SIM and other devices in the vehicles as necessary.
Workshop LAN Network
A network is nothing more than a group of devices interconnected so that they can communicate with each
other. A LAN is a network that is localized to a specific area, such as a workshop or office.
The bus systems (I-Bus, K-Bus, PT-CAN, Byteflight, MOST Bus, ...) that we have been using in our vehicles
for quite sometime, are nothing more than networks with different configurations. By looking at the byteflight
system mentioned previously, a similarity to a workshop network can be established.
All workshops are currently equipped with a GT1, DISplus, SSS, OPS, OPPS, Diagnostic Head, Access Point,
desktop computer(s) and printer(s) which can be considered as satellite components (control modules/sensors).
In order for these components to communicate with each other, either directly or indirectly, they must be
interconnected via a cable/wire to a common point or switching device. Consider the switching device/hub to be
similar to the SIM, which monitors all devices connected to it and allows the devices to communicate with each
other. The interconnection of these devices results in the establishment of a network localized to the workshop
area thereby establishing a Local Area Network (LAN) in the workshop.
Network Structure
By having the workshop configured to allow the various devices used on a daily basis to be
interconnected/networked with each other, as indicated in the illustration, additional components can easily be
added and online updates can automatically be installed on all connected devices, as long as they have an
approved IP address.
Example: The network that exist in the workshop is not much different than the network structure that is used in
our vehicles. In order for control modules to communicate with each other they must be correctly identified.
The identification process can be considered to occur as part of the coding procedure which is done at the end
of the assembly process or at anytime a new component/module/system is added to the vehicle. By not recoding
the vehicle after adding or removing a module/system, the communication on a particular bus can be hampered
especially if a response form a module that is no longer installed is expected or a new module transmits data
that is not expected by anyone else on the bus because it is not correctly identified. The VO for a vehicle can be
considered to contain the IP addresses of the modules installed in the vehicle.
If the devices on the workshop network do not have a rigidly assigned IP address, online updates to specific
devices can not occur. The operation/performance of a network can be greatly hampered if multiple devices
share an address, since the transmitted data is not able to reach the correct device, it can result in jamming up
the operation of the network.
Fig. 16: Identifying Network Structure
Network Connections
When establishing a network which will utilize multiple access terminals/jacks it is recommended that the jacks
and cables attached to the specific jacks are numbered and that the corresponding end of the cable that connects
to the router/switched hub should be numbered as well.
Example: The illustration below shows a basic network structure with no miscellaneous devices connected,
other than a Server and Switched Hub. The cables running to/from the Switched Hub are all numbered on both
ends to make troubleshooting the network easier in the event of a problem with the cabling, wall jack or
Switched Hub connections.
Not having the cable and wall jacks number would be like trying to troubleshoot a problem with an electrical
circuit in the vehicle where all the wires are the same color and the components connected have no pin
Fig. 17: Identifying Network Connections (1 Of 2)
Once additional devices are connected it becomes very important that the configuration information (IP
Address, Gateway Address, Subnet Mask and Device Name) is entered correctly for each device that is
connected to the network. Each device must be assigned a specific/unique IP Address.
It is very important that the IP address not be shared by multiple devices located on the network, as this can
result in "Locking-up" the network, which can have a detrimental effect on any control module(s) being
programmed or coded.
Fig. 18: Identifying Network Connections (2 Of 2)
Select "Administration".
Fig. 19: Display DISplus/GT1 (Administration)
Select "System".
Fig. 20: Display DISplus/GT1 (System)
The screen now displays the network configuration information for the device being used DISplus/GT1.
Fig. 21: Display DISplus/GT1 (Network Configuration Information)
Example: A red color band will be assigned to this interface once "OK" is selected.
Fig. 24: Display DISplus/GT1 (Network Configuration Information)
Workshop Layout
Fig. 25: Identifying Workshop Layout Chart
A LAN currently exists in all workshops to allow the diagnostic equipment (DISplus, GT1, SSS, OPPS, OPS &
Diagnostic Head) to communicate with each other. In order to successfully diagnose, code and program a
vehicle, it is required to have all equipment connected to the workshop network.
Access Point
Allows direct wireless access to LAN for GT1 and Diagnostic Head
Diagnostic head establishes connection to LAN via wireless communication and thereby can be connected to
DISplus or GT1, which are connected to LAN
Wall Jack
Connection point for devices such as GT1, DISplus, Access Point, SSS, Diagnostic Head, OPPS/OPS Head,
Printer and Network Server to Switched Router via RJ45 cable.
Fig. 26: Identifying Wireless
Fig. 27: Identifying CAT 5 Ethernet Cable With RJ-45 Connectors
Switched Hub
LAN switched distribution hub for all devices connected to the network. Routes communication
telegrams/messages to specific devices from specific devices. Allows multiple devices to communicate with
each other without reducing data transfer rate.
Central computer which controls interface/communication between all devices on the Workshop LAN and
communication to external networks and internet. Keystone device for network operation along with
Common Terminology
A group of computers that are interconnected with each other and able to communicate with each other either
by transferring data via a wired or wireless connection.
Example: By having all computers, testers and printers in the workshop interconnected results in a Workshop
The term Ethernet is a communications protocol used to define a method & speed by which interconnected
devices are able to communicate with each other by either a wired (twisted pair) or fiberoptic connection.
10BaseT - Able to transmit data at a rate of 10Mbps for a maximum distance of 100 meters per segment.
100BaseT - Able to transmit data at a rate of 100Mbps for a maximum distance of 1000 meters per segment.
The speed differences are obtained by modifying the method of encoding the data to be transferred. The
maximum distance consist of the distance from switched hub to wall jack plus length of cable used to connect a
particular device. The greater the distance the greater the chance of signal loss/disturbance.
A standard used to define an 8 wire cable (4 twisted pair) that is commonly used to interconnect various
computers in the establishment of an ethernet network. Certified to transmit data at a maximum rate of
RJ-45 Connectors
The plastic connectors at the end of a CAT 5 cable, used to connect the cable to device/computer, wall jack and
Wall Jack
Accepts RJ-45 connectors when connecting devices to the network. Connection point for devices like DISplus,
GT1, SSS, OPPS, OPS, Diagnostic Head, workshop computers and printer.
Recommendation is that outlet/jack is numbered and the corresponding end of the ethernet cable connected to
the switched hub is numbered as well, to assist in troubleshooting in the event of a problem.
Example: A wall jack outlet is labeled as #1 the other end of the cable at the hub should also be labeled #1.
Switched HUB
Allows multiple devices to send information over the network at the same time without slowing down the
communication process. A switched hub essentially isolates the two devices that are communicating, thereby
providing each component on the network a separate connection at the maximum data transfer rate of the
Example: A switched HUB is similar to the use of cloverleafs on the highway, traffic does not need to stop if a
change in direction needs to be made, plus traffic flows smoothly from point to point.
A regular HUB does not provide each component with a separate connection point to the network but rather a
shared connection point. By sharing a connection point the data transfer rate of the network is reduced when
multiple devices try to communicate.
Example: A regular HUB is similar to the use of a 4 way intersection, the smaller the amount of traffic using
the intersection the quicker a car can go through the intersection and reach its desired destination. The greater
the traffic the longer it will take for a car to reach its desired destination.
The switched hub installed as part of the workshop wiring project is a Cisco WS-C2950-24.
Network Server
A computer that provides information/data to other computers located on the network. A server allows
computers on its network to access information on another network, such as the internet. The server is the
keystone device that allows computers on its specific network to access information on another network.
As an example a server can obtain and distribute software updates to all computers located on its network,
instead of having to physically install the updates to each computer individually.
Automatic/Online Updates
The ability to connect the network server to the BMW server and check for new software updates (Diagnostic,
Coding & Programming data) then downloads the information to all computers/equipment located on the
network automatically at a specific time.
Example: New updates can be installed on SSS, GT1 and DISplus overnight in order to have latest data
available the next morning.
Access Point
The access point is a wireless communication device that is able to establish a wireless connection with a GT1
and/or a diagnostic head and allows them to communicate with other devices on the network.
Interface Name
IP Address
It is a unique four segment number used to identify a specific device located on a specific network. The number
represents the address of the device on the network and is necessary when communicating with other devices
located on the network.
Usually the first three segments are used to identify the network and the last segment identifies the device. The
IP Subnet Mask information generally defines which segments are needed to identify the network and which
identify the device.
In order for a devices on the network to communicate with other devices on the network it must know the
addresses of those devices. If a print command is sent from a computer to a printer on the network, the
command must be addressed specifically to the desired printer.
Example: An IP address is no different than your home address, in order to receive a letter specifically directed
to you, your name and address must be correctly displayed on the letter.
IP addresses are assigned by the network administrator/provider and are rigidly assigned to the device(s) located
within the workshop network, by entering it into the device during the initial setup.
IP Subnet Mask
This information is used to define which segment(s) of the four segment IP address specifically identifies the
device and which identify the specific network.
Indicates that the first three segments (255.255.255) identify the specific network that the device is located on.
The last segment (0) indicates that this is the segment that will identify the specific device.
This information identifies the four segment address of the component located on the network responsible for
communicating from the current network to another network. If there is no address in this location then a
connection to any devices outside of the current network can not be established.
NOTE: The network and device address information must be entered exactly as defined
by the network administrator for your facility, otherwise the devices can not be
With the release of CIP 15.0 and the implementation of Progman (see PROGMAN section for additional
information) the DISplus and GT1 will only be capable of performing vehicle diagnosis and activation/initiation
of a Coding, Individualization or Programming task through the SSS. A special program management tool
(Progman) will only allow the DISplus and GT1 to act as remote terminals to the SSS (regarding Coding,
Individualization & Programming), which means that the SSS will be the single supplier of Coding,
Individualization and Programming information to a vehicle and its respective control modules. By having all
devices (DISplus, GT1 and SSS) connected to the network, the DISplus and GT1 can be utilized to perform
diagnosis on a new vehicle after a request for vehicle programming as an example, has been sent to the SSS for
the current vehicle.
Example: GT1(7) is connected to the LAN via access point (3) and to OPPS head (6) which is connected to
LAN(4) and vehicle (5):
1. Diagnosis of complaint is completed and test module result indicates that a control module needs to be
2. Coding and Programming/CIP is accessed on GT1(7) and a request to program specific control module
on vehicle (5) connected to OPPS head (6) is made.
3. The SSS (1) takes over the programming process and begins to reprogram the control module and recode
the vehicle (5).
4. At this point the GT1(7) is free to connect to a new OPPS/diagnostic head and begin a diagnostic routine
or initiate another programming/coding session on a new vehicle.
Fig. 33: Connecting GT1 To LAN Via Access Point And To OPPS Head
The Software Service Station (SSS) was released to all centers for the sole purpose of Coding and Programming
vehicles that can only be Coded/Programmed using CIP. The SSS is a dedicated desktop PC, that supplements
the DISplus and GT1 diagnostic systems, since the SSS is only capable of performing Coding and Programming
it frees up the DISplus and GT1 for diagnostic functions.
Fig. 34: Identifying Software Service Station
With the release of CIP 15.0 and the implementation of Progman, the SSS replaces the DISplus and GT1
(Group Tester One) diagnosis systems as the primary programming system. The DISplus and GT1 will only be
able to send a request to Program or Code a vehicle directly through the SSS. The SSS performs the actual
programming and coding process. In this configuration the SSS is able to program up to five vehicles at a time
and the DISplus and GT1 are free to be used for other tasks, provided that all devices are connected to the
workshop network and have been assigned specific IP addresses.
As with the DISplus and GT1, data is supplied to the Software Service Station by means of a CIP DVD-ROM
or CD-ROM, additional data can also be provided by online updates via JETStream.
OPPS/OPS/Diagnostic Head
The OPPS (Optical Testing and Programming System), OPS (Optical Programming System) and the diagnostic
head can all be used with the Software Service Station to serve as the interface to the vehicle. Optimal
programming speed on MOST bus equipped vehicles is obtained by using the OPPS/OPS head connected to the
OBD connector and directly to the MOST access port on E60, E63/64 and newer vehicles.
The OPPS was first introduced with the E65 and is able to:
Simultaneously program vehicles equipped with a MOST bus system (except E65/66 up to 3/05 prod.) via
MOST Bus access port and OBD connections.
Perform vehicle diagnosis, coding and programming on all vehicles equipped with a MOST bus.
Communicates via a wired connection (DK LAN cable ) to Network or directly to GT1/DISplus/SSS
The OPPS is NOT ABLE to perform Diagnosis, Coding & Programming on an I-bus equipped vehicle.
The OPS is NOT ABLE to perform Diagnosis on the fiber optic communication system utilized on the
byteflight and MOST bus systems nor can it be used to perform Diagnosis, Coding & Programming on
an I-bus equipped vehicle.
Diagnostic Head
Should not be used for coding and programming vehicles equipped with a MOST bus
(E60/63/64/65/66...) as processor is too slow.
Fig. 37: Identifying Diagnostic Head
Communicates via a wired connection (DK LAN cable ) to Network or directly to DISplus/GT1/SSS
Wireless communication to LAN/Workshop Network Connection via Access Point
The MOST Direct Access port is installed on vehicles equipped with a MOST bus such as E60/E62/E63.... The
port is utilized to allow separate programming of control modules connected to the MOST bus when using the
OPPS/OPS head for Programming & Coding. By using this port in conjunction with the OBD socket when
programming a vehicle the overall programming/coding time is reduced.
For E60 the port (5) is located on the left side of the glove box (3) behind the strut (2). To access the connection
remove the cover (1) and remove the terminating plug (4) from the cable to allow connection to the port (5).
Fig. 38: Identifying MOST Direct Access Port
Example: Referring to the illustration below - Parallel programming of an E60 using OPPS head in
conjunction with short OBD cable (1) P/N 666 111 and MOST bus programming cable (2) P/N 663 121 which
connects to the MOST Access Port located in the glovebox. The OPPS is connected to the network via DK LAN
cable 3.
Equipment Configurations
The diagnostic and programming equipment available in the workshop should always be configured to have the
DISplus, GT1 and SSS connected directly to the LAN/Workshop network. To ensure uninterrupted
service/data transmission, it is highly recommended that the radio/wireless connection of the diagnostic
head is NOT used to perform any type of Programming or Coding function.
The normal configuration (when coding or programming) of the DISplus & GT1 to the diagnostic/OPPS/OPS
head are as follows:
GT1 (1) - Connected to network using SI LAN cable (3) and LAN adapter BT1:1 (2)
NOTE: For optimum programming speed the OPPS/OPS head (5) can be substituted for
the diagnostic head:
+ Connect OPPS/OPS head (5) directly to a network drop via a DK LAN cable (4)
+ Connect OPPS/OPS head to the OBD connector using the short OBD cable P/N 663 111
Fig. 42: Connecting OPPS/OPS Head Directly To Network Drop Via DK LAN Cable
In the event that the workshop network is disabled/down the DISplus and GT1 can still be used to diagnose a
vehicle by utilizing the following configurations:
GT1 (1) - Not connected to network
+ Diagnostic/OPPS head (5) - Connected to GT1 using DK LAN cable (4) and LAN adapter BT1:1(2) plus
LAN adapter BT X (3))
Fig. 43: Connecting Diagnostic/OPPS Head To GT1 Using DK LAN Cable And LAN Adapter BT1:1 Plus
LAN Adapter BT X
+ Diagnostic/OPPS/OPS head (3) - Connected to DISplus using DK LAN cable (4) and PC LAN cable (2)
NOTE: OPPS/OPS can not be used to perform diagnosis on an I-bus equipped vehicle
(i.e. E32, E36, E38, E46, E53...).
An important prerequisite for ensuring trouble-free programming is the correct preparation of the vehicle.
A diagnostic procedure must first be performed on the vehicle prior to any programming. Programming
must not be started before faults in the vehicle electrical system are ruled out.
The programming procedure may be terminated if a bus signal is generated as the result of activation of electric
loads during programming. The programming procedure should be repeated following termination. In
exceptional cases it may be necessary to replace the control unit if communication is no longer possible.
Prior to beginning any programming or coding procedure some general guidelines need to be considered in
order to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible:
Action /Procedure
Manual gearbox/SMG
Transmission in neutral.
Transmission in position P.
System temperature below 80°C.
Attention: Do not apply parking brake on vehicles equipped with the electromechanical parking brake.
Action /Procedure
Using the diagnosis system, rectify any problems before programming and clear stored fault codes.
The battery should be sufficiently charged at the start of the programming procedure (12.6 V).
Battery Charger
IMPORTANT: Vehicles must be connected to the Deutronic Automatic Battery Charger prior to beginning the
programming or coding procedure, this is the only approved battery charger for MOST bus-equipped vehicles.
During the programming or Coding procedure the battery charger must be in the Power Supply (PS) mode.
Place the charger into the power supply mode by depressing the "MENUE" button 3 times in rapid succession.
Do not connect or disconnect the charger during programming. The system voltage must not drop below 12.6 V
during the programming procedure.
Diagnostic head/OPPS head (5) must be connected directly to a network drop to ensure uninterrupted
The DK LAN cable (4) MUST NOT BE routed through an open window of the vehicle, leave a door open.
Check CKM values, also observe individual settings on the vehicle if applicable, start programming procedure.
Attention: The data status of the Software Service Station must always be kept updated!
Make sure that no switches, radio etc. are operated during programming as this could terminate the
programming procedure.
Model: E23, E24, E28, E30, E32, E34, E36
A coding plug is a mechanically keyed or electronically coded device/plug, that can open or bridge circuits in a
particular component to allow it to operate differently dependent on the type of plug installed/inserted.
BMW used a mechanical coding plug which simply opened or bridged circuits to assign market specific data to
the instrument cluster of the E23, E24, E28 and E30 vehicles. With the introduction of the E32 in 1988 and the
E34 in 1989, electronic coding plugs were utilized in the instrument cluster.
The change to an electronic coding plug which allowed market specific data to be assigned to the instrument
cluster also contained Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NV-RAM), which provided an ability to retain
vehicle specific data in the plug such as:
Vehicle Identification Number
Accumulated Mileage
Service Indicator Information
Coding plug number
Fuel Tank Size data
By using a plug that is able to store data, the instrument cluster can be replaced without loosing vehicle mileage,
unless the coding plug is damaged.
With the introduction of vehicles like the E31 and E38 the instrument cluster no longer utilizes a coding plug
since it receives most of its input signals directly from a control module, EKM (E31) or IKE (E38), this allows
vehicle data to be directly stored in the control module and the instrument cluster is no longer coded. For these
vehicles and newer models, market specific data is stored in the control module (EKM or IKE). By coding these
modules by way of ZCS coding (refer to ZCS CODING PROCEDURE ) market specific data is
assigned/released to the control module.
The code can be read out through the instrument cluster display by pressing the odometer reset button and
turning the ignition switch to KL R. The coding plug number will be display in the instrument cluster matrix.
If this is no longer possible, the coding plug must be removed in order to read the code on the label of the
coding plug.
The coding plugs are received pre-coded and installing them automatically codes the cluster.
The first digits of the 5-digit code is changed on coding plugs when they are replaced.
E32 E34
ORIGINAL NUMBER 1 1101 2 0101
NOTE: It is not possible to input the mileage reading, the service interval status and
the chassis number into the replacement coding plug.
Since the introduction of the E32 several versions of instrument cluster coding plugs have been introduced, this
section will provide an overview of the different versions, plus provide identification and coding information.
The E32/E34 Instrument cluster coding plugs progressed through three variations of design.
The original E32/E34 instrument cluster coding plug was installed in the wiring harness connector (X16) which
plugged into the instrument cluster. This plug contained all of the vehicle specific coding data for the instrument
cluster and retained accumulated mileage and service interval information.
In the event that the instrument cluster must be replaced the coding plug is reused with the new cluster. By
reusing the old/original plug the mileage in the odometer does not change, since the coding plug is able to retain
the information.
If the coding plug must be replaced, the total mileage and Service Interval information will be lost.
Fig. 57: Removing Coding Plug
Replacement coding plugs pre-coded by part number and are available from the parts department.
From 2/89 to 9/91 Production
The E32/E34 instrument cluster and coding plug were redesigned in 2/89. As a result of this redesign the coding
plug became an external component and plugged directly into the back of the instrument cluster, no longer part
of the X16 connector.
Even though the plug can be removed without disconnecting the harness, all power must be disconnected from
the cluster prior to removal, to prevent data loss from the coding plug.
9/90 Revision
In 9/90 the cluster was slightly redesigned again to address changes in the fuel gauge and some minor physical
changes. The electronics of the cluster as well as the coding plug were upgraded considerably.
The coding plug and the instrument cluster are not compatible with the earlier redesign. The printed circuit
board and the coding plug are colored blue for distinction over the components of the earlier redesigned cluster.
The new blue coding plug is also keyed differently to prevent unintentional exchange with the earlier coding
After 9/91 production, the instrument cluster coding plug can be coded using the ZCS function within CIP by
selecting the specific module via the DISplus/GT1/SSS. The physical characteristics of the coding plug did not
A replacement uncoded coding plug (P/N 62 11 8 359 368) must be coded after installation into the instrument
cluster, refer to ZCS CODING PROCEDURE .
A precoded coding plug (P/N 62 11 8 359 369) is available for this cluster as well. When ordering include with
your order the following information:
The instrument cluster for these vehicles does not utilize a coding plug. The entire cluster is coded model
specific, by using the ZCS coding procedure in CIP by selecting E36.
Recently, a new procedure has been made available that transfers the accumulated mileage and service interval
data from a defective instrument cluster into a new replacement cluster for these vehicles.
These vehicles are equipped with an instrument cluster that is not connected to the diagnostic link and therefore
can not be coded using ZCS. Since the cluster can not be coded, these vehicles require a coding plug for vehicle
specific coding.
Like the E32/E34, the coding plug is able to store the accumulated mileage and service interval information. In
addition to storing the data on the coding plug the instrument cluster is also able to internally store the data on
an EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory), as redundant back. If the cluster main
processor or coding plug need to be replaced, the mileage and SI Indicator data can be transferred to the new
component using the clusters test step procedure #9. higher value overwrites the lower.
Test No. 09
DISTANCE READING Test - 09 allows the total stored mileage to be updated if one of the storage components
has to be replaced. The test step will be used if the manipulation dot is illuminated in the cluster display. This
test step will identify which component has the lower mileage.
Display Example:
012654 I - Indicates the mileage in the internal EEPROM is lower than the mileage stored in the coding plug.
000325 E - Indicates the mileage in the external coding plug is lower than the total mileage stored in the
internal EEPROM.
Pressing the reset button for 4 seconds will over write the lower mileage with the higher mileage and cancel the
manipulation dot. The SI data will also be transferred at the same time.
To remove the coding plug from the instrument cluster first remove the snap off cover. Pull the coding plug
from the connector in the cluster.
Fig. 58: Removing Coding Plug From Instrument Cluster
The Federal Odometer Disclosure Requirement 92-513 states that, whenever an instrument cluster component is
replaced that brings the odometer back to 0 (coding plug), the mileage prior to its replacement along with the
date that the replacement occurred must be recorded on the left door frame of the vehicle.
A permanent label to record this information is included with every coding plug (except E36/5 and E36/7) that
is ordered from the parts department.
Additional labels can be ordered separately under Part Number 89 89 1 000 500.
Fig. 59: Identifying Odometer Notice
Fig. 60: Identifying Vehicle Mileage And Cluster Replacement Date
Strict compliance with this requirement must be followed through with the following vehicles if mileage is reset
to 0:
Model: E24, E28, E30, E32, E34, E36
A Variant Code is another means by which market specific application data can be released/assigned to a
control module, this process allows one base control module to be utilized for different market applications.
The variant code is a 4 digit hexadecimal (alpha-numeric) code that is entered into a control module as part of
the coding process. By entering a valid code into the module a set of operational data (characteristic maps)
specific to the code entered is assigned to the operating program of that control module. The operational data
and code are semi rigidly assigned, meaning that if a new code is entered, a different set of data is assigned to
the program.
Variant coding is only used on engine control modules. Engine control modules which utilize variant coding
were first introduced into production vehicles as of 3/87 production with Motronic M1.1 (Engine Control
Module ECM/DME).
Variant coding is only used on Engine Control Modules with version M1.X.
Using the DISplus/GT1/SSS with the latest CIP programming software contained within Progman, allows the
technician to:
The variant code is entered into the control module either by:
Adopting the existing code from the defective DME control module (if diagnostic communication is
Manually entering the variant code via the keypad displayed on the screen of the DISplus/GT1/SSS.
Fig. 61: Entering Variant Code Into Control Module
NOTE: M1.X DME control modules can only be coded up to eight (8) times. The
GT1/DISplus will display the remaining number of times the control module can
be recoded.
If variant coding of an M1.3 control module for an M20 engine is not possible, the cause may be that Pin 18
(DME Code Link) of the 20 pin diagnostic connector may be backed out of the connector preventing
communication between the tester and DME control module.
Select "Programming" then "DME variant code", installed variant code is displayed.
The quickest and most accurate way to access the variant code of the installed DME is by viewing the DME
Identification page using the DISplus or GT1.
If a control module malfunction is suspected cross reference the BMW and Bosch part numbers in the display
with the installed variant code. Problems can occur if:
The four digit structure of the variant code consists of a 16 bit binary code which converts to a 4 digit
hexadecimal code. Each hex character provides information pertaining to specific functions, characteristic maps
and vehicle data.
Fig. 63: Identifying Variant Code Structure
The information from the variant code is used to define the operational data to be assigned to the operating
program of the module.
Each hex digit has a binary equivalent that provides four 1's or 0's which results in a total of 16 bits of
information (or choices) per hexadecimal digit.
Fig. 64: Identifying Variant Code Information
Under no circumstances should the variant code to be changed from the assigned number for the vehicle. Erratic
engine operation and possible engine damage may result.
In the event that an M1.x control module needs to be replaced or recoded the process can be accessed through
Progman with CIP 15.0 or higher.
To perform the procedure from CIP the Model series must be selected.
Select: "Progammierung"
Advance screen to the right two times to enter the programming/variant coding selection screen.
Fig. 66: Selecting Progammierung
Select: The Engine version installed on the connected vehicle to be coded Ex. "M40/42/43"
Select: "Y"
"Is the vehicle fitted with a DME M1.7.3 (M43 engine from 9/95) ? Y/N"
Select: "N"
Select: 1 "Adopt code from old control unit" and follow the procedure indicated once selection is made.
Select: 2 "Enter code manually" (See ENGINE CONTROL MODULE ECM/DME INFORMATION for
Variant Code) and follow the procedure indicated once selection is made.
If DME M1.X control module replacement is required, determine which method of variant coding you will
NOTE: For vehicles produced with the M42B19 engine (M1.7.2 Engine Control Module)
a replacement EPROM was made available for vehicles produced 1/94-12/95 to
address a service issue. Since the control module for this engine requires a
variant code in order to assign the correct operating data to the program a
variant code must still be assigned to the module upon installing the EPROM.
The preferred method of coding a replacement module is by "Adopting" the code from the old module, since
this method prevents accidentally entering the wrong code which may occur when trying to manually enter the
code. If the control module cannot communicate on the diagnostic link the manual input method will be
Fig. 67: Identifying Variant Code Adopting Chart
The process of manually entering a variant code should only be utilized when it is not possible to communicate
with the Engine Control Module (DME) via the DISplus or GT1. The variant code to be entered can be taken
from the label of the problem control module and checked against the listing of variant codes provided in SI
B13 02 90 (3009) prior to entering the code into the new module.
E32 and E34 vehicles produced from 9/90 to 10/91 were not ZCS compatible. For this limited range of
production a coding code is required in order to properly code the following control modules:
IHKR 2 & 3
All other replacement control modules (except DME) within this production range are precoded at the factory.
The coding code is a single digit. Like variant coding, the code is entered via the DISplus/GT1/SSS. By
entering a valid code into the module a set of operational data specific to the code entered is assigned to the
operating program of that control module.
Along with the VIN, the Code number for the installed control module(s) is printed on a label, located on the
underside of the fuse box cover.
Additional labels are available from the parts department under P/N 01 99 9 784 735
Fig. 69: Identifying Code Identification Number
With the original module still installed in the vehicle, select the Coding/Programming function which can be
accessed through Progman with CIP 15.0 or higher using the DISplus/GT1 or SSS.
1. From Progman establish a connection to the interface connected to the vehicle and access CIP
To perform the procedure from CIP the Model series must be selected (3 series, 7 series ...)
(Advance screen to the right two times to enter the selection screen.)
Pre-coded control modules are available from the parts department and requires the following information:
Access the initial start screen in CIP for performing the Coding Code procedure.
As part of an ongoing process to reduce the need for country, model and option specific control modules, BMW
began to utilize a multi digit vehicle coding structure referred to as a Central Coding Key (ZCS) and later
changed to a structure referred to as a Vehicle Order (VO/FA).
The Central Coding Key (ZCS) is a unique 37 digit (originally a 48 digit) code that contains specific model,
country variation and individual equipment/option information for a vehicle.
During the manufacturing process of a vehicle, the ZCS code is created to identify the specific vehicle being
built and to properly code the control modules installed during the assembly process once the vehicle reaches
the end of the line. To ensure that the ZCS code can be retrieved once the vehicle leaves the factory it is stored
in one or two control modules, depending on the model.
ZCS is often referred to as a "key" since it is able to automatically "unlock" or "activate" specific functions of a
new control module or can be used to recode a used control module to be compatible with the specific vehicle it
has been installed into. With the introduction of the E31 the ZCS information was used for the first time as a
coding key for replacement vehicle control modules, this ensured that the replacement modules would be coded
to the required specification of the vehicle.
As the number of options & accessories available for installation in a vehicle increased, an alternative to the
ZCS code was introduced on 9/01 production E46 vehicles. The ZCS system was replaced with a system known
as the Vehicle Order (VO/FA). The VO is a straight forward listing of vehicle specific information including a
list of the option codes pertaining to the systems or equipment installed in the vehicle and is used in the same
manner as the ZCS to properly code replacement or additional modules.
Regardless of which structure is utilized on a vehicle, codeable modules have no limit as to the number of times
that they can be recoded.
The 37 digit structure of the ZCS is subdivided into three segments. The segments represent specific
information about the vehicle.
Each segment ends with a checksum "digit". A checksum is utilized by the coding software to detect
unacceptable/erroneous manually entered coding information.
The information/digits of the ZCS code reflects the options installed in the vehicle and should never be changed
manually unless it is necessary for special recoding functions such as:
Canadian market vehicle being moved to the US
Retrofit installation of an accessory system (ie. CPT9000 phone system or BMW ULF system)
If a modification needs to be made to the ZCS structure and there is no information available in a service
bulletin then the BMW Technical Hotline should be contacted for assistance by submitting a PUMA case,
requesting a modified ZCS code.
Each portion of the ZCS provides specific information regarding that vehicle:
GM (Grundmerkmale) - Identifies the "Basic Features" of the vehicle and contains 9 digits that are used to
SA (Sonderausstattungs) - Identifies the "Special Equipment" of the vehicle and contains 17 digits that describe
what features/functions are installed in the vehicle, such as:
The SA segment is configured to provide a total of 64 possible number combinations (option groups) for all
series vehicles worldwide. The information is modified whenever a new component/accessory is added to the
vehicle via a retrofit coding procedure.
VN (Versionsnummer) - Identifies the "Version Number" of the vehicle and contains 11 digits that are used to
Series specific coding data that are not reflected in the GM or SA segments. This includes, model year
dependent data, software and hardware versions of the control modules installed, coding instructions, etc.
The VN is displayed as 40 possible combinations of digits. A deliberate change in the VN will result in
erroneous coding data being used when recoding a module or coding a replacement module which will affect
the proper operation of a control module(s) coded with an incorrect VN.
NOTE: In its original form the ZCS was displayed as a 48 digit code containing a fourth
segment, the AM (Antriebsmanagement) which identified Powertrain
management information specific to the vehicle, however this information was
eliminated and was not needed for coding a control module.
The ZCS is stored in the vehicle to simplify the coding procedures when a module needs to be recoded or a
replacement module needs to be coded. Depending on the vehicle, the ZCS information is stored in the
following locations:
The procedure to code control modules that utilize the ZCS information can be performed via the DISplus/GT1
or SSS using Progman with CIP 15.0 or higher and accessing the "Codierung ZCS/FA" function.
When coding a ZCS codable control module the coding program in CIP automatically searches the stored
location, based on the VIN, and codes the selected module according to the information provided in the ZCS
On later production vehicles the ZCS information began to be stored in two locations, referred to as redundant
data storages, this insures that the information is always available in the event the primary device storing the
data fails.
NOTE: On early production vehicles without redundant data storage, if the module
being coded or recoded is the module that stores the ZCS information, then the
vehicles ZCS information must be obtained from the label located on the vehicle
or electronically accessed from the module and printed out then entered
manually via the input screen on DISplus/GT1 or SSS.
For vehicles with redundant data storage the coding of the module storing the data is performed
automatically using the information stored in the "back up" module.
ZCS Identification/Display
Accessing the control module(s) that electronically stores the information, using the DISplus/GT1 or SSS
Locating the ZCS label affixed in the vehicle
From Progman establish a connection to the interface connected to the vehicle and access CIP.
To perform the procedure from CIP the Model series must be selected (3 series, 7 series ...).
Then advance screen to the right two times to enter the vehicle series selection screen.
Fig. 76: Selecting Codierung ZCS/FA
ZCS Information for vehicle is displayed along with the stored location.
Fig. 79: Display ZCS Information For Vehicle Along With Stored Location
On earlier production vehicles the ZCS label is affixed to the vehicle in a specific location depending on the
E36 - Under rear seat; center area or next to left sending unit of fuel tank.
Z3 Roadster - In Trunk; under carpet on floor, forward of tool kit.
E31/32/34 - In fuse box cover
E38 - In E-Box cover
Fig. 80: Identifying Accessing ZCS Information Label
NOTE: As of 9/98 production the ZCS label was eliminated from the vehicle. Some
older vehicles will have identification labels containing an AM segment, this
information is not needed for coding or recoding a control module on that
Control modules located in a vehicle that are ZCS codable are listed/identified by the "Codierung ZCS/FA"
function contained in CIP.
From Progman establish a connection to the interface connected to the vehicle and access CIP.
To perform the procedure from CIP the Model series must be selected (3 series, 7 series ...).
Then select the body (E32, E36 ...).
Select "CodierungZCS/FA".
Then advance screen to the right two times to enter the vehicle series selection screen.
Fig. 82: Selecting CodierungZCS/FA
Select "Recode".
Workshop Exercise
Access the ZCS coding information on an E36, E39, E46 or E53. and identify where the information is stored.
In 9/01 the ZCS vehicle data structure on the E46 was replaced with what is referred to as the Vehicle Order
(VO) or Fahrzeugauftrag (FA). The vehicle order structure is utilized on all new models introduced/produced as
of 9/01, such as E65/66, E60, E63/64, E83, E85 etc. Models such as E36, E39, E52, and E53 produced after
9/01 continued to be manufactured using the ZCS structure until production of the model is complete.
Fig. 87: Vehicle Order Chart (For New Models As Of 9/01 Introduction)
The vehicle order format contains information pertaining to the production of a specific vehicle such as:
Model Code (Basic Type) - Base level from which the vehicle is "created/built".
Upholstery Code - Identifies the type of upholstery installed in the vehicle at time of production.
Assembly Number - Identifies the programmed part number for powertrain (Not used)
E-Wort - Identifies additions/options added to the vehicle that are not part of standard SA codes/options
HO-Wort - Identifies options installed at Center/Dealer using 3 digit option code (Currently not used.
Installed Option/SA Codes - Listing of accessories & equipment options installed in the vehicle.
The information contained in the vehicle order is used to identify the module(s)/system(s) that are/should be
installed in the vehicle and also what if any control modules need to be updated if a new system/option is added
or removed to/from the vehicle to ensure proper compatibility with the devices installed in the vehicle. The
information contained in the vehicle order such as installed options, is modified whenever a new component
(module/system) is installed and coded to the vehicle. If the new component is not properly coded to the vehicle
the SA listing is not updated and problems can be encountered whenever a measures plan for the vehicle is
created, vehicle needs to be recoded or VKM/Individualization functions are to be modified.
A listing of the components that need to be updated is provided whenever a measures plan is generated.
Time Criterion: Identified as 1203 indicates the date (month/year) that the list of available options/hardware
available for installation into the vehicle was standardized/"locked". Although the vehicle referenced was
produced in 6/04 the time criterion of 1203 is still valid and indicates that no changes were made to the
available option packages/hardware available for installation into that specific model since 1203.
Model Code: Identified as NA53 indicates the vehicle and engine type plus provides information pertaining to
the country the vehicle was built for (i.e. LH or RH drive). If an automatic transmission is installed it will be
considered an NA63, however the model code contained in the VO will always reflect the base level which is a
manual transmission vehicle.
Paint Code: Identified as 0475 indicates the color of the vehicle at time of production.
Upholstery Code: Identified as LCBA indicates the type of upholstery installed in the vehicle at time of
Installed Option/SA Codes: Listing of accessories & equipment options installed in the vehicle 1CA - Selection
COP relevant vehicles
Production: All
Early Engine and Transmission Control Modules used EPROMs (Electrically Programmable Read Only
Memory device) to store operational programs and operating data specific for the application that they were
used for. Since the operating program and associated data is installed at the factory during the vehicle assembly
process updates could not be provided for vehicles once they were programmed and left the factory floor. In
order to install a new or updated program (DME or TCM) the module needed to be replaced. Eventually it
became possible to replace EPROMs and/or update them which dramatically reduced the cost of updating a
module and a vehicle.
With the introduction of M3.X & DME/ECM control modules it was no longer necessary to replace the entire
control module in order to install updated engine operating programs and/or data.
Beginning with M3.1 DME/ECM control modules, BMW introduced the ability to program an EPROM using
BMW diagnostic equipment. On the M3.1 control module the originally installed EPROM needs to be removed
from the control module and a new partially blank EPROM installed in order to update the existing control
For the M3.1 systems the replacement EPROM that is installed does not contain all the data necessary for the
engine to operate, it is a "basic" EPROM that only contains some basic data referred to as "resident data" which
helps identify the module and allows the diagnostic equipment to determine what program and associated data
needs to be installed/loaded.
As later versions of engine control modules (M3.3 & M3.3.1) were introduced it was not always necessary to
replace the EPROM in order to perform an update to the module. The EPROMs installed on the newer systems
are larger and allow additional information to be loaded without having to install a new EPROM. In the event
that the size of the update exceeds the space available on the installed EPROM or an update was previously
performed, then the installed EPROM will need to be replaced.
Fig. 91: Identifying EPROM Before Update
Fig. 92: Identifying EPROM After Update
For the M3.3 & M3.3.1 systems the replacement EPROM that is installed does not contain all the data
necessary for the engine to operate, it is a "basic" EPROM that only contains some basic data referred to as
"resident data" which helps identify the module and allows the diagnostic equipment to determine what program
and associated data needs to be installed/loaded.
At the end of 1995 new variations of DME/ECM control modules were introduced that no longer contained a
removable EPROM but instead contained a soldered in EEPROM. An EEPROM is an E lectrically E rasable P
rogrammable R ead O nly M emory device, which means that programs & data stored on the chip can be
electrically erased and replaced with new/revised programs or data. In order to erase the data on the chip a short
duration low level voltage/charge is applied to a pin on the EEPROM and the stored data is erased, hence the
name "Flash". Once the data is erased new data is loaded.
By using a newer technology, these control modules have the ability to be updated a total of 13 times before
they need to be replaced.
Theoretically an EEPROM can be erased and reprogrammed more than 13 times, BMW set the number to 13,
since a point will be reached where the update being installed may no longer be compatible with the hardware
of the installed module which could result in erroneous operation. If the program is not compatible with the
hardware version of the module, the program used to determine the correct update for the module will indicate
that the module will need to be replaced before the update can be performed.
The reference to Flash programming is a result of the technology used to erase the EEPROM prior to installing
a new program and or data.
The control modules listed identify when EEPROMs were first introduced into the DME/ECM:
The utilization of EEPROMs within the Engine Management Systems continues to be used today, and has
expanded into other control modules as well.
Beginning with vehicles produced in the early 1990's the Transmission EPROM can be replaced on some
vehicles in order to address customer complaints that would normally be addressed by having to replace the
Transmission Control Module (TCM). Service EPROMs are available for the following systems:
The introduction of newer generation Transmission Control Modules introduced with the M44, M52 and M62
engines at the end of 1995, brought with it the ability to "flash" program this module as well. By being able to
electrically erase and install a new program and or data stored on the EEPROM, it no longer becomes necessary
to replace the chip to get an updated transmission program installed.
The technology used on the Transmission Control module is the same as explained in the section "ENGINE
The program and or data of an engine or transmission control module only needs to be updated or replaced if:
As mentioned previously on the M3.1 Engine Control Modules the EPROM needs to be replaced whenever an
update is to be performed. On M3.3 and M3.3.1 Control Modules the EPROM's for these modules generally
have enough additional space to add/load one update. However, if the update that needs to be installed is too
large, then the installed EPROM needs to removed and a Basic EPROM reinstalled. The diagnostic equipment
(DISplus, GT1 or SSS) contains a program within CIP that will determine the part number of the replacement
EPROM or control module that needs to be installed.
For some control module variations there is more than one replacement EPROM available.
This requires three different replacement EPROM's, however one EPROM is not necessarily specific to one
hardware version.
Regarding the replacement EPROM for Transmission Control Modules there are specific Service Bulletins
which identify various situations that can be addressed by replacing the EPROM in the control module. The
replacement transmission EPROM does not require any type of programming after being installed, as it already
contains all the program and operational data.
If an early version Transmission Control Module, for vehicles prior to 1996 model year, is replaced it generally
also does not need to have the EPROM replaced as the required program is already installed.
Programming Procedure
Within CIP is a procedure that requires the selection of the model/series whenever a/an:
Then select "Programming" - "DME Programming" or "EGS Programming" and follow the steps given in the
respective SIB.
Plus additional situation/complaint specific Service Bulletins available on the TIS website.
In the event a DME EPROM, a control module or the program of a control module needs to be updated or
replaced the program contained within CIP will provide the information necessary to perform the specific task.
A program within CIP is used to determine the correct replacement part numbers (EPROM, Control Module or
software update) to be installed.
For earlier production vehicles there are two ways to perform this process:
"automatic" determination
"manual" determination.
The automatic determination is the preferred method as it is faster and mistakes made during data entry into the
tester are avoided. For newer production vehicles that utilize EEPROMs/Flash programming the determination
process is done automatically as part of determining a measures plan (refer to CIP section or more information).
Automatic Determination
In order to determine which EPROM needs to be installed there is a special procedure that is executed as part of
the "Exchange EPROM" process. The procedure will "automatically" determine the correct replacement
EPROM or control module part number, based on the "Basic part number" and "Programmed part number"
stored on the installed EPROM, if the EPROM is not damaged.
The procedure is run automatically if "YES" is selected for the answer to the question Is old EPROM still
During the automatic determination process the tester compares the part numbers stored in the EPROM of the
currently installed DME control module with a list of possible replacement part numbers contained in the
program of the tester.
The comparison is done to determine if the tester can "recommend" a replacement EPROM or control module
part number.
Manual Determination
If the EPROM is damaged then the "Basic part number" and "Programmed part number" indicated on the label
of the control module that is located on the cover of the module must be entered "manually" via the touch
screen on the tester so that the replacement part numbers can be determined.
This procedure is followed if "NO" is selected for the answer to the question "Is old EPROM still installed?"
Once the correct numbers are entered, the tester searches a "master list" for the proper replacement part number
and will display either that part number or the message "no substitute found."
Regardless of which process is used if the replacement part does not match the part number displayed and
"expected" by the program on the tester, programming will not occur. You need to obtain the proper
replacement part.
At no time during the determination or programming process should you turn off the ignition, disconnect the
control module or tester/interface.
Once the EPROM is programmed by way of the "Automatic" or "Manual" determination process it contains the
operating program for the engine and the associated operational data or characteristic maps. In the event a basic
replacement control module is installed, the EPROM installed in the control module will be programmed in the
same manner.
NOTE: The EPROM in a basic replacement module does not need to be replaced since
it only contains the "resident data" and nothing else.
Model: All
Production: All
With the release of CIP 15.0, BMW released a new software program known as Progman.
The new prog ramming man agement tool utilizes a new operating system (Windows XP Embedded) to manage
the programming processes that can be initiated via the SSS.
Progman utilizes Windows XP Embedded which will serve as the basis for all further programs required for
programming applications. No changes can be made to the operating system of this Windows variant and it can
be used only in connection with the corresponding hardware (Software Service Station).
Fig. 95: Display Model Series Selection Menu
Progman incorporates all Coding, Individualization & Programming functions that were previously part of the
DIS CD for E31/32/34/36/38/39/46/52 & E53, which operates under the old SGC/UNIX application, into the
CIP application.
Since CIP is incorporated into Progman, it will now contain all Coding, Individualization & Programming
functions. CIP will be used to launch the SGC/UNIX application for the older vehicles as well as launch the
Windows XP based application for Coding and Programming the newer vehicles.
In the future the E36/38/39/46/52/53 applications will be converted/integrated directly into CIP and be based on
Windows XP Embedded. The structure for the E31/32/34 will not be changed and will remain SGC/UNIX
The administration tool provides the same setting options as before however, Progman adds additional
Ability to view and select accessible "Interfaces" (Diagnostic Head, OPPS, OPS...)
Configure interfaces
Adjust SSS and network specific settings
View available SSS units and select a specific unit
Select language specific to each SSS
JETstream is the application that provides online data updates for Coding and Programming data. The feature
allows the SSS to be up to date on the current/new vehicle data regarding coding and programming information
prior to the release of an update DVD. The application can be configured to automatically search for online
updates at a specific time (ex. after normal shop hours every night) and install any updates found at a specific
time/point in the systems operation cycle.
Since the SSS is the primary Coding and Programming system, coding and programming tasks can be
"transferred" to the SSS from any GT1 located on the workshop network. In order to monitor the tasks assigned
to a specific SSS a menu of active jobs is displayed via Progman and can be accessed by any GT1 or SSS on the
Multiconsole The multiconsole function makes it possible to
control programming procedures both via the
Software Service Station as well as via the BMW
diagnosis systems GT1.
Multisession The multisession function makes it possible to
program several vehicles simultaneously.
This function allows the GT1 to be remote terminals for the SSS with respect to Coding and Programming and
once a task is transferred to an available SSS, the GT1 can be used to diagnose another vehicle and/or transfer
another coding/programming task to an SSS.
The Coding, Individualization and Programming application that has been used previously since the
introduction of the E65 continues to operate the same as before. The only major change is that all of the Coding
and Programming functions for the older vehicles (E31/32/34/36/38/39/46/52 & E53) that was only available on
the DIS CD for use on DISplus and GT1 has been incorporated into CIP.
Prior to CIP15.0 SGC/Unix functions for Coding, Individualization & Programming were incorporated into DIS
As of CIP 15.0 SGC/Unix functions for Coding, Individualization & Programming are incorporated into CIP.
Fig. 97: Display Coding, Individualization And Programming Application (2 Of 2)
Progman allows the GT1 to be released from the task of Programming and Coding vehicles. The GT1 will be
capable of performing vehicle diagnosis while the SSS is used to Program and Code a vehicle(s).
Example: Given a workshop with 10 active workstalls (CORA) and equipped with 2-GT1's, 1-DISplus, 1-SSS,
3-Diagnostic Heads, 1 OPPS Head, 2-OPS Heads
By installing CIP 15.0 on all of the GT1's and SSS's, Progman can be accessed via any GT1 or SSS but is
controlled/operated by the Software Service Station (SSS) only. Since the SSS controls/runs Progman, it will be
the only device able to code and program vehicles, the GT1 will be viewed as a remote terminal for Progman.
With the introduction of Progman, parallel programming of up to five vehicles can be performed. The vehicles
to be programmed do not need to be the same model series nor have the same data status or be connected at the
same time.
Progman is launched from the GT1 whenever the Coding/Programming function is selected. On the SSS
Progman is always active as this is the only program installed on the system.
Fig. 98: Display Progman System
From the main menu screen in Progman the administration features for system configuration can be accessed or
a new session can be started. By selecting "Help" a more detailed document explaining Progman can be
In order to insure initial system setup selecting "Administration" will bring up a new screen which explains the
menu selections available on the right side.
By selecting "Interfaces" an overview of all available and/or connected interfaces is obtained along with
information pertaining to the status of the interface, device name, software level and IP address.
Fig. 100: Display Status Of Interface, Device Name, Software Level And IP Address
Symbol Description
Fig. 101: Identifying Interfaces Status Indicators Explanation
Interface Name
An interface name can be freely assigned to each interface so as to simplify definition of the interface in the
workshop. The name used should be helpful in locating/identifying the particular interface if necessary.
The firmware version indicates the software level currently installed on the selected interface (OPPS/OPS/
diagnostic head). It is recommended that the version on the interface be the same as that of the SSS it is being
used with.
IP Address
The IP address (internet protocol address) is a unique and specifically assigned address for each device in the
workshop network. This address consists of a number block which is normally structured as follows.
The IP addresses must be structured so that each device in the network is distinguished from all the others and
must be exclusive to that device and not shared among other devices connected to the network.
External Interface
This column indicates whether the current interface is an external interface. External interfaces are located in
external subnetworks and can be used in connection with this Software Service Station.
If an interface is selected and items on the right of the screen in the menu listing are selectable (not grey) then
additional information can be accessed for that device.
In this example "Overview", "Interface update", "Configuration" and "Self-test" are available.
If a device is not correctly configured for the network certain selections may not be available for that device.
Fig. 102: Display Interfaces Name, Version And IP Address
NOTE: The Interface list does not automatically update as devices are utilized or freed
up. The only way to update the list is to select "Overview".
Interface Name
IP Address
IP Subnet Mask
Fig. 103: Display Interfaces Configuration Information (1 Of 3)
Interface Name
The specific name assigned to the device (Ex. Blue A). The name used should be helpful in locating/identifying
the particular interface if necessary.
IP Address
A specific four segment number assigned exclusively to the device. The number represents the address of the
device on the network and is necessary when communicating with other devices located on the network.
This information identifies the four segment address of the component located on the network responsible for
communicating from the current network to another network. If the there is no address in this location then a
connection to any devices outside of the current network can not be established.
IP Subnet Mask
This information is used to define which segment of the four segment IP address specifically identifies the
device and which identify the specific network.
Indicates that the first three segments (255.255.255) identify the specific network that the device is located on.
The last segment (0) indicates that this is the segment that will identify the specific device.
NOTE: The network and device address information must be entered exactly as defined
by the network administrator for your facility, otherwise the devices can not be
After entering the necessary information and continue is selected, Progman will run a check on the
values/information entered and will indicate if the information is acceptable.
Interface Update
Interface update can only be selected if the selected interface is not being used by another device (interface
symbol has a green background).
This function allows the firmware of the interface to be checked against the version of the SSS.
It is recommended that the version of the SSS and the Interface be at the same level to reduce susceptibility to
errors and system conflicts.
Fig. 106: Display Interface Update Information (1 Of 2)
The SSS will check which firmware version is installed in the interface and then searches for the newest
available version on the SSS. Depending on the result of the search, Progman will make a recommendation as to
what action should be taken.
After the initial installation of Progman with CIP 15.0, the firmware installed on the interfaces that will be used
with Progman must first be updated. If the firmware level of the interface is not at a predefined level then it will
not be recognized/identified within the Progman application, thereby not allowing a connection to the interface.
This update only needs to be performed when an interface is used for the first time with Progman.
With a connection to the interface established a message should be displayed indicating that the firmware in the
head needs to be updated, perform the update by selecting the "Diagnostic head Update" button.
From Progman the firmware level of the interface should also be checked and updated if necessary. Progman
does not automatically inform the user if the firmware of the interface needs to be updated.
Updates to the interface are checked and performed by selecting the specific interface from the list, located
under "Administration" - "Interfaces", then selecting "Interface Update" (refer to previous page for additional
Self-test can only be selected if the selected interface is not being used by another device (interface symbol has
a green background).
Depending on the interface selected a test loop must be attached to the interface.
An external interface is an interface that is not automatically detected by Progman or is not contained in the
subnet of the workshop network, such an interface can be added manually to the list of available interfaces or
removed using this function. In order to add an interface the I/P address of the interface must be entered.
Example: The dealer has two separate service facilities each with its own network, an external interface can be
connected to a vehicle located within one network and accessed by a GT1 or SSS located in the other network in
order to Code/Program the vehicle.
From the Administration screen the "Settings" tap allows access to information specific to a selected/specific
Fig. 111: Display Administration - Settings Tap
The overview tap provides a listing of all SSS's that are located on the network.
Fig. 112: Display SSS Overview Menu (1 Of 2)
The number of possible sessions is limited (Ex. a download of a new update is in progress)
The selected SSS is highlighted in a blue frame and all items are possible for the selected SSS are active in the
Operating Status
This menu item provides a more detailed status information for specific SSS then the Overview table.
Fig. 114: Display SSS Operating Status Menu
The name of the SSS is displayed with a colored background indicating the status of the selected SSS.
MAC address - Media Access Control address is an unchangeable and unique address for identification of a
network device.
Operating Status - Provides detailed information about the current operation of the SSS
Interfaces - Indicates how many interfaces are connected to the specific SSS
Online Service - Indicates whether the online update is activated on the SSS
From this location it is also possible to change the operating status of the SSS, as long as the selected SSS is
currently in the "Ready" status, plus this is also the recommended location from which the SSS should be
restarted or shutdown using the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
The Network function allows network configuration information specific to the SSS to be entered, these settings
should have been set during the initial installation of Progman/CIP15.0.
Information that can be entered is similar to the information needed to configure an interface. The following
information must be entered to correctly configure the SSS to the network:
Assign a name specific to the SSS
Gateway Address
IP Address specific to SSS
Information pertaining to the IP subnet mask
Any changes that are made to the configuration are saved by selecting continue and will go into effect once the
SSS is restarted.
NOTE: Restart immediately means that Progman checks the current status of any
sessions that are still active and once the sessions are complete the system will
Restart later indicates that Progman will wait until the end of the day (specified under "Operating
Times") to check and restart the system.
The Installation tap is selected when updates need to be installed either by a way of a new CIP DVD or
checking for new online updates (Automatically or Manually). The updates that can be installed pertain to the
Progman application as well as updated vehicle data files for utilization by CIP.
The table provides an overview of the software program and version currently installed.
The selection/activation of Automatic online updates via the BMW server is selected from this screen.
"DVD update" can be selected whenever a new CIP DVD needs to be installed.
"Display status" provides information pertaining to the installation of the latest update.
NOTE: If frequent error messages are displayed contact your service provider for
assistance and have available a copy of the error messages that have been
The FASTA function assures that vehicle operation and service data from the diagnostic and programming
devices are sent to BMW. With Progman if data is available it is transmitted automatically every five minutes
This function shows if any data is available for transfer and when it will be sent.
By selecting "Send data" (manual send) make sure that no sessions are currently running on the SSS as this will
lengthen the data transmission process.
NOTE: In order for FAST data transmission to be possible the correct BMW server
address must be entered in the "Online Service" menu.
In this function the current date and time must be entered. An automatic correction for daylight savings time to
standard is made automatically.
Operating Times
The normal operating time of the workshop/service facility is entered in this function. The time is used to
establish a maintenance period for the SSS. The end of normal operating time signals Progman to start
executing/installing any online updates that may be available.
User Interface
Under this menu language settings specific to the individual SSS and printer configuration information can be
Example: If the language of the SSS is set to German then all information displayed on the SSS will be in
German, however it does not mean that the GT1 will also display the text in German when accessing Progman
and "connecting" to that SSS.
In order to start a session in Progman the Diagnostic, OPPS or OPS head that will be selected can not be
connected to the DISplus or GT1.
If the vehicle to be programmed was previously being diagnosed using a diagnostic head with the GT1, then the
connection with the head must be broken before that head will be recognized by Progman.
Select "Service"
Select "End"
Fig. 123: Selecting End Button
Select "Change"
Select "Coding/Program"
Fig. 124: Selecting Change And Coding/Program Button
Select "Continue"
Fig. 125: Selecting Continue Button
Select "Continue"
Fig. 127: Display Interfaces Name, Version And IP Address
Under "Description" enter information that will identify the vehicle to which the interface is connected (Ex.
VIN or Model type, Service hat #, Vehicle color, Bay location, etc.)
Select "Continue"
Fig. 128: Entering Information In "Description" About Vehicle To Which Interface Connected
Select "E53"
Fig. 130: Selecting "E53" Button
The screen now displays the SGC/Unix screen previously accessed via the DISplus/GT1 when coding and
programming was selected.
At this point select the desired function and proceed as stated in the respective Service Information Bulletin for
the procedure being performed.
Fig. 131: Displaying SGC/Unix Screen
For this examples an E60 is being used, therefore "5 Series" is selected
Fig. 132: Selecting 5 Series Button
Select E60
Fig. 133: Selecting E60/E61 Button
CIP is determining the vehicle order for the vehicle being accessed.
Fig. 134: Display Vehicle Order (VO) Determined
Select "Minimize"
Fig. 136: Selecting Minimize Button
The Progman "Home" screen is displayed, from here a new session can be started or a current session reviewed.
The Progman "Home" screen displays all sessions that are running on a particular SSS and allows any of the
sessions to be reviewed.
Fig. 138: Display Progman - Home Screen (2 Of 2)
1 - Black text with white background indicates that session is running and does not require any input, the
status of the session can be reviewed.
2 - Grey text indicates a session is active/in progress and is currently being accessed or reviewed by
another user. This session can not be accessed by an additional user.
3 - Orange text indicates that input is required before program can continue, this session should be
accessed and reviewed to provide required input.
Fig. 139: Display Session Status Indicators Explanation
The GT1 will switch to diagnostics and a new diagnostic session can be started by connecting to an available
interface, if nothing was previously active.
If a diagnostic session was previously active then the system will return to that point, prior to having switched
over to Progman.
Fig. 141: Display Diagnostic Start Menu
If using a GT1 it is possible to switch from a diagnostic function to Progman to check the status of an active
Select "Change"
Select "Coding/Program"
Fig. 142: Selecting Change And Coding/Program Button
The E64 SPT 2 session is highlighted in orange, which indicates that a user input is required.
The status information for the selected session states that it is "Waiting for user action"
Select "Cancel" to end the process and return to the previous module selection screen of CIP.
Select "Overview"
Fig. 148: Selecting Overview Button
This is the only location from which the SSS should be restarted or shutdown using the buttons at the
bottom of the screen.
Selecting "Restart" will switch the SSS off and then back on.
NOTE: The on/off button located directly on the computer should not be used to turn
OFF the SSS.
Fig. 151: Display SSS Operating Status
Production: All
With the introduction of the E65 in 2001, BMW not only introduced a vehicle loaded with the latest technology
but also introduced a new way of performing vehicle coding and programming. In order to code and program an
E65, a software program commonly referred to as CIP was introduced. The acronym CIP stands for C oding, I
ndividualization & P rogramming and with the introduction of Progman & CIP 15.0 it has become the sole
software tool for coding and programming vehicles.
Initially CIP was developed for use on the E65/E66 and newer models but has since been expanded to include
all vehicles produced prior to the introduction of the E65 that utilize a an SGC/UNIX programming structure.
The intention of the CIP program is to insure that whenever a module is updated or replaced it will still be
compatible with all the other modules installed in the vehicle (equipped with a MOST bus). Since all of the
communication between the various modules installed in a vehicle is over a bus network structure, it is very
important that all of the installed modules be able to communicate with each other without problems.
To ensure compatibility/seamless integration between control modules, the CIP software reads out the part
numbers of all the control modules installed in the vehicle as well as the software levels of the respective
modules. The information from the various installed modules is then cross referenced against a "master
reference list" to determine if a module( s) needs to be updated and how this update will effect the other
installed modules. Once this cross reference process is started it can result in additional issues such as:
If the software level in a selected module is updated will the hardware of the module still be able to
function correctly.
If the software to be installed is not going to be compatible with the installed hardware then the module
will need to be replaced.
If updated software is installed in the selected module will this have any impact on any other installed
modules and will they need to have the software updated or will the hardware need to be updated in
additional modules in order to install the revised software.
Example: A desktop computer originally built with a Pentium I, 75 Mhz processor using Windows 95 is not
able to operate using Windows 2000. In order to operate with Windows 2000 this old desktop computer needs
to upgraded with new hardware. However, a desktop computer designed to operate with Windows 2000 can be
updated to Windows XP without having to upgrade the hardware of the computer.
All hardware devices that utilize software/programs to operate can only have the installed software updated a
certain number of times before the operating capacity of the installed hardware is exceeded and no longer
compatible, this results in the device no longer being able to function. In order for these devices to continue to
operate the installed hardware/control modules will need to be updated, which is what happens in our vehicles
or desktop computers over time.
Integration Levels
All new models produced as of the E65 have a minimum allowable software level, based on production date,
which is referred to as an integration level or data status. The integration level defines the software level that all
the control modules installed into a particular model, at time of production, must be at in order to ensure
compatibility. Once an integration level for a specific production period is defined/"locked", the modules
installed in those vehicles can not be updated beyond that level.
The Integration level or data status for vehicles equipped with a most bus is provided in the "Status report" or
"Measures plan" as shown below.
If the vehicle data status and target data status are not the same, this indicates that some of the installed control
modules need to be updated to bring the vehicle up to the latest level.
If the software levels were not locked it would be quite complex to track all software and hardware variations
for all models through all production ranges. It would be extremely difficult to determine what software and
hardware level is compatible with each module installed in a specific vehicle(s) and exactly what needs to be
updated if one module is updated or replaced, therefore a limit or locked point must be define for specific
production periods by model.
Example: MY2002 vehicles can not be programmed with software that is assigned to MY2003 vehicles since the
defined integration level for each Model Year is different. Similarly Windows 2000 can not be installed &
operated on a computer originally developed to run with Windows 95.
Measures Plan
A measures plan is generated by CIP to identify what if any control modules need to be updated in order to
bring a vehicle up to the latest integration level or data status. The measures plan also identifies the part number
of the old/installed programmed control module and also what the new part number will be after the update is
Fig. 152: Display Select Measures Plan Screen
By accepting the defined plan all modules that are listed will be updated "automatically".
IMPORTANT: Whenever a measures plan is defined it should always be printed out before
proceeding in order to document the work performed, by attaching it to the
repair order.
NOTE: An all inclusive status report or measures plan is only generated for vehicles
equipped with a MOST-bus, to ensure compatibility. For all other vehicles a
measures plan is generated only for the module selected to be updated (i.e.
DME, TCU, EGS...) no evaluation of the other modules in the vehicle is made.
From the initial CIP screen select the model for which a coding or programming session is to be performed.
Termin. CIP - End the CIP program and return to Progman home screen
CKM - Vehicle and Key Memory/Individualization allows various driver selectable features (such as drive way
locking, seat memory, central locking/unlocking, daytime running lights etc.) to be coded to the vehicle or
individual keys.
Vehicle Order
Service Functions
Complete vehicle coding
Answer "No" if :
No control module(s) has been replaced but an update on one or more modules needs to be performed.
A retrofit needs to be performed on the vehicle (such as installation of CD player, ULF, phone cradle
installation, activation of bluetooth, etc...).
A control module for a new system/accessory is installed as part of a retrofit installation.
Upon selecting "Update software" a measures plan will be generated that is specific to the module selected.
Fig. 158: Selecting Update Software
A measures plan identifies the programmed part number for the control module(s) installed:
"Old part no. progr. ctrl. mod." - indicates p/n for software currently installed.
"New part no. progr. ctrl. mod." - indicates the p/n if the module is updated, by accepting the displayed
measures plan the module will be updated to the new number and software.
NOTE: The "update" does not need to be performed if the two part numbers are the
Fig. 159: Display Select Measures Plan Screen
On vehicles without a MOST-Bus, a "Measures plan" provides information on updates that are available for the
selected control module. By selecting accept, only the module listed in the measures plan will be updated.
NOTE: Prior to selecting accept, printout a copy of the measures plan and attach it to
the repair order to document the work performed.
IMPORTANT: If the measures plan identifies any control modules that will need to be
replaced exit CIP.
After selecting "No" CIP evaluates the installed control modules to determine if any updates are required.
Fig. 160: Display Fitted Control Module Determined
Once the evaluation is completed and CIP determines that there are updates available a "Status report" is
The status report identifies the control modules for which an update is available and also indicates if the module
will need to be reprogrammed or replaced.
Information is also provided indicating the current programmed part number and also what the number should
be after an update is performed.
Fig. 161: Display Status Report
If "Cancel update" is selected or if CIP determines that there are no updates needed or available for the
vehicle then the "Control module selection" screen is displayed.
Fig. 162: Display Control Module Selection Screen (1 Of 2)
From the "Control module selection" screen specific control modules can be selected for reprogramming.
By selecting "Programming" the software of the selected module can be updated or a measures plan for all
installed modules can be obtained and updated.
Fig. 164: Selecting Programming Button
By selecting "Update Software" a measures plan will be generated that will indicate what updates if any are
available not only for the DME but for all modules installed in the vehicle.
Fig. 165: Selecting Update Software Button
A "Measures plan" provides information on updates that are available for all installed control modules. By
selecting accept, all modules listed in the measures plan will be updated.
NOTE: Prior to selecting accept printout a copy of the measures plan and attach it to
the repair order to document the work performed.
IMPORTANT: If the measures plan identifies any control modules that will need to be
replaced exit CIP.
Fig. 166: Display Select Measures Plan Table
IMPORTANT: The "Special Measures" function is only to be used in the event that a control
module(s) can not be programmed during the "Update Software" process that
is executed as a result of a developed "Measures plan"/"Status report" or
specific instructions are given in a Service Information Bulletin which require
the use of special measures to update a module.
Fig. 167: Selecting Special Measure Button
In the event that a control module(s) can not be programmed successfully the information will appear next to
the specific module(s) in the final report, which is generated upon completion of an update or "Measures plan".
Airbag activation/deactivation
Telematics On/Off
Language (setting control display/monitor language)
Maintenance interval - reset/checking
USA-Canada conversion
Retrofits - listing accessories installed or available for installation.
Fig. 169: Display Retrofitting Selection Screen
By selecting "Retrofits" on the previous screen a list of accessory systems available for installation is obtained.
NOTE: Some of the items listed may not be available as retrofits for US vehicles.
Fig. 170: Display Add Retrofits
If this system/module is installed the vehicle order will be modified to reflect the addition of this
module/accessory to the vehicle by selecting "Continue".
Fig. 171: Selecting Continue Button
Management - Reports
NOTE: The reports are not specific to the vehicle currently connected but are a
cumulative listing of vehicles recently connected/accessed using CIP via a
specific SSS.
Fig. 175: Display Management Screen
By selecting the "Start" button a brief test of the system files will be performed.
Fig. 178: Selecting Start Button
A list of the various files/applications installed as well as their software levels is displayed.
Fig. 180: Display CIP Version Information List
"Vehicle" can be selected from the main CIP selection screen to access additional functions:
Vehicle order
Service functions
Complete encoding
Fig. 181: Selecting Vehicle Button From Main CIP Selection Screen
Vehicle Order
Service functions
Complete encoding
By selecting "Vehicle order" the ability to adapt/modify the vehicle order can be accessed.
NOTE: Changing the vehicle order may affect vehicle operation. Modifying the vehicle
order should only be performed when directed to do so by the Technical
Hotline, Service Information Bulletin or Aftersales Installation Instructions.
Fig. 182: Selecting Vehicle Order Button
Selection of "Adapt VO" provides the ability to install a modified Vehicle Order file.
Fig. 183: Selecting Adapt VO Button
Before selecting "Continue" a floppy disk (1.44) containing the modified/new vehicle order must be inserted
into the disk drive of the SSS.
NOTE: The modified VO file is obtained from the Technical Hotline by submitting a
PUMA case requesting a modified VO, the PUMA case should indicate what
accessory/feature needs to be added or removed. The modified file will be sent
via E-mail and must be copied on to a 1.44" floppy disk. Do not attempt to open
the received file on a PC, as this may corrupt the data contained in the file.
Fig. 184: Selecting Continue Button
Vehicle - Initialization
Start system time - Used to synchronize all modules contained on the vehicles byteflight bus.
Delete fault memory
CAS or EWS calibration
Fig. 185: Selecting Initialization Button
By selecting "Delete fault memory" the fault memory of all installed control modules will be cleared.
Fig. 186: Selecting Delete Fault Memory Button
Displays a report pertaining to the clearing of the fault memory on all installed modules.
Fig. 187: Display Final Report
By selecting "EWS adjustm." or "CAS Calibration" the rolling code tables can be initialized.
Fig. 188: Selecting EWS Adjustment Button
By selecting "Yes" the calibration/initialization of the rolling code tables in the DME and CAS or EWS
modules will be carried out.
Fig. 189: Selecting YES Button
Selecting "LWS" will provide the ability to calibrate the steering angle sensor.
Fig. 191: Selecting LWS Button
By selecting continue the process to calibrate the steering angle sensor will be carried out.
Fig. 192: Selecting Continue Button
"Complete encoding" provides the ability to code/recode all control modules installed in the vehicle.
Fig. 193: Selecting Complete Encoding Button
Recoding all the installed control modules may result in the loss of initialization or system settings such as radio
station presets or seat/mirror memory.
Fig. 194: Selecting Continue Button
By selecting "Yes" all installed control modules will be recoded based on the information contained in the
Vehicle Order.
Fig. 195: Selecting YES Button
After selecting "Yes" on the Yes/No selection screen a determination/check of all installed control modules is
Fig. 196: Display Fitted Control Modules Determined Message
Upon completing a check of the installed control modules, a list highlighting the installed control modules is
Select the control module(s) that were replaced and select continue.
Fig. 197: Display Control Module Selection Screen
After selecting the replaced module(s) and selecting continue a measures plan will be generated which
compares the integration levels (actual vs. target) for not only the modules replaced but for all installed modules
as well. If any of the installed control modules do not match the target level they will be updated along with the
replacement modules.
The CKM feature contained in CIP (for models produced as of the E65) provides the ability to "customize"
certain vehicle and key functions to meet the specific preferences of the customer. It is important to note that the
functions/features that can be "customized" will vary depending on model, equipment level and vehicle
software level.
Upon selecting "CKM" a check of the current vehicle and key settings is made and displayed. The displayed
settings list should be printed out and provided to the customer in order for them to select how the available
functions should be set. The CKM function contained within CIP allows settings for both vehicle and keys to be
made directly, the older version separates the key settings from the vehicle setting as different functions.
On older vehicles the Car Memory and Key Memory settings can be accessed via the SGC/UNIX function.
Fig. 199: Display Car Memory And Key Memory Settings Button
Upon selecting "CKM" a check of the current vehicle and key settings is made.
Fig. 200: Selecting CKM Button
Once the check is complete the current setting are displayed and can be printed out.
Fig. 201: Display Current Setting Screen
Changes to the current settings can be made by selecting the preferred function.
NOTE: Some preference settings can be made that are specific to the key being used.
Fig. 202: Selecting Preferred Function
To except/code the new setting to the vehicle or key select "Encode car".
Fig. 203: Selecting Encode Car Button
Once the new values are stored/set a final report showing the new setting will be displayed. The report will also
show if the effected modules did or did not accept the changes.
Fig. 205: Display Final Report
The ZCS coding procedure can currently be performed with the DISplus using DIS CDs until DIS CD 42 is
released at which time all SGC/Unix coding and programming functions will be available only via Progman
using the GT1 or SSS.
On earlier production vehicles when replacing a control module that stores the ZCS code (i.e Kombi/Instrument
Cluster) the information must be entered manually in order to code the replacement module. The ZCS code
from the label located in the vehicle or a printout of the code stored in the module to be replaced must be
entered into the new module.
The control modules that store the ZCS and require manual input are:
IKE - E38
EKM - E31
Instrument Cluster - E32/34 (After 9-91) & E36 (except 318ti and Z3 Roadster)
EWS II - 318ti & Z3 Roadster
NOTE: As long as the defective EWS II control module can communicate with the
coding equipment, automatic encoding is possible.
On later production vehicles where the ZCS information is stored in two modules, redundant data storage, the
ZCS information to code the replacement module can be obtained from the second/backup module.
NOTE: E46 changed from ZCS to a Vehicle Order (VO/FA) vehicle data structure in 9/01.
From Progman establish a connection to the interface connected to the vehicle and access CIP.
To perform the procedure from CIP the Model series must be selected (3 series, 7 series ...).
Then advance screen to the right two times to enter the vehicle series selection screen.
Fig. 207: Selecting Codierung ZCS/FA Button
Make sure it is the most up-to-date version of the software for the encoding procedure.
Select "Recoding".
Select "KOMBI".
Fig. 211: Selecting COMBI Button
When installing a new module the last 7 digits of the VIN will need to be entered.
Fig. 214: Selecting YES Button
Chassis number of vehicle is displayed, enter VIN using touch screen pad or the keyboard on an SSS.
When installing a new module the last 7 digits of the VIN will need to be entered.
Fig. 216: Display Chassis Number Of Vehicle
When installing a new module the ZCS code of the vehicle will need to be entered. The information can be
obtained from:
If the ZCS code must be changed follow the instruction given on screen and enter the required information
exactly as indicated on the ZCS label or printout of ZCS code before removal of module.
Fig. 218: Display Instruction
Select "Yes" to begin the coding process for the installed/selected module.
Upon completion of the coding process print out a copy of the ZCS information displayed and attach it to the
repair order to be maintained with vehicle file.
Switch ignition off for 10 seconds, then check for proper system operation.
Fig. 223: Selecting Yes Button
When a control module is replaced that does not store the ZCS code, the replacement module is coded
automatically using the ZCS code stored in the Kombi, EWS or LSZ.
From Progman establish a connection to the interface connected to the vehicle and access CIP.
To perform the procedure from CIP the Model series must be selected (3 series, 7 series ...).
Then advance screen to the right two times to enter the vehicle series selection screen.
Fig. 225: Selecting Codierung ZCS/FA Button
Make sure it is the most up-to-date version of the software for the encoding procedure.
Select "Recoding"
The retrofit function allows options or accessory equipment to be added after the vehicle is manufactured.
By selecting to install a new option/accessory from the list of available retrofits for the specific vehicle, the ZCS
information will be updated to reflect the addition of the new option or accessory that was installed. Updating of
the ZCS information will ensure that the new component is recognized and able to communicate with the other
modules in the vehicle.
The conversion function allows specific features of certain control modules/systems to be modified, similar to
the way Individualization (Vehicle & Key Memory) is used on newer models to "customize" a vehicle.
Emissions - Overview
Models: All Equipped with OBD II
What Is OBD?
Today many of the engine's control systems such as throttle opening, fuel injection, ignition, emissions and
performance are controlled by an electronic control module and the related sensors and actuators. The first on-
board diagnostic (OBD) systems were developed by the manufacturer as a way to detect problems with the
electronic systems.
Beginning with 1994 model year, requirements for OBD systems have been established by the EPA and CARB.
The purpose of the OBD system is to assure proper emission control system operation for the vehicle's lifetime
by monitoring emission-related components and systems for deterioration and malfunction. This includes also a
check of the tank ventilation system for vapor leaks.
The OBD system consists of the engine and transmission control modules, their sensors and actuators along
with the diagnostic software. The control modules can detect system problems even before the driver notices a
driveability problem because many problems that affect emissions can be electrical or even chemical in nature.
When the OBD system determines that a problem exists, a corresponding "Diagnostic Trouble Code" is stored
in the control module's memory.
The control module also illuminates a yellow dashboard Malfunction Indicator Light indicating "Check Engine"
or "Service Engine Soon" or displays an engine symbol.
Fig. 1: Identifying OBD System
This light informs the driver of the need for service, NOT of the need to stop the vehicle. A blinking or flashing
dashboard light indicates a rather severe level of engine misfire.
After fixing the problem the Fault code is deleted to turn off the light. If the conditions that caused a problem
are no longer present the vehicle's OBD system can turn off the dashboard light automatically. If the OBD
system evaluates the component or system three consecutive times and no longer detects the initial problem, the
dashboard light will turn off automatically.
If the fuel filler cap is not properly closed after refueling, the OBD system will detect the vapor leak that exists
from the cap not being completely tightened.
If you tighten the cap subsequently, the dashboard light should be extinguished within a few days or after
deleting the Fault code. This is not an indication of a faulty OBD system. The OBD system has properly
diagnosed the problem and accordingly alerted the driver by illuminating the dashboard light.
Please check the fuel filler cap first when the dashboard light comes on to avoid unnecessary diagnostic time.
To check the fuel filler cap turn the cap to the right until you hear a click or the cap reaches the full stop. Make
sure that the retaining strap is not caught between the filler pipe and the fuel filler cap. If the light should stay
on further in depth evaporative leak diagnosis is required.
Misfire Detection
As part of the CARB/OBD II regulations the Engine Control Module must determine if misfire is occurring and
also identify the specific cylinder(s). The ECM will determine severity of the misfire event, and whether it is
emissions relevant or catalyst damaging. In order to accomplish these tasks the ECM monitors the crankshaft
for acceleration losses during firing segments of cylinder specific firing order. If the signal is implausible an
erroneous reference mark can be obtained by the ECM which will result in a misfire fault being set.
Engine Misfire is the result of inefficient combustion in one or more cylinders. The causes of Engine Misfire
are extensive but can be grouped into the following sub-systems. Consider the charts below as an additional
diagnostic aid once the DISplus/MoDIC is connected, the correct fault symptom has been chosen and the fault
memory has been interrogated. Follow the Test Module as displayed by the DISplus/MoDIC.
Spark Plug:
Incorrect spark plug installed
Electrode(s) missing
Replace if necessary
Ignition Coil(s):
Secondary/Primary Circuits open or shorted.
A secondary ignition oscilloscope display provides vital information about the ignition system's
Follow the precautions in group 12 of the Repair Instructions.
Use the following scope patterns as a guideline for ignition system diagnosis. Use the preset
measurement function of DISplus.
Pistons, Rings, Valves, Camshaft:
Hole in piston crown, ring(s) broken, valve(s) not seating, valve(s) bent, valve spring(s) broken,
camshaft lobe cracked, etc.
Idle Quality - Rough Running Preset.
Listen to HVA
Cylinder leakdown
Vacuum Leaks:
Unmetered vacuum leaks causing a "lean " operating condition. Possible "Excessive Mixture
Deviation " fault codes.
Idle Quality - Rough Running Preset. Test for vacuum leaks.
Fuel (quality):
Contaminated fuel, (water, other non combustible).
Fuel Delivery:
Fuel pump delivery pressure low, restriction in fuel line to fuel rail or running loss valve.
Check valve
Display "diagnosis requests" in DISplus and test valve for proper function, replace valve as
Fuel Injectors:
Leaking fuel injector pintle seats cause rich engine starts with hot ambient temperatures.
Check nominal fuel pressure value with engine operating under varied speeds.
Evaporative System:
Defective evaporative system vent causing fuel tank collapse and fuel. starvation.
DISplus status, EVAP test with pressure tool, purge valve func. test.
Check Fresh Air Valve on TLEV E36 vehicles or LDP/DM TL and filter on ORVR vehicles for
proper system "breathing".
Increment wheel loose or damaged (internal on M44, M52 and M54, external on M62 & M73).
Catalyst Damaged:
Excessive exhaust back pressure (bank specific fault present, more noticeable under heavy load and
high RPM).
DISplus preset measurement of oxygen sensor.
Back pressure test per SIB with Special Tool.
Oxygen Sensor:
Excessive mixture deviation, possible vacuum leaks.
Swap sensor from other bank (if applicable) and see if fault transfers to other bank.
Misfire Reprogramming.
"Misfire" is caused by a defect in the internal combustion engine or a defect in the control of the
engine operation.
"Misfire" is the result of improper combustion (variation between cylinders) as measured at the
crankshaft due to:
A Misfire fault code(s) is the "symptom" of a faulty input for proper combustion. When diagnosing
a misfire, review the charts to assist you in finding the faulty input.
As a result of low fuel costs, together with a high standard of living and a dense population, the state of
California was affected particularly heavily by air pollution. This spurred the state to pass the most
comprehensive and stringent emissions and consumption laws in the world. The automobile manufacturers were
reminded of their obligations and this drove them on to comply with the new regulations at enormous expense.
In continuing efforts to improve air quality, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) amended the
Clean Air Act in 1990. The Clean Air Act was originally mandated in 1970. The Clean Air Act has a
direct impact on automobile manufactures whereby they are responsible to comply with the regulations
set forth by the EPA. The 1990 amendment of the Clean Air Act set forth all of the changes currently
being introduced on vehicles sold in the United States today.
In 1967, the State of California formed the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to develop and
carryout air quality improvement programs for California's unique air pollution conditions. Through the
years, CARB programs have evolved into what we now know as ON Board Diagnostics and the National
Low Emission Vehicle Program.
The EPA has adopted many of the CARB programs as National programs and laws. One of these earlier
programs was OBD I and the introduction of the "CHECK ENGINE" Light.
BMW first introduced OBD I and the check engine light in the 1987 model year. This enhanced diagnosis
through the display of "flash codes" using the check engine light as well as the BMW 2013 and MoDIC.
OBD I was only the first step in an ongoing effort to monitor and reduce tailpipe emissions.
By the 1989 model year all automotive manufactures had to assure that all individual components
influencing the composition of exhaust emissions would be electrically monitored and that the driver be
informed whenever such a component failed.
Since the 1996 model year all vehicles must comply with OBD II requirements. OBD II requires the
monitoring of virtually every component that can affect the emission performance of a vehicle plus store
the associated fault code and condition in memory.
If a problem is detected and then re-detected during a later drive cycle more than one time, the OBD II
system must also illuminate the "CHECK ENGINE" Light in the instrument cluster to alert the driver that
a malfunction has occurred. However, the flash code function of the Check Engine Light in OBD I
vehicles is not a function in OBD II vehicles.
This requirement is carried out by the Engine Control Module (ECM/DME) as well as the Automatic
Transmission Control Module (EGS/AGS) and the Electronic Throttle Control Module (EML) to monitor
and store faults associated with all components/systems that can influence exhaust and evaporative
The essential elements here are that electrical components which affect exhaust emissions are monitored by the
motor-electronics system and an optical warning signal (CHECK ENGINE Light) is issued in the event of an
OBD I-relevant malfunction. The corresponding fault can be read out via a flashing code without the aid of a
testing device.
Since January 1996, OBD II has been compulsory on all vehicles in the US market. The main difference from
OBD I is that not only are the purely electrical components monitored but also all the systems and processes
that affect exhaust emissions and fuel system evaporative emissions.
The operational reliability of the exhaust-treatment system must be guaranteed for 5 years and/or 100,000 miles;
this is maintained by emission certification. In this case, the data relevant to exhaust/evaporative emissions are
read out via a standardized interface with a universal "diagnosis device". If a violation is identified, the vehicle
manufacturer in question is legally bound to eliminate the fault throughout the entire vehicle series.
Objectives Of OBD II
Permanent monitoring of components relevant to exhaust emissions in all vehicles.
Immediate detection and indication of significant emission increases over the entire service life of each
Permanently low exhaust emissions in the field.
While OBD II has the function of monitoring for emission related faults and alerting the operator of the vehicle,
the National Low Emission Vehicle Program requires a certain number of vehicles produced (specific to
manufacturing totals) currently comply with the following emission stages;
Prior to the National Low Emission Vehicle Program, the most stringent exhaust reduction compliancy is what
is known internally within BMW as HC II . The benefit of exhaust emission reductions that the National Low
Emission Vehicle Program provides compared with the HC II standard is as follows:
Compliance Level
NMHC Non Methane Hydrocarbon
CO Carbon Monoxide
NOx Oxide(s) of Nitrogen
Compliance Level
NMHC Non Methane Hydrocarbon
CO Carbon Monoxide
NOx Oxide(s) of Nitrogen
Compliance Level
NMHC Non Methane Hydrocarbon
CO Carbon Monoxide
NOx Oxide(s) of Nitrogen
Within the framework of OBD II, certain components/systems must be monitored once per driving cycle while
other control systems (e.g. misfire detection) must be monitored permanently. A "driving cycle" consists of
engine startup, vehicle operation (exceeding of starting speed), coasting and engine stopping.
Permanent Monitoring
Permanently monitored systems are monitored according to temperature immediately after startup. In the event
of malfunctions (e.g. oxygen sensor), the Malfunction Indicator Light will illuminate immediately.
Misfire Detection
Fuel System (duration of injection)
All emission related electrical circuits, components and systems of the ECM, TCM and EML (if
Cyclic Monitoring
Systems monitored once per driving cycle will only result in a fault being registered after the corresponding
operating conditions have been completed. Therefore, there is no possibility for checking when the engine is
started up briefly and then shut down.
Due to the complexity involved in meeting the test criteria within the defined driving cycle, all tests may not
be completed within one "customer driving cycle". The test can be successfully completed within the defined
criteria, however customer driving styles may differ and therefore may not always monitor all involved
components/systems in one "trip".
Drive Cycle
The following diagram shows how a drive cycle is set (test drive) in order for all the systems to be monitored
once. The test conditions can be created in any desired order after startup.
Fig. 5: Identifying Drive Cycle Graph
The illumination of the light is performed in accordance with the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) which
requires the lamp to be illuminated when:
A malfunction of a component that can affect the emission performance of the vehicle occurs and causes
emissions to exceed 1.5 times the standards required by the (FTP).
Manufacturer-defined specifications are exceeded.
An implausible input signal is generated.
Catalyst deterioration causes HC-emissions to exceed a limit equivalent to 1.5 times the standard (FTP).
Misfire faults occur.
A leak is detected in the evaporative system, or "purging" is defective.
ECM fails to enter closed-loop oxygen sensor control operation within a specified time interval.
Engine control or automatic transmission control enters a "limp home" operating mode.
Ignition is on (KL15) position before cranking = Bulb Check Function.
Within the BMW system the illumination of the Malfunction Indicator Light is performed in accordance with
the regulations set forth in CARB mail-out 1968.1 and as demonstrated via the Federal Test Procedure (FTP).
The following page provides several examples of when and how the Malfunction Indicator Light is illuminated
based on the "customer drive cycle".
Fig. 7: Checking Bulb Function
1. A fault code is stored within the ECM upon the first occurrence of a fault in the system being checked.
2. The "Malfunction Indicator Light" will not be illuminated until the completion of the second consecutive
"customer driving cycle" where the previously faulted system is again monitored and a fault is still
present or a catalyst damaging fault has occurred.
3. If the second drive cycle was not complete and the specific function was not checked, the ECM counts
the third drive cycle as the "next consecutive" drive cycle. The "Malfunction Indicator Light" is
illuminated if the function is checked and the fault is still present.
4. If there is an intermittent fault present and does not cause a fault to be set through multiple drive cycles,
two complete consecutive drive cycles with the fault present are required for the "Malfunction Indicator
Light" to be illuminated.
5. Once the "Malfunction Indicator Light" is illuminated it will remain illuminated unless the specific
function has been checked without fault through three complete consecutive drive cycles.
6. The fault code will also be cleared from memory automatically if the specific function is checked through
40 consecutive drive cycles without the fault being detected or with the use of either the DIS, MODIC or
Scan tool.
NOTE: In order to clear a catalyst damaging fault (see MISFIRE DETECTION) from
memory, the condition must be evaluated for 80 consecutive cycles without the
fault reoccurring.
With the use of a universal scan tool, connected to the "OBD" DLC an SAE standardized DTC can be obtained,
along with the condition associated with the illumination of the "Malfunction Indicator Light". Using the
DISplus or MODIC, a fault code and the conditions associated with its setting can be obtained prior to the
illumination of the "Malfunction Indicator Light".
The readiness code provides status (Yes/No) of the system having completed all the required monitoring
functions or not. The readiness code is displayed with an aftermarket Scan Tool or the DISplus/MoDIC .
The code is a binary (1/0) indicating;
0 = Test Not Completed or Not Applicable - six cylinder vehicles (not ready - V8 and V12)
1 = Test Completed - six cylinder vehicles (ready - V8 and V12)
A "readiness code" must be stored after any clearing of fault memory or disconnection of the ECM. A readiness
code of "0" will be stored (see below) after a complete diagnostic check of all components/systems, that can
turn on the "Malfunction Indicator Light" is performed.
The readiness code was established to prevent anyone with an emissions related fault and a "Malfunction
Indicator Light" on from disconnecting the battery or clearing the fault memory to manipulate the results of the
emissions test procedure (IM 240).
The complete readiness code is equal to "one" byte (eight bits). Every bit represents one complete test and is
displayed by the scan tool, as required by CARB/EPA. For example:
0 = Catalyst Heating
Drive the car in such a manner that all tests listed above can be completed (refer to the DRIVE CYCLE).
When the complete "readiness code" equals "1" (ready) then all tests have been completed and the system has
established its "readiness".
The readiness code can be checked with the DISplus/MoDIC. This is particularly helpful in verifying that "drive
cycle" criteria was achieved. A repair can be confirmed before returning the vehicle to the customer by a
successfully completed drive cycle.
Using an MS43 system for example, the readiness code is found under "Service Functions"
For example:
Starting with the 1995 750iL, soon after on all 1996 model year and later BMW vehicles, a separate OBD II
Diagnostic Link Connector (DLC) was added.
The DLC provides access for an aftermarket scan tool to all emission related control systems:
This diagnostic communication link uses the existing TXD II circuit in the vehicle through a separate circuit on
the DLC when the 20 pin cap is installed.
The DLC Connector bridging cap is marked "OBD II " and is found:
Fig. 12: Identifying DLC Connector Bridging Cap
Fig. 13: Identifying E38 Center Console
NOTE: E38 and older models have a cosmetic cover and a secured DLC cover.
Model And Production Date: E46 From 6/00 E39, E52, E53 From 9/00
For model year 2001 the E39, E46 and E53 will eliminate the 20 pin diagnostic connector from the engine
compartment. The 16 pin OBD II connector located inside the vehicle will be the only diagnosis port.
The E38 and Z3 will continue to use the 20 pin connector until the end of production.
The 16 pin OBD II connector has been in all BMWs since 1996 to comply with OBD regulations requiring a
standardized diagnostic port.
Previously before 2001, only emissions relevant data could be extracted from the OBD II connector because it
did not provide access to TXD (D-bus).
The TXD line is connected to pin 8 of the OBD II connector on vehicles without the 20 pin diagnostic
Fig. 14: Identifying 20 Pin Diagnostic Socket
The cap to the OBD II connector contains a bridge that links KL 30 to TXD and TXD II. This is to protect the
diagnostic circuit integrity and prevent erroneous faults from being logged.
The OBD II connector is located in the driver's footwell to the left of the steering column for E39, E46 and E53
Special tool 61 4 300 is used to connect to the 20 pin diagnostic lead of the DIS until the introduction of the
Fig. 15: Identifying ODB II
BMW Codes are stored as soon they occur even before the "Malfunction Indicator Light" comes on.
BMW Codes are defined by BMW, Bosch and Siemens Engineers to provide greater detail to fault
specific information.
Siemens systems - one set from four fault specific environmental conditions is stored with the first fault
occurrence. This information can change and is specific to each fault code to aid in diagnosing. A
maximum of ten different faults containing four environmental conditions can be stored.
Bosch systems - a maximum of four sets from three fault specific environmental conditions is stored
within each fault code. This information can change and is specific to each fault code to aid in
diagnosing. A maximum of ten different faults containing three environmental conditions can be stored.
BMW Codes also store and displays a "time stamp" when the fault last occurred.
A fault qualifier gives more specific detailed information about the type of fault (upper limit, lower limit,
disconnection, plausibility, etc.).
BMW Fault Codes will alert the Technician of the current fault status. He/she will be advised if the fault
is actually still present, not currently present or intermittent.
BMW Fault Codes determine the diagnostic output for BMW DISplus/MoDIC.
Within the framework of OBD II, a diagnosis of all emission-related components/functions must take place
during driving. Faults will be stored and displayed if necessary. For this purpose, the ECM includes OBD II
memory. The standardized P codes for malfunctions are stored in this memory. The memory can be read out
with the DISplus/MoDIC or a Scantool.
OBD II regulations are based on section 1968.1 of Title 13, California Code of Regulations (CCR), The law set
forth in section 1968.1 requires an increased scope of monitoring emission related control functions including:
Catalyst Monitoring
Heated Catalyst Monitoring (currently used on BMW 750iL vehicles)
Misfire Monitoring
Evaporative System Monitoring
Secondary Air System Monitoring
Air Conditioning System Refrigerant Monitoring (Not applicable for BMW vehicles)
Fuel System Monitoring
Oxygen Sensor Monitoring
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) System Monitoring (Not applicable for BMW vehicles)
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) System Monitoring (Not required at this time).
Thermostat Monitoring (if equipped)
Monitoring these emission requirements is a function of the ECM which uses "data sets" while monitoring the
conditions of the environment and the operation of the engine using existing input sensors and output actuators.
The data sets are programmed reference values the ECM refers to when a specific monitoring procedure is
occurring. If the ECM cannot determine the environmental and/or engine operating conditions due to an
impaired or missing signal, it will set a fault and illuminate the "Malfunction Indicator Light".
This input or control signal monitoring falls under another category called "Comprehensive Component
Monitoring" . The ECM must recognize the loss or impairment of the signal or component. The ECM
determines a faulted signal or sensor via three conditions:
Specific fault codes are used to alert the diagnostician of these conditions.
Models: E36/E39/Z3- MS41.1 with M52 Engine
Manufacturer: Siemens
Fig. 4: Identifying Power Supply System
KL30 - Battery Voltage: It supplies the operating voltage to the ECM. The ECM contains a "EEPROM" that
will store data in the event of power loss (battery disconnected).
KL15 - Ignition Switch: When the ignition is switched "on" the ECM is informed that the engine is about to be
started. KL15 also supplies voltage to the Engine Control Module Relay. Switching KL15 "off" removes the
ECM operating voltage.
Fuel Injectors
Idle Speed Valve
Evaporative Emission Valve/Air Inlet Shut Off Valve
Exhaust Flap Solenoid
VANOS Solenoid
Running Losses Solenoid
Ground: Multiple ground paths are necessary to complete current flow through the ECM. The ECM ground pin
numbers and functions are:
Pin #
04, 28, 32, 34, 56
Hot Film Air Mass Sensor
Knock Sensor Shielding
Temperature Sensors
Crankshaft Position/RPM sensor and Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor
41, 64
Camshaft Position Sensors Shielding
Throttle Position Sensor
Principle Of Operation
Battery Voltage is monitored by the ECM for fluctuations. It will adjust the output functions to compensate for
a lower (11.7v) and higher (14v) voltage value. For example, the ECM will:
The E39 Power Supplies (KL15 and ECM Relay) are fused to the MS41.1 ECM.
The fuses are housed in the Engine Fuse Block located in the Electronics Box.
When KL15 is switched "on" the ECM is ready for engine management. The ECM will activate ground to
energize the Engine Control Module Relay. The Engine Control Module Relay supplies operating voltage to the
ECM and the previously mentioned operating components.
When KL15 is switched "off" the ECM operating voltage is removed. The ECM will maintain a ground to the
Engine Control Module Relay for a few seconds.
Ground is required to complete the current path through the ECM. The ECM also:
Workshop Hints
No Start
Hard Starting (Long Crank Times)
Inaccurate Diagnostic Status or ECM Not Found
Intermittent/Constant "CHECK ENGINE" Light
Intermittent/Constant Driveability Problems
The ignition (KL15) must be switched off when removing or installing the ECM connector to prevent
voltage spikes (arcing) that can damage the Control Module!
Fig. 8: Identifying Engine Control Module Relay
The Engine Control Module Relay (E36 located in the fuse box, Z3/E39 in the Electronics Box) should be
tested for:
Power Supply
When testing power supply to an ECM, the DIS/MoDIC multimeter function as well as a reputable hand held
multimeter can be used.
It is best to make the checks at the ECM connection, this method includes testing the wiring harness.
The correct Universal Adapter for the MS41.X application should be used (#88 88 6 614 410). This will ensure
the pin connectors and the harness will not be damaged.
Fig. 10: Identifying Universal Adapter
The interior of this Universal Adapter is shielded, therefore it is vital that the ground cable is connected to the
vehicle chassis whenever the adapter is used.
The adapter uses a Printed Circuit board inside keeping the capacitive and inductive load to a minimum.
When installing the Universal Adapter to the ECM (E36 located below the windshield on the passenger side of
the engine compartment, Z3/E39 in the Electronics Box), make sure the ignition is switched off.
The Engine Control Module Relay should be tested using the relay test kit (P/N 88 88 6 613 010).
Throttle Valve: The mechanical throttle valve regulates the intake air flow and it is linked by a cable to the
accelerator pedal.
The throttle housing is secured to the intake manifold by four bolts (arrows).
The throttle valve is heated by engine coolant to prevent condensation from "icing". The throttle valve is
"preset" and should not be adjusted.
Fig. 12: Identifying Throttle Housing Bolts
Throttle Position Sensor: A potentiometer is mounted on the throttle housing which provides the ECM with a
voltage value (0-5v) that represents throttle angle position and rate of movement. The sensor receives its power
supply from the ECM.
The Potentiometer is non-adjustable because the ECM "learns" the throttle angle voltage at idle speed. If the
throttle position sensor is replaced, the adaptations must be cleared using the DIS/MoDIC.
If this input is defective, a fault code will be stored and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated when
the OBD II criteria is achieved. The ECM will still operate the engine using the Hot-Film Air Mass Meter and
Engine RPM inputs.
Fig. 13: Testing Throttle Position Sensor
Idle Speed Control Valve: This valve regulates air bypassing the throttle valve to control the engine idle speed.
The valve is supplied with battery voltage from the ECM Relay. The Idle Air Actuator is a two-coil rotary
actuator. The ECM is equipped with two final stage transistors which will alternate positioning of the actuator.
The final stages are "pulsed" simultaneously by the ECM which provides ground paths for the actuator. The
duty cycle of each circuit is varied to achieve the required idle RPM.
Fig. 14: Testing Idle Speed Control Valve
If this component/circuits are defective, a fault code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be
illuminated when the OBD II criteria is achieved.
Hot-Film Air Mass Meter (HFM): The air volume input signal is produced electronically by the HFM which
uses a heated metal film (180°C above intake air temperature) in the air flow stream.
The ECM Relay provides the operating voltage. As air flows through the HFM, the film is cooled changing the
resistance which affects current flow through the circuit. The sensor produces a 1-5 volt varying signal. Based
on this change the ECM monitors and regulates the amount of fuel injected.
If this input is defective, a fault code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated when the
OBD II criteria is achieved. The ECM will operate the engine using the Throttle Position and Engine RPM
Air Temperature Signal: This signal is needed by the ECM to correct the air volume input for changes in the
intake air temperature. The sensor is located in the intake manifold behind the throttle housing.
The ECM provides the power supply to this component. The sensor decreases in resistance as the temperature
rises and vice versa (NTC). The ECM monitors the applied voltage (5v), as air temperature changes the
resistance value the voltage signal will vary (0-5v).
If this input is defective, a fault code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated when the
OBD II criteria is achieved. The ECM will operate the engine using the Engine Coolant Sensor input.
Pressure Control Valve: The pressure control valve varies the vacuum applied to the crankcase ventilation
depending on engine load. The valve is balanced between spring pressure and the amount of manifold vacuum.
The oil vapors exit the separator labyrinth (2) in the cylinder head cover (1). The oil vapors are drawn into the
cyclone type liquid/vapor separator (3) regulated by the pressure control valve (5). The collected oil will drain
back into the oil pan (4).
Fig. 17: Identifying Pressure Control Valve Components
At idle when the intake manifold vacuum is high, the vacuum reduces the valve opening allowing a small
amount of crankcase vapors to be drawn into the intake manifold. At part to full load conditions when intake
manifold vacuum is lower, the spring opens the valve and additional crankcase vapors are drawn into the intake
Fig. 18: Locating Oil Vapors Exiting Separator Labyrinth In Cylinder Head Cover
Principle Of Operation
Air flow into the engine is regulated by the Throttle Valve or the Idle Speed Control Valve. Both of these air
"passages" are necessary for smooth engine operation from idle to full load. On the MS41.X system, the
Throttle Valve is mechanically controlled and the Idle Speed Control Valve is electrically controlled. All of
the ECM monitoring, processing and output functions are a result of regulated air flow.
The Throttle Position Sensor is monitored by the ECM for throttle angle position and rate of movement. As
the throttle plate is opened, a rising voltage signal (up to 5v) requests acceleration and at what rate. The ECM
will increase the volume of fuel injected into the engine, advance the ignition timing and decrease the Idle
Speed Valve opening (air is now going by the throttle plate). The "full throttle" position indicates maximum
acceleration to the ECM and in addition to the functions just mentioned, this will have an effect on the air
conditioning compressor (covered in Performance Controls).
As the throttle plate is closed (integral springs), a decrease in voltage signals the ECM to activate fuel shut off if
the RPM is above idle speed (coasting). The Idle Speed Control Valve will then be opened to maintain idle
The ECM monitors the engine idle speed in addition the Throttle Position Sensor voltage. The voltage value is
"learned" at the correct idle speed and if the voltage value has changed (mechanical wear of throttle plate or
linkage), the ECM will adjust the Idle Speed Control Valve to maintain the correct idle speed based on the
"new" voltage (the adaptations must be cleared using the DIS/MoDIC). If the Throttle Position input is
defective, a fault code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will illuminate when the OBD II criteria is
achieved. The ECM will maintain engine operation based on the Hot-Film Air Mass Sensor and the Engine
RPM Sensor.
The Idle Speed Control Valve is controlled by the ECM modulating the ground circuits to the two windings
for opening and closing. By varying the duty cycle applied to the windings, the valve can be progressively
opened or held steady to maintain the idle speed. If the Idle Speed Control Valve circuit is defective, a fault
code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will illuminate when the OBD II criteria is achieved.
There are additional factors that influence the ECM in regulating idle speed:
The RPM sensor input allows the ECM to monitor engine speed because of loads that cause idle
fluctuations due to drag on the engine: power steering, thick oil (friction forces), etc.
Cold engine temperature (coolant NTC) provides higher idle speed to raise temperature sooner.
Vehicle speed informs ECM when the vehicle is stationary and requires idle maintenance.
A/C on request from the climate control system (arming the ECM) and compressor engage
(stabilize idle speed) acknowledgment.
Range selector provides a Park/Neutral input to the ECM identifying when the vehicle is in a drive
gear. This signal allows idle stabilizaton for the increased load on the engine.
The Hot-Film Air Mass Sensor sends a varying voltage (0-5v) to the ECM representing the measured amount
of intake air volume. This input is used by the ECM to determine the amount of fuel to be injected. If this input
is defective, a fault code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will illuminate when the OBD II criteria
is achieved. The ECM will maintain engine operation based on the Throttle Position Sensor and Engine Speed
The Air Temperature Signal allows the ECM to make a calculation of intake air temperature. The varying
voltage input from the NTC sensor indicates the larger proportion of oxygen found in cold air, as compared to
less oxygen found in warmer air. The ECM will adjust the amount of injected fuel because the quality of
combustion depends on oxygen sensing ratio.
The ignition timing is also affected by air temperature. If the intake air is hot the ECM retards the base ignition
timing to reduce the risk of detonation. If the intake air is cooler, the base ignition timing will be advanced. If
this input is defective, a fault code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will illuminate when the OBD
II criteria is achieved.
Workshop Hints
Air Management
Unmetered air leaks can be misleading when diagnosing faults causing Check Engine Light/driveability
A fault in this system can often "mislead" diagnosis. This type of fault can produce:
These components are non-adjustable and tampering is not permitted. However, the attaching throttle and cruise
control cables should be adjusted.
Fig. 21: Identifying Throttle Valve And Throttle Position Sensor
The Throttle Position Sensor can be tested with the following methods:
The Idle Speed Control Valve and idle air circuit (passage ways) should be checked for physical
obstructions. Visually inspect the sealing gasket (1), mounting (2) and air hose clamps (3).
The resistance of the valve winding should be checked.
The ECM output and Idle Speed Control Valve operation can be tested by "Component
Activation" on the DIS/MoDIC.
The Pulse Width Modulated ground outputs from the ECM can be tested using the DIS/MoDIC
Consult Technical Data for specified idle speed.
NOTE: If the valve is blocked or contaminated, An HFM fault code will also be present!
Fig. 24: Testing Idle Speed Control Valve
A faulty Hot-Film Air Mass Sensor can produce the following complaints:
The Hot-Film Air Mass Sensor can be tested with the following methods:
NOTE: Visually inspect the sensor for damaged, missing or blocked screens. The
screens affect air flow calibration. Also inspect the sealing rings where the
sensor inserts in the air filter housing and intake boot. Ensure the pin
connections are tight.
Air Temperature Signal - Testing
NTC sensors decrease in resistance as the temperature rises and vice versa. The ECM monitors the sensor
voltage which varies as temperature changes the resistance value. For example, as temperature rises:
The DIS/MoDIC as well as a reputable hand held multimeter can be used when testing inputs/components.
It is best to make the checks at the ECM connection, this method includes testing the wiring harness.
The correct Universal Adapter for the MS41.X application should be used (#88 88 6 614 410). This will ensure
the pin connectors and the harness will not be damaged.
The interior of this Universal Adapter is shielded, therefore it is vital that the ground cable is connected to the
vehicle chassis whenever the adapter is used.
Fig. 28: Identifying Universal Adapter
The adapter uses a Printed Circuit board inside keeping the capacitive and inductive load to a minimum.
When installing the Universal Adapter to the ECM (E36 located below the windshield on the passenger side of
the engine compartment, Z3/E39 in the Electronics Box), make sure the ignition is switched off.
The Slack Tube Manometer Test Tool (#99 00 0 001 410) should be used to troubleshoot crankcase ventilation
Fuel Tank: The fuel tank is made of high density polyethylene (reduced weight) which is manufactured to meet
safety requirements.
A mid-chassis mounted "saddle" type tank is used (E36/ E39) which provides a tunnel for the driveshaft but
creates two separate low spots in the tank.
A Siphon jet is required with this type of tank to transfer fuel from the left side, linked to the fuel return line.
As fuel moves through the return, the siphon jet creates a low pressure (suction) to pick up fuel from the left
side of the tank and transfer it to the right side at the fuel pick up.
The Z3 uses a conventional type fuel tank that is mounted between the seats and the luggage compartment. The
Z3 has a single sending unit that (with the fuel pump) is accessed from behind the passenger seat.
Fig. 30: Identifying Fuel Tank Components
Fuel Pump: The electric fuel pump supplies constant fuel volume to the injection system. This system uses a
single submersible (in the fuel tank) pump. The inlet is protected by a mesh screen.
When the fuel pump is powered, the armature will rotate the impeller disc creating low pressure at the inlet. The
fuel will be drawn into the inlet and passed through the fuel pump housing (around the armature). The fuel
lubricates and cools the internals of the pump motor.
The fuel will exit through a non-return check valve to supply the injection system. The non-return check valve
is opened by fuel exiting the pump and will close when the pump is deactivated. This maintains a "prime" of
fuel in the filter, lines, hoses and fuel rail.
Fig. 31: Identifying Electric Fuel Pump
The pump contains an internal overpressure relief valve that will open (reducing roller cell pressure) if there is a
restriction in the fuel supply hardware.
Fuel Supply Components: The fuel is transferred from the fuel pump to the fuel filter. The fuel filter "traps"
contaminants before they reach the fuel injectors and should be replaced at the specified interval. The arrow on
the filter denotes the installation direction (under the driver side floor). The large filter size also serves as a
volume reservoir for pressurized fuel (dampening fuel pump pulsations).
Running Losses refers to the fuel vapors that can escape to the atmosphere during vehicle operation. The fuel
pump delivers more volume than the injection system requires. The unused fuel is routed through a return line
to the tank at the fuel pressure regulator integrated in the Running Losses 3/2 Way Valve under the driver side
floor. The fuel is constantly circulated in this manner.
Using the by-pass type regulator reduces the returned fuel temperature to the tank.
Fig. 33: Identifying Fuel Supply Components
Running Losses Fuel Supply: The ECM controls the operation of the Running Losses Fuel Circuit by
activating the by-pass solenoid. The solenoid is energized for 20 seconds on engine start up to supply full fuel
volume to the fuel rail. After 20 seconds, the solenoid is deactivated and sprung closed (the by-pass is opened).
This reduces the amount of fuel circulating through the fuel rail and diverts the excess to return through the fuel
pressure regulator.
The fuel injectors are provided with regulated fuel for injection but the returned fuel by-passes the engine
compartment fuel rail thus lowering the temperature and amount of vaporization that takes place in the fuel
The solenoid is also activated momentarily if an engine misfire is detected. This function provides full fuel flow
through the fuel rail to determine if the misfire was caused by a lean fuel condition. The solenoid is monitored
by the ECM for faults.
Fig. 34: Identifying Running Losses Fuel Supply
Fuel Pressure Regulator: The Fuel Pressure Regulator maintains a constant "pressure differential" for the fuel
The fuel pressure is set to 3.5 bar (+/- 0.2) by internal spring tension on the restriction valve.
The vacuum chamber is sealed off by a diaphragm which is connected by a hose to the intake manifold. Intake
manifold vacuum regulates the fuel pressure by assisting to compress the spring (lowering fuel pressure).
When the restriction valve opens, unused fuel returns back to the fuel tank.
At low to part throttle, intake manifold vacuum is available at the tip of the fuel injectors to enhance fuel
"flow through". Vacuum is also applied to the fuel pressure regulator vacuum chamber, causing the
diaphragm to compress the spring which opens the restriction valve. This lowers the fuel pressure
available to the fuel injectors.
Wide open throttle depletes intake manifold vacuum at the tip of the fuel injectors and in the fuel pressure
regulator vacuum chamber. The spring closes the restriction valve to raise fuel pressure available to the
fuel injectors. This maintains pressure differential (fuel flow through) for the fuel injectors.
Fig. 37: Identifying Fuel Supply (2 Of 2)
By maintaining constant Fuel Pressure Differential through vacuum sensing (engine load), the ECM can then
regulate volume and mixture by the length of time the injectors are open (duration).
The fuel rail distributes an even supply of fuel to all of the injectors, and also serves as a volume reservoir. The
fuel rail is secured by bolts to the intake manifold.
Bosch Fuel Injectors: The Fuel Injectors are electronically controlled solenoid valves that provide precise
metered and atomized fuel into the engine intake ports. The Fuel Injector Valve consists of:
Fuel is supplied from the fuel rail to the injector body. The fuel is channeled through the injector body to the
needle valve and seat at the tip of the injector.
Without electrical current, the needle valve is sprung closed against the seat.
Fig. 38: Identifying Bosch Fuel Injectors Components
1. Fuel Strainer
2. Electrical Connector
3. Solenoid Winding
4. Closing Spring
5. Solenoid Armature
6. Needle Valve
7. Pintle
The Fuel Injectors receive voltage from the Engine Control Module Relay. The ECM activates current flow
through the injector solenoid creating a magnetic field that pulls the needle "up" off of its seat.
The pressurized fuel flows through the opening and deflects off of the pintle.
The pintle (tip of the needle) is a cone shaped deflector that "fans out" the fuel spray into an angled pattern
which helps to atomize the fuel.
When the ECM deactivates current flow, the needle valve is sprung closed against the seat and fuel flow
through the injector is stopped.
The length of time that the ECM activates the Fuel Injectors is very brief, the duration is in milli-seconds (ms).
This affects the mount of fuel volume flowing through the Fuel Injectors.
The ECM will vary the length of time (ms) to regulate the air/fuel ratio (mixture).
Fig. 39: Identifying Cone Shaped Pintle
The Fuel Injectors are mounted in rubber "o rings" between the fuel rail and the intake manifold to insulate
them from heat and vibration.
This insulation also reduces the injector noise from being transmitted through the engine compartment. The
Fuel Injectors are held to the fuel rail by securing clips (arrow).
If a Fuel Injector is faulty (mechanical or electrical), it can produce the following complaints:
A Hall sensor is mounted on the left side at the rear of the engine block. The impulse wheel is mounted on the
crankshaft inside the crankcase, at the rear main bearing support. The impulse wheel contains 58 teeth with a
gap of two missing teeth.
The Hall sensor is supplied with voltage from the ECM. A digital square wave signal is produced by the sensor
as the teeth of the impulse wheel pass by. The "gap" allows the ECM to establish crankshaft position.
Fig. 41: Checking Crankshaft Position/RPM Sensor (Hall Effect)
The crankshaft position sensor is monitored as part of OBD II requirements for Misfire Detection. If this input
is faulty, the ECM will operate the engine (limited driveability) from the Camshaft Sensor input. A fault with
this input will produce the following complaints:
Hard Starting/Long Crank Time
Driveability/Misfire/Engine Stalling
Cylinder Identification Signal: An angle pulse generator is used for the camshaft position sensing. The
MS41.X ECM uses the signal from the camshaft sensor to set up the fully sequential fuel injection.
This sensor consists of two windings (primary and secondary) that are connected together at one end, and a
magnetic core.
The primary winding is supplied with a 120 kHz AC signal. The magnetic coupling causes an induced voltage
into the secondary winding (at the same frequency). However the induced voltage has a slight phase shift due to
the induction time delay.
Fig. 42: Checking Cylinder Identification Signal
The trigger wheel of the camshaft influences the magnet field of the sensor and causes the phase shift to
increase as the disc of the wheel moves closer to the sensor. The ECM monitors this change in phase shift as
"TDC" (compression input) from the camshaft. When the disc passes by the sensor the phase shift moves closer
If this input is defective, the system will still operate based on the Crankshaft Position/RPM Sensor. A fault will
be set and the ECM will activate the injectors in parallel. The camshaft position sensor is monitored as part of
the requirements for OBD II.
Fig. 43: Waveform Of Crankshaft Position/RPM Sensor
Engine Coolant Temperature: The Engine Coolant Temperature is provided to the ECM from an NTC type
sensor located in the coolant jacket of the cylinder head. The sensor contains two NTC elements, the other
sensor is used for the instrument cluster temperature gauge.
The ECM determines the correct air/fuel mixture required for the engine temperature by monitoring an applied
voltage to the sensor (5v). This voltage will vary (0-5v) as coolant temperature changes the resistance value.
If the Coolant Temperature Sensor input is faulty, a fault code will be set the ECM will assume a substitute
value (80°C) to maintain engine operation.
Throttle Position Sensor: The potentiometer is monitored by the ECM for throttle angle position and rate of
movement. For details about the sensor, refer to the AIR MANAGEMENT section.
As the throttle is opened, the ECM will increase the volume of fuel injected into the engine. As the throttle plate
is closed, the ECM activates fuel shut off if the RPM is above idle speed (coasting).
If the Throttle Position input is defective, a fault code will be set. The ECM will maintain fuel injection
operation based on the Air Flow Volume Sensor and the Crankshaft Position/RPM Sensor.
Hot-Film Air Mass Meter (HFM): The air volume input signal is used by the ECM to determine the amount
of fuel to be injected for correct air/fuel ratio. For details about the sensor, refer to the AIR MANAGEMENT
If this input is defective, a fault code will be set and the ECM will operate the engine using the Throttle Position
and Engine RPM inputs.
Air Temperature: This signal allows the ECM to make a calculation of air density. For details about the
sensor, refer to the AIR MANAGEMENT section.
The varying voltage input from the NTC sensor indicates the larger proportion of oxygen found in cold air, as
compared to less oxygen found in warmer air. The ECM will adjust the amount of injected fuel because the
quality of combustion depends on oxygen sensing ratio.
If this input is defective, a fault code will be set and the ECM will operate the engine using the Engine Coolant
Sensor input.
Principle Of Operation
Fuel Management delivers fuel from the tank to the intake ports of the engine. To accomplish this, fuel supply
must be available to the fuel injectors. Then the fuel must be injected in the precise amount and at the correct
time. The ECM does not directly monitor fuel supply, although it does control fuel supply. The Fuel Pump
supplies fuel when it receives operating voltage from the Engine Control Module Relay supplying the Fuel
Pump Relay. The ECM controls and monitors fuel injection.
Fig. 48: Fuel Management Components
The Fuel Pump will be activated when the ignition (KL15) is switched "on" and the ECM supplies a ground
circuit to activate the Fuel Pump Relay. The Fuel Pump Relay supplies operating power to the in-tank mounted
fuel pump. This is a momentary activation to "pressurize" (prime) the fuel system.
The ECM then requires an engine RPM signal from the Crankshaft Position/RPM Sensor to maintain
continuous Fuel Pump Relay activation.
If the engine RPM signal is not present, the ECM will deactivate the Fuel Pump Relay.
Fig. 49: Checking ECM & Fuel Pump Relays
The Fuel Injectors will be opened by the ECM to inject pressurized fuel into the intake ports. The Fuel
Injectors receive voltage from the Engine Control Module Relay. The ECM controls the opening by activating
the ground circuits for the Solenoid Windings. The ECM will vary the duration (in milli-seconds) of "opening"
time to regulate the air/fuel ratio.
The ECM has six Final Stage output transistors that switch ground to the six injector solenoids. The Injector
"triggering" is first established from the Crankshaft Position/RPM Sensor.
The ECM is programmed to activate the Final Stage output transistors once for every two revolutions of the
crankshaft in two groups (Semi- Sequential Injection).
Fig. 50: Checking Crankshaft Position/RPM Sensor
The injectors are opened in two groups for every complete "working cycle" of the engine. This delivers the fuel
charge for cylinders 1,5,3 during one revolution of the crankshaft and cylinders 6,2,4 during the second
revolution of the crankshaft. This process enhances fuel atomization during start up.
Fig. 51: Semi-Sequential Injection Graph
During start up, the ECM recognizes the Camshaft Position (Cylinder ID) input. The camshaft position is
referenced to the crankshaft position. It then switches the injection to Full Sequential. This process "times" the
injection closer to the intake valve opening for increased efficiency.
When activated, each injector delivers the full fuel charge at separate times during each engine working cycle.
If this input is faulty, the ECM will activate the injectors in Parallel to maintain engine operation and set a fault
Fig. 52: Full Sequential Injection Graph
The Injector "open" Time to maintain engine operation after it has been started is determined by the ECM
(programming). The ECM will calculate the engine "timing" based on a combination of the following inputs:
Fig. 53: Checking Injector Open Time
Battery Voltage
Throttle Position
Air Flow Volume/Mass
Air Temperature
Crankshaft Position/RPM
Camshaft Position (Cylinder ID)
Engine Coolant
Oxygen Sensor (Detail in Emissions)
The injection ms value will be regulated based on battery voltage. When cranking, the voltage is low and the
ECM will increase the ms value to compensate for injector "lag time". When the engine is running and the
battery voltage is higher, the ECM will decrease the injection ms value due to faster injector reaction time.
Cold starting requires additional fuel to compensate for poor mixture and the loss of fuel as it condenses onto
cold intake ports, valves and cylinder walls. The cold start fuel quantity is determined by the ECM based on the
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor input during start up.
During cranking, additional fuel is injected (in Semi-Sequential) for the first few crankshaft revolutions. After
the first few crankshaft revolutions, the injected quantity is metered down as the engine comes up to speed.
When the engine speed approaches idle RPM, the ECM recognizes the Camshaft Position and switches to Full
Sequential injection.
When the engine is cold, optimum fuel metering is not possible due to poor air/fuel mixing and an enriched
mixture is required. The Coolant Temperature input allows the ECM to adjust the injection ms value to
compensate during warm up and minimize the injected fuel at engine operating temperature.
When the engine is at idle, minimum injection is required. Additional fuel will be added if the ECM observes
low engine RPM and increasing throttle/air volume inputs (acceleration enrichment). As the throttle is opened,
the ECM monitors acceleration and rate of movement. The ECM will increase the volume of fuel injected into
the engine by increasing the injection ms value. The "full throttle" position indicates maximum acceleration and
the ECM will add more fuel (full load enrichment).
As the throttle is closed, the ECM decreases the injection ms value (fuel shut off) if the RPM is above idle
speed (coasting). This feature decreases fuel consumption and lowers emissions. When the engine RPM
approaches idle speed, the injection ms value is increased (cut-in) to prevent the engine from stalling. The cut-in
RPM is dependent upon the engine temperature and the rate of deceleration.
The Hot-Film Air Mass (HFM) signal provides the measured amount of intake air volume/ mass. This input is
used by the ECM to determine the amount of fuel to be injected to "balance" the air/fuel ratio.
The Air Temperature Signal allows the ECM to make an additional calculation of air density. The varying
voltage input from the NTC sensor indicates the larger proportion of oxygen found in cold air, as compared to
less oxygen found in warmer air. The ECM will adjust the amount of injected fuel because the quality of
combustion depends on oxygen sensing ratio (details in Emissions).
The Crankshaft Position/RPM signals the ECM to start injection as well as providing information about the
engine operation. This input is used in combination with other inputs to determine engine load which
increases/decreases the injection ms value. Without this input, the ECM will not activate the injectors.
The Camshaft Position (Cylinder ID) affects the injection timing (Semi-Sequential/Full Sequential). To
accomplish this, the ECM contains six Final Stage output transistors that activate the injectors individually. The
engine operates sufficiently on Semi-Sequential Injection (two groups of three), but more efficiently on Full
Sequential Injection (six individual). If one of the fuel injector circuits faulted, the engine can still operate on
limited power from the other remaining fuel injector circuits.
Injection "Reduction" Time is required to control fuel economy, emissions, engine and vehicle speed
limitation. The ECM will "trim" back or deactivate the fuel injection as necessary while maintaining optimum
engine operation.
As the throttle is closed during deceleration, the ECM decreases the injection ms value (fuel shut off) if the
RPM is above idle speed (coasting). This feature decreases fuel consumption and lowers emissions.
When the engine RPM approaches idle speed, the injection ms value is increased (cut-in) to prevent the engine
from stalling. The cut-in RPM is dependent upon the engine temperature and the rate of deceleration. This
function can be observed as displayed on the Fuel Economy (MPG) gauge.
The ECM will selectively deactivate injectors to control maximum engine RPM (regardless of vehicle speed).
When the engine speed reaches 6500 RPM (7600 RPM M3), the injectors will be individually deactivated as
required to protect the engine from over-rev. As the engine speed drops below 6500 (7600 M3) RPM, injector
activation will be resumed. This feature does not protect the engine from a forced over-rev such as
improperly downshifting a manual transmission equipped vehicle (driver error).
Maximum vehicle speed is also limited by the ECM selectively deactivating the injectors (regardless of engine
The ECM will also protect the Catalytic Converter by deactivating the injectors.
If the ECM detects a "misfire" (ignition, injection or combustion) it can selectively deactivate the Final Stage
output transistor for that cylinder(s).
The injector(s) will not open, preventing unburned fuel from entering the exhaust system.
On the MS41.X system, there are six individual injector circuits resulting in deactivation of one or multiples.
This will limit engine power, but protect the Catalytic Converter.
Fig. 57: Deactivating Injectors
Fuel Injection Control Monitoring is performed by the ECM for OBD II requirements. Faults with the fuel
injectors and/or control circuits will be stored in memory. This monitoring includes:
These additional corrections are factored into the calculated injection time. If the correction factor exceeds set
limits a fault will be stored in memory.
When the criteria for OBD II monitoring is achieved, the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated.
Fig. 58: Fuel Injection Control Monitoring Graph
Workshop Hints
Before any service work is performed on any fuel system related component, always adhere to the
Fuel quality should always be considered when diagnosing a driveability complaint. The type of fuel, proper
AKI rating, impurities and moisture are not factored by the ECM.
Fuel Supply
The fuel supply hardware should be visually inspected for damage that can affect pick-up, transfer, pressure.
All BMW vehicles have access plates to service the fuel pump and sending unit(s) without removing the fuel
Fig. 59: Identifying Fuel Pump And Sending Unit Access
The E36/E39 access plates are located under the rear seat. The "saddle" type fuel tank (under rear seat) has two
access plates.
Fig. 60: Identifying Fuel Pump/Sending Unit
The passenger side allows access to the fuel pump/sending unit. The driver side allows access to the sending
The Z3 has a single access plate located behind the passenger seat.
Fig. 61: Identifying Single Access Plate
In order to remove the fuel tank it must be drained first to avoid fuel spills and handling excessive weight. In
some cases depending on the fuel tank dimensions (vehicle specific), it is also necessary to drain the fuel tank to
replace the sending units and/or fuel pump.
CAUTION: In some vehicles, the sending units/fuel pump is mounted lower than the
top of the fuel tank. A fuel spill will be encountered if the fuel is not
The saddle type tank requires an additional step to drain the fuel from the driver side. The evacuation equipment
should be attached to the tank compensating hose (arrow) to drain out the remaining fuel.
Fig. 62: Identifying Sending Units/Fuel Pump
The fuel pump should be tested for delivery pressure and volume. Caution when disconnecting fuel hoses
because there is the possibility of residual fuel pressure! Install the fuel pressure gage between the fuel filter and
pressure regulator.
Remove the fuel pump relay (located in the Electronics Box E36/Z3, and right side of the trunk E39 - see relay
testing in the POWER SUPPLY section) and connect the Relay Bypass Switch to pin 87b and 30 of the relay
socket. This will activate the fuel pump without running the engine.
Fuel Injectors
O-rings should be replaced, lubricated with vaseline or SAE 90 gear oil for installation
Verify the code number
Plastic spacer washer is not damaged
Color code of nozzle housing
Color code injector housing
Fig. 65: Identifying Fuel Injector Components
Fuel injectors can leak which bleeds off fuel pressure and increases emissions. The injectors can be tested using
the Fuel Injector Leakage Tester.
Fig. 66: Testing Fuel Injectors
The Fuel Injectors should also be tested using the DIS/MoDIC for:
Fig. 67: Testing Fuel Injectors
Power Supply
Status Display - Fuel Injection Signal (approximate 3.5 - 5 ms)
ECM Final Stage transistor activation. This test function is found under the Oscilloscope Preset list
- "Ti Injection Signal". Install the 88 pin adapter, Diagnostic cable, MFK 2 negative lead to ECM
ground and MFK 2 positive lead to the ground activation circuit for the injector. This test is
performed with the engine running.
Power Supply
DC Voltage
Status Display
Oscilloscope Display found under Preset Measurements - "Engine Speed Sensor Signal"
Fig. 69: Testing Crankshaft Position/RPM Sensor
Power Supply
AC Voltage
Status Display
Oscilloscope Display found under Preset list - "Camshaft Sensor Signal"
Fig. 70: Waveform Of Camshaft Position Sensor (Cylinder Id) Graph
NTC sensors decrease in resistance as the temperature rises and vice versa. The ECM monitors the sensor
voltage which varies as temperature changes the resistance value. For example, as temperature rises:
The DIS/MoDIC as well as a reputable hand held multimeter can be used when testing inputs/ components.
It is best to make the checks at the ECM connection, this method includes testing the wiring harness.
Fig. 72: Identifying Special Tools And Equipment
The correct Universal Adapter for the MS41.X application should be used (#88 88 6 614 410). This will ensure
the pin connectors and the harness will not be damaged.
The interior of this Universal Adapter is shielded, therefore it is vital that the ground cable is connected to the
vehicle chassis whenever the adapter is used.
The adapter uses a Printed Circuit board inside keeping the capacitive and inductive load to a minimum.
When installing the Universal Adapter to the ECM (located below the windshield on the passenger side of the
engine compartment), make sure the ignition is switched off.
Fig. 73: Identifying Universal Adapter
The Fuel Hose Clamp Tool (#13 3 010) can be used for isolating pressure faults. In addition, fuel loss can be
reduced when changing the fuel filter while loosening clamps (1 and 2).
The Relay Bypass Switch (#61 3 050) must be used especially when fuel vapors are present! The switch
eliminates the risk of electrical arcing.
When testing fuel pressure, the hand held fuel pressure gage (#13 3 060) can be used.
The DIS is equipped with a pressure measuring function, found in Measurement testing. The following adapters
(Special Tool numbers) will be necessary:
#13 6 051
#13 6 055
#13 6 057
For vehicles equipped with "quick-release" couplings, install special tool (#13 5 270) between the fuel filter (1)
and pressure supply hose (2). This tool will couple to the DIS Pressure Adapter (3).
Later production fuel rails are equipped with a threaded adapter fitting (1).
This threaded adapter fitting allows Adapter #13 5 220 to be threaded on to the fuel rail and coupled to the DIS
Pressure Adapter.
When testing the fuel injectors for leakage, use Special Tool #88 88 5 000 362. This tool pressurizes the
injectors with air and the injector tips are submersed in water. If air bubbles are present, this indicates the
leaking injector(s).
Fig. 77: Identifying Ignition Management
Ignition Coils: The high voltage supply required to ignite the mixture in the combustion chambers is
determined by the stored energy in the ignition coils. The stored energy contributes to the ignition duration,
ignition current and rate of high voltage increase. The Coil circuit including primary and secondary components
consists of:
1. Coil Assembly
Primary Winding
Secondary Winding
The Coil Assembly contains two copper windings insulated from each other. One winding is the primary
winding, formed by a few turns of thick wire. The secondary winding is formed by a great many turns of thin
The primary winding receives battery voltage from the ignition switch (KL 15), or Ignition Coil Power Relay
(>9/97 activated by the ignition switch KL15). The ECM provides a ground path for the primary coil (Terminal
1) by activating a Final Stage transistor. The length of time that current flows through the primary winding is
the "dwell" which allows the coil to "saturate" or build up a magnetic field. After this storage process, the ECM
will interrupt the primary circuit at the point of ignition by deactivating the Final Stage transistor. The magnetic
field built up within the primary winding collapses and induces the ignition voltage in the secondary winding.
The voltage generated in the secondary winding is capable of 50,000 volts (50 KV). The high voltage is
discharged (Terminal 4) through the secondary ignition spark plug connector (boot) to the spark plug.
The primary and secondary windings are uncoupled, therefore, the secondary winding requies a ground supply
(Terminal 4a).
The secondary grounds through a "shunt resistor" (approximately 235 ohms). The secondary ground is also
supplied to the ECM which allows monitoring of secondary ignition. The resistor is located in the wiring tray
on top of the cylinder head cover.
Fig. 79: Testing Coil Assembly
As the secondary magnetic field collapses, a voltage spike is induced in the windings. The ECM monitors the
voltage drop across the resistor as an indication of coil firing. After the ECM activates the primary ignition, this
feedback signal (Terminal 4a Signal) is confirmation that secondary ignition took place. The ECM measures
the duration of time it takes the voltage drop for each ignition coil to dissipate below two volts. The time scale
constantly changes based on engine RPM.
If the 2 volt signal is not maintained long enough, the ECM detects a week spark.
If the feedback signal is not present (0 volts) ignition did not take place.
If the signal is missing, an ignition coil fault will be set for that cylinder. If multiple signals are missing, a
feedback circuit fault will be set. If the ground circuit is defective, a ground fault will be set.
There is an individual ignition circuit and coil for each cylinder on the MS41.X system.
The six individual ignition coils (1) are coupled to spark plug connectors (2) which contain a resistor. The
assemblies are mounted on top of the cylinder head cover.
Spark Plugs: The spark plugs introduce the ignition energy into the combustion chamber. The high voltage
"arcs" across the air gap in the spark plug from the positive electrode to the negative electrode. This creates a
spark which ignites the combustible air/fuel mixture.
The spark plugs are located in the center of the combustion area (on the top of the cylinder head) which is the
most suitable point for igniting the compressed air/fuel mixture.
NOTE: The High Performance Platinum Spark Plugs are also approved for use.
Faults with the Ignition Output Components are monitored by the ECM. If there are faults with the ignition
coil(s) output and/or spark plugs, the following complaints could be encountered:
The ignition is monitored by the ECM via the secondary ignition feedback circuit and Crankshaft Position/RPM
Sensor. If a Misfire fault is present, the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will illuminate when the OBD II criteria is
achieved and the ECM will deactivate the corresponding fuel injector for that cylinder. Engine operation will
still be possible.
Knock Sensors: are required to prevent detonation (pinging) from damaging the engine. The Knock Sensor is a
piezoelectric conductor-sound microphone. The ECM will retard the ignition timing (cylinder selective) based
on the input of these sensors. Detonation can occur due to:
1. Shielded Wire
2. Cup Spring
3. Seismic Mass
4. Housing
5. Inner Sleeve
6. Piezo-Ceramic Element
Fig. 83: Identifying Knock Sensor Components
A piezo-ceramic ring is clamped between a seismic mass and the sensor body. When the seismic mass senses
vibration (flexing), it exerts a force on the peizo-ceramic element. Opposed electrical charges build up on the
upper and lower ceramic surfaces which generates a voltage signal. The acoustic vibrations are converted into
electrical signals. These low voltage signals are transmitted to the ECM for processing.
There are two Knock Sensors bolted to the engine block on the intake manifold side, (1) between cylinders 1 - 3
and (2) between cylinders 4 - 6. If the signal value exceeds the threshold, the ECM identifies the "knock" and
retards the ignition timing for that cylinder.
If a fault is detected with the sensor(s), the ECM deactivates Knock Control. The "CHECK ENGINE" Light
will be illuminated when the OBD II criteria is achieved, the ignition timing will be set to a conservative basic
setting and a fault will be stored.
Crankshaft Position/RPM Sensor: This sensor provides the crankshaft position and engine speed (RPM)
signal to the ECM for ignition activation and correct timing. This input is also monitored for Misfire Detection.
For details about the sensor, refer to the FUEL MANAGEMENT section.
A fault with this input will produce the following complaints:
No Start
Intermitant Misfire/Driveabilty
Engine Stalling
Fig. 84: Testing Crankshaft Position/RPM Sensor
Camshaft Position Sensor (Cylinder Identification): The cylinder ID sensor input allows the ECM to
determine camshaft position in relation to crankshaft position. It is used by the ECM to establish the "working
cycle" of the engine for precise ignition timing. For details about the sensor, refer to the FUEL
If the ECM detects a fault with the Cylinder ID Sensor, the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated when
the OBD II criteria is achieved and the system will still operate precise single ignition based on the Crankshaft
Position/RPM Sensor.
If the signal is impaired during a restart, the ECM will activate "double ignition". The ignition coils will be
activated on both the compression and exhaust strokes to maintain engine operation.
Fig. 85: Testing Camshaft Position Sensor (Cylinder Identification)
Engine Coolant Temperature: The ECM determines the correct ignition timing required for the engine
temperature. For details about the sensor, refer to the FUEL MANAGEMENT section. This sensor is located
in the coolant jacket of the cylinder head.
If the Coolant Temperature Sensor input is faulty, the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated when the
OBD II criteria is achieved and the ECM will assume a substitute value (80°C) to maintain engine operation.
The ignition timing will be set to a conservative basic setting.
Fig. 86: Testing Engine Coolant Temperature
Throttle Position Sensor: This sensor provides the ECM with throttle angle position and rate of movement. As
the throttle is opened the ECM will advance the ignition timing. The "full throttle" position indicates maximum
acceleration to the ECM, the ignition will be advanced for maximum torque. For details about the sensor, refer
to the AIR MANAGEMENT section.
If the Throttle Position input is defective, a fault code will be set and the "Check Engine" Light will illuminate
when the OBD II criteria is achieved. The ECM will maintain engine operation based on the HFM and the
Engine Speed Sensor, and the ignition timing will be set to a conservative basic setting.
Fig. 87: Testing Throttle Position Sensor
Hot-Film Air Mass Meter: This input is used by the ECM to determine the amount of ignition timing advance
based on the amount of intake air volume. For details about the sensor, refer to the AIR MANAGEMENT
If this input is defective, a fault code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will illuminate when the
OBD II criteria is achieved. The ECM will maintain engine operation based on the Throttle Position Sensor and
Engine Speed Sensor, and the ignition timing will be set to a conservative basic setting.
Fig. 88: Testing Hot-Film Air Mass Meter
Air Temperature: This signal allows the ECM to make a calculation of air density. The sensor is located in the
intake manifold behind the throttle housing. For details about the sensor, refer to the AIR MANAGEMENT
The ECM will adjust the ignition timing based on air temperature. If the intake air is hot the ECM retards the
ignition timing to reduce the risk of detonation. If the intake air is cooler, the ignition timing will be advanced.
If this input is defective, a fault code will be set and the "Check Engine" Light will illuminate when the OBD II
criteria is achieved. The ignition timing will be set to a conservative basic setting.
Fig. 89: Testing Air Temperature
Principle Of Operation
Ignition Management provides ignition to the combustion chambers with the required voltage at the correct
time. Based on the combination of inputs, the ECM calculates and controls the ignition timing and secondary
output voltage by regulating the activation and dwell of the primary ignition circuits. The ECM controls and
monitors the primary ignition circuits and the secondary ignition output including Misfire Detection.
Fig. 90: Ignition Management Principle
The ECM has a very "broad" range of ignition timing. This is possible by using a Direct Ignition System, or
sometimes refered to as "Static Ignition System" (RZV). Reliability is also increased by having separate
individual ignition circuits.
The Ignition Control is determined by the ECM (load dependent). The ECM will calculate the engine "load"
based on a combination of the following inputs:
Battery Voltage
Air Temperature
Camshaft Position (Cylinder ID)
Throttle Position
Engine Coolant
Knock Sensors
Air Flow Volume
Crankshaft Position/RPM
The dwell time will be regulated based on battery voltage. When cranking, the voltage is low and the ECM will
increase the dwell to compensate for saturation "lag time". When the engine is running and the battery voltage is
higher, the ECM will decrease the dwell due to faster saturation time.
The Crankshaft Position/RPM signals the ECM to start ignition in firing order (1-5-3-6-2-4) as well as
providing information about the engine operation. This input is used in combination with other inputs to
determine engine load which advances/retards the ignition timing. Without this input, the ECM will not activate
the ignition.
Cold start is determined by the ECM based on the engine coolant temperature and RPM during start up. A cold
engine will crank over slower than a warm engine, the ignition timing will range between top dead center to
slightly retarded providing optimum starting.
When starting a warm engine, the RPM is higher which results in slightly advanced timing.
If the engine coolant and intake air temperature is hot, the ignition timing will not be advanced reducing starter
motor "load".
Multiple Ignition Pulses ensure good spark quality during engine start up. The ECM will activate the ignition
coils 9 times per 720° of crankshaft revolution.
The ignition timing will be progressively advanced assisting the engine in coming up to speed. As the engine
speed approaches idle RPM, the timing remains slightly advanced to boost torque. When the engine is at idle
speed, minimum timing advance is required. This will allow faster engine and catalyst warm up.
The multiple pulsing switches to single pulse after the engine has been running for a short period of time or:
The timing will be advanced when the ECM observes low engine RPM and increasing throttle/ air volume
inputs (acceleration torque). As the throttle is opened, the ECM advances the timing based on engine
acceleration and at what rate. The ECM will fully advance timing for the "full throttle" position indicating
maximum acceleration (torque).
The HFM signal represents the amount of intake air volume. This input is used by the ECM to determine the
amount of timing advance to properly combust the air/fuel mixture.
The Air Temperature Signal assists the ECM in reducing the risk of detonation (ping). If the intake air is hot the
ECM retards the ignition timing. If the intake air is cooler, the ignition timing will be advanced.
As the throttle is closed, the ECM decreases the ignition timing if the RPM is above idle speed (coasting). This
feature lowers the engine torque for deceleration. When the engine RPM approaches idle speed, the timing is
slightly advanced to prevent the engine from stalling. The amount of advance is dependent upon the engine
temperature and the rate of deceleration.
Knock Control allows the ECM to further advance the ignition timing under load for increased torque. This
system uses two Knock Sensors located between cylinders 1, 2, 3 and between cylinders 4, 5, 6. Knock Control
is only in affect when the engine temperature is greater than 35 C and there is a load on the engine. This will
disregard false signals while idling or from a cold engine.
Based on the firing order, the ECM monitors the Knock Sensors after each ignition for a normal (low) signal.
If the signal value exceeds the threshold, the ECM identifies the "knock" and retards the ignition timing (3°) for
that cylinder the next time it is fired. This process is repeated in 3° increments until the knock ceases.
The ignition timing will be advanced again in increments to just below the knock limit and maintain the timing
at that point.
Fig. 93: Identifying Knock Control
If a fault is detected with the Knock Sensor(s) or circuits, the ECM deactivates Knock Control. The ignition
timing will be set to a conservative basic setting (to reduce the risk of detonation) and a fault will be stored. The
"CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated when the OBD II criteria is achieved.
The DIS/MoDIC as well as a reputable hand held multimeter can be used when testing inputs/ components.
It is best to make the checks at the ECM connection, this method includes testing the wiring harness.
Fig. 94: Identifying Tools And Equipment
The correct Universal Adapter for the MS41.X application should be used (#88 88 6 614 410). This will ensure
the pin connectors and the harness will not be damaged.
The interior of this Universal Adapter is shielded, therefore it is vital that the ground cable is connected to the
vehicle chassis whenever the adapter is used.
The adapter uses a Printed Circuit board inside keeping the capacitive and inductive load to a minimum.
Fig. 95: Identifying 88 Pin Adapter
When installing the Universal Adapter to the ECM (located below the windshield on the passenger side of the
engine compartment), make sure the ignition is switched off.
When Testing the Secondary Ignition System, use Special Tool #88 88 6 127 040 (Secondary Ignition Adapter
Set) which connects to the DIS. The instruction book is included with the kit. Refer to the HELP button for
additional (on screen) connections.
CAUTION: Observe Safety Precautions, High Voltage is Present with the Engine
The Spark Plugs should be properly installed and torqued using the following Special Tools:
Evaporative Emissions
The control of the evaporative fuel vapors (Hydrocarbons) from the fuel tank is important for the overall
reduction in vehicle emissions. The evaporative system has been combined with the ventilation of the fuel tank,
which allows the tank to breath (equalization). The overall operation provides:
An inlet vent, to an otherwise "sealed" fuel tank, for the entry of air to replace the fuel consumed
during engine operation.
An outlet vent with a storage canister to "trap and hold" fuel vapors that are produced by the
expansion/evaporation of fuel in the tank, when the vehicle is stationary.
The canister is then "purged" using the engine vacuum to draw the fuel vapors into the combustion chamber.
This "cleans" the canister allowing for additional storage. Like any other form of combustible fuel, the
introduction of these vapors on a running engine must be controlled.
The ECM controls the Evaporative Emission Valve which regulates purging of evaporative vapors. The
evaporative system must be monitored for correct purge operation and Leak Detection.
On-Board Refueling Vapor Recovery (ORVR 98 MY E39): The ORVR system recovers and stores
hydrocarbon fuel vapor that was previously released during refueling. Non ORVR vehicles vent fuel vapors
from the tank venting line back to the filler neck and in many states reclaimed by a vacuum receiver on the
filling station's fuel pump nozzle.
When refueling an ORVR equipped vehicle, the pressure of the fuel entering the tank forces the hydrocarbon
vapors through the larger tank vent line to the liquid/ vapor separator, through the rollover valve and into the
charcoal canister. The HC is stored in the charcoal canister, and the system can then "breath" through the LDP
and the air filter.
The vent line to the filler neck is smaller, but still necessary for checking the filler cap/neck during Evaporative
Leak Testing.
Liquid/Vapor Separator: Fuel vapors are routed from the fuel tank filler neck through a hose to the
Liquid/Vapor Separator (E36 shown). The vapors cool when exiting the fuel tank, the condensates separate and
drain back to the fuel tank through a return hose. The remaining vapors exit the Liquid/ Vapor Separator to the
Active Carbon Canister.
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor (E36/Z3 Vehicles): The pressure transducer mounted on the liquid/ vapor
separator (fuel tank on Z3) provides the fuel tank pressure input to the ECM. This is used by the ECM to check
the fuel storage and evaporative (purge) system for leaks.
The pressure sensor receives a power supply from the ECM and produces a varying voltage input (0-5v) to the
ECM, representing the amount of pressure in the fuel tank/evaporative system.
If this input is defective, a fault code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will illuminate when the
OBD II criteria is achieved.
Air Inlet Shut Off Valve (E36 VEHICLES): A shut-off valve is installed on the intake or vent side of the
charcoal canister as a component of the vacuum type Evaporative Fuel System Leak system.
Operation of the valve is controlled by the ECM. When the shut-off valve and purge valve are closed, the entire
fuel tank/evaporative system is sealed from the atmosphere.
The shut-off valve is required to test the system for leaks. If this valve is defective, a fault code will be set and
the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will illuminate when the OBD II criteria is achieved.
Evaporative Emission Valve: This ECM controlled solenoid valve regulates the purge flow from the Active
Carbon Canister into the intake manifold (located next to the HFM). The ECM Relay provides operating
voltage and the ECM controls the valve by regulating the ground circuit. The valve is powered open and closed
by an internal spring.
If the Evaporative Emission Valve circuit is defective, a fault code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light
will illuminate when the OBD II criteria is achieved.
If the valve is "mechanically" defective, a driveability complaint could be encountered and a mixture related
fault code will be set.
LDP (Leak Diagnosis Pump - E39): The LDP provides a means of testing the fuel/evaporative system for
leaks. The pump is activated by ECM control. It pressurizes the fuel tank and evaporative system.
The upper chamber contains an integrated reed switch that produces a switched high/low voltage signal that is
monitored by the ECM. The switch is opened by the magnetic interruption of the metal rod connected to the
diaphragm when in the top dead center position.
Fig. 101: Identifying LDP
The repetitive up/down stroke is confirmation to the ECM that the valve is functioning and the basis for
determining if a leak is present in the system.
The ECM monitors the length of time it takes for the reed switch to open, which is opposed by pressure under
the diaphragm in the lower chamber. If this component/circuits are defective, a fault code will be set and the
"CHECK ENGINE" Light will illuminate when the OBD II criteria is achieved.
Barometric Pressure Sensor (98 MY E39): The 1998 528i with MS 41.1 requires an additional input signal
for activation of the LDP function test.
The sensor is located on passenger side strut tower forward of ASC 5 Hydraulic Unit.
The LDP test function can occur during a long trip. If the test occurs while the vehicle is driven down a very
steep grade just prior to the LDP test, the barometric pressure sensor provides a rapid change (varied DC
voltage signal) informing the ECM to postpone the test function.
If this component/circuits are defective, a fault code will be set and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will
illuminate when the OBD II criteria is achieved.
Fig. 103: Identifying Barometric Pressure Sensor
Fig. 104: Identifying Exhaust Emissions
Exhaust Emissions
The combustion process of a gasoline powered engine produces Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbons (HC)
and Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx).
Control of exhaust emissions is accomplished by the engine and engine management design as well as after-
The ECM manages exhaust emissions by controlling the air/fuel ratio and ignition.
The ECM controlled Secondary Air Injection further dilutes exhaust emissions leaving the engine
and reduces the catalyst warm up time.
The Catalytic Converter further reduces exhaust emissions leaving the engine.
Siemens Oxygen Sensor: The pre-catalyst oxygen sensors (single sensor for 323i and Z3) measure the residual
oxygen content of the exhaust gas. The sensors vary in resistance proportional to the oxygen content that allows
the ECM to monitor the air/fuel ratio. If necessary, the ECM will "correct" the air/fuel ratio by regulating the
injection time. The sensors are mounted in the exhaust manifolds on the E36/E39 (1), up-stream of the catalytic
converter. The 323i and Z3 sensor mounts in the down pipe.
The probe of the sensor which is exposed to the exhaust gas is made from titanium dioxide (semi-conductive
material). When heated and maintained to an operating temperature of 600 to 700°C, the titanium dioxide
becomes conductive and will allow current to flow, based on the amount of oxygen content.
The ECM then monitors the voltage drop through the tip of the sensors as a measure oxygen deviation.
Fig. 106: Identifying Sensor
The resistance value of the sensor changes rapidly when the mixture deviates. If the oxygen content of the
exhaust is high (lean mixture), the oxygen molecules will block the flow of electrons through the titanium
dioxide. This creates high resistance and a small voltage drop across the sensor tip (4.6v monitored by the
ECM). If the oxygen content in the exhaust is low (rich mixture), the resistance in the semiconductive tip
decreases and allows electron flow, creating a large voltage drop (0.1v monitored by the ECM).
The voltage signal monitored by the ECM will vary between approximately 4.6 to 0.1 volts as the mixture
changes from lean to rich. The ECM monitors the length of time the sensor is operating in the lean, rich
(including time of rise and fall) and rest conditions. The evaluation period of the sensor is over a predefined
number of oscillation cycles.
Direct Oxygen Sensor Heating: The oxygen sensor conductivity is efficient when it is hot (600° - 700°C). For
this reason, the sensors contain heating elements. These "heated" sensors reduce warm up time and retain the
heat during low engine speed when the exhaust temperature is cooler. OBD II requires monitoring of the
oxygen sensor heating function and heating elements for operation.
The four oxygen sensor heating circuits (E36/E39 shown) receive operating voltage from the ECM Relay when
KL15 is switched "ON". Each of the sensor heaters are controlled through separate final stage transistors.
The sensor heaters are controlled with a pulsed square wave voltage during a cold start. This allows the sensors
to be brought up to operating temperature without the possibility of thermal shock. The duty cycle is then varied
to maintain the heating of the sensors.
When the engine is decelerating (closed throttle), the ECM increases the duty cycle of the heating elements to
compensate for the decreased exhaust temperature.
Metal Monolith Catalytic Converter: The dual (single on the 323i and Z3) three-way catalysts on the
E36/E39 (1) after-treats exhaust emissions leaving the engine. A properly operating catalyst consumes/stores
most of the oxygen that is present in the exhaust gas which is a result of burning the remaining pollutants.
The oxygen sensor monitors the air/fuel mixture which allows the ECM to maintain the correct mixture for
catalyst efficiency.
The gases that flow into the catalyst are converted from CO, HC and NOx to CO2, H2O and N2.
The exhaust flow heats the catalyst and with the remaining oxygen, the exhaust pollutants are further reduced
by burning. The temperature operating range for the highest efficiency is 400° - 800° C which is also influenced
by the air/fuel mixture. This type of catalyst will store small amounts of excess oxygen which will aid in
diluting the exhaust.
The metal monolith matrix consists of thin (0.04 mm) metal strips (flat and corrugated) that are wound together
to form circular bodies. The complete wrapped assembly is inserted into a round sheet metal jacket (1.5 mm
thick). The jacket and matrix are coated with chrome-nickel and chrome steel.
Fig. 110: Identifying Compact Catalyst
This type of catalyst is compact and offers low back pressure with a large internal surface area. The metal
monolith has a very rapid "light off" time and an even heat distribution.
Catalytic Converter Monitoring: In order to determine if the catalysts are working correctly, post catalyst
oxygen sensors (2 E36/E39 and single on the 323i and Z3)) are installed to monitor exhaust gas content exiting
the catalysts.
Fig. 111: Identifying Catalytic Converter Monitoring
The signal of the post cat. O2 sensor is evaluated over the course of several pre cat. O2 sensor oscillations.
During the evaluation period, the signal of the post cat. sensor must remain within a relatively constant voltage
range (3.5 - 4.6v).
The post cat. O2 voltage remains high with a very slight fluctuation. This indicates a consistent amount of
oxygen when compared to the pre cat. sensor.
Fig. 112: Identifying Good Signal
If this signal decreased in voltage and/or increased in fluctuation, a fault code will be set for Catalyst Efficiency
and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will illuminate when the OBD II criteria is achieved.
Secondary Air Injection: Injecting ambient air into the exhaust stream after a cold engine start reduces the
warm up time of the catalyst and reduces HC and CO emissions. The ECM controls and monitors the Secondary
Air Injection. The components of the system (E36 shown) include:
Secondary Air Injection Pump - Electric pump that draws in ambient air and supplies it to the
Non-Return Valve. The pump motor is activated by Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay.
Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay - Supplies operating voltage to the Secondary Air Injection
Pump when activated by the ECM.
Vacuum Vent Valve (Solenoid) - Switches vacuum to open the Non-Return Valve when activated by
the ECM.
Non-Return Valve - Opened by the Vacuum Vent Valve allowing air to be pumped into the exhaust
stream. Sprung closed to prevent exhaust (pressure) from reaching the Secondary Air Injection
Secondary Air Injection Pipes - Distributes injected air to the exhaust manifold for bank 1
(cylinders 1, 2, 3) and bank 2 (cylinders 4, 5, 6).
Fig. 114: Testing Air Injection
Misfire Detection: As part of the OBD II regulations the ECM must determine misfire and also identify the
specific cylinder(s), the severity of the misfire and whether it is emissions relevant or catalyst damaging based
on monitoring crankshaft acceleration.
In order to accomplish these tasks the ECM monitors the crankshaft for acceleration by the impulse wheel
segments of cylinder specific firing order. The misfire/engine roughness calculation is derived from the
differences in the period duration of individual increment gear segments.
Each segment period consist of an angular range of 90° crank angle that starts 54° before Top Dead Center.
If the expected period duration is greater than the permissible value, a misfire fault for the particular cylinder is
stored in the fault memory of the ECM.
Depending on the level of misfire rate measured, the ECM will illuminate the "CHECK ENGINE" Light,
deactivate the specific fuel injector to the particular cylinder and switch oxygen sensor control to open-loop.
In order to eliminate misfire faults that can occur as a result of varying flywheel tolerances (manufacturing
process) an internal adaptation of the flywheel is made. The adaptation is made during periods of decel fuel cut-
off in order to avoid any rotational irregularities which the engine can cause during combustion. This adaptation
is used to correct segment duration periods prior to evaluation for a misfire event.
If the sensor wheel adaptation has not been completed the misfire thresholds are limited to engine speed
dependent values only and misfire detection is less sensitive. The crankshaft sensor adaptation is stored
internally and is not displayed via DIS or MoDIC. If the adaptation limit is exceeded, a fault will be set.
Principle Of Operation
Emissions Management controls evaporative and exhaust emissions. The ECM monitors the fuel storage system
for evaporative leakage and controls the purging of evaporative vapors. The ECM monitors and controls the
exhaust emissions by regulating the combustible mixture and after treating by injecting fresh air into the exhaust
system. The catalytic converter further breaks down remaining combustible exhaust gases and is monitored by
the ECM for catalyst efficiency.
The Evaporative Leakage Detection (E36 and Z3) is conducted by the ECM and can detect a leak as small as
1.0 mm (0.040") when the following conditions are met:
No faults present. There are several fault codes relating to the evaporative system. In addition, the
ECM also monitors the components for evaporative system operation. Any detected faults will be
stored in the memory and the "CHECK ENGINE" light will illuminate when the OBD II criteria is
achieved and the test will not conclude.
Engine coolant temperature must be < 80° C.
Current altitude >2500m (8,202 Feet).
Accumulated Canister Purge time < 360 seconds (6 minutes) since start of drive cycle.
Canister purge cycle times between 10 and 150 seconds in length (dependent on HC saturation).
Vehicle speed = 0 (vehicle at standstill).
Engine Speed = idle
Once all of the testing criteria have been met, the ECM will start the test on the evaporative system. The test is
carried out in the following sequence:
The ECM reads and stores the current fuel tank pressure input value.
The Evaporative Emission Valve and shut-off valve are closed for approx. 8 seconds.
The ECM reads the pressure build up in the fuel tank. If the pressure build up is below a stored
threshold value, the Evaporative Emission Valve is switched on for approximately 3 seconds.
The ECM reads the tank pressure after purging. If the pressure has dropped, the purge function is
The Evaporative Emission Valve is switched OFF again for approximately 8 seconds.
The ECM reads the tank pressure again to verify pressure build up.
If the pressure build up is not within a stored value range, the ECM detects this as a leak within the
evaporative system.
Depending on the degree of pressure build up, the ECM detects this as a leak within the
evaporative system.
Following the test cycle, the shut-off valve is switched OFF and normal purge operation is resumed.
The Evaporative Leakage Detection (98 MY E39) uses a Leak Diagnosis Pump (LDP) to pressurize the fuel
tank and the evaporative emission system (approx. 25mb.). The LDP equipped system is capable of detecting a
leak as small as 0.5 mm. (0.020"). The LDP is located in the left rear (driver's side) fender well and is only
replaceable as a complete component. The vacuum supply line (required for pump operation) is in the wiring
harness from the engine compartment and runs down the driver's side of the vehicle.
Vacuum Chamber.
Pneumatic Pressure Chamber.
DME Activated Vacuum Solenoid.
Reed Switch - Providing A Switched Voltage Feedback Signal To The ECM.
In the inactive state, the LDP diaphragm is at the bottom end (of down stroke). The diaphragm pushes a rod
downward against spring pressure to open the canister vent valve.
This open valve serves as the filtered air inlet path for normal evaporative "breathing".
Fig. 118: Testing Of Evaporative System
During Leak Testing of the evaporative system, the vent valve is sprung closed to block atmospheric venting.
The Evaporative Emission Valve is also sprung closed to seal the system.
During every engine cold start the LDP solenoid is energized by the ECM. Engine manifold vacuum enters the
upper chamber of the LDP to lift up the spring loaded diaphragm.
As the diaphragm is lifted it draws in ambient air through the filter and into the lower chamber of the LDP
through the one way valve.
Fig. 119: Identifying LDP
The solenoid is then de-energized, spring pressure closes the vacuum port blocking the engine vacuum and
simultaneously opens the vent port to the balance tube which releases the captive vacuum in the upper chamber.
This allows the compressed spring to push the diaphragm down, starting the "limited down stroke". The air that
was drawn into the lower chamber of the LDP during the upstroke is forced out of the lower chamber and into
the fueltank/evaporative system.
Fig. 120: Identifying Balance Tube
This electrically controlled repetitive up/down stroke is cycled repeatedly building up a total
pressure of approximately +25mb in the evaporative system. After sufficient pressure has built up
(LDP and its cycling is calibrated to the vehicle), the leak diagnosis begins and lasts about 100
The upper chamber contains an integrated reed switch that produces a switched high/low voltage
signal that is monitored by the ECM. The switch is opened by the magnetic interruption of the
metal rod connected to the diaphragm is in the top dead center position.
The repetitive up/down stroke is confirmation to the ECM that the valve is functioning. The ECM
also monitors the length of time it takes for the reed switch to open, which is opposed by pressure
under the disarrayed in the lower chamber. The LDP is still cycled, but at a frequency that depends
upon the rate of pressure loss in the lower chamber.
If the pumping frequency is below parameters, there is no leak present. If the pumping frequency is
above parameters, this indicates sufficient pressure can not build up in the lower chamber and
evaporative system, indicating a leak.
The chart represents the diagnostic leak testing time frame in seconds. When the ignition is switched on, the
ECM performs a "static check" of circuit integrity to the LDP pump including the reed switch.
Fig. 121: Time And Pressure Graph
On cold engine start up, the pump is activated for the first 27 seconds at approximately 166-200 Hz.
This rapid pumping phase is required to pressurized the evaporative components.
Once pressurized, the build up phase then continues from 27-38 seconds. The ECM monitors the
system through the reed switch to verify that pressure has stabilized.
The measuring phase for leak diagnosis lasts from 38-63 seconds. The pump is activated but due to
the pressure build up under the diaphragm, the pump moves slower, if the pump moves quickly,
this indicates a lack of pressure of a leak. The registers as a fault in the ECM's.
From 63-100 seconds the pump is deactivated, allowing full down stroke of the diaphragm and rod.
At the extreme bottom of rod travel, the canister vent valve is pushed open relieving pressure and
allowing normal purge operation when needed.
Evaporative Emission Purging is regulated by the ECM controlling the Evaporative Emission Valve. The
Evaporative Emission Valve is a solenoid that regulates purge flow from the Active Carbon Canister into the
intake manifold. The ECM Relay provides operating voltage and the ECM controls the valve by regulating the
ground circuit. The valve is powered open and closed by an internal spring.
Stage 1 opens the valve for 10 ms (mill-seconds) and then closes for 150 ms.
The stages continue with increasing opening times (up to 16 stages) until the valve is completely
The valve now starts to close in 16 stages in reverse order.
This staged process takes 6 minutes to complete. The function is inactive for 1 minute then starts
the process all over again.
During the purging process the valve is completely opened during full throttle operation and is
completely closed during deceleration fuel cutoff.
Evaporative Purge System Flow Check is performed by the ECM when the oxygen sensor control and
purging is active on the E39. When the Evaporative Emission Valve is open the ECM detects a rich/lean shift as
monitored by the oxygen sensors indicating the valve is functioning properly.
If the ECM does not detect a rich/lean shift a second step is performed when the vehicle is stationary and the
engine is at idle speed. The ECM opens and close the valve (abruptly) several times and monitors the engine
RPM for changes. If there are no changes, a fault code will be set. The E36 and Z3 is checked during the
Evaporative Leakage Test.
Fuel System Monitoring is performed by the ECM which verifies the calculated injection time (ti) in relation
to engine speed, load and the oxygen sensor signal as a result of the residual oxygen in the exhaust stream.
The ECM uses the oxygen sensor signal as a correction factor for adjusting and optimizing the mixture pilot
control under all engine operating conditions.
Fig. 123: Identifying Fuel System Monitoring
Adaptation Values are stored by the ECM in order to maintain an "ideal" air/fuel ratio. The ECM is capable of
adapting to various environmental conditions encountered while the vehicle is in operation (changes in altitude,
humidity, ambient temperature, fuel quality, etc.).
The adaptation can only make slight corrections and can not compensate for large changes which may be
encountered as a result of incorrect airflow or incorrect fuel supply to the engine.
Within the areas of adjustable adaption, the ECM modifies the injection rate under two areas of engine
During idle and low load mid range engine speeds (Additive Adaptation).
During operation under a normal to higher load when at higher engine speeds (Multiplicative
These values indicate how the ECM is compensating for a less than ideal initial air/fuel ratio.
NOTE: If the adaptation value is greater than "0.0" Additive (% Multiplicative), the ECM
is trying to richen the mixture. If the adaptation value is less then "0.0" Additive
(% Multiplicative), the ECM is trying to lean-out the mixture.
Catalyst Monitoring is performed by the ECM under oxygen sensor closed loop operation. The changing
air/fuel ratio in the exhaust gas results in lambda oscillations at the precatalyst sensors. These oscillations are
dampened by the oxygen storage activity of the catalysts and are reflected at the post catalyst sensors as a fairly
stable signal (indicating oxygen has been consumed). Conditions for Catalyst Monitoring:
Closed Loop Operation
Engine Coolant Temperature
Operating Temperature
Vehicle Road Speed
3-50 MPH (5 to 80 Km/h)
Catalyst Temperature (Calculated)
350°C to 650° C
Throttle Angle Deviation
Steady Throttle
Engine Speed Deviation
Steady / Stable Engine Speed
Average Lambda Value Deviation
Steady / Stable Load
Catalyst temperature is an internally calculated value that is a function of load/air mass and time.
As part of the monitoring process, the pre and post O2 sensor signals are evaluated by the ECM to determine
the length of time each sensor is operating in the rich and lean range.
Fig. 124: Identifying O2 Sensor Operation
If the catalyst is defective, the post O2 sensor signal will reflect the pre- O2 sensor signal (minus a phase
shift/time delay), since the catalyst is no longer able to store oxygen.
The catalyst monitoring process is stopped once the predetermined number of cycles are completed, until the
engine is shut-off and started again. After completing the next "customer driving cycle" whereby the specific
conditions are met and a fault is again set, the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated.
NOTE: The catalyst efficiency is monitored once per trip while the vehicle is in closed
loop operation.
Fig. 125: Identifying Good And Defective Signal
Secondary Air Injection is required to reduce HC and CO emissions while the engine is warming up.
Immediately following a cold engine start (-10 to 40°C) fresh air/oxygen is injected directly into the exhaust
The temperature signal is provided to the ECM by the Air Temperature Sensor in the HFM. Below -10° C the
pump is activated briefly to "blow out" any accumulated moisture.
The ECM provides a ground circuit to activate the Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay. The relay supplies
voltage to the Secondary Air Injection Pump.
The single speed pump runs for approximately 90 seconds after engine start up.
Secondary Air Injection Monitoring is performed by the ECM via the use of the pre-catalyst oxygen sensors.
Once the air pump is active and air is injected into the exhaust system the oxygen sensor signals will indicate a
lean condition (up to 16 seconds).
If the oxygen sensor signals do not change within a predefined time, a fault will be set and identify the faulty
bank (E36 328i and E39).
If the additional oxygen is not detected for two consecutive cold starts, the ECM determines a general fault with
the function of the secondary air injection system. After completing the next cold start and a fault is again
detected the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated when the OBD II criteria is achieved.
Misfire Detection is part of the OBD II regulations. The ECM must determine misfire and also identify the
specific cylinder(s). The ECM must also determine the severity of the misfire and whether it is emissions
relevant or catalyst damaging based on monitoring crankshaft acceleration.
Emission Increase:
Within an interval of 1000 crankshaft revolutions, the ECM adds the detected misfire events for
each cylinder. If the sum of all cylinder misfire incidents exceeds the predetermined value, a fault
code will be stored and the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illumnated.
If more than one cylinder is misfiring, all of the misfiring cylinders will be specified and the
individual fault codes for each misfiring cylinder, or multiple cylinders will be stored. The
"CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated.
Catalyst Damage:
Within an interval of 200 crankshaft revolutions the detected number of misfiring events is
calculated for each cylinder. The ECM monitors this based on load/RPM. If the sum of cylinder
misfire incidents exceeds a predetermined value, a "Catalyst Damaging" fault code is stored and
the "CHECK ENGINE" Light will be illuminated.
If the cylinder misfire count exceeds the predetermined threshold the ECM will take the following measures:
Upon the completion of the next consecutive driving cycle where the previously faulted system is
monitored again and the emissions relevant fault is again present.
Immediately if a "Catalyst Damaging" fault occurs.
The illumination of the light is performed in accordance with the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) which requires
the lamp to be illuminated when:
A malfunction of a component that can affect the emission performance of the vehicle occurs and
causes emissions to exceed 1.5 times the standards required by the (FTP).
Manufacturer-defined specifications are exceeded.
An Implausible input signal is generated.
Catalyst deterioration causes HC-emissions to exceed a limit equivalent to 1.5 times the standard
Misfire faults occur.
A leak is detected in the evaporative system or "purging" is defective.
ECM fails to enter closed-loop oxygen sensor control operation within a specified time interval.
Engine control or automatic transmission control enters a "limp home" operating mode.
Ignition is on (KL15) position before cranking = Bulb Check Function.
Within the BMW system, the illumination of the check engine light is performed in accordance with the
regulations set forth in CARB mail-out 1968.1 and as demonstrated via the Federal Test Procedure (FTP). The
following page provides several examples of when and how the "CHECK ENGINE" Light is illuminated based
on the "customer drive cycle".
1. A Fault Code is stored within the ECM upon the first occurrence of a fault in the system being
2. The "CHECK ENGINE" light will not be illuminated until the completion of the second
consecutive "customer driving cycle" where the previously faulted system is again monitored and a
fault is still present or a catalyst damaging fault has occurred.
3. If the second drive cycle was not complete and the specific function was not checked, the ECM
counts the third drive cycle as the "next consecutive" drive cycle. The "CHECK ENGINE" light to
be illuminated.
4. If there is an intermittent fault present and does not cause a fault to be set through multiple drive
cycles, two complete consecutive drive cycles with the fault present are required for the "CHECK
ENGINE" Light to be illuminated.
5. Once the "CHECK ENGINE" Light is illuminated it will remain illuminated unless the specific
function has been checked without fault through three complete consecutive drive cycles.
6. The fault code will also be cleared from the memory automatically if the specific function is
checked through 40 consecutive drive cycles without the fault being detected or with the use of
either the DIS, MODIC, or Scan Tool.
NOTE: In order to clear a catalyst damaging fault from memory, the condition under
which the fault occurred must be evaluated for 80 consecutive cycles without
the fault reoccurring.
With the use of a universal scan tool, connected to the "OBD" DLC an SAE standardized DTC can be obtained,
along with the condition associated with the illumination of the "CHECK ENGINE" Light. Using the DIS or
MODIC, a fault code and the conditions associated with its setting can be obtained prior to the illumination of
the "CHECK ENGINE" Light.
The Federal Test Procedure (FTP) is a specific driving cycle that is utilized by the EPA to test light duty vehicle
emissions. As part of the procedure for a vehicle manufacturer to obtain emission certification for a particular
model/engine family the manufacturer must demonstrate that the vehicle(s) can pass the FTP defined driving
cycle two consecutive times while monitoring various components/systems.
Some of the components/systems must be monitored either once per driving cycle or continuously. Systems and
their components required to be monitored once within one driving cycle:
Oxygen Sensors
Secondary Air Injection System
Catalyst Efficiency
Evaporative Vapor Recovery System
Due to the complexity involved in meeting the test criteria within the FTP defined driving cycle, all tests may
not be completed within one "customer driving cycle". The test can be successfully completed within the FTP
defined criteria, however customer driving styles may differ and therefore may not always monitor all involved
components/systems in one "trip".
The Vehicle Speed Graph is an example of the driving cycle that is used by BMW to complete the FTP.
Fig. 130: Vehicle Speed Graph
NOTE: The driving criteria shown can be completed within the FTP required ~11 miles
in a controlled environment such as a dyno test or test track.
A "customer driving cycle" may vary according to traffic patterns, route selection and distance traveled, which
may not allow the "diagnostic trip" to be fully completed each time the vehicle is operated.
Readiness Code
The readiness code provides status (Yes/No) of the system having completed all the required monitoring
functions or not. The readiness code is displayed with an aftermarket scan tool. The code is a binary (1/0)
A "readiness code" must be stored after any clearing of fault memory or disconnection of the ECM. A
readiness code of "0" will be stored (see below) after a complete diagnostic check of all
components/systems, that can turn on the "CHECK ENGINE" Light.
The readiness code was established to prevent anyone with an emissions related fault and a "CHECK
ENGINE" Light on from disconnecting the battery or clearing the fault memory to manipulate the results
of the emissions test procedure (IM 240).
The complete readiness code is equal to "one" byte (eight bits). Every bit represents one complete test and
is displayed by the scan tool, as required by CARB/EPA.
Drive the car in such a manner that all tests listed above can be completed (refer to the FTP cycle). When the
complete "readiness code" equals "0" then all tests have been completed and the system has established its
"readiness". Accessibility of the readiness code is also possible using the DIS/MoDIC.
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) established the Diagnostic Trouble Codes used for OBD II
systems (SAE J2012). The DTC's are designed to be identified by their alpha/numeric structure. The SAE has
designated the emission related DTC's to start with the letter "P" for Powertrain related systems, hence their
nickname "P-code".
Fig. 131: Identifying OBD II Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)
The MS41.x has a separate OBD II Diagnostic Link Connector (DLC). The OBD II connector is located in the
drivers footwell to the left of the steering column (right side of center console on the Z3). The DLC provides
access for an aftermarket scan tool to all emission related control systems:
This diagnostic communication link uses the existing TXD II circuit in the vehicle through a separate circuit on
the DLC when the 20 pin cap is installed.
Fig. 132: Identifying Diagnostic Communication Link
BMW codes are stored as soon as they occur even before the "CHECK ENGINE" Light comes on.
BMW Codes are defined by BMW and Siemens Engineers to provide greater detail to fault specific
Siemens system - one set of four fault specific environment conditions are stored with the first fault
occurrence. This information can change and is specific to each fault code to aid in diagnosing. A
maximum of ten different faults containing four environmental conditions can be stored.
BMW Codes also store and displays a "time stamp" when the fault last occurred.
BMW Fault Codes determine the diagnostic output for BMW DIS/MoDIC
Workshop Hints
Before any service work is performed on any fuel system related component, always adhere to the
Fuel Tank Vent Valve Noise is eliminated by placing an insulating mount (1) between the valve bracket and the
mounting bracket and secured by a hex nut (2).
Fig. 135: Identifying Hex Nut
Fig. 136: Identifying Pinched Retainer Strap
Testing the Oxygen Sensor should be performed using the DIS Oscilloscope from the "Preset Measurement"
List. The scope pattern should appear as below for a normal operating pre-catalyst sensor.
If the signal remains low (rich condition) the following should be checked:
Fuel Injectors
Fuel Pressure
Ignition System
Input Sensors that influence air/fuel mixture
Engine Mechanical
If the signal remains high (lean condition) the following should be checked:
Air/Vacuum Leaks
Fuel Pressure
Input Sensor that influence air/fuel mixture
Engine Mechanical
Fig. 137: Identifying Input Sensor Influence Air/Fuel Mixture
NOTE: A mixture related fault code should be investigated first and does not always
indicate a defective oxygen sensor!
The DIS/MoDIC as well as a reputable hand held multimeter can be used when testing inputs/components.
It is best to make the checks at the ECM connection, this method includes testing the wiring harness.
The correct Universal Adapter for the MS41.x application should be used (#88 88 6 614 410). This will ensure
the pin connectors and the harness will not be damaged.
The interior of this Universal Adapter is shielded, therefore it is vital that the ground cable is connected to the
vehicle chassis whenever the adapter is used.
The adapter uses a Printed Circuit board inside keeping the capacitive and inductive load to a minimum.
When installing the Universal Adapter to the ECM (located below the windshield on the passenger side of the
engine compartment), make sure the ignition is switched off.
Fig. 139: Identifying 88 Pin Adapter
When checking the fuel tank and ventilation system for leak-tightness use Special Tool Set #90 88 6 161 170
which includes all of the pieces shown.
This Special Tool Set #90 88 6 161 160 will also be required to "cap off" the LDP air filter and Evaporative
Emission Valve hose when performing the Leakage Diagnosis Test.
Fig. 141: Identifying Ring Compressor
The Fresh Air Inlet Valve (1) must be closed when checking the fuel tank and ventilation system for leak-
Fig. 142: Identifying Air Inlet Valve
Disconnect plug connector (2) and install Special Tool # 88 88 6 126 410/411.
Connect the other end of the tool to the vehicle battery to power the valve closed during testing.
Fig. 143: Identifying Ultrasonic Leak Detector
Engine Speed Signal (TD): is produced by the ECM as an output function. The TD signal is a processed square
wave signal that indicates engine RPM. The signal is made available to other control modules including the
Instrument Cluster, IHKA, EWS II and the 20 pin Diagnostic Socket.
The TD output is a square wave modulated signal. The frequency of the signal is directly proportional to RPM.
The receiving control module detects RPM by the number of pulses.
Fig. 145: Identifying Engine Speed Signal (TD)
Load Signal (Ti): is produced by the ECM as an output function that represents the actual amount of fuel
injected. It is made available to other control modules as an input for operation. These control modules include:
OBC = Fuel Consumption for MPG and Range
Instrument Cluster = MPG Gauge (Except M3)
The Ti output is a processed square wave signal. The frequency of the signal is proportional to engine RPM.
The pulse width and duty cycle will vary to reflect the injection quantity.
A/C Compressor Control: is an output of the ECM. The ECM controls the A/C Compressor Relay based on
signals from the IHKA Control Module.
When the driver selects the "snow flake" button, the IHKA Control Module signals the ECM (AC) which
"arms" it for compressor activation.
The ECM prepares for the additional load of the compressor by modifying the ignition timing and stabilizing
idle speed.
When A/C compressor activation is required the IHKA signals the ECM through the high/low refrigerant
pressure switches (KO). The ECM will provide a ground circuit for the A/C Compressor Relay.
The A/C Compressor Relay is deactivated during wide open throttle acceleration at low speeds to allow the
engine to quickly achieve maximum power.
Driveaway Protection System Interface EWS II: and ECM Control Modules are synchronized through an
individual serial number (ISN). The ISN is a unique code number that is permanently assigned to the ECM and
also stored in the EWS II Control Module. The ISN must match every time the ignition is switched "ON",
before the ECM drive away protection feature will be cancelled.
Engine Control Module designed to operate with the EWS II system will not interchange with
ECMs from previous models.
The ISN replaces the BC Code input to the ECM.
The ISN is unique to each ECM and cannot be changed or overwritten. The ISN is
transferred/stored in the EWS II Control Module using the DIS/MoDIC (including diagnosis).
Every time the ignition is switched "ON", the ISN number is sent from the EWS Control Module to
the ECM, as a digital coded signal. The numbers must match before the ECM will release the
driveaway protection.
The ISN is continuously sent to the ECM as long as the ignition is switched on (KL 15).
The ECM will disregard the loss of the ISN after the engine is running.
VANOS Control: Performance, torque, idle characteristics and exhaust emissions reduction are improved by
Variable Camshaft Timing (VANOS). The VANOS unit is mounted directly on the front of the cylinder head
and adjusts the Intake camshaft timing from retarded to advanced. The ECM controls the operation of the
VANOS solenoid which regulates the oil pressure required to move the control piston. Engine RPM, load and
temperature are used to determine VANOS activation.
VANOS mechanical operation is dependent on engine oil pressure applied to position the control piston. When
oil pressure is applied to the control piston (regulated by the solenoid), the piston moves causing the splined
adjustment shaft to move. The straight splines slide within the camshaft sleeve. The helical splines rotate the
camshaft drive sprocket changing the position in relation to the camshaft position which advances/retards the
intake camshaft timing.
The operation of the VANOS solenoid is monitored in accordance with the OBD II requirements for emission
control. The ECM monitors the final stage output control and the signal from the Camshaft Position Sensor for
VANOS operation.
Retarded Timing: In the normal or off position, the spool valve in the piston housing is held by spring pressure
directing the engine oil to the back side of the piston.
This pulls the attached helical gear cup forward and maintains the late (retarded) valve timing position.
Fig. 149: Identifying Retarded Timing
Advanced Timing: When the ECM provides a ground circuit to the solenoid, the spool valve pushes against the
spring pressure diverting the pressurized engine oil to the front side of the piston. This pushes the helical gear
cup further into the matched helical camshaft secondary gear drive.
The angled teeth of the helical gears cause the pushing movement of the helical cup to be converted into a
rotational movement. This rotational movement is added to the turning of the camshaft and causes the intake
camshaft to "advance" 12.5+.
Fig. 150: Identifying Advanced Timing
Exhaust Flap Damper Control (E36): To meet European noise level compliance, the rear silencer
incorporates a flap that is designed to reduce exhaust noise at idle, low RPM and while coasting. Components of
the system include:
The ECM will power the switching solenoid and apply vacuum to the exhaust flap actuator to close the flap
allowing additional damping of the exhaust for the following conditions:
The ECM will deactivate the solenoid when accelerating above 2500 RPM. The vacuum is vented from the flap
actuator and the flap opens. This decreases the exhaust backpressure for improved torque.
Controller Area Network (CAN): The CAN is used between the engine and automatic transmission control
modules (if equipped). The CAN is a high speed bus that transfers one million bits of information per second.
The CAN supplies the ECM and the EGS with all related operating data required by their operation:
Throttle Position
Engine Temperature
Gear Selection Position
Torque Converter Lock Up
Engine Load (ti)
Engine RPM
Timing Retard (Shift Intervention)
NOTE: The DIS/MoDIC will display CAN faults with on screen diagnosis under DME
(ECM) or EGS Fault survey.
Throttle Position Output (DKI): DKI is the throttle position output signal to the ASC Control Module (if
The DKI signal is directly proportional to the throttle position sensor input signal.
This output signal is used by the ASC control module during ASC regulation. DKI is a pulse width modulated
signal created by the ECM.
Fig. 153: Identifying Throttle Position Output (DKI)
ASC Interfaces: The ECM is linked to the ASC Control Module (if equipped) through three signal lines for
ASC regulation. The three signals are switched high/low input requests for power reduction/drag torque
S-EML - Signal to the ECM of throttle regulation (reduce engine torque during acceleration).
S-ASC (ZA) - Signal request to the ECM for fade out of ignition/injection and idle RPM increase (further
reduction in engine torque during acceleration).
S-MSR (ZWV) - Signal request to the ECM for ignition timing retard and idle RPM increase (reduce
engine torque during deceleration).
Fig. 154: Identifying ASC Interfaces
Auxiliary Throttle: A second throttle housing is mounted "upstream" of the main throttle housing. This
auxiliary throttle is used in conjunction with ASC (if equipped).
The throttle is normally open and is closed by the ASC Control Module which restricts intake air flow reducing
engine torque to restore traction/maintain stability.
Fig. 155: Identifying Auxiliary Throttle
The Auxiliary Throttle is linked by a cable to the ADS II motor which regulates the throttle plate position.
Activation of the ADS II motor is an output function of the ASC Control Module.
The Auxiliary Throttle is closed briefly when the ignition is switched on "KL15" allowing the ASC to conduct a
brief test of the ADS II motor and Auxiliary Throttle Position Potentiometer.
Fig. 156: Identifying ASC Control Module
Vehicle Speed Signal: The vehicle speed input signal is provided by the ABS/ASC Control Module. The
vehicle speed input is a digital square wave and the frequency is proportional to the speed of the vehicle. The
speed signal is used for idle speed regulation and for vehicle top speed regulation.
For OBD II compliance, the ECM also monitors the signal (as compared to engine RPM and load) for abrupt
fluctuations in the signal frequency to "detect rough road surfaces" for the purpose of Misfire Detection
The MS41.x ECM is a programmable "FLASH" Control Module. The ECM contains a soldered in FLASH
EPROM which can be programmed/updated up to 13 times. The EPROM has basic information always present
in it refered to as "resident data". This resident data gives the EPROM its identification and contains
instructions for the programming of the operational maps. When you program, you are inputting operational
maps to the ECM such as injection timing and ignition timing, etc.
An unprogrammed control module will not allow the engine to start. DME (ECM) FLASH programming is
performed with the DIS/MoDIC using the latest software.
Using the "automatic" determination process (preferred method), the MoDIC compares the part numbers stored
in the FLASH EPROM of the currently installed ECM with a list of possible replacement part numbers stored in
the MoDIC's memory. The comparison is done to:
Display the part number for the replacement programmable control module for that vehicle.
Determine if the MoDIC can "recommend" a replacement part number(s) from the list part
numbers stored in its memory.
Identify a proper replacement program or control module.
The determination identification screen is an example of the data displayed once the determination is made.
Fig. 159: Displaying Data
Workshop Hints
The following signals are "manufactured" by the ECM for other control modules and are not the "raw" inputs to
the ECM.
These signals should be tested if another Control Module, gauge or function is inoperative due to a lack of the
With the 88 Pin adapter and the DIS Oscilloscope (Preset Measurements) the following signals can be observed
with the ECM installed and engine running:
Fig. 160: Engine RPM Graph
1. TD = Engine RPM
2. Ti = Fuel Injection
The waveform on the scope should be even, continuous, without interference and of sufficient height (indicates
signal strength). Examples of "good" patterns are shown.
The test should be performed at the ECM and at the output Control Module/component.
CAN Signal
The DIS/MoDIC will display CAN faults with on screen diagnosis under DME (ECM) or EGS Fault survey.
The CAN lines should be checked using an ohm meter or Oscilloscope function of the DIS.
Fig. 163: Identifying VANOS
The DIS/MoDIC as well as a reputable hand held multimeter can be used when testing inputs/components.
It is best to make the checks at the ECM connection, this method includes testing the wiring harness.
The correct Universal Adapter for the MS41.x application should be used (#88 88 6 614 410). This will ensure
the pin connectors and the harness will not be damaged.
Fig. 164: Identifying Tools And Equipment
The interior of this Universal Adapter is shielded, therefore it is vital that the ground cable is connected to the
vehicle chassis whenever the adapter is used.
The adapter uses a Printed Circuit board inside keeping the capacitive and inductive load to a minimum.
Fig. 165: Identifying 88 Pin Adapter
When installing the Universal Adapter to the ECM (located below the windshield on the passenger side of the
engine compartment), make sure the ignition is switched off.
The electrical/hydraulic function can be checked "statically" by using the adapter tools and shop supplied
regulated compressed air.
Special Tool # 90 88 6 113 450 adapts regulated compressed air to substitute for engine oil pressure required to
move the VANOS piston.
Special Tool # 90 88 6 126 410 allows battery voltage and ground to activate the solenoid.
Production: All
Up until the introduction of the E31, all of the information transferred between control units was transmitted on
dedicated signal lines. As the various electronic systems grew more complex, the size of the wiring harness
increased beyond practical limits.
Signals such as engine RPM, coolant temperature, throttle position, road speed etc. each used a dedicated signal
line going to the control module that required this information. Each of these lines differed in the method of
signal transmission. Some of the methods used were variable duty cycle, switched DC signals and signals with
variable frequencies. This created a need for larger and more complex wiring harnesses.
A solution to this problem was found by introducing bus networks to BMW Group vehicles. A bus system uses
multiplexing technology similar to that used in the electronics and telecommunications industry. Multiplexing is
a system of transmitting several messages on the same circuit or channel.
This technology allows control modules to transfer data bi-directionally at high speed and enables control
modules to share sensor information. This also allows control modules to send and receive control commands at
a faster rate than with conventional methods.
With the amount and complexity of features now available in modern vehicles, multiplexing is a necessary
technology. There are numerous benefits to in-vehicle bus networks such as:
A reduction in the size of the wiring harness by decreasing the number of interfaces between control units
to one or two wires.
Greater system reliability by reducing the number of connectors and components.
A reduction in the number of redundant sensors by allowing the sharing of sensor information.
Reduction of costs for components, assembly and troubleshooting.
Flexibility in system configuration for addition of new systems.
Fig. 3: Communication Control Module Using Individual Signal Lines
Multiplexing relies on the use of digital communication between control units. A digital signal consists of a
series of high and low voltage signals which represent "bits" of information.
Using the example of morse code for explanation, the letters SOS are represented in morse code as three dots -
three dashes - three dots. Expressed as an electrical signal SOS would be represented as three short pulses -
three long pulses - three short pulses.
The basis for digital communication is binary code. Binary code uses only 2 digits - 0 and 1. Electrically, 1 is
represented by a voltage pulse and 0 is represented by a low voltage signal usually 0 volts.
In digital communication, each pulse represents a "bit" of data. Eight "bits" of information in a series of pulses
makes up one "byte". A byte represents a character in a line of information (data).
Fig. 6: Identifying Electrical Signal
In order to illustrate multiplexing in a vehicle application, an example of a K-Bus circuit will be used. The K-
Bus (Body Bus) was introduced in the E38 as a low speed data transfer bus. One of the benefits of multiplexing
is sensor sharing. The outside (ambient) temperature circuit is an example of "sharing" sensor information.
In the illustration shown below, the ambient temperature sensor is an analog input to the instrument cluster. The
temperature information is used by the cluster for the outside temperature display for the driver. The outside
temperature information is also needed by the climate control system (IHKA) for temperature control and
additional functions.
In previous models (before bus systems), the IHKA required an additional dedicated outside temperature sensor.
Using multiplexing principles, the K-Bus can transfer the temperature information (as well as additional data)
from the cluster to the climate control system which eliminates the need for an additional sensor.
Fig. 7: Locating Ambient Temperature Sensor
Data must be transmitted at high speed in order to make digital communication practical. The speed of these
signal is referred to as the data rate (formerly baud rate). Depending on the type of bus network used, data can
be transmitted from 9600 bits per second (9.6k/bps) to 500K bits per second (500K/bps).
Current fiber optic systems can transmit and receive data up to 22.5 M/bps.
Faster communication speeds are required for video and audio signals. Therefore, the MOST-Bus is designed to
handle these needs and can communicate at 22.5 M/bps.
To accurately describe the speed of data transmission the term "bps" (bit per second) is used. This is not to be
confused with baud rate. Baud rate refers to the rate that a change of state occurs on a signal line. Any voltage
change on the signal line is a change of state, but this does not relate directly to the amount of bits per second.
In other words, more that one bit can be transferred per baud. This is dependent upon the type of
communication protocol.
In this course, data communication speed will be referred to as bit per second (bps). A "bit" is an abbreviation
for binary digit. A bit is the smallest information unit that a computer can process. A series of 8 bits make up
one byte and a series of bytes make up a bus telegram message.
There are 3 possible arrangements for bus system structure in BMW vehicles. They are:
The linear bus structure is the most common arrangement. Up until the introduction of the E65, the linear
structure was used exclusively. The 2 other bus structures are currently used for fiber optic networks. The ring
structure is used on the MOST-Bus and the star structure is used on the byteflight system.
Fig. 8: Identifying Linear Or Tree Structure
In the following pages of this course and subsequent courses, all BMW bus systems will be discussed. Starting
from the earliest bus networks up to the latest fiber optic networks used today. Below is a listing by model of
the major bus networks in use. (Some sub busses are not shown)
D- can- I- K- P- M- (P & PT- MOST- LIN-
TXD/RXD Bus bus Bus Bus Bus Bus S) CAN bus byteflight Bus Notes
E31 X X X CAN-Bus
used on
M60, M62
and M73
E32 X X CAN-Bus
used on
E34 X X CAN-Bus
used on
E36 X X X CAN-Bus
used on
used from
96 model
E38 X X X X X X X New bus
in 95
year (D,
K, P and
E39 X X X X X X X I-Bus
used on
with high
E46 X X X X X X LIN-Bus
added in
year (face
lift). CAN
in 2000
E53 X X X X X X X I-Bus
used on
with high
E65/E66 X X X X X X X E65
new bus
systems in
BMW to
use fiber
and K-
into K-
used on
AHL and
E63/E64 X X X X X X K-CAN S
and K-
CAN P is
into K-
E83 X X X X X X E83 Does
not use
is used on
The D-Bus is actually the oldest bus system used in BMW vehicles. It is used as a serial communications bus to
transmit data between the DISplus or GT-1 and the connected control units for diagnosis purposes.
The D-Bus was introduced as TXD (and RXD) in 1987. The term D-Bus was adopted with the introduction of
the E38 in 1995, however it is still referred to as TXD in the ETM.
The control unit subject to diagnosis is selected by sending a diagnosis telegram to the control unit address. By
request from the diagnosis equipment (DISplus/GT-1), the control unit will transmit information such as the
contents of the fault memory or activate a control unit output.
All modules in the vehicle are not connected directly to the D-Bus, some systems are connected through a
gateway such as the IKE or cluster. The gateway handles all diagnostic "traffic" and routes the necessary
information to the correct bus system.
The D-Bus is only active when the DISplus or GT-1 is connected to the diagnostic socket and communicating.
Data over the D-Bus operates at a rate of up to 9.6 Kbps (9600 bits per second) on earlier vehicles. The D-Bus
on current models (from E65) operates at 110 K/bps.
The D-Bus connects various diagnosable control units to the DISplus or GT-1 via the diagnostic connector.
Earlier vehicles also used a second diagnosis line called RXD to allow the diagnostic equipment to establish
communication. RXD is not a bus line but a one way communication link used to wake up the diagnosis of the
connected control unit.
Diagnostic Connector
There have been numerous changes to the diagnostic connector since it's introduction in 1988. Early vehicles
until the 2001 model year used the 20-pin diagnostic connector located in the engine compartment. On vehicles
equipped with the 20-pin connector, diagnostic communication is carried out through the TXD/RXD interface
RXD is a 12 volt one-way digital signal which is sent to the module subject to diagnosis. This signal was used
to wake-up the control module and initiate diagnostic communication. RXD was gradually phased out starting
in 1997 (until 2001) and TXD (D-Bus) is now used for all diagnostic communication.
The TXD signal line is bi-directional and allows information to be retrieved (such as fault codes) and
commands to be carried out (such as component activation). On vehicles equipped with the 20-pin diagnostic
connector, TXD is in pin 20 and RXD in pin 15.
Later control modules (from 1997) no longer required the separate RXD to establish communication, (DS2
protocol) so Pin 15 was removed from the Diagnostic socket of most vehicles. Pin 15 (RXD) was still used in
the E38 until the end of production in 2001.
In 1995, to satisfy the requirements of OBD II, a standardized 16-pin connector was installed inside of all
vehicles. Up until 2001, the 16-pin OBD II connector was not used by BMW diagnostic equipment to access
diagnosis, it was reserved for aftermarket scan tool usage. The 20-pin connector was eliminated from all BMW
vehicles from 2001 and the 16-pin OBD connector is now used exclusively.
TXD II (pin 17) was introduced as a communication line exclusive to DME (ECM), AGS (TCM) and EML. Pin
2 provided a connection to the 16 pin OBD connector via a bridge in the cap of the 20-pin connector. TXD II is
technically identical to the D-Bus (TXD).
NOTE: On vehicles equipped with both the 20-Pin and 16-Pin OBD connector, the cap
on the 20-pin connector must be installed to access diagnostic information
from the OBD II connector.
Beginning with the introduction of the E65, TXD has been omitted and TXD II is now used exclusively for
diagnostic communication. TXD II is in pin 7 of the 16 pin OBD connector.
Fig. 13: Identifying Diagnostic Communication
On some of the early models the D-Bus was connected directly to some modules. Some modules were
diagnosed through a gateway module such as the IKE or cluster. For instance as the diagram below shows,
modules that are on the I, K and P-Bus must be diagnosed through the IKE. In this case the IKE acts as a
"gateway" module. The gateway routes all diagnostic "traffic" to the correct bus system.
Fig. 14: Identifying Gateways Model
On newer vehicles such as the E65, the ZGM acts as a gateway and all diagnostic data is routed through this
A gateway allows information to be transferred from one bus system to another. Due to the difference in
communication speed, the gateway must "translate" the data and then route the data to the correct network.
In addition to the above functions, the gateway will also allow data messages with a higher priority to be
transmitted first.
Fig. 15: Identifying Gateway And Diagnostic Data Route
The CAN protocol was originally developed by Intel™ and Bosch in 1988 for use in the automotive industry.
CAN provides a standardized, reliable and cost-effective communications network which allows vehicle
manufacturers to combat the increasing size of vehicle wiring harnesses.
The CAN-Bus was introduced on BMW vehicles in 1993 in the 7 and 5 series vehicles with the M60 engine and
automatic transmission. The CAN-Bus connected the DME (ECM) with the EGS (TCM) control units. This
network allowed data to be transferred between DME and EGS at rate of up to 500 Kbps (Kilobits per second).
Fig. 16: Identifying Example Of Early CAN-Bus On M60 Engine
As shown in the above picture, the original CAN-Bus network contained only 2 control units or "subscribers".
Since it's introduction, subscribers on CAN have increased as system needs dictated.
Beginning with the 1995 model year, new systems were added to the CAN-Bus. The introduction of the E38
750iL necessitated major changes to the CAN-Bus structure. EML and DSC were added as well as DME II for
the M73 engine.
For the 1998 model year, the instrument cluster and the steering angle sensor were also added to expand the
signal sharing capabilities of the vehicle.
When introduced, the CAN-Bus consisted of 2 copper wires and a third connection which served as a shield.
The shield was needed to protect the CAN-Bus from electrical interference. Since the CAN-Bus uses relatively
low voltage (approx 2.5), it is vulnerable to signal interruption from higher voltage circuits or aftermarket
systems such as cell phones etc.
Fig. 17: Identifying Tree Structure And Star Connector
The shield on the CAN-Bus was only used until the 99 model year, after which the entire CAN-Bus network
went to twisted pair wiring. Twisted pair configuration allows the same level of interference suppression and
creates more flexibility in wiring due to the elimination of the extra shielding.
The two signal wires used in CAN are referred to as CAN-High and CAN-Low. Each wire carries the same
information bi-directionally. The two wire configuration is used for redundancy in the event of failure.
Due to the linear structure of the network, the CAN-Bus is available for other modules in the event of a
disconnected or failed control unit. This is referred to as a "Tree" structure with each control unit occupying a
Currently, the CAN-Bus is used on all BMW vehicles and has been expanded to other systems. The
introduction of the E65 brought about new variations of CAN. The new PT-CAN and K-CAN will be discussed
in a later module.
CAN-Bus Operation
The primary function of the CAN-Bus is to exchange data at a high transfer rate between CAN subscribers. This
is accomplished using two signal lines referred to as CAN-High and CAN-Low. Both of these signal lines
transfer the same data at the same time. Two signal lines are used for redundancy in the event of a signal line
Voltage on the CAN-Bus is divided between the two data lines. for an average of 2.5 volts per line. Voltage is
measured from each data line to ground. Each module on CAN contributes to this voltage.
When viewing the CAN-Bus signals on an oscilloscope, CAN-Low with be approximately 2.5 volts. The signal
will be "pulled" low during communication. CAN-High will be at 2.5 volts, but the signal will be "pulled" high
during communication. However, the fact that 2.5 volts are present does not indicate that the CAN-Bus is fault
free, it just means that the voltage level is sufficient to support communication.
Terminal Resistors
Two 120 Ohm resistors are used in the CAN-Bus circuit to establish the correct impedance to ensure fault free
communication. A 120 Ohm resistor is installed in two control units of the CAN between CAN-H and CAN-L.
Because the CAN is a parallel circuit, the effective resistance of the complete circuit is 60 Ohms. On some
vehicles there is a jumper wire that connects the two parallel branches together, others have an internal
connection at the instrument cluster.
The resistance is measured by connecting the appropriate adapter to any of the modules on the CAN and
measuring the resistance between CAN-L and CAN-H. The resistance should be 60 Ohms. The CAN-Bus is
very stable and can continue to communicate if the resistance on the CAN-Bus is not completely correct;
however, sporadic communication faults will occur.
The terminal resistors are located in the ASC/DSC control unit and either the instrument cluster or in the DME.
Early 750iL vehicles that used the star connector have a separate external resistor which connect CAN-H and
CAN-L together.
Modules which do not have the terminal resistor can be checked by disconnecting the module and checking the
resistance directly between the pins for CAN-H and CAN-L. The value at these control units should be between
10 kOhms and 50 kOhms.
The CAN-Bus network uses a unique communication protocol. Bus telegram messages are not "addressed" to
the intended receiver (module) as on other bus networks. Instead, the content of the message (RPM, TD, Temp,
etc) is labeled by an identifier code that is unique throughout the CAN. All of the subscribers receive the
message and each one checks the message to see if it is relevant to that particular control unit.
If the message is relevant then it will be processed, if not, it will be ignored. The identifier code also determines
the priority of the message. In a case where two control units attempt to send a message over a free bus line, the
message with the higher priority will be transmitted first. The protocol of the CAN ensures that no message is
lost, but stored by the Master Controller and then re-transmitted later when it is possible.
Initially the I-Bus was introduced on the E31 as the information bus. The E31 version of the I-Bus was used for
body electronics and driver information systems. With the introduction of the E38, the I-Bus is now referred to
as the instrument bus. The K-Bus was added to the E38 along with the I-Bus. Models without Navigation or
IKE will use the K-Bus only. Both of these bus systems are technically identical, the only difference is their use
by model.
The I and K-Buses are a serial communications bus in which all connected control units can send as well as
receive information over one wire. From this point forward they will be referred to as the I/K-Bus and
differences will be pointed out separately.
The data transfer rate is approximately 9.6 Kbps (bits per second).
The I/K-Bus is always active when terminal R is switched on. If the bus line is quiet more than 60 seconds, all
of the control modules will go into Sleep Mode.
When receiving messages over the bus line, the control unit first determines if the message is error free before
accepting it.
The information sent over the bus is configured serially. Each message consists of:
4. Command or Information
What the sender wants done.
The sender of the message then waits (100 ms) for an acknowledgment that the message was received.
All of the connected control units will receive the information, but only the module addressed will accept and
react to the data.
Communication between busses - On vehicles equipped with an I-Bus (E38, E39, E53 High) messages to be
sent back and forth between the K-Bus and I-Bus have to be transferred via a Gateway. This Gateway is the
IKE. The IKE determines by the address of the message recipient whether the message needs to be passed along
to the other bus. The D-Bus and CAN-Bus also utilize the IKE or KOMBI as a gateway.
Polling - Each module on the I/K-Bus is informed by a message from the Master Controller as to the ready
status of all of the other connected modules. The modules polled are according to the coding of the Master
Controller. Every 30 seconds after KL R is switched on, each module on the bus line is polled.
A message concerning bus subscriber status is updated continuously based on the results of these polls. If a
subscriber fails to respond with "device status ready" the Master will try again after 1 second.
If the module fails to reply again, the Master will assume that the subscriber is defective and send the message
"subscriber inactive" to all connected modules. The inactive module will continue to be polled until the key is
switched off in case the module resets itself.
The I/K-Bus consists of a single copper wire. The wire color of the I and K-Bus is uniform throughout the
vehicle with: I-Bus WS/GR/GE and the K-Bus WS/RT/GE (Note: 2001 E39s with base Kombi have changed
K-Bus wire color to the same as the I-Bus, WS/GR/GE).
Due to the linear structure of the network, the I/K-Bus is available for other modules in the event of a
disconnected or failed control unit. Just as the CAN-Bus, this is referred to as a "Tree" structure with each
control unit occupying a branch. The I/K-Bus provides the diagnostic connection to the control units located on
those busses (except IKE/KOMBI).
Always refer to the to determine the exact wiring configuration and color for a specific model.
Unlike the CAN-Bus where each control unit (subscriber) provides voltage for communication, the I/K-Busses
use only determined Main (master) or Stand-by Controllers to supply B+ for communication. The voltage level
on the I/K-Bus must be above 7 V. The nominal value should be close to the system voltage of the vehicle.
Just like the CAN-Bus, the fact that voltage is present does not mean that the bus is fault free, it just means that
the voltage level is sufficient to support communication.
The LCM is the Main (master) Controller of the I-Bus. The IKE and MID/BMBT are Stand-by
The GM is the Main (master) Controller of the K-Bus.
The GM is the Master Controller for vehicles equipped with only the K-Bus.
The LCM/LSZ is the Stand-by Controller.
Short Circuit to B+
Short Circuit to B-
Bus line down (open)
Defective plug connections (damaged, corroded, or improperly crimped)
Short Circuit to B+: Modules that send a message see that the message was not received and that the bus
remains high. However, subscribers are unable to decide whether the fault is due to a shorted line or a defect in
the communication interface. The module will repeat its message 5 times before discontinuing and faulting. The
module will continue to operate as normal minus any commands that could not be delivered by the bus.
Short Circuit to B-: The subscribers do not interpret a low bus line as a fault but just as a bus line deactivation.
The Master and Standby controllers do detect the short and enter it as a bus fault. (No communication).
Bus Line Down: The bus line may be open at any of several locations. As long as the Master or Stand-by is still
connected, communication can occur with any modules still remaining. The fault situation will be the same as if
the disconnected modules were defective themselves.
Checking the bus line is carried out just like any other wiring. Perform continuity tests between the connections
of different modules (all modules disconnected) without forgetting to make sure that the bus has not shorted to
ground or another wire. It is recommended to use the "Wire Test" in "Preset Measurements" which is more
sensitive than just a resistance check.
If Voltage level and the wire test are O.K. then looking at the communication signal may be useful. In order to
get a signal, operate different devices on the I/K-Bus (e.g. MID/MFL) to stimulate conversations.
The following are some examples of scope patterns that may be observed when checking the I/K-Bus.
The example shown above is of a correctly operating K-Bus signal. The high portion of the signal is
approximately 12 volts. The signal is active when communication is occurring of the bus.
Fig. 24: Identifying Flat Line At 12 Volts
No communication is taking place. The bus may be temporarily off line or shorted to B+.
Fig. 25: Identifying Flat Line At 5 Volts
No output voltage from the Main (master) or standby controllers. Bus line may be open or control unit may be
Each control unit connected to the bus has an integrated communication module that makes it possible for that
control unit to exchange information. Failure of a control unit normally triggers a fault code in the other control
units connected to the bus.
As a quick check for the I/K-Bus, activate the four way flashers. The flash indicators must light up in the
instrument cluster. Switch on the Radio, and adjust volume using the MFL or MID/BMBT, the volume must
change accordingly.
On High version vehicles press the recirculation button on the MFL, The IHKA should respond to the request.
This test checks the gateway link as well as the I and K-Bus communication.
If the tests prove O.K, this means that communication on the bus is O.K. Any faults still existing can only be
related to faults specific to a control unit or a local I/K-Bus wiring defect to a module.
There are instances where failures may be software related. A faulted module may paralyze or take down the
entire bus. This scenario would be evident by functions not being carried out and possible faults stored.
In order to isolate the defective control unit, the control units can be disconnected one at a time. Repeat the bus
test after each disconnected control unit. If the disconnected control module is the defective one the faults will
only point to communication with that interrupted module and no one else.
Once the module has been replaced (observing current S.I.Bs) and coded, perform the I or K-Bus Test Module
in the Diagnosis Program to ensure that communication is O.K.
A slowly dropping battery voltage on a vehicle with discharged battery can lead to sporadic communication
faults in various control units on the bus. The reason is that not all control units will switch off communication
at the same voltage level leaving some modules still trying to communicate. Always verify a properly charged
battery and charging system and fuses before beginning troubleshooting on the bus. Also, do not forget to check
for a proper ground to a control unit, this may not allow the bus to see a signal low (0-2 V)
Interference will have a similar effect to shorting or disturbing the bus wiring. Excessive interference created by
a defective alternator or aftermarket devices such as cell phones or amplifiers may induce a voltage into the bus
line and disrupt communication. This type of interruption may be intermittent and faults may only be stored in
some modules and not in others. These faults are often difficult to reproduce. Isolate any aftermarket wiring in
the vehicle and see if the fault returns.
The P-Bus is a single wire serial communications bus that is used exclusively on vehicle that are equipped with
ZKE III. These vehicles are the E38, E39 and E53.
The P-Bus provides the Central Body Electronics system with a low speed bus for use by the General Module
(GM) to control various functions. These functions are carried out by various peripheral modules. The
peripheral modules are located in areas of the vehicle close to sensors or actuators where wiring the components
separately would create an excessively large wiring harness. In some cases (e.g. Sunroof module) these
peripheral modules are integrated into an actuator or switch to create one unit.
The P-Bus is only used within the ZKE system and is very similar in communication protocol and speed to the
I/K-Bus. The P-Bus is not designed for a rapid exchange of continuous information. Instead, the messages on
the P-Bus are short control commands. This limited message flow allows for fast reaction time by the Peripheral
module. (e.g. a door lock request).
Fig. 26: Identifying P-Bus
In comparison with previous electronic systems, bus networks provide a simple method to operate various body
electronic systems. Using the example of a power window circuit, the previous methods to operate a window
were inefficient. The power window circuit carried a large amount of current which required larger gauge wires
and heavy duty switches. Window switches were subject to wear from arcing contacts and the wiring size did
not allow much flexibility when passing through bulkheads and door jamb areas.
A bus network needs less high current circuits and uses a smaller amount of heavy gauge wire. The switches are
only used to signal the modules and they do not carry high current. The switches are used to provide a low
current ground input signal which increases the life of the switch and improves reliability considerably.
The drivers side window switch is a control unit on the P-Bus. If the driver needs to open the front passenger
side window, a signal is sent from the driver's side switch block module to the passenger side door module. The
passenger side door module contains the load circuits for switching the window motor. The passenger side door
module will respond to the "window open" telegram from the drivers door switchblock by actuating the
switching circuit for the window motor.
(Early E36)
In addition to simplifying the power window circuit, the bus network also allows functions that were not
possible with a conventional power window circuit. For example, the remote operation of the power windows
from the key transceiver (convenience open feature).
The convenience open feature on the E38 operates by a radio frequency signal from the key transceiver. The
"open request" signal is received by the FBZV module. The FBZV module sends a digital signal to the General
Module (GM III). The GM then sends an "open windows and sunroof" telegram over the P-Bus and all 4
windows and sunroof will open. This type of feature is much too complex for a conventional window circuit.
The bus network allows new features like this to be possible.
Fig. 28: Identifying P-Bus Control Unit
The P-Bus may be active at anytime following a wakeup call. The GM provides the voltage necessary to
support communication. The voltage level of the P-Bus is 12V.
The Diagnosis of the central body electronics is carried out via the K-Bus. The GM converts diagnosis request
from the DISplus into diagnostic mode messages and transmits them the peripheral modules over the P-Bus.
Automatic testing of the P-Bus connection is carried out every time the GM communicates with the diagnosis
program (not during a short test).
Checking the bus line is carried out just like any other wiring. Perform continuity tests between the connections
of different modules (all modules disconnected) without forgetting to make sure that the bus has not shorted to
ground or another wire. It is recommended to use the "Wire Test" in "Preset Measurements" which is more
sensitive than just a resistance check.
Troubleshooting of the P-Bus network is carried out the same as the I/K-Bus.
The M-Bus is used exclusively in the climate control systems for the control of the "smart:" stepper motors.
These stepper motors are used to control various air distribution flaps. In previous climate control systems, such
as E32/E34, the stepper motors were directly controlled by the climate control module.
The M-Bus was introduced on the E38 climate control system (IHKA). The M-Bus was also installed on
subsequent models equipped with IHKA and IHKR.
The M-Bus communicates with the "smart" stepper motors which contain a processor capable of transmitting
and receiving messages. The stepper motor is then operated by final stage transistors located within the stepper
motor electronics.
The M-Bus consists of a three wire ribbon cable containing the following wires:
Power (B+)
Bidirectional Signal Line
Each stepper motor on the M-Bus has a unique part number to distinguish it's location on the climate control
housing. The part number corresponds to a unique electronic address on the M-Bus. Since each stepper motor
contains a unique electronic address, the motor will only respond specific commands. A stepper motor installed
in the wrong location would result in improper operation.
Fig. 31: Identifying Stepper Motors
Communication Protocol
Each stepper motor acts as a "subordinate" module, it listens to all data on the bus, but only responds as long as
the message is transmitted without errors and recognizes it's own address.
The M-Bus protocol differs from the CAN and the I/K/P-Busses in that communication takes place within a
framework time of 650 microseconds.
When the climate control module (IHKA/R) is commanding a change in position of one or more stepper motors,
the sequence of data is:
1. Start bit - Informs the stepper motors that a command is coming.
2. Synchro bit - Establishes the message as originating from the IHK control module.
3. Data Field - The command to move a stepper motor to a particular position.
4. Address Field - The IHK control unit names the stepper motor the command is intended for.
If the message was received by the stepper motor without error, the stepper motor will carry out the command
and transmit it's acknowledgment which is as follows:
1. Synchro Bit - Establishes the message as originating from the stepper motor
2. Data Field - Status information from the actuator (feedback)
3. End of Frame - Closes the communication Session
Communication continues on the M-Bus until the GM send the "go to sleep" command over the K-Bus.
M-Bus Topology
The M-Bus consists of a three wire ribbon attached to the climate control housing and connecting all of the
"smart" stepper motors in the system. The number of stepper motors depends upon the vehicle model and
climate control system (IHKA, IHKR etc.).
For example, the E38 (shown) with IHKA uses 9 "smart" stepper motors and one motor that is conventionally
controlled. The M-Bus is divided into two circuits due to the large number of stepper motors. Other models
such as the E39, E46 and E53 only use one circuit for the M-Bus and less stepper motors.
Fig. 32: Identifying M-Bus Topology
M-Bus Troubleshooting
The M-Bus is active at any time following KLR on. The IHK module provides the voltage necessary to support
communication. The voltage level of the M-Bus is 5 V, but because status communication occurs at an average
50% duty cycle the observed voltage is approximately 2.5 V. The presence of 2.5 V means that communication
is occurring.
Checking the M-Bus ribbon is carried out just like any other wiring. Perform continuity tests between the
connections of the stepper motors (all motors disconnected) and the control unit without forgetting to make sure
that the data line has not shorted to ground or power.
It is recommended to use the "Wire Test" in "Preset Measurements" which is more sensitive than just a
resistance check.
If Voltage level and the wire test are O.K, then looking at the communication signal may be useful.
The following is an example of a scope pattern that may be observed when checking the M-Bus. Notice the very
high frequency of the signal at approximately 20 kHz.
Z3 - 4-Cylinder
System Specification/Procedure
Air Conditioning
Axle Nut/Hub Nut (Collar Nut)
Rear 184 Ft. Lbs. (250 N.m)
Drive Belts
Engine Cooling
General Service Specifications SPECIFICATIONS
Radiator Cap Pressure SPECIFICATIONS
Engine Mechanical
Compression ENGINE IN GENERAL (M44)
Fluid Specifications See FLUIDS under MAINTENANCE tab. From
within Manager or Service Writer, click the
"30/60/90 Interval" or Maint." button.
Flywheel/Flex Plate Torque FLYWHEEL
Fuel System
Fuel Filter Location Under Vehicle On Frame Rail
Fuel Filter R & I FUEL FILTER
Pressure Specification FUEL SYSTEM
Fuel Pressure Test Procedure FUEL PUMP
Firing Order & Cylinder Identification FIRING ORDER & CYLINDER
Ignition Wires (Routing) Coil on plug
Spark Plug
Gap Not Adjustable
Torque 23 Ft. Lbs. (31 N.m)
Wheel Alignment
Wheel & Tire
Wheel Lug Nut Torque 81-96 Ft. Lbs. (110-130 N.m)
Z3 - 6-Cylinder
System Specification/Procedure
Air Conditioning
Axle Nut/Hub Nut (Collar Nut)
Rear 184 Ft. Lbs. (250 N.m)
Drive Belts
Engine Cooling
General Service Specifications SPECIFICATIONS
Radiator Cap Pressure SPECIFICATIONS
Thermostat R & I THERMOSTAT
Water Pump R & I WATER PUMP
Engine Mechanical
Oil pressure Oil pressure should be more than 7 psi (48
kPa) at idle and 56 psi (386 kPa) at 3000
Fluid Specifications See FLUIDS under MAINTENANCE tab.
From within Manager or Service Writer, click
the "30/60/90 Interval" or Maint." button.
Flywheel/Flex Plate Torque 83-96 Ft. Lbs. (113-130 N.m)
Fuel System
Fuel Filter Location Under vehicle, forward from fuel tank
along fuel feed line behind fuel filter
Fuel Filter R & I FUEL FILTER
Pressure Release Procedure FUEL SYSTEM PRESSURE
Pressure Specification 50 psi (344 kPa)
Fuel Pressure Test Procedure FUEL PUMP
Firing Order & Cylinder Identification FIRING ORDER & CYLINDER
Ignition Wires (Routing) Coil on plug
Spark Plug
Gap Not Adjustable
Torque 23 Ft. Lbs. (31 N.m)
Wheel Alignment
Adjustment Specifications WHEEL ALIGNMENT
Wheel & Tire
Wheel Lug Nut Torque 81-96 Ft. Lbs. (110-130 N.m)
DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DTC) LIST - Z3, 318TI & 318I (4-CYL - 9/96-12/96)
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96)
PCode BMW-FC PCode Text Diagnosis
P0100 115 Mass or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0111 124 Intake Air Temperature Sensor See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1 Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0116 123 Engine Coolant Temperature See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0120 117 Throttle/Pedal Position See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0130 10 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor 1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0133 15 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0135 13 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1 Sensor 1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0136 12 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor 2) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0139 17 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Diagnostic information is not available.
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0170 26 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0201 150 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 1 CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0202 151 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 2 CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0203 152 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 3 CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0204 153 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 4 CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0300 62 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Misfire Detected CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0300 75 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Misfire Detected CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0301 50 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0301 63 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0302 51 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0302 64 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0303 52 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0303 65 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0304 53 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0304 66 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0325 210 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1 or Single Sensor) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0330 211 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
2) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0335 111 Crankshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0340 112 Camshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit (Bank 1 Or Single CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0420 40 Catalyst System Efficiency See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Below Threshold (Bank 1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0440 93 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0443 98 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Purge Control Valve Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0500 120 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0505 32 Idle Air Control System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0600 236 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0601 103 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Memory Check Sum Error CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0603 102 Internal Control Module Keep See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Alive Memory (KAM) Error CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0604 101 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Random Access Memory CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P0604 104 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Random Access Memory CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P07XX ..... These codes apply to Diagnostic information is not available.
electronically controlled Use BMW Diagnostic Information
transmissions. System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1140 121 Mass or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P1174 27 Fuel Trim Adaptation See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Malfunction (Bank 1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P1176 16 O2 Sensor Slow Response Diagnostic information is not available.
(Bank 1) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1186 14 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P1386 220 Control Module Self-Test, Diagnostic information is not available.
Knock Control Circuit Baseline Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Test (Bank 1) System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1396 ..... Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P1509 168 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Opening Solenoid Control CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
Circuit Signal Electrical
P1511 175 DISA (Differentiated Intake See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Manifold) Control Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P1550 169 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Closing Coil Electrical CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P1585 8 Misfire Detected With Low Diagnostic information is not available.
Fuel Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1589 222 Control Module Self-Test, Diagnostic information is not available.
Knock Control Test Pulse Use BMW Diagnostic Information
(Bank 1) System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1690 165 Malfunction Indicator Lamp Diagnostic information is not available.
(MIL) Control Circuit Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Electrical System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P17XX ..... These codes apply to Diagnostic information is not available.
electronically controlled Use BMW Diagnostic Information
transmissions. System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DTC) LIST - Z3, 318TI & 318I (4-CYL - 1/97-8/97)
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97)
PCode BMW-FC PCode Text Diagnostics
P0100 115 Mass Or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0111 124 Intake Air Temperature Sensor See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1 Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0116 123 Engine Coolant Temperature See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0120 117 Throttle/Pedal Position See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0130 10 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor 1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0133 15 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0135 13 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
(Bank 1 Sensor 1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0136 12 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor 2) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0170 26 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0201 150 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 1 CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0202 151 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 2 CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0203 152 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 3 CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0204 153 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 4 CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0300 62 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Misfire Detected CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0300 75 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Misfire Detected CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0301 50 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0301 63 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0302 51 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0302 64 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0303 52 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0303 65 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0304 53 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0304 66 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0325 210 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1 Or Single Sensor) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0330 211 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
2) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0335 111 Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
"A" Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0340 112 Camshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit (Bank 1 Or Single CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0420 40 Catalyst System Efficiency See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Below Threshold (Bank 1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0440 93 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0442 97 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Leak Detected (Small Leak) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0443 98 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Purge Control Valve Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0446 ..... Evaporative Emission Purge See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
System CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0451 99 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Pressure Sensor/Switch CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0455 94 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Leak Detected (Large Leak) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0500 120 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0505 32 Idle Air Control System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0600 236 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0601 103 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Memory Check Sum Error CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0603 102 Internal Control Module Keep See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Alive Memory (KAM) Error CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0604 101 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Random Access Memory CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P0604 104 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Random Access Memory CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P07XX ..... These codes apply to Diagnostic information is not available
electronically controlled
P1140 121 Mass Or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P1145 2 Solenoid Valve Running Diagnostic information is not available.
Losses Control Circuit Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Electrical System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1174 27 Fuel Trim Adaptation See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Malfunction (Bank 1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P1186 14 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P1386 220 Control Module Self-Test,
Knock Control Circuit Diagnostic information is not available.
Baseline Test (Bank 1) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1403 ..... EVAP System Shut Off Valve See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P1423 80 Secondary Air System (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P1453 84 Secondary Air Injection Pump See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Relay Control Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P1509 168 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Opening Solenoid Control CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
Circuit Signal Electrical
P1511 175 DISA (Differentiated Intake See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Manifold) Control Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P1550 169 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Closing Coil Electrical CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P1585 8 Misfire Detected with Low Diagnostic information is not available.
Fuel Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1589 222 Control Module Self-Test, Diagnostic information is not available.
Knock Control Test Pulse Use BMW Diagnostic Information
(Bank 1) System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1690 165 Malfunction Indicator Lamp Diagnostic information is not available.
(MIL) Control Circuit Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Electrical System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P17XX ..... These codes apply to .....
electronically controlled
PCode BMW-FC PCode Text Diagnostics
P0101 8 Mass Or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit Range/Performance 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0111 14 Intake Air Temperature Sensor See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
1 Circuit Range/Performance 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0116 10 Engine Coolant Temperature See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit Range/Performance 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0120 ..... Throttle/Pedal Position See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Sensor/Switch 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0121 12 Throttle/Pedal Position Diagnostic information is not available.
Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Range/Performance System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0125 222 Insufficient Coolant See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Temperature for Closed Loop 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
Fuel Control
P0130 75 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Sensor 1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0133 229 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0134 200 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0135 25 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
1 Sensor 1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0136 77 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Sensor 2) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0141 79 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
1 Sensor 2) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0150 76 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 2 See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Sensor 1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0153 230 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0154 201 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0155 55 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
2 Sensor 1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0156 78 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 2 See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Sensor 2) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0161 61 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
2 Sensor 2) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0170 202 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P0173 203 Fuel Trim (Bank 2) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P0201 6 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 1 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0202 5 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 2 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0203 22 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 3 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0204 24 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 4 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0205 33 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 5 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0206 23 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 6 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0300 0 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Misfire Detected 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0301 238 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0302 239 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0303 240 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0304 241 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0305 242 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0306 243 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0325 57 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
1 Or Single Sensor) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 5 OF 5
P0330 59 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
2) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 5 OF 5
P0335 83 Crankshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0340 65 Camshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit (Bank 1 Or Single 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0412 62 Secondary Air Injection System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Switching Valve A Circuit 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P0420 233 Catalyst System Efficiency See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Below Threshold (Bank 1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0430 234 Catalyst System Efficiency See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Below Threshold (Bank 2) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0440 250 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5 -DTC
CHART (M3, 328i, 328is & 528i 6-
P0440 255 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5 -DTC
CHART (M3, 328i, 328is & 528i 6-
P0441 194 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Incorrect Purge Flow 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0441 252 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Incorrect Purge Flow 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0442 195 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Leak Detected (Small Leak) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0442 251 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Leak Detected (Small Leak) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0443 68 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Purge Control Valve Circuit 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P0446 253 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Vent Control Circuit 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0451 ..... Carbon Canister Shutoff Valve See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Control Circuit Electrical 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P0455 254 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Leak Detected (Large Leak) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0500 214 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0505 204 Idle Air Control System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0600 217 Serial Communication iLnk See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 5 OF 5
P0601 100 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Memory Check Sum Error 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 5 OF 5
P07XX ..... These codes apply to Diagnostic information is not available.
electronically controlled
P1145 50 Solenoid Valve Running Diagnostic information is not available.
Losses Control Circuit Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Electrical System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1178 231 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Switching from Rich to Lean 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
(Bank 1 Sensor 1)
P1179 232 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Switching from Rich to Lean 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
(Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1186 235 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P1187 236 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 2) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P1188 227 Fuel Control (Bank 1 Sensor 1) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1189 228 Fuel Control (Bank 2 Sensor 1) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1396 244 Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Segment Timing Plausibility 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P1403 51 Carbon Canister Shutoff Valve See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Control Circuit Electrical 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
(M73: Heated Catalyst Battery
Voltage Or Current Too Low
during Heating) - (Bank 2)
P1421 246 Secondary Air System (Bank 2) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1423 245 Secondary Air System (Bank 1) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1432 247 Secondary Air Injection System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Incorrect Flow Detected 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1453 35 Secondary Air Injection Pump See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Relay Control Circuit Electrical 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1470 196 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Diagnostic information is not available.
Control Circuit Electrical Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1475 191 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Diagnostic information is not available.
Reed Switch Did Not Close Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1476 193 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Diagnostic information is not available.
Clamped Tube (M52 MY99/00: Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Leakage Diagnostic Pump System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
Reed Switch Circuit) One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1477 190 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Diagnostic information is not available.
Reed Switch Did Not Open Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1509 53 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Opening Solenoid Control 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
Circuit Signal Electrical
P1519 212 Oil-Condition Sensor See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Temperature Measurement 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
(M62/M52/S52: "A" Camshaft
Position Actuator) - (Bank 1)
P1525 21 "A" Camshaft Position See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Actuator Control Open Circuit 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
(Bank 1)
P1550 27 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Closing Coil Electrical 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P17XX ..... These codes apply to Diagnostic information is not available.
electronically controlled
PCode BMW-FC PCode Text Diagnostics
P0100 115 Mass Or Volume Air See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Flow Circuit 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0111 124 Intake Air Temperature See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Sensor 1 Circuit 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0116 123 Engine Coolant See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Temperature Circuit 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0120 117 Throttle/Pedal Position See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Sensor/Switch "A" 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0130 10 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
1 Sensor 1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0133 15 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0135 13 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
(Bank 1 Sensor 1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0136 12 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
1 Sensor 2) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0139 17 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Diagnostic information is not available. Use
Response (Bank 1 Sensor BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus
2) (DISplus) or Group Tester One (GT-1) to
diagnose system.
P0150 18 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
2 Sensor 1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0153 21 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0155 5 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
(Bank 2 Sensor 1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0156 20 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
2 Sensor 2) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0159 23 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Diagnostic information is not available. Use
Response (Bank 2 Sensor BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus
2) (DISplus) or Group Tester One (GT-1) to
diagnose system.
P0170 26 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0173 34 Fuel Trim (Bank 2) See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0201 150 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 1 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0202 151 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 2 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0203 152 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 3 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0204 153 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 4 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0205 154 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 5 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0206 155 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 6 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0207 156 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 7 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0208 157 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 8 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0300 62 Random/Multiple See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder Misfire 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0300 75 Random/Multiple See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder Misfire 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0301 50 Cylinder 1 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0301 63 Cylinder 1 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0302 51 Cylinder 2 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0302 64 Cylinder 2 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0303 52 Cylinder 3 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0303 65 Cylinder 3 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0304 53 Cylinder 4 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0304 66 Cylinder 4 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0305 54 Cylinder 5 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0305 67 Cylinder 5 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0306 55 Cylinder 6 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0306 68 Cylinder 6 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0307 56 Cylinder 7 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0307 69 Cylinder 7 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0308 57 Cylinder 8 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0308 70 Cylinder 8 Misfire See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0325 210 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
(Bank 1 Or Single 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0330 211 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
(Bank 2) 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0335 111 Crankshaft Position See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Sensor "A" Circuit 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0340 112 Camshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
"A" Circuit (Bank 1 Or 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
Single Sensor)
P0420 40 Catalyst System See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Efficiency Below 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
Threshold (Bank 1)
P0430 45 Catalyst System Diagnostic information is not available. Use
Efficiency Below BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus
Threshold (Bank 2) (DISplus) or Group Tester One (GT-1) to
diagnose system.
P0440 93 Evaporative Emission See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
System 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0443 98 Evaporative Emission See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
System Purge Control 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
Valve Circuit
P0500 120 Vehicle Speed Sensor See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
"A" 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0505 32 Idle Air Control System See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0600 6 Serial Communication See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Link 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0600 236 Serial Communication See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Link 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0601 103 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Memory Check Sum 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0603 102 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Keep Alive Memory 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
(KAM) Error
P0604 101 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Random Access Memory 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P0604 104 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Random Access Memory 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P07XX ..... These codes apply to Diagnostic information is not available.
electronically controlled
P1140 121 Mass Or Volume Air See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Flow Circuit 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P1166 130 Oxygen Sensors Diagnostic information is not available. Use
Swapped BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus
(DISplus) or Group Tester One (GT-1) to
diagnose system.
P1174 27 Fuel Trim Adaptation See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Malfunction (Bank 1) 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P1175 35 Fuel Trim Adaptation See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Additive Malfunction 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
(Bank 2)
P1186 14 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P1187 4 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 2) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P1384 212 Knock Sensor 3 Circuit See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P1385 213 Knock Sensor 4 Circuit See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P1386 220 Control Module Self- Diagnostic information is not available. Use
Test, Knock Control BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus
Circuit Baseline Test (DISplus) or Group Tester One (GT-1) to
(Bank 1) diagnose system.
P1396 ..... Crankshaft Position See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Sensor 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P1509 168 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Opening Solenoid 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
Control Circuit Signal
P1550 169 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Closing Coil Electrical 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P1585 8 Misfire Detected with Diagnostic information is not available. Use
Low Fuel BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus
(DISplus) or Group Tester One (GT-1) to
diagnose system.
P1589 222 Control Module Self- Diagnostic information is not available. Use
Test, Knock Control Test BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus
Pulse (Bank 1) (DISplus) or Group Tester One (GT-1) to
diagnose system.
P1690 165 Malfunction Indicator Diagnostic information is not available. Use
Lamp (MIL) Control BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus
Circuit Electrical (DISplus) or Group Tester One (GT-1) to
diagnose system.
P17XX ..... These codes apply to Diagnostic information is not available.
electronically controlled
PCode BMW-FC PCode Text Diagnostics
P0100 115 Mass Or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Circuit - 2 OF 4
P0111 124 Intake Air Temperature See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Sensor 1 Circuit - 3 OF 4
P0116 123 Engine Coolant Temperature See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Circuit Range/Performance - 3 OF 4
P0130 10 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0133 15 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0133 16 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0135 13 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
(Bank 1 Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0136 12 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Sensor 2) - 2 OF 4
P0139 17 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Diagnostic information is not available.
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0141 14 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Diagnostic information is not available.
(Bank 1 Sensor 2) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0150 18 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 2 See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0153 21 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0153 22 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0155 5 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
(Bank 2 Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0156 20 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 2 See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Sensor 2) - 2 OF 4
P0159 23 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Diagnostic information is not available.
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 2) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0161 4 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Diagnostic information is not available.
(Bank 2 Sensor 2) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0170 26 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P0170 27 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P0170 28 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P0173 34 Fuel Trim (Bank 2) See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P0173 35 Fuel Trim (Bank 2) See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P0173 36 Fuel Trim (Bank 2) See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P0201 150 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 1 - 3 OF 4
P0202 151 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 2 - 3 OF 4
P0203 152 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 3 - 3 OF 4
P0204 153 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 4 - 3 OF 4
P0205 154 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 5 - 3 OF 4
P0206 155 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 6 - 3 OF 4
P0207 156 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 7 - 3 OF 4
P0208 157 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 8 - 3 OF 4
P0209 158 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 9 - 3 OF 4
P0210 159 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 10 - 3 OF 4
P0211 160 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 11 - 3 OF 4
P0212 161 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Cylinder 12 - 3 OF 4
P0300 62 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Misfire Detected - 1 OF 4
P0300 75 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Misfire Detected - 1 OF 4
P0301 50 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0301 63 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0302 51 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0302 64 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0303 52 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0303 65 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0304 53 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0304 66 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0305 54 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0305 67 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0306 55 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0306 68 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0307 56 Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0307 69 Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0308 57 Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0308 70 Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0309 58 Cylinder 9 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0309 71 Cylinder 9 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0310 59 Cylinder 10 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0310 72 Cylinder 10 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0311 60 Cylinder 11 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0311 73 Cylinder 11 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0312 61 Cylinder 12 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0312 74 Cylinder 12 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 1 OF 4
P0325 210 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
(Bank 1 Or Single Sensor) - 4 OF 4
P0330 211 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
(Bank 2) - 4 OF 4
P0335 111 Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
"A" Circuit - 3 OF 4
P0340 112 Camshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
"A" Circuit (Bank 1 Or - 3 OF 4
Single Sensor)
P0410 208 Secondary Air Injection Diagnostic information is not available.
System Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0420 40 Catalyst System Efficiency Diagnostic information is not available.
Below Threshold (Bank 1) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0422 40 Main Catalyst Efficiency See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Below Threshold (Bank 1) - 1 OF 4
P0430 45 Catalyst System Efficiency Diagnostic information is not available.
Below Threshold (Bank 2) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0432 45 Main Catalyst Efficiency See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Below Threshold (Bank 2) - 1 OF 4
P0440 93 Evaporative Emission See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
System - 1 OF 4
P0442 183 Evaporative Emission Diagnostic information is not available.
System Leak Detected Use BMW Diagnostic Information
(Small Leak) System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0443 91 Evaporative Emission See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
System Purge Control Valve - 1 OF 4
P0443 98 Evaporative Emission Diagnostic information is not available.
System Purge Control Valve Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Circuit System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P0500 120 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0505 32 Idle Air Control System See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0600 214 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0600 215 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0600 217 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0600 236 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0601 101 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Memory Check Sum Error - 3 OF 4
P0601 102 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Memory Check Sum Error - 3 OF 4
P0601 103 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Memory Check Sum Error - 3 OF 4
P0603 102 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Keep Alive Memory (KAM) - 3 OF 4
P0604 101 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Random Access Memory - 3 OF 4
(RAM) Error
P0604 104 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Random Access Memory - 3 OF 4
(RAM) Error
P07XX ..... These codes apply to .....
electronically controlled
P1145 2 Solenoid Valve Running Diagnostic information is not available.
Losses Control Circuit Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Electrical System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1166 130 Oxygen Sensors Swapped Diagnostic information is not available.
Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1174 ..... Fuel Trim See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P1175 ..... Fuel Trim See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P1176 16 O2 Sensor Slow Response Diagnostic information is not available.
(Bank 1) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1177 22 O2 Sensor Slow Response Diagnostic information is not available.
(Bank 2) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1186 ..... O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P1187 ..... O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P1188 28 Fuel Control (Bank 1 Sensor Diagnostic information is not available.
1) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1189 36 Fuel Control (Bank 2 Sensor Diagnostic information is not available.
1) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1270 140 Control Module Self-Test, See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Torque Monitoring (M73: - 2 OF 4
Mass Air Flow Sensor Bank
Comparison Plausibility)
P1280 250 AIS Assisted Injection Diagnostic information is not available.
System Circuit (Bank 1) Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1283 29 Switching Solenoid for Air Diagnostic information is not available.
Assisted Injection Valves Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Control Circuit Electrical System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
(Bank 1) One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1287 77 Switching Solenoid for Air Diagnostic information is not available.
Assisted Injection Valves Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Control Circuit Electrical System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
(Bank 2) One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1301 190 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
1 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1302 191 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
2 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1303 192 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
3 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1304 193 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
4 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1305 194 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
5 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1306 195 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
6 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1307 196 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
7 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1308 197 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
8 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1309 198 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
9 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1310 199 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
10 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1311 200 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
11 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1312 201 Ignition Monitoring Cylinder Diagnostic information is not available.
12 Spark Duration Too Short Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1383 203 Ignition Monitoring See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Malfunction - 3 OF 4
P1384 212 Knock Sensor 3 Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 4 OF 4
P1385 213 Knock Sensor 4 Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 4 OF 4
P1386 220 Control Module Self-Test, Diagnostic information is not available.
Knock Control Circuit Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Baseline Test (Bank 1) System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1386 222 Control Module Self-Test, Diagnostic information is not available.
Knock Control Circuit Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Baseline Test (Bank 1) System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1396 78 Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Segment Timing Plausibility - 3 OF 4
P1411 ..... Secondary Air System (Bank See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
1) - 2 OF 4
P1423 80 Secondary Air System (Bank See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
1) - 2 OF 4
P1453 84 Secondary Air Injection Diagnostic information is not available.
Pump Relay Control Circuit Use BMW Diagnostic Information
Electrical System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1453 85 Secondary Air Injection See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Pump Relay Control Circuit - 2 OF 4
P1470 1 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Diagnostic information is not available.
Control Circuit Electrical Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1475 3 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Diagnostic information is not available.
Reed Switch Did Not Close Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1476 184 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Diagnostic information is not available.
Clamped Tube (M52 MY Use BMW Diagnostic Information
99/00: Leakage Diagnostic System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
Pump Reed Switch Circuit One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P1543 ..... Throttle Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Range Check - 2 OF 4
P1544 ..... Throttle Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Range Check - 2 OF 4
P1545 ..... Throttle Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Range Check - 2 OF 4
P1590 ..... Throttle Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Range Check - 2 OF 4
P1591 ..... Throttle Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Range Check - 2 OF 4
P1592 ..... Throttle Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Range Check - 2 OF 4
P1585 8 Misfire Detected With Low Diagnostic information is not available.
Fuel Use BMW Diagnostic Information
System Plus (DISplus) or Group Tester
One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
P17XX ..... These codes apply to Diagnostic information is not available.
electronically controlled
PCode BMW Code Possible Cause Diagnostic Parameters
P0705 8 Transmission Range Sensor "A" See 6-CYLINDER
Circuit Malfunction (PRNDL Input) DIAGNOSIS (M COUPE,
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P0720 42 Output Speed Sensor Circuit See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P0731 100 Gear 1 Incorrect Ratio See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P0732 100 Gear 2 Incorrect Ratio See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P0733 100 Gear 3 Incorrect Ratio See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P0734 100 Gear 4 Incorrect Ratio See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P0740 111 Torque Converter Clutch See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P0743 32 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P0748 5 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P0753 30 Shift Solenoid "A" Electrical See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P0758 33 Shift Solenoid "B" Electrical See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1743 4 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" See 6-CYLINDER
Electrical (M44/M52: Brake Band DIAGNOSIS (M COUPE,
Electrical) M ROADSTER, M3, Z3,
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1746 104 Transmission Control Module See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1747 150 CAN-Bus Monitoring See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1747 151 CAN-Bus Monitoring See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1747 156 CAN-Bus Monitoring See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1748 103 Transmission Control Module Self- See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1748 105 Transmission Control Module Self- See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1748 110 Transmission Control Module Self- See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1749 108 Secondary Pressure Solenoid No Diagnosis Available
Communication Error (M52: Internal
Transmission Control Module
Memory Error)
P1750 54 Secondary Pressure Solenoid Circuit No Diagnosis Available
(M44/M52/S52/M62/M73: System
Voltage Input Low)
P1761 2 Shiftlock Solenoid See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1765 154 CAN Throttle Valve See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1765 158 CAN Throttle Valve See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99) .
P1780 152 CAN Torque Reduction No Diagnosis Available
P1780 163 CAN Torque Reduction No Diagnosis Available
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
Application Connector Location
Caravan, Grand Caravan, Grand Voyager, Mini Ram Van, Town & Country, & Voyager
1984-92 On Left Side Fender Apron
1993 On Left Fender Front Fender Panel, Near SBEC
1994-95 On Wiring Harness, On Center Of Firewall
1987-88 On Right Side Fender Apron
1989 On Left Side Of Firewall
1990-92 On Right Side Of Firewall
1993-95 On Right Rear Corner Of Engine Compartment
Cherokee (1992-95) On Left Front Fender Apron, Behind Air Cleaner
Comanche On Left Front Fender Apron, Behind Air Cleaner
Grand Cherokee & Wagoneer
PCM On Right Rear Of Engine Compartment,
Near PCM
TCM Behind Left Side Of Instrument Panel
Wrangler (1992-95) On Left Side Of Firewall, Near PCM
Pickup & Ramcharger
1985-90 On Left Side Of Firewall
1991-93 On Left Front Fender Panel, Next To
1995 Pickup On Right Side Of Firewall
Ram Wagon & Van
1985-90 On Left Side Of Firewall
1991-95 On Center Of Firewall, Near SBEC/PCM
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
NOTE: This table provides a quick reference for self-diagnostic connector locations,
when available from manufacturer, that ARE NOT located at the lower left side
of the dash, as mandated in 1996 by the Federal government.
Component Component Location
ABS Control Module/Hydraulic Unit Rear left side of engine compartment.
ABS Hydraulic Unit Rear left side of engine compartment.
Anti-Theft Control Module (Alpine) Behind glove compartment.
Body Electronics Control Module (ZKE IV) Behind glove compartment. See Fig. 4.
Board Computer (BC-Low) Behind center console.
Chime Module Below left side of dash.
Crash Control Module On relay panel, under left side of dash. See Fig. 2.
Under right side of dash, behind glove compartment. See
Cruise Control Module
Fig. 4.
Electronic Immobilizer Control Module Under right side of dash, behind glove compartment. See
(EWS II) Fig. 4.
Engine Control Module Rear right side of engine compartment, in E-box.
Evaporator Controller Right side of left footwell.
Under right side of dash, behind glove compartment. See
Slip Control Module (ABS/ASC)
Fig. 4.
Supplemental Restraint System Control
Below center console.
Transmission Control Module Right rear side of engine compartment, in E-box.
Transmitter Module Behind left side of dash, near steering column.
Wiper/Washer Module Behind glove compartment. See Fig. 4.
Wiper/Washer Module (Low II) Behind glove compartment. See Fig. 4.
Component Component Location
Auxiliary Fan Motor Behind front grille.
Auxiliary Throttle Position Motor
Front of engine.
Blower Motor Rear of engine compartment, behind right fresh air cowl.
Cruise Control Actuator Rear left side of engine compartment.
E-Box Fan Right rear side of engine compartment, in E-box.
Fresh Air Recirculation Motor Right side of left footwell.
Fuel Pump In fuel tank.
Trunk Lock Motor Rear side of luggage compartment.
Front right side of engine compartment, on washer fluid
Washer Pump
Front right side of engine compartment, on washer fluid
Washer Pump (Headlamp/Fog Lamp)
Wiper Motor Rear of engine compartment.
Component Component Location
Back-Up Lamp Switch Left side of transmission.
Brake Fluid Level Switch Rear left side of engine compartment.
Brake Lamp Switch On bracket, above brake pedal.
Clutch Switch On clutch pedal support bracket.
Engine Hood Switch On left front of engine compartment.
Intermediate Pressure Switch On front right side of engine compartment.
Jet Heater Thermoswitch On front left wheelwell.
Kick-Down Switch Behind gas pedal.
Oil Pressure Switch Lower left side of engine.
Park Brake Switch At base of parking brake lever.
Pressure Switch (A/C) On top of receiver-drier, behind right headlamp.
Radio Anti-Theft Switch Behind center console.
Seat Belt Switches (2) In respective front seat belt buckles.
Starter Immobilization Switch On rear left side of engine compartment.
Temperature Switch Front right side of engine compartment.
Component Component Location
Antenna Amplifier AM/FM On left side of luggage compartment.
Blower Motor Resistor Behind center of dash.
Data Link Connector On rear right side of engine compartment.
Hi-Fi Amplifier On right side of luggage compartment.
OBDII Connector Right side of center console.
Pyrotechnical Seat Belt Tensioners (2) Under rear storage compartment.
Throttle Flap Heater Front of engine.
Washer Jet Heater (2) On underside of engine hood.
Component Component Location
X32 (Natural, 12 Pin) On steering column.
X33 (Black, 12 Pin) On steering column.
X72 (Natural, 6 Pin) On steering column.
X113 (Gray, 3 Pin) Behind right front wheel.
X114 (Gray, 3 Pin) Behind left front wheel.
X118 (Black, 2 Pin) Behind left front wheel.
X142 (Gray, 2 Pin) Under left rear of car.
X143 (Gray, 3 Pin) Under right rear of car.
X256 (Black, 26 Pin) Right "A" pillar.
X257 (Black, 26 Pin) Left "A" pillar.
X295 (Black, 8 Pin) On steering column.
X351 (Black, 3 Pin) Right "B" pillar.
X352 (Black, 3 Pin) Left "B" pillar.
X711 (Black, 3 Pin) In luggage compartment lid.
X713 (Black, 2 Pin) Under right rear of car.
X782 (Orange, 3 Pin) Behind glove box.
X783 (Orange, 3 Pin) Under steering column.
X6203 (Black, 3 Pin) Front of engine, below intake manifold.
X6204 (Black, 3 Pin) Front of engine, below intake manifold.
X6240 (Black, 4 Pin) Near starter.
X6501 (Black, 3 Pin) Under rear storage compartment.
X18196 (Black, 10 Pin) Left "A" pillar.
X18198 (Black, 10 Pin) Right "A" pillar.
Component Component Location
X165 Front right side of engine compartment.
X166 Front left side of engine compartment.
X170 Behind left footwell speaker grille.
X494 Below center console. See Fig. 4.
X1166 Behind glove box.
X1441 Below center console. See Fig. 4.
X6454 Rear right side of engine compartment.
X6456 Rear right side of engine compartment.
X9633 Behind left footwell speaker grille.
X10010 Behind glove box.
X13004 Behind glove box.
X13006 Left side of luggage compartment.
X13016 Left side of luggage compartment.
X18170 Below center console. See Fig. 4.
Component Component Location
X181 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X182 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X183 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X184 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X185 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X188 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X191 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X195 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X196 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X197 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X203 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X213 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X216 In body harness, near right headlight.
X245 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X246 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X443 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X444 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X445 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X449 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X450 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X453 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X454 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X455 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X461 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X462 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X465 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X470 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X530 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X576 In body harness, near right headlight.
X595 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X697 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X698 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X699 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X805 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X806 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X814 In body harness, below center of dash.
X818 In body harness, below center of dash.
X824 In body harness, under center console.
X826 In body harness, under center console.
X827 In body harness, under center console.
X830 In body harness, under center console.
X849 In body harness, in driver's door.
X850 In body harness, in driver's door.
X851 In body harness, in driver's door.
X878 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X942 In body harness, in passenger's door.
X1015 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1019 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1022 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1027 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1028 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1029 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1036 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1047 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1055 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X1066 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1067 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1069 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1073 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1076 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1079 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1100 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1102 In body harness, left side of luggage compartment.
X1107 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1115 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1149 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1152 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1159 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1163 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1164 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1167 In body harness, under center console.
X1168 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1169 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1182 In body harness, behind left side of dash.
X1186 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1214 In body harness, left side of luggage compartment.
X1225 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X1226 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1234 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X1235 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X1236 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X1258 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1263 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X1264 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1280 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1429 In body harness, under center console.
X1435 In body harness, under center console.
X1541 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1542 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1608 In body harness, under center console.
X1610 In body harness, near right headlight.
X1611 In body harness, near right headlight.
X1614 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1616 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X1617 In body harness, under center console.
X1618 In body harness, under center console.
X1620 In body harness, near right kick panel.
X1624 In body harness, left side of luggage compartment.
X1625 In body harness, left side of luggage compartment.
X6410 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X6413 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X6460 In engine harness, right rear of engine compartment.
X6461 In engine harness, right rear of engine compartment.
X6462 In engine harness, right rear of engine compartment.
X6463 In engine harness, right rear of engine compartment.
X6492 In engine harness, right rear of engine compartment.
X6810 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X6821 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X6823 In engine harness, at right rear of engine compartment.
X6830 In body harness, under center console.
X6833 In engine harness, right side of engine.
X6835 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X6860 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X6863 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X6866 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X6891 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X6900 In engine harness, right side of engine.
X6949 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X7845 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X7846 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X8004 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X8008 In engine harness, right rear of engine compartment.
X8015 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X8024 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X8056 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
In engine harness, right rear of engine compartment.
X8564 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X8565 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X8576 In engine harness, at rear of engine compartment.
X9430 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10008 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10009 In body harness, near right kick panel.
X10020 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10021 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10022 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10024 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10027 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10048 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10055 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10064 In body harness, under center console.
X10100 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10126 In body harness, near right kick panel.
X10251 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X10252 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X11007 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X11264 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X11282 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X11283 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X11284 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X11337 In body harness, near right headlight.
X11339 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X11353 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X11355 In body harness, under center console.
X11357 In body harness, near right kick panel.
X13007 In body harness, left side of luggage compartment.
X13011 In body harness, at left kick panel.
X13021 In body harness, under center console.
X13047 In body harness, under center console.
X13134 In body harness, near right kick panel.
X13289 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X18061 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X19513 In body harness, under center console.
X19525 In body harness, near right kick panel.
X19526 In body harness, near right kick panel.
X64109 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X64119 In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
In body harness, at left rear of engine compartment.
X64591 In body harness, at left kick panel.
NOTE: Figures may show multiple component locations. Refer to appropriate table for
proper figure references.
Instrument Panels
NOTE: On Z3, 323i, 323is and 840Ci, information is not available at time of publication.
Pin voltage information and wiring diagrams may be available. See PIN
Instrument cluster includes speedometer, tachometer, fuel gauge, temperature gauge, warning indicator lights,
service interval indicator, odometer and trip odometer. See Fig. 1 . On 3-series, an optional check control or on-
board computer panel is located below climate control panel. On all other models, check control or on-board
computer is located in instrument panel. Gauges use variable resistance sending units. A voltage limiter is not
Fig. 1: Identifying Instrument Cluster (3-Series Shown; Other Models Are Similar)
NOTE: Use Service Interval Indicator Resetter (62-1-100) to reset indicator lights.
When ignition is turned on, all active warning indicators should come on. If CHECK light comes on while
driving, a fault exists in monitored systems. Press CHECK button. Current malfunction will be displayed by on-
board computer. Service vehicle as soon as possible.
Warnings and malfunctioning systems are shown in active check control indicator graphic display screen. As
soon as ignition is switched on, FASTEN BELTS is displayed and goes out after about 6 seconds.
Malfunctioning system reminders (if any) appear in graphic display screen and a chime sounds. If a "+" symbol
appears with a malfunction, additional information is stored in check control system. Press CHECK CONTROL
button to display further information. See owner's manual for appropriate corrective action.
Turn ignition switch to LOCK position. Press and hold trip odometer reset button then turn ignition switch to
RUN position. Trip odometer should display "tESt" followed by a 2-digit number. With each subsequent press
of reset button, the next higher test is selected. If the reset button is not pressed again within one second, the
corresponding test is carried out. This causes "tESt" to disappear from the odometer display.
Test number continues to be displayed on right side of odometer display. When the button is pressed again, the
prevailing test function is interrupted. Trip odometer will now display "tESt" again and the test number
continues to increase. Once the last test has been reached (test 15), system restarts from beginning.
TEST 05 through TEST 14 are only executed if test 15 is switched to L OFF position. See TEST 15: LOCK
OFF/LOCK ON . When TEST 15 is selected, test function is activated to L ON. In lock on mode, only dashes
are displayed in the odometer display followed by test number (----- 07). TEST 01 to TEST 04 are also executed
with lock on.
Termination criterion for TEST 01 to TEST 15: turn ignition switch to LOCK position, or selection of TEST 00.
Apart from TEST 01, which terminates automatically after the indicator test, TEST 02 to TEST 14 can also be
selected when vehicle is in motion.
This test conducts a short test of the instrument cluster. Once this test function is actuated, at display intervals of
3 seconds, the following information is displayed in trip odometer: MW scope of delivery (6 digits), code
number of data set (5 digits), k-number (4 digits), a 6-digit number, software version (2 digits), then amendment
index (2 digits). After this information has been displayed, all LED segments should illuminate and all gauges
should sweep to limit position, then back to rest position. After gauges sweep back to rest position, test will be
automatically terminated.
When this test is entered, trip odometer will display engine factor stored in EEPROM for speed signal
This test displays current fuel tank quantity and coolant temperature in trip odometer display as a hexadecimal
number. Fuel gauge hexadecimal value is displayed as a 2-digit number in the left of the display, and
temperature value is displayed in center of display as a 2-digit number. Also, fuel gauge and temperature gauge
should display accordingly. See appropriate GAUGE DISPLAY VALUES table.
Information and matching of any difference occurring between the km reading in the encoding connector and
the redundant value soldered in the EEPROM can be reset by performing this test: If "- - - - - - -" is displayed in
odometer display, external and internal EEPROM values are identical. If there is a difference in the readings
stored in memory, the value displayed is always the lower reading. The supplement "I" indicates that this is in
the internal EEPROM value. An "E" signifies that this is an external EEPROM (encoding connector) value. In
addition, if counter readings differ, the manipulation point lights up.
After replacement of cluster or encoding connector, the higher km reading in the EEPROM can be matched to
the lower reading by holding down the reset button when selecting the test function 09 for greater than 4
seconds. At this point, the service interval data is also transmitted. After successful matching, the manipulation
point disappears. Replacement part must always have a smaller reading, otherwise the vehicle-specific km
reading is overwritten.
This test displays nation code programed into instrument cluster. This code cannot be changed.
This test acts like a power interrupt. When executing the function, a RESET is initiated, the diagnostic level is
halted and lock ON is activated. If implausible faults occur, the test should be conducted before any
components are replaced. This test mode is stopped automatically.
WARNING: Before any repairs are performed, disconnect and shield battery ground
cable. Disconnect air bag connector at lower steering column. Use
caution when working around steering column (air bag could deploy). See
1. Remove steering wheel. See AIR BAG RESTRAINT SYSTEMS article. Remove 2 screws at top of
instrument cluster hood. Lift out instrument cluster slightly and pull cluster toward steering column.
2. Push levers retaining instrument cluster connectors, and unplug connectors. To install, reverse removal
procedure. Levers retaining instrument cluster connectors must be up when inserting connectors.
NOTE: If instrument cluster is replaced, coding plug on back of cluster may need to be
replaced and a label showing odometer reading of old instrument cluster must
be attached to left door pillar.
Disconnect negative battery cable. Remove insulation panel below left side of instrument panel. Wrap tape
around headlight switch knob, and pull out headlight knob. Remove mounting nut, and pull switch out from
rear. Unplug wiring, and remove switch. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Disconnect negative battery cable. Push switch frame to right as far as possible. Press in locking hook on left
side of switch frame, using a .040" (1 mm) feeler gauge. Remove switch frame. Unplug wiring, and press
switch out of switch frame. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Disconnect negative battery cable. Wrap insulating tape around tip of Outside Mirror Switch Pliers (61-1-300).
Insert pliers behind plate frame. Spread pliers and pull out plate frame carefully. Remove headlight switch plate.
Remove slide. Compress springs and pull out headlight switch. Disconnect wiring from switch. To install,
reverse removal procedure.
NOTE: Wiring diagrams for BMW 5, 7 and 8-series vehicles are not available from
manufacturer at time of publication.
Fig. 3: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1997 318i, 318is, 328i, 328is & M3 - 1 Of 2)
Fig. 4: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1997 318i, 318is, 328i, 328is & M3 - 2 Of 2)
Fig. 5: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1997 318ti - 1 Of 2)
Fig. 6: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1997 318ti - 2 Of 2)
Fig. 7: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1997 Z3 - 1 Of 2)
Fig. 8: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1997 Z3 - 2 Of 2)
Fig. 9: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1998 318i, 323i Convertible, 323is, 328i, 328i Convertible,
328is & M3 - 1 Of 2)
Fig. 10: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1998 318i, 323i Convertible, 323is, 328i, 328i Convertible,
328is & M3 - 2 Of 2)
Fig. 11: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1998 318ti - 1 Of 2)
Fig. 12: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1998 318ti - 2 Of 2)
Fig. 13: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1998 Z3 - 1 Of 2)
Fig. 14: Instrument Panel Wiring Diagram (1998 Z3 - 2 Of 2)
On some models, central locking system is integrated with alarm system and is controlled by alarm system
remote control unit. Central locking control module is located under right rear seat or behind glove box.
By using key in driver's door lock, central locking system can be actuated to lock or unlock all doors and trunk
lid. Control unit is located behind glove box or under rear seat. Control module is controlled from a switch in
driver's door, passenger's front door (some models), front door interior lock knobs and trunk lid (some models).
Inserting key in driver's door can lock, unlock or arrest mode all doors and trunk lid. See Fig. 1 . In arrest mode,
system mechanically disconnects linkage from door lock. When system is in arrest mode, inside door lock
button can be pulled up, but doors will still be locked.
Inserting key in passenger's front door can lock all doors, but not operate arrest mode. If arrest mode is on,
rotating key counterclockwise in passenger's front door will release arrest mode and unlock all doors. With all
doors closed, raising or lowering either front inside door button will lock or unlock all doors. If the driver's door
is open, pressing driver's inside door button down will mechanically lock driver's door only.
Trunk lid lock can be operated by driver's door lock switch or trunk lid lock. All doors can be locked or
unlocked from trunk lid lock. If arrest mode is on, only the trunk lid may be unlocked with the key (all doors
will remain locked). If the key is turned 90° clockwise and removed, the trunk lid will remain locked. While in
this mode, the power door system will not unlock the trunk lid. To unlock trunk lid, insert key and turn
counterclockwise to unlock position.
Front door lock driver contains a motor, levers and shafts which connect to door locking mechanism and 2
switches. Rear door lock driver is the same except for having one switch. In the unlocked position, the door lock
motor moves a connecting piece between internal door linkage. This allows the door to be locked or unlocked
In the locked position, the control module signals the motor to drive spindle nut until limit switch turns motor
off. In this position, lever piece connecting door lock with outer handle disengages. The inner handle may still
unlock the door by pulling handle up two times. If the inside door button is raised, this causes connecting piece
to rotate lever and slide piece. When this happens, slide block comes off position switch and control module is
signaled to unlock all doors.
In the arrest mode, the door lock driver is mechanically disconnected from inside door lock mechanism. The
door key must be used to rotate lever piece that moves sliding block back to unlock position. This signals
control module to unlock all other doors, trunk lid/tailgate and fuel tank lid.
NOTE: Testing of power door lock system is accomplished using BMW Service Tester
(Sun 2013 Engine Analyzer) and applicable BMW diagnostic software. Tester
permits technician to access trouble codes, activate components and monitor
Control unit for central locking system is located on kick panel behind glove box. Remove glove box. Remove
control module from mounting bracket. Disconnect electrical connector. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Removal & Installation (5-Series & 7-Series)
Control module for central locking system is located under rear seat. Remove rear seat. Locate control module
near battery, and remove from mounting bracket. Disconnect electrical connector. To install, reverse removal
1. Close window and remove wiring from window motor. Using Pliers (61-1-300), pull off mirror control
knob. Remove mirror switch. Remove panel screw under mirror switch. Remove door release handle
cover and mounting screw.
2. Remove inside door lock button. Remove window handle and loosen door trim panel. Unhook release
cable from door mechanism. Remove door trim panel. Squeeze hook and pull clamp from center of door
3. Pull retainer back and lift out plug. Remove screws and pull drive motor assembly from door lock handle
4. Remove cover from rear of door (near weatherstrip). Hold outside handle plate (surrounding door
handle). Using a small metal rod, push retainer forward through hole in rear of door.
5. Remove retainer and disconnect linkage. Using Spanner (51-2-070), remove nut holding key cylinder.
Remove front screw and wiring. Remove door handle assembly from door.
6. To install door handle, use Hook (51-3-140) to pull door handle retainer into position. To complete
installation, reverse removal procedure. On 5-Series, adjust door lock.
NOTE: Wiring diagrams for BMW 5, 7 and 8-series vehicles are not available from
manufacturer at time of publication.
Fig. 2: Power Door & Trunk Lock System Wiring Diagram (1997 318i, 318is, 328i, 328is & M3)
Fig. 3: Power Door & Trunk Lock System Wiring Diagram (1997-98 318ti)
Fig. 4: Power Door & Trunk Lock System Wiring Diagram (1997-98 Z3)
Fig. 5: Power Door & Trunk Lock System Wiring Diagram (1998 318i, 323i Convertible, 323is, 328i, 328i
Convertible, 328is & M3)
Fig. 6: Power Door & Trunk Lock System Wiring Diagram (1999 328i Convertible)
NOTE: On Z3, 323i, 323is, 5-series, 7-series and 8-series, information is not available at
time of publication. Wiring diagrams may be available. See WIRING DIAGRAMS .
Vehicles are equipped with power seats which adjust for cushion tilt angle, longitudinal adjustment, cushion
adjustment and back rest angle. An optional sport seat includes manual adjustment for thigh support.
Move seat as far forward as possible. Remove rear seat track bolts. Move seat as far back as possible.
Deactivate belt lock tightener by turning screw until Green mark in sight glass changes to Red. See Fig. 1 . Pry
off caps covering front seat track bolts. Remove bolts. See Fig. 2 . Disconnect electrical connectors. Lift seat
out of vehicle.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure belt lock tightener is activated by turning screw until Red mark
changes to Green.
Fig. 1: Deactivating Belt Lock Tightener
Fig. 2: Removing Front Seat Track Bolts
Move seat up as far as possible. Remove seat cushion. Cut plastic cable ties from wiring. Pull protective sleeve
off electrical connector. Disconnect electrical connector. Tilt seat cushion upward and hold in position. Remove
3 screws from drive motor. See Fig. 3 . Remove drive motor. To install, reverse removal procedure.
NOTE: Drive motor may be secured with 2 screws and one rivet. See Fig. 4 . Drill out
rivet and replace with bolt and nut.
Fig. 3: Removing Screws From Drive Motor
Fig. 4: Removing Screws & Rivet From Drive Motor
NOTE: Wiring diagrams for BMW 5, 7 and 8-series vehicles are not available from
manufacturer at time of publication.
Fig. 5: Power Seats System Wiring Diagram (1997 318i, 318is, 328i, 328is & M3; 1998 318i, 323i
Convertible, 323is, 328i, 328i Convertible, 328is & M3)
Fig. 6: Power Seats System Wiring Diagram (1997-98 318ti)
Fig. 7: Power Seats System Wiring Diagram (1997-98 Z3)
Fig. 8: Driver's Lumbar Seat System Wiring Diagram (1998 318i, 323i Convertible, 323is, 328i, 328i
Convertible, 328is & M3)
Fig. 9: Driver's Sport Seat System Wiring Diagram (1998 Z3)
Fig. 10: Passenger's Sport Seat System Wiring Diagram (1998 Z3)
Power Windows
NOTE: On Z3, 323i, 323is, 5-series, 7-series and 8-series, information is not available at
time of publication. Wiring diagrams may be available. See WIRING DIAGRAMS .
All models are fitted with power windows as a standard feature. The system consists of the following: one-
touch function to lower and raise window, clamping protection during automatic raising of window, window
lowering control which lowers window about 4 mm when opening door, and a comfort relay that makes it
possible to operate power windows once after ignition has been switched off and door opened once, but not yet
Component Location
Power Window Control Module Behind Glove Compartment
Power Window Motor Behind Appropriate Door Panel
Power Window Motor Control Module (1) Attached To Each Power Window Motor
NOTE: If power windows are not initialized, tip function is blocked and clamping
protection is not activated.
Close all doors. Turn ignition switch to RUN position. Raise appropriate window and keep power window
switch in UP position for about 5 seconds.
Remove power window motor. See POWER WINDOW MOTOR under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION.
Secure power window motor gently in vise. Using fused jumper wires, briefly apply positive battery voltage to
terminal No. 1 and negative battery voltage to terminal No. 2 at power window motor. See Fig. 2 . Power
window motor should operate. When polarity is reversed, power window motor should operate in opposite
direction. If power window motor does not operate as described or is noisy, replace power window motor.
Fig. 2: Identifying Power Window Motor Terminals
1. If possible, lower power window. Disconnect negative battery cable. Remove door panelling. Pull off
plastic sheet. Disconnect control module harness connectors. Remove control module retaining screws
attaching control module to window motor. Remove control module.
2. To install, replace control module "O" ring and attach control module to window motor. To complete
installation, reverse removal procedure. After installation is complete, perform power window regulator
initialization. See INITIALIZATION .
Remove door trim panel. Lower window about 12" (30 cm). Disconnect window motor electrical connector.
Push clips aside. Hold door window and disconnect window lift arms. See Fig. 3 . Twist and lift out door
window. To install, reverse removal procedure. After installation is complete, perform power window regulator
initialization. See INITIALIZATION .
NOTE: On 2-door models, it may be necessary to remove power window motor control
module to access window motor rivets. See POWER WINDOW MOTOR
1. On 4-door models, remove window. See WINDOW . On 2-door and convertible models, clamp door
window at raised position using wooden wedges. On all models, remove door or side panel.
2. Remove screw from inside door handle. See Fig. 4 . Remove door handle. Remove bolts and grind off
rivets (as necessary). Remove window motor. See Fig. 5 .
To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace rivets with bolts, washers and nuts. After installation is
complete, perform power window regulator initialization. See INITIALIZATION .
Fig. 4: Removing Screw From Inside Door Handle
Fig. 5: Removing Window Motor
NOTE: Wiring diagrams for BMW 5, 7 and 8-series vehicles are not available from
manufacturer at time of publication.
Fig. 6: Power Window Wiring Diagram (1997 318i, 318is, 328i, 328is & M3 - 1 Of 2)
Fig. 7: Power Window Wiring Diagram (1997 318i, 318is, 328i, 328is & M3 - 2 Of 2)
Fig. 8: Power Window Wiring Diagram (1997 318ti & Z3; 1998 Z3)
Fig. 9: Power Window Wiring Diagram (1998 318i, 323i Convertible, 323is, 328i, 328i Convertible, 328is
& M3 - 1 Of 2)
Fig. 10: Power Window Wiring Diagram (1998 318i, 323i Convertible, 323is, 328i, 328i Convertible, 328is
& M3 - 2 Of 2)
Fig. 11: Power Window Wiring Diagram (1998 318ti)
NOTE: On Z3, 323i, 323is and 840Ci, information is not available at time of publication.
Wiring diagrams may be available. See WIRING DIAGRAMS.
Steering column switches consist of cruise control switch, ignition switch, wiper switch and combination
switch. Combination switch incorporates turn signal, high beam and trip computer functions.
Testing information is not available from manufacturer at time of publication.
WARNING: Deactivate air bag system before performing any service operation. See
AIR BAG RESTRAINT SYSTEMS article. DO NOT apply electrical power to
any component on steering column without first deactivating air bag
system. Air bag may deploy.
NOTE: Combination switch consists of a turn signal indicator switch, headlight dimmer
switch, headlight flash-to-pass switch and trip computer switches.
1. Disconnect negative battery cable. Remove air bag and steering wheel assembly. See AIR BAG
2. Remove lower left dashboard trim. Remove screws and steering column lower trim. Remove steering
column upper trim. Remove screws, ground wire and combination switch. Detach flasher relay from side
of steering column.
3. Disconnect horn switch wiring. Detach wire straps, and disconnect wiring for combination switch. To
install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure ground wire is attached to combination switch.
1. Disconnect negative battery cable. Remove air bag and steering wheel assembly. See AIR BAG
2. Remove lower left dashboard trim. Remove screws and steering column lower trim. Drive out pin, and
lift out expander rivet. Remove steering column upper trim.
3. Disconnect horn switch wiring. Press in retaining hooks on both sides of switch, and pull out combination
switch. To install, reverse removal procedure.
1. Disconnect negative battery cable. Remove lower left instrument panel screw. Remove screw at center
console. Unclip instrument panel bottom trim panel. Remove lower steering column screw. Remove
headless screws on both sides of ignition switch. See Fig. 1. Disconnect electrical connector. Remove
ignition switch.
2. To install, reverse removal procedure. Check position of ignition switch in relation to steering wheel lock.
Check position of turn indicator lever in relation to steering wheel. Secure headless screws with locking
Remove lower steering column cover. Unlock connector from ignition starter switch. See Fig. 2Disconnect
connector. Remove protective paint. Remove headless screws. See Fig. 3. Remove ignition switch. To install,
reverse removal procedure. Secure headless screws with locking compound.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Steering Wheel Nut 59 (80)
On 5-series, 7-series and 8-series, wiper/washer system is controlled by general module of central body
electronics. The individual functions can be switched on and off with the combined wiper/washer switch.
Adjust driver's side wiper arms so center of blade is 0.98" (25 mm) above lower edge of windshield. Adjust
passenger's side wiper arm so center of blade is 1.77" (45 mm) above lower edge of windshield.
On 2-door models, adjust wiper arms so center of blade is 1.69" (50 mm) above lower edge of windshield. On
4-door models, adjust driver's side wiper arms so center of blade is 2.09" (53 mm) above lower edge of
windshield. Adjust passenger's side wiper arm so center of blade is 1.69" (43 mm) above lower edge of
Use Locating Gauge (00-9-210) to position wiper arms above lower edge of windshield.
Adjust driver's side wiper arms so center of blade is 1.38" (35 mm) above lower edge of windshield. Adjust
passenger's side wiper arm so center of blade is 0.91" (23 mm) above lower edge of windshield.
Use BMW Service Tester (Sun 2013 Engine Analyzer) and applicable BMW diagnostic software to test
wiper/washer system. Tester permits technician to activate components and monitor systems.
1. Ensure wiper motor is in park position. Open hood. Remove wiper arm covers and remove nuts. Remove
wiper arms from wiper shafts.
2. Remove cowl cover and air intake for A/C-heater system. Remove screws attaching wiper assembly to
cowl and move wiper assembly to passenger's side of cowl to disengage from guide. Disconnect wiper
motor connector and remove wiper assembly from vehicle.
3. Remove nut attaching crank arm to wiper motor and remove crank arm. See Fig. 1 . Remove screws
attaching wiper motor to wiper assembly.
4. To install, connect and run motor. Turn wiper off to place wiper motor crank arm in park position. Install
motor with crank in extended position. See Fig. 2 . To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
Tighten wiper arm nuts to 21.8 INCH lbs. (13 Nm). Wait 15 minutes and recheck torque of nuts.
Fig. 1: Identifying Front Wiper System Components (Z3)
1. Remove heater blower motor and bracket. Disconnect wiper motor connectors. Remove crank nut from
motor shaft. Remove crank and linkage. Remove mounting nuts and motor.
2. To install, reverse removal procedure. Connect and run motor. Turn wiper off to place wiper motor crank
arm to park position. Install motor with crank in extended position. See Fig. 3 . To complete installation,
reverse removal procedure.
Fig. 3: Positioning Wiper Motor Crank Arm
Remove rubber strip from firewall and cowl. Remove access panel. Remove crank and wiper linkage from
motor. Disconnect electrical connector. Remove wiper motor. To install, connect and run motor. Turn wiper off
to place wiper motor crank arm in park position. Install motor with crank in extended position. See Fig. 3 . To
complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
1. Remove cowl air grille. Loosen cowl cover screws. Remove rubber seal enough to lift cover. Disconnect
hose and tilt cover forward.
2. Remove motor cover, and unplug wiring. Remove wiper arms and wiper arm shaft nuts. Remove stop pad
screw. Disconnect linkage to right wiper. Loosen 2 screws at center of cowl and disconnect linkage.
3. Mark shaft and crank arm for reassembly. Remove motor crank arm, 3 screws and wiper motor. To
install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure linkage fits properly and stop pad is turned to support motor.
Remove fuse/relay cover located in left rear corner of engine compartment. Locate and remove wiper relay. To
install, reverse removal procedure.
Lift rear seat out of holders. Remove general module from power distribution box under left side of rear seat.
To install, reverse removal procedure.
1. Disconnect negative battery cable. Remove air bag/steering wheel assembly. See AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
2. Remove lower left dashboard trim. Remove screws and steering column lower trim. Remove steering
column upper trim. Remove screws, ground wire and wiper switch.
3. Detach wire straps, and disconnect wiring for wiper switch. To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure
ground wire is attached to wiper switch.
1. Disconnect negative battery cable. Remove air bag/steering wheel assembly. See AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
2. Remove lower left dashboard trim. Remove screws and steering column lower trim. Drive out pin and lift
out expander rivet. Remove steering column upper trim.
3. Press in retaining hooks on both sides of switch and pull out wiper switch. Disconnect wiper switch
wiring. To install, reverse removal procedure.
NOTE: Wiring diagrams for BMW 5, 7 and 8-series vehicles are not available from
manufacturer at time of publication.
Fig. 4: Wiper/Washer System Wiring Diagram (1997 318i, 318is, 328i, 328is & M3; 1998 318i, 323i
Convertible, 323is, 328i, 328i Convertible, 328is & M3 - USA Only)
Fig. 5: Washer Jet Heater System Wiring Diagram (1997-98 318ti & Z3; 1998 318i, 323i Convertible,
323is, 328i, 328i Convertible, 328is & M3)
Fig. 6: Wiper/Washer System Wiring Diagram (1997-98 318ti - USA Only)
Fig. 7: Wiper/Washer System Wiring Diagram (1997 Z3 - USA Only)
Fig. 8: Wiper/Washer System Wiring Diagram (1997 Z3 - Canada Only)
Fig. 9: Wiper/Washer System Wiring Diagram (1997 318i, 318iC, 318is, 328i, 328iC, 328is & M3; 1998
318i, 323i Convertible, 323is, 328i, 328i Convertible, 328is & M3 - Canada Only)
Fig. 10: Wiper/Washer System Wiring Diagram (1997-98 318ti - Canada Only)
Fig. 11: Wiper/Washer System Wiring Diagram (1998 Z3)
If, during the handling, the protective film has come off before bonding, it can still be bonded.
Bonding at room and object temperature >20°C. Temperatures between 40 and 50 °C significantly
increase initial adhesion.
Seals, which are subjected to temperatures above 80°C after gluing, will be very difficult to
2. Damage Pattern And Repair:
2.1. Partially detached bond (rubber-adhesive tape or adhesive tape-paint):
Up to 120 mm for retouching without auxiliary resources.
b. Applying adhesive:
With a fine nozzle, apply a wafer-thin bead to adhesive tape.
NOTE: Make sure the connection between adhesive tape and seal is
retained. If the connection between adhesive tape and seal is
detached: Carefully and slowly detach adhesive tape at an angle
of 15 to 25° from roof opening or lid. If, in the case of older
seals, you are peeling off using a hot air blower: Do not damage
paintwork. Do not detach rubber-adhesive tape connection if at
all possible.
CAUTION: Once the protective film has been removed, do not under
any circumstances touch the exposed bonded area.
NOTE: Small areas of seal can remain stuck to adhesive tape of loose
f. Pressing on seal:
Press on seal using a roller.
Release slotted nut (1). Adjust hard top in direction "Y" (transverse to vehicle axis) symmetrically on left and
Adjust vertical clearance "Z" between hard top and body (0.2 mm all round) with nut (2).
Release screws (3). Adjust hard top in direction "X" (vehicle longitudinal axis).
Fig. 3: Releasing Slotted Nut
During movement in direction "X", edge of hard top (1) must be flush with edge of side panel at rear (2).
Fig. 4: Locating Edge Of Hard Top And Edge Of Side Panel At Rear
Close off hard top locating point (3) with cap (1) on cover at top of B-pillar (2).
Fig. 8: Closing Off Hard Top Locating Point With Cap
Hard top is installed in reverse sequence to its removal, refer to 54 21 001 REMOVING HARD TOP .
Holes (1) in rubber seal must line up with journals (2) on guide rail.
Fig. 11: Locating Holes
Release expansion rivets (1) and remove panel, rear window frame, bottom (2).
Fig. 16: Removing Expansion Rivets
Remove panel, rear window frame, bottom, refer to 54 21 090 REMOVING AND
Fig. 20: Releasing Screws
Pull off molded roof lining (2) from rubber seal at front (1) towards inside.
Fig. 21: Pulling Off Molded Roof Lining
Raise molded roof lining (1) at rear window and slide towards front.
Fig. 22: Raising Molded Roof Lining
There must be four Velcro-type strips (1) on the hard top and roof lining (2).
Fig. 23: Identifying Velcro-Type Strips
NOTE: For gluing the rear window, cements for cold and hot processing are permitted.
Cold Processing:
Warm Processing:
Remove molded roof lining from hard top, refer to 54 21 100 REMOVING AND
Fig. 25: Removing Hard Top
Disconnect plug (1) for rear window heater (2) on left and right.
Fig. 26: Disconnecting Plug
Mask trunk lid corners and hard top with fabric adhesive tape (e.g. Tesa).
1. Rear window.
2. Glue bead.
3. Hard top flange.
4. Fabric adhesive tape.
Fig. 28: Masking Trunk Lid Corners And Hard Top With Fabric Adhesive Tape
CAUTION: When reusing the rear window: Do not damage wires for rear window
Carefully insert knife between hard top and rear window.
Fig. 30: Inserting Knife Between Hard Top And Rear Window
Cut through glue bead all around as close as possible to the rear window glass.
Remove residual adhesive in hard top cutout to a thickness of approx. 0.5 mm.
To avoid damage to paintwork in hard top cutout, cut off residual adhesive with universal knife (razor sharp).
Scrape away glue residue on rear window to depth of 0.5 mm with scraper.
Fig. 35: Scraping Glue Residue On Rear Window
Mount and press seal on to rear window glass at top and sides.
Fig. 36: Pressing Seal On Rear Window Glass
Treat rear window and hard top in adhesive area with BMW-approved materials, refer to 51 31 ...
A. = 9 mm.
B. = 6 mm.
CAUTION: There must be no adhesive on the connection contacts of the rear window
A. = 9 mm.
B. = 6 mm.
CAUTION: Apply glue bead quickly and insert window. Skin formation time of glue,
maximum 10 minutes.
Distance (A) = 3 mm
Fig. 41: Measuring Distance Between Glue Bead And Seal
Install rear window carefully using special tool 51 3 010. Seal must fit uniformly on the sides. Push up rear
window glass until seal bears uniformly on the roof flange.
Align rear window to roof flange and evenly at sides. Press-fit rear window and secure in this position with
fabric adhesive tape (e.g. Tesa).
Fig. 42: Installing Special Tool
Assemble car.
NOTE: Leaks can be found by spraying water on the sealing lips or with an ultrasonic
leak detector and then eliminated by using a suitable nozzle.
Remove tackstrip:
Lift right trim piece (1) out of the main pivot threading toward the rear and pull out upward.
Fig. 43: Lifting Right Trim Piece Out Of Main Pivot Threading
Lift right trim piece (1) out of the main bearing threading toward the rear and pull out upward.
Fig. 44: Lifting Right Trim Piece Out Of Main Bearing Threading
Unfasten clips (1) and pull inner trim of convertible top compartment (2) downwards out of groove in tackstrip
Fig. 45: Unfastening Clips
Unfasten screws (1) and (2) on left/right of tackstrip (3) in convertible top compartment.
NOTE: Do not unfasten left/right screw (4). If necessary, note number of shims on
left/right screw (1) and fit back in same location during installation.
Fig. 47: Unfastening Screws
NOTE: The operation "Removing tackstrip" ends here. Follow installation instructions,
refer to "Installing tackstrip".
Pry out gas spring strut inward at top with special tool 00 9 319.
Fig. 48: Prying Out Gas Spring Strut Inward At Top
Pry out hydraulic cylinder (2) inward with special tool 00 9 319.
Fig. 49: Prying Out Hydraulic Cylinder
Unclip finisher strip (1) until guide (2) leaves the mucket (3) and remove the mucket.
Insert mucket (3) in the convertible top compartment seal (4) (leaks).
Fig. 51: Removing Finisher Strip
Press down convertible top (1) on one side of main bearing with second person lifting opposite side at the same
time, thus lifting convertible top out of its compartment.
Fig. 53: Pressing Down Convertible Top
Four shims (2) (each 1 mm) should be fitted to left/right of attachment studs (1).
Fig. 54: Identifying Shims
Install left/right nuts (2) on main pivot bracket, tighten down then loosen slightly again.
Insert shim (4) between main pivot bracket and body and tighten left/right screw (1).
NOTE: The convertible top is now fitted in its basic setting and this may need
correcting after the tackstrip is fitted.
Installing Tackstrip:
Attach a butylene tape with a total thickness of 2 mm between tackstrip (2) and convertible top compartment
(apply twice if necessary).
Insert screw (1) in center of tackstrip (2) but do not tighten down.
Fig. 56: Inserting Screw In Center Of Tackstrip
Insert screws (1) and (2) in the tackstrip (3) (beside B-pillar) on left/right sides but do not tighten down.
Tighten down screws (1) and (2) to left/right of tackstrip (3) (beside B-pillar).
Fig. 59: Tightening Screws
Screw in all remaining screws (1) on left/right sides and tighten down.
Fig. 60: Installing Screws
The convertible top must close flush with front of windshield (up to 2 mm lower than the windshield). For
correction, where necessary, adjust the locking hooks. Locking hook operates in two directions, longitudinally
and downwards, identical to angle of centering pin.
Fig. 61: Locking Down Convertible Top
If the convertible top does not fit in longitudinal direction, change the number of shims (4) in longitudinal
Loosen screw (1) and nut (2) on left/right of main bearing and use appropriate shims (4) to correct any
Fig. 62: Loosening Screw
Remove and install complete convertible top (manual convertible top). Refer to 54 31 010 REMOVING
NOTE: Protect rear window frame and side panels from damage.
Raise profile piping below center with folding leg and pull fabric approx. 100 mm out of profile piping.
Fig. 64: Raising Profile Piping
1. Rear window.
2. PVC profile piping.
3. Sealing tape.
4. Locking clip.
5. Seam.
6. Cover fabric.
7. Top cloth (rear window tail strip).
8. Zip fastener.
9. Counter-support plate.
Fig. 65: Identifying Components
Bend over four claws on retaining clips on inside edge of rear window (below center) using screwdriver.
Unfasten rear window from outside by applying gentle pressure and press inwards to remove.
NOTE: Completely remove residues of sealing tape from convertible top fabric by hand
without using solvents.
Fig. 70: Unfastening Rear Window
Slide zip fastener slide onto underside of rear window on blue zip fastener tape.
CAUTION: When installing new rear window, protect from dirt and damage.
Fig. 71: Sliding Zip Fastener
NOTE: Assistant holds outside of rear window and ensures that zip fastener slide does
not jam.
Insert second half of zip fastener on fabric cover into zip fastener slide so that both leading edges of fabrics (1)
are flush with the zip fastener.
NOTE: If rear window is slightly wavy, then replace coupling member in other direction.
Fig. 73: Replacing Coupling Member In Other Direction
NOTE: Check zip fastener (spiral) to ensure that it is closed all around.
Fig. 75: Closing Convertible Top
Fit counter-support plate to inside and bend claw fasteners into place.
Attach 100 mm of sealing tape on retaining clips flush with profile piping and remove protective film.
CAUTION: Place protective card on rear window with fleece face downwards to
ensure that this is not damaged when working with the folding leg.
Fig. 78: Removing Protective Film
Raise profile piping with folding leg, insert leading edge of fabric and rub vigorously with folding leg.
Raise profile piping (3) with folding leg (4) and insert leading edge of fabric (6).
1. Rear window.
2. Protective card.
3. PVC profile piping.
4. Folding leg.
5. Sealing tape.
6. Cover fabric.
7. Seam.
8. Zip fastener.
Fig. 80: Raising Profile Piping
Rub leading edge of fabric with folding leg: counter-pressure required from inside.
CAUTION: Sealing tape must harden. For this reason, the fabric top must not be
folded for the next 24 hours.
Removing and installing tackstrip operation is described in: Removing and installing complete convertible
cover (Z3 roadster), refer to 54 31 010 REMOVING AND INSTALLING COMPLETE CONVERTIBLE
Press convertible cover (1) to one side on B-pillar (2) or raise up out of convertible top box (3).
Unfasten blind rivet (4) on left/right sides from convertible top cover/lower B-pillar bracket (drill out).
Fig. 82: Pressing Convertible Cover
Lift window (2) out of convertible cover/B-pillar bracket (3) on left/right sides.
Fig. 83: Lifting Window Out Of Convertible Cover
NOTE: Before unfastening the screws (1), note position and number of spacer discs (2)
(if fitted) because same number has to be fitted at the same location (wind
noise, leaks).
Fig. 84: Locating Screws
Unscrew bolts (1). Unfasten screw (2) and swivel support rails (for the convertible top gasket) on left/right sides
NOTE: Do not unfasten the screw for the interlock frame (adjustment is changed).
Fig. 85: Locating Bolts
Unfasten screws (1) on left/right windshield bracket (2) and fold tab (3) upwards.
Fig. 86: Locating Screws
Unscrew bolts (1). Remove frame rail (2) from windshield bracket.
Fig. 87: Removing Bolts Frame Rail
Pull convertible top off cement seal (double-sided adhesive tape, e.g. Tesafix 4965) on front windshield bracket.
NOTE: Before unfastening the screws (1), note the position and number of spacer
discs (2) (if fitted) because same number has to be refitted at the same location
(wind noise, leaks). Unfasten screws (1) and remove left/right frame rail (3).
Fig. 89: Locating Screws
Move front of convertible cover (1) to back. Unfasten screw (1) and unfasten clamp cable bracket (2) from top
left/right convertible top linkage.
Fig. 91: Moving Front Of Convertible Cover
Bend clamp cable bracket (2) upwards and pull clamping cable forwards out of convertible cover (3).
Fig. 93: Removing Screws
Slightly raise front of convertible cover. Unfasten left/right screw (1) and unfasten side retaining strap (2) on
center bracket (3).
Fig. 94: Removing Screws
Unfasten blind rivets (1) on clamping cable mount (2) of left/right rear bracket (3).
Fig. 96: Unfastening Blind Rivets
Remove clamping cable straps (3) on left and right and remove from bracket (2).
Place bracket (2) forwards over the convertible top linkage (risk of damage).
Fig. 97: Removing Screws
Lift convertible cover (1) with tackstrip (2) on one side and remove from convertible top box.
Fig. 98: Lifting Convertible Cover
Remove cement residue from the brackets (1) between the clamping straps (2) (clean).
Fig. 99: Removing Cement Residue From Brackets
Install new convertible cover with tackstrip in the convertible top box (2-man operation).
Screw down bracket on left/right joints, installing screws with screw locking varnish.
Rivet left/right clamping belts on brackets (hole pattern in clamping belt is specified).
Fit blind rivet with washer to left/right sides of convertible cover/B-pillar bracket.
Removing and installing complete convertible top (Z3 roadster), refer to 54 31 010 REMOVING AND
Install clamping cables with brackets (to screw down, windshield bracket should be vertical).
Remove protective paper from double-sided adhesive tape, move convertible cover over front of windshield
bracket and secure (position is specified by hole pattern).
CAUTION: The washers are refitted in the same location as noted during
Close and lock soft top.
NOTE: The dimensions and tolerances for the convertible top linkage and cover are
designed in such a way that no tension correction is required. For an initial
period after assembly, new convertible tops are always rather "tight". If the
vehicle is parked for an extended period (e.g. over night) with the convertible
top closed, the convertible top "settles" and the closing forces return to normal.
CAUTION: If the convertible top is too tense, the locking forces rise and the
convertible top also adopts the properties of a "drum". The wind forces
exerted on the vehicle while in motion and the action of raindrops "beat
down" in a drum-like fashion on the top and substantially impair interior
acoustics. On the other hand, if the convertible top is not tense enough, "it
droops" and, at higher roadspeeds, it starts to make a "banging noise".
Edges of securing rail (2) must be located under convertible top seal (window guide).
Fig. 102: Removing Screws
NOTE: Before releasing screws (1), make a note of the number of shims (2) (if fitted)
since they must be reinstalled in the same positions (wind noises, leaks).
Fig. 104: Locating Screws
Remove screws (1 and 2). Remove securing rail of convertible top seal.
Mark screw positions so that the securing rail can be installed in the same position.
NOTE: Do not release the screw for the closure base plate, otherwise the setting will be
Fig. 105: Removing Screws
Release screws (1) on plastic retainer (2) and fold out lug (3).
Stick on cover with double-sided adhesive tape, e.g. Tesafix 4965, to plastic retainer at front.
Fig. 107: Raising Convertible Top
Drill out rivets (1) and (2) from plastic deflector (3) on left/right.
Rivet down spring part of mount on front rivet (1) under plastic deflector.
Locating hole (1) = round hole in wire bracket = 3rd hole from right
Fig. 111: Locating Holes
Align shell crossrail on marking so that roof liner does not have any folds.
Align shell crossrail on marking so that roof liner does not have any folds.
Fig. 113: Marking Side Position Of Shell Crossrail
Removing and installing rear left lower section of side trim, refer to 51 43 015 REMOVING AND
Pry out gas spring strut at top with special tool 00 9 319.
Fig. 116: Prying Out Gas Spring Strut
Pry out gas spring strut (1) at bottom with special tool 00 9 319 and remove from the vehicle.
Fig. 117: Installing Special Tool
Ensure absolute cleanliness when working on the hydraulic system while opened as even the smallest dirt
particles can cause malfunctions in the hydraulic system.
Undo oil filler plug (2). Replenish as much hydraulic fluid until it lies in area of marking (3)
Close emergency valve (1).
If the hydraulic unit is replaced or remains removed for an extended period, the bores on the hydraulic unit and
the hose connections for hydraulic cylinder must be sealed off.
NOTE: There are 2 different hydraulic units. The unit illustrated is the newer one. It was
introduced at the beginning of 1999. In the event of replacement, this new unit
can be installed.
1. Plug.
2. Nut for cable (tightening torque: 11 Nm.).
3. Cable.
4. Nut for mounting bracket (tightening torque: 11 Nm.).
5. Hydraulic unit with marking for fluid level.
6. Relay with holder.
7. Emergency valve.
8. Oil filler plug (tightening torque: 11 Nm.).
Fig. 125: Identifying Hydraulic Unit Components
As Both Hydraulic Units Are Very Similar, The Following Text Describes Removal Of The Older Unit:
Hose with red hose lettering (3) on hydraulic unit connection "red".
Hose with blue hose lettering (4) on hydraulic unit connection "blue".
Tightening torque: 11 Nm.
NOTE: If hydraulic components are to be stored for an extended period, seal off bores
on hydraulic unit and hose connections for hydraulic cylinder.
Always fit new banjo bolts (1) and seals (2 and 4).
Fig. 129: Fitting New Banjo Bolts And Seals
1. Banjo bolt.
2. Upper seal (thin).
3. Hose connection.
4. Lower seal (thick).
Check fluid level, top up if necessary. Refer to 54 34... NOTES ON EH CONVERTIBLE TOP (Z3
Use the plugs (1) and cap nuts (2) from the "Banjo bolts for hydraulic unit" set and the old seals for this
Fig. 131: Identifying Plug And Cap Banjo Bolts
Removing and installing rear left or right lower section of side trim, refer to 51 43 015 REMOVING AND
Unclip cover (2) with long screwdriver through opening (3) for seat belt.
The retaining lugs (2) of the cover (1) may not be damaged.
Fig. 136: Installing Retaining Lugs
Loosen screws (1) by 10 mm and pull out roll bar (2) upward.
While tightening the screws (1) the roll bar (2) must be pressed down, as otherwise the mounting holes will be
The holes (1) of the roll bar (2) may not be damaged.
Fig. 138: Identifying Holes Of Roll Bar
Unclip cover (1) with long screwdriver through opening for seat belt.
Fig. 139: Removing Cover
The retaining lugs (2) of the cover (1) may not be damaged.
Fig. 140: Installing Retaining Lugs
Loosen screws (1) by 10 mm and pull out roll bar (2) upward.
Fig. 141: Loosening Screws
The holes (1) of the roll bar (2) may not be damaged.
Fig. 142: Identifying Holes Of Roll Bar
While tightening the screws (1), the roll bar (2) must be pressed down, as otherwise the mounting holes will be
The windshield or rear window must be installed within 10 minutes of applying the adhesive or a skin will form
on the adhesive's surface and reduce the adhesive effectiveness.
Sika Ultrafast, BMW Part No. 83 19 9 407 714 in conjunction with Heater, BMW Part No. 83 19 9 407 820.
Glass treatment, all models: Aquapel(R) Glass Treatment, BMW Part No. 83 19 9 408 523.
Car Shampoo
For cleaning the entire convertible top. Add 2 to 3 capfuls of shampoo to 2.5 gallons of water. Rinse with
clean water.
Glass Cleaner
Cleans the plastic rear window as well as the vehicle's glass windows. Spray on, wipe off with dry cloth.
Impregnating Spray
After cleaning the top, apply this spray over a large area about 12 inches from the surface to seal the top
against possible leaks.
Impregnating Spray
Meguiar's Mirror Glaze Professional Plastic Cleaner #17 removes hairline scratches on the surface.
Meguiar's Mirror Glaze Professional Plastic Polish #10 restores and maintains clarity, leaves surface static-free.
Attaching soft top material to zip-out rear window trim plastic channel on E30 and E36 convertibles. (former
BMW Part No. 81 22 9 407 524)
One roll of Bostik 3/4" x 1/8" Butyl Tape, available in cases of 12 rolls from Springfield Paper Specialties,
phone number 215-643 2800, fax number 215-643-0639. Refer to Parts Bulletin B 54 03 98 for ordering
5 Series Touring double panel sunroof repairs. (former BMW Part No. 81 22 9 407 394)
3M Part No. 8155
Wurth Part No. 893 4103
Loctite Part No. 38050
NOTE: Procedure numbers listed in parenthesis after section titles are referenced from
tables and test charts.
The Automatic EM convertible top was introduced as a "Semi" Automatic in the 1994 model year. The top was
upgraded to a fully automatic top in 1997. Except for a few additional components and an additional function
on fully automatic version, both systems function the same. Systems are described simultaneously and
highlighted as required where differences occur.
A concealed top lock motor with twin (left/right) lock drive mechanisms on the forward edge of top for
automatically locking and unlocking top to windshield frame.
Comfort close feature which is activated from driver's or passenger's door position. Holding key in lock
position automatically closes and locks top and windows from outside.
Automatic full raising of all four windows once top is up and fully locked to windshield frame.
Electrical interlock of trunk lid when top storage cover is unlocked or open.
Automatic partial lowering of four side windows when lowering or raising top.
Automatic full raising of all four windows once top is stored in storage compartment.
Fully diagnosable EM Top Control Module.
A textile, crease-free interior liner clipped to top frame.
Emergency release handle inside passenger compartment, for manually raising top with an electrical
A removable (zipper) Green tinted plastic rear window.
Soft top material of 3-ply with 40% cotton fabric lining and 100% Arcyl outer skin.
This convertible top design is a single retractable mechanism that folds into a storage well behind the seats.
When stowed, top is covered by a clip-on vinyl top cover. The top is rigidly connected at rear which eliminates
need for a tension bow as used on E36 top design. The top is latched to windshield frame with catches on left
and right sides.
The Z3 was introduced in 1996 model year with a manual variant convertible top. Starting with 4/97
production, manual top was fitted with an additional gas spring strut to assist drivers while raising or lowering
top. For 1998 model year, an optional Electro-Hydraulic variant also became available. Regardless of mode of
automation, mechanical pivot points and movement while raising or lowering are same for both variations.
Fig. 5: Z3 Convertible Top Components
Top Cover
Fig. 6: Identifying Top Cover Components (1 Of 2)
Fig. 7: Identifying Top Cover Components (2 Of 2)
Control Module
Fig. 8: Identifying Control Module Location
Top Switch
Fig. 10: Identifying Drive Motor Components & Locations
Top Drive Linkage/Thrust Rods
Fig. 13: Microswitch Operation (1 Of 2)
Fig. 14: Microswitch Operation (2 Of 2)
Z3 Hydraulic Top
Located in driver's side "B" pillar, hydraulic piston connects to body by a clip and top frame by a ball pin. The
electric motor/hydraulic pump assembly is in the left rear corner of the trunk. The hydraulic tubing runs through
an opening in trunk bulkhead to hydraulic piston. The "see through" reservoir of pump has "min/max" fill lines
which allows quick visual confirmation of system fluid level.
Fig. 15: Z3 Hydraulic Top Components
Emergency Valve
Hydraulic unit is equipped with an Emergency Valve located on its top surface. If top can not be operated due
to an electrical or hydraulic fault, valve is unscrewed 1/2 turn allowing top to be raised manually.
Trunk Lid Closed - Electrical interlock of trunk and top. Due to design of top storage cover and trunk lid,
damage to cover or lid would occur if both were open at same time.
Ignition Key Switched On KLR - Preferably engine running to prevent unnecessary battery drain.
Roll Over Bars Retracted (If Equipped) - Bars interfere with top operation as it is lowering into storage
Unlock top with turn lock fastener and push top over tension point. Microswitch S4 must close for top to
operate. Press and hold top switch.
Press and hold top switch. All side windows lower automatically regardless of their position, by a signal from
top module to General module (ZKE IV).
1. The top lock motor is powered in unlock direction. The left and right side locks are mechanically released
via drive cables. Microswitch S7 opens indicating top is unlatched from windshield frame.
2. Once locks are completely released, top lock motor continues to run lifting front bow above tension point
via tension rods. As front bow passes tension point, microswitch S8 closes. The top lock motor switches
off and top motor is switched on.
Fig. 16: Identifying Switch Circuits
At same time windows are lowering, top drive motor is switched on and tension bar is raised to a vertical
position. The drive lever of top linkage rotates counter-clockwise to push tension bar to a raised position. The
control module recognizes raising of tension bar by closed contacts of microswitch S1 in motor assembly.
When tension bar has raised to full vertical position microswitch S2 closes and motor is switched off.
The top storage cover motor is switched on and turns counter-clockwise. This action releases locks of cover via
bowden cables. The locks are forced out of clamps by spring pressure. The drive linkage continues to push
cover to a raised position. A hall sensor integrated in cover motor provides status of storage lid movement and
position to CVM. The motor is switched off when it reaches the end of its predetermined travel. Microswitch S2
also closes the moment storage cover is released from its locked position. The signal is provided HM to prevent
trunk from opening.
The top motor turns clockwise immediately opening microswitches S1 and S2. It pulls top into storage
compartment. The tension bar drive linkage is mechanically released from top drive as motor continues to run.
Once top is completely lowered. microswitch S3 closes signalling control module to switch motor off.
The storage cover motor is switched on and drive linkage pulls cover down. As locking clamps grab onto cover
locks, linkage engages bowden cables and cover is locked closed. The CVM monitors storage lid position via
hall effect sensor signal. When fully closed position is detected, top cover motor is switched off.
If top switch is held down after top storage cover is closed, windows will automatically close. The EM top
module signals ZKE to close windows. Once top switch is released window operation is terminated.
The procedure for raising the top follows same pattern as lowering. Press and hold top switch:
The windows are automatically lowered. The top storage cover opens. The top is raised out of storage
The top storage cover is closed and locked. The tension bar is lowered. Microswitch S1 signals lowered
position of tension bar.
The top lock motor is activated, microswitch S8 opens. The motor is switched off the moment microswitch S7
closes. The top is fully raised and locked to windshield frame.
Semi-Automatic Top
Pull top over tension point and lock it to windshield frame. The automatic closing of windows on raising top is
not functional due to lack of anti-trap feature during this function.
In event of electrical failure, top can be raised manually. The procedure is as follows: see Fig. 19.
NOTE: The top can not be lowered again until electrical power is restored to system.
This is due to the fact that top storage cover can not be locked until power is
Due to interlock of trunk lid and unlocked top storage cover, the following procedure must be followed to
reconnect top drive motors, to restore electrical operation:
Lower all side windows with central switch. Unlock top from windshield frame, raise it over tension point
and open storage cover.
Lower top into storage compartment and close storage cover. Disconnect fuse #7 in front power
distribution box (this will override forced locking of trunk).
Open trunk lid and remove trim cover from left side of trunk. Reconnect motors with gear drives. The
actuating rods can be moved slightly to allow gear teeth to engage.
Close trunk lid and reinstall fuse #7. The EM top system must now be initialized to restore normal
An initialization run occurs automatically after every eighth operation of the top. This ensures that hall sensor
counting circuit is not adversely affected by any backlash or elasticity of top cover drive mechanism.
The hall sensor counter reading is stored in a NV RAM, however it is possible for this data to be incorrect or
out of sync for the following conditions: Power supply interrupted while top is in operation or electrical failures
that require manual closing of the top.
2. Ignition key switched off. Press and hold top switch in lowering direction.
3. Switch ignition on (KLR). After approximately 10 seconds top storage cover will start to close and lock.
At this point release top switch. The initialization procedure will continue running. The procedure is
complete approximately .5 second after top storage cover is closed and locked.
Top operation is dependent on a stationary vehicle with brake pedal depressed. Unlock top at windshield
frame and raise past tension point (microswitch closes).
With windows lowered, press top switch in console panel. The switch provides a ground for control
circuit of either up or down relay. Power is provided through brake light switch circuit when brake pedal
is depressed.
The activated relay provides operating power to pump motor which is grounded through other relays, not
active contacts. Release switch once top is at end of travel. Motor reversal is achieved when switch is
pressed in opposite direction, activating other relay.
Fig. 20: Z3 Convertible Top Circuits
NOTE: Convertible top compartment cover and gaskets must be correctly installed and
adjusted. Ensure convertible top lock are in block position and adjust Bowden
cables if necessary.
Fig. 21: Adjustment Procedure For Convertible Top Lid Locks (1 Of 2)
Fig. 22: Adjustment Procedure For Convertible Top Lid Locks (2 Of 2)
NOTE: Remove left luggage compartment trim. Ensure soft top lid is correctly installed
and adjusted, drive units not disconnected.
Fig. 25: Adjustment Procedure - Electric Drive/Convertible Top Lid (1 Of 3)
Fig. 26: Adjustment Procedure - Electric Drive/Convertible Top Lid (2 Of 3)
Fig. 27: Adjustment Procedure - Electric Drive/Convertible Top Lid (3 Of 3)
NOTE: Soft top compartment cover and gaskets must be correctly installed and
Fig. 28: Adjustment Procedure - Left Or Right Soft Top Cover Lock (1 Of 2)
Fig. 29: Adjustment Procedure - Left Or Right Soft Top Cover Lock (2 Of 2)
Application Identification
Convertible Top Actuator Switch S143
Convertible Top Position Micro Switch S1, S2 (S165)
Convertible Top End Position Micro Switch S4 (S164)
Rear Window Blower Micro Switch S3 (S196)
Windscreen Cowl Panel Lock Micro Switch (1996-97) S7, S8 (S231)
Faults that occur during operation of top are stored in CVM. They are accessed with DIS Tester or
MoDiC. For possible fault codes stored in CVM, see Fig. 37.
Fig. 37: Control Module Fault Code Definitions
Diagnostic requests (status) and component activation function provides quick diagnostic checks of signal
status and output function of components. Always verify control module identification against tester
display screen when testing or troubleshooting EM top system.
Always check any associated or inter-connected systems when troubleshooting EM top problems (i.e.:
ZKE IV). Check coding data to ensure control module is coded correctly for specific top system in
vehicle. Always use latest software available to test and troubleshoot system.
Fig. 38: Automatic EM Top Control Module Flow Chart
DC Voltage
At X13145, disconnect and access ground (pin 6) and hall sensor supply voltage (pin 3) = battery voltage.
Re-connect plug and check hall sensor signal (pin 2), activate convertible top, with storage lid in motion
= 5.0 volts. Tap switch to display high/low signal: High = 10.0 volts; Low = 0 volts.
Voltage Frequency
With storage compartment lid moving in either direction, pin 2 = 70 Hz (voltage frequency).
Fig. 39: Convertible Top Storage Lid Position Hall Sensor Test
NOTE: Remove soft top compartment cover. Lift soft top out of soft top compartment.
Fig. 48: Removal & Installation - Convertible Top Lid Drive Unit (2 Of 2)
Fig. 49: Removal & Installation - Convertible Lid Actuator Drive Switch (1 Of 2)
Fig. 50: Removal & Installation - Convertible Lid Actuator Drive Switch (2 Of 2)
NOTE: Soft top linkage is in "fully raised position". This switch prevents actuation of
soft top while soft top is closed.
NOTE: Convertible top is not closed until it receives a signal from microswitch S3. In
addition, rear windscreen fan is switched off once soft top in convertible top
Fig. 54: Removal & Installation - Microswitch S3 Assembly
NOTE: For wiring diagrams, see appropriate SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article in
The ability to slow or stop a vehicle depends upon the braking forces applied to the wheels and the frictional
contact that exists between the tires and the road surface. Very low frictional forces exist when the tire is locked
(or skidding). A locked tire also causes a loss or the lateral locating forces that effect directional control of the
vehicle. The result of a locked tire (or tires) is the loss of steering control and stability. The major forces that
affect how easy a tire will lock include:
The anti-lock braking system is designed to allow the maximum amount of braking force to be applied to the
wheels without allowing the wheels to lock or skid. The advantages that ABS provides includes:
Driving stability - by maintaining the lateral locating forces between the tires and the road surface
Steerability - allowing the driver to continue to steer the vehicle while stopping (even during panic stops)
or accident avoidance maneuvers.
Provides optimum braking distances - the rolling wheels transfer higher frictional forces to slow the
Brake Regulation
In order to prevent the wheels from locking during braking, yet provide the optimum braking force for
maximum braking efficiency, the ABS braking system must:
The ABS system carries out these functions with an electronic control system. The components of the ABS
system include:
Once activated, the ABS control module pulses the brakes on the affected wheel rapidly (2-15 times a second).
This allows the vehicle to be slowed down while still maintaining steerability and directional stability.
The ABS pulses the brakes through solenoids mounted in the hydraulic unit. The solenoids regulate the pressure
to the affected wheel through three phases of control:
Pressure Hold
Pressure Drop
Pressure Build
Fig. 1: Identifying ABS System Description
Braking Forces
When the brakes are applied, brake force counters the inertia of the moving vehicle. This force is created by the
brake pads acting on the rotors and through the wheel and tire to the roadway. Even in the best of conditions,
some wheel slip occurs. Up to a point this wheel slip is acceptable and in most cases it can even be helpful.
When braking, the transmitted brake force concentrates at the tire "foot print", where the rubber meets the road.
This causes a distortion which, when excessive, promotes wheel slip.
When controlled, the distortion can actually enhance the transmission of brake force. Therefore, the ABS logic
allows wheel slip up to 20-25%. Beyond that the ABS system limits the application of additional brake force.
This allows the transmission of maximum brake force while reducing the stopping distance.
Fig. 3: Identifying Braking Forces
The transmission of braking forces and the retention of Lateral Locating Forces are inverse. That is to say as
braking forces increase the locating forces decrease.
As indicated in the chart, the rolling wheel has a wheel slip value of 0% which provides the best Lateral
Locating Forces.
As the applied brake force increases the locating force decreases. Depending on the prevailing road surface
friction, the optimum transmission of brake force is at the end of the "stable range" with a wheel slip value of
Additional brake force at this point is clearly counter-productive as the additional brake force only increases
wheel slip and reduces Lateral Locating Forces.
Therefore the ABS system limits wheel slip by regulating the application of brake force while providing the
shortest possible stopping distance.
Road Surface
Clearly the condition of the roadway and weather conditions are significant influences regarding wheel slip and
the retention of Lateral Locating Forces.
As road surfaces vary and weather conditions impact the tire's ability to maintain good rolling contact, the
function of the ABS remains unchanged. Only the stopping distances increase due to the regulated transmission
of braking force.
Whatever the road surface or weather, the wheel slip will still be limited to 20-25%.
Regardless of the ABS system, good judgement and common sense are still required.
Fig. 5: Identifying Braking Force Coefficient Graph
The ABS control module constantly monitors and compares the wheel speed sensor signals. When all four
signals are at the same frequency within a small window of tolerance, the ABS system is not active and normal
braking takes place.
Fig. 6: Identifying Normal Braking - "Pressure Build"
The inlet solenoid valves of the hydraulic unit are de-energized. This maintains an open passage from the
master cylinder to the brake calipers.
The outlet solenoids are also de-energized. This maintains a closed outlet of the brake circuit back to the master
cylinder reservoir.
The inactive scenario is equal to a conventional braking system where the driver applies hydraulic pressure
from the brake pedal and the brake calipers react by compressing the brake pads on the rotor.
Pressure Hold
If the control module detects a decrease in the frequency (rate of deceleration) of one or more of the individual
signals it perceives this as possible wheel lock.
The control module energizes the inlet valve for that specific brake circuit. This closes the inlet port and
prevents any additional hydraulic pressure from being exerted on the brake caliper by the driver.
Fig. 7: Identifying Tyre Held Pressure
Pressure Drop
The control module de-energizes the inlet and outlet valves. This returns the brake circuit back to normal
braking and the hydraulic pressure is once again determined by the driver's pedal force.
This sequence continues rapidly until the wheel speed signals are once again acceptable and the contact of the
road and the tire surfaces are restored.
Fig. 8: Identifying Pressure Drop (Return Pump Activation)
When the system is in regulation, the brake pedal could progressively sink to the floor. This would be the result
of bleeding hydraulic pressure during ABS regulation.
The return pump maintains the pressure between the master cylinder and the inlet valve to prevent the pedal
from sinking completely to the floor.
This entire sequence of events happens repeatedly in a split second. The function of the pump is felt in the brake
pedal during ABS regulation.
With the inlet valve closed the pressure on the caliper is stabilized and isolated. The control module energizes
the outlet valve which opens the outlet port and drops the pressure in the isolated portion of the circuit.
As of 1997 Model Year - Traction Control became standard equipment on all models, with the noted exception
of the Mark 20 I ABS system. This system was equipped on a limited number of early production 1997 model
year E36 - 318i and Z3 1.9 vehicles produced at Plant 10 in Spartanburg, SC.
Teves ABS
Fig. 11: Identifying Teves ABS Circuit Diagram
1992-2002 BRAKES
Model (Chassis Code) Engine Size (Code)
318i, ic, is, ti (E36) 1.8L (M42)
325i, ic, is (E36) 2.5L (M50)
M3 (E36) 3.0L (S50)
318i, ic, is (E36) 1.9L (M44)
Z3 (E36) 1.9L (M44)
318 ti 1.9L (M44)
328i, is (E36) 2.8L (M52)
M3 (E36) 3.2L (S52)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52)
323i, is (E36) 2.5L (M52)
M Roadster 3.2L (S52)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M52)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (S52)
M Coupe (E36) 3.2L (S52)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M52TU)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52TU)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M54)
Z3 (E36) 3.0L (M54)
Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) consists of a hydraulic unit with 4 solenoid switching valves, 4 speed sensors,
an Electronic Control Unit (ECU), relays and wiring harness. See Fig. 1 .
ABS light on the instrument panel comes on when ignition is turned on. ABS light goes out once engine is
started, indicating ABS is ready for operation.
The ABS activates at speeds greater than 8 MPH. When vehicle speed is greater than 3 MPH, the built-in
electronic test monitor will start checking ABS. If a fault is found, the warning light will come on. When ABS
light is on, ABS is switched off. Vehicle will then convert to conventional braking.
If battery voltage is less than 10.5 volts with ignition on and test speed is exceeded, ABS will remain off until
alternator increases voltage output to more than 10.5 volts. ABS warning light will then go out.
Automatic Stability Control (ASC) and Automatic Stability Control with Traction Control (ASC+T) controls
wheel slip by providing traction control (while driving off and at slow speeds) and stability control (while
driving at cruising speeds and while cornering). By controlling wheel slip, frictional contact is maximized
between the tires and the road surfaces under a variety of driving conditions.
The Teves ABS/ASC+T is a four channel, front/rear split system. Each rear brake caliper has its own hydraulic
line from the hydraulic unit.
The ASC+T control determines the degree of slip based on the signals from the wheel speed sensors. The
control module averages the speeds of the two front wheels to determine vehicle speed. The speeds of the front
and rear wheels on each side are monitored to determine the degree of slip.
During ASC+T regulation the ASC Control Module has the ability to pulse the rear brakes individually or
together. This depends on the degree of control required to restore traction as determined by the control module.
In addition to the traction control, the ASC+T Control Module interfaces with the DME control module. This
will further reduce the engine's output torque. The total scope of engine control is the same as other ASC
systems and includes engine intake air regulation, ignition timing retard, and ignition/injection fade out.
On vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions, the ASC+T system interfaces with the EGS control
module. This will delay or inhibit shifts during ASC regulation to prevent instability.
For a complete picture of the inputs and outputs of the system see Fig. 2 .
Fig. 2: Identifying ABS/ASC+T Control Module Inputs & Outputs
Both the ABS and ASC warning lamps illuminate when the ignition is switched on. The lamps go out after
approximately 2 seconds (self test check).
The ASC lamp will flash during regulation. It will be on permanently with a faulted system or if the ASC is
manually switched off.
The ABS and ASC lamps will be on permanently with faults that affect the ABS system (both systems off line).
On vehicles so equipped, the ADS II motor is located just above the hydraulic unit mounted to the left front
shock tower. It is connected to the throttle valve through a bowden cable. See Fig. 3 .
Fig. 3: Identifying Hydraulic Unit Components
The ADS II motor is controlled by a modulated signal (PWM) from the ASC+T control module. As the
accelerator pedal (1) is depressed, power is applied to the rear wheels. If slip is detected by the ASC+T control
module, ASC regulation commences. The degree of closure is dependent on the degree of slip and the control
module programming. The ADS motor (2) closes the throttle (3) through the bowden cable. The ASC+T control
module receives feedback acknowledgment of ADS operation from the potentiometer mounted on the throttle
housing. In addition to the ADS position of the throttle, the ASC+T control module also receives the DKI signal
(5) from the DME as a plausibility input. See Fig. 4 .
Fig. 4: Identifying ADS II Throttle Control Components
The signals between the ASC+T control module and the DME control module for slip control regulation are
switched high/low signals. In addition to the DKI signal, the ASC+T interfaces with the DME over three signal
Another signal may be SHIFT INTERVENTION. This is a signal from the ASC+T control module to the EGS
control module to suppress shifting during ASC regulation.
ECU computes acceleration, deceleration and slip factors as generated from rotating wheels via speed sensors.
ECU program can determine correct response behavior of the system based on these computations. ECU
response is sent by electronic signals to electromagnetically operated valves in ABS hydraulic unit.
The ECU contains electronic monitoring circuits. These monitoring circuits ensure proper operation of the ABS.
If control unit detects a defect in wiring harness or any electrical part of the equipment, the monitoring circuit
will switch off ABS, permitting normal use of standard brake system. ANTI-LOCK indicator light will glow.
To control braking system pressure, brake hydraulic unit has a 3-way valve which permits 3 separate brake
pressure conditions. Pressure build-up, pressure retention and pressure drop are 3 pressure phases that adapt to
vehicle braking requirements. For components see Fig. 3 .
As soon as wheel lock-up is indicated, brake fluid pressure is reduced. If the wheel still tends to lock,
pressure will be further reduced until wheel acceleration or the slip limit is detected. The pressure is then
raised and the control phases repeated. These pressure changes occur in milliseconds.
The return delivery pump returns brake fluid from the wheel brake cylinder, while dropping the pressure
to the appropriate brake circuit. The pump is a 2-piston pump design so circuits of a dual brake circuit
system remain separated.
Two relays are located under hydraulic control unit cover: an engine relay and a valve relay. The engine
relay is the larger relay.
Speed sensors are installed at each wheel. Speed sensors measure the rate at which teeth on pulse wheel rotate.
The sensors then relay signal to the ECU, which computes actual wheel speed. Pulse wheels, which run past the
permanently magnetized edge of speed sensor, are attached to hub.
Throttle Valve
The throttle valve is operated via cable from the accelerator pedal as in the past. An additional tension spring
allows the ADS motor to close the throttle valve regardless of how far the accelerator is being pressed.
The throttle potentiometer is a dual potentiometer. One potentiometer is the throttle position input signal to the
DME as in the past. The second potentiometer is the actual throttle valve position input to the ASC+T control
module during ASC regulation. See Fig. 5 .
Fig. 5: Locating Throttle Pontentiometer Components
Brake fluid should be replaced every 2 years. Brake fluid tank has a vent hole. Brake fluid will retain moisture
from air and could cause brake fluid boiling point to drop from 464°F (240°C) to 320°F (160°C).
Use BMW scan tool connected to diagnostic connector to retrieve ABS diagnostic trouble codes. See Fig. 6 .
NOTE: For pin voltage identification of 55-pin ABS connector and 12-pin ABS hydraulic
connector, see Fig. 7 -Fig. 10 .
Fig. 7: 55-Pin ABS Connector Pin Voltage Identification (1 Of 3)
Fig. 8: 55-Pin ABS Connector Pin Voltage Identification (2 Of 3)
Fig. 12: ABS Warning Light Does Not Light When Ignition Switched On
2. Discharge accumulator by connecting bleeder hose with bottle and carefully loosen bleeder screw. See
Fig. 16 .
3. Unlock and pull off cable connector. See Fig. 17 .
4. Unscrew brake pipe. See Fig. 18 .
5. Unscrew screws and remove accumulator. See Fig. 19 .
6. To install, reverse removal procedure. Tighten brake hoses to specification. See TORQUE
7. Bleed accumulator. See appropriate DISC article.
CAUTION: Control unit must only be removed and installed after switching ignition
1. Before starting work, read out fault memory of ABS/ASC+T control unit and print out diagnostic record.
2. Remove the ABS/ASC+T hydraulic unit. See HYDRAULIC CONTROL UNIT .
3. Seal the line connections with the plugs provided in the repair kit. This prevents brake fluid from being
discharged from the hydraulic unit, which in turn makes it easier to bleed the brake system later.
4. Release screws (1) and carefully detach control unit (2) from hydraulic unit (3). See Fig. 22 .
5. Attach new control unit and replace micro-encapsulated screws and tighten to specification. See
6. Remove plugs and install hydraulic unit.
9. On vehicles so equipped, pull suction hoses off elbow on pump body and catch escaping brake fluid. See
Fig. 27 .
NOTE: Unscrew carbon filter for tank ventilation in vehicles equipped with cruise
10. Unscrew mounting nut and lift hydraulic unit out of console. See Fig. 28 .
1. Remove and insulate battery cable terminals. Disconnect ground lead on body. Remove wire clamps on
body and wire clip on heater wall. Disconnect both front pulse sensor plugs.
2. Remove hydraulic unit. Remove multiple pin plug from hydraulic unit. Disconnect ground wire. Remove
rear seat and left "B" pillar trim. Detach left entrance for rail covers. Raise vehicle.
3. Pull down and disconnect plugs for both pulse sensors. DO NOT damage rubber grommets. Route wire
inward. Remove carpet and trim on left side as necessary. Pull wire forward in vehicle. Remove left trim
lower section.
4. Disconnect harness plugs. Pull wires forward into engine compartment. Remove cap from ABS control
unit and plug. Remove firewall trim. Fold open hydraulic unit plug. Pull wiring harness through firewall
from engine compartment.
To install, reverse removal procedure. When connecting multiple pin plug, connect left side and then press right
side into clamp. Check ABS for proper operation.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m.)
Brake Hose Couplings 23-26 (17-19)
Inch Lbs. (N.m.)
Control Unit On Hydraulic Unit 44 (5)
For wiring diagrams, see appropriate SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
1992-2001 BRAKES
NOTE: For brake pad warning light reset, see BRAKE PAD WARNING LIGHT .
WARNING: Brake friction materials such as brake linings or pads contain abrasive
fibers which can lead to illnesses. Do not create dust by grinding or
sanding, or cleaning the pads with compressed air. Wash away or
vacuum up brake dust. Avoid breathing any brake friction fibers or dust.
CAUTION: Do not reuse self-locking nuts, bolts or fasteners. They are designed to be
used only once and may fail if reused. Always replace them with new self-
locking nuts. Ensure cleanliness and only use rags which do not lose lint.
Ensure that no oils or grease enter the brake system. These substances
would cause complete failure of the entire brake system. When cleaning
brake components with brake cleaning fluid, none must enter the brake
NOTE: For information on Anti-Lock Brake Systems (ABS), see appropriate ANTI-LOCK
Brake system is hydraulically-operated, using a tandem master cylinder and power brake booster. Some models
use a power steering pump driven booster. All models are equipped with single piston front and rear disc brake
calipers. A brake pressure regulator is used to reduce fluid pressure to rear brakes.
Parking brake is cable actuated on rear brake and consists of internally mounted parking brake shoes. Basic
adjustment of the parking brake is required whenever:
CAUTION: Use only clean brake fluid. Ensure no dirt or other foreign matter
contaminates brake fluid. DO NOT mix different brands of brake fluid, as
they may not be compatible. DO NOT spill brake fluid on car, as it will
damage paint. If brake fluid contacts paint, immediately flush with water.
1. If using a bleeder device, refer to documentation. Attach to expansion tank. Charging pressure must not
exceed 29 PSI (2 bar).
CAUTION: With fixed caliper, bleed both sides of brake caliper, removing wheel
if necessary.
2. Reservoir on master cylinder must be full at start of bleeding procedure. Connect bleeder hose with bottle
to rear-right brake caliper. Open bleed valve and fully depress brake pedal at least 12 times. Brake fluid
must emerge without bubbles.
3. Apply steady pressure and close bleeder valve.
4. Switch off bleeder unit and disconnect from expansion tank. Check brake fluid level. Close expansion
tank. Take care of rubber gasket in lid.
5. Repeat procedure on left-rear brake caliper, right-front brake caliper and left-front brake caliper.
Perform the following filling and bleeding procedure when exchanging or repairing tandem-brake master
cylinder, hydraulic unit ABS/ASC+T and components, or connecting lines installed between these units. If
work is performed on components involving entire system see FLUSH ENTIRE BRAKING SYSTEM.
If work is performed on componets involving only the rear sytem see BLEED REAR-AXLE BRAKE
If work is performed on componets involving only the front sytem see BLEED FRONT-AXLE BRAKE
When carrying out any other work on the brake system (e.g. replacing brake calipers), see BASIC BLEEDING
NOTE: Bleeding unit is connected with maximum 29 PSI (2 bar) filling pressure.
CAUTION: With fixed caliper, bleed both sides of brake caliper, removing wheel if
NOTE: Bleeding unit is connected with maximum 29 PSI (2 bar) filling pressure.
Perform the following filling and bleeding procedure when exchanging or repairing tandem-brake master
cylinder, hydraulic control unit DSC3 and components, or connecting lines installed between these units. When
carrying out any other work on the brake system (e.g. replacing brake calipers), see BASIC BLEEDING
After working on the pre-boost pump, it is only necessary to bleed the front axle circuit. Here, before flushing
the brake system, activate the pre-boost pump with the diagnosis and information system (DIS). Bleeding unit is
connected with maximum 29 PSI (2 bar) filling pressure.
Open bleed valve and flush until clear, bubble-free brake fluid emerges.
Follow same procedure on wheel brakes rear left, front right and front left in that order.
Run bleeding routine with BMW Diagnosis and Information System (DIS) with bleeder valve open.
After running routine, press brake pedal 5 times to stop. Clear, bubble-free brake fluid must flow
Close bleeder valve.
NOTE: Accurate adjustment of the parking brake is only possible if the Bowden cables
and all moving parts move easily and function correctly.
Brake performance is mainly affected by 3 things: the level and condition of the brake fluid, the brake system's
ability to create and maintain hydraulic pressure, and condition of the friction components. Tires and wheels are
important parts of the braking system. Check tires for wear, flat spots, trueness and proper inflation. Visually
check the hydraulic system starting at the master cylinder. Check all brake fluid lines and couplings for leaks,
kinks, chafing and corrosion.
On vehicles with vacuum brake booster, check brake booster by pumping brake pedal approximately 10 times
with the engine off. Then hold down brake pedal and start engine. Pedal should fall slightly. If not, check for
any visible faults before suspecting a faulty brake booster. Check for strong vacuum at vacuum hose fitting on
booster. Ensure vacuum check valve has one-way flow. For trouble shooting symptoms, see SYMPTOM
INDEX table.
Symptom See Symptom Table
Brakes Pull To One Side A
Brakes Excessively Hot While Driving B
Poor Braking Effect In Spite Of Great Force On C
Pedal, Brake Pedal Travel Normal
Poor Braking Effect In Spite Of Great Force On C
Pedal, Brake Pedal Travel Short
Poor Braking Effect In Spite Of Great Force On C
Pedal, Brake Pedal Travel Long
Brake Pedal Motion Too Soft & Spongy D
Brake Pedal Travel Is Excessive Even Though E
Brakes Have Been Bled & Adjusted
Uneven Pad Wear F
Brake Pads Worn At Angle G
Seized Brake Pads, Pad Does Not Move Off Brake H
Brakes Squeal Or Rattle I
Brake Pedal Dead Travel Excessive J
Jammed Piston In Brake Caliper K
Pulsating Effect On Brake Pedal L
Handbrake Effect Insufficient M
Brake warning light is mounted on instrument panel. Turn ignition on and release parking brake. Verify light is
off. Remove master cylinder filler cap. Warning light should come on. If warning light does not come on, check
bulb and circuit connections.
NOTE: This test may set the ABS and ASC warning lights on the instrument cluster.
The lights are illuminated because the system sees an implausible speed
differential between the spinning rear wheels, and the stationary front wheels.
Vehicles equipped with DSC3 will not set the lights.
On 735i and 745i vehicles connect BMW Diagnosis and Information System (DIS) or MoDiC. Call up
"Workshop braking-in" service function and start braking-in program.
1. With parking brake released wheel circumferential force is no more than 300 N.
2. At the first tooth, do not allow braking force to increase.
3. At the 2nd tooth, braking action can begin and the indicator light may be lit.
4. At the 3rd, tooth, braking action must begin and the indicator light must be lit.
5. At the 4th tooth, braking action increases.
6. At the 5th tooth, wheel circumferential force must be at least 1100 N at one of the two rear wheels, and at
least 1000 N at the other wheel. Wheel circumferential force differential (left to right) maximum 30%
from highest value (shortly before wheel lockup). A readjustment must be carried out in event of larger
deviations of wheel circumferential force. See PARKING BRAKE under ADJUSTMENTS.
7. Braking with locked wheels must be possible with the parking brake.
8. The ABS/ASC warning lights, if on, will automatically switch off by switching off engine, waiting at
least 30 seconds, restart engine and drive away. Warning lights will go out when speed exceeds 8 mph.
(Fault codes will be retained in memory.)
Check seal between brake booster and brake master cylinder (sealing ring) for perfect condition and
correct seating.
If the specified values are not achieved when the test is repeated, replace the brake booster.
Fig. 2: Installing Vacuum Tester
NOTE: High-pressure and low-pressure tests (leakage test) must be performed with the
engine switched off.
High-Pressure Test
1. Unscrew vent plug, connect pressure tester and vent. See Fig. 3.
2. Load brake pedal with a force of approximately 112 lbs. (500 N), and block pedal with pedal support.
3. After 2 minutes, pressure must not drop by more than 8%.
4. Perform low-pressure test.
Low-Pressure Test
NOTE: Perform test on both brake circuits, front and rear.
1. Unscrew vent plug, connect pressure tester and vent. See Fig. 3.
2. Load brake pedal with a force of 30-72 PSI (2-5 bar), and block pedal with pedal support. Car and
measuring equipment must remain perfectly still as vibrations will distort the result.
3. Pressure should remain constant during five minute test.
4. Check all rubber parts in case of excessive pressure drop.
5. Bleed brake calipers and wheel brake cylinders after finishing test.
On Test Stand
WARNING: Use only brake dynamometers whose test speed is 3 mph (5 km/h) or
less. Follow without fail the guidelines contained in the operating
instructions of the relevant test stand manufacturer. Failure to do so may
result in damage to the vehicle and the system and also personal injury.
CAUTION: The maximum test duration for four-wheel drive vehicles is 3 minutes per
axle. If the test has to be repeated, the vehicle must be driven over a
distance of at least .6 miles (1 km) to ensure the transfer case is
sufficiently lubricated.
On cars equipped with ASC+T or DSC, the system must be deactivated with the switch. ASC+T/DSC indicator
lamp in instrument cluster must light up.
The brakes must be at normal operating temperature. To achieve this, brake the car several times to slightly
warm and dry brake disks and drums.
NOTE: The thickness of the outer brake linings can be determined without removing
the wheels except on 7-Series prior to 1997.
1. If necessary, move car until opening for brake lining wear indicator can be seen through rim styling.
2. Insert special tool (34 1 260) through rim into opening for brake lining wear indicator.
3. Press special tool onto brake lining. Slide ring (1) in direction of arrow as far as it will go and read off
measured value. See Fig. 4.
4. Minimum thickness for all models is stamped in brake disc shell. Wear warning from residual lining
thickness is 3 mm. Maximum machining limit per friction ring side is .8 mm. For minimum thickness see
CAUTION: Do not use any force when removing and installing the brake booster
unit. The unit can be damaged under certain circumstances.
12. Carefully swing out the brake unit and remove from the bulkhead.
Fig. 5: Removing Rubber Seal & Securing Clamps
Fig. 6: Locating Cover Screws
Fig. 7: Removing Booster Components
Fig. 8: Locating Retainer & Recoil Spring
Fig. 9: Locating Pin
Fig. 10: Locating Pedal Assembly Nuts & Bolts
CAUTION: Region (3) of the brake unit is very susceptible to damage that could
lead to the breakdown of the brake unit. See Fig. 11.
1. Install adapter plate (1), replacing gasket (2) if necessary. See Fig. 11.
2. Carefully insert brake booster unit into place.
3. Push pedal assembly into place and replace self-locking nuts.
4. Balance of assembly is reverse of removal.
Fig. 11: Locating Brake Booster Components
1. Actuate the brake pedal several times to reduce the vacuum in the brake booster, making it easier to pull
off the vacuum hose.
2. Open hose clips (1, 2) and pull off vacuum hoses. See Fig. 12.
3. Pull off the rubber seal (1). See Fig. 13.
4. Unfasten catches (4 pieces), and pull upper section of separating wall seal upward and off.
5. Pull non-return valve with rubber gasket upward out of lower section of separating wall seal.
6. When installing, ensure that rubber gasket is correctly seated and retaining hooks are properly locked.
7. Installation is reverse of removal.
Fig. 12: Locating Hose Clips
Fig. 13: Pulling Off Rubber Seal
1. Suck the brake fluid out of the expansion tank. Use a suction device used exclusively for drawing off
brake fluid.
2. Pull supply hose (1) off of clutch hydraulic system, if necessary. See Fig. 14.
3. On vehicles with a precharging pump for DSC, the supply hose must be secured in a vertical position to
prevent fluid from emerging.
4. On all models, lift out the expansion tank from the master brake cylinder by tilting it laterally.
5. Check rubber plug in master brake cylinder. No damage may be present.
6. Push the expansion tank vertically onto the master brake cylinder.
7. Connect hoses, fill expansion tank, and bleed system. See BLEEDING BRAKE SYSTEM.
Fig. 14: Locating Supply Hose Of Clutch Hydraulic System
NOTE: Dust sleeve must not come into contact with anti-squeak compound as
this would cause dust sleeve to swell.
6. Check dust sleeve (1) for damage and replace if necessary. Clean contact face (2) of brake piston and
apply a thin coating of anti-squeak compound. See Fig. 18.
7. In 5-Series/touring models, make sure the insulating ring (1) is installed on the brake piston. See Fig. 19.
8. Reassemble caliper.
9. Install caliper. See CALIPER ASSEMBLY.
10. Install wheel(s).
11. Lower vehicle.
12. Fully depress brake pedal several times so that brake pads contact brake discs.
13. When new brake pads are fitted on the front and rear axles, the brake fluid level must be brought up to the
"MAX" marking.
14. Hold ignition key for at least 30 seconds in position "1" without starting engine. This clears a fault entry
in the RAM. This prevents the brake wear indicator lamp from lighting up again.
NOTE: When forcing piston back, observe brake fluid level in supply tank.
Overflowing brake fluid will damage the paintwork.
7. Turn piston fully back with special tool 34 1 050. See Fig. 23.
8. Remove outer brake lining. See DISC LINING.
NOTE: Grease contact surfaces on brake caliper at top and bottom.
9. Clean contact faces (1,2) of brake lining hammer heads/brake caliper housing and coat with anti-squeak
compound. See Fig. 24.
10. Clean contact face (3) of brake caliper and apply a thin coating of anti-squeak compound. See Fig. 25.
11. Clean brake caliper mounting bracket at hammer head guides and apply a thin coating of anti-squeak
1. Raise and support vehicle. Remove wheel(s).
2. If necessary, remove and clean disc linings. See DISC LINING.
3. Remove caliper mounting bolts and raise caliper off mounting assembly and suspend from vehicle with
CAUTION: To release brake disc, do not strike friction ring with a hammer or
similar. If necessary, carefully tap on base of brake disc chamber
with a rubber mallet.
4. Unscrew bolts and take off brake disc. See Fig. 26.
Fig. 26: Removing Brake Disc
1. Thoroughly clean contact surface of brake disc at wheel hub. Remove traces of corrosion if necessary.
Unevenness on contact surface may result in distortion of brake disc.
2. Install brake disc and tighten bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
3. If removed, replace brake linings.
4. Check that brake hose has not been disconnected. If disconnected make sure it is positively attached when
5. Replace caliper and tighten screws to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
6. Install wheels and bleed brakes if brake hose was disconnected. See BLEEDING BRAKE SYSTEM.
7. If work was on rear brakes, adjust handbrake. See PARKING BRAKE under ADJUSTMENTS.
1. Apply pedal prop and depress brake pedal slightly. This prevents brake fluid from flowing out of
expansion tank and into brake system when brake lines are opened.
2. Suck the brake fluid out of the expansion tank. Use a suction device used exclusively for drawing off
brake fluid.
NOTE: Ensure that square head screw on brake hose does not rotate in metal
bracket. If necessary, brace the brake hose with mold grips.
NOTE: Brake pipes are only supplied straight, in correct length and fitted with
connecting nipples.
4. Bend new pipe as required using bending tool 34 5 100. Removed pipe can be used as template.
CAUTION: Never twist brake pipe when installing and avoid all contact with
parts attached rigidly to the body.
5. If replacing front brake pipe, move wheels into straight-ahead position. Install new pipe and tighten to
6. Remove pedal prop and bleed brake system. See BLEEDING BRAKE SYSTEM.
1. Suck the brake fluid out of expansion tank. Use a suction device used exclusively for drawing off brake
2. Remove brake fluid expansion tank. See BRAKE EXPANSION TANK.
3. On all models, disconnect all hydraulic lines from master cylinder. Close off the brake lines and the
master brake cylinder using appropriate seal plugs. See Fig. 31.
4. Remove master cylinder-to-power booster nuts. Remove support and master cylinder.
5. Replace O-ring. See Fig. 32.
Fig. 31: Locating Screw Connections
Fig. 32: Locating O-Ring
1. Install master brake cylinder to brake unit. Replace self-locking nuts and tighten to specification. See
2. Attach and tighten screw connections of brake lines and tighten to specification. See TORQUE
3. Push the expansion tank vertically onto the master brake cylinder.
4. Refill brake fluid and bleed the system. See .
According to outside diameter of bearing inner race, use special tool 33 4 401 with: 33 4 405 for
dia. 45-51 mm, 33 4 406 for dia. 50-55 mm and 33 4 407 for dia. 55-61 mm in groove. See Fig. 35.
Tension special tool 33 4 401 with wrenches 33 4 403 and 33 4 404 until it can still just be turned
in groove. See Fig. 36.
Screw in special tool 33 4 402. Detach inner bearing race.
9. Draw in new wheel bearing with special tool 33 4 041/ 042/ 043/ 047. For inner bearing race 42 mm use
special tool 33 4 049 and for 39 mm use 33 4 046. See Fig. 39.
10. Installation is reverse of removal.
11. Replace stretched or damaged circlip. Ensure correct seating.
12. Pull in drive flange using special tool 33 4 041/ 042/ 043/ 045/ 048. See Fig. 40.
13. Install brake disc.
14. Install axle shaft.
Fig. 33: Removing Drive Flange
Fig. 34: Pulling Off Bearing Inner Race
Fig. 35: Detaching Wheel Bearing Inner Race
Fig. 36: Using Special Tool 33 4 402
Fig. 37: Locating Circlip
Fig. 38: Removing Wheel Bearing
Fig. 39: Pulling In New Wheel Bearing
Fig. 40: Pulling In Drive Flange
According to outside diameter of bearing inner race, use special tool 33 4 401 with: 33 4 405 for
dia. 45-51 mm, 33 4 406 for dia. 50-55 mm and 33 4 407 for dia. 55-61 mm in groove. See Fig. 35.
Tension special tool 33 4 401 with wrenches 33 4 403 and 33 4 404 until it can still just be turned
in groove. See Fig. 36.
Screw in special tool 33 4 400. Detach inner bearing race.
7. Remove circlip. See Fig. 37.
8. Remove wheel bearing with special tool 33 3 261/ 262/ 263. See Fig. 42.
CAUTION: Do not reuse old wheel bearing. Note installation direction of wheel
bearing. The red sealing ring must face outwards. Otherwise, ABS
function is not assured by the impulse sensor integrated in the
9. Draw in new wheel bearing with special tool 33 3 261/ 264/ 265. See Fig. 43.
10. Installation is reverse of removal.
11. Replace stretched or damaged circlip. Ensure correct seating.
12. Pull in drive flange using special tool (33 3 261/ 262/ 263). See Fig. 44.
13. Install brake disc.
14. Install axle shaft.
Fig. 41: Removing Inner Bearing Race From Drive Flange
Fig. 42: Pulling Out Wheel Bearing
Fig. 43: Pulling In New Wheel Bearing
Fig. 44: Pulling In Drive Flange
318ti & Z3
According to outside diameter of bearing inner race, use special tool 33 4 401 with: 33 4 405 for
dia. 45-51 mm, 33 4 406 for dia. 50-55 mm and 33 4 407 for dia. 55-61 mm in groove. See Fig. 35.
Tension special tool 33 4 401 with wrenches 33 4 403 and 33 4 404 until it can still just be turned
in groove. See Fig. 36.
Screw in special tool 33 4 402. Detach inner bearing race.
7. Remove circlip. See Fig. 37.
8. Remove wheel bearing with special tool 33 4 041/042/043/044/045. See Fig. 47. For Z3 2.8 use 33 4
031/032/033/038/039. See Fig. 48.
9. Draw in new wheel bearing with special tool 33 4 041/042/043/046/047. See Fig. 49. For Z3 2.8 use 33 4
032/034/035/038/039. See Fig. 50.
10. Installation is reverse of removal.
11. Replace stretched or damaged circlip. Ensure correct seating.
12. Pull in drive flange using special tool 33 4 041/042/045/048. See Fig. 51. For Z3 2.8 use 33 4
041/0424/045/048. See Fig. 52.
13. Install brake disc.
14. Install axle shaft.
Fig. 45: Pulling Off Bearing Inner Race
Fig. 46: Pulling Off Bearing Inner Race (Z3 2.8)
Fig. 47: Removing Wheel Bearing (318ti, Z3 Except 2.8)
Fig. 48: Removing Wheel Bearing (Z3 2.8)
Fig. 49: Pulling In New Wheel Bearing (318ti, Z3 Except 2.8)
Fig. 50: Pulling In New Wheel Bearing (Z3 2.8)
Fig. 51: Pulling In Drive Flange (318ti, Z3 Except 2.8
Fig. 52: Pulling In Drive Flange (Z3 2.8)
According to outside diameter of bearing inner race, use special tool 33 4 401 with: 33 4 405 for
dia. 45-51 mm, 33 4 406 for dia. 50-55 mm and 33 4 407 for dia. 55-61 mm in groove. See Fig. 35.
Tension special tool 33 4 401 with wrenches 33 4 403 and 33 4 404 until it can still just be turned
in groove. See Fig. 36.
Screw in special tool 33 4 402. Detach inner bearing race.
7. Unfasten screws and remove wheel bearing. See Fig. 54.
8. Install new wheel bearing. The contact faces (2) of wheel bearing and wheel carrier and the tapped bores
(1) must be clean and free of grease. See Fig. 55.
9. For bottom screws use 1/2" socket wrench with joint. For upper screws use 1/2" socket wrench with
extension. Tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
10. Apply light coat of oil to drive flange (1). Attach drive flange on spline of axle shaft and tighten it down
using special tool 33 2 115/ 116/ 118. See Fig. 56.
11. Install brake disc.
12. Lightly oil and replace collar nut. Tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
13. Secure collar nut by peening in flat areas of axle shaft.
Fig. 53: Locating Collar Nut
Fig. 54: Locating Wheel Bearing Screws
Fig. 55: Locating Contact Faces
Fig. 56: Attaching Drive Flange
CAUTION: Note installation direction of wheel bearing. The red sealing ring
must face outwards. Otherwise, ABS function is not assured by the
impulse sensor integrated in the bearing.
9. Draw in new wheel bearing (1) with special tool 33 3 261/ 264/ 268. See Fig. 58.
10. Insert new circlip.
11. Pull in drive flange using special tool 33 3 261/ 266/ 267. See Fig. 59.
12. Draw in axle shaft with special tool 33 2 115/ 116/ 118. See Fig. 60.
13. Install wheel(s).
7. Install new wheel bearing. The contact faces (2) of wheel bearing and wheel carrier and the tapped bores
(1) must be clean and free of grease. See Fig. 55.
8. For bottom screws use 1/2" socket wrench with joint. For upper screws use 1/2" socket wrench with
extension. Tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
9. Apply light coat of oil to drive flange (1). Attach drive flange on spline of axle shaft and tighten it down
using special tool 33 2 115/ 116/ 118. See Fig. 56.
10. Install brake disc.
11. Lightly oil and replace collar nut. Tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
12. Secure collar nut by caulking it at flat areas of axle shaft.
WARNING: When pressing out brake caliper piston large forces occur. Be
careful of fingers.
3. Slowly apply air pressure to fluid inlet of caliper to force out piston. To protect piston, place a protective
plate (hard wood or hard felt) in caliper recess.
4. Check guide sleeves (5), fitting repair-kit guide sleeve if necessary. See Fig. 62.
5. Remove sealing ring carefully with a plastic needle. See Fig. 63.
6. Thoroughly inspect cylinder bore, piston and flange surfaces. Machining of cylinders and pistons is not
Fig. 61: Pressing Out Piston
Fig. 62: Locating Guide Sleeves
Fig. 63: Removing Sealing Ring
Clean components in alcohol and dry with compressed air. Inspect caliper bore and pistons for wear or damage.
Replace caliper assembly if cylinder bore is corroded or worn. DO NOT hone.
1. Coat cylinder bore, piston, dust sleeve and sealing ring with a light coat of brake cylinder paste.
2. Install sealing ring in rear annular groove of cylinder bore.
3. Install dust boot on piston. Using wooden block, install piston and dust boot. See Fig. 64.
4. On 750i/iL ensure proper installation position of guide sleeves. Teflon socket (white insert) is located on
disc inlet (bottom). Guide sleeve in standard version (black) is located on disc outlet (top).
5. Press brake lining fully outwards and insert spring (4). See Fig. 65.
6. Only clean guide screws, do not grease. Check and replace if necessary. Tighten to specification. See
7. Install caliper. See CALIPER ASSEMBLY.
Push in primary piston and remove plug. See Fig. 66. Remove retaining ring from end of cylinder. Remove
primary and secondary piston assemblies and stopper washer. Disassemble piston assemblies, noting number
and position of parts used for reassembly reference. See Fig. 66.
1. Reassemble piston assemblies using thin coating of brake assembly lubricant. Install piston assemblies
into cylinder bore, using Guide Sleeve (34-3-000) to prevent seal damage.
2. Push piston fully forward and install plug. Install retaining ring in master cylinder bore. Replace "O" ring
between master cylinder and brake booster. Bench bleed master cylinder before installation.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Adapter To Power Flow Regulator 11.8 (16)
Axle Collar Nut
735i, 745i 309.8 (420)
E36 & E46 2WD 213 (290)
E46 4WD 310 (420)
22 mm 147.5 (200)
24 mm 184.4 (250)
27 mm 221.3 (300)
Bearing Pedestal To Brake Assembly & Body
3 Series 18.4 (25)
5 & 7 Series Except 735i & 745i 22.8 (31)
735i & 745i 19 (26)
Bleed Screw
7 mm 2.6-3.7 (3.5-5)
11 mm 8.9-11.8 (12-16)
Brake Booster To Pedal Assembly Console 16.2 (22)
Brake Caliper On Semi-Trailing Arm/Wheel Carrier 49.4 (67)
Brake Caliper To Steering Knuckle 81 (110)
Brake Carrier On Semi-Trailing Arm/Wheel Carrier
735i & 745i 81 (110)
All Others 48 (65)
Brake Disc To Wheel Hub
11.8 (16)
Brake Hose Couplings
735i & 745i 8.8-11.8(12-16)
All Others 12.5-25.7 (17-19)
Brake Master Cylinder To Brake Booster (Hydraulic)
Replace Hexagon Socket Cap Screw With A Hexagon Screw (Early 1995 5 38 (28)
Brake Master Cylinder To Brake Booster (Vacuum)
740iL (Early 1995) 15.5 (21)
Retighten After 30 Minutes (735i & 745i) 19 (26)
All Others 19 (26)
Expansion Tank To Brake Master Cylinder
3 Series 2.5 (3.5)
Guide Bolt (Front) 22 (30)
Guide Bolt (Rear) 20.6 (28)
Hydraulic Pipe Coupling To Brake Booster 22.8 (31)
Hydraulic Pipe From Power Steering Pump On Power Flow Regulator 29.5 (40)
Hydraulic Pipe To Brake Booster On Power Flow Regulator 22.8 (31)
Hydraulic Pipe To Pressure Reservoir 29.5 (40)
Hydraulic Pipe To Pressure Reservoir On Power Flow Regulator 34.6 (47)
Hydraulic Pipe To Steering Gear On Power Flow Regulator 36.8 (50)
Hydraulic Switch (Warning Switch) To Power Flow Regulator 13.2 (18)
Master Cylinder-To-Power Booster Nut 18-21 (25-29)
Orifice Valve To Brake Booster 25.8 (35)
Reservoir To Power Flow Regulator 36.8 (50)
Return Pipe To Oil Tank On Power Flow Regulator 11.8 (16)
Wheel Bearing Unit On Wheel Carrier 22.1 (30)
Wheel Lugs
All Except E53 & E65 81.1-95.5 (110-130)
E53 & E65 95.5-110.6 (130-150)
INCH Lbs. (N.m)
Actuating Unit & Control Unit Of Parking Brake 35.4 (4)
Housing Cover To Parking Brake (735i & 745i) 17.7 (2)
Wheel Cylinder To Brake Backplate 88.5 (10)
Parking Brake
3-Series 63.0 (160)
5-Series & 7-Series 70.8 (180)
(1) Information is stamped on disc rotor.
Fig. 67: Identifying Allen Key (34 4 000)
Fig. 68: Identifying Bending Tool (34 5 100)
Fig. 69: Identifying Brake Booster Tester (34 3 100)
Fig. 70: Identifying Brake Lining Measuring Gauge (34 1 260)
Fig. 71: Identifying Fixture (34 1 050)
Fig. 72: Identifying Removal & Installation Tool (33 2 110)
These requirements are fulfilled by reputable brand name DOT 4 brake fluids.
Silicone-based brake fluid has better compressibility, but because it cannot absorb moisture, is subject to vapor
lock at temperatures above 212°F/ 100°C. At lower temperatures, it may even ice-up. Silicone-based brake
fluid is not approved by BMW .
Glycol-based brake fluid absorbs moisture from the atmosphere (hygroscopicity) through the brake fluid
reservoir, brake hoses, etc. This absorption of water lowers the original boiling point of brake fluid and active
safety of the entire system. If there is extended use of the brakes while driving downhill at high speeds, the
thermal loads could cause vapor bubbles in the brake fluid. This situation could lead to reduced braking
The original boiling point of factory-approved brake fluids is approximately 500°F/260°C. Due to the
hygroscopic behavior of brake fluid, 2% of water within one year is permissible. The boiling point of brake
fluid will drop by 100°C with 3% water absorption. It is essential to conform with brake fluid changing
intervals in order to guarantee the safety and maximum effectiveness of a brake system.
It would not be sufficient simply to replace the brake fluid in the reservoir. Experience has shown that vapor
bubbles will occur first on areas of the brake caliper. This area is subjected to high thermal loads and also
exposed to heat transmission.
When replacing the brake fluid, the brake fluid used as the working fluid in the hydraulic clutch should also be
replaced. This is done by draining the clutch operation system or bleeding with the help of the clutch slave
The brake fluid should be replaced by filling the brake fluid reservoir. Make sure that each bleeder valve of all
wheel cylinders or brake calipers is kept open until the escaping brake fluid is clear and without air bubbles.
Never use brake fluid that has been drained from the system.
Storage of brake fluids also deserves your special attention. The aging process begins with the initial contact
between the brake fluid and the atmosphere. This means immediately after a new container is opened.
To keep the boiling point of stored brake fluids as high as possible, we recommend conforming with the
following points:
If brake fluid accidentally comes into contact with your skin, wash it off with soap and water immediately. Eyes
should be thoroughly flushed with cold water if contacted by brake fluid. Vomiting should be induced if brake
fluid is internally consumed and a physician should be consulted.
If brake fluid is spilled or drips on a painted surface, wash it off with water immediately to prevent damage to
the paint finish. Never rub it off. Brake fluids should not have contact with grease or oil. Wash hands to remove
grease and oil before working with brake fluids. Also make sure that grease cannot enter the brake system.
Drained brake fluid must never be discarded in the garbage, oil disposal tanks or water drains.
Bostik NEVER-SEEZ(R) to prevent disc brake squeaking. It is applied on cleaned recesses, pressure surfaces of
piston crowns, brake pad backplates and possibly transfer plates - but not on friction liners.
To prevent corrosion between the ABS impulse sensor and the hole in the wheel suspension component, apply a
thin coat of Bostik NEVER-SEEZ(R) to cleaned sensor and hole before assembly.
Non-CFC spray (former BMW Part No. 81 22 9 407 704) for cleaning brakes, brake pads, brake shoes, drums,
disks and other brake components. Also suitable for clutch pressure plates.
Year & Model Pts. (L)
3 & 5 Series (All) 2.1 (1.0)
7 Series
With Transmission Type
G (2) 3.0 (1.4)
M (1) 3.4 (1.6)
G (2) 4.0 (1.9)
M (1) 2.5 (1.2)
(1) Can be identified by side cover with 6 bolts.
NOTE: The new final drive oil SAF-XJ, replaces the old final drive oil SAF-XLS.
Use BMW Synthetic Final Drive Oil SAF-XJ (83 22 1 470 080).
Removal (3-Series)
1. Raise and support vehicle. Remove inner CV joint axle flange bolts. Separate axle shaft from differential
flange and wire aside. See Fig. 3 . Remove wheel. Remove wheel nut. Remove brake disc rotor. Install
Press (33 2 111, 116, 117) with 2 wheel studs. Press off axle shaft. Remove axle shaft from vehicle.
2. Pry off sealing plate cover from end of shaft. Remove hose clamp. Remove snap ring from shaft, and
index mark CV joint assembly to axle shaft. Press dust cover and boot from bearing assembly.
3. Separate boot from joint assembly. Remove snap ring. Press CV joint assembly off axle shaft (press on
inner race surface only). Note direction of inner race collar. DO NOT disassemble CV joint.
4. Inspect boot for deterioration and cracking. Replace if necessary. Check bearing assembly for smooth
operation. Inspect assembly for abnormal wear, scoring and pitting. Replace as an assembly.
Fig. 3: Removing Axle Shaft
1. Clean splines of axle shaft to remove grease. Install boot and dust cover assembly over shaft. Apply coat
of Loctite to splines and press joint onto shaft. Keep Loctite from entering ball passages.
2. Install snap ring. Pack joint and boot with grease supplied in joint kit. Coat large diameter end of boot
with an adhesive, and press on cover.
Removal (5-Series)
1. Raise and support vehicle. Remove wheel. Remove wheel nut. Remove brake caliper. Remove brake disc
rotor. Remove swing arm cover. Install Puller (33 2 116, 33 4 201, 202, 203) to drive flange. Drive out
drive flange.
2. Remove inner bearing race from groove in bearing race. Remove wheel bearing bolts. Remove wheel
Ensure contact faces of wheel bearing, wheel carrier and tapped bores are clean and free of grease. Install new
wheel bearing. Apply light coat of oil on drive flange. Attach drive flange on spline of output shaft. Tighten
drive flange down using Press (33 2 115, 116, 118). To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
Removal (7-Series)
1. Raise and support vehicle. Remove exhaust system. Remove wheel. Remove 6 out flange-to-axle shaft
2. Remove wheel nut. Install Puller (33-2-116), (33-2-111), and, (33-2-117) to output shaft. Drive out output
3. On vehicles with height sensor, remove control arm from wheel carrier assembly. Remove mounting bolts
and disconnect strut assembly from wheel carrier assembly. Using a jack, lift wheel carrier assembly and
remove output shaft.
Ensure contact faces of wheel bearing, wheel carrier and tapped bores are clean and free of grease. Install new
wheel bearing. Apply light coat of oil on drive flange. Attach drive flange on spline of output shaft. Tighten
drive flange down using Press (33-2-115), (33-2-116) and (33-2-118). To complete installation, reverse removal
1. Remove axle shaft. See AXLE SHAFTS . Press off sealing cover. See Fig. 4 . Remove hose clamps.
Remove cap and dust cover. Remove circlip. See Fig. 5 . Press spline shaft out of CV joint.
2. Check CV joint for dirt or damage. Replace CV joint as necessary. Unfasten hose clamps from CV boot.
Pull boot off splined shaft.
Fig. 4: Removing Sealing Cover
1. Ensure CV joint is clean. Install new grease in CV joint. Install new inner CV boot. Remove adhesive
tape. Coat sealing face of cap with sealing gel. Press cap onto CV joint with pressure ring. Pull on new
CV joint boot. Press CV joint and cap over inner bearing race on splined shaft. Install new circlip.
2. Fill CV joint with grease. Pull CV joint boot onto cap. Install NEW hose clamps. Ensure large hose clamp
is located between 2 bores of CV joint.
Remove axle shaft-to-differential bolts. See Fig. 3 . Suspend axle shaft(s) with wire. On 3-Series and 7-Series
remove drive flange with a tire iron. On 5-Series, knock off drive flange with a plastic hammer. On all models,
pull out shaft seal with seal puller.
1. On 3-Series, check circlip for stretching or damage. Replace as necessary. Rotate circlip so both ends of
clip are recessed in groove. See Fig. 6 . Apply light coat of differential oil to contact area of shaft seal.
Rotate and press in flange by hand until round wire snap ring engages. Press flange further in until
retaining ring engages.
2. On all models, coat housing plate flange and sealing lips of shaft seal with differential oil. Install shaft
seal as far as possible.
Fig. 6: Locating Circlip In Groove
1. Drain differential oil. Disconnect drive shaft from input flange. Remove speedometer signal sensor (if
applicable). Disconnect left and right stabilizer mounts. Remove left and right axle shaft bolts. See Fig.
3 . Suspend axle shafts with wire.
2. Support differential with a transmission jack. Remove differential mounting bolts. See Fig. 7 . Slowly
lower jack. Remove differential toward rear. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Fig. 7: Removing Differential Mounting Bolts
1. Remove exhaust assembly and heat shield. Remove exhaust assembly mounting brackets. On models
with joint disc, remove 3 bolts and disconnect joint disc at transmission. See Fig. 8 . On models with
universal joint, disconnect universal joint at transmission. See Fig. 9 .
2. On all models, loosen threaded sleeve with Wrench (26 1 040). Mark position of universal joint relative
to differential pinion shaft. Disconnect universal joint at differential. Unbolt drive shaft center mount.
Lower drive shaft at center mount. See Fig. 10 . Pull off centering pin at transmission or differential (if
equipped). Remove drive shaft.
Fig. 8: Removing Joint Disc (Drive Shaft With Rear Universal Joint)
Fig. 9: Removing Universal Joint
Fig. 10: Removing Drive Shaft
To install, reverse removal procedure. Check splined sections for damage. Replace as necessary. Ensure drive
shaft mating marks are aligned.
1. Remove exhaust assembly and heat shield. Remove exhaust assembly mounting brackets. On models
with joint disc, remove 3 bolts and disconnect joint disc at transmission. See Fig. 11 . Unbolt CV joint at
differential. Unbolt drive shaft center mount.
CAUTION: DO NOT allow drive shaft to fall into joints. Rubber collar can become
squeezed, or joints may be damaged.
2. Lower drive shaft at center mount. Pull off centering pin at transmission or differential (if equipped).
Remove drive shaft.
CAUTION: DO NOT damage CV joint seal.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Add grease to CV joint as necessary. Check splined sections for damage.
Replace as necessary.
Fig. 11: Removing Joint Disc (Drive Shaft With Rear CV Joint)
Remove drive shaft. See DRIVE SHAFT . Remove hose clamp. Remove circlip. See Fig. 12 . Push back boot.
Using a puller, disconnect CV joint.
1. Fill new CV joint with grease. Clean grease off splines. Apply Loctite to splines.
CAUTION: Do not get Loctite into ball grooves. Do not tilt inner race and cage as
CV joint balls could fall out.
2. Drive CV joint onto drive shaft. Install circlip. Pull boot onto propeller shaft. Install hose clamp on boot.
Disconnect CV joint. See DRIVE SHAFT CONSTANT VELOCITY (CV) JOINT . Using plastic hammer,
drive out CV joint mounting bolts. See Fig. 13 . Remove washers. Remove end cover. See Fig. 14 .
Add grease as necessary. Install new end cover and boot on CV joint. Install washers and CV joint mounting
bolts. Pull boot onto drive shaft. Install hose clamp on boot.
Lift out retaining plate. Using peening tool, mark position of collar nut relative to pinion shaft. See Fig. 15 .
Secure input shaft with Wrench (23 0 020) and loosen nut. Remove pinion. Remove pinion shaft seal.
Install new shaft seal. Coat sealing lips of pinion shaft seal with differential oil. Install pinion shaft. Tighten
collar nut until mark aligns. Install retaining plate.
Fig. 15: Marking Position Of Collar Nut & Pinion Shaft
NOTE: Information for 8-Series rear carrier assembly removal is not available.
Removal (3-Series)
1. Disconnect parking brake cables on parking brake lever. Remove rear wheels. Remove exhaust system.
Disconnect drive shaft from differential. See DRIVE SHAFT . Remove left and right brake line retaining
bolts. Remove brake calipers and hang them from vehicle with a piece of wire. Remove ABS impulse
2. Support trailing arm with a jack. Remove lower shock bolts and lower jack. Remove speedometer signal
sensor (if equipped). Unbolt and remove heat shield and bracket. See Fig. 16 . Pull parking brake cables
from guides. Remove trailing arm bolts. Position Rear Axle Retainer (00-2-030), (00-2-040), (33-3-290)
under rear axle. Remove rear axle carrier bolts. See Fig. 17 . Slowly lower jack. Remove springs.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Bleed brakes. See appropriate ANTI-LOCK article in BRAKES section.
Fig. 16: Removing Heat Shield & Bracket
1. Remove wheels. Remove drive shaft. See DRIVE SHAFT . Remove brake calipers and hang them with a
piece of wire. Remove ABS impulse sensors. Disconnect parking brake cables on parking brake lever.
Remove heat shield above drive shaft. Remove ride height sensor (if necessary).
2. Support differential with a jack and Support (33 4 390). Remove left and right trim panels. See Fig. 18 .
Remove left and right shock absorbers. Remove left and right carrier bolts. Lower rear axle.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Bleed brakes. See appropriate ANTI-LOCK article in BRAKES section.
Removal 7-Series
1. Raise and support vehicle. Remove wheel assembly. Apply parking brake and disconnect and remove
both output shafts from drive flanges. SeeAXLE SHAFTS . Release parking brake and remove parking
brake lever.
2. Remove a small amount of brake fluid from master cylinder. Disconnect brake hose and remove brake
cable from guide. Disconnect ABS speed sensor connector. Support carrier assembly from underneath.
Disconnect stabilizer bar. Remove diagonal support arm bolts from connecting link. Remove trailing arm-
to-axle carrier bolts. disconnect strut assemblies and lower carrier assembly.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Bleed brakes. See appropriate ANTI-LOCK article in BRAKES section.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Axle Shaft-To-Differential Drive Flange Bolts
10 mm 61 (83)
12 mm 82 (110)
Differential-To-Subframe Bolts
Front 70 (95)
Rear 57 (77)
5-Series 91 (123)
7-Series 57 (77)
8-Series 57 (77)
Strut-To-Subframe Bolts
3 & 8-Series 57 (77)
5 & 7-Series 94 (127)
Wheel Nut
M3 185 (250)
All Others 220 (300)
5-Series 185 (250)
7-Series 185 (250)
Universal joints are used on front and rear sections to compensate for differences in installed angle of drive
shaft as it rotates. Needle roller bearings are used in universal joints. Needles are held in place on the trunnions
by round bearing cups. Bearing cups are held in the yokes either by snap rings or injected plastic retainers,
(depending on manufacturer).
NOTE: Drive shaft deflection angle specifications for 3-Series is not available from
NOTE: Drive shaft phasing does not normally need to be performed unless
engine/transmission or differential assembly has been removed and installed or
if noise or vibration is present and a visible inspection of drives shaft failed to
reveal any obvious wear or damage.
NOTE: Ensure drive shaft runs straight from transmission to differential assembly
without any side-to-side variation. Ensure engine/transmission is centered in its
mounts. Any misalignment will be apparent from center bearing forward.
1. Measure side-to-side variation of drive shaft position in relation to clearance between drive shaft and
drive shaft tunnel. See Fig. 1 .
Fig. 1: Measuring Drive Shaft Side-To-Side Clearance
2. Check drive shaft deflection by using a large protractor or suitable measuring tool. Measure front and rear
drive shaft sections compared to transmission and differential. See DRIVE SHAFT DEFLECTION
ANGLE SPECIFICATIONS table. Install or remove shims from between center bearing and vehicle
body or between transmission and transmission rear support as needed.
3. Using a protractor or suitable measuring tool, recheck drive shaft deflection.
Automatic Transmission
Transmission- -0° 16' To +0° 44'
Center -1° 07' To -0° 07'
Drive Shaft- +1° 35' To +2° 35'
Manual Transmission
Transmission- -0° 18' To +0° 42'
Center -1° 07' To -0° 07'
Drive Shaft- +1° 37' To +2° 37'
Automatic Transmission
Transmission- -0° 52' To +0° 08'
Center -1° 00' To 0° 00'
Drive Shaft- +1° 22' To +2° 22'
Manual Transmission
Transmission- -0° 50' To +0° 10'
Center -1° 03' To -0° 03'
Drive Shaft- +1° 22' To +2° 22'
(1) ° indicates degrees, ' indicates minutes.
1. Remove exhaust assembly and heat shield. Remove exhaust assembly mounting brackets. On models
with joint disc, remove 3 bolts, and disconnect joint disc at transmission. See Fig. 2 . On models with
universal joint, disconnect universal joint at transmission. See Fig. 3 .
2. On all models, loosen threaded sleeve with Wrench (26 1 040). Mark position of universal joint relative
to differential pinion shaft. Disconnect universal joint at differential. Unbolt drive shaft center mount.
Lower drive shaft at center mount. See Fig. 4 . Pull off centering pin at transmission or differential (if
equipped). Remove drive shaft.
Fig. 2: Removing Joint Disc (Drive Shaft With Rear Universal Joint)
Fig. 3: Removing Universal Joint
Fig. 4: Removing Drive Shaft
To install, reverse removal procedure. Check splined sections for damage. Replace as necessary. Ensure drive
shaft mating marks are aligned.
1. Remove exhaust assembly and heat shield. Remove exhaust assembly mounting brackets. On models
with joint disc, remove 3 bolts and disconnect joint disc at transmission. See Fig. 5 . Unbolt CV joint at
differential. Unbolt drive shaft center mount.
CAUTION: DO NOT allow drive shaft to fall into joints. Rubber collar can become
squeezed, or joints may be damaged.
2. Lower drive shaft at center mount. Pull off centering pin at transmission or differential (if equipped).
Remove drive shaft.
CAUTION: DO NOT damage CV joint seal.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Add grease to CV joint as necessary. Check splined sections for damage.
Replace as necessary.
Remove drive shaft. See DRIVE SHAFT . Remove hose clamp. Remove circlip. See Fig. 6 . Push back boot.
Using a puller, disconnect CV joint.
1. Fill new CV joint with grease. Clean grease off splines. Apply Loctite to splines.
CAUTION: DO NOT get Loctite into ball grooves. DO NOT tilt inner race and
cage, as CV joint balls could fall out.
2. Drive CV joint onto drive shaft. Install circlip. Pull boot onto drive shaft. Install hose clamp on boot. To
complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
Remove CV joint. See DRIVE SHAFT CONSTANT VELOCITY (CV) JOINT . Using plastic hammer,
drive out CV joint mounting bolts. See Fig. 7 . Remove washers. Remove end cover. See Fig. 8 .
CAUTION: Avoid damaging seal between CV joint and end cover.
Add grease as necessary. Install new end cover and boot on CV joint. Install washers and CV joint mounting
bolts. Pull boot onto drive shaft. Install hose clamp on boot. To complete installation, reverse removal
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Axle Shaft-To-Differential & Drive Flange Bolts
10 mm 61 (83)
12 mm 82 (110)
Center Bearing Mounting Bolts
3-Series 16 (22)
Differential-To-Subframe Bolts
Front 70 (95)
Rear 57 (77)
5-Series 91 (123)
Drive Shaft-To-Differential Nuts
Models With U-Joint (Ribbed Nut) 59 (80)
Models With U-Joint (Compressed Nut) 44 (60)
Flexible Coupling-To-Driveshaft Or Transmission
10 mm (8.8 Grade) 35 (47)
10 mm (10.9 Grade) 47 (64)
12 mm (8.8 Grade) 60 (81)
12 mm (10.9 Grade) 74 (100)
12 mm (10.9 Grade - M3 Models) 85 (115)
Transmission Crossmember-To-Body
3-Series 16 (22)
The structure and consistency must be maintained over long service life with temperatures from -22°F to
+302°F (-30°C to +150°C) in continuous operation and very high loads.
Oxidation stability
A lubricating grease contains effective inhibitors (which limit or prevent chemical reactions) in order to
stop oxidation at very high operating temperatures.
A high temperature multi-purpose grease is water resistant. At the same time lubricated parts are given
maximum protection against rust by the corrosion inhibitors.
50 grams grease packing in wheel hub and 20 grams in wheel hub grease cap per wheel.
CRC Part No. SL 3131 (former BMW Part No. 81 22 9 407 710)
These and other properties are already contained in brand-name hypoid gear lubricants because of the high
content of EP additives (EP = extreme pressure).
The factory has not approved oil additives for hypoid gear lubricants.
All final drives are designed in such a manner that they do not require any type of oil additives. Any type of
additives is fundamentally rejected by the factory. BMW NA cannot accept any liability for follow-up damage
resulting from the use of additives.
Mineral based final drive oils are no longer recommended due to the release of synthetic final drive oils for all
vehicles with or without limited slip differentials.
With the introduction of the Z3 roadster a new synthetic final drive oil for all vehicles with a multi-plate
limited-slip differential has been released. The new BMW final drive oil SAF-XJ will replace the old final drive
oil SAF-XLS.
The SAF-XLS final drive oil is not to be used in the final drive of the Z3 roadster.
NOTE: If a non-limited slip differential oil is used in a limited slip differential a whining
or chattering sound can be heard on very tight turns and will eventually result
in a failure of the differential.
NOTE: See S.I. Bulletin B 33 01 92 for additional final drive oil info.
Use reputable brand SAE 80 manual transmission oil conforming with specifications MIL-L-2105 A or API-GL
All models as of 9/97 production are factory-filled with synthetic rear axle oil having a lifetime service rating.
No oil changes are required for the life of the vehicle.
Drive the car with changing engine speeds and road speeds during the first 1,200 miles/2,000 km, but never
faster than 2/3rds of maximum speed in a selected gear. Avoid using full throttle and kick-down positions of the
accelerator pedal during this period.
These break-in procedures are, of course, also applicable to replacement final drives.
The amount of joint grease required after repairing is supplied in the " dust cover repair kit".
Bearing unit is lubricated for its service life, cannot be disassembled and does not require subsequent
Wurth Part No. 8932700
Loctite Part No. 21438
Application - Model (Chassis Code) Engine Size (Code)
Z3 (E36) 1.9L (M44)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M52TU)
Z3 (E36) 3.0L (M54)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M54)
Z3 (E36) 3.0L (M54)
Each CV joint is packed with a special lubricant and is sealed by a rubber boot. CV joint boots should be
inspected periodically to ensure they are in good condition. A damaged boot will let in dirt which will quickly
destroy the joint. CV joints are not serviceable and must be replaced.
NOTE: The large hub collar nut securing axle stub to hub is very tight, and the axle
stub is press-fit into wheel drive hub. Removing the axle stub from the hub,
installing it, and torquing it properly may require special tools.
1. Raise and support vehicle. Remove rear tire. Apply parking brake. Remove wheel hub dust cap. Remove
collar nut lock plate and discard. Remove hub collar nut. Release parking brake. Remove brake caliper
and suspend aside. Remove Allen bolt and remove brake rotor.
WARNING: Always loosen or tighten axle hub nut with vehicle on the ground.
The leverage required to loosen or tighten nut could topple vehicle
from lift or jack stands.
2. Remove the 6 inner CV joint-to-differential final drive flange bolts. Separate inner CV joint from final
drive flange, and support axle shaft using a piece of wire attached to underside of body. DO NOT allow
axle shaft to hang freely to prevent damage to outer CV joint.
3. Using a transmission jack or equivalent, support rear suspension trailing arm. Remove shock absorber
from trailing arm. Lower trailing arm enough to provide clearance to remove axle shaft.
4. Using a suitable puller, press stub axle out of wheel drive hub. See Fig. 1 .
5. Remove axle shaft from vehicle.
Fig. 1: Pressing Axle Stub Out Of Wheel Hub
CAUTION: DO NOT pivot ball hub more than 20 degrees in the outer ring of CV joint.
The balls will fall out if hub is pivoted too far.
1. Using BMW Special Tool (332-114, 332-115 and 332-116) or equivalent, draw axle shaft into wheel
drive hub.
2. Apply oil to threads of collar nut and install onto axle finger tight.
3. Install shock absorber to trailing arm.
4. Install inner axle shaft CV joint to differential final drive flange and tighten bolts to specification. See
5. Install brake rotor and caliper.
6. Lower vehicle. Apply parking brake. Tighten hub collar nut to 184 ft. lbs. (250 N.m).
7. Using BMW Special Tool (331-020), drive NEW lock plate on hub collar nut. Install hub dust cover.
8. Raise vehicle and install rear wheel. Lower vehicle.
NOTE: When replacing CV joint, use a complete CV joint boot repair kit. Kit will include
a new boot, clamps, special lubricant and CV joint circlip.
1. Place NEW rubber boot, small boot clamp and inner joint cover over axle shaft. Coat axle shaft splines
with Loctite No. 270 and press NEW CV joint onto axle. Install NEW circlip holding CV joint-to-axle.
2. Pack CV joint with approximately 2.8 oz. of lubricant supplied in kit.
3. Apply Bostik No. 1513 or a suitable sealant to inner sealing surface on large end of NEW rubber boot,
and mount boot on CV joint.
4. Secure large end of rubber boot to CV joint with NEW clamp. Apply Bostik No. 1513 or a suitable
sealant to inner sealing surface on small end of new rubber boot and mount on CV joint and secure with
new clamp.
5. Install axle shaft. See DRIVE AXLE SHAFTS .
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Axle Hub Collar Nut 184 (250)
Brake Caliper Bolts 50 (67)
Brake Rotor Allen Bolt 12 (16)
CV Joint-To-Final Drive Flange Bolts
8 mm Bolt 47 (64)
10 mm Bolt 74 (100)
12 mm Bolt 99 (135)
Shock Absorber Bolt 74 (100)
WARNING: Vehicles are equipped with air bag supplemental restraint system. Before
attempting any repairs involving steering column, instrument panel or
related components, see SERVICE PRECAUTIONS and DISABLING &
The fuse box with spare fuses, fuse removal tool and relays are located on the left wheel arch inside the engine
Fig. 1: Engine Compartment Fuse Panel
1 - 30 Amp Sunroof
2 - 25 Amp Auxiliary Connector
3 - 30 Amp Headlight/Foglight Cleaning Module
4 - 15 Amp Unloader Relay (K9)
5 - 30 Amp Power Seats
6 - 20 Amp Rear Defogger Relay
7 - 5 Amp Power Door Locks, Convertible Top, Trunk Lid Relay
8 - 15 Amp Horn Relay, Anti-Theft Control Module
9 - 20 Amp Radio, Hi-Fi Amplifier
10 - 30 Amp Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System
11 - 7.5 Amp Right Low Beam Headlight, Check Control Module
12 - 7.5 Amp Left Low Beam Headlight, Check Control Module
13 - 5 Amp Not Used
14 - 30 Amp Body Electronic Control Module
15 - 15 Amp Foglights, Instrument Cluster
16 - 5 Amp Cooling Fan Relays, A/C Compressor Control Relay
17 - 10 Amp Rear Foglight Switch (Canada)
18 - 15 Amp Fuel Pump
19 - 15 Amp Relay Module
20 - 30 Amp Blower Relay, Park Ventilation Relay
21 - 5 Amp Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System
22 - 5 Amp Light Switch
23 - 5 Amp Unloader Relay (K9), Rear Defogger Relay, Combination Switch, Climate Control System,
Clock, Instrument Cluster, On-Board Computer
24 - 10 Amp Power Mirrors
25 - 5 Amp (USA) Light Switch
25 - 5 Amp (Canada) Light Switch, Low Beam Light Relay, Right Park Light/License Plate Light Relay,
Left Park Light Relay
26 - 10 Amp Back-Up Lights Switch, Program Switch, Transmission Range Switch, Throttle Flap Heater
27 - 5 Amp Instrument Cluster
28 - 5 Amp Automatic Transmission Range Switch
29 - 7.5 Amp Left High Beam Light
30 - 7.5 Amp Right High Beam Light
31 - 5 Amp Climate Control System, On-Board Computer, Instrument Cluster, Clock, Chime Module,
On-Board Display
32 - 30 Amp Front Cigarette Lighter
33 - 10 Amp Light Switch, Charging Socket, Telephone Transceiver, Body Electronic Control Module,
CD Changer, Trunk Light, Left Park Light Relay (Canada), Front Dome & Map Lights, Ignition Switch
34 - 15 Amp Crash Control Module, Hazard Flasher Relay
35 - 25 Amp Convertible Top Motor, Body Electronic Control Module
36 - 30 Amp Wiper Relay
37 - 10 Amp Light Switch, Right Park Light/License Plate Light Relay (Canada)
38 - 30 Amp ABS Pump Motor Relay
39 - 7.5 Amp Compressor Control Relay
40 - 30 Amp Power Seats
41 - 30 Amp High Speed Relay
42 - 7.5 Amp Rollover Sensor, Supplemental Restraint System Control Module
43 - 5 Amp Convertible Top Control Module, Seat Load Assembly, Body Electronics Control Module,
Telephone Transceiver, Anti-Theft Control System, Make-Up Mirrors, Front Dome & Map Lights
44 - 15 Amp Radio, Wiper/Washer Module, Washer Pump, Twin Relay Module
45 - 7.5 Amp Wiper Relay, Wiper Motor Relay, Clock, On-Board Computer, On-Board Display Check
Control Module
46 - 15 Amp Cruise Control System, Instrument Cluster, Brake Light Switch
For appropriate fuse assignments, see the Glove Box Fuse Assignments table.
NOTE: The fuse assignments below are based on vehicle manufacture dates given by
BMW. Use the vehicle's VIN code to determine the correct set of fuse
Bosch conventional 3-phase, self-rectifying type generators use 3 exciter diodes connected to stator windings.
These diodes turn off generator indicator light and supply power to voltage regulator while engine is running.
Bosch voltage regulators are transistorized and integral with generator.
An unloader relay is used on some models. With ignition on and engine off, the relay receives battery voltage
(B+) through fuse No. 28 and is grounded through terminal D+ of the generator. The relay energizes and
switches ground to some accessories. When the engine is running and the generator begins to charge, battery
positive voltage is also applied to terminal D+ to switch off the relay.
NOTE: If ignition is not turned off when battery is disconnected, fault memories may be
set in some control units.
Disconnecting Battery
1. Turn ignition off. DO NOT disconnect battery leads and leads from alternator and starter motor while
engine is running.
2. There is a danger of mixing up battery leads. If battery positive and negative leads are the same color,
follow the polarity to the battery. Then mark and cover leads.
3. On vehicles with radio code, radio code must be re-entered after connecting battery. Obtain radio code
card from customer. Make a note of stored stations. Stored setting of on-board computer and clock will be
4. Detach terminal of battery negative lead from car battery and secondary battery, if fitted. DO NOT pull
lever off pole shoes by force. DO NOT remove socket-head cap screw of IBS. Cover battery negative
terminals and secure.
Connecting Battery
1. When connecting battery, ignition must be off. No one must be in the car when battery is connected.
AIRBAG module may activate when power is connected.
2. All available central keys must be coded for cars with first generation infrared transmitter locking
3. If equipped, use radio code to enable radio. Reset radio station presets.
4. To set clock, time must be showing in instrument cluster display. Turn ignition on. To set ahead, turn
button on right of tachometer to right. To set back, turn button to left. Adjustment speed will increase the
longer the button is held. Pressing button will alternate setting from 12 hour to 24 hour mode.
5. On board computer settings will begin from zero.
6. Driveability problems may exist until computer systems have completed a relearn cycle. Vehicle may
have to be driven for a few minutes before engine runs normally.
7. On vehicles equipped with sun roof, recalibration of sun roof may be necessary. There is no anti-trapping
protection during recalibration. Perform the following procedure:
A. Press and hold sun roof switch in lift direction. In case of delayed starting or sudden stopping of
sun roof, continue pressing switch in lift direction until roof reaches lift position.
B. After reaching full lift position, hold switch in position for at least 20 seconds more. Calibration is
completed when sun roof in lift position bounces slightly in lift direction.
C. Release switch for no more than 5 seconds. Hold down switch in raising position direction until sun
roof has returned to closed position after a complete opening movement. Release switch. Carry out
function check (one-touch function, anti-trapping protection and, if necessary, comfort function).
Except 3-Series
1. Check charging system fuse No. 28. Replace fuse if necessary. Remove unloader relay. Turn ignition on.
On 5-series, check for battery voltage at relay socket terminals No. 5 and 8 (Green/White wires). On 7-
series, check for battery voltage at relay socket terminals No. 4 and 5 (Green/White wires). On all
models, if battery voltage is present, go to next step. If battery voltage is not present, repair circuits.
2. Ensure relay socket terminal No. 2 (Brown/Black wire) is grounded. If socket terminal is grounded, go to
next step. If socket terminal is not grounded, repair ground circuit.
3. Start engine and ensure charge indicator light goes out. If charge indicator light remains on, check
charging system. If charge indicator light goes out, go to next step.
4. With engine running, ensure a minimum of 12 volts exists at relay socket terminal No. 4 (5-series) or
terminal No. 8 (7-series). If voltage is as specified, go to next step to check voltage to accessories. If
voltage is not as specified, repair wire to generator.
5. Turn ignition switch off. Connect a fused jumper wire between relay socket terminals No. 5 (Green/White
wire) and No. 6 (Red wire). Turn ignition on. Ensure battery voltage is supplied to relay operated systems
(i.e., rear defogger relay, heated seats, automatic A/C, etc.). If voltage is not present to these systems,
repair circuits. If voltage is present to these systems, go to next step.
6. Install unloader relay. Start engine and ensure battery voltage is present at relay operated systems. If relay
does not work, replace unloader relay.
1. Connect voltmeter between generator B+ terminal and ground. Voltmeter should indicate battery voltage.
If battery voltage is not indicated, check wiring between generator and battery.
2. Turn ignition on and ensure generator indicator light comes on. If light does not come on, check indicator
light bulb and wiring between generator and warning light.
1. Ensure connections at battery, generator, and starter are clean and tight. Ensure generator, engine and
body are properly grounded.
2. Ensure generator drive belt is tight and in good condition. Connect charging system tester according to
manufacturer's instructions. Connect voltmeter leads to battery terminals.
3. Start and operate engine at 3000 RPM. Adjust carbon pile on tester to obtain maximum generator output.
DO NOT allow voltage to drop to less than 12.6 volts.
4. Generator output should equal generator rated output. If reading is 16-20 amps less than generator rating,
replace regulator and retest. If output is still low, repair or replace generator.
1. Connect charging system tester according to manufacturer's instructions. Connect voltmeter leads to
battery terminals. Start and operate engine at 3000 RPM.
2. Operate engine until voltage stops rising. Voltage should be 13.5-14.2 volts. If reading is incorrect,
remove regulator and ensure brushes are longer than 0.198" (5.0 mm). Replace if necessary.
3. If brushes are okay and regulator fails to keep voltage within specified limits, replace regulator and retest.
If voltage is still incorrect, repair or replace generator.
1. Place ohmmeter on X100 scale. Connect ohmmeter leads, in turn, between B+ terminal and each of the 3
stator terminals. See Fig. 1. Reverse leads. Ohmmeter should indicate continuity in one direc tion only.
2. Connect ohmmeter leads, in turn, between negative plate and each of the 3 stator terminals. Reverse
leads. Ohmmeter should indicate continuity in one direction only.
3. Connect ohmmeter leads, in turn, between D+ terminal and each of the 3 stator terminals. Reverse leads.
Ohmmeter should indicate continuity in one direction only. Replace diode assembly if continuity is not as
Fig. 1: Testing Diode Assembly
1. Place ohmmeter on lowest scale. Measure resistance between 2 of the 3 sets of wires. Move one
ohmmeter lead to the other set of wires. Check resistance between the remaining set of wires. Resistance
values must be identical. If resistance is incorrect, stator has open or shorted windings and must be
2. Place ohmmeter on X1000 scale. Connect ohmmeter between stator core and each stator lead. Continuity
should not exist. If continuity exists, stator is grounded and must be replaced.
1. Place ohmmeter on lowest scale. Connect ohmmeter across slip rings. Ensure resistance is within
specification. See ROTOR RESISTANCE table.
2. If resistance is too low, rotor has short circuit and must be replaced. If resistance is infinite (no
continuity), rotor has open circuit and must be replaced.
3. Place ohmmeter on X1000 scale. Connect ohmmeter between rotor core and either slip ring. Continuity
should not exist. If continuity exists, rotor is grounded and must be replaced.
Application Ohms
80-Amp Generator 2.6-3.2
140-Amp Generator 2.4-2.8
1. Disconnect battery. Remove air filter housing. Using Pulley Holder (11-5-030) and 32-mm Wrench (11-
5-040), turn cooling fan nut clockwise (left-hand thread) to remove cooling fan.
2. Note serpentine belt routing. Insert socket into drive belt tensioner bolt. Compress tensioner slowly and
remove belt.
3. Remove mounting bolts and cooling duct (if equipped). Remove wiring and generator.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure serpentine belt is correctly routed and seated in grooves. Use
Pulley Holder (11-5-030) to hold water pump pulley, and turn 32-mm Wrench (11-5-040) counterclockwise
(left-hand thread) to tighten cooling fan nut to 22 ft. lbs. (30 N.m).
NOTE: Tighten cooling fan nut to 29 ft. lbs. (40 N.m) if a conventional 32-mm open end
wrench is used.
For overhaul procedures, see appropriate illustration for exploded view of generator. See Fig. 2 or Fig. 3.
Fig. 2: Exploded View Of Bosch Generator (4-Cylinder Models)
Fig. 3: Exploded View Of Bosch Generator (6-Cylinder & V-8 Models)
NOTE: Wiring diagrams for BMW 5 and 7-series vehicles are not available at time of
Fig. 4: Charging System Wiring Diagram (1997 318i, 318is, 328i, 328is & M3; 1998 318i, 323i
Convertible, 323is, 328i, 328i Convertible, 328is & M3)
Fig. 5: Charging System Wiring Diagram (1997-98 318ti)
Fig. 6: Charging System Wiring Diagram (1997-98 Z3)
Only distilled water (available locally) is to be used when topping up the electrolyte level.
If a new battery (delivered dry) is to be placed into service, use only battery electrolyte "sulfuric acid", available
Aftermarket accessory installations which require routing electrical wires through metal body panels are to have
the access holes sealed.
Wurth Part No. 893430
The rubber seal around the trunk release button of E39 vehicles can be repositioned with Wurth Rubberized
Super Glue (Part No. 893 4103).
NyoGel 760G is resistive to moisture and can used for a lubrication of tin-lead type electrical connectors.
For additional information and use applications, please refer to Service Information B72 04 02 dated May 2003
and Service Measure B34 201 03 dated June 2004.
NOTE: Stabilant 22A must not be used on Oxygen Sensor connectors. To function,
oxygen sensors require a flow of oxygen through the terminal connector to the
sensor element. Stabilant 22A will affect this flow of oxygen, and will result in
irreparable damage to the sensor.
NOTE: Stabilant 22A must not be used on plug connectors which carry fiber optics.
Stabilant 22A may migrate to the fiber optic and attenuate the optical signal.
Use to clean electrical and electronic components of dirt, grease, etc. Will not harm components or epoxy
coverings. Allow to air dry. Do not dry with shop air supply as this may contaminate the connector.
NOTE: The following procedure and figures refer to E36 models. The E36/7 models (M
Coupe, M Roadster and Z3) are similar. Numbers in text refer to numbers in
1. Remove cover from top of radiator. See Fig. 1 . Remove underbody protection from front of vehicle. See
2. On version 1, remove screws (1, 2, 3) from fan carrier. See Fig. 3 . Disconnect electrical connector. See
Fig. 4 . Remove fan bracket and fan from retaining shoe. See Fig. 5 . Lift out fan and bracket.
3. On version 2, remove front bumper. See FRONT BUMPER (EXCEPT M COUPE, M ROADSTER &
Z3) or FRONT BUMPER (M COUPE, M ROADSTER & Z3) . Disconnect electrical connector. See
Fig. 6 . Remove bolts from fan carrier. Remove fan carrier from underneath vehicle. See Fig. 7 . To
install, reverse removal procedure.
Fig. 1: Removing Cover From Top Of Radiator
Fig. 2: Removing Underbody Protection From Front
Fig. 3: Removing Screws From Fan Carrier
Fig. 4: Disconnecting Electrical Connector (Version 1)
Fig. 5: Removing Fan Bracket & Fan From Retaining Shoe
Fig. 6: Disconnecting Electrical Connector (Version 2)
Fig. 7: Removing Fan Carrier
1. Unclip left rubber guard. See Fig. 8 . Pull off rubbing strip toward front and unfasten nuts. See Fig. 9 .
Unclip towing eye cover and remove nuts. See Fig. 10 . Remove screws and remove left and right covers.
See Fig. 11 . On vehicles with foglights, remove electrical connector from foglights. On vehicles with
external temperature display, remove external temperature sensor from left brake air duct. See Fig. 12 .
On vehicles with heated spray nozzles (outside heated mirrors), unclip temperature switch from right
brake air duct. See Fig. 13 . Remove bolts in left and right wheel housing. See Fig. 14 .
2. On all vehicles except M3 with sequential M-transmission (SMG), pull bumper forward to remove. On
M3 with sequential M-transmission, pull bumper forward slightly. Remove bolts (1) and expanding rivet
(2). See Fig. 15 . Remove water container off bumper and allow it to hang on hoses. Pull bumper forward
to remove.
3. To install, reverse removal procedure. If bumper bracket is defective, remove screws and replace bumper
bracket. See Fig. 16 . Apply adhesive tape to rubber guard prior to installation.
1. On M Coupe and M Roadster, remove front underbody protection. See UNDERBODY PROTECTION
(M COUPE & M ROADSTER) . On all models, remove left and right hexagon bolts (1) and Torx
screws (2). See Fig. 17 . Note that mounting screw (2) for impact absorber is a Torx T50 screw. On
vehicles without fog lights and/or headlight cleaning system, pull bumper forward to remove. On vehicles
with foglights, disconnect foglight left and right electrical connections (1), if necessary. On vehicles with
headlight cleaning system, unfasten hose clip (2) and seal hose firmly, if necessary. See Fig. 18 . Pull
bumper forward to remove.
2. To install, reverse removal procedure. On M Coupe and M Roadster, pull hose (1) off bracket (2) if
necessary. See Fig. 19 . This is because engagement of groove (3) is not possible in installed state.
Engage hose (1) in air guide (2), if necessary. See Fig. 20 . Push hose (1) onto bracket (2), if necessary.
See Fig. 21 .
3. On all models, adjust bumper. See Fig. 22 . Loosen nut (1) from wheel arch and adjust bracket (2). See
Fig. 23 .
4. To adjust bumper, loosen left and right hexagon bolts (1). Loosen left and right screws (2).See Fig. 17 .
Install Special Tool (51 1 130) to standard extension (1) with reversible handle (2) and insert through
bore (3) in bumper (4) of shock absorber (5). See Fig. 25 . Height of bumper (in front area) is now
adjusted by turning socket head cap screw (1) in shock absorber (2). See Fig. 26 .
NOTE: Adjustment is only possible when bumper is fitted using Special Tool (51 1
Fig. 17: Removing Hexagon Bolts (1) & Torx Screws (2)
1. Remove screws and remove underbody protection. See Fig. 27 . On M3 with S50 engine, lift out
expansion rivets. See Fig. 28 . Remove screws on left and right covers. Remove covers. See Fig. 29 . On
all vehicles, remove air temperature sensor (1) from left brake air duct. Remove left and right screws (2)
and remove underbody protection. See Fig. 30 .
2. To install, reverse removal procedure. When installing underbody protection, ensure air duct for oil cooler
is correctly positioned (inserted between radiator and oil cooler).
Remove screws (1, 2) and remove underbody protection (3). To install, reverse removal procedure. First tighten
screws (1), then center underbody protection (3) and tighten screws (2).
NOTE: Use care when tightening screws.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
325i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
318i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
325i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
318i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
325i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
318i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
328i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
318i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
328i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
M Roadster & Z3
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
323i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
328i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
328i Convertible
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
For system wiring diagram, see COOLING FAN in SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
NOTE: For repair procedures not covered in this article, see ENGINE OVERHAUL
WARNING: ALWAYS relieve fuel pressure before disconnecting any fuel injection-
related component. DO NOT allow fuel to contact engine or electrical
Fuel system pressure release procedure is not available from manufacturer. Disconnect negative terminal of fuel
pump connector, under left rear side of vehicle. It may also be possible to remove fuel pump relay, start engine
and run engine until fuel pressure drops (engine stalls).
On 3-series, fuel pump relay is located in fuse/relay block in left rear corner of engine compartment. On 5-
series, fuel pump relay is located in right rear corner of engine compartment, next to DME control unit and
DME master relay.
NOTE: For reassembly reference, label all electrical connectors, vacuum hoses and
fuel lines before removal. Also place mating marks on engine hood and other
major assemblies before removal.
NOTE: Remove transmission before removing engine. For vehicles with automatic
transmissions, see TRANSMISSION REMOVAL & INSTALLATION article in
TRANSMISSION SERVICING. For vehicles with manual transmissions, see RWD
article in CLUTCHES.
Removal (3-Series)
1. Remove engine splash guard. Release hinge at hood, and prop hood open past center position. Disconnect
negative battery cable. Battery is located in trunk.
2. Remove air cleaner/air mass sensor assembly. Pull off hoses for idle speed control valve and crankcase
breather. Remove transmission.
3. Remove generator air intake duct. Remove side rivets, and pull out radiator cooling fan cowl. Using
Pulley Holder (11-5-030) and 32-mm Wrench (11-5-040), turn cooling fan nut clockwise to remove
cooling fan.
4. Drain engine coolant. Disconnect radiator hoses, coolant level switch and transmission oil cooler lines
from radiator (if equipped). Disconnect A/C temperature switch from side of radiator. Remove clips and
5. Disconnect coolant hoses from heater control valve and heater at engine compartment firewall. Remove
electrical lead along fresh air intake duct. Remove fresh air intake duct. Disconnect throttle cable, and
pull out cable together with rubber retainer.
6. Disconnect vacuum hose from power brake booster. Remove oil filler cap and engine covers. See Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: Exploded View Of Engine Cover Assembly
7. Remove ground strap from timing case cover. Remove ignition coil cover plate. Disconnect wiring from
ignition coils, and remove plate together with wiring.
8. Detach hose at cylinder head breather vent. Disconnect wiring at air temperature sensor. Disconnect
wiring, vacuum hoses and fuel lines at throttle body. Disconnect vacuum hose from idle speed control
valve (on manifold).
9. Disconnect hoses from fuel lines at engine carrier. Remove support brackets for intake manifold. Remove
intake manifold from cylinder head. Disconnect wiring from temperature gauge, temperature sensor, oil
pressure switch and idle speed control valve.
10. Disconnect wiring from cylinder identifying sensor and DME pulse sensor. Disconnect wiring from
starter and generator. Remove screws and wiring harness duct. Set wiring harness aside.
11. Note serpentine belt routing. Insert socket into drive belt tensioner bolt. Compress tensioner by slowly
rotating socket clockwise, and remove drive belt.
12. Remove bolts and power steering pump from engine. DO NOT disconnect power steering lines. Remove
bolts and power steering pump oil supply tank. Hang power steering pump and oil tank aside.
13. Insert socket into A/C compressor drive belt tensioner. Compress tensioner by slowly rotating socket
clockwise, and remove A/C compressor drive belt. Remove 4 bolts and A/C compressor. DO NOT
disconnect refrigerant lines.
14. Attach Engine Lifting Device (11-0-020) to engine lift points. Remove ground strap and right engine
mount. Remove left engine mount nut. Remove engine from vehicle.
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure serpentine belt is correctly routed and properly seated in
grooves. Turn 32-mm Wrench (11-5-040) counterclockwise, and tighten cooling fan nut. See TORQUE
2. Fill and bleed cooling system. To do so, turn ignition on. Place A/C-heater controls on HEAT position to
ensure heater valve is open. Add coolant to expansion tank. Run engine at 2500 RPM and add coolant to
expansion tank as level drops.
Removal (5-Series)
1. Remove transmission. Remove engine splash guard. Disconnect battery cables, and remove battery.
Remove battery tray.
2. Remove generator air intake duct. Disconnect wiring at air mass sensor. Remove air cleaner/airflow
sensor assembly. Remove side rivets, and pull out radiator cooling fan cowl.
3. Using Pulley Holder (11-5-030) and 32-mm Wrench (11-5-040), turn cooling fan nut clockwise to
remove cooling fan. Drain engine coolant. Plug is located on exhaust manifold side of engine block.
4. Disconnect radiator hoses, coolant level switch and transmission oil cooler lines (if equipped) from
radiator. Remove trim next to radiator. Disconnect A/C temperature switch from side of radiator. Remove
clips and radiator.
5. Disconnect coolant hoses from heater control valve and heater at engine compartment firewall. Remove
nut, spacer and throttle cable cover. Disconnect throttle cable, and pull out cable together with rubber
6. Disconnect vacuum hose from power brake booster. Remove oil filler cap and engine covers. Remove
ignition coil ground strap from timing case cover. Remove ignition coil cover plate. Disconnect wiring
from ignition coils, and remove plate together with wiring.
7. Detach hose at cylinder head breather vent. Disconnect wiring at air temperature sensor. Disconnect
wiring, vacuum hoses and fuel lines at throttle body. Disconnect throttle valve switch. Disconnect
vacuum hose from idle speed control valve (on manifold).
8. Disconnect hoses from fuel lines at engine carrier. Remove intake manifold from cylinder head.
Disconnect wiring from temperature gauge, temperature sensor, oil pressure switch and idle speed control
9. Disconnect wiring from cylinder identifying sensor and DME pulse sensor. Detach connector, for oxygen
sensor, from holder. Disconnect wiring from starter and generator. Remove bolts and wiring harness duct.
Set wiring harness aside.
10. Note serpentine belt routing. Insert socket into drive belt tensioner bolt. Compress tensioner by slowly
rotating socket clockwise, and remove drive belt.
11. Remove bolts and power steering pump from engine. DO NOT disconnect power steering lines. Remove
bolts and power steering pump oil supply tank. Hang power steering pump and oil tank aside.
12. Insert socket into A/C compressor drive belt tensioner. Compress tensioner by slowly rotating socket
clockwise, and remove A/C compressor drive belt. Remove A/C compressor. DO NOT disconnect
refrigerant lines.
13. Attach Engine Lifting Device (11-0-020) to engine lift points. Remove ground strap and right engine
mount. Remove left engine mount nut. Remove engine from vehicle.
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure serpentine belt is correctly routed and properly seated in
grooves. Tighten cooling fan nut. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
2. Fill and bleed cooling system. To do so, add coolant to expansion tank and fill to level mark. Place A/C-
heater control on WARM setting to ensure heater valve is open. Start and run engine at fast idle speed.
Open bleed screw on expansion tank and continue to add coolant to expansion tank as coolant level drops.
Tighten bleed screw as soon as coolant is free of air bubbles.
1. Remove engine splash guard. On 3-series, release hinge at hood, and prop hood open past center position.
On all models, disconnect negative battery cable. Battery is located in trunk of 3-series.
2. Remove air cleaner/air mass sensor assembly. Drain engine coolant. Disconnect coolant hoses from
heater control valve and heater at engine compartment firewall.
3. On 3-series, remove generator air intake duct. Remove grille from fresh air intake duct, below wiper
arms. Remove screws and electrical lead along fresh air intake duct. Remove right holder, left screw and
fresh air intake duct.
4. On 5-series, remove nut, spacer and throttle cable cover. On all models, disconnect throttle cable, and pull
out cable together with rubber retainer. Disconnect vacuum hose from power brake booster.
5. Remove oil filler cap, screw caps, screws and engine covers. See Fig. 1. If necessary, pull forward on
cover and swing it out over oil filler neck. Remove ignition coil ground strap from timing case cover.
Remove ignition coil cover plate. Disconnect wiring from ignition coils, and remove plate together with
6. Detach hose at cylinder head breather vent. Disconnect wiring at air temperature sensor. Disconnect
wiring, vacuum hoses and fuel lines at throttle body.
7. Disconnect vacuum hose from idle speed control valve (on manifold). Disconnect hoses from fuel lines at
engine carrier. On 3-series, remove support brackets for intake manifold. On all models, remove intake
manifold from cylinder head. See Fig. 2.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure no parts fall into intake ports. Replace oval intake manifold
gasket. Fill and bleed cooling system.
Remove exhaust manifold flange bolts. Remove exhaust manifold. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Tighten nuts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
1. Remove intake manifold. See INTAKE MANIFOLD. Remove thermostat housing. Disconnect wiring
from ignition coils, and remove coils.
2. Remove cylinder head cover. Remove pulse sensor from side of cylinder head. Detach wiring harness
duct above thermostat housing opening. Remove upper timing case cover and front engine lifting eye.
3. Pull off camshaft cover. With cylinder No. 1 coming up on TDC, turn crankshaft in normal direction of
rotation until cylinder No. 1 intake and exhaust cam lobes face each other. Arrows on sprockets face up.
Use TDC Aligning Plug (11-2-300) to hold crankshaft in TDC position.
4. Install Camshaft Locating Fixture (11-3-240) to cylinder head. See Fig. 32 or Fig. 3. Press down on upper
chain tensioner and hold in place using Holding Spring (11-3-290). See Fig. 4.
5. Remove oil line connector and electrical connector from Variable Camshaft Control (VANOS). See Fig.
17. Remove upper timing chain cover with VANOS assembly. See Fig. 5.
6. Remove camshaft sprocket nuts (intake) and bolts (exhaust). Remove intake sprocket thrust washer.
Remove upper camshaft sprockets and upper timing chain.
7. Remove upper chain tensioner. Remove chain guide directly below front end of camshaft. Remove lower
timing chain tensioner plug, spring and piston. Remove lower chain sprocket from exhaust camshaft and
tie up lower timing chain.
8. Remove 2 bolts directly below front end of camshaft. Use E12 Torx Bit (11-2-250) to loosen cylinder
head bolts in several steps, starting from outside bolts and working toward inside (center) bolts. Remove
cylinder head.
1. Ensure cylinder head dowels are installed and not damaged. Remove oil from head bolt threaded holes in
cylinder block. Lubricate threads of NEW head bolts.
NOTE: A .012" (0.3 mm) thicker cylinder head gasket is available for machined
cylinder heads.
2. Install cylinder head gasket. Wait for hydraulic cam followers to compress. See VALVE TRAIN
SERVICING PRECAUTIONS. Install cylinder head. Tighten NEW, lightly oiled cylinder head bolts.
NOTE: When installing a new cylinder head, also use NEW washers, but DO NOT
stake them into place.
Fig. 6: Tightening Cylinder Head Bolts
3. Ensure camshafts are aligned with Camshaft Locating Fixture (11-3-240). See Fig. 32 or Fig. 3. Install
lower timing chain on sprocket and install on exhaust camshaft.
4. Ensure arrow on exhaust camshaft sprocket is up and tapped holes are at left side of slots in sprocket.
Finger tighten bolts.
5. Install Chain Adjusting Screw (11-3-390) to side of cylinder head. See Fig. 7. Tighten screw finger tight.
Tapped holes in camshaft should now be centered in sprocket slots.
Fig. 7: View Of Chain Adjusting Screw
Fig. 8: Installing Thrust Washer To Intake Camshaft
Fig. 9: View Of Camshaft Sprocket Stud & Cylinder Head Cover Stud
6. Install chain guide and upper chain tensioner. Install intake pulse sensing wheel (if removed). Install
thrust washer bolts to intake camshaft. DO NOT mix bolts for cylinder head cover and sprockets. See Fig.
8 and Fig. 9.
7. Install upper timing chain and sprockets to camshafts. Ensure tapped camshaft holes are centered in
sprocket slots. See Fig. 10. Install intake camshaft thrust washer and tighten nuts to specification. See
8. Install thrust washer on exhaust camshaft and tighten bolts finger tight. Turn both sprockets clockwise as
far as possible. See Fig. 11. Push splined gear of VANOS housing as far as stop. See Fig. 12.
9. Apply Sealant (3-Bond 1209) to top corners of cylinder head. Install, but do not tighten, upper timing
chain cover and VANOS assembly. See Fig. 13.
10. Turn VANOS splined shaft to engage splines on camshaft. Turn upper timing chain/sprockets
counterclockwise until camshaft sprocket meshes with VANOS splined shaft. Push VANOS splined shaft
into camshaft sprocket splines. See Fig. 14, Fig. 15 and Fig. 16.
Fig. 10: Centering Chain Sprockets To Camshaft Holes
Fig. 11: Turning Sprockets & Chain
Fig. 12: Compressing Splined Shaft Into VANOS
11. Tighten upper timing chain cover and VANOS assembly nuts. Remove Holding Spring (11-3-290) from
upper chain tensioner. See Fig. 4. Tighten Chain Adjusting Screw (11-3-390) and camshaft sprocket bolts
to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
12. Remove Chain Adjusting Screw (11-3-390). See Fig. 7. Install timing chain tensioner with groove in
piston perpendicular to tensioner rail. Remove TDC Aligning Plug (11-2-300) and Camshaft
LocatingFixture (11-3-240) from engine.
Fig. 13: Apply Sealant To Top Corners Of Cylinder Head
Fig. 14: Engage Splined Shaft Into Camshaft Sprocket
Fig. 15: Meshing Splined Shaft With Camshaft Sprocket
Fig. 16: Pushing Splined Shaft Into Camshaft Sprocket
13. Install VANOS Air Hose Adapter (11-3-450) to oil fitting and Jumper Harness (12-6-410) to VANOS
solenoid connector. See Fig. 17. Apply 28-110 psi (2.0-8.0 kg/cm2 ) of air pressure to hose adapter.
14. Connect positive lead of jumper harness to positive terminal of battery and ground lead to negative
terminal of battery. Using a vernier caliper, measure distance camshaft moves. See Fig. 18.
15. Camshaft sprocket should move .33-.49" (8.5-12.5 mm). If not, check VANOS assembly. Remove
VANOS testing tools. Connect VANOS oil fitting and electrical connector. Ensure cylinder head cover
gasket is correctly seated at rear of cylinder head. To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
Fig. 17: Testing VANOS Solenoid
Fig. 18: Testing Camshaft Sprocket Travel
1. Install Flywheel Holder (11-2-170) to hold flywheel in place. If necessary, remove 6 bolts and vibration
damper. Remove bolt, washer and vibration damper hub.
2. Remove crankshaft front seal. See Fig. 19. To install, reverse removal procedure. Use Seal Installer (11-
3-280), hub bolt and washer to press in new seal.
Fig. 19: Exploded View Of Lower Timing Case Cover
1. Remove timing chain and sprockets from cylinder head. See CYLINDER HEAD. Remove lower timing
case cover. See Fig. 19. Fold down tensioner rail, and lift out timing chain.
2. Remove retainers and timing chain guide. Remove chain tensioner for oil pump timing chain. To install,
reverse removal procedure.
NOTE: Intake or exhaust camshaft may be replaced with engine installed in vehicle.
1. On 3-series, release hinge at hood, and prop hood open past center position. On all models, remove side
rivets, and pull out radiator cooling fan cowl. Using 32-mm Wrench (11-5-040) and Pulley Holder (11-5-
030), turn cooling fan nut clockwise to remove cooling fan.
2. On 3-series, remove grille from fresh air intake duct, below wiper arms. Remove screws and electrical
lead along fresh air intake duct. Remove right holder and fresh air intake duct.
3. On all models, remove oil filler cap, screw caps, screws and engine covers. Remove ignition coil ground
strap from timing case cover. Remove ignition coil cover plate. Disconnect wiring from ignition coils,
and remove plate together with wiring. Remove ignition coils.
4. Detach hose at cylinder head breather vent. Remove cylinder head cover. Remove pulse sensor from side
of timing case cover. Remove wiring harness duct located directly above thermostat housing.
5. Remove engine lift bracket and upper timing case cover. Pull off camshaft cover. With cylinder No. 1
coming up on TDC, turn crankshaft in normal direction of rotation until cylinder No. 1 intake and exhaust
cam lobes face each other. Arrows on sprockets should face up.
NOTE: If camshaft position has to be turned so much that valves on 1st and 6th
cylinders are moved, first turn crankshaft 30 degrees in normal direction
of rotation past TDC. This will keep valves from contacting pistons. After
aligning camshafts, turn crankshaft back to TDC position.
6. Remove valve cover mounting studs. Use Camshaft Locating Fixture (11-3-240) to align and hold
camshafts. See Fig. 32 or Fig. 3. Camshafts may be turned using a 27-mm open end wrench. Use TDC
Aligning Plug (11-2-300) to hold crankshaft in TDC position.
7. Remove timing chain tensioner from side of timing case cover. Press down on upper chain tensioner and
hold in place using Spring Holder (11-3-290). See Fig. 6. Remove timing chain sprockets and timing
chain. See Fig. 20. See CYLINDER HEAD.
Fig. 20: Exploded View Of Valve Train Components
8. Prepare Camshaft Fixture (11-3-260) and Adapter (11-3-270). See Fig. 21. Remove spark plugs from
cylinder head. Mount and bolt fixture in spark plug holes. Tighten fixture bolts. See TORQUE
9. Load bearing caps by turning eccentric shaft on fixture. Remove bearing cap bolts. Slowly release load
from bearing caps, and remove fixture. Lift out bearing caps and camshafts.
10. Hold hydraulic cam followers with an assistant or using Suction Cups (11-3-250). Lift out bearing plate
complete with hydraulic cam followers. Inspect bearing surfaces of hydraulic cam followers for wear.
NOTE: On 3-series, camshafts, camshaft bearing caps and camshaft bearing plates
(journals) are marked with "A" for exhaust and "E" for intake. On 5-series,
camshafts, camshaft bearing caps and camshaft bearing plates (journals) are
marked with AD for exhaust and ED for intake. Intake camshaft also has a notch
cut into camshaft sprocket mounting flange.
1. Check centering sleeves on mounting bolts for bearing caps No. 2 and 7. Install camshaft so intake and
exhaust valve camshaft lobes for cylinder No. 1 face each other. Install bearing plate complete with
hydraulic cam followers. Install camshaft bearing caps.
2. Install fixture, and tighten fixture bolts to 17 ft. lbs. (23 N.m). Apply a load on bearing caps by turning
eccentric shaft on fixture. Tighten bearing cap bolts to specification. See TORQUE
SPECIFICATIONS. Slowly release load, and remove fixture. Wait for hydraulic cam followers to
3. Install exhaust camshaft timing chain sprocket with arrow pointing up and slots aligned with bolt holes at
left. Ensure pulse sensor wheel is installed on intake camshaft.
4. Install camshaft sprockets and timing chain. See CYLINDER HEAD. Install and adjust VANOS
assembly. See CYLINDER HEAD.
5. Install timing chain tensioner with groove in piston perpendicular to tensioner rail. Ensure cylinder head
cover gasket is correctly seated at rear of cylinder head. To complete installation, reverse
1. Remove transmission. See appropriate article in CLUTCHES (M/T), or REMOVAL & INSTALLATION
article in TRANSMISSION SERVICING (M/T). Use Flywheel Holder (11-2-170) to hold flywheel in
place. On manual transmission vehicles, remove 6 bolts and clutch pressure plate. On all vehicles, remove
flywheel. Remove crankshaft rear cover and seal.
2. With crankshaft cover removed, use Seal Installer (11-1-260) to install crankshaft rear seal. Place Sleeve
(11-2-213) over crankshaft. Lubricate crankshaft rear seal, and slide cover into place. To complete
installation, reverse removal procedure.
NOTE: Using Crankshaft Ball Bearing Installer (11-2-030) and Drift (00-5-000), install
transmission shaft pilot bearing in crankshaft (if necessary).
Hold water pump pulley on drive belt and remove bolts. Remove drive belt and pump pulley. Remove water
pump bolts. Use two 6 mm metric bolts in water pump threaded holes to press water pump out. Lightly lubricate
"O" ring, and install water pump. To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
Remove fan coupling with fan wheel and fan cowl. Drain and dispose of coolant.
Replace seal.
Drain plug for coolant in engine block: M14 x 1.5 thread - Tightening torque: 18 Ft. Lbs. (25 N.m)
Replace seal.
Replace seal.
Fig. 28: Locating Vent Arrow
1. Drain engine oil. Disconnect wiring from oxygen sensor. Detach wiring from holder at transmission
2. Remove bolts and exhaust pipes from exhaust manifold. On vehicles with automatic transmission,
remove crossmember for center of gravity suspension.
3. Remove bolts, and detach exhaust pipe from transmission holder. Detach rubber rings from exhaust pipes.
Remove rear bolts and lower exhaust assembly down.
4. On all models, release hinge at hood, and prop hood open past center position. Remove air cleaner/air
mass sensor assembly.
5. Remove generator air intake duct. Remove rivets, and pull out radiator cooling fan cowl. Using Pulley
Holder (11-5-030) and 32-mm Wrench (11-5-040), turn cooling fan nut clockwise to remove cooling fan.
Remove clips at top of radiator.
6. On 3-series, remove grille from fresh air intake duct. Remove electrical lead along fresh air intake duct.
Remove right holder and fresh air intake duct.
7. On all models, remove guide tube for engine oil dipstick. Note serpentine belt routing. Insert socket into
drive belt tensioner bolt. Compress tensioner by slowly rotating socket clockwise, and remove drive belt.
8. Remove power steering pump bolts. Remove power steering pump. DO NOT disconnect power steering
lines. Remove bolts and power steering pump oil supply tank. Hang power steering pump and oil tank
9. On 3-series, insert socket into A/C compressor drive belt tensioner bolt. Compress tensioner by slowly
rotating socket clockwise, and remove A/C compressor drive belt. Remove A/C compressor. DO NOT
disconnect refrigerant lines.
10. Remove ground strap and right engine mount nut. Remove left engine mount nut. Loosen lower nuts on
right/left engine mount. Attach Engine Holding Hoop (00-0-200) and Sling (00-0-204) to engine carrier.
Raise engine as far as possible. Ensure wiring harness, ducts and hoses are not stretched or pinched.
11. On all models, remove oil pan bolts. Lower oil pan. Turn sprocket nut clockwise, and pull oil pump
sprocket off splines. Remove bolts and oil strainer. Remove bolts and oil pump. Remove oil pan by
pulling it rearward.
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. Use Elastic Sealing Compound (3 Bond 1027B) to fill joints
between oil pan and front timing case and rear cover.
2. Tighten oil pump sprocket nut counterclockwise. Nut uses left-hand threads. Ensure serpentine belt is
correctly routed and properly seated in grooves. Turn 32-mm Wrench (11-5-040) counterclockwise, and
tighten cooling fan nut. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
1. Remove cylinder head and camshaft. Remove valve springs, spring retainers and valve stem oil seals.
2. Determine valve seat depth by inserting valve in corresponding valve guide, measuring protrusion from
tip of valve stem to valve guide, and noting distance.
3. Machine valve seat. See VALVE SEATS. Insert same valve again, and measure protrusion from valve
stem to valve guide, noting distance. Difference between readings is amount of machining.
Pull off valve stem oil seal. To install oil seals, place Assembly Sleeve (11-1-380) over valve stem. Lubricate
valve stem oil seal, and install. Using Assembly Mandrel (11-1-200), press valve stem oil seal against stop.
Valve Guides
1. Insert a NEW valve in valve guide to be checked. End of valve stem must be flush with valve guide.
Place dial indicator tip on side of valve head. Wobble valve from side-to-side to measure valve guide
wear. Maximum tilt is 0.020" (0.50 mm).
2. If necessary, ream valve guide, and install a replacement valve with an oversize stem diameter of
0.004" (0.10 mm) or 0.008" (0.20 mm). Press reamer guide (cone) on valve seat, and ream out valve
guide from combustion chamber side. Ream guide only once. Machine valve seat after reaming valve
Valve Seats
1. Machine valve seats using Valve Seat Lathe (00-3-520) and Valve Seat Reseating Set (00-3-580),
following instructions supplied with tools. After machining valve seat angle, produce valve seat diameter
"B" and valve seat width "D" by machining correction angles "D" and "E" and countersinking "C". See
2. If more than 0.008" (0.20 mm) is machined off valve seat, install a valve with a thicker valve head. Valve
heads are available in .008" (.20 mm) increments. Valve stems are available in .004" (.10 mm)
NOTE: A .012" (0.30 mm) thicker cylinder head gasket is available for machined
cylinder heads.
1. Install piston, connecting rod and bearings in corresponding cylinder. Connecting rods and bearing caps
have numbers stamped on them. Ensure arrows on top of pistons point toward front of engine.
2. Lubricate connecting rod bearings with oil. Install bearing caps, ensuring numbers match and are aligned.
Install and tighten NEW connecting rod bolts. Using Torque Angle Gauge (11-2-110), tighten connecting
rod bolts an additional torque angle. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
NOTE: If piston and connecting rod assembly have been separated, ensure piston is
installed with arrow pointing toward right when connecting rod numbers are
facing you.
Fitting Pistons
1. Measure piston diameter about 33/64" (13 mm) from lower edge of piston skirt. Set dial indicator to zero
using measured piston diameter.
2. Measure cylinder bore diagonally at bottom, middle and top of bore. Piston-to-cylinder wall clearance
should be within specification. See PISTONS, PINS & RINGS table under ENGINE
Piston Rings
1. Measure piston ring end gaps. See PISTONS, PINS & RINGS table under ENGINE
SPECIFICATIONS. Install piston rings with word TOP facing up (top of piston crown). See Fig. 30.
2. Position piston ring gaps 120 degrees apart from each other, but DO NOT position gaps above piston pin
eye. Measure piston ring side clearances.
Fig. 30: Installing Piston Rings
1. Check connecting rod for parallelism and distortion. If connecting rod replacement is necessary, use only
connecting rods of same weight.
2. Piston pin should pass through connecting rod bushing using only thumb pressure. If necessary, replace
bushing. Press in bushing with gaps located at 135 degrees or 225 degrees from top. Ream out connecting
rod bushing to 0.8662-0.8665" (22.0005-22.010 mm).
Rod Bearings
Select connecting rod bearing shells matching color code on connecting rod. Use Plastigage to check connecting
rod bearing oil clearance. See ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS. Install new bearing shells or bearing shells with
a different color code to correct oil clearance.
1. Main bearing caps are marked for location. Bearing cap No. 6 (thrust bearing) has a shoulder on side of
cap. Ensure oil spray jets are installed in oil passages for bearings No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
2. Use Plastigage to check connecting rod bearing oil clearance. See ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS. Install
new bearing shells or bearing shells with a different color code to correct oil clearance.
3. Install upper bearing shells having same color code as dot on bearing support in crankcase. Install lower
bearing shells having same color code as dot on crankshaft throw. Ensure grooves of bearing shell guide
are located on same side. Tighten lubricated main bearing cap bolts. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
NOTE: Reground crankshafts are marked with Yellow, Green or White paint. See
Thrust Bearing
Bearing cap No. 6 has a shoulder on side of cap. Ensure thrust bearing and bearing cap No. 6 are installed in
same location.
Oil pump is a rotary-type oil pump. Oil pump is bolted to engine block and driven directly from crankshaft by a
single-roller chain and tensioner. See Fig. 31. Oil filter is mounted vertically on intake side of engine.
Oil Capacity
Oil Pressure
Oil pressure should be more than 7 psi (.5 kg/cm2 ) at idle and 56 psi (4.0 kg/cm2 ) at 3000 RPM.
Fig. 31: Exploded View Of Oil Pump Assembly
NOTE: A chain tensioner is used on oil pump drive chain. Tensioner is located next to
crankshaft sprocket.
1. Measure pump body-to-outer rotor clearance. Clearance should be 0.004-007" (0.10-0.18 mm). Measure
pump body-to-outer (inner) rotor axial clearance. Clearance should be 0.002-0.003" (0.05-0.08 mm).
2. Inspect oil pressure relief valve components for wear and damage. See Fig. 31. Measure length of
unloaded relief valve spring. Spring length should be 3.31" (84.1 mm).
To reassemble oil pump, reverse disassembly procedure. A gasket is used between oil pump housing and pick-
up tube. Tighten oil pump sprocket nut counterclockwise.
CAUTION: Hydraulic cam followers expand when camshaft is removed and require a
certain amount of time after installation before they compress. Wait
recommended time to permit hydraulic cam followers to compress. If wait
time is not followed, valves appear to be closed but may actually be open
and come in contact with pistons. Failure to wait recommended time may
damage engine.
1. If camshafts will be removed and installed without removing cylinder head from engine, turn crankshaft
in normal direction of rotation about 30 degrees from TDC. This will keep valves from hitting pistons.
2. Install camshafts with lobes for cylinder No. 1 facing each other. Use Camshaft Locating Fixture (11-3-
240) to align and hold camshafts. See Fig. 32 or Fig. 3.
3. Wait recommended time to permit hydraulic cam followers to compress. See CYLINDER HEAD
INSTALLATION WAITING TIMES table. Turn crankshaft back to TDC position.
4. Use TDC Aligning Plug (11-2-300) to hold crankshaft in TDC position. Install timing chain. Remove
camshaft and crankshaft holders. Wait at least 10 minutes before cranking engine. See ENGINE
NOTE: Engine may be cranked only after waiting specified time after installation of
camshaft and timing chain. See ENGINE CRANKING WAITING TIMES table.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Camshaft Bearing Cap Bolts 11 (15)
Camshaft Sprocket Bolts Splined Shaft-To-Intake Camshaft Bolts
Step 1 30 (40)
Step 2 60 Degrees
Clutch Drive Plate 17 (23)
Connecting Rod Bolts (1)
Step 1 15 (20)
Step 2 (Torque Angle) 70 Degrees
Coolant Drain Plug (Crankcase) 22 (30)
Cooling Fan Nut (2) 22 (30)
(2) Specification applies to use of BMW 32-mm Wrench (11-5-040). If using conventional 32-mm
wrench, tighten nut to 29 ft. lbs. (40 N.m).
(3) Use NEW, lightly oiled bolts. Tighten bolts in sequence. See Fig. 3.
Application Specification
2.5L (1)
Displacement 152 Cu. In. (2.5L)
Bore 3.310" (84 mm)
Stroke 2.950" (75 mm)
Compression Pressure (1)
Application In. (mm)
Bushing Pin Bore Diameter
Outside 0.9449-0.9461 (24.000-24.031)
Inside 0.8663-0.8665 (22.005-22.010)
Crankpin Bore Diameter
Red 1.8898-1.8901 (48.000-48.009)
Blue 1.8901-1.8904 (48.009-48.016)
Center-To-Center Length (1)
Bushing Pin Bore Diameter
Outside 0.9457-0.9446 (24.021-23.995)
Inside 0.8665-0.8659 (22.010-21.995)
Crankpin Bore Diameter 1.8898-1.8904 (48.000-48.016)
Center-To-Center Length (1)
No. 1 (Plain)
End Gap 0.008-0.016 (0.20-0.40)
Side Clearance 0.0008-0.0023 (0.020-0.060)
No. 2 (Tapered)
End Gap 0.008-0.016 (0.20-0.40)
Side Clearance 0.0008-0.0025 (0.020-0.065)
No. 3 (Oil)
End Gap 0.016-0.055 (0.40-1.40)
Side Clearance (1)
Standard 0.0010-0.0022 (0.026-0.058)
Maximum 0.0043 (0.11)
Standard 3.4001 (86.365)
Oversize 1 3.4080 (86.565)
Diameter (1)
No. 1 (Plain)
End Gap 0.009-0.016 (0.25-0.40)
Side Clearance 0.0011-0.0025 (0.030-0.065)
No. 2 (Tapered)
End Gap 0.008-0.016 (0.20-0.40)
Side Clearance 0.0008-0.0021 (0.020-0.055)
No. 3 (Oil)
End Gap 0.098-0.019 (0.25-0.50)
Side Clearance 0.0008-0.0021 (0.020-0.055)
(1) Information is not available from manufacturer.
Application In. (mm)
Cylinder Bore Diameter
Standard 3.3071-3.3076 (84.000-84.014)
Oversize 1 (1) 3.3170-3.3163 (84.250-84.234)
Oversize 2 (2) 3.3268-3.3667 (84.500-85.514)
Maximum Taper 0.0004 (0.010)
Maximum Out-Of-Round 0.0004 (0.010)
Cylinder Bore Diameter 3.4015-3.3863 (86.400-86.014)
Maximum Taper 0.0004 (0.010)
Maximum Out-Of-Round 0.0002 (0.005)
(1) Aluminum block with cast iron liners or cast iron block.
Exhaust Valves
Face Angle 45°
Head Diameter 1.201" (30.5 mm)
Minimum Margin (1)
Intake Valves
Face Angle 45°
Head Diameter 1.181" (30.0 mm)
Minimum Margin (1)
Exhaust Valves
Face Angle 45°
Head Diameter 1.062" (27 mm)
Minimum Margin (1)
Application Specification
Cylinder Head Height
New 5.512" (140.00 mm)
Minimum 5.500" (139.70 mm)
Maximum Warpage 0.0012" (0.03 mm)
Maximum Grind 0.010-0.014" (0.25-0.35 mm)
Valve Seats
Intake Valve
Seat Angle 45°
Seat Width 0.055-0.075" (1.40-1.90 mm)
Maximum Seat Runout 0.0012" (0.03 mm)
Seat Diameter 1.275" (32.40 mm)
Exhaust Valve
Seat Angle 45°
Seat Width 0.055-0.075" (1.40-1.90 mm)
Maximum Seat Runout 0.0012" (0.03 mm)
Seat Diameter 1.157" (29.40 mm)
Valve Seat Inserts
Insert Diameter 1.3426" (34.100 mm)
Bore Diameter 1.3386" (34.000 mm)
Oversize 1
Insert Diameter 1.3504" (34.300 mm)
Bore Diameter 1.3465" (34.200 mm)
Oversize 2
Insert Diameter 1.3583" (34.500 mm)
Bore Diameter 1.3544" (34.400 mm)
Insert Diameter 1.2441" (31.600 mm)
Bore Diameter 1.2402" (31.500 mm)
Oversize 1
Insert Diameter 1.2520" (31.800 mm)
Bore Diameter 1.2481" (31.700 mm)
Oversize 2
Insert Diameter 1.2599" (32.000 mm)
Bore Diameter 1.2559" (31.900 mm)
Installing Temperature
Valve Seat Insert -240°F (-150°C)
Cylinder Head 68°F (20°C)
Valve Guides
Valve Guide Bore Diameter (1)
Cylinder Head Height
New 5.512" (140.00 mm)
Minimum (1)
Valve Seats
Intake Valve
Seat Angle 45°
Seat Width 0.055-0.075" (1.40-1.90 mm)
Maximum Seat Runout (1)
Valve Guides
Valve Guide Bore Diameter (1)
(2) Measured from valve guide collar to cylinder head, on camshaft side.
Application In. (mm)
Bore Diameter (1)
Application In. (mm)
2.8L & 3.2L
Bore Diameter (1)
Danger of poisoning!
Stomach aches
If the person affected is still conscious, he/she must rinse out their mouth with water, drink plenty of
water and consult a doctor immediately.
If the person affected is unconscious, do not administer anything by mouth, place the person in the
recovery position and seek immediate medical attention.
Danger of injury!
Eye contact: Rinse eyes immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes; if available, use an
eye-rinsing bottle. If irritation of the eyes persists, consult a doctor.
Skin contact: Wash off with soap and water immediately. If irritation persists, consult a doctor.
Personal precautionary measures: Danger of slipping! Keep non-involved persons away from the work
area. Wear personal protective clothing/equipment.
Environmental protection measures: Prevent oil from draining into drain channels, sewerage systems,
pits, cellars, water and the ground.
Limiting spread: Use oil blocks to prevent the surface spread of oil.
Cleaning procedure: Bind and dispose of escaped oil with nonflammable absorbents.
NOTE: Do not flush oil away with water or aqueous cleaning agents.
00 00 249 BMW ENGINE OIL SERVICE (M40 / M42 / M43 / M43TU / M44)
Loosen the oil filter cap using special tool 11 7 331. See ENGINE - SPECIAL TOOLS (M44) .
After draining oil from oil-filter housing, unscrew oil drain plug or draw out oil with a vacuum unit.
Replace sealing ring.
CAUTION: On CNG vehicle (gas), only use engine oils specifically approved for this
Start engine and allow to idle until oil indicator light goes out.
Screw special tool 11 0 226 by hand into spark plug thread and connect special tool 11 0 224. See ENGINE -
Lift engine hood into assembly position and remove firewall (air manifold).
NOTE: The following work must be carried out with a second person assisting. Work
instruction applies to left and right sides.
Remove radiator.
Release oil tank for hydraulic steering and tie back to one side.
Unfasten vane pump for power steering unit from alternator carrier and tie up to one side (lines remain
Automatic transmission:
Release oil lines from engine carrier and from oil sump.
M67 / M67TU
N47 / N47S
Fig. 18: Identifying Engine Identification N47 / N47S Location
M52 / M52TU
Fig. 20: Identifying Engine Identification M54 Location
Fig. 26: Identifying Engine Identification N73 Location
S85 / S65
Fig. 28: Identifying Engine Identification S85 / S65 Location
W10 / W11
Fig. 30: Identifying Engine Identification W17 Location
Assemble engine.
Disconnect the battery ground cable and the battery positive cable.
Remove battery.
Slightly lift the grille and loosen the cable duct from the end firewall (air manifold). Pull the cable duct
Fig. 32: Locating Cable Duct
NOTE: Cylinder head cover is separated from cylinder head by rubber mounts and
seals to insulate it from vibration.
1. Cap screw
2. Washer
3. Rubber mount
Fig. 37: Identifying Arrangement Of Cover Retaining Fixture
Apply a thin, uniform bead of Drei Bond 1209 sealing agent to transition area of half-moon sections.
CAUTION: The oil feed of the spray lead is sealed with a sealing ring.
Check/replace sealing ring.
Preassemble the sealing ring to the oil feed.
Fig. 41: Locating Oil Feed Sealing Ring
When installing cylinder head cover, make sure that cylinder head cover seal is correctly seated on rear side of
cylinder head.
Install cover bolts and align cylinder head cover. Hand-tighten all cover bolts without preload. Tighten cap
screws crosswise from inside to outside.
Remove gear-case cover, top, refer to 11 14 100 Removing and installing, sealing or replacing timing case
cover at top (M44)
Removal of cylinder head is described separately from installation. Assembly sequence for removal and
installation is different.
Turn central screw to rotate crankshaft in normal direction of rotation until piston of first cylinder is at firing
Fig. 44: Turning Central Screw To Rotate Crankshaft
Position camshaft with Special Tool 11 3 240 in firing TDC position of first cylinder.
Turn the adjusting screw of the slide rail back approx. two revolutions.
CAUTION: Turn the engine back approx. 45° on the central screw.
NOTE: Use Special Tool 11 2 250. See ENGINE - SPECIAL TOOLS (M44) .
Installation of cylinder head is described separately from removal. Assembly sequence for removal and
installation is different.
Clean sealing faces of cylinder head and engine block; if necessary, remove traces of sealing compound with
hardwood spatula. Ensure that no gasket debris drops into the oil and coolant ducts.
For torsion angle adjustment, use Special Tool 00 9 120 or Special Tool 11 2 110.
Place the adjusting screw of the slide rail free of play on the cylinder head.
Insert all chain wheel screws and tighten so that they are free of play; the chain wheels remain loose.
Fig. 62: Locating Chain Wheel Screws
refer to 11 31 091
Assemble engine.
NOTE: Do not install Special Tool 11 1 441 (locating board) in Special Tool 11 1 065 at
this stage.
Fit cylinder head with exhaust end pointing forwards and right on Special Tool 11 1 065 and secure with two
cylinder head screws.
Machine valve seat face with Special Tool 00 3 520 or 00 3 580 with specifications of tool manufacturer.
NOTE: After machining the valve-seat face on OD and bore diameter, rework to
specified diameter with correction milling tool until valve seat width (5) is
1. Valve-seat angle
2. Correction angle, outer
3. Correction angle, inner
4. Outside diameter of seat face
5. Valve-seat width
(valve removed)
To measure tilt clearance, insert new valve so that valve stem end is flush with valve guide.
NOTE: If tilt clearance is excessive, the valve guide should be reamed and a repair
valve with a larger shaft diameter,
(Valve removed)
NOTE: If clearance between valve shaft and valve guide is too large, ream out valve
guide and install repair valve with larger shaft diameter.
Assemble reaming tool and guide taper (1) from special tool kit 00 4 210 depending on shaft diameter. Press
guide taper (1) against valve seat and ream out valve guide (when dry) from combustion-chamber end. Rotate
reaming tool once in downwards direction.
refer to 11 12 527
NOTE: Remove the temperature sensor for the coolant and replace with Special Tool
11 1 439 (drain plug).
Fig. 74: Identifying Special Tool Kit 11 1 440
Preliminary work is described in section on dismantling and assembling the cylinder head, refer to 11 12 503
Installation sequence:
1. Valve
2. Valve-stem seal
3. Lower plate spring
4. Valve spring
5. Upper plate spring
6. Valve tapers
Preliminary work is described in section on dismantling and assembling the cylinder head, refer to 11 12 503
Coat new valve stem seal (1) with oil and install.
Fig. 78: Identifying Valve Stem Seal
Press valve stem seal firmly home by hand with Special Tool 11 1 200.
Fig. 79: Pressing Valve Stem Seal
Preliminary work is described in section on dismantling and assembling the cylinder head, refer to 11 12 503
Insert Special Tool 11 1 441 from below in Special Tool 11 1 065 and secure with Special Tool 11 1 045.
Fig. 80: Identifying Special Tool (11 1 441)
Align Special Tool 11 0 345 in direction of valve shaft and select appropriate groove in Special Tool 11 0 342.
Fig. 81: Aligning Special Tool (11 0 345) In Direction Of Valve Shaft And Select
Press down valve spring on spring cap, top, and remove valve keys.
Installation sequence:
1. Valve
2. Valve-stem seal
3. Lower plate spring
4. Valve spring
5. Upper plate spring
6. Valve tapers
Fig. 83: Identifying Valve Component Installation Sequence
NOTE: For removal of oil pan, front axle support must be lowered.
There is no need to perform a front axle alignment check.
Draining off engine oil, refer to 00 00 249
Measure and note down left and right protrusion of detent buffer (1). Remove left and right detent buffers (1).
E36/7 (Z3)
NOTE: Special tool 00 0 207 is secured in bore of detent buffer and behind the carrier
support beside the spring dome.
Fit special tool 00 0 200, secure to front suspension lug on engine and lift engine approx. 5 mm.
NOTE: The brackets must be located on the bolt connections on both side walls.
Attach special tool 00 0 200 to front suspension lug on engine and lift engine
approx. 5 mm.
Unfasten screw connection on front axle support and lower the front axle support.
NOTE: The steering gear must not be disconnected from the front axle support.
Release the bracket for the fuel lines from the oil pan.
Automatic transmission:
The intake snorkel is secured with self-tapping screws. For this reason, no threading is present on new oil pans.
Thread can be shaped using existing screws.
Fill the openings in the oil pan seal above the joint for the end cover and the timing case with three Bond 1209.
Insert but do not yet tighten oil pan screws, gearbox side.
The intake snorkel is secured with self-tapping screws. For this reason, no threading is present on new oil
sumps. Thread can be shaped using existing screws.
Sealing faces clean and free of seal debris.
Fill openings in oil sump gasket through parting lines to sealing cover and to timing case with Drei Bond 1209.
To prevent any possibility of torsion stress when transmission is fitted, align oil sump on transmission end with
engine block.
Fig. 98: Aligning Oil Sump On Transmission End With Engine Block
TOP (M44)
Replace seal.
NOTE: Separate seals for the top gear case cover are available as spare parts.
Clean groove for rubber profile seal and sealing surfaces of remains of seal.
Apply Drei Bond 1209 at both the upper and lower sealing surfaces of the cylinder head.
Apply Drei Bond 1209 sealing compound thinly and evenly to the groove ends.
Apply a thin coating of grease to top side of rubber profile gasket and both sides of special tool 11 2 330 and
place special tool on gasket.
Fig. 105: Identifying Special Tool (11 2 330)
Remove the sealing ring for the oil feed of the spray lead.
Check/replace sealing ring. Preassemble the sealing ring to the oil feed.
Fig. 107: Locating Oil Feed Sealing Ring
Install M 6 screws with large washers and press gear case cover down until upper edge of gear case cover and
cylinder head are aligned.
Remove special tool 11 4 110, insert and tighten the remaining screws.
CAUTION: If all screws are tightened, they must be tightened again in a second
Fig. 109: Identifying Special Tool (11 4 110)
Remove timing case cover at top, refer to 11 14 100 Removing and installing, sealing or replacing timing
case cover at top (M44).
Release screws
Replace seal.
Coat the seal on the front and rear ends thinly with Drei Bond 1209.
Fig. 113: Identifying Special Tool (11 4 110)
Install timing case cover, insert all screws and initially tighten to approx. 5 Nm.
CAUTION: If all screws are tightened, they must be tightened again in a second
Removal and installation are described separately.
Remove timing chain, guide rail and tensioning rail, refer to 11 31 051.
Remove alternator.
These tasks are described in Removing Main Flow Oil Filter . See 11 42 020.
Clean and remove grease from sealing surfaces of the engine block.
Replace seal.
Coat the seal for the oil sump separating joint with Drei Bond 1209.
Fig. 116: Identifying Dowel Sleeves
Clean groove for rubber profile seal and sealing surfaces on gear case of remains of seal.
Apply Drei Bond 1209 sealing compound thinly and evenly to the groove ends.
Apply a thin coating of grease to top side of rubber profile gasket and both sides of special tool 11 2 330.
CAUTION: If all screws are tightened, they must be tightened again in a second
Assemble engine.
Screw in Special Tool 11 2 310 so far until it is rigidly connected with radial sealing ring.
With Special Tool 11 4 150 and central screw, install radial sealing ring flush with timing-case cover.
Fig. 122: Identifying Special Tool (11 4 150)
Remove gearbox
Drain off engine oil
Remove flywheel
Carefully detach oil sump gasket from end cover, remove end cover.
NOTE: As from 4/98, a new type of radial seal is used in the Series and as a
replacement. This radial seal may only be supported with a "support bushing".
If the radial seal is supported without the support bushing (1) for more than six
months, operational reliability will no longer be assured and the radial seal
must not be used any further.
IMPORTANT: The sealing lip of the new version (1) is very sensitive and must not be kinked
under any circumstances. Do not touch the sealing lip with your fingers.
Fig. 126: Identifying Support Bushing New Version (1) And Old Version (2)
NOTE: The end cover is offered in the kit with a radial seal.
If necessary, lift out the radial sealing ring and drive in new sealing ring using special tool 11 1 260 in
conjunction with special tool 00 5 500.
Check dowel sleeves (1) for damage and correct installation position.
IMPORTANT: Do not use special tool 11 2 213 for the new radial seal version.
NOTE: When fitting the end cover with radial seal on the crankshaft, it is only permitted
to use the "support bushing (1)" as an installation tool.
IMPORTANT: Push on end cover with support bushing (1) straight and without tilting
Fig. 130: Identifying Support Bushing
NOTE: Keep the support bushing (1) of the new radial seal version as a "special tool",
then render the special tool 11 2 213 unusable and dispose of it.
The old and new radial seal versions can be installed with the support bushing
Fig. 132: Identifying Support Bushing
(Engine removed)
Remove rear end cover, the procedure is described as part of replacing crankshaft radial sealing ring, refer to 11
14 151
Replace screws.
NOTE: Injection nozzles for cooling the pistons are installed on the underside of the
cylinder between the bearing seats.
In order to avoid the possibility of injury from the piston or connecting rod, the
location of spray nozzles is equipped with special tool 11 7 320.
Attach special tool 11 7 320 to the intake side in the receiving bore hole in the engine block.
The spray nozzles must fit into the guide of special tool 11 7 320.
If necessary, loosen the spray nozzles and adjust and tighten them using special tool 11 7 320.
NOTE: When crankshaft or main bearing shells are being replaced, the classification
for the arrangement of the main bearing shells in the crankcase is no longer of
significance. Install yellow main bearing shells in crankcase.
NOTE: Guide bearing shell installed at bearing No. 4 is sole means of axial alignment
for crankshaft.
Install crankshaft.
NOTE: The crankshaft is marked with yellow, green or white paint according to the
tolerance of the main journal.
NOTE: Place main bearing shells with same color code as that of crankshaft in main
bearing caps.
Fig. 142: Identifying Main Bearing Shells
NOTE: Main bearing caps 1 ... 3 bear identification markings on exhaust side.
Note that main bearing cap 4 has shoulders machined into end faces.
Fit special tool 00 2 590 (Plastigage Type PG 1) to the oil free crankshaft.
Place main bearing caps in position with grooves of all caps on same side. Align main bearing cap flush with
side of bearing seat.
NOTE: To check main bearing clearance, use old main bearing screws.
Remove main bearing cover and read off bearing clearance on width of squashed plastic thread using the
measuring scale.
Install new bearing shells with different color codes if necessary in order to check bearing clearance.
Ge = yellow
Gn = green
Ws = white
1. Crankshaft
2. Bearing clearance
3. Bearing shells: yellow, green or white
4. Bearing cover
Remove plastic thread. Coat main bearing shells and crankshaft with engine oil. Place main bearing caps in
position with grooves of all caps on same side. Align main bearing cap flush with side of bearing seat. Always
replace main bearing screws with new ones. No oil is permitted in the blind bores (danger of cracking). Wash
and oil screws.
If necessary, check the guide bearing shell, crankshaft and engine block.
(clutch removed)
Install new thrust bearing and drive firmly home with Special Tool 11 2 350 in conjunction with Special Tool
00 5 500.
(clutch removed)
The position of the dowel sleeve (1) in the dual-mass flywheel is marked with two notches beside the respective
screw bore.
11 2 150
11 2 410 . See ENGINE - SPECIAL TOOLS (M44) .
If necessary, remove drive belt and belt pulley for the air-conditioning compressor.
When releasing and tightening down central bolt, grip special tool 11 2 150 with assistance of a second person.
If it is not possible to grip the tool securely: Remove mounted parts until the special tool 11 2 150 can be
supported on the engine carrier without damaging other components.
(piston removed)
Install new conrod bearing shells.
On each conrod, fit one red and one blue conrod bearing shell (regardless of colored mark on conrod shaft.
Fit special tool 00 2 590 (Plastigage Type PG 1) to the oil free crankshaft.
Place bearing caps in position, making sure that matching numbers are paired.
Tighten down conrod screws with special tool 00 9 120 or special tool 11 2 110.
Remove bearing cover and read off bearing clearance across width of pinched plastic thread with the help of the
measuring scale.
Color code/shaft diameter/bearing strength
Rt = red
Bl = blue
1. Crankpin
2. Bearing clearance
3. Bearing shells: red or blue
4. Conrod
(engine removed)
Removal of pistons is described separately from installation. Assembly sequence for removal and installation is
Remove cylinder head, refer to 11 12 100 Removing and installing cylinder head (M44).
CAUTION: Re-install piston, connecting rod and bearing shells back in the same
position and in the same installation location.
Connecting rods and bearing covers are designated with the same pair
number: do not mix them.
CAUTION: Injection nozzles for cooling the pistons are installed on the underside of
the cylinder between the bearing seats.
Be careful not to damage the spray nozzles for cooling the pistons when
removing the pistons.
CAUTION: Piston and piston pin are paired and must not be fitted individually.
Installation of pistons is described separately from removal. Assembly sequence for removal and installation is
It should be possible to press piston pin into bush by hand using only slight pressure. Clearance should then be
Measure piston diameter with micrometer at measuring point A from bottom edge of piston and offset at 90° to
the axis of the piston pin.
Adjust micrometer on cylinder bore of engine block and set plug gauge on micrometer to zero. Measure bottom,
center and top of cylinder bore in direction of travel and direction of engine rotation.
Max. permissible total wear clearance, refer to ENGINE - TECHNICAL DATA (M44)
Fig. 172: Adjusting Micrometer On Cylinder Bore Of Engine Block
CAUTION: Piston and piston pin are paired and must not be fitted individually.
Fit connecting rod with piston pin to piston in such a way that both of the
visible pair numbers on the installation direction arrow on the piston point
to the right.
Align contact points of piston rings (offset at approx. 120°, but not over piston pin lug).
The tightening strap must locate firmly right around circumference of engine block.
CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the spray nozzles for cooling the pistons when
installing the pistons.
Place bearing caps in position, making sure that matching numbers are paired.
Tighten down conrod bearing with special tool 00 9 120 or with special tool 11 2 110.
Attach special tool 11 7 320 to the intake side in the receiving bore hole in the engine block.
The spray nozzles must fit into the guide of special tool 11 7 320.
If necessary, loosen the spray nozzles and adjust and tighten them using special tool 11 7 320.
Assemble engine.
Fig. 182: Identifying Special Tool (11 7 320)
(Piston removed)
NOTE: It might not be possible to find the identification on used piston rings.
Put aside piston rings in correct sequence and installation position.
New pistons may only be installed together with new piston rings.
Insert piston rings with the word "TOP" facing piston crown.
NOTE: If the drive belt are to be reused, mark the rotation direction and reinstall the
drive belt with the same rotation direction.
Push the tensioning device for the drive belt of the alternator back on the bolt connection of the pulley.
CAUTION: The bolt connection of the pulley for the tensioning device for the drive
belt has left-hand thread and is peened.
Only change the pulley in conjunction with the tensioning device for the
drive belt.
If necessary, apply preload to the tensioning device for the drive belt as far as possible and lock with Special
Tool 11 3 340. This will make it easier to put on the drive belt.
CAUTION: The tensioning device for the drive belt is under high spring pressure.
Press Special Tool 11 3 340 in as far as possible.
Check drive belt for coolant and oil residue and replace if necessary.
CAUTION: It is essential to replace drive belt if it comes into contact with hydraulic
CAUTION: The bolt connection (1) of the pulley for the tensioning device for the drive
belt has left-hand thread and is peened.
Only change the pulley in conjunction with the tensioning device for the
drive belt.
Loosen the screws (2) and remove with the tensioning device for the drive belt.
NOTE: If the screw (2) is inaccessable because of the lug (3), lock the tensioning
device for the drive belt using Special Tool 11 3 340.
If necessary, apply preload to the tensioning device for the drive belt on the pulley as far as possible and lock
with Special Tool 11 3 340.
CAUTION: The tensioning device for the drive belt is under high spring pressure.
Press Special Tool 11 3 340 in as far as possible.
Fig. 193: Identifying Special Tool (11 3 340)
Remove the gear-case cover, top, refer to 11 14 100 Removing and installing, sealing or replacing timing
case cover at top (M44)
Remove the hydraulic chain tensioner, refer to 11 31 091
Removal of the camshaft is described separately from installation. Assembly sequence differs between removal
and installation.
Turn central screw to rotate crankshaft in normal direction of rotation until piston of first cylinder is at firing
Installation of the camshaft is described separately from removal. Assembly sequence differs between removal
and installation.
Install camshaft.
The designations of the bearing covers can be read on the intake side.
Position the camshafts using Special Tool 11 3 240 in firing TDC position of first cylinder.
Fig. 205: Identifying Special Tool (11 3 240)
Insert all chain wheel screws and tighten so that they are free of play; the chain wheels remain loose.
refer to 11 31 091
Fig. 210: Locating Chain Wheels Screws
Assemble engine.
Turn central screw to rotate crankshaft in normal direction of rotation until piston of first cylinder is at firing
Fig. 211: Camshaft Alignment
NOTE: Special tool 11 3 240 must be flushly seated on the cylinder head.
Adjust camshaft timing if necessary, refer to 11 31 505
Remove gear-case cover, top, refer to 11 14 100 Removing and installing, sealing or replacing timing case
cover at top (M44)
Rotate engine on loosened central screw engine wise until the first cylinder reaches its TDC firing position.
NOTE: The alignment bores of the camshafts in the firing TDC position point upwards.
Fig. 217: Locating Alignment Bores
Position camshaft with Special Tool 11 3 240 in firing TDC position of first cylinder.
Turn the adjusting screw of the slide rail back approx. two revolutions.
Fasten the slide rail to the cylinder head using screw (1).
Insert the screws and tighten them all except screw (1).
Place the adjusting screw of the slide rail free of play on the cylinder head.
Insert the screw (1) and tighten down the slide rail.
Fig. 227: Insert Screw (1) And Tighten Down Slide Rail
Align sprocket with woodruff key and install sprocket with timing chain in position.
NOTE: The arrows on the chain wheels in cylinder axis point up.
Insert all chain wheel screws and tighten so that they are free of play; the chain wheels remain loose.
refer to 11 31 091
NOTE: The hydraulic chain tensioner (M44) can also be fitted to the M42.
NOTE: The hydraulic chain tensioner can also be removed if the timing-case cover is
If a hydraulic chain tensioner is reused, the oil chamber in the tensioner unit must first be drained.
Fasten the hydraulic chain tensioner into vice with protective vice jaws.
Fig. 234: Identifying Hydraulic Chain Tensioner Into Vice With Protective Vice Jaws
Slowly and carefully push the hydraulic chain tensioner together, leaving the lock washer (2) still visible.
Insert the hydraulic chain tensioner; replace the sealing ring of the drain plug.
Preliminary work is described in section on dismantling and assembling the cylinder head, refer to 11 12 503
Install camshaft.
The designations of the bearing covers can be read on the intake side.
NOTE: Before performing the adjustment work, check timing of camshaft, refer to 11 31
Rotate the engine on the central bolt engine wise until the camshafts on the fourth cylinder are located in the
firing TDC position.
Align the camshafts so that Special Tool 11 3 240 is flushly seated on the cylinder head.
Fig. 245: Identifying Special Tool (11 3 240)
Rotate the engine on the central bolt engine wise until the camshafts on the fourth cylinder are located in the
firing TDC position.
Assemble engine.
Fig. 249: Locating Chain Wheel Bolts
Rotate engine on central screw engine-wise until cams on camshaft point vertically upwards.
NOTE: The individual rocker may only be removed or installed if the camshaft is in this
Fig. 250: Rotating Engine On Central Screw Engine-Wise Until Cams On Camshaft Point Vertically
Press down valve with special tool 11 5 130 and lift out finger.
NOTE: Place fingers to one side in orderly fashion.
Worn rockers may only be reused on the same grooves of the camshaft.
NOTE: The rockers are crimped between the hydraulic valve clearance compensating
element and the cam of the camshaft.
Machine valve seat face with Special Tool 00 3 520 or 00 3 580 with specifications of tool manufacturer.
NOTE: After machining the valve-seat face on OD and bore diameter, rework to
specified diameter with correction milling tool until valve seat width (5) is
1. Valve-seat angle
2. Correction angle, outer
3. Correction angle, inner
4. Outside diameter of seat face
5. Valve-seat width
(valve removed)
To measure tilt clearance, insert new valve so that valve stem end is flush with valve guide.
NOTE: If tilt clearance is excessive, the valve guide should be reamed and a repair
valve with a larger shaft diameter,
(Valve removed)
NOTE: If clearance between valve shaft and valve guide is too large, ream out valve
guide and install repair valve with larger shaft diameter.
Assemble reaming tool and guide taper (1) from special tool kit 00 4 210 depending on shaft diameter. Press
guide taper (1) against valve seat and ream out valve guide (when dry) from combustion-chamber end. Rotate
reaming tool once in downwards direction.
refer to 11 12 527
Fig. 258: Identifying Guide Taper
Preliminary work is described in section on dismantling and assembling the cylinder head, refer to 11 12 503
Installation sequence:
1. Valve
2. Valve-stem seal
3. Lower plate spring
4. Valve spring
5. Upper plate spring
6. Valve tapers
Fig. 259: Identifying Valve Components Installation Sequence
Preliminary work is described in section on dismantling and assembling the cylinder head, refer to 11 12 503
Coat new valve stem seal (1) with oil and install.
Press valve stem seal firmly home by hand with Special Tool 11 1 200.
Fig. 262: Pressing Valve Stem Seal
Preliminary work is described in section on dismantling and assembling the cylinder head, refer to 11 12 503
Insert Special Tool 11 1 441 from below in Special Tool 11 1 065 and secure with Special Tool 11 1 045.
Fig. 263: Identifying Special Tool (11 1 441)
Align Special Tool 11 0 345 in direction of valve shaft and select appropriate groove in Special Tool 11 0 342.
Fig. 264: Aligning Special Tool (11 0 345) In Direction Of Valve Shaft And Select
Press down valve spring on spring cap, top, and remove valve keys.
Installation sequence:
1. Valve
2. Valve-stem seal
3. Lower plate spring
4. Valve spring
5. Upper plate spring
6. Valve tapers
Fig. 266: Identifying Valve Component Installation
11 40 000 CHECKING ENGINE OIL PRESSURE (M40 / M42 / M43 / M43TU / M44)
Start engine and check engine oil pressure, refer to ENGINE - TECHNICAL DATA (M44) .
Fig. 270: Identifying Special Tools (11 4 170, 13 3 063 And 13 3 061)
Instead of the oil filter cover, screw special tool 11 7 332 onto the oil filter housing and tighten using special
tool 11 7 331.
Start engine and check engine oil pressure, refer to ENGINE - TECHNICAL DATA (M44) .
Fig. 274: Identifying Special Tools (11 7 332, 13 3 063 And 13 3 061)
NOTE: Outer and inner rotor form a matched pair and must always be replaced as a
Fig. 276: Pressing Spacer Down Until Circlip Is No Longer Under Strain
Installation sequence:
1. Control valve
2. Coil spring
3. Space bush
4. Circlip
Fig. 277: Identifying Control Valve, Coil Spring, Space Bush And Circlip
Unfasten oil filter cover to allow oil to flow out of main flow oil filter housing and back into oil pan.
This operation is described in section on BMW engine oil service, refer to 00 00 249
Remove alternator
Unfasten vane pump for power steering unit from carrier (lines remain connected).
Replace seal.
Fig. 280: Identifying Sealing Faces
Drain coolant.
Insert two M6 screws in water-pump thread and press out water pump evenly from gear case.
Release union nut with Special Tool 11 5 040 from water pump.
Take the fan wheel with fan coupling off of the water pump and remove.
Drain coolant.
Check dowel sleeves (1) for damage and correct installation position.
Replace the seals above and below the flange for the pressure regulating valve.
Insert screws (1 and 2) and fit flush. Tighten the screws (1 and 2).
Check dowel sleeves (1) for damage and correct installation position.
Replace the seals above and below the flange for the pressure regulating valve.
Separate the plug connections for the camshaft sensor and the crankshaft sensor at the cable duct.
Release the cable duct from the lower housing of the collector.
Separate the screw connections for the alternator and the starter.
Fig. 297: Locating Cable Duct
Unfasten lower section of manifold and remove from stud bolts until plug connections for oil pressure switch
and temperature sensor for coolant are accessible.
Disconnect plug connections for oil pressure switch and temperature sensor for coolant.
NOTE: Bracket (1) for the plug connection of the knock sensors.
Replace seal.
Fig. 299: Identifying Hollow Bushes (1)
M43TU / M44)
The threads of new oxygen sensors are already coated with Never Seez Compound.
If an oxygen sensor is used again, apply a thin and even coat of Never Seez Compound to the threads only.
Do not clean the Lambda oxygen sensor section which protrudes into the exhaust line and ensure that it avoids
all contact with lubricants.
When attempting to diagnose driveability complaints, always consider the basics. Regardless of the level of
technology employed on an engine, it still needs a few basic things to occur in order to run properly. Whether
the engine is very basic or uses so-called "New Generation" technology always refer to the basic principles first.
Any engine using four-cycle spark-ignition principles must meet the same fundamental conditions to run
properly. Most engine related driveability problems fall into a few basic categories:
No Start/No Crank
Extending cranking before engine start
Rough Running Cold Idle
Rough Running Warm Idle
Rough Running Under Load
Lack of Power
Check Engine Light (MIL)
Fig. 1: Sectional View Of Engine
When referring to engine basics, all engines need fuel, air and spark to run. However, in order for a spark-
ignition engine to run properly, a few things must be taken into consideration. The fuel, air, spark principle can
be broken down further into the following categories:
Compression Testing
In order for an engine to run smoothly and efficiently, the combustion chamber must be free of leakage. An
engine with low compression in one or more cylinders is inefficient and will run rough or lack in performance.
Low compression may or may not cause the MIL to illuminate.
Leaking valves caused by burned valves or seats. The valve guide can also be worn causing the valve not
to seat properly. Valves can also be bent from piston contact (from over-rev).
Piston Rings which can be worn from high mileage or poor maintenance. Also, the rings can be damaged
from foreign material or improper installation.
Cracks in cylinder head or engine block. Cracks can be caused by overheating resulting in misfires or
rough running.
Defective cylinder head gasket. The cylinder head gasket can fail due to overheating which can cause
cylinder leakage resulting in misfire, low compression and rough running.
Bent connecting rod. A connecting rod can be bent from a defective fuel injector or water ingress into the
combustion chamber causing hydrostatic lock.
Compression testing can be performed using a conventional compression gauge. There are some preliminary
tasks and safety precautions that must be carried out before starting the compression test:
Remove the fuel pump fuse and or relay, start the vehicle and allow vehicle to stall out on residual fuel
Disable ignition by unplugging all ignition coils and remove ALL sparkplugs.
Connect battery charger to vehicle
Ensure that the throttle is wide open during cranking
Crank engine until compression gauge stops increasing. Be sure to crank engine equally between
Continue compression test on ALL cylinders so comparisons can be done. Record readings.
If necessary, re-check cylinders with suspect readings.
If some cylinder readings come up low, add a few drops of oil and re-check. This can differentiate
between valves/rings.
Once a problem cylinder is detected via a compression test or by other means, a cylinder leakage test is used to
pinpoint the problem area.
The leakage test uses a gauge and compressed air to indicate the percentage of air loss. By listening and
observing at key points, the problem can be narrowed down before the engine needs to be disassembled.
The piston (one or more) should be brought to TDC, compressed air should be introduced into the cylinder
using the cylinder leakage tester. Be sure the engine does NOT rotate, if the engine rotates, the engine was not
at true TDC.
Check the gauge on the tester, it should read in percentage of leakage. Check the engine specification for
permissible leakdown. A general rule of thumb is 15 % or less for a good cylinder. However, some engine have
a tighter tolerance. Most BMW engines should be at 8 % or less.
Fig. 3: Testing Cylinder Leakage
If any cylinder shows excessive leakdown, check for leakage by listening or observing the following points:
Listen for air (hissing) at the tailpipe. This would indicate leakage at the exhaust valves on that cylinder.
Listen for air (hissing) at the throttle. This would indicate leakage at the intake valves on that cylinder.
(Be sure throttle is wide open and listen at throttle opening)
Open the oil cap and listen for air. This would indicate air leakage into the crankcase. This would be
piston rings or cylinder bore concerns.
Observe the coolant reservoir and or remove the radiator cap. Bubbles in the coolant would most likely
indicate head gasket leakage or cracked block/head.
Workshop Hints on Cylinder Leakage Testing
When performing cylinder leakage tests, the following tips might be helpful:
Remove all spark plugs to allow easier rotation of the engine. (If this test is done after a compression test, the
plugs should already be out).
Perform the leakage test on all cylinders, not just the problem cylinder. This would indicate any other
problems which can be rectified. This eliminates any repeat repairs and wasted diagnostic time.
Perform the leakage test in cylinder firing order starting with cylinder #1. It takes two revolutions of the
engine to complete the leakage test. Start at cylinder #1 and rotate the engine to the next cylinder in the
firing order. Divide the number of cylinders into 720, the result is the number of degrees that each
cylinder fires. For example, if you divide a 6 cylinder into 720, this equals 120 degrees. If you start at
cylinder 1 and rotate the engine 120 degrees in the direction of rotation, you can check the next cylinder
in the firing order. This process eliminates the need to rotate the engine an excessive amount.
Fig. 4: Cylinder Leakage Testing Tips
The ignition coil primary circuit is controlled (triggered) by the engine control module (ECM). The ECM
controls dwell and ignition timing on all cylinders individually. Electrical circuit faults on the primary circuit
are recorded in the ECM and can be read out using the DISplus or GT-1.
Most new engines use the "pencil" type coil. This design houses the coil windings for the primary and
secondary circuit as well as the spark plug boot which includes the secondary circuit resistance.
Due to the compact design of the ignition coil, much of the diagnosis is simplified. Misfire faults and/or ignition
related faults can be easily diagnosed by swapping the coils between cylinders. If the fault moves with the coil,
then it is obvious that the coil is at fault. If the fault stays in the cylinder, then the spark plug can be moved etc.
This greatly simplifies engine diagnosis. However sometimes, the diagnosis is not always as simple as
swapping parts.
Fig. 7: Ignition Diagnosis Cyclic Diagram
This is where the oscilloscope function of the DISplus/GT-1 can aid in diagnosis. A good knowledge of
fundamental ignition diagnosis can be helpful. The illustration above is broken down as follows.
1. This point represent the start of the ignition process, also known as "transistor off". The ECM turns off
the primary circuit causing the magnetic field to collapse. This begins the production of the secondary
voltage needed to fire the spark plug.
2. The is called the firing line as it represents the voltage needed to overcome the secondary resistance and
cross the spark plug electrode gap. This voltage level will increase as secondary circuit resistance
increases. Also lean mixture will cause this line to increase as well. On RZV ignition systems, this line
should be around 3-5kV.
3. This line indicates the start of the combustion process. This is also referred to as the spark line. The line
should start relatively level and should be about 1/3 to 1/2 of the height of the firing line. Also, there
should be no rapid upward or downward slope.
4. This period of time represented here is the combustion period. This area indicates the integrity of the
combustion event. Problems such as low compression, lean or rich mixture problem would be indicated
5. This line represent the voltage present during the combustion period. This line should be mostly level.
Upward or downward sloping can indicate mixture or engine compression problems.
6. This point represents the end of the combustion process. Combustion has ended and the remaining
voltage available is the coil will start to dissipate.
7. This is known as the coil or decay oscillation period. Any excess voltage not used in the combustion
process will "decay" and dissipate. The number and pattern of the oscillations is dependent on the coil
type. Different types of coils and different coil manufacturers will be a factor on this pattern. Anywhere
from 2 to 6 oscillations may be seen here. If no oscillations are present, this would indicate ignition coil
internal problems.
Most newer engine use a "multiple spark" discharge when the ignition coil is triggered. This is to aid in startup.
When diagnosing these ignition systems, the additional peaks do not need to be factored into your diagnosis.
Referring to the illustration below, the relevant portion of the scope pattern is at point 1.
Fuel systems need to be checked for proper fuel pressure as well as sufficient volume. When diagnosing fuel
system complaints, you must take into account the type of fuel system and how the fuel is delivered to the
Malfunctions in the fuel system can cause driveability complaints which include:
No start condition
Hard start/extended cranking time
Lack of power
Check Engine (MIL) Light along with mixture related faults
Excessive exhaust emissions (High CO and/or HC)
When a no start condition is experienced, it is important to start with the basics. Does the vehicle have any fuel
in the tank? Don't assume that there is fuel, the fuel gauge or sender circuit may be faulty. Also, the siphon jet
system may be defective. Check the fuel level using the instrument cluster test steps if necessary. Check to be
sure that there is fuel available on the right side of the fuel tank.
Once is has been determined the there is fuel in the tank. The fuel system can be tested for proper pressure. Fuel
pressure specifications vary between vehicles. Until recently, most fuel systems used a pressure of 3.5 bar.
Some of the new systems use up to 5 or 6 bar. Direct injection systems use 6 bar for the fuel supply system and
up to 120 bar pressure to the fuel injectors.
The fuel supply system should be tested using the appropriate fuel pressure gauge. Depending upon the vehicle,
the testing methods and connections for the fuel pressure testing equipment differ.
Some vehicles have testing ports with a Schrader valve for easy hookup. Earlier vehicles did not have a test
port. Testing fuel pressure required the use of a "T" connector to connect into the fuel system.
Most recently, M56 equipped (SULEV) vehicles have a sealed fuel system which require the use of a special
NOTE: Always observe all safety regulations when working on fuel systems. Obey all
local and state fire safety laws regarding fuel handling. Always have the proper
fire extinguisher on hand when performing testing and/or repair to the fuel
Once it has been determined that what the fuel pressure is, compare your reading to the proper specification. If
the fuel pressure is low or zero, the fuel circuit must be checked over.
See if the fuel pump is energized. Check the voltage supply and ground to the fuel pump using proper electrical
testing procedures (i.e voltage drop etc.). Make sure that you analyze the fuel pump circuit. Check the fuses,
connections and appropriate relays.
Also, understand the operation of the fuel pump circuit. Older vehicles were somewhat straightforward, on the
other hand, the newer vehicles are using more elaborate circuits for fuel pump operation.
Fig. 11: Operating Power Circuit Diagram
Some vehicles, now use a control module to control the speed and flow rate of the fuel pump. The M3, M5 and
vehicles equipped with the M56 engine use a fuel pump control module. The E65/E66 uses the SBSR to control
the fuel pump. Take this into consideration when performing diagnosis on these vehicles.
Always use available resources such as wiring diagrams, SI Bulletins and training material to better understand
circuit operation.
Fig. 13: Fuel System Circuit Diagram
Some driveability concerns are related to incorrect fuel volume. Vehicles with lack of power complaints and
mixture related fault codes may have insufficient fuel volume supplied to the fuel injection system. These
vehicles may actually pass a fuel pressure test.
Fuel volume issues can be caused by faulty fuel pumps, fuel pressure regulators, clogged or restricted fuel
filters and/or fuel lines.
If these driveability concerns are present, then a fuel volume test should be performed. A fuel volume test
measures the amount of fuel delivered in a specific time frame.
The fuel pump is activated during this test using the proper test leads to ensure no arcing sparks are present. The
fuel feed line is directed to a non-breakable (fuel-proof plastic) measuring can that has graduations for
A general specification for fuel volume would be approximately one liter in 30 seconds.
Residual Pressure
Fuel injection systems require a residual pressure to present after the engine is switched off. This allows the
engine to start immediately after the vehicle has been parked.
If the residual fuel pressure diminishes after the vehicle has been shut off. Upon restart, there will be an
extended cranking period before engine start. This is due to the fuel pump attempting to supply enough fuel for
When the fuel system is at rest, there a three components which allow the fuel system to retain sufficient
residual pressure. These items are, the fuel pump check valve, the fuel pressure regulator and the fuel injectors.
If any of these items are leaking and fail to hold pressure in the fuel rail, the vehicle will be difficult to start.
The cranking time will be excessive and possibly not start at all. For example, If the fuel injectors are leaking,
the vehicle will exhibit black smoke on startup.
Diagnosis of these concerns requires a fuel pressure gauge. The residual pressure is monitored on the fuel
pressure gauge when the engine is shutoff. Diagnosis is determined by watching the drop in fuel pressure over
time. The fuel pressure should not drop more than .5 bar in 30 minutes. If the pressure drops more than .5 bar,
the concern should be investigated.
Depending on the type of fuel system used, diagnosis will vary. On older fuel systems, diagnosis is simplified
due to the ability to clamp off certain components to determine, the origin of the leakdown.
Newer fuel system use a non-return type fuel system with some components mounted externally. Most recently,
many of the new vehicle have most of the fuel system components mounted in the fuel tank. This includes the
fuel pump, fuel filter and fuel pressure regulator. The only fuel system component outside the fuel tank is the
fuel feed line, fuel rail and fuel injectors.
This makes the diagnosis of residual pressure concerns more difficult. Diagnosis of this type of system
sometimes requires process of elimination.
If one or more of the fuel injectors is suspected as the cause of the loss in residual fuel pressure. They can be
tested using a special tool to "bubble test" the injectors.
Fig. 18: Testing Bubbles In Injectors Using Special Tool
First the injectors are connected to the test fuel rail supplied with the tool. Then, the fuel injectors are subjected
to compressed air. The injectors are then triggered by the test harness to "blow out" any residual fuel.
The test harness is disconnected and the tips of the injectors are immersed in water. The injector tips are
observed for any bubbles over time. Any excessive bubbles indicate a defective injector.
Additive Mixture Adaptation - additive adaptation refers to "long term fuel trim". These adaptation are
made by the ECM (DME) at idle during "closed loop" fuel control. These values are measured in
milliseconds and are expressed in negative and positive values.
Multiplicative Mixture Adaptation - multiplicative adaptation occurs during part load conditions and
are performed by the ECM during "closed loop" fuel control. These values are measured in percent and
are also expressed as negative and positive values. This is also referred to as "short term fuel trim".
Additive mixture adaptation corrects for variations in idle mixture. The ECM monitors the oxygen sensor
signals to evaluate the exhaust mixture. When a lean (or rich) mixture is detected, the ECM increases (or
decreases) the injector "on-time" to correct accordingly.
As long as the fuel trim correction is not excessive, the ECM will not register a fault code. The ECM will
correct in increments of +/- .1 ms. When the fuel trim correction exceeds a predetermined threshold value, the
check engine light (MIL) will illuminate and store appropriate fault codes for additive mixture adaptation.
Additive values which are excessively positive, would indicate a lean condition. This can be caused by:
Un-metered air leaks - such as broken vacuum lines or a leaky intake manifold or gasket.
Faulty crankcase ventilation system - crankcase vent valve stuck open.
Low fuel pressure - Faulty fuel pressure regulator or fuel pump.
Faulty HFM - can be sending erroneous load signal information which would cause the ECM to falsely
enrich the mixture.
Additive values which are excessively negative, would indicate a rich condition. This can be caused by:
An air restriction - any restriction to airflow such as a clogged air filter would create a rich fuel mixture.
(this may also be indicated by negative multiplication values)
Faulty crankcase ventilation system - crankcase vent valve stuck closed.
High fuel pressure - Possible faulty fuel pressure regulator or restricted return line
Faulty HFM - can be sending erroneous load signal information which would cause the ECM to falsely
lean out the mixture.
NOTE: Some newer engine management systems use the term mg/stroke or milligrams
per stroke. Treat these values as you would millisecond values.
Multiplicative mixture adaptation corrects for variations in fuel mixture under part load conditions. The ECM
monitors the oxygen sensor signals to evaluate the exhaust gas mixture. When a lean (or rich) mixture is
detected the ECM adjusts the injector "on-time" accordingly over a "short term" period to adapt for the existing
Multiplicative values are expressed in percent and can be negative or positive. Negative values indicate a rich
mixture and positive values indicate a lean mixture. When the Multiplicative values exceed a predetermined
threshold value, the check engine light (MIL) will illuminate and store relevant fault codes for Multiplicative
When multiplicative values are excessively positive, a lean condition exists. The ECM is attempting to add fuel
to maintain the proper fuel mixture (close to lambda value 1). This situation can be caused by a faulty HFM,
low fuel volume, restricted fuel filter or faulty fuel pressure regulator.
When the values are negative, the ECM is attempting to lean out (remove fuel) the fuel mixture to compensate
for a rich condition. This can be caused by:
Excessive fuel pressure - from a faulty fuel pressure regulator or restriction in the return line.
A faulty HFM - the HFM can be sending erroneous load signal information which would cause the ECM
to falsely enrich the mixture.
An Air restriction - any restriction to airflow such as a clogged air filter would create a rich fuel mixture.
Any system failure which would cause the mixture to be falsely enriched. This could be caused by
erroneous signal information from sensors such as the engine coolant temperature sensor or intake air
temperature sensor.
Engines which have been produced since 1996 are OBDII complaint. The CARB/OBD regulations require the
ECM to be capable of detecting misfires. Also, the ECM must be able to determine if the misfires increase
engine emissions and/or are catalyst damaging.
The ECM detects engine misfires by monitoring crankshaft speed. The ECM receives the input from the
crankshaft sensor and determines if there is a misfire present by comparing crankshaft speed variations between
combustion events on each cylinder.
The crankshaft must rotate 720 degrees (2 rotations) to fire all of the cylinders in an engine regardless of the
number of cylinders. Therefore each firing event is spaced apart and occurs at a specific time. By monitoring
the crankshaft signal the ECM can determine which cylinder is misfiring and also the severity of the misfire.
Misfires which increase emission levels - These misfires occur within an interval of 1000 crankshaft
revolutions. The ECM counts and adds the detected misfire events for each cylinder. If the sum of all
cylinder misfire incidents exceeds the predetermined value, a fault code will be stored and the "MIL" will
be illuminated.
If more than one cylinder is misfiring, all misfiring cylinders will be specified and the individual fault
codes will be stored. The "MIL will be illuminated".
Misfires which are catalyst damaging - These misfires are determined when the sum of the misfiring
events occurs within 200 crankshaft revolutions. These misfires are considered catalyst damaging and the
"MIL" will be illuminated.
The ECM will take the following measures - the oxygen sensor control will be switched to "open loop", a
cylinder selective fault code will be stored for one or more cylinders and the relevant fuel injector(s) will be
Fig. 19: Identifying Crankshaft Positioning Sensor
Fig. 20: Displaying Smooth Running Engine Waves
Ignition System - spark plugs, ignition coils, secondary circuit components and primary/secondary circuit
Engine Mechanical - piston, piston rings, valves, camshaft and any valvetrain related components
including Valvetronic. Valvetronic components include eccentric shaft, intermediate levers etc.
The crankcase ventilation system should also be considered. This includes the crankcase ventilation valve
and if applicable, the hose connections as well.
Fuel System - fuel injectors, fuel pump, fuel filter and pressure regulator etc. This includes fuel quality as
well. Other fuel system components include fuel tank vent valve (purge) as well as running losses
components such as the 3/2 valve etc.
Engine Electronics - any implausible input from a sensor such as the crankshaft sensor and camshaft
sensor. Also any sensor which affects fuel mixture including HFM, coolant/intake air temperature sensors
Other items include the catalyst which could be restricted and/or the muffler.
Fig. 21: Displaying Engine Misfire Waves
The DISplus/GT-1 are helpful in pinpointing the cause of an engine misfire. Once the short test is completed,
the fault memory of the ECM can be read out to determine which cylinder or cylinders have set misfire faults.
There may or may not be any faults present. The engine could be running rough, however no misfire thresholds
may have been exceeded.
Engine smoothness can be further evaluated by looking at the smooth running values. In the "Control Unit
Functions" screen under "Diagnosis Requests" there is a value indicated for each cylinder which can be
compared for each cylinder. This value is an indication of crankshaft speed variations in each cylinder.
Fig. 22: Displaying Smooth Running Measurement
Valvetronic N62
In addition to the usual valvetrain diagnosis, the Valvetronic system has some additional components which
need to be taken into consideration during diagnosis. The tolerances on the eccentric shaft and intermediate
levers are critical in maintaining proper cylinder filling especially at idle. Any deviations in tolerances of these
components will contribute to rough running complaints.
The intermediate levers are available in 5 classifications, the classification numbers are marked on the levers.
On the N62, each cylinder head must use intermediate levers with the same classification. It is not necessary to
have the same classification between cylinder heads.
Fig. 23: Identifying Valvetronic N62
Depending on the engine/vehicle, the minimum valve lift can be set from .3 to .8 mm. At these low valve lifts,
any variation in tolerance will affect idle quality. When a diagnosis determines that there is a problem in the
Valvetronic system, the components need to be inspected. The intermediate levers or eccentric shaft can be
worn. The intermediate levers could be of the wrong classification.
The illustration below shows a worn eccentric shaft. The areas shown should be inspected for any wear.
Grooves and scoring indicate a worn eccentric shaft which should be replaced.
The following pages contain testing information which will assist in the diagnosis of idle quality concerns on
the N62.
The N62 engine features Valvetronic which requires some specialized diagnostic procedures. Due the variable
valve lift feature, there are some additional steps regarding engine and compression testing.
MKA Adapter
The Multi-Channel Adapter (MKA) tool is used in conjunction with the DISplus to diagnose ignition and
injection system concerns on the N62 engine. The MKA adapter is installed (in series) between the ECM and
the engine harness at connectors 1, 3 and 5. In addition the four cables of MFK 2 are plugged into the MKA as
The MKA test module is found under the path > Service Functions > Drive > Engine Management ME9 > Test
Runs > Ignition and Injection diagnosis N62.
The MKA engine test checks the integrity of the ignition system by looking at the primary ignition voltage on
each cylinder.
The injection system is also checked by examining the voltage pattern of the injection circuit.
The compression can be tested on the N62 using the DISplus. The DISplus can perform a relative compression
test and provide a comprehensive engine analysis report.
The compression test can be done at minimum valve lift as well as at maximum valve lift. This difference
between these reading can assist in determining the root cause such as wear in Valvetronic components.
The test module will prompt you to warm up the engine to 90°C. Once warmed up, you will be directed to run
the engine at idle to set the minimum valve lift. Follow the on screen prompts. Once the minimum valve lift has
been obtained (0.2 to 0.4 mm), disconnect both VVT motors to lock in the minimum adjustment.
Once this step in completed, shut the engine off and remove the #1 spark plug. Install the compression adapter
into the spark plug hole. (Note: any cylinder can be used as long as the DISplus is set to the cylinder in use).
Follow prompts until test is completed.
Once the test is completed, perform the same steps for the maximum valve lift. Compare the results, the results
from the test at maximum valve lift should be slightly higher. Any cylinders that show low results on the
minimum valve lift test which show improvements when the maximum valve lift test is performed should be
checked for Valvetronic wear concerns.
During the final analysis potion of this test module, there may be on screen recommendations of repairs
involving eccentric shaft or intermediate lever replacement. There may be a recommendation of changes to the
classification of intermediate levers as well.
Manual compression testing can also be done on the N62. However, the DISplus must still be used to set the
minimum/maximum valve lift. To access the test module for manual compression testing, go to path > Service
Functions > Drive > Engine Management ME9 > Test Runs > Compression Test.
Due to the design of the Valvetronic system, there are special diagnostic considerations when diagnosing rough
running concerns on vehicles equipped with the N62 engine.
The following diagnostic flow chart should be used as a diagnostic aid when attempting to rectify idle quality
complaints when the engine is at operating temperature.
Engine oil requirements will depend on the engine design, operating conditions, oil change intervals and, in the
case of diesel engines, the fuel grade.
A modern engine oil provides more than just a lubrication function. The following qualities are required:
Frictional losses will lead to a reduction of engine power and efficiency. An approved engine oil will minimize
frictional losses. Excessive wear will lead to a reduction in service life (e.g. wear of bearings, piston rings, cam
lobes) or to mechanical failure.
During engine operation, a limited amount of oil enters the combustion chamber, where it is burned.
Combustion residues or deposits, which build up in the combustion chamber, lead to unwanted increases in
compression and promote surface ignition (" pinging"). Any approved engine oil will help prevent such a
Viscosity is the tendency of oil to resist flowing. Engine oil, when cold, should be thin enough so that the
engine can be cranked over. Hot oil should be thick enough to maintain proper lubrication.
The oil is forcefully mixed with air during engine operation. Heavy foaming will lead to impaired lubrication
and reduction in oil flow rate. To prevent foaming, antifoaming additives are mixed with the oil.
The engine oil must prevent corrosion on engine components under all circumstances. Corrosion and rust
inhibitors are added to displace water and acids from metal surfaces so that oil coats them.
It must be possible to mix all engine oils with each other, even synthetic with mineral oils, without causing any
incompatibility problems. A further requirement is the compatibility with all materials contacted by oil, in
particular oil seals, hoses and paint.
Engine oil makes an important contribution to the cooling of an engine. It must transfer heat from friction
surfaces, and combustion heat away from affected areas. The oil absorbed heat is carried back to the oil pan
where it is transferred to the surrounding air.
To limit or slow down the formation of combustion deposits and acidic components, together with abrasive
particles and dirt from the intake air, good engine oils contain a detergent additive. Deposits of carbon and dirt
are loosened and suspended in the oil, being drained away at the next oil change.
Oxidation can be described as the oxygen absorption of hydrocarbons formed in the oil. The results of oxidation
have a negative impact on viscosity causing corrosion on certain metals and the formation of sludge. Inhibitors
are added to prevent oxidation from occurring. A good engine oil must maintain its stability during the required
oil change intervals.
A method of classifying an oil by number, based on its resistance to flow at a high temperature.
These numbers are usually prefixed by SAE which is the abbreviation for the Society of Automotive Engineers.
A lower SAE Number (i.e. SAE 5W) indicates a thinner oil with a higher flow rate, for use at lower
A higher SAE Number (i.e. SAE 30) indicates a thicker oil with a slower flow rate, for use at higher
A multigrade, or multiviscosity oil has the qualities of a lower number oil at low temperatures and those of a
higher number oil at high temperatures. Multigrade oils have numbers such as SAE 5W- 30 and SAE 10W-40.
For reliable engine performance in all temperature ranges mineral based engine oil viscosity must be matched to
the temperature range at which the vehicle will be operated.
A single grade viscosity oil has a limited temperature/viscosity range compared with multigrade oils. Due to the
limited temperature/viscosity range of these oils they are no longer used in BMW engines and thus no longer
listed in the BMW Engine Oil Temperature/Viscosity Table.
A method of classifying oil was jointly developed by the SAE, API (American Petroleum Institute), and ASTM
(American Society for Testing and Materials). Engine oils are rated according to two engine use categories:
Compression Ignition (C) oils are those that are used for diesel engines. The current service ratings for diesel-
engine lubricating oils are: CA, CB, CC, CD, CE, CF and CG. The oils differ in their properties and in the
additives they contain.
Spark Ignition (S) oils are those that are used for gasoline engines. The current service ratings for gasoline-
engine lubricating oils are: SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF, SG, SH and SJ. These oils differ in their properties and in
the additives they contain.
Another method of classifying minimum performance standards for gasoline-fueled engine oils has been
developed through ILSAC (International Lubrication Standardization Approval Committee). Oils that meet
ILSAC GF-1 performance standards must have a " starburst" certification mark displayed on the print of the oil
product packaging.
-For BMW gasoline engines with two valves per cylinder, all reputable multiple grade engine oils* which meet
or exceed the API classification of SH. (Combination with diesel oil specifications CD or CE quality
classifications are also permitted, e.g. SH/CE etc.)
For BMW gasoline engines with four valves per cylinder, only reputable multiple grade engine oils* which
meet or exceed the API classification of SH. (Combination with diesel oil specifications CD or CE quality
classifications are also permitted, e.g. SH/CE etc.)
-For BMW turbocharged diesel engines, all reputable multiple grade engine oils* which meet or exceed the API
classification CD/CE.
BMW of North America has introduced a line of exclusively formulated High Performance Engine Oils which
exceed existing international quality specifications (SAE/CCMC) for motor oils. BMW part numbers are:
Motorsport Engines
BMW High Performance Synthetic Oil Castrol RS SAE 10W-60 also called Castrol TWS Motorsport SAE
BMW High Performance Synthetic Oil SAE 5W-30 Part No. 07 51 0 017 866 Or BMW High Performance
Synthetic Oil Castrol RS SAE 10W-60 also called Castrol TWS Motorsport SAE 10W-60 Synthetic Oil Part
No. 07 51 0 009 420 (1quart)
BMW High Performance Synthetic Oil 5W-30 and 10W-60 offer several benefits over conventional mineral
based oils.
The synthetic based oil resists thickening at very low ambient temperatures providing improved flow,
lubrication and less internal engine resistance during cold starts.
Under high heat conditions, the oil resists thermal breakdown/shearing which causes a loss of lubrication
quality compared with conventional oils.
The oil resists sludge buildup thus allowing extended oil change intervals. Synthetic based oils also have a
lower volatility which makes them less susceptible to evaporation thereby reducing oil consumption.
This oil has been durability tested on BMW engines and supplies superior lubrication under all operating
conditions and over the extended BMW oil change intervals.
To coincide with the increased oil change interval, BMW has also introduced "BMW High Performance
Synthetic Oil" which must be used on all 1999 Model Year vehicles (except E36 318ti, 323is/iC, 328is/iC, M3,
M Roadster and M Coupe models) whenever a service is necessary to avoid engine damage.
NOTE: Only if it is necessary to top up the engine oil between oil changes is it
permissible to use synthetic low viscosity engine oils which conform to the API
classification SJ or higher.
A label in the engine compartment states the oil specifications and refers to the BMW website
( and toll free number (1-800-831-1117) for additional information.
BMW High Performance Synthetic Engine Oil may also be used on Model Year 1999 E36 (3-Series and
M models) as well has Model Year 1998 and earlier BMW models.
The oil change intervals should not be extended due to the greater durability of a fully synthetic engine oil. The
engine oil and filter should always be changed as per the vehicle's Service Interval Indicator when the "Oil
Service" or the "Inspection" display appears regardless of the type of oil being used.
BMW mineral-based High Performance engine oil is also offered for model year 1998 and earlier BMW
models. However, for reliable engine performance in all temperature ranges mineral-based engine oil viscosity
must be matched to the temperature range at which the vehicle will be operated. See Fig. 2 below.
A = Diesel engines
B = Spark-ignition engines
Including oil filter. However, at least twice annually, preferably before and after the winter season.
Under severe driving conditions it is recommended to increase the number of oil services.
Condition Based Service measures, monitors, and determines the required maintenance of several service items
independent from each other. This technology prompts the customer to bring the vehicle for service whenever
one of the CBS items requires maintenance or replacement. CBS strikes a compromise between too frequent
maintenance and too rigid service intervals that call for the replacement of service items which may still have
substantial remaining useful life. CBS also details the recommended, due, and overdue required maintenance
during and after the BMW Vehicle Maintenance Program Agreement. Thus, CBS allows BMW customers to
experience a technology that makes service more convenient, transparent and structured.
For E90 please refer to S.I. Bulletin B00 01 05 New Vehicle Preparation and Maintenance Requirements.
For E60, E61, E63, E64 E65, E66 please refer to S.I. Bulletin B00 07 02 Condition Based Service (CBS).
All of the multiple grade engine oils can be used, as long as they conform with BMW specifications.
Once a new or rebuilt engine has accumulated 6,000 miles this procedure should be used if there is a drastic
change in the oil consumption rate (i.e. the oil consumption rate triples) under similar driving conditions or if
the oil consumption rate exceeds 1 qt. per 750 miles at any time. refer to S.I. Bulletin B 11 05 84 (888).
Due to their increased output and maximum engine speeds, these engines are allowed a maximum consumption
of 2.5 quarts per 1,000 miles.
See S.I. Bulletin B 11 04 00 for Engine Oil Level Check.
(2) Secures and seals bolts, studs, nuts, threaded inserts, screw plugs against impact and vibration.
Fastens ball, roller and sliding bearings onto shafts or in housings, with play up to 0.25mm. Quick
setting. Oil filter flange bolt-See S.I. Bulletin B 11 02 87.
(3) Low viscosity, non-hardening, removable. For sealing off against mineral oils, grease, gases, air and
many chemicals. Application: from -40°C to approx. 200 °C. Tacking cylinder gasket - See S.I.
Bulletin B 11 02 88.
(4) Universal sealing compound, applicable by brush. For sealing interfaces between surfaces that
require excellent temperature resistance and sealing elasticity. Material: Polyester-urethane mixture.
(5) Black cyanacrylate adhesive for joining metals, rubber, PVC. See S.I. Bulletin B 11 06 89.
(6) Multi-purpose grease for all detachable joints at high temperatures and corrosive conditions, also
after long operating periods. Able to withstand high pressures, protection against undesired weld
contact, seizure and corrosion, active adhesion properties, effective as lubricant and separator up to
1100 °C. Applications: parts subject to high temperatures, such as bolts and flanges on exhaust
system, engine, disk brakes, etc.
(7) A black colored silicone-based sealant for large areas. Resists temperatures up to 250 °C. For engine
or gearbox; particularly suitable for sealing the timing case on M70 engine, and eliminating oil
seepage from E36 M42 cylinder head. See S.I. Bulletins B 11 07 90, B 11 02 88, B 11 09 93.
(8) Fast acting cleaner for dirty engines and engine parts. Does not attack painted, rubber, or plastic
(9) Intake and vacuum system leak detector. See S.I. Bulletin B 11 03 92.
(10) Repairs pitting in cylinder head sealing surfaces. See S.I. Bulletin B 11 10 93.
Gasolines are expected to fulfill many requirements to guarantee the desired operating conditions during all
environmental and driving conditions.
For application in BMW cars it is permitted to add up to and including 10% ethanol or other oxygenates with up
to 2.8% oxygen by weight (i.e. 15% MTBE or 3% Methanol plus an equivalent amount of co-solvent).
However, driveability problems may result from the use of such fuels, especially under certain environmental
conditions such as high ambient temperatures and high altitudes.
The anti-knock value is the quality rating for gasoline and is a requirement for controlled combustion. Anti-
knock value is expressed with an octane number. A higher number indicates better anti-knock properties of a
gasoline. Internationally approved methods are used to determine the Research Octane Number (RON) and the
Motor Octane Number (MON). In the United States the Anti-Knock Index (AKI) is displayed at the gas pumps.
Gasolines must be highly volatile. The boiling range and vapor pressure values are used for evaluation.
Gasolines do not have a boiling " point", but rather a boiling " line", since they are produced from a mixture of
various hydrocarbon components.
The boiling line (boiling range) and therefore vapor pressure have influence on, for example,
Vapor Lock
Starting Behavior
Evaporation Loss
Transition And Driving Behavior
Engine Oil Dilution
Perfect Combustion
The boiling range is different for summer and winter gasolines. The vapor pressure test is another means of
determining the behavior of a gasoline.
The specific gravity is determined by gasoline components. The volume changes with the temperature. Due to
the different compositions there are different values for premium grade and regular grade gasolines.
The calorific value expresses the power content of a gasoline. The calorific value of a combustible fuel/air
mixture is of prime importance for the power output of engines.
Gasolines must be free of contamination. Pumps, jets, injectors, valves and lines must not be clogged or
plugged up.
Residue and deposits in the intake system and combustion chamber will impair engine operation. The solid
residue from evaporation of gasoline provides information on the degree of contamination.
The sulfur content of all gasolines should be as low as possible. In this manner there will be less sulfuric acids
or sulfur acids in the combustion residue, which would lead to corrosion and sulfuric emissions on an engine
running without reaching operating temperature.
Regular Premium
(AKI at least (AKI at least
Engine Vehicle Model Model Year 87.0) 93.0)
M52 E36 323is/iC '98--'99 X
E36 328I '96--'98 X
E36 328is/iC '96--'99 X
E36 Z3 '97--'98 X
E39 528I '97--'98 X
M52TU E46 323i, 328I '99-'00 X
E46 323Ci, 328Ci '00 X
E36 Z3 2.3/2.8 '99-'00 X
E39 528i/iT '99-'00 X
N52 E60 525i, 530I '05- present X
E61 525xiT, 530xiT '05- present X
E90 325i, 330I '05-present X
M54 E36 Z3 '01--'03 X
E46 325i/Ci/CiCiT '01- present X
E46 325xi/xiT '01- present X
E46 330i/Ci/CiC '01- present X
E46 330xi '01- present X
E39 525i/iT '01- present X
E39 530I '01- present X
E53 X5 3.0I '01- present X
E60 525i, 530I '03- present X
E83 X3 '04- present X
E85 Z4 '03- present X
M60 E34 530i/iT, 540I '94--'95 X
E32 740i/iL '93--'94 X
E38 740i/iL '95 X
E31 840Ci '94--'95 X
M62 E39 540I '97-'03 X
E39 540iT '99-'03 X
E38 740i/iL '96-'01 X
E31 840Ci '96--'97 X
E53 X5 '00-'03 X
N62 E53 X5 '04--'05 X
E60 545I '03--'05 X
E63 645Ci '04--'05 X
E64 645CiC '04--'05 X
E65 745I '02--'05 X
E66 745Li '02--'05 X
N62TU E53 X5 '05- present X
E60 550I '03- present X
E63 650Ci '04- present X
E65 750I '05- present X
E66 750Li '05- present X
M70 E32 750iL '88--'94 X
E31 850i/Ci '91--'94 X
M73 E38 750iL '95-'01 X
E31 850Ci '95--'97 X
N73 E66 760Li '04- present X
S14 E30 M3 '88--'91 X
S38 E24 M6 '87--'88 X
E28 M5 '88 X
E34 M5 '91--'93 X
S50 E36 M3 '95 X
E36 M3 '96--'99 X
E36 MZ3 '98-'00 X
S54 E36 MZ3 '01--'02 X
E46 M3 '01--'02 X
S62 E39 M5 '00-'03 X
E52 Z8 '00- present X
S70 E31 850Csi '94--'95 X
BMW of North America recommends using automotive diesel Fuel No. 2 with a minimum cetone rating of 45
for use in the BMW 524td. Never use other fuels such as marine fuel or heating oil, since these fuels do not
have the appropriate additives or cetane values.
The cetane number is a measure of the fuel's ignition quality, which influences both the ease of starting and
combustion stability.
A high cetane number diesel fuel promotes spontaneous burning of the fuel, which is beneficial in a diesel.
Factors which are important qualities of diesel fuel are the Cloud Point (the temperature at which wax forms in
diesel fuel) and the Pour Point (the temperature at which fuel stops flowing). These qualities become very
important during low temperature operation. As the temperature drops, wax can sometimes form in the fuel
tank, fuel lines and/or fuel filter. If this occurs, the fuel supply lines will become clogged and resulting hard
starting and rough running problems.
Temperatures below 20°F (-7°C) are critical to the formation of wax crystals. The following guidelines should
solve any cold weather problems which may arise:
NOTE: BMW 524td's are equipped with an integral fuel heater, pre-delivery fuel pump,
large capacity fuel filter/water separator, and block heater for cold weather
operation which should be sufficient for all but the most extreme cold weather.
Diesel Fuel Flow Improver - Wurth Part No. 893532 (former BMW Part No. 81 22 9 407 289)
Diesel Fuel No. 2 can be mixed with kerosene in the proportions shown on the graph. Engine
performance will be reduced with more than a 50% mixture of kerosene.
The throttle body assembly of M42 engines in E36 vehicles produced from 1/94-6/94 are to be lubricated with
Paste TA Spray, BMW Part No. 83 23 1 468 932.
The quality or grade of a long-term antifreeze and corrosion inhibitor is very important to be able to protect
metal (gray cast iron, steel, aluminum alloys, brass, copper and solder) in the cooling system against corrosion.
It guarantees full operation of the cooling system in winter and also increases the boiling point at high outside
temperatures and under heavy loads.
The factory fills the cooling system for protection against freezing, for the U.S. and Canada, down to -34°F (-
This means an antifreeze ratio of 50% antifreeze and 50% water. In severely cold areas, the antifreeze can be
increased to 60% which provides freezing protection down to -62°F (-52°C). Do not exceed a 60% ratio of
The specified antifreeze ratio is important, since an insufficient amount would impair antifreezing and corrosion
inhibiting protection. An excessive amount would not improve freezing protection, but instead reduce freezing
Regular checking of coolant concentration is part of Inspection I or II. Refer to applicable Model Year Service
Maintenance Checklist for change intervals.
Only tap water of drinking quality with the following properties may be used as coolant.
The antifreeze concentration in a cooling system should be checked before the beginning of winter. When
determining the mixture concentration it is important to make sure that there is sufficient protection against
A hydrometer (radiator antifreeze tester) is required for correct determination of antifreeze concentration. The
composition of long-term antifreezes and corrosion inhibitors differs between manufacturers.
BMW Anti-Freeze/Coolant contains no nitrites or phosphates and has been formulated to prevent excessive
silicate dropout. Order the 1gallon container under BMW Part No. 82 14 1 467 704.
NOTE: Do not mix BMW Anti-Freeze/Coolant with different antifreezes which contain
nitrites and/or phosphates and a high silicate formulation.
Use of non-approved coolant additives may cause reduced heat transfer from the cylinder head to the coolant
and the formation of hot spots. This can cause the burning through of cylinder head gaskets and/or cracking of
the cylinder head.
BMW NA cannot accept the liability for the resulting effects and consequential damage caused by the use of
coolant additives.
1996-99 ENGINE
Engine: M10, M20, M20B25, M20B27, M21, M30, M30B34, M30Tur, M40, M41, M42, M43, M43TU, M44,
M47, M47T2, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M57, M57D25, M57D30, M57T2, M57TU,
M60, M62, M62VAN, M67, M67TU, M70, M73, M88, N40, N42, N43, N45, N45T, N46, N46T, N52, N62,
N73, S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S50US, S52US, S54, S62, S85, W10, W11, W17
SI number: 1 16 96 (107)
Engine hoist
Consisting of:
4 = 11 0 079 Shackle (2 x)
SI number: 1 03 87 (738)
Engine: M20, M21, M30, M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M47, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M57, M60, M62,
M70, M73, S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S54, S62
Consisting of:
Engine: M10, M20, M20B25, M20B27, M21, M30, M30B34, M30Tur, M40, M41, M42, M43, M43TU, M44,
M47, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M57, M57D25, M57D30, M57T2, M57TU, M60, M62,
M62VAN, M67, M67TU, M70, M73, M88, N40, N42, N43, N62, N73, S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S50US,
S52US, S54, S62, S85, W10, W11, W17
11 0 240 COUPLING
SI number: 1 12 93(701)
Engine: M20, M21, M30, M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M47, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M57, M57D25,
M57D30, M60, M62, M67, M67TU, M70, M73, N40, N42, N62, N73, S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S54, S62
Fig. 7: Identifying Accessories (11 0 340)
SI number: 1 12 93(701)
Consisting of:
3 = 11 0 343 Hook
11 1 200 DRIFT
Engine: M20, M21, M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M60, M62, M70,
M73, N45, S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S54, S62
NOTE: For fitting rotary shaft seal in rear crankshaft end cover
Engine: M10, M20, M21, M30, M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M47, M50, M51, M52, M57, M57D25, M57D30,
S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S54
SI number: 1 03 95(900)
Impact bush
11 1 430 FIXTURE
SI number: 1 05 89(099)
Consisting of:
NOTE: With 5 pins and rubber seal - Engine: M42, M44, M50, M52, S54
NOTE: For sealing strip 11 1 431 - Engine: M42, M44, M50, M52
3 = 11 1 433 Sealing strip
NOTE: With 7 pins and rubber seal - Engine: M42, M44, M50, M52, S54
NOTE: For sealing strip 11 1 433 - Engine: M42, M44, M50, M52
6 = 11 1 436 Bridge
NOTE: With valve and standard clip - Engine: M42, M44, M50, M52, S50
SI number: 1 05 89(099)
Fig. 11: Identifying Accessories (11 1 440)
Consisting of:
11 1 480 PLIERS
Engine: M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M60, M62, M70, M73, N12, N14,
N43, N45, N47, N47S, N52, N53, N54, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S50US, S52US, S54, S62, W10, W11
SI number: 1 01 93 (621)
Engine: M41, M42, M44, M47, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M57, M57T2, M57TU, M60, M62,
S50B30, S50B32, S54, S62
Assembly sleeves
NOTE: For driving the guide bearing into the crankshaft (S14, S38, M10, M20, M21, M30,
M40, M42, M50, M51 M52) and driving the centering support into the propeller
Series: E28, E30, E32, E34, E36, E38, E39, E46, E52, E65, E66, E70, E81, E85, E87, E90, E92, RR1
11 2 150 HOLDER
NOTE: For locking crankshaft in position when releasing and tightening central bolt
Fig. 15: Identifying Holder (11 2 150)
11 2 170 HOLDER
Engine: M20, M21, M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M47, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M57,
S50B30, S50B32, S54
Storage location: C4
NOTE: With 1/2" extension for releasing and tightening cylinder head bolts
SI number: 1 05 89(099)
Engine: M10, M20, M21, M30, M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M50, M51, M52, M60, M62, M70, M73, M88,
S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32
Placement board
Engine: M21, M40, M41, M42, M43, M43TU, M44, M47, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56,
M57, M57T2, M57TU, M60, M62, M62VAN, M70, M73, S50B30, S50B32, S54, S62
Plug mandrel
NOTE: For removing rotary shaft seal in lower timing case cover
SI number: 1 03 87(739)
Extractor tool
Fig. 20: Identifying Extractor Tool (11 2 310)
Consisting of:
1 = 11 2 311 Extractor
NOTE: For timing case cover without removing cylinder head (M42, M43, M44), as well
as for mounting top timing case cover (M43, M44)
SI number: 1 05 89(099)
Mounting plate
11 2 340 EXTRACTOR
Engine: M41, M42, M43, M43TU, M44, M47, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M57, M57TU,
M60, M62, M70, M73, N40, N42, N43, N45, N45T, N46, N46T, S50B30, S50B32, S54, S62, S85
SI number: 1 05 90 (207)
Consisting of:
11 2 350 DRIFT
Engine: M41, M42, M43, M44, M47, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M57, M57TU, M60, M62,
M70, M73, N40, N42, N43, N45, N45T, N46, N46T, S50B30, S50B32, S52US, S54, S62, S85
SI number: 1 05 90 (207)
NOTE: For holder to lock crankshaft in position when releasing and tightening central
SI number: 1 10 94(840)
Spacer ring
Engine: M10, M20, M21, M30, M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M60,
M62, M70, M73, M88, S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S62
Engine: M42, M44, M50, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, S50US, S52US
Locking fixture
Consisting of:
4 = 11 3 244 Bracket
Engine: M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M60, M62, S62
SI number: 1 05 89(099)
Suction cup
Fig. 27: Identifying Suction Cup (11 3 250)
Consisting of:
1 = 11 3 251 Sucker (8 x)
NOTE: For locking chain tensioner piston in position (e.g. when removing and
installing cylinder head) as well as for locking drive belt tensioner
Engine: M41, M43, M44, M47, M47T2, M47TU, M51, M57, M57T2, M57TU, M62, N40, N42, N43, N45,
N45T, N46, N46T, N47, N51, N52, N53, N54, N62, N63, N73
SI number: 1 09 91(416)
NOTE: For installing connecting rods with pistons. Note: With the phase-in of engine
S50B32 the guide mandrels have been revised and adapted to the new
connecting rods.
SI number: 1 12 92(606)
NOTE: For fixing metal gasket in position on upper timing case cover during assembly
Storage location: B1
SI number: 1 13 95(002)
Pin (4)
Fig. 30: Identifying 11 4 110 Pin (4)
NOTE: For fitting rotary shaft seal in bottom timing case cover
SI number: 1 12 93(701)
Installer bush
Storage location: B6
SI number: 1 06 94(801)
Engine: M10, M20, M21, M30, M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M47, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54,
M56, M57, M57T2, M57TU, M60, M62, M70, M73, M88, N42, N62, N73, S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32,
S50US, S52US, S54, S62
Fig. 33: Identifying Open-Ended Spanner WAF 32 (11 5 040)
SI number: 01 01 87 (670)
11 5 050 HOLDER
Engine: M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M60, M62, N62, S62
SI number: 1 03 87(739)
11 5 130 LEVER
NOTE: For pressing down valves while removing and installing rocker fingers
Engine: M44
Storage location: A5, B5
SI number: 1 13 95(002)
Consisting of:
1 = 11 5 131 Lever
3 = 11 5 133 Spring
Installation holder
Fig. 36: Identifying Installation Holder (11 5 461)
Installation pliers
Installation drift
Fig. 38: Identifying Installation Drift (11 5 463)
Removal pliers
NOTE: For installing pistons of 85 mm diameter (urgently required for pistons with U-
Flex ring)
Consisting of:
NOTE: For holding assembly bushes, gauge 11 6 270 and lever gauge 11 6 250
NOTE: For closing off coolant outlet openings when pressure-testing cylinder head for
water leaks
Engine: M20, M21, M40, M41, M42, M43, M43TU, M44, M47, M47T2, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M57,
M57T2, M57TU, M70, M73, S50B30, S50B32, S50US, S52US
SI number: 1 06 98(306)
Consisting of:
3 = 11 6 403 Cover
NOTE: M12 x 125 with nuts and 28 Uwashers for sealing strips
11 6 404 O-ring
NOTE: Engine: M57, M47TU / For sealing off coolant outlet opening
Engine: M40, M43, M43TU, M44, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M62, N40, N42, N45, N46, N53, N54, N62,
N62TU, N73, S54, S62, S85
SI number: 1 06 95 (963)
NOTE: For valves, valve springs, hydraulic tappet, rocker fingers etc.
Engine: M10, M20, M21, M30, M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M50, M51, M52, M60, M62, M70, M73, M88,
S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S50US, S52US
Placement board
Fig. 43: Identifying Placement Board (11 7 300)
Engine: M44
SI number: 1 13 95(002)
Gauge (8°)
In conjunction with: 13 3 063 or 13 6 051 and pressure gauge 13 3 061 or BMW DIS
NOTE: for measuring oil pressure
SI number: 1 21 00(642)
Fig. 45: Identifying Test Connection And Modified Oil Filter Wrench (11 7 330)
Consisting of:
11 7 450 SIMULATOR
Engine: M10, M20, M30, M40, M42, M43, M44, M50, M52, M60, M62, M70, M73, S14, S38, S50B30,
S50B32, S50US, S52US
SI number: 2 07 93(700)
Order number: 11 7 450
Consisting of:
NOTE: Connection to wiring harness and oxygen sensor - engine: M40, M42, M43, M50,
NOTE: Connection to oxygen sensor with Bosch or Cannon plug connection - engine:
M10, M20, M30, S14
NOTE: Connection to wiring harness with Bosch or Cannon plug connection - engine:
M10, M20, M30, S14
Engine: M10, M20, M20B25, M20B27, M21, M30, M30B34, M30Tur, M40, M41, M42, M43, M43TU, M44,
M47, M47TU, M50, M51, M52, M52TU, M54, M56, M57, M57D25, M57D30, M57T2, M57TU, M60, M62,
M62VAN, M67, M70, M73, M88, N12, N14, N40, N42, N45, N46, N51, N52, N53, N54, N62, N62TU, N73,
S14, S38, S50B30, S50B32, S50US, S52US, S54, S62, S85, W10, W11, W17
SI number: 1 03 02 (833)
Consisting of:
1 = 11 9 001 Fixture
2 = 11 9 002 Rod
4 = 11 9 004 Tab
7 = 11 9 007 Slide
9 = 11 9 009 Lever
NOTE: Engine M44, M52, M54, M56, M62, S52, S54, S62
NOTE: Engine M47, M47TU, M57, M57TU, N40, N42, N62, N73
NOTE: For fixing inlet camshaft in position while adjusting valve timing - engine with
idle judder
Series: E36
Engine: M44
SI number: 1 07 98(332)
11 9 811 HOLDER
11 9 812 SCREW
An accessory component rotary drive is accomplished with two poly-V type drive belts. Once correctly installed
the belts are self-adjusting with automatic hydraulic tensioners and are maintenance free.
1. Tension should be checked using a V-belt tension gauge special tool 11 5 020. Tension is adjusted
through a toothed rack mechanism (3). See Fig. 1.
2. Adjust belt by first loosening mounting nuts/bolts (1, 2) until unit pivots freely. See Fig. 1.
CAUTION: Do not over tighten the V-belt to prevent shaft bearings from failing
3. Use a torque wrench and a crowfoot wrench to turn tensioning gear bolt (3). Hold wrench steady and
tighten locknut on rear of tensioning gear bolt.
4. Tighten all other mounting nuts to specification. See.
Fig. 1: Adjusting V-belt Tension
1. On M20, M30, M42, S14 and S38 routing will be similar. See Fig. 1.
2. On M43 and M44, see Fig. 2.
Fig. 2: Drive Belt Routing (M43 & M44)
NOTE: For electric cooling fan diagnosis and testing, see appropriate ELECTRIC
COOLING FANS article. For cooling system removal and installation
procedures, see appropriate REMOVAL & INSTALLATION article.
Application Specification
Coolant Replacement Interval 36 Months
Coolant Capacity
M20 11.0 Qts. (10.5L)
M30 (Including Heater) 12.7 Qts. (12.0L)
M30 (With Integrated Air Conditioner) 13.2 Qts. (12.5L)
M42 & M44 (Including Heater) 6.7 Qts. (6.5L)
M42 & M44 (With Integrated Air Conditioner) 7 Qts. (6.7L)
M50 (Including Heater) 11.1 Qts. (10.5L)
M50 (With Integrated Air Conditioner) 11.6 Qts. (11.0L)
M54 8.9 Qts. (8.4L)
M52 (Including Heater) 10.6 Qts. (10.0L)
N62 14.8 Qts. (14.0L)
S14 10.0 Qts. (9.5L)
S38 14 Qts. (13.3L)
S50 11.2 Qts. (10.75L)
S52 11.4 Qts. (10.8L)
S54 10.6 Qts. (10.0L)
S62 (With Latent Heat Accumulator) 14.3 Qts. (13.5L)
S62 (Without Latent Heat Accumulator) 12.7 Qts. (12.0L)
Fan Clutch
Fan On Temperature
M30 172-187° F (78-86°
S14, M20, M50, M52, S52 & M54 194° F (90° C)
S38 & S50 198° F (92° C)
M42 & M44 190-205° F (88-96°
S62 196-210° F (91-99°
Fan Off Temperature
S14 113° F (45° C)
M20, M30, M42, M44, M50, M52, S38, S50, S52, M54 & S62 140° F (60° C)
Pressure Relief Valve Opens 26.1-30.5 psi (1.8-2.1 bar)
Test Pressure For Cooling System
M20, M30, M42, M44, M50, M52, M54, S14, S38, S50 & S52 14.5 psi (1 Bar)
M52, M54, N62, S62 & S54 21.8 psi (1.5 Bar)
Thermostat Opening Temperature (Stamped In Thermostat)
S38 & S62 174° F (79° C)
S14, S50, M30, M20 & M50 176° F (80° C)
M42, M52 & S52 198° F (92° C)
M44 203° F (95° C)
M54 207° F (97° C)
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Tensioning Gear Lock Nut 18 (24)
In. Lbs. (N.m)
A/C Belt Tension 62-75 (7-8.5)
Alternator Belt Tension 62 (7)
Power Steering Belt Tension 71-75 (8-8.5)
NOTE: On Z3, 323i, 323is, and 840Ci, information is not available from manufacturer.
Wiring diagrams may be available. See WIRING DIAGRAMS.
Bosch starter is a brush-type, series-wound electric motor with an overrunning clutch. Field frame carries pole
shoes and field coils, and is enclosed by commutator end frame and drive bushing. Armature shaft drive end
drives a reduction gear.
Except 4.4L
Starter is controlled by electronic immobilizer control unit. Turning ignition switch to START position
energizes terminal No. 3 at electronic immobilizer control unit. When clutch is depressed (M/T) or gear selector
is in Park or Neutral (A/T), a signal is sent to terminal No. 9 at electronic immobilizer control unit. When both
these signals are received by electronic immobilizer control unit, terminal No. 50 is energized at starter motor.
Starter is controlled by Digital Motor Electronic (DME) control module. It is only necessary to turn the ignition
switch to START position briefly. After the DME control unit receives the input signals from the ignition
switch and neutral safety switch, it energizes the starter relay, which in turn energizes terminal No. 50 at the
starter motor. After the DME control unit receives a signal from the crankshaft position sensor that the engine is
running (920 RPM cold; 680 RPM at normal operating temperature), the DME control unit switches off the
starter relay.
Disconnect negative battery cable. Disconnect wiring from starter. Remove starter bolts and starter. To install,
reverse removal procedure.
Disconnect positive battery cable. Remove front and rear covers under engine. Remove heat shields around
starter. Disconnect wires from starter. Remove bolts from starter. Slide starter forward, and lower starter from
vehicle. To install, reverse removal procedure.
For overhaul procedures, see illustration for exploded view of starter. See Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: Exploded View Of Bosch Reduction Gear Starter
Application Specification
Axial Armature Play .1-.2 mm
Brush Length 13 mm (minimum)
Testing Voltage 11.7-12.3 Volts
Rated Power
M50, M52, S52 1.7 kW
M51 2.2 kW
M60, M62 1.7 kW
M70, M73 2.2 kW
M57 2.2 kW
M67 2.6 kW
S62 1.7 kW
Current Consumption At Terminal 50 (Rated Power Of 1.4 kW)
Pull-In Winding 54.5 A
Hold-In Winding 10.5 A
Current Consumption At Terminal 50 (Rated Power Of 1.7 kW with Intermediate Transmission)
Pull-In Winding 51 A
Hold-In Winding 9.5 A
Current Consumption At Terminal 50 (Rated Power Of 1.8 kW)
Pull-In Winding 50 A
Hold-In Winding 12 A
Current Consumption At Terminal 50 (Rated Power Of 2.0 kW)
Pull-In Winding 54.5 A
Hold-In Winding 10.5 A
Current Consumption At Terminal 50 (Rated Power Of 2.2 kW)
Pull-In Winding 58 A
Hold-In Winding 13 A
Current Consumption At Terminal 50 (Rated Power Of 2.2 kW with Intermediate Transmission)
Pull-In Winding 60 A
Hold-In Winding 10 A
Current Consumption At Terminal 50 (Rated Power Of 2.6 kW with Intermediate Transmission)
Pull-In Winding 50 A
Hold-In Winding 12 A
Type Thread Measure
Starter motor mounting to transmission bell All, except N51, 45 Nm
housing N52, N52K, N53,
Support to starter All M5 5 Nm
Support to crankcase All 47 Nm
Electrical leads to starter
All M5 5 Nm
All M6 7 Nm
All M8 13 Nm
Bolt connection, pole tube All M6 6 Nm
Heat shield to starter motor M6 6 Nm
11 11 CRANKCASE M44 B 19
11 22 FLYWHEEL M44 B 19
11 31 CAMSHAFT M44 B 19
11 52 FAN COUPLING M44 B 19
11 13 OIL PAN
11 13 OIL SUMP
11 52 FAN
Model code designated by 4th through 7th VIN positions identifies body type and engine identification.
Model code designated by 4th through 7th VIN positions identifies body type and engine identification.
Numbers preceding the explanations in the legend below refer to the sequence of characters as listed on VIN
identification label.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Use this article to quickly find specifications related to servicing and on-vehicle adjustments. This is a quick-
reference article to use when you are familiar with an adjustment procedure and only need a specification.
Application Amp Hr. Rating
M3, 323i, 323is, 328i & 328is (1) 75
Z3 110
318i & 318is 65
318ti 50
528i 70
540i 90
740i, 740iL & 750iL 110
840Ci & 850Ci (2) 65
Application Quantity
Crankcase (Includes Filter) 8.0 Qts. (7.5L)
Cooling System 13.0 Qts. (12.5L)
Manual Transmission (Dexron-II) (1) 1.3 Qts. (1.2L)
Auto. Transmission (Shell LA 2634) (1) 6.0 Qts. (5.7L)
Rear Axle (1) (2)
540i 1.8 Qts. (1.7L)
740i, 740iL & 840Ci 2.0 Qts. (1.9L)
(1) Lifetime fluid. Fluid change is not necessary.
(4) Manufacturer recommends synthetic final drive oil. On models without multi-plate limited-slip
differential, or with viscous differential lock, use BMW Synthetic Final Drive Oil (83 22 9 407 768).
On models without viscous differential lock, use BMW Synthetic Final Drive Oil (83 22 1 470 080).
Service and inspection intervals are indicated by OIL SERVICE and INSPECTION lights on instrument panel.
As number of lit Green lights decreases, vehicle approaches service interval. If Yellow light and either OIL
SERVICE or INSPECTION lights comes on, vehicle has reached service interval. If Red light comes on,
vehicle has exceeded service interval.
Check engine compression with engine at normal operating temperature at specified cranking speed, all spark
plugs removed and throttle wide open. The DME master relay and/or fuel pump relay MUST be pulled out for
compression test. See ADJUSTMENTS article for additional information.
Application Specification
Compression Ratio (1)
4-Cylinder 10.0:1
2.3L & 3.2L 10.5:1
2.8L 10.2:1
V8 10.0:1
Compression Pressure
All Models 142-156 psi (10-11 kg/cm2 )
(1) Specification for V12 is not available.
NOTE: All engines use hydraulic valve lifters. Valve adjustment is not required.
Before performing any on-vehicle adjustments to fuel or ignition systems, ensure engine mechanical condition
is okay.
1. Deactivate fuel injection system by removing Digital Motor Electronics (DME) master relay and fuel
pump relay before performing compression test. See DME & FUEL PUMP RELAY LOCATION
table. Ensure battery is fully charged.
2. Ensure engine coolant temperature does not exceed 95°F (35°C). Turn fasteners (2 ) on electric lead cover
90 degrees and remove electric lead cover. Disconnect spark plug connectors.
3. Using 16-mm Socket (12-1-171) and Torque Limiter (12-1-172), remove spark plugs. Use Pressure
Gauge (11-0-162), Test Adapter (11-0-166) and Tube Extension (11-0-167) to check compression
6-Cylinder & V8
1. Deactivate fuel injection system by removing Digital Motor Electronics (DME) master relay and fuel
pump relay before performing compression test. See DME & FUEL PUMP RELAY LOCATION. Ensure
battery is fully charged.
2. Ensure engine coolant temperature does not exceed 86°F (30°C). Remove oil filler cap. Remove 2 nut
covers and nuts securing cylinder head cover(s). Remove cylinder head cover(s). Disconnect ignition coil
3. Remove ignition coils. Using 16-mm Socket (12-1-171) and Torque Limiter (12-1-172), remove spark
plugs. Use Pressure Gauge (11-0-162), Test Adapter (11-0-166) and Tube Extension (11-0-167) to check
compression pressure. See COMPRESSION SPECIFICATIONS table.
Application Specification
Compression Ratio
4-Cylinder 10.0:1
M3, Z3 & 328 Series 10.2:1
323 Series 10.5:1
V8 10.0:1
Compression Pressure
All Models 142-156 psi (10-
11 kg/cm2 )
NOTE: All engines use hydraulic valve lifters. Valve adjustment is not required.
NOTE: Mixture adjustment is not a part of normal tune-up procedure and should not be
performed unless mixture control unit is replaced or vehicle fails emissions
Idle Speed
1. Idle speed is controlled by an idle speed control valve. Ensure engine is at normal operating temperature,
valve clearance is correct and all electrical accessories are off.
2. Connect dwell/tachometer to engine. Ensure idle speed is within specification. See IDLE SPEED & CO
LEVEL SPECIFICATIONS table. If idle speed and CO level are not within specification, check idle
speed control valve or intake manifold for air leaks.
1. Disconnect oxygen sensor connector. Remove bolt from exhaust manifold and install CO Test Connector
(13-0-090) with Adapter (13-0-100) on exhaust manifold. Connect CO meter and check idle mixture.
Ensure CO level is within specification. See IDLE SPEED & CO LEVEL SPECIFICATIONS table.
2. If CO level exceeds specification, check fuel injectors, fuel pressure and coolant temperature sensor. If
CO level is less than specification, check idle speed control hoses and connections and check for air
leaks. Reconnect oxygen sensor.
TP sensor is not adjustable. For TP specifications, see THROTTLE POSITION (TP) SENSOR
This article covers basic description and operation of engine performance-related systems and components.
Read this article before diagnosing vehicles or systems with which you are not completely familiar.
An 88-pin ECU is used. See Fig. 1 . ECU uses the following input signals to determine optimum fuel injection
and ignition timing: intake airflow, intake air temperature, throttle position, coolant temperature, engine speed,
vehicle speed, crankshaft position, knock sensors and exhaust gas oxygen content.
ECU can operate engine in a limp mode, allowing vehicle operation despite component failure. ECU also has
adaptive capabilities to compensate for component wear and other factors, such as minor vacuum leaks. Once a
fault is recognized, it is stored in ECU memory as a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC). The system automatically
substitutes a fixed replacement value for the incorrect value caused by a defective component or circuit.
An air/fuel ratio of 14.7:1 is maintained under most driving conditions. Maximum engine RPM is limited by
ECU by eliminating power to fuel injectors. The ECU assumes control of following functions.
Acceleration Enrichment, Catalytic Converter Protection, Cold Start Control, Dynamic Coasting Shutoff, Fuel
Injection Control, Fuel Tank Vent (Evaporation) Control, Idle Speed Control, Ignition Timing and Anti-Knock
Function, Heated Oxygen (Sensor) Control, Relay Controls and Self-Diagnostics.
A/C Compressor Control, Acceleration Enrichment, Cold Start Control, Deceleration Fuel Cut, Fuel Injection
Control, Fuel Tank Vent (Evaporation) Control, Idle Speed Control, Ignition Timing Control and Anti-Knock
Function, Ignition Timing/Fuel Injection Intervention Via DWA and On-Board Computer, Oxygen (Sensor)
Control, Relay Controls and Self-Diagnostics.
A/C Compressor Control, Acceleration Enrichment, Cold Start Control, Deceleration Fuel Cut, Fuel Injection
Control, Fuel Tank Vent (Evaporation) Control, Idle Speed Control, Ignition Timing Control and Anti-Knock
Function, Ignition Timing/Fuel Injection Intervention Via DWA and On-Board Computer, Oxygen (Sensor)
Control, Rear Window Defogger, Relay Controls and Self-Diagnostics.
NOTE: Components are grouped into 2 categories. The first category covers INPUT
DEVICES, which control or produce voltage signals monitored by ECU. The
second category covers OUTPUT SIGNALS, which are components controlled
by ECU.
Vehicles are equipped with different combinations of input devices. Not all devices are used on all models. To
determine input device usage for a specific model, see appropriate wiring diagram in WIRING DIAGRAMS
article. The available input signals include the following.
NOTE: Descriptions of following input devices are based on information available from
manufacturer. Complete information is not available from manufacturer.
Airflow meter/sensor is located in intake passage between air filter and intake manifold. Air-flow meter
includes a flap door (connected to a potentiometer) to detect airflow and a temperature sensor. Airflow meter
informs ECU of airflow rate.
When anti-theft system (if equipped) is armed, anti-theft ECU sends a voltage signal (greater than 10 volts) to
ECU, which disables ignition and fuel injection systems.
Sensor is located on lower right front of engine. It supplies ECU with crankshaft position information. When
ECU has determined optimum ignition timing (based on input from various sensors), information supplied by
crankshaft (speed/position pulse) sensor is used to signal ignition firing.
Sensor is located on top front of cylinder head, behind radiator hose. This component supplies coolant
temperature information to ECU. The ECU then determines whether current operating condition is at cold or
normal operating temperature. During cold operating conditions, air/fuel mixture is enriched by widening fuel
injector pulse width. Extra rich conditions are maintained until normal operating temperature is reached.
Sensor is located in intake passage between air filter and intake manifold. Sensor informs ECU of airflow rate.
Hot-wire airflow meter is used on 6-cylinder engines and uses a heating element to burn off deposits from
sensor. Hot-film airflow meter is used on V8 engines and does not require a heating element.
Intake air temperature sensor is located in intake passage in intake manifold. The intake air temperature sensor
informs ECU of ambient temperature of incoming air.
The intake air temperature sensor is located in intake passage between air filter and intake manifold and is part
of airflow sensor. The intake air temperature sensor informs ECU of ambient temperature of incoming air.
Knock Sensor
Oxygen content of exhaust gases is detected by oxygen sensor(s) located in exhaust manifold(s). This sensor
converts percentage of oxygen present in exhaust gases into an electrical signal that is transmitted to ECU.
The ECU uses this information to determine air/fuel ratio and adjusts injector timing (pulse width) to obtain a
14.7:1 air/fuel ratio. Oxygen sensor signal (closed loop mode) is also used for regulation of fuel tank
(evaporative) control valve.
If fault code is set or if oxygen sensor is malfunctioning, ECU will operate engine at an oxygen sensor
substitute value of .45 volt.
Throttle Position (TP) Sensor
TP sensor is used in place of a throttle position switch and has contacts for idle and wide open throttle. The
potentiometer is not adjustable since ECU determines idle speed ignition timing (idle speed switching point) on
its own.
Sensor information comes from speedometer sensor located in instrument cluster. Vehicle speed sensor sends
information on vehicle speed to ECU.
Fuel Injectors
Kickdown Prevention
Fuel Pump
All vehicles use an in-tank electric fuel pump, accessible through luggage compartment or rear bench seat. Fuel
pump is activated by voltage supplied by fuel pump relay.
Fuel pump relay is powered through master (main) relay and positive battery junction point "B" and is grounded
through ECU terminal No. 1.
Master relay is powered through positive battery junction point "B" and supplies power to ECU, Heated Oxygen
Sensor (HO2S), fuel pump relay and other computer-controlled systems.
Pressure regulator maintains constant fuel pressure to injectors. An electric fuel pump provides fuel to pressure
regulator. Pressure regulator is vacuum operated. As throttle is depressed and manifold vacuum drops, pressure
regulator increases fuel pressure to maintain constant flow to fuel injectors.
To prevent overheating of catalytic converter, catalytic converter protection system enriches air/fuel mixture to
reduce exhaust gas temperature.
During engine start-up, an increased quantity of fuel is injected according to coolant temperature and engine
speed. If an engine re-start is attempted within one minute, complete initial quantity is no longer injected.
During engine warm-up, injected fuel quantity is reduced according to coolant temperature and engine speed in
order to avoid a rich mixture. After warm-up to an engine coolant temperature of at least 158°F (70°C), injector
timing (pulse width) is adapted to engine speed and load.
Each group of fuel injectors (No. 1 and 3, No. 2 and 4) is activated by ECU final stage (current amplifier),
making it possible to divide injection cycle into groups of cylinders. This allows limited engine operation even
when one group fails. Injectors operate under parallel or semi-sequential fuel injection modes.
With parallel injection, simultaneous activation of ALL fuel injectors occurs for each crankshaft revolution and
takes place only when camshaft sensor has not sent output signals since starting engine. If camshaft sensor
signal is sent out later, system switches over to semi-sequential fuel injection as soon as an engine speed of
2500 RPM is exceeded.
Under semi-sequential fuel injection, only one group of cylinders operates once every 720 crankshaft degrees
from an engine speed of 600 RPM. Semi-sequential fuel injection timing can function only when ECU receives
a signal from camshaft sensor.
Each fuel injector is independently controlled by ECU. This enables ECU to precisely meter injected fuel
quantity and provides a faster response time during engine load changes. After engine has started (at about 600
RPM), fuel is injected into each specific cylinder at intervals of 120 degrees (crankshaft).
The ECU can also turn off fuel injectors as part of its catalytic converter protection function. See IGNITION
TIMING CONTROL under IGNITION SYSTEMS for additional information.
A temperature of about 572°F (300°C) is needed for oxygen sensor operation. In order to quickly heat sensor, a
heating resistor is included in oxygen sensor.
The ECU provides a ground path for oxygen sensor heater relay, which then provides battery voltage to oxygen
sensor heating resistor in oxygen sensor. The oxygen sensor heater relay is activated when ignition is on. Relay
is switched off when engine reaches certain speed and load.
Idle speed is kept constant by an idle speed control valve, which supplies engine with necessary amount of air.
Idle speed control takes place during period in which throttle potentiometer, or TPS, detects idle setting. The
pre-programmed idle speed values in ECU are compared with actual operating values and corrected to
compensate for component wear and other factors, such as minor air (vacuum) leaks.
When engine management system detects engagement of a drive range (1, 2, 3 or "D"), idle speed is increased
by idle speed control valve to compensate for engine speed drop caused by engagement of torque converter. On
A/C-equipped models, idle speed is also temporarily increased when A/C system is switched on. Upon
receiving A/C compressor signal, quantity of air required for idle speed is corrected.
Each cylinder has its own ignition coil (direct ignition system), eliminating need for a distributor. The ECU
activates each coil separately.
If camshaft sensor has not sent output signals since starting engine, ignition system enters double ignition mode.
This mode activates all spark plugs for each crankshaft revolution. Switching from normal to double ignition, or
vice versa, takes place immediately, independent of fuel injection operation.
Ignition timing is retarded (anti-knock function), depending on inputs from knock sensors, in order to prevent
pre-ignition of air/fuel mixture in combustion chamber.
Ignition timing is controlled for each cylinder by means of a separate ignition coil, eliminating unnecessary high
tension distributor. This ignition system is referred to by manufacturer as a coil ignition system with static high
tension distribution.
For each cylinder, an output stage-controlled ignition coil is provided, which routes secondary voltage (up to
32,000 volts) via spark plug connector to spark plug. This configuration permits independent control of ignition
By eliminating distributor, effective range of ignition timing control is increased by about 10 degrees, to a
maximum of 59 degrees per cylinder. A camshaft sensor is used to maintain correct firing order. Ignition timing
is retarded (anti-knock function), depending on inputs from knock sensors, in order to prevent pre-ignition of
air/fuel mixture in combustion chamber.
If malfunctions on primary side of ignition system are detected by ECU, fuel injector(s) for that cylinder(s) will
be turned off. This effectively prevents rich exhaust gas mixtures from reaching catalytic converter.
All Models
Fuel vapors are routed to engine via an activated carbon canister. Installed between carbon canister and air
manifold is a purge control valve. Valve restricts flow of air based on sensor inputs to ECU.
Electrical activation of purge control valve depends on engine speed and load. Vacuum line to intake manifold
is closed as long as valve is supplied with voltage. When no power is applied to valve, it can be opened by
vacuum in intake manifold.
The fuel evaporation control cycle begins as soon as oxygen control system is active (closed loop mode). Upon
completion of purge cycle, valve is closed for about 30 seconds. When engine is shut off, valve remains closed
for another 3 seconds to prevent engine run-on.
ECU has a self-diagnostic feature which detects malfunctions in emission-related components and stores
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). ECU provides a substitute value if a failure occurs in engine (coolant)
temperature sensor, intake air temperature sensor, airflow meter or exhaust gas oxygen sensor. These substitute
values are canceled when normal engine operation is resumed. To aid in trouble shooting, stored fault codes and
sensor values can be monitored via ECU and actuated components.
Vehicles are equipped with an OBD-II self-diagnostic system which utilizes a generic scan tool connected to in-
vehicle Data Link Connector (DLC). In addition, vehicles are also equipped with a BMW self-diagnostic
system which accesses DTCs using special BMW hardware and software connected to underhood BMW engine
diagnostic connector socket. See TESTS W/CODES article.
In order to provide full engine power during acceleration, A/C compressor is switched off for up to 7 seconds
during full throttle operation at speeds less than 5 MPH.
During acceleration, normally closed A/C compressor relay temporarily switches off A/C compressor clutch on
A/C compressor. During start-off phase (full engine load and vehicle speed less than 5 MPH), A/C compressor
relay is activated by ECU for 10 seconds.
1968-2003 BMW
Year, Model, Engine & Fuel System (1) Emission Control Systems & Devices
All Engines Carbureted PCV, AP
1600 & 2002 Carbureted PCV, (2) EVAP, (3) EGR, AP,
2500 & 2800 Carbureted PCV, ACL, EVAP, SPK,
1600 & 2002 Carbureted PCV, EVAP, (4) EGR, AP,
2500 & 2800 Carbureted PCV, ACL, EVAP, SPK,
1600 & 2003 Carbureted PCV, ACL, EVAP, (4) EGR, (5) AP,
2002Tii MFI PCV, EVAP,
3.0L Models Carb. PCV, ACL, EVAP, EGR, SPK,
2002 Carbureted PCV, ACL, EVAP, EGR, SPK,
2002 Tii MFI PCV, EVAP,
3.0L Model Carbureted PCV, ACL, EVAP, EGR, SPK,
2002 Carbureted PCV, ACL, EVAP, EGR, SPK,
2002 Tii MFI PCV, EVAP, SPK,
3.0L Model Carbureted PCV, ACL, EVAP, EGR, SPK,
2002 Carbureted PCV, EVAP, EGR, SPK, AP,
530i & 3.0Si MFI PCV, EVAP, EGR, (2) SPK, AP,
2002 Carbureted PCV, ACL, EVAP, (2) EGR, SPK, AP,
EVAP-VC, (7) SPK-DDD, (2) TR
530i & 3.0Si MFI PCV, ACL, EVAP, EGR, (2) SPK, AP,
530i & 630CSi MFI EVAP, EGR, SPK, AP,
320i CFI PCV, EVAP, EGR, (6) SPK, AP,
530i, 633CSi & 733CSi MFI PCV, EVAP, EGR, (7) SPK, AP
320i CFI PCV, EVAP, EGR, (6) SPK, AP,
EVAP-VC, (6) SPK-TCS, (2) TR
528i MFI PCV, EVAP, TWC, FR, 3(6) SPK, O2S, CEC,
633CSi & 733i MFI PCV, EVAP, EGR, (9) SPK, AP,
528i, 633CSi & 733CSi MFI PCV, EVAP, TWC, FR, SPK, O2S, CEC,
528e, 633Csi & 733i MFI PCV, EVAP, TWC, FR, SPK, O2S, CEC,
528e, 533i, 633Csi & 733i MFI PCV, EVAP, TWC, FR, SPK, O2S, CEC,
Gasoline Engines MFI PCV, EVAP, TWC, FR, SPK, O2S, CEC,
All Models MFI PCV, EVAP, TWC, FR, SPK, O2S, CEC, (10)
All Models MFI PCV, EVAP, TWC, FR, SPK, O2S, CEC, (11)
All Models SFI PCV, EVAP, TWC, FR, SPK, (12) AP, HO2S,
All Models SFI PCV, EVAP, TWC, FR, SPK, (12) AP, HO2S,
(1) Major emission control systems and devices are listed in bold type; components and other related
devices are listed in light type.
(2) California.
Air Pump
Spark Controls
NOTE: Vehicles are equipped with an OBD-II diagnostic system, with an OBD-II Data
Link Connector (DLC). See TESTS W/O CODES article.
The following diagnostic steps will help prevent overlooking a simple problem. This is also where to begin
diagnosis for a no-start condition.
The first step in diagnosing any driveability problem is verifying the problem with a test drive under the
conditions the problem reportedly occurred.
Before entering self-diagnostics, perform a careful and complete visual inspection. Most engine control
problems result from mechanical breakdowns, poor electrical connections or damaged/misrouted vacuum hoses.
Before condemning the computerized system, perform each test listed in this article.
NOTE: Perform all voltage tests with a Digital Volt-Ohmmeter (DVOM) with a minimum
10-megohm input impedance, unless stated otherwise in test procedure.
Visually inspect all electrical wiring, looking for chafed, stretched, cut or pinched wiring. Ensure electrical
connectors fit tightly and are not corroded. Ensure vacuum hoses are properly routed and are not pinched or cut.
Inspect air induction system for possible vacuum leaks.
1. Deactivate fuel injection system by removing Digital Motor Electronics (DME) master relay and fuel
pump relay before performing compression test. See DME & FUEL PUMP RELAY LOCATION table.
Ensure battery is fully charged.
2. Ensure engine coolant temperature does not exceed 95°F (35°C). Turn 2 fasteners on electric lead cover
90 degrees and remove electric lead cover. Repeat for other cover on V8 engines. Disconnect spark plug
3. Using 16-mm Socket (121171) and Torque Limiter (121172), remove spark plugs. Use Pressure Gauge
(110162), Test Adapter (110166) and Tube Extension (110167) to check compression pressure. See
Application Specification
Compression Ratio
4-Cylinder 10.0:1
M3, Z3 & 328 Series 10.2:1
323 Series 10.5:1
V8 10.0:1
Compression Pressure
All Models 142-156 psi (10-11
kg/cm2 )
The exhaust system can be tested with a vacuum or pressure gauge. If using a pressure gauge, remove HO2S or
air injection check valve (if equipped). Connect a 0-5 psi pressure gauge and run engine at 2500 RPM. If
exhaust system backpressure is greater than 2 psi, exhaust system or catalytic converter is plugged.
If using a vacuum gauge, connect vacuum gauge hose to intake manifold vacuum port. Start engine. Observe
vacuum gauge. Open throttle part way and hold steady. If vacuum gauge indication slowly drops after
stabilizing, inspect exhaust system for restriction.
WARNING: ALWAYS relieve fuel pressure before disconnecting any fuel injection-
related component. DO NOT allow fuel to contact engine or electrical
Fuel system pressure release procedure is not available from manufacturer. It may be possible to remove fuel
pump relay, start engine and run engine until fuel pressure drops (engine stalls). See DME & FUEL PUMP
1. Remove engine cover to gain access to fuel lines. Connect Pressure Gauge (133060) and "T" Fitting
(133064) in fuel lines in front of fuel pressure regulator. Block (plug) fuel return line with Fuel Hose
Clamp (133010).
2. Remove fuel pump relay. See DME & FUEL PUMP RELAY LOCATION table. Using Fuel Pump Relay
Bridging Caliper (613050) or jumper wire, connect terminals No. 87 and 30 at fuel pump relay socket.
See Fig. 3 . This will turn fuel pump on.
3. Disconnect fuel return line. Install extension hose and hold end of hose in Graduated Glass Container
(133020). Check fuel pump delivery rate. See FUEL PUMP PERFORMANCE table.
Remove fuel pump relay. Apply battery voltage to relay terminal No. 30 and terminal No. 86. See Fig. 3 .
Ground relay terminal No. 85. Voltage should now exist at relay terminal No. 87. Replace relay if it does not
work as indicated.
NOTE: If relay does not work on vehicle, check battery feed, DME relay, ECU and
ground circuits at fuel pump relay. See WIRING DIAGRAMS article.
Fig. 3: Identifying Fuel Pump Relay Terminals & Socket
1. Ensure ignition is turned off before working on the ignition system. The engine may not be started
without a connected secondary circuit. When checking compression, remove Digital Motor Electronics
(DME) master relay.
2. DO NOT connect shielded capacitors to terminal No. 1 of the ignition coil. DO NOT connect terminal
No. 1 of the ignition coil to ground or battery positive terminal, as this will damage ignition stages in
DME control unit.
3. DO NOT connect DVOM or test light to terminal No. 1 of ignition coil while engine is running. High
tension (350 volts) is present at coil terminal No. 4, secondary ignition leads, spark plugs and ignition coil
terminal No. 1 to DME control unit.
NOTE: For location of DME and fuel pump relays, see DME & FUEL PUMP RELAY
Measure primary coil resistance between terminal No. 1 and terminal No. 15. See Fig. 4 . Secondary coil
resistance cannot be measured. See IGNITION COIL RESISTANCE table.
Fig. 4: DIS Ignition Coil Schematic & Terminal Identification
1. Select cylinder mode on BMW SERVICE TESTER (Sun 2013 Engine Analyzer). Connect universal
adapter lead on tester. Connect Brown lead to known good engine ground. See Fig. 5 . Connect Black
lead to terminal No. 1 on Adapter (127020).
2. Connect adapter to ignition coil of cylinder being tested. Red lead is not used as only one cylinder can be
measured. Engine speed displayed will be reduced by a factor of 4. Produce stopped signal on
oscilloscope by pressing "R" button on tester. Combustion voltage line will be very erratic on
oscilloscope pattern (this is normal).
Check for excessive spark plug electrode gap, high compression, lean air/fuel mixture, low electrode
temperature, or burnt spark plug electrode.
Check for insufficient spark plug electrode gap, low compression, or high electrode temperature.
1. Connect engine analyzer and Adapter (127020) as described in IGNITION COIL PRIMARY SIGNAL
CHECK. Remove ignition coil. Connect a spark plug wire (between coil and spark plug) to cylinder being
tested. Connect inductive pick-up Blue lead, on lead to cylinder being tested. See Fig. 6 .
2. Produce stopped signal on oscilloscope by pressing "R" button on tester. Display of ignition signal on
oscilloscope will be strongest when inductive clip and Black lead are connected to same cylinder. Display
on oscilloscope may be disturbed by neighboring ignition leads (this is normal).
If no faults were found while performing BASIC DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES, proceed to G - TESTS W/O
CODES article. If no hard codes are found in self-diagnostics, or vehicle does not have a self-diagnostic
system, proceed to TESTS W/O CODES article for diagnosis by symptom (i.e., ROUGH IDLE, NO START,
etc.), or intermittent diagnostic procedures.
NOTE: This information is intended as a quick reference for firing order and cylinder
identification only. The information provided covers many vehicles and may
include some information that does not apply to the vehicle you have currently
In-Line 4 1-3-4-2
In-Line 6 1-5-3-6-2-4
V8 1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2
V10 1-6-5-10-2-7-3-8-4-9
V12 1-7-5-11-3-9-6-12-2-8-4-10
Before diagnosing symptoms or intermittent faults, perform steps in appropriate BASIC TESTING and TESTS
W/CODES articles below. Use this article to diagnose driveability problems existing when a hard fault code is
not present.
NOTE: Some driveability problems may have been corrected by manufacturer with a
revised computer control unit. Check with manufacturer for latest chip or
computer application.
Symptom checks can direct technician to malfunctioning component(s) for further diagnosis. A symptom
should lead to a specific component, system test or an adjustment.
Use intermittent test procedures to locate driveability problems that DO NOT occur when the vehicle is being
tested. These test procedures should also be used if a soft (intermittent) trouble code was present, but no
problem was found during self-diagnostic testing.
Symptom checks cannot be used properly unless the problem occurs while the vehicle is being tested. To reduce
diagnostic time, ensure steps in appropriate BASIC TESTING and TESTS W/CODES articles were performed
before diagnosing a symptom. See articles;
Intermittent fault testing requires duplicating circuit or component failure to identify the problem. These
procedures may lead to the computer setting a fault code (on some systems) which may help in diagnosis.
If problem vehicle does not produce fault codes, monitor voltage or resistance values using a DVOM while
attempting to reproduce conditions causing intermittent fault. A status change on DVOM indicates a fault has
been located.
Use a DVOM to pinpoint faults. When monitoring voltage, ensure ignition is in ON position, or engine is
running. Ensure ignition is in OFF position or negative battery cable is disconnected when monitoring circuit
resistance. Status changes on DVOM during test procedures indicate area of fault.
Intermittent Simulation
To reproduce the conditions creating an intermittent fault, use the following methods:
Monitor circuit/component voltage or resistance while simulating intermittent. If engine is running, monitor for
self-diagnostic codes. Use test results to identify a faulty component or circuit.
Fig. 1: Wiring Diagram (1996 1.9L - 1 Of 2)
Fig. 2: Wiring Diagram (1996 1.9L - 2 Of 2)
Fig. 3: Wiring Diagram (1997 1.9L - 1 Of 2)
Fig. 4: Wiring Diagram (1997 1.9L - 2 Of 2)
Mode 6 - BMW
Mode 6 is designed to allow access to the results of onboard diagnostic monitoring tests of specific
components/systems that are not continuously monitored. These systems include the catalytic converter, EVAP
system, oxygen sensor, oxygen sensor heater, EGR system, secondary AIR system, and sometimes misfire.
Mode 6 data is output from the PCM/ECM in hexadecimal form. The $ sign indicates a hexadecimal number.
Depending on the software in the scanner, the output could be displayed in hexadecimal numbers (no
conversion), raw data (conversion to decimal numbers), or measurable values (applying conversion factor to
raw data).
Before reading mode 6 information, ensure that the monitor for the information you are accessing has run to
completion. If the monitor is not complete, the mode 6 data will not be accurate.
Fig. 1: BMW Mode 6 Data (1 Of 2)
Fig. 2: BMW Mode 6 Data (2 Of 2)
Removal, overhaul and installation procedures are covered in this article. If component removal and installation
is primarily an unbolt and bolt-on procedure, only a torque specification may be furnished.
NOTE: Removal and installation procedures are supplied for those models and/or
engines with available information.
1. Ensure ignition is turned off before working on the ignition system. The engine will not start without a
connected secondary circuit. When checking compression, remove Digital Motor Electronics (DME)
Electronic Control Unit (ECU) relay. See DME & FUEL PUMP RELAY LOCATION.
2. Shielded capacitors may not be connected to terminal No. 1 of the ignition coil. Terminal No. 1 of the
ignition coil may not be connected to ground or battery positive terminal, as this will damage ignition
stages in DME control unit.
3. DO NOT connect DVOM or test light to terminal No. 1 of ignition coil while engine is running. High
tension (350 volts) is present at coil terminal No. 4, secondary ignition leads, spark plugs and ignition coil
terminal No. 1 to DME Electronic Control Unit (ECU).
NOTE: For location of DME master and fuel pump relays, see DME & FUEL PUMP
Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Remove screw securing sensor lead above radiator hoses. Remove sensor
lead from clip holder and guide rail. Locate sensor on right side of crankshaft and remove bolt and sensor. To
install, reverse removal procedure.
Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Locate sensor connector near engine oil level dipstick. Remove screws and
crankshaft pulley cover. Locate sensor on right side of crankshaft and remove bolt and sensor. To install,
reverse removal procedure.
Removal & Installation (V8)
Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Locate sensor connector near front of engine. Locate sensor near front of
crankshaft and remove sensor mounting bolt. Remove sensor from bracket. To install, reverse removal
1. Disconnect both connectors on electrical lead duct. Cylinder identifying sensor and Digital Motor
Electronics (DME) pulse sensor are located side by side on front left side of engine, identifying sensor
being on top.
2. Remove screw securing sensor lead above radiator hoses. Remove sensor lead from clip holder. Remove
sensor. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Removal & Installation (6-Cylinder)
Locate sensor connector near engine oil level dipstick. Locate sensor on front left side of engine. Remove
sensor bolt. Remove sensor. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Locate sensor on front of right cylinder head. Remove sensor. See Fig. 2.
Disconnect connector located on top of engine at harness conduit.
NOTE: Disconnect battery before removing Digital Motor Electronics (DME) ECU.
Disconnecting battery will clear ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). Retrieve
DTCs before disconnecting battery. ECU stores certain basic driveability
values. ECU also receives different input values, depending on engine
condition, which are compared with stored values. ECU adaptive system
compares input values with stored values. ECU replacement could cause poor
engine performance before all values are adapted to engine condition. Before
exchanging ECU, ensure engine is at normal operating temperature. Remove
old ECU, install new ECU and operate vehicle at different RPMs.
ECU is located in box in right rear of engine compartment. Remove ECU box cover. Disconnect electrical
connector. Remove ECU. To install, reverse removal procedure.
CAUTION: BMW 3-series vehicles utilize either a Bosch or Siemens ECU. ECUs
cannot be interchanged.
ECU is located behind cover on firewall in right rear of engine compartment. On 4-cylinder vehicles, remove
battery. On all vehicles, remove 4 ECU cover screws. See Fig. 3. Unlock electrical connector retainer.
Disconnect electrical connector. Slide out ECU. See Fig. 4. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Fig. 3: Removing ECU Cover Screws
Fig. 4: Removing ECU
1. ECU is located in box in right rear corner of engine compartment. Open locking bracket on ECU box.
Open filter housing cover. Unhook filter housing from hinges. Unhook retaining clip and pull filter
housing upward. Remove filter housing.
2. Remove 4 ECU cover bolts. Disconnect ECU electrical connector. Remove ECU. To install, reverse
removal procedure.
1. Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Disconnect ignition coil connector. Remove ignition coil nuts. Remove
ignition coil(s). See Fig. 5.
2. To install, reverse removal procedure. Install ground strap. See Fig. 6. Ensure ignition coil common
ground lead is attached to front of cylinder head, near engine lift bracket.
Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Disconnect wiring connectors from coil. Remove ignition coil nuts. Remove
ignition coil(s). See Fig. 5. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Removal (4-Cylinder)
1. Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Remove harness conduit from injector rail. Remove upper intake
manifold. Remove harness cover from lower intake manifold.
2. Mark knock sensor connectors for reassembly reference. Disconnect coolant hose to access knock
sensors. Remove knock sensor(s) from engine.
Installation (4-Cylinder)
Clean knock sensor contact area. When tightening sensors, ensure sensor and wiring do not interfere or chafe on
brackets or other components. Ensure sensors are plugged into correct connectors. To complete installation,
reverse removal procedure.
Removal (6-Cylinder)
Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Mark knock sensor connectors for reassembly reference. Knock sensors
connectors are located below idle speed controller. Disconnect connectors. Remove knock sensors, located on
side of engine block.
Installation (6-Cylinder)
Clean knock sensor contact surface. When tightening knock sensors, ensure sensor and wiring do not interfere
or chafe on brackets or other components. Ensure sensors are plugged into correct connectors. To complete
installation, reverse removal procedure.
1. Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Disconnect vacuum hoses to intake manifold and throttle body. Drain
radiator and remove coolant expansion tank. Remove coolant manifold from rear of cylinder heads.
2. Disconnect fuel feed and fuel return lines at engine. Disconnect fuel lines and fuel tank vent line at engine
carrier. Disconnect fuel line and wiring from top of fuel vapor canister.
3. Loosen hose clamps on idle speed controller and throttle body. Disconnect airflow sensor connector.
Remove air cleaner housing/airflow sensor assembly. Raise and support vehicle. Disconnect oil level
sensor connector. Disconnect and remove ignition coils.
4. Disconnect crankshaft position sensor and both knock sensor connectors. Disconnect intake air
temperature sensor, idle speed potentiometer and idle speed controller connectors. Remove BMW engine
diagnostic connector socket from bracket. Disconnect connector next to BMW diagnostic connector
5. Remove bolt securing ignition coil ground wire (near engine lift bracket). Disconnect temperature gauge
and temperature sensor connectors for DME (Black connector and White connector near engine lift
6. Completely disconnect throttle cable from engine. Remove intake manifold. Mark knock sensor
connectors for reassembly reference. Remove knock sensor(s). See Fig. 7. To install, reverse removal
procedure. Ensure knock sensors are connected to proper connectors.
Fig. 7: Removing Knock Sensors
WARNING: Always relieve fuel pressure before disconnecting any fuel injection-
related component. DO NOT allow fuel to contact engine or electrical
3-Series (E36)
Filter on firewall of vehicle: Remove cover from fuel filter. Disconnect fuel delivery line with special tool 13 3
010 before and after the fuel filter. Unfasten hose clips and remove fuel line from fuel filter.
Fig. 8: Unfasten Hose Clips And Remove Fuel Line From Fuel Filter
Unfasten screw and remove filter from bracket. Filter on underbody of vehicle: Unfasten screws and remove
cover from fuel filter. Disconnect fuel inlet line at points (1) and (2) with special tool 13 3 010.
Unfasten hose clips and remove fuel line from fuel filter. Fuel filter with quick release coupling. Push lock
toward filter while pulling off fuel hose. Unfasten screw and remove filter from bracket.
Fig. 10: Unfasten Hose Clips & Remove Fuel Line From Fuel Filter
Installation: Check direction of flow (arrow). Arrow must point towards the injection valve strip.
Disconnect fuel lines with special tool 13 3 010. Catch and dispose of escaping fuel.
Fig. 14: Disconnect Fuel Lines With Special Tool 13 3 010
Illustrated here without lower trim: Unfasten hose clips. Replace hose clips.
Installation: Note installation direction of fuel filter. Direction of flow is marked with an arrow on the fuel filter.
The arrow points towards the injector strip.
Fig. 17: Direction Of Flow Is Marked With An Arrow On The Fuel Filter
The embossed designation "OUT " on outlet of fuel filter must be mounted facing the injector strip.
Fig. 18: "OUT" On Outlet Of Fuel Filter Must Be Mounted Facing Injector Strip
Fuel system pressure release procedure not available from manufacturer. It may be possible to remove fuel
pump relay, start engine, and run engine until fuel pressure drops (engine stalls). See DME & FUEL PUMP
Turn ignition off. Unfasten clips between mass airflow sensor and air filter housing. Remove hose clamp.
Remove mass airflow sensor. Disconnect electrical connector. To install, reverse removal procedure.
1. Turn coupling and disconnect mass airflow sensor connector. Loosen hose clamp and pull off bellows.
2. Loosen screws or open fasteners at air cleaner assembly. Remove mass airflow sensor and bellows. See
Fig. 21. To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure mass airflow sensor grille is not damaged during
1. Fuel pump is integral with right fuel level sensor. Siphon out as much fuel as possible from fuel tank.
Remove passenger seat cushion (Z3) or rear seat cushion (all others). Remove or cut insulation mat along
perforated line and fold open.
2. Remove fuel pump access cover (if equipped). Press Green unlocking ring and detach fuel delivery hose
(M3), or mark fuel hoses for installation reference and disconnect hoses (all others). Disconnect electrical
connectors. Loosen screw cap with Special Tool (161020). Remove screw cap and sealing ring. See Fig.
22. Remove fuel pump assembly.
Ensure height sensor is pressed onto inside face of fuel baffle. Rotate screen and float into fuel tank. Ensure
marker rib on fuel pump unit aligns with mark on fuel tank. Install new sealing ring. Tighten screw cap. To
complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
Removal (5-Series)
1. Siphon out as much fuel as possible from fuel tank. Remove rear seat. Remove or cut insulation mat
along perforated line and fold open. Remove rubber grommet. Remove 3 fuel pump/sending unit cover
screws. Disconnect electrical connectors.
2. Remove hose clamp. Disconnect hose. Loosen screw cap with Special Tool (161020 ). Lift out fuel level
sensor. Compress retaining hook on fuel pump (Black housing). Remove fuel pump from fuel baffle
(White housing). Disconnect fuel pump electrical connectors. Remove hose clamp and carefully remove
spiral hose. Remove fuel pump.
1. To prevent torsional stress, align spiral hose and cable between fuel level sensor and fuel pump. See Fig.
23. Install unit in fuel tank, ensuring both retaining hooks are aligned.
2. Ensure "O" ring is correctly aligned on intake neck. Tighten screw cap until notch can be heard and felt to
engage in toothed section on tank. To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
Removal (7-Series)
1. Siphon out as much fuel as possible from fuel tank. Remove rear seat. Remove or cut insulation mat
along perforated line and fold open. Remove rubber grommet. See Fig. 24. Remove fuel pump/sending
unit cover. Disconnect electrical connector.
2. Disconnect fuel line. See Fig. 25. Remove 8 lid nuts. Lift up lid as far as possible and swing it upward.
Compress retaining hook on fuel pump Black housing. Remove fuel pump from fuel baffle White
housing. Remove fuel pump and sender. See Fig. 26. Remove fuel pump from sender. Remove hose
clamp and carefully remove spiral hose. Remove fuel pump.
Installation (7-Series)
1. To prevent torsional stress, align connector hose and cable between lid and fuel pump. See Fig. 27. Install
unit in fuel tank, ensuring both retaining hooks are aligned.
2. Ensure "O" ring is correctly aligned on intake neck. Install lid and tighten 8 screws in a crosswise pattern.
To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
Fig. 23: Aligning Cable Between Fuel Level Sensor & Fuel Pump
Fig. 24: Removing Rubber Grommet
Fig. 25: Disconnecting Fuel Line
Fig. 26: Removing Fuel Pump & Sender
Fig. 27: Aligning Connector Hose & Cable Between Lid & Fuel Pump
Remove engine front brace. Locate fuel pressure regulator on bottom side of intake manifold upper section. See
Fig. 28. Pull off fuel pressure regulator vacuum hose. Remove bolt from clamp securing fuel pressure regulator.
Pull out fuel pressure regulator. To install, reverse removal procedure.
NOTE: Fuel pressure regulator for 6-cylinder vehicles may be installed on fuel rail (type
1) or under vehicle (type 2).
Fig. 28: Locating Fuel Pressure Regulator
Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Remove fuel rail and injectors. See FUEL RAIL & INJECTORS. Remove
circlip securing fuel pressure regulator. Disconnect vacuum hose. Pull out fuel pressure regulator. To install,
reverse removal procedure. Use new "O" rings. Ensure lug on circlip engages in recess in injector fuel rail.
Remove 4 fuel pressure regulator cover bolts. Disconnect vacuum hose. Remove locking bracket. Remove fuel
pressure regulator.
1. Fuel pressure regulator is located at rear of intake manifold. Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Remove
coolant expansion tank and BMW diagnostic connector (if necessary). Disconnect vacuum hose from
pressure regulator. Remove circlip and pull pressure regulator out of fuel rail.
2. To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace "O" rings on regulator and lubricate with petroleum jelly.
Install regulator in fuel rail. Compress circlip and engage tabs of circlip into fuel rail.
1. Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Pull off air duct hose and remove upper section of intake manifold
collector. Remove engine front brace and rear brace.
2. Locate pre-heater assembly (if equipped) directly under throttle body and loosen pre-heater holder until
bearing surface of pre-heater comes in contact with throttle valve.
3. Remove 9 intake manifold bolts. Lift upper section of intake manifold and pull hose off fuel pressure
regulator. Pull connector plate off fuel injectors and remove clamp.
4. Remove 2 bolts, fuel rail and fuel injectors. Remove retainer from top of fuel injector. See Fig. 29.
Remove fuel injector(s). To install, reverse removal procedure. Coat injector "O" rings with petroleum
Fig. 29: Removing Fuel Injector Retainer
1. On 3-series, it may be necessary to remove ECU cover from right side of firewall. See ENGINE
CONTROL UNIT (ECU). Unclip plastic clips along top edge of engine compartment firewall. Remove
screws and wiring harness duct along engine compartment firewall. See Fig. 30.
2. On all models, remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Loosen hose clamp and disconnect fuel supply hose
from fuel rail. Remove 2 bolts and pull connector plate off fuel injectors. See Fig. 31. Remove 4 bolts and
disconnect fuel rail. Pull up on fuel rail and injectors.
3. Remove retainer from top of fuel injector. See Fig. 29. Remove fuel injector(s). To install, reverse
removal procedure. Coat injector "O" rings with petroleum jelly.
1. Release fuel system pressure. See FUEL SYSTEM PRESSURE RELEASE. Remove engine cover. See
Fig. 1. Disconnect throttle cable at throttle body. Disconnect ignition coils and fuel injectors.
2. Disconnect fuel lines from fuel rail. Remove fuel rail mounting screws and pull off fuel rail with
injectors. Remove retainer from top of fuel injector. See Fig. 29. Remove fuel injector(s). To install,
reverse removal procedure. Coat injector "O" rings with petroleum jelly.
Locate idle speed control valve at rear of intake manifold, just below last runner. See Fig. 32. Disconnect idle
speed control valve electrical connector. Remove 2 nuts, pull out valve and at the same time disconnect hoses.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure new idle speed control valve clicks with ignition on.
Remove air filter housing. Remove throttle valve extension. Disconnect dip stick guide tube. Disconnect idle
speed control valve electrical connector. Remove 2 bolts. Remove idle speed control valve. See Fig. 33.
Remove gasket and rubber clip. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Disconnect idle speed control valve electrical connector. Remove top of air
cleaner. Remove idle speed control valve mounting strap. Pull actuator from throttle body. To install, reverse
removal procedure.
Disconnect temperature sensor electrical connector. Press locking button and unclip temperature sensor from
intake air manifold. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Disconnect temperature sensor electrical connector. Refer to Fig. 34. Press locking button and unclip
temperature sensor. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Remove throttle body. See THROTTLE BODY. Disconnect intake air temperature sensor electrical connector.
Press locking button and unclip temperature sensor from intake air manifold. To install, reverse removal
Fig. 34: Removing Intake Air Temperature Sensor
Locate oxygen sensor connector below battery console and remove from clip holder. Pull off cover and remove
oxygen sensor. To install, reverse removal procedure. Coat threads with anti-seize compound and install.
Tighten oxygen sensor to 41 ft. lbs. (55 N.m).
Locate oxygen sensor connector on transmission carrier and remove from clip holder. Remove oxygen sensor.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Coat threads with anti-seize compound and install. Tighten oxygen
sensor to 41 ft. lbs. (55 N.m).
Removal & Installation (V8)
Disconnect accelerator and cruise control cables from throttle body. See Fig. 35. Loosen throttle body air intake
duct hose clamps and remove hoses. Disconnect throttle position switch connector and vacuum hoses. Remove
4 nuts, throttle body and gasket. To install, reverse removal procedure.
1. Remove mass airflow sensor. See MASS AIRFLOW SENSOR. Disconnect accelerator and cruise
control cables from throttle body.
2. Loosen hose clamps and remove hoses attached to bottom of throttle body. Disconnect throttle position
switch connector. Remove 4 bolts, throttle body and gasket. See Fig. 36. To install, reverse removal
1. Remove engine cover. See Fig. 1. Disconnect mass airflow sensor, idle speed control actuator and throttle
position sensor connectors. Remove top of air cleaner housing.
2. Disconnect throttle cable, hoses and idle speed control actuator from throttle body. Remove 6 throttle
body bolts. Refer to Fig. 37. Remove throttle body. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Fig. 35: Removing Cruise Control & Accelerator Cables (4-Cylinder)
Fig. 36: Removing Throttle Body (6-Cylinder)
Fig. 37: Removing Throttle Body (V8)
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Intake Manifold Bolts (4-Cylinder) 11 (15)
Oxygen Sensor 41 (55)
INCH Lbs. (N.m)
Camshaft Position Sensor 62 (7)
Crankshaft Position Sensor 62 (7)
If no faults were found while performing BASIC DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES , proceed with self-
diagnostics. BMW vehicles are equipped with 2 separate self-diagnostic systems. OBD-II self-diagnostic
system accesses Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DLCs) using a generic scan tool connected to vehicle Data Link
Connector (DLC). See Fig. 1-Fig. 3 . BMW self-diagnostic system accesses DTCs using special BMW
hardware and software connected to BMW engine diagnostic connector socket. See Fig. 4.
Regardless of self-diagnostic system, DME/Motronic control unit provides a substitute value if a failure occurs
in an engine performance related component, such as engine (coolant) temperature sensor, intake air
temperature sensor, airflow meter or exhaust gas oxygen sensor. See 1997 MODEL COVERAGE table. These
substitute values are canceled when normal engine operation is resumed.
NOTE: All voltage tests should be performed with a Digital Volt-Ohmmeter (DVOM) with
a minimum 10-megohm input impedance, unless specifically stated otherwise in
testing procedures.
Fig. 1: Locating OBD-II Data Link Connector (Z3)
Fig. 2: Locating OBD-II Data Link Connector (3, 5 & 8-Series)
Fig. 3: Locating OBD-II Data Link Connector (7-Series)
Fig. 4: Locating BMW Engine Diagnostic Connector Socket (4-Cylinder Engine Shown; Others Are
The Motronic/Siemens control unit provides a substitute value if a failure occurs in an engine performance
related component, such as engine (coolant) temperature sensor, intake air temperature sensor, airflow meter or
exhaust gas oxygen sensor. These substitute values are canceled when normal engine operation is resumed.
If no DTCs are present after entering self-diagnostics, proceed to TESTS W/O CODES article for diagnosis by
symptom (i.e., ROUGH IDLE, NO START, etc.).
NOTE: All voltage tests should be performed with a Digital Volt-Ohmmeter (DVOM) with
a minimum 10-megohm input impedance, unless specifically stated otherwise in
testing procedures.
Model Engine Fuel System
M3 3.2L 6-Cyl Siemens
Z3 1.9L 4-Cyl Bosch ML-Motronic
Z3 2.8L 6-Cyl Siemens
318i 1.9L 4-Cyl Bosch ML-Motronic
318is 1.9L 4-Cyl Bosch ML-Motronic
318ti 1.9L 4-Cyl Bosch ML-Motronic
328i 2.8L 6-Cyl Siemens
328is 2.8L 6-Cyl Siemens
528i 2.8L 6-Cyl Siemens
540i 4.4L V8 Bosch HFM-Motronic
740i 4.4L V8 Bosch HFM-Motronic
740iL 4.4L V8 Bosch HFM-Motronic
750iL 5.4L V12 Bosch HFM-Motronic
840Ci 4.4L V8 Bosch HFM-Motronic
850Ci 5.4L V12 Bosch HFM-Motronic
Completion of the next consecutive driving cycle where the previously faulted system is monitored again
and the emissions relevant fault is again present. See Fig. 5.
Immediately if a catalyst damaging fault occurs.
A malfunction of a component that can affect the emission performance of the vehicle occurs and causes
emissions to exceed 1.5 times the standard.
Manufacturer-defined specifications are exceeded.
An implausible input signal is generated.
Catalyst deterioration causes HC-emissions to exceed a limit equivalent to 1.5 times the standard.
Misfire faults occur.
A leak is detected in the evaporative system.
The oxygen sensors observe no purge flow from the purge valve/evaporative system.
Engine control module fails to enter closed-loop operation within a specified time interval.
Engine control or automatic transmission control enters a limp home operating mode.
Key is in the ignition on position before cranking (Bulb Check Function).
Fig. 5: BMW Drive Cycle
NOTE: BMW utilizes several different types of diagnostic hardware: the Mobile
Diagnostic Computer (MoDiC), Diagnostic Information System Plus (DISplus)
and the newer Group Tester One (GT-1). See ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTICS.
MoDiC System
The BMW MoDiC diagnostic system was developed to meet the diagnostic needs of BMW vehicles. It
compliments the DIS tester as a diagnostic tool that enables the technician to quickly troubleshoot electronic
faults and problems with the vehicles. The advantage of the MoDiC is its mobility. The tester can go anywhere
in the workshop and to the vehicle. It can remain connected to the vehicle while it is driven to check for
intermittent problems or conditions that only occur while the vehicle is driven. The MoDiC is a personal
computer with interchangeable batteries, UNIX operating system, 3 gigabyte hard drive for data/program
storage, 32 MB working memory, 90 megahertz Pentium processor, Diagnosis Information System (DIS),
Technical Information System (TIS), Digital Multimeter, Counter, and single channel oscilloscope. Objectives
used in the development of the MoDiC included maximum functional efficiency and mobility in the workshop,
diagnostic procedures similar to the DIS, operation similar to the DIS, basic measurement techniques available,
integrated TIS function, common software CD for both the MoDiC and DIS.
DIS Plus
BMW DIS Plus diagnostic system features a comprehensive multimeter system (including an oscilloscope) that
is used to perform various tests and measurement during the diagnosis and troubleshooting procedures. Also
included is the Technical Information System (TIS). TIS is the same system that operates through dealer main
computer system.
GT-1 replaces the MoDiC series of portable diagnostic tools. It has the same processor as the DISplus. Other
features include a DVD ROM drive, TFT color display, integrated PCMCIA card reader, integrated chip card
reader, touch screen (same as DISplus), workshop grade case, ASM-technology motherboard, temperature
operating range from 35°F to 105°F, 2.5 hours of operation with a fully charged battery, and can be powered by
vehicle battery.
A diagnostic cable is used to connect diagnostic head to a vehicle with the 20 pin underhood connector. Cable
consists of 20 pin connector, cable and 21-pin plug for connection to the head. An OBD-II diagnostic cable is
used to connect diagnostic head to OBD-II diagnostic connector.
A fault code is stored within the respective control module upon first occurrence of a fault in system being
checked. CHECK ENGINE light will not be illuminated until completion of second consecutive driving cycle
where previously faulted system is again monitored and a fault is still present or a catalyst damaging fault has
occurred. If second drive cycle was not complete and specific function was not checked, PCM counts third
drive cycle as next consecutive drive cycle. CHECK ENGINE light is illuminated if function is checked and
fault is still present.
If an intermittent fault is present, and it does not cause a fault to be set through multiple drive cycles, 2
complete consecutive drive cycles with fault present are required for CHECK ENGINE light to be illuminated.
Once CHECK ENGINE light is illuminated it will remain on unless specific function has been checked without
fault through 3 complete consecutive drive cycles.
Fault code will also be cleared from memory automatically if specific function is checked through 40
consecutive drive cycles without fault being detected or with use of DIS Plus or GT-1 scan tool. To clear a
catalyst damaging fault from memory, condition under which fault occurred must be evaluated for 80
consecutive cycles without fault reoccurring.
OBD-II Diagnostics
Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) can be diagnosed with an aftermarket scan tool that allows technicians
without BMW special tools or equipment to diagnose an emission system failure. With the use of a universal
scan tool connected to Data Link Connector (DLC), an SAE standardized DTC can be obtained, along with
condition associated with the illumination of MIL. If using a BMW scan tool, a fault code and the conditions
associated with its setting can be obtained prior to the illumination of the MIL.
OBD-II Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) are designed to be identified by their alpha/numeric structure. DTCs
start with letter "P" for powertrain related systems. See Fig. 6. DTCs are stored whenever the Check Engine
Light (MIL) is illuminated. Universal diagnostic access to DTCs is via a standardized Diagnostic Link
Connector (DLC) using a standardized tester (scan tool). DTCs only provide one set of environmental operating
conditions when a fault is stored. This single freeze frame refers to vehicles environmental conditions for a
specific time when fault first occurred. Information which is stored is limited in scope. This information may
not even be specific to type of fault. See TEST GROUP IDENTIFICATION. On BMW, OBD-II monitors
following systems:
Catalyst Monitoring.
Misfire Monitoring.
Evaporative (EVAP) System Monitoring.
Secondary Air System Monitoring.
Fuel System Monitoring.
Oxygen Sensor Monitoring.
Fig. 6: Identifying OBD-II Diagnostic Trouble Codes
BMW Diagnostics
BMW diagnostic trouble codes are stored as soon they occur even before the Check Engine Light (MIL) comes
on. BMW codes are defined by BMW, Bosch and Siemens to provide greater detail to fault specific
On Siemens systems, one set of 4 fault-specific environmental conditions are stored with the first fault
occurrence. This information can change and is specific to each fault code to aid in diagnosing. A maximum of
10 different faults containing 4 environmental conditions can be stored.
On Bosch systems, a maximum of 4 sets of 3 fault-specific environmental conditions are stored within each
fault code. This information can change and is specific to each fault code to aid in diagnosis. A maximum of 10
different faults containing 3 environmental conditions can be stored. BMW codes also store and display a time
stamp when the fault last occurred. A fault qualifier gives more specific detailed information about the type of
fault (upper limit, lower limit, disconnection, plausibility, etc.).
BMW codes are capable of recording current fault status. Code will advise whether fault is actually still present,
not currently present or intermittent. Fault specific information is stored and accessible through DIS
Plus/MoDIC or GT-1. BMW codes determine diagnostic output for BMW DIS Plus/MoDIC or GT-1.
Readiness Code
Readiness code provides status (yes/no) of the system having completed all required monitoring functions or
not. The readiness code is displayed with an aftermarket Scan Tool or the DISplus/MoDIC/GT-1. The code is a
binary (1/0) indicating the following:
0 = Test not completed or not applicable - 6 cylinder vehicles (not ready - V8 and V12)
1 = Test completed - 6 cylinder vehicles (ready - V8 and V12)
A readiness code must be stored after any clearing of fault memory or disconnection of PCM. A readiness code
of "0" will be stored after a complete diagnostic check of all components/systems (that can turn on Malfunction
Indicator Light) is performed. Readiness code was established to prevent anyone with an emissions related fault
and a Malfunction Indicator Light on from disconnecting battery or clearing fault memory to manipulate results
of emissions test procedure. Complete readiness code is equal to one byte (8 bits). Every bit represents one
complete test and is displayed by scan tool:
Drive vehicle in such a manner that all tests listed above can be completed. When complete readiness code
equals "1" (ready) then all tests have been completed and system has established its readiness.
Readiness code can be checked with DISplus/MoDIC/GT-1. This is helpful in verifying that drive cycle criteria
was achieved. A repair can be confirmed before returning vehicle to customer by a successfully completed drive
cycle. See .
OBD-II and BMW Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) can be retrieved or erased using BMW or a generic scan
tool connected to Data Link Connector (DLC). See Fig. 1-Fig. 3 . Follow scan tool manufacturer's instructions.
BMW diagnostic hardware directs user to a specific test routine which provides diagnostic information.
For drive cycle, See Fig. 5.
If no hard DTCs are present, driveability symptoms exist or intermittent DTCs exist, proceed to TESTS W/O
CODES article for diagnosis by symptom (i.e., ROUGH IDLE, NO START, etc.) or intermittent diagnosis
BMW Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are separated by model, test group reference, engine type and
table to determine which specific table applies to a particular fuel system type, engine, and model year. Model
specific tables contain OBD-II (PCode) and BMW-specific (BMW-FC) DTCs. DTCs in model-specific tables
link to appropriate diagnosis, if available. For additional diagnosis, see TEST GROUP IDENTIFICATION.
M3, 328i, 328is, 528i VBM2.8VJGKEK 2.8L (M52/S52) Table A: M3, 328i, 328is &
528i, 6-Cylinder
Z3 VBM2.8VJGKFK 2.8L (M52) Table B: Z3, 6-Cylinder
Z3, 318ti & 318i VBM1.9VJGFEK 1.9L (M44) Table C: Z3, 318ti & 318i, 4-
(9/96-12/96) Cylinder (9/96-12/96)
Z3, 318ti & 318i VBM1.9VJGKFK 1.9L (M44) Table D: Z3, 318ti & 318i, 4-
(1/97-8/97) Cylinder (1/97-8/97)
540i, 740i, 740iL & VBM4.4VJGFEK 4.4L (M62) Table E: 540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci 840Ci, V8
750iL & 850Ci VBM5.4V8GFEK 5.4L (M73) Table F: 750iL & 850Ci, V12
(1) Test group reference identification can be found on under-hood emission label. After performing
diagnosis, go to TEST GROUP IDENTIFICATION for additional testing.
PCode BMW-FC PCode Text (1) Diagnostics
P0101 8 Mass Or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit Range/Performance 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0111 14 Intake Air Temperature Sensor See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
1 Circuit Range/Performance 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0116 10 Engine Coolant Temperature See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit Range/Performance 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0120 ..... Throttle/Pedal Position See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Sensor/Switch 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0121 12 Throttle/Pedal Position (2)
Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit
P0125 222 Insufficient Coolant See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Temperature for Closed Loop 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
Fuel Control
P0130 75 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Sensor 1) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0133 229 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0134 200 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0135 25 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
1 Sensor 1) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0136 77 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Sensor 2) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0141 79 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
1 Sensor 2) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0150 76 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 2 See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Sensor 1) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0153 230 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0154 201 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0155 55 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
2 Sensor 1) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0156 78 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 2 See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Sensor 2) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0161 61 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
2 Sensor 2) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P0170 202 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) (1) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P0173 203 Fuel Trim (Bank 2) (1) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P0201 6 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 1 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0202 5 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 2 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0203 22 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 3 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0204 24 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 4 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0205 33 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 5 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0206 23 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Cylinder 6 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0300 0 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Misfire Detected 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0301 238 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0302 239 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0303 240 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0304 241 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0305 242 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0306 243 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0325 57 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
1 Or Single Sensor) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 5 OF 5
P0330 59 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
2) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 5 OF 5
P0335 83 Crankshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0340 65 Camshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit (Bank 1 Or Single 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
Sensor) (1)
P0412 62 Secondary Air Injection System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Switching Valve A Circuit 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P0420 233 Catalyst System Efficiency See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Below Threshold (Bank 1) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0430 234 Catalyst System Efficiency See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Below Threshold (Bank 2) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0440 250 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5-DTC
CHART (M3, 328i, 328is & 528i 6-
P0440 255 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5-DTC
CHART (M3, 328i, 328is & 528i 6-
P0441 194 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Incorrect Purge Flow 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0441 252 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Incorrect Purge Flow 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0442 195 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Leak Detected (Small Leak) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0442 251 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Leak Detected (Small Leak) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0443 68 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Purge Control Valve Circuit 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P0446 253 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Vent Control Circuit 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0451 ..... Carbon Canister Shutoff Valve See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Control Circuit Electrical 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P0455 254 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Leak Detected (Large Leak) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 1 OF 5
P0500 214 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0505 204 Idle Air Control System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P0600 217 Serial Communication iLnk See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
528i 6-CYLINDER) - 5 OF 5
P0601 100 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Memory Check Sum Error 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 5 OF 5
P07XX ..... (3) .....
P1145 50 Solenoid Valve Running (2)
Losses Control Circuit
P1178 231 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Switching from Rich to Lean 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
(Bank 1 Sensor 1) (1)
P1179 232 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Switching from Rich to Lean 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
(Bank 2 Sensor 1) (1)
P1186 235 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P1187 236 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 3 OF 5
P1188 227 Fuel Control (Bank 1 Sensor 1) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
(1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1189 228 Fuel Control (Bank 2 Sensor 1) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
(1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1396 244 Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Segment Timing Plausibility 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P1403 51 Carbon Canister Shutoff Valve See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Control Circuit Electrical 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
(M73: Heated Catalyst Battery
Voltage Or Current Too Low
during Heating) - (Bank 2) (1)
P1421 246 Secondary Air System (Bank 2) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
(1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1423 245 Secondary Air System (Bank 1) See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
(1) 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1432 247 Secondary Air Injection System See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Incorrect Flow Detected 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1453 35 Secondary Air Injection Pump See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Relay Control Circuit Electrical 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 2 OF 5
P1470 196 Leakage Diagnostic Pump (2)
Control Circuit Electrical
P1475 191 Leakage Diagnostic Pump (2)
Reed Switch Did Not Close
P1476 193 Leakage Diagnostic Pump (2)
Clamped Tube (M52 MY99/00:
Leakage Diagnostic Pump
Reed Switch Circuit)
P1477 190 Leakage Diagnostic Pump (2)
Reed Switch Did Not Open
P1509 53 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Opening Solenoid Control 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
Circuit Signal Electrical
P1519 212 Oil-Condition Sensor See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Temperature Measurement 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
(M62/M52/S52: "A" Camshaft
Position Actuator) - (Bank 1)
P1525 21 "A" Camshaft Position See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Actuator Control Open Circuit 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
(Bank 1) (1)
P1550 27 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (M3, 328i, 328is &
Closing Coil Electrical 528i 6-CYLINDER) - 4 OF 5
P17XX ..... (3) .....
(1) Bank 1 refers to cylinders No. 1, 2 and 3, Bank 2 refers to cylinders No. 4, 5 and 6. Sensor 1 refers to
HO2S before catalytic convertor, Sensor 2 refers to HO2S after catalytic convertor.
(2) Diagnostic information is not available. Use BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus (DISplus) or
Group Tester One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
(3) These codes apply to electronically controlled transmissions. For testing procedures, see appropriate
TABLE C: BMW DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES - Z3, 318ti & 318i (4-CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96)
PCode BMW-FC PCode Text (1) Diagnosis
P0100 115 Mass or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0111 124 Intake Air Temperature Sensor See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1 Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0116 123 Engine Coolant Temperature See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0120 117 Throttle/Pedal Position See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0130 10 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor 1) (1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0133 15 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0135 13 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1 Sensor 1) (1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0136 12 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor 2) (1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P0139 17 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow (2)
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (1)
P0170 26 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) (1) See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0201 150 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 1 CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0202 151 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 2 CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0203 152 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 3 CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0204 153 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 4 CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0300 62 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Misfire Detected CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0300 75 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Misfire Detected CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0301 50 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0301 63 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0302 51 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0302 64 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0303 52 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0303 65 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0304 53 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0304 66 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0325 210 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1 or Single Sensor) (1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0330 211 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
2) (1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0335 111 Crankshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0340 112 Camshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit (Bank 1 Or Single CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
Sensor) (1)
P0420 40 Catalyst System Efficiency See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Below Threshold (Bank 1) (1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0440 93 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0443 98 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Purge Control Valve Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P0500 120 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0505 32 Idle Air Control System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0600 236 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0601 103 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Memory Check Sum Error CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0603 102 Internal Control Module Keep See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Alive Memory (KAM) Error CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P0604 101 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Random Access Memory CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P0604 104 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Random Access Memory CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P07XX ..... (3) .....
P1140 121 Mass or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P1174 27 Fuel Trim Adaptation See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Malfunction (Bank 1) (1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 1 OF 3
P1176 16 O2 Sensor Slow Response (2)
(Bank 1) (1)
P1186 14 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (1) CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 2 OF 3
P1386 220 Control Module Self-Test, (2)
Knock Control Circuit Baseline
Test (Bank 1) (1)
P1396 ..... Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P1509 168 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Opening Solenoid Control CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
Circuit Signal Electrical
P1511 175 DISA (Differentiated Intake See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Manifold) Control Circuit CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P1550 169 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Closing Coil Electrical CYLINDER - 9/96-12/96) - 3 OF 3
P1585 8 Misfire Detected With Low (2)
P1589 222 Control Module Self-Test, (2)
Knock Control Test Pulse
(Bank 1) (1)
P1690 165 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (2)
(MIL) Control Circuit
P17XX ..... (3) .....
(1) Bank 1 refers to cylinders No. 1 and 2, Bank 2 refers to cylinders No. 3 and 4. Sensor 1 refers to
HO2S before catalytic convertor, Sensor 2 refers to HO2S after catalytic convertor.
(2) Diagnostic information is not available. Use BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus (DISplus) or
Group Tester One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
(3) These codes apply to electronically controlled transmissions. For testing procedures, see appropriate
TABLE D: BMW DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES - Z3, 318ti & 318i (4-CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97)
PCode BMW-FC PCode Text (1) Diagnostics
P0100 115 Mass Or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0111 124 Intake Air Temperature Sensor See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1 Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0116 123 Engine Coolant Temperature See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0120 117 Throttle/Pedal Position See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0130 10 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor 1) (1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0133 15 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0135 13 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
(Bank 1 Sensor 1) (1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0136 12 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Sensor 2) (1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0170 26 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) (1) See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P0201 150 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 1 CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0202 151 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 2 CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0203 152 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 3 CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0204 153 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Cylinder 4 CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0300 62 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Misfire Detected CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0300 75 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Misfire Detected CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0301 50 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0301 63 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0302 51 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0302 64 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0303 52 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0303 65 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0304 53 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0304 66 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0325 210 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1 Or Single Sensor) (1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0330 211 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
2) (1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0335 111 Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
"A" Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0340 112 Camshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit (Bank 1 Or Single CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
Sensor) (1)
P0420 40 Catalyst System Efficiency See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Below Threshold (Bank 1) (1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0440 93 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0442 97 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Leak Detected (Small Leak) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0443 98 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Purge Control Valve Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0446 ..... Evaporative Emission Purge See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
System CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0451 99 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Pressure Sensor/Switch CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0455 94 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Leak Detected (Large Leak) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P0500 120 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0505 32 Idle Air Control System See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0600 236 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0601 103 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Memory Check Sum Error CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0603 102 Internal Control Module Keep See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Alive Memory (KAM) Error CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P0604 101 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Random Access Memory CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P0604 104 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Random Access Memory CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P07XX ..... (3) .....
P1140 121 Mass Or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit Range/Performance CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P1145 2 Solenoid Valve Running (2)
Losses Control Circuit
P1174 27 Fuel Trim Adaptation See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Malfunction (Bank 1) (1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P1186 14 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P1386 220 Control Module Self-Test, (2)
Knock Control Circuit
Baseline Test (Bank 1) (1)
P1403 ..... EVAP System Shut Off Valve See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 1 OF 3
P1423 80 Secondary Air System (Bank See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
1) (1) CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P1453 84 Secondary Air Injection Pump See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Relay Control Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 2 OF 3
P1509 168 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Opening Solenoid Control CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
Circuit Signal Electrical
P1511 175 DISA (Differentiated Intake See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Manifold) Control Circuit CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P1550 169 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (Z3, 318ti & 318i 4-
Closing Coil Electrical CYLINDER - 1/97-8/97) - 3 OF 3
P1585 8 Misfire Detected with Low (2)
P1589 222 Control Module Self-Test, (2)
Knock Control Test Pulse
(Bank 1) (1)
P1690 165 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (2)
(MIL) Control Circuit
P17XX ..... (3) .....
(1) Bank 1 refers to cylinders No. 1 and 2, Bank 2 refers to cylinders No. 3 and 4. Sensor 1 refers to
HO2S before catalytic convertor, Sensor 2 refers to HO2S after catalytic convertor.
(2) Diagnostic information is not available. Use BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus (DISplus) or
Group Tester One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
(3) These codes apply to electronically controlled transmissions. For testing procedures, see appropriate
TABLE E: BMW DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES - 540i, 740i, 740iL & 840Ci (V8)
PCode BMW-FC PCode Text (1) Diagnostics
P0100 115 Mass Or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Circuit 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0111 124 Intake Air Temperature See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Sensor 1 Circuit 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0116 123 Engine Coolant Temperature See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Circuit Range/Performance 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0120 117 Throttle/Pedal Position See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Sensor/Switch "A" Circuit 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0130 10 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Sensor 1) (1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0133 15 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0135 13 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
(Bank 1 Sensor 1) (1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0136 12 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Sensor 2) (1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0139 17 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow (2)
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
P0150 18 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 2 See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Sensor 1) (1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0153 21 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0155 5 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
(Bank 2 Sensor 1) (1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0156 20 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 2 See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Sensor 2) (1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P0159 23 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow (2)
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
P0170 26 Fuel Trim (Bank 1) (1) See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0173 34 Fuel Trim (Bank 2) (1) See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0201 150 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 1 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0202 151 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 2 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0203 152 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 3 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0204 153 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 4 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0205 154 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 5 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0206 155 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 6 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0207 156 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 7 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0208 157 Injector Circuit/Open - See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Cylinder 8 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0300 62 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Misfire Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0300 75 Random/Multiple Cylinder See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Misfire Detected 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0301 50 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0301 63 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0302 51 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0302 64 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0303 52 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0303 65 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0304 53 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0304 66 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0305 54 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0305 67 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0306 55 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0306 68 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0307 56 Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0307 69 Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0308 57 Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0308 70 Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0325 210 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
1 Or Single Sensor) (1) 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0330 211 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit (Bank See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
2) (1) 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0335 111 Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
"A" Circuit 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0340 112 Camshaft Position Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Circuit (Bank 1 Or Single 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
Sensor) (1)
P0420 40 Catalyst System Efficiency See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Below Threshold (Bank 1) (1) 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0430 45 Catalyst System Efficiency (2)
Below Threshold (Bank 2) (1)
P0440 93 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0443 98 Evaporative Emission System See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Purge Control Valve Circuit 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P0500 120 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0505 32 Idle Air Control System See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0600 6 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0600 236 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0601 103 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Memory Check Sum Error 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0603 102 Internal Control Module Keep See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Alive Memory (KAM) Error 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P0604 101 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Random Access Memory 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P0604 104 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Random Access Memory 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
(RAM) Error
P07XX ..... (3) .....
P1140 121 Mass Or Volume Air Flow See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Circuit Range/Performance 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P1166 130 Oxygen Sensors Swapped (2)
P1174 27 Fuel Trim Adaptation See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Malfunction (Bank 1) (1) 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
P1175 35 Fuel Trim Adaptation See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Additive Malfunction (Bank 840Ci V8) - 1 OF 3
2) (1)
P1186 14 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P1187 4 O2 Sensor Heater Control See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (1) 840Ci V8) - 2 OF 3
P1384 212 Knock Sensor 3 Circuit See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P1385 213 Knock Sensor 4 Circuit See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P1386 220 Control Module Self-Test, (2)
Knock Control Circuit
Baseline Test (Bank 1) (1)
P1396 ..... Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P1509 168 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Opening Solenoid Control 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
Circuit Signal Electrical
P1550 169 Idle-Speed Control Valve See DTC CHART (540i, 740i, 740iL &
Closing Coil Electrical 840Ci V8) - 3 OF 3
P1585 8 Misfire Detected with Low (2)
P1589 222 Control Module Self-Test, (2)
Knock Control Test Pulse
(Bank 1) (1)
P1690 165 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (2)
(MIL) Control Circuit
P17XX ..... (3) .....
(1) Bank 1 refers to cylinders on right side of engine, Bank 2 refers to cylinders on left side of engine.
Sensor 1 refers to HO2S before catalytic convertor, Sensor 2 refers to HO2S after catalytic convertor.
(2) Diagnostic information is not available. Use BMW Diagnostic Information System Plus (DISplus) or
Group Tester One (GT-1) to diagnose system.
(3) These codes apply to electronically controlled transmissions. For testing procedures, see appropriate
P0133 16 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0135 13 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
(Bank 1 Sensor 1) (1) - 2 OF 4
P0136 12 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 1 See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Sensor 2) (1) - 2 OF 4
P0139 17 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow (2)
Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
P0150 18 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 2 See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Sensor 1) (1) - 2 OF 4
P0153 21 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0153 22 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) - 2 OF 4
P0155 5 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
(Bank 2 Sensor 1) (1) - 2 OF 4
P0156 20 O2 Sensor Circuit (Bank 2 See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Sensor 2) (1) - 2 OF 4
P0159 23 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow (2)
Response (Bank 2 Sensor 2)
P0330 211 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
(Bank 2) (1) - 4 OF 4
P0335 111 Crankshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
"A" Circuit - 3 OF 4
P0340 112 Camshaft Position Sensor See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
"A" Circuit (Bank 1 Or - 3 OF 4
Single Sensor) (1)
P0422 40 Main Catalyst Efficiency See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Below Threshold (Bank 1) - 1 OF 4
P0432 45 Main Catalyst Efficiency See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Below Threshold (Bank 2) - 1 OF 4
P0440 93 Evaporative Emission See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
System - 1 OF 4
P0442 183 Evaporative Emission (2)
System Leak Detected
(Small Leak)
P0443 91 Evaporative Emission See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
System Purge Control Valve - 1 OF 4
P0443 98 Evaporative Emission (2)
System Purge Control Valve
P0500 120 Vehicle Speed Sensor "A" See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0505 32 Idle Air Control System See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0600 214 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0600 215 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0600 217 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0600 236 Serial Communication Link See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 3 OF 4
P0601 101 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Memory Check Sum Error - 3 OF 4
P0601 102 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Memory Check Sum Error - 3 OF 4
P0601 103 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Memory Check Sum Error - 3 OF 4
P0603 102 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Keep Alive Memory (KAM) - 3 OF 4
P0604 101 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Random Access Memory - 3 OF 4
(RAM) Error
P0604 104 Internal Control Module See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Random Access Memory - 3 OF 4
(RAM) Error
P07XX ..... (3) .....
P1145 2 Solenoid Valve Running (2)
Losses Control Circuit
P1166 130 Oxygen Sensors Swapped (2)
P1174 ..... Fuel Trim See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P1175 ..... Fuel Trim See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P1176 16 O2 Sensor Slow Response (2)
(Bank 1) (1)
P1186 ..... O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P1187 ..... O2 Sensor Heater Circuit See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
- 2 OF 4
P1188 28 Fuel Control (Bank 1 Sensor (2)
1) (1)
P1189 36 Fuel Control (Bank 2 Sensor (2)
1) (1)
P1270 140 Control Module Self-Test, See DTC CHART (750iL & 850Ci V12)
Torque Monitoring (M73: - 2 OF 4
Mass Air Flow Sensor Bank
Comparison Plausibility)
P1280 250 AIS Assisted Injection (2)
System Circuit (Bank 1) (1)
For component location information, see ELECTRICAL COMPONENT LOCATIONS - M3 ,
COMPONENT LOCATIONS - 8 Series article.
Depending on model, control module uses an 88-pin connector or a combination of a 9-pin, 24-pin, 40-pin or
52-pin connector. For control module connector identification, see Fig. 30-Fig. 34 .
Specific engine family test group identification number (for example: WBMXV02.8M52 ) can be found on
emission label in engine compartment. To cross reference test group category (catalyst monitoring, misfire
monitoring, etc.) see BMW TEST GROUP IDENTIFICATION table.
General Description - Catalyst monitoring is based on monitoring its oxygen storage capability. Engine closed
loop feedback control generates lambda (air/fuel ratio) oscillations in the exhaust gas. These oscillations are
dampened by oxygen storage activity of catalyst. Amplitude of remaining lambda oscillations downstream of
catalyst indicates storage capability. In order to determine catalyst efficiency, amplitude ratio of signal
oscillations of upstream and downstream lambda sensors are compared. This information is evaluated separately
in different engine load and speed ranges. If there is an indication of low storage capability in a certain number
of operating ranges, a defective catalyst is recognized. See Fig. 35-Fig. 36 .
Computation Of Amplitude Ratio - The first step is the computation of amplitude of signal oscillations of
lambda sensor upstream versus downstream of catalyst. This is accomplished by extracting oscillating signal
component, computing absolute value and averaging over time. Quotient of downstream amplitude value
divided by upstream amplitude value is called Amplitude Ratio (AR). This AR is the basic information
necessary for catalyst monitoring. It is computed continuously over a certain engine and speed range. Signal
paths for both sensor signals are identical. Variations like an increase of control frequency affect both signal
paths in the same way and are compensated by the division.
Post Processing - Actual amplitude ratio is compared with a limit value according to load and speed range
engine is operating in. Result of this comparison, difference of both values, is accumulated separately for each
range. Therefore, even short time periods of driving in a certain range yield additional information. By using
separate load and speed ranges in combination with accumulation of information, a monitoring result can be
obtained during an FTP cycle.
Fault Evaluation - Accumulated information about amplitude ratio becomes more and more reliable as
different load and speed ranges are used during a driving cycle. If amplitude ratio is greater than a fixed map
value, a fault is detected and an internal fault flag will be set. If fault is detected again in next trip, MIL will be
Fig. 35: Catalyst Monitoring Structure Flow Chart (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK, VBM1.9VJGKFK,
Fig. 36: Block Diagram Of Catalyst Monitoring System Operation (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK,
Catalyst Monitoring General Description - Catalyst monitoring is based on monitoring its oxygen storage
capability. The engine closed loop feedback control generates lambda (air/fuel ratio) oscillations in the exhaust
gas. These oscillations are dampened by the oxygen storage activity of the catalyst. The amplitude of the
remaining lambda oscillations downstream of the catalyst indicates the storage capability.
1. Monitoring Procedure - In order to determine the efficiency the lean and rich time periods of the oxygen
sensors up and downstream will be compared. See Fig. 37. The smaller of the two ratios determined is
used for further processing. The cycle counter is incremented by one after each cycle. If the counter
reaches a predetermined number of checks (235 lambda controller cycles) and the sum of all ratios
determined is greater than a fixed value a fault will be stored in the computer memory. The monitoring
procedure is then terminated until the engine is shut-off and started again.
2. Monitoring Structure - See Fig. 38.
3. Block Diagram Of System - See Fig. 39.
NOTE: The conversion efficiency of both catalyst systems (Cyl. 1-3 and Cyl. 4-6)
are separately monitored.
Fig. 37: Monitoring Oxygen Sensor Efficiency (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK & VBM2.8VJGKFK)
Fig. 38: Catalyst Monitoring Structure Flow Chart (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK & VBM2.8VJGKFK)
Fig. 39: Catalyst Monitoring System Operation Diagram (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK &
Catalyst Monitoring General Description - Catalyst monitoring is based on monitoring catalyst's oxygen
storage capability. Engine closed loop feedback control generates lambda (air/fuel ratio) oscillations in the
exhaust gas. These oscillations are dampened by the oxygen storage activity of the catalyst. The amplitude of
the remaining lambda oscillations downstream of the catalyst indicates storage capability. In order to determine
catalyst efficiency the amplitude ratio of the signal oscillations of upstream and downstream lambda sensors are
compared. This information is evaluated separately in different engine load and speed ranges. If there is an
indication of low storage capability in a certain number of operating ranges, a defective catalyst is recognized.
Monitoring Structure -
1. Catalyst Monitoring Structure - For catalyst monitoring structure flow chart and block diagram of
system operation, see Fig. 35 and Fig. 36 .
2. Computation Of The Amplitude Ratio - The first step in catalyst monitoring is computation of the
amplitude of the signal oscillations of the lambda sensor upstream versus downstream of the catalyst.
This is accomplished by extracting the oscillating signal component, computing the absolute value and
averaging over time. The quotient of downstream amplitude value divided by upstream amplitude value is
called Amplitude Ratio (AR). AR is the basic information necessary for catalyst monitoring. It is
computed continuously over certain engine and speed ranges. The signal paths for both sensor signals are
identical. Thus variations like an increase of the control frequency affects both signal paths in the same
way and are compensated by the division.
3. Postprocessing - The actual AR is compared with a limit value according to the load and speed range the
engine is operating in. The result of this comparison, the difference of both values, is accumulated
separately for each range. Thus, even short time periods of driving in a certain range yield additional
information. By using separate load and speed ranges in combination with the accumulation of
information a monitoring result can be obtained during an FTP cycle.
4. Fault Evaluation - Accumulated information about the AR becomes more and more reliable as different
load and speed ranges are used during a driving cycle. If the AR is greater than fixed map values a fault is
detected and an internal fault flag will be set. If the fault is detected again in the next trip the MIL will be
5. Check Of Monitoring Conditions - The monitoring principle is based on the detection of relevant
oscillations of the downstream sensor signal during regular lambda control. It is necessary to check the
driving conditions for exceptions where no regular lambda control is possible, e.g. fuel cut-off. During
such periods, and for a certain time afterwards, the computations of the amplitude values and the
postprocessing is halted. Thus, a distortion of the monitoring information is avoided.
General Description - Method of engine misfire detection is based on evaluating engine speed fluctuations. To
detect misfiring at any cylinder, torque of each cylinder is evaluated by metering time between two ignition
events, which is a measure for mean value of speed of this angular segment. This means a change of engine
torque results in a change of engine speed. Additionally, influence of load torque will be determined. This
means influences of different road surfaces (pavement, pot holes etc.). If mean engine speed is measured,
influences caused by road surfaces have to be eliminated. This method consists of following main parts: data
acquisition, adaptation of sensor wheel is included, calculation of engine roughness, comparison with a
threshold depending on operating points, some extreme conditions during which misfire detections should be
disabled for a short time, and fault processing counting procedure of single misfire events. See Fig. 40.
Data Acquisition - Duration of crankshaft segments is measured continuously for every combustion cycle.
Sensor Wheel Adaptation - Within a defined engine speed range and during fuel cut-off, adaptation of sensor
wheel tolerances, instead of misfire detection, is carried out. With progressing adaptation, sensitivity of misfire
detection is increasing. Adaptation values are stored in a non-volatile memory and taken into consideration for
calculation of the engine roughness.
Misfire Detection - The following operating steps are performed for each measured segment corrected by
sensor wheel adaptation.
Calculation Of Engine Roughness - Engine roughness is derived from differences of segment durations.
Different statistical methods are used to distinguish between normal changes of segment duration and changes
due to misfiring.
Detecting Multiple Misfiring - If several cylinders are misfiring (alternating one combustion/one misfire
event), calculated engine roughness values may be that low, so that threshold is not exceeded during misfiring
and therefore misfiring would not be detected. Based on this fact, periodicity of engine roughness value is used
as additional information during multiple misfiring. Engine roughness value is filtered and a new multiple filter
value is created. If this filter value increases due to multiple misfiring, roughness threshold is decreased. By
applying this strategy, multiple misfiring is detected reliably. Degree of misfire evaluated in 1000 revolutions
increments which would cause a durability demonstration vehicle to fail an inspection and maintenance
program tailpipe emission test is 20 percent.
Calculation Of Engine Roughness Threshold Value - Engine roughness threshold value consists of base
value, which is determined by a load/speed dependent map. During warm-up, a coolant temperature dependent
correction value is added. In case of multiple misfiring, threshold is reduced by an adjustable factor. Without
sufficient sensor wheel adaptation, engine roughness threshold is limited to a speed dependent minimum value.
A change of threshold toward a smaller value is limited by a variation constant.
Determination Of Misfiring - Misfire detection is performed by comparing engine roughness threshold value
with engine roughness value.
Statistics & Fault Processing - Within an interval of 1000 crankshaft revolutions, detected misfiring events are
added for each cylinder. If sum of all cylinder misfire incidents exceeds a predetermined value, fault code for
emission relevant misfiring is preliminary stored. If only one cylinder is misfiring, a cylinder selective fault
code is stored. If more than one cylinder is misfiring, fault code for multiple misfiring is also stored. Within an
interval of 200 crankshaft revolutions, detected number of misfiring events is weighted and calculated for each
cylinder. Weighting factor is determined by a load/speed dependent map. If sum of cylinder misfire incidents
exceeds a predetermined value, fault code for indicating catalyst damage relevant misfiring is stored and MIL is
illuminated (blinking). If cylinder selective count exceeds predetermined threshold, following measures take
place: lambda closed loop system is switched to open-loop and cylinder selective fault code is stored. If more
than one cylinder is misfiring, fault code for multiple misfire is also stored. Fuel supply to respective cylinder is
cut-off. All misfire counters are reset after each interval. See Fig. 41.
Fig. 40: Misfire Monitoring Structure (Test Groups VBM1.9VJGFEK, VBM1.9VJGKFK,
Fig. 41: Fault Processing Flow Chart Statistics (Test Groups VBM1.9VJGFEK, VBM1.9VJGKFK,
Within an interval of 200 crankshaft revolutions, detected number of misfiring events is weighted
and calculated for each cylinder. Weighting factor is determined by a load/speed dependent map. If
sum of cylinder misfire incidents exceeds a predetermined value, a fault code is stored and MIL is
illuminated immediately. If cylinder selective count exceeds predetermined threshold, following
measures take place:
A. Lambda closed loop system is switched to open loop.
B. Cylinder selective fault code is stored.
C. If more than one cylinder is misfiring, fault codes for all individual cylinders and for multiple
cylinders will be stored.
D. Fuel supply to respective cylinder is cut-off.
All misfire counters are reset after each interval.
Fig. 42: Misfire Monitoring Segment Period Measurement (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK &
Fig. 43: Fault Processing (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK & VBM2.8VJGKFK)
Misfire Monitoring General Description - The method of engine misfire detection is based on evaluating the
engine speed fluctuations. In order to detect misfiring at any cylinder, the torque of each cylinder is evaluated
by metering the time between two ignition events, which is a measure for the mean value of the speed of this
angular segment. This means, a change of the engine torque results in a change of the engine speed.
Additionally the influence of the load torque will be determined. This means, the influences of different road
surfaces, e. g. pavement, pot holes, etc.
If the mean engine speed is measured, influences caused by road surfaces have to be eliminated. This method
consists of the following main parts:
Data acquisition, adaptation of sensor wheel is included.
Calculation of engine roughness.
Comparison with a threshold depending on operating points.
Some extreme conditions, during which misfire detections should be disabled for a short time.
Fault processing, counting procedure of single misfire events.
1. Misfire Monitoring Structure - For misfire monitoring structure flow chart, see Fig. 44.
2. Data Acquisition - The duration of the crankshaft segments is measured continuously for every
combustion cycle.
3. Sensor Wheel Adaptation - Within a defined engine speed range and during fuel cut-off, the adaptation
of the sensor wheel tolerances, instead of the misfire detection, is carried out. With progressing
adaptation, the sensitivity of the misfire detection is increased. The adaptation values are stored in a non-
volatile memory and taken into consideration for the calculation of the engine roughness.
4. Misfire Detection - The following operating steps are performed for each measured segment corrected by
the sensor wheel adaptation:
Calculation Of The Engine Roughness - The engine roughness is derived from the differences of
the segment durations. Different statistical methods are used to distinguish between normal changes
of the segment duration and the changes due to misfiring.
Detecting Of Multiple Misfiring - If several cylinders are misfiring (e.g. alternating one
combustion/one misfire event) the calculated engine roughness values may be that low, so that the
threshold is not exceeded during misfiring and therefore misfiring would not be detected. Based on
this fact, the periodicity of the engine roughness value is used as additional information during
multiple misfiring. The engine roughness value is filtered and a new multiple filter value is created.
If this filter value increases due to multiple misfiring, the roughness threshold is decreased. By
applying this strategy, multiple misfiring is detected reliably.
Calculation Of The Engine Roughness Threshold Value - The engine roughness threshold value
consists of the base value, which is determined by a load/speed dependent map. During warm-up a
coolant temperature dependent correction value is added. In case of multiple misfiring the threshold
is reduced by an adjustable factor. Without sufficient sensor wheel adaptation the engine roughness
threshold is limited to a speed dependent minimum value. A change of the threshold towards a
smaller value is limited by a variation constant.
5. Determination Of Misfiring - Misfire detection is performed by comparing the engine roughness
threshold value with the engine roughness value. If a misfire event is detected in a cylinder, the misfire
detection of the next cylinder in firing order is deactivated to prevent a faulty diagnosis.
6. Statistics (Fault Processing) - Within an interval of 1000 crankshaft revolutions the detected misfiring
events are added for each cylinder. If the sum of all cylinder misfire incidents exceeds a predetermined
value, the fault code for emission relevant misfiring is preliminarily stored. If only one cylinder is
misfiring, a cylinder selective fault code is stored. If more than one cylinder is misfiring, the fault code
for multiple misfiring is also stored. See Fig. 41.
Within an interval of 200 crankshaft revolutions the detected number of misfiring events is weighted and
calculated for each cylinder. The weighting factor is determined by a load/speed dependent map. If the
sum of cylinder misfire incidents exceeds a predetermined value the fault code indicating catalyst damage
relevant misfiring is stored and the MIL is illuminated at once (blinking). If the cylinder selective count
exceeds the predetermined threshold the following measures take place:
The lambda closed loop system is switched to open loop.
The cylinder selective fault code is stored. If more than one cylinder is misfiring, the fault code for
multiple misfire is also stored.
The fuel supply to the respective cylinder is cut-off.
Fig. 44: Misfire Monitoring Structure Flow Chart (Test Group VBM4.4VJGFEK & VBM5.4V8GFEK)
General Description - Purge flow from charcoal canister through purge valve is monitored after fuel system
adaptation is completed and lambda controller is at closed loop condition. Diagnosis is started during regular
purging. See Fig. 45.
For Rich Or Lean Mixture - Flow through purge valve is assumed as soon as lambda controller is
compensating for a rich or a lean shift. After this procedure, diagnosis is completed and evaporative purge
system resumes working normally.
For A Stoichiometric Mixture - In this case, lambda controller does not need to compensate for a deviation.
Therefore, after finishing regular purging, purge valve is opened and closed abruptly several times. Effect of
additional cylinder charge triggers by a variation of the engine idle speed. A predetermined value is reached if
system functions properly and diagnosis procedure is completed.
Fig. 45: Monitoring Structure Of Evaporative Purge System (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK,
General Description - Evaporative system monitoring permits detection of leaks in evaporative emission
control system with a diameter of .039" (1 mm) and greater. Evaporative emission control system is
hermetically sealed off from atmosphere by means of a shut-off valve at charcoal canister. When purge valve
opens, engine generates a vacuum in the tank. After closing purge valve, pressure increase is measured by a
tank pressure sensor. If vacuum increases above a defined threshold, a leak is detected. As part of the vacuum,
check purge flow is verified.
Monitoring Structure - Following conditions must be fulfilled to start monitoring procedure: no malfunction
in detecting battery voltage, in detecting vehicle speed, in detecting air mass meter, in detecting coolant
temperature, in detecting purge valve signal, in detecting throttle valve position sensor, in detecting idle speed
control valve, in detecting shut off valve signal, misfire detection, tank pressure sensor, and secondary air
system. See Fig. 46-Fig. 50 .
Fig. 46: Tank Pressure Sensor & Shut Off Valve Closed Test (Test Group VBM1.9VJGKFK)
Fig. 47: Evaporative System Monitoring Structure (Test Group VBM1.9VJGKFK)
Fig. 48: Vapor Generation Test (Test Group VBM1.9VJGKFK)
Fig. 49: Evaporation System Diagnosis (Test Group VBM1.9VJGKFK)
Fig. 50: Evaporative System Leak Check/Fuel Tank Pressure (Test Group VBM1.9VJGKFK)
Evaporative System Monitoring General Description - The evaporative system monitoring permits the
detection of leaks in the evaporative emission control system with a diameter of 1 mm and up. See Fig. 51.
The evaporative emission control system is hermetically sealed off from the atmosphere by means of a shut-off
valve at the charcoal canister. When the purge valve opens, the engine generates a vacuum in the tank. After
closing the purge valve, pressure increase is measured by a tank pressure sensor. If vacuum increases above a
defined threshold a leak is detected. As part of the vacuum check, purge flow is verified. For vapor generation
test and EVAP system diagnosis, see Fig. 52-Fig. 55 .
Fig. 51: EVAP System - Monitoring Structure (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKFK & VBM2.8VJGKEK)
Fig. 52: EVAP System - Test For Vapor Generation (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKFK & VBM2.8VJGKEK)
Fig. 53: EVAP System - System Diagnosis Flow Chart (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKFK &
Fig. 54: Fuel Tank Leak Check Pressure Diagram (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKFK & VBM2.8VJGKEK)
Fig. 55: OBD-II Evaporative System Diagram (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKFK & VBM2.8VJGKEK)
Evaporative System Monitoring General Description - The evaporative system monitoring permits the
detection of leaks in the evaporative emission control system with a diameter of 1 mm and up. See Fig. 51.
The evaporative emission control system is hermetically sealed off from the atmosphere by means of a shut-off
valve at the charcoal canister. When the purge valve opens, the engine generates a vacuum in the tank. After
closing the purge valve, pressure increase is measured by a tank pressure sensor. If vacuum increases above a
defined threshold a leak is detected. As part of the vacuum check, purge flow is verified. For vapor generation
test and EVAP system diagnosis, see Fig. 52-Fig. 55 .
EVAP Purge System Flow Check - Purge flow from the charcoal canister through the purge valve is
monitored after the coolant temperature has reached a fixed minimum value. Diagnosis is started during regular
1. Monitoring Process
Step 1 (For Rich Or Lean Mixture) - Flow through the purge valve is assumed as soon as the
lambda controller is compensating for a rich or a lean shift. After this procedure the diagnosis is
completed, and the evaporative purge system resumes working normally. See Fig. 56.
Step 2 (For Stoichiometric Mixture, Or 1st Step Fails) - In this case the lambda controller does
not need to compensate for a deviation. Therefore, after finishing the regular purging operation, the
purge valve is opened and closed abruptly several times. The effect of additional cylinder charge,
triggers a variation of engine idle speed. If a predetermined value is reached, the diagnosis
procedure is completed.
Step 3 (For Stoichiometric Mixture, Or 2nd Step Fails) - If the threshold at the 2nd step is not
reached, an additional procedure is performed. The purge valve is opened and the idle air control
valve is closed simultaneously to compensate the idle speed increase. The effect is a decrease of the
measured idle air mass by the mass air flow sensor. If a predetermined value is reached, the
diagnosis procedure is completed.
Fig. 56: EVAP System - Monitoring Structure Flow Chart (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK)
Evaporative Purge System Monitoring General Description - Purge flow from the charcoal canister through
the purge valve is monitored after fuel system adaptation is completed and the lambda controller is at closed
loop condition. See Fig. 45. The diagnosis is started during one of two steps during regular purging.
Step 1 (For Rich Or Lean Mixture) - Flow through the purge valve is assumed as soon as the lambda
controller is compensating for a rich or a lean shift. After this procedure the diagnosis is completed, and
the evaporative purge system resumes working normally.
Step 2 (For Stoichiometric Mixture) - In this case the lambda controller does not need to compensate
for a deviation. Therefore, after finishing the regular purging operation, the purge valve is opened and
closed abruptly several times. The effect of additional cylinder charge, triggers a variation of engine idle
speed. If a predetermined value is reached, the diagnosis procedure is completed.
General Description - At cold start, secondary air pump and valve are switched on for their normal operating
function. Secondary air delivered into exhaust gas is causing an increase of lambda sensor signal until it reaches
a predetermined value. This fixed limit corresponds to minimum amount of secondary air (low-flow-limit-
check). See Fig. 57.
Check Conditions - To start diagnosis function, several conditions have to be satisfied: secondary air system
on, no error from coolant temperature sensor, lambda sensor is heated up (stabilized condition), altitude driving
conditions below 8000 feet, no error from evaporative system, no error from secondary air pump output stage,
no error from battery voltage, no error from air mass sensor, no error from plausibility check of throttle valve
and air mass sensor, and closed evaporative system purge valve. Furthermore, if diagnosis has already been
started and one of the conditions has not been satisfied continuously, process will be interrupted.
Fig. 57: Secondary Air System Monitoring (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK & VBM1.9VJGKFK)
Check Procedure
If signal is below threshold for definite times: system is set and monitoring procedure is ended. If signal is
above threshold for definite times: store secondary air system fault and set cycle byte. If the fault is confirmed
during the next driving cycle, MIL is illuminated.
Secondary Air System Monitoring General Description - At cold start, secondary air pump and valve are
switched on for their normal operating function. Secondary air delivered into exhaust gas is causing a lean
mixture indicated by output voltage of oxygen sensor. Any time the oxygen sensor indicates a lean mixture
within the maximum time for monitoring, a counter is incremented by "one" up to a predetermined value. This
fixed limit corresponds to the minimum amount of secondary air (low-flow-limit-check). For secondary air
system monitoring flow chart, see Fig. 58.
Fig. 58: Secondary Air System Monitoring Structure (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK &
General Description - Air mass taken in by the engine and the engine speed are measured. These signals are
used to calculate an injection signal. This mixture pilot control follows fast load and speed changes. ECM
controller compares oxygen sensor signal of sensor upstream of catalyst with a reference value and calculates a
correction factor for pilot control. See Fig. 59.
Adaptive Pilot Control - Drifts and faults in sensors and actuators of fuel delivery system as well as not
measured air leakage influence pilot control. This causes increasing deviations of air/fuel ratio. Adaptive pilot
control effects controller correction in 3 different ranges. Lambda deviations in range one are compensated by
an additive correction value multiplied by an engine speed term. By this an additive correction per time unit is
created. Lambda deviations in range 2 are compensated by a multiplication factor. Lambda deviations in range 3
are compensated by an additive correction per injection. A combination of all 3 ranges will be correctly
separated and compensated. Each value is adapted in its corresponding range only. But each adaptive value
corrects pilot control within whole load/speed range. At next start, stored adaptive values are included in
calculation of pilot control just before closed loop control becomes active. See Fig. 60.
Diagnosis Of Fuel Delivery System - Faults in fuel delivery system can occur which cannot be compensated
for by adaptive pilot control. In this case, adaptive values leave a predetermined range. If adaptive value is
outside a plausible range, then MIL is illuminated and fault is stored. See Fig. 61.
Fig. 59: Fuel System Monitoring Structure (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK, VBM1.9VJGKFK,
Fig. 60: Ranges of Learning Correction Coefficients (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK, VBM1.9VJGKFK,
Fig. 61: Flow Chart Of Fuel System Monitoring Function (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK,
1. Monitoring Structure - If fuel system is suddenly hard disturbed and lambda controller reaches
restriction (lean limit), a timer is started. Timer is incriminated as long as controller remains at limit. If it
exceeds a predetermined value, a fault for short trim will be detected and stored for rich and lean
exceeding separately. For permanent deviation from mean position, there are additional lean and rich
thresholds. If accumulated time (sum of all excesses for rich or lean) is greater than a fixed limit during a
defined period, a fault for long term trim will be detected and stored for rich and lean exceeding
2. Monitoring Conditions - For monitoring conditions during closed loop, see Fig. 62.
Fig. 62: Fuel System Monitoring Conditions (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK & VBM2.8VJGKFK)
1. Fuel System Monitoring General Description - Fuel system monitoring includes lambda controller
restriction against limits for rich and lean and permanent deviation from mean position:
Mixture Pilot Control - The air mass taken in by the engine and the engine speed are measured.
These signals are used to calculate an injection signal. This mixture pilot control follows fast load
and speed changes.
Lambda-Controller - The ECM-controller compares the oxygen sensor signal of the sensor
upstream the catalyst with a reference value and calculates a correction factor for the pilot control.
2. Fuel System Monitoring Structure - Fuel system monitoring consists of following:
Adaptive Pilot Control - Drifts and faults in sensors and actuators of the fuel delivery system as
well as not measured air leakage influence the pilot control. This causes increasing deviations of
the air/fuel ratio. The adaptive pilot control effects the controller on in three different ranges. See
Fig. 59.
Ranges Of Learning Correction Coefficients TRA, FRA & DTV - Lambda deviations in range 1
are compensated by an additive correction value multiplied by an engine speed term. By this, an
additive correction per time unit is created. Lambda deviations in range 2 are compensated by a
multiplication factor. Lambda deviations in range 3 are compensated by an additive correction per
injection. A combination of all three ranges will be correctly separated and compensated. Each
value is adapted in its corresponding range only. But each adaptive value corrects the pilot control
within the whole load/speed range. At the next start the stored adaptive values are included in the
calculation of the pilot control just before the closed loop control becomes active. See Fig. 60.
3. Fuel Delivery System Abbreviations - Fuel delivery system abbreviations are as follows:
QU 1 - Upper air flow threshold range 1
4. Diagnosis Of Fuel Delivery System - Faults in the fuel delivery system can occur which cannot be
compensated for by the adaptive pilot control. In this case the adaptive values leave a predetermined
range. If the adaptive value is outside a plausible range, then the MIL is illuminated and the fault is
stored. See Fig. 61.
General Description - Response rate of upstream oxygen sensor is monitored by measuring period of lambda
control oscillations. See Fig. 63.
Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitoring - For proper function of oxygen sensor, sensor element must be heated. A
non-functioning heater delays sensor readiness for closed loop control and influences emissions. Monitoring
function measures both sensor heater current (voltage drop over a shunt), and heater voltage (heater supply
voltage) to calculate sensor heater resistance. Monitoring function is activated once per trip if heater has been
switched on for a certain time period and current has stabilized. See Fig. 64-Fig. 65 .
Oxygen Sensor Circuit Monitoring - Oxygen sensor circuit monitors electrical faults of sensors upstream and
downstream of catalyst. Implausible voltages are voltages exceeding maximum threshold (VMAX). Voltages
falling below minimum threshold (VMIN) are caused by a short circuit of sensor signal or sensor ground to
ECM ground. An open circuit of sensor upstream catalyst can be detected if voltage is remaining in a specified
range after sensor has been heated. See Fig. 66.
Fig. 63: Oxygen Sensor Monitoring Structure (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK, VBM1.9VJGKFK,
Fig. 64: Flow Chart Of Monitoring Function (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK & VBM1.9VJGKFK)
Fig. 65: Flow Chart Of Oxygen Sensor Monitoring Function (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK,
Fig. 66: Circuitry For Heater Controlling & Heater Current (Test Group VBM1.9VJGFEK,
Oxygen Sensor Monitoring General Description - Both oxygen sensors upstream from the catalyst are
separately monitored for rich and lean voltage and response time (period monitoring and jump period
monitoring). See Fig. 67.
1. Monitoring Procedure
Switching Time - For monitoring the switching time, the time from lean to rich mixture and visa
versa, are determined and compared with predetermined maximum values which depend on engine
RPM and air mass.
Relative thresholds (10-90% of min./max. amplitude) are used to determine the oxygen sensor
switching time from lean to rich and visa versa.
The sensor signals are monitored for reversal points while the switching times are being measured.
If a reversal point is detected this oxygen sensor signal is not used to determine the switching time.
See Fig. 68. Due to switching time fluctuations the results are averaged during the monitoring cycle
(115 lambda control cycles) before comparing with the thresholds.
Rich/Lean Periods - For determining the switching time the lean and rich period times are added
during a fixed number of lambda controller cycles. A malfunction is registered if one or both of the
times exceed(s) the thresholds which depend on engine speed and load. See Fig. 69.
2. Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitoring - For proper function of the oxygen sensor, the sensor element must
be heated. A non functioning heater delays sensor readiness for closed loop control operation and
influences emissions. Disconnection, short-to-ground and short-to-battery monitoring and oxygen sensor
heater current and voltage monitoring are performed in the standard diagnosis function.
Heater Circuit Oxygen Sensor Upstream - Due to slow sensor heating, in the case of low oxygen
heating output, the rich voltage does not reach its maximum value within a defined time. This
reduces the oxygen sensor signal amplitude which permits oxygen sensor heating output to be
monitored. The malfunction detection is activated every 240 ms independent of engine operation.
Oxygen Sensor Monitoring (Downstream Sensor) - Lean sensor voltage is evaluated for
diagnosis of the heater circuit. Therefore this check is performed during deceleration/fuel cut-off
phases. The sensor downstream must be switched to a load resistance of 100 k/ohms (normal
operation 30 k/ohms). During this check, the oxygen sensor signal output voltage is controlled to a
fixed value (lean limit). If the number of cycles during which the sensor signal lies within the
defined limits is smaller than the limit, a fault will be stored. The sensor signal is checked every 20
ms during the heater circuit diagnosis.
Fig. 67: Oxygen Sensor Switching & Response Time Chart (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK &
Fig. 68: Oxygen Sensor Thresholds (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK & VBM2.8VJGKFK)
Fig. 69: Oxygen Sensor Switching Time Flow Chart (Test Group VBM2.8VJGKEK & VBM2.8VJGKFK)
Before testing separate components or systems, perform procedures in BASIC TESTING article. Since many
computer-controlled and monitored components set a trouble code if they malfunction, also perform procedures
in TESTS W/CODES article.
NOTE: System and component testing of BMW engine management system is best
accomplished using the BMW MoDIC (hand-held scan tester), BMW Service
Tester (Sun 2013 Engine Analyzer) and applicable BMW diagnostic software.
Tester permits technician to activate components and monitor status inquiries.
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) can also be assessed using generic scan tool
connected to Data Link Connector. See TESTS W/CODES article. Resistance
values can be measured directly on component. See WIRING DIAGRAMS article
for additional information.
Testing information is not available from manufacturer. See WIRING DIAGRAMS article to identify
DME/Motronic control unit ground circuits, power circuits and input/output circuits. See Fig. 1 . See DME
Crankshaft (speed/position pulse) sensor is located on front right side of engine, next to crankshaft pulley. See
Intake air temperature sensor is mounted in intake manifold near mass airflow meter assembly. See appropriate
For fuel pump relay, see FUEL DELIVERY under FUEL SYSTEM. For relay locations, see DME & FUEL
Application Location
DME Relay Under Left Side Of Instrument
Panel, Next To Kick Panel
Fuel Pump Relay Right Rear Corner Of Engine
Compartment, Next To DME
3-Series (1)
DME & Fuel Pump Relays Left Rear Corner Of Engine
Compartment, In Relay Box
5-Series & 7-Series
DME Relay Right Rear Corner Of Engine
Compartment, Next To DME
Fuel Pump Relay Right Side Of Trunk
DME & Fuel Pump Relays Right Rear Corner Of Engine
Compartment, Next To DME
(1) See Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 .
Fig. 2: Locating DME & Fuel Pump Relays (318ti)
Fig. 3: Locating DME & Fuel Pump Relays (M3, 323 & 328 Series)
NOTE: For fuel system pressure testing, see BASIC TESTING article.
Remove fuel pump relay. Apply battery voltage to relay terminals No. 30 and 86. See Fig. 4 . Ground relay
terminal No. 85. Voltage should now exist at relay terminal No. 87. Replace relay if it does not work as
NOTE: If relay does not work on vehicle, check battery feed, DME master (main) relay,
DME/Motronic control unit and ground circuits going to fuel pump relay. See
WIRING DIAGRAMS article in ENGINE PERFORMANCE. Only sockets No. 2, 4, 6
and 8 are used by relay.
1. Remove fuel pressure regulator. See REMOVE/INSTALL & OVERHAUL article ENGINE
PERFORMANCE section. Note code number and nominal pressure on fuel pressure regulator body.
Install BMW Service Tester (133060) with connecting hose (133064) in fuel feed left line.
2. Remove fuel pump relay. See DME & FUEL PUMP RELAY LOCATION table. Connect jumper wire
between relay base terminals No. 30 and 87. Read off fuel injection pressure on pressure gauge.
3. If fuel pressure drops rapidly, seal return line (upper line) with Clamp (133010) and briefly operate fuel
pump. If injection pressure in now stable, pressure regulator is defective. If injection pressure drops,
check for leak in front of pressure regulator.
Run engine at idle and check fuel pressure. See FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR. Disconnect vacuum hose
from fuel pressure regulator, simulating wide open throttle. If fuel pressure does not increase 5.8-10.1 psi (.40-
.71 kg/cm2 ), replace vacuum hose and repeat test. If fuel pressure still does not increase, replace fuel pressure
1. Run engine at idle then turn off. Note fuel pressure. Note fuel pressure again after 20-30 minutes. If fuel
pressure decreases by greater than 7.2 psi (.5 kg/cm2 ), turn engine on, wait for pressure to stabilize, then
turn engine off and immediately clamp off intake line near pressure gauge with Clamp (133010). Note
fuel pressure. Read fuel pressure again after 20-30 minutes.
2. If fuel pressure drops by less than 7.2 psi (.5 kg/cm2 ), check for fault in fuel supply lines, in-tank supply
hose, or defective non-return valve in fuel pump. If fuel pressure again drops by more than 7.2 psi (.5
kg/cm2 ), replace pressure regulator.
Fuel Volume
Disconnect fuel return line. Attach an extension hose. Place hose in Measuring Glass (133020). Remove fuel
pump relay. Apply battery voltage to relay base terminals No. 30 and 87. See Fig. 4 . Fuel volume should be
about 2 qts. (2.0L) per minute.
Fig. 4: Identifying Fuel Pump Relay Terminals & Socket
Fuel Injector
Individual fuel injector resistance should be 15-17 ohms. Injector group resistance should be 7.5-8.5 ohms for
4-cylinder engine and V8 (each bank) and 5-6 ohms for 6-cylinder engine.
See IDLE SPEED CONTROL VALVE LOCATION table. Idle speed control valve is either a 2-pin or 3-pin
type. See Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 . See appropriate RESISTANCE SPECIFICATIONS table under
Fig. 5: Identifying Idle Speed Control Valve 2-Pin Connector
Fig. 6: Identifying Idle Speed Control Valve 3-Pin Connector
Component (1) Ohms
NOTE: DO NOT exceed A/C system refrigerant oil capacity when servicing system.
Only NEW , moisture-free refrigerant oil should be used in the air conditioning system. This oil is highly
refined and dehydrated so moisture content is less than 10 parts per million. The oil container must be tightly
closed at all times when not in use, or moisture from the air will be absorbed into the refrigerant oil.
Discharge A/C system, using approved refrigerant recovery/ recycling equipment. Always follow
recovery/recycling equipment manufacturer's instructions. After refrigerant recovery process is completed, the
amount of compressor oil removed must be measured and the same amount added to A/C system.
After system is discharged, carefully clean area around all fittings to be opened. Always use 2 wrenches when
tightening or loosening fittings. Some refrigerant lines are connected with a coupling. Special tools may be
required to disconnect lines. Cap or plug all openings as soon as lines are removed. Remove caps until
connections of lines and fittings are to be completed.
NOTE: All R-134a based systems use 1/2"-16 ACME threaded fittings. Ensure all
replacement parts match the connections of the system being worked on.
Always use a NEW gasket or "O" ring when connecting lines or fittings. Coat "O" ring with refrigerant oil and
ensure it is not twisted during installation. Always use two wrenches to prevent damage to lines and fittings.
After component service or replacement has been completed and all connections have been made, thoroughly
evacuate system with a vacuum pump. Charge system with proper amount of refrigerant and perform leak test.
See the REFRIGERANT OIL & R-134a REFRIGERANT CAPACITY table for system capacities. Check
all fittings that have been opened. After system has been leak tested, check system performance.
NOTE: Most compressors are pre-charged with a fixed amount of refrigerant (shipping)
oil. Drain compressor oil from new compressor and add refrigerant oil to new
compressor according to amount removed from old compressor. Always refer
to underhood A/C specification label or A/C compressor label while servicing
A/C system.
NOTE: Due to variety of clutch and shaft seal configurations, obtain appropriate A/C
compressor service tools for compressor being serviced.
1. Hold clutch plate with Clutch Holder (00007-10331) and remove shaft nut. Install Clutch Disc Remover
(4992-02-020) and remove clutch plate and shims. See Fig. 1 .
2. Remove pulley snap ring and tap pulley (with bearing) off of compressor. Remove screw for clutch coil
lead. Remove snap ring and clutch coil.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure pulley-to-clutch plate clearance is .014-.025" (.35-.65 mm). If
clearance is incorrect, add or remove shim(s) as necessary.
1. Drain and measure compressor oil in compressor. Remove discharge valve body through-bolts. Remove
discharge valve body bolts and body. Remove discharge valve plate and discharge valve.
2. Remove compressor through-bolts. Remove front and rear housing (oil separator case). Remove pins and
gaskets. Remove shaft seal from shaft. Press shaft seal plate off of front housing (head cover).
To install components, reverse removal procedure. Tighten compressor through-bolts to 19 ft. lbs. (26 N.m).
Tighten discharge valve bolts to 41 INCH lbs. (4.6 N.m). Tighten discharge valve body and body through-bolts
to 96 INCH lbs. (10.8 N.m).
Fig. 1: Exploded View Of Compressor (Nippondenso Rotary Vane)
NOTE: Due to variety of clutch and shaft seal configurations, obtain appropriate A/C
compressor service tools for compressor being serviced.
NOTE: On some models, compressor shaft seal is not serviceable. On some models, if
shaft seal leak is large and/or refrigerant is leaking, replace compressor. On all
models, a small amount of refrigerant oil leakage from compressor shaft seal is
1. Remove nut and clutch plate using Clutch Plate Holder/Remover (J-41384).
2. Remove snap ring and shim(s) from shaft. Tap pulley off shaft with plastic hammer. If pulley cannot be
removed by hand, use a puller. Remove snap ring, bearing, and seal (if equipped) from pulley. See Fig. 2
or Fig. 3 . Remove screw for clutch coil lead. Remove snap ring and clutch coil.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure snap rings are installed with beveled side facing out. Tighten
shaft bolt (or nut) to 11-15 ft. lbs. (15-20 N.m). Ensure air gap between clutch plate and pulley is .016-
.028" (.41-.71 mm). If air gap is incorrect, add or remove shim(s) as necessary.
1. Remove clutch plate and pulley. Remove shim(s) from shaft. Remove clutch coil if necessary. Remove
felt and felt retainer (if equipped). See Fig. 2 or Fig. 3 . Place shaft key remover on shaft and turn to
remove key.
2. Remove seal plate snap ring. Engage plate remover on seal plate, and pull up to remove seal plate.
Engage shaft seal remover/installer to shaft seal, and pull up to remove shaft seal from front housing.
1. Apply clean refrigerant oil to compressor housing bore. Lubricate shaft seal with refrigerant oil and install
in front housing. Lubricate seal plate and install in front housing.
2. Install shaft key, snap ring, felt retainer and felt. With clutch plate installed, ensure air gap between clutch
plate and pulley is .016-.028" (.41-.71 mm). If air gap is incorrect, add or remove shim(s) as necessary.
Fig. 2: Exploded View Of Compressor Clutch (Nippondenso - Typical)
1. Always work in a well-ventilated, clean area. Refrigerant is colorless and is invisible as a gas. Refrigerant
is heavier than oxygen and will displace oxygen in a confined area. Avoid breathing refrigerant vapors.
Exposure may irritate eyes, nose and throat.
2. The system's high pressure can cause severe injury to eyes and skin if a hose were to burst. Always wear
eye protection when working around A/C system and refrigerant. If necessary, wear rubber gloves or
other protective clothing.
3. Refrigerant evaporates quickly when exposed to atmosphere, freezing anything it contacts. If liquid
refrigerant contacts eyes or skin, DO NOT rub eyes or skin. Immediately flush affected area with cool
water for 15 minutes and consult a doctor or hospital.
4. Never use R-134a in combination with compressed air for leak testing. Pressurized R-134a in the
presence of oxygen (air concentrations greater than 60% by volume) may form a combustible mixture.
DO NOT introduce compressed air into R-134a containers (full or empty), A/C system components or
service equipment.
5. DO NOT expose A/C system components to high temperatures, steam cleaning for example, as excessive
heat will cause refrigerant/system pressure to increase. Never expose refrigerant directly to open flame. If
refrigerant needs to be warmed, place bottom of refrigerant tank in warm water. Water temperature
MUST NOT exceed 125°F (52°C).
6. Use care when handling refrigerant containers. DO NOT drop, strike, puncture or incinerate containers.
Use Department Of Transportation (DOT) approved, DOT 4BW or DOT 4BA refrigerant containers.
7. Never overfill refrigerant containers. The safe filling level of a refrigerant container MUST NOT exceed
60% of the container's gross weight rating. Store refrigerant containers at temperature less than 125°F
8. R-12 refrigerant (Freon) will be sold and stored in White containers, while R-134a refrigerant will be sold
and stored in 30 or 50-pound Light Blue containers.
9. R-12 and R-134a refrigerants must never be mixed, as their desiccants and lubricants are not compatible.
If the refrigerants are mixed, system cross-contamination or A/C system component failure may occur.
Always use separate servicing and refrigerant recovery/recycling equipment.
10. Follow equipment manufacturer instructions of all service equipment to be used. The Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS), provided by refrigerant manufacturer/suppliers, contains valuable information
regarding the safe handling of refrigerants.
All R-134a based A/C systems use 1/2" - 16 ACME threaded fittings (identifiable by square threads) and quick-
connect service couplings. See Fig. 1 . Besides the use of these fittings, most manufacturers will use Green
colored "O" rings in R-134a systems.
Fig. 1: Identifying R-134a Fittings & Quick-Connect Service Couplings
Most R-134a based systems will be identified through the use of Green or Light Blue underhood labels, or with
R-134a refrigerant clearly printed on labels. See Fig. 2 . The underhood label used on Ford Motor Co. vehicles
is Yellow. Some manufacturers will identify R-12 based systems with White, Red, Silver or Gold underhood
labels. Before servicing an A/C system, always determine which refrigerant is being used.
Refrigerant R-134a, when viewed through a sight glass, may have a "milky" appearance due to the mixture of
refrigerant and lubricating oil. As the refrigerant and oil DO NOT exhibit a "clear" sight glass on a properly
charged A/C system, most R-134a systems have no sight glass.
NOTE: Use ONLY the specified oil for the appropriate system or A/C compressor.
Always check the underhood A/C specification label or A/C compressor label
before adding refrigerant oil to A/C compressor/system. See Fig. 2 . If engine
compartment/ compressor label specifications differ from specifications in this
article, use underhood/compressor label specifications.
Refrigerant R-12 based systems use mineral oil, while R-134a systems use synthetic/Polyalkylene Glycol
(PAG) oils. Using a mineral oil based lubricant with R-134a will result in A/C compressor failure due to lack of
proper lubrication. The following R-134a refrigerant oils are currently available:
NOTE: Synthetic/PAG oils absorb moisture very rapidly, 2.3-5.6 percent by weight, as
compared to a mineral oil absorption rate of .005 percent by weight.
Because R-134a is not interchangeable with R-12, separate sets of hoses, manifold gauge set and
recovery/recycling equipment are required to service vehicles. This is necessary to avoid cross-contaminating
and damaging system.
All equipment used to service systems using R-134a must meet SAE standard J1991. The service hoses on the
manifold gauge set must have manual (turn wheel) or automatic back-flow valves at the service port connector
ends. This will prevent refrigerant from being released into the atmosphere.
For identification purposes, R-134a service hoses must have a Black stripe along its length and be clearly
labeled SAE J2196/R-134a. The low pressure test hose is Blue with a Black stripe. The high pressure test hose
is Red with a Black stripe, and the center test hose is Yellow with a Black stripe.
R-134a manifold gauge sets can be identified by one or all of the following: Labeled FOR USE WITH R-134a
on set, labeled HFC-134 or R-134a on gauge face, or by a Light Blue color on gauge face. In addition,
pressure/temperature scales on R-134a gauge sets are different from R-12 manifold gauge sets.
NOTE: Although similar in construction and operation to a tire valve, NEVER replace a
Schrader-type valve with a tire valve.
Schrader valve is similar in construction and operation to a tire valve. When a test gauge hose with built-in
valve core depressor is attached, Schrader stem is pushed inward to the open position and allows system
pressure to reach gauge.
If test hose does not have a built-in core depressor, an adapter must be used. Never attach hose or adapter to
Schrader valve unless it is first connected to manifold gauge set.
Refrigerant R-12 Schrader-type valve cores have TV5 thread size. Refrigerant R-134a Schrader-type valve
cores use M6 (Metric) threads. R-134a valve cores can be easily identified by use of "O" rings and external
spring. See Fig. 1 .
Refrigerant recovery/recycling equipment is used to remove refrigerant from vehicle's A/C system without
polluting atmosphere. To remove and recycle refrigerant, connect the recovery/recycling system and follow
instructions provided with the equipment.
The removed refrigerant is filtered, dried and stored in a tank within the recovery/recycling system until it is
ready to be pumped back into the vehicle's A/C system. With refrigerant stored in the recovery/recycling
system, A/C system can be opened without polluting atmosphere.
(2) Specification is with ambient temperature at 80°F 27°C) and relative humidity at 50-70 percent.
(2) Specification is with ambient temperature at 80°F (27°C) and relative humidity at 50-70 percent.
Blower speed can be placed in 5 different levels from off (0) to high speed setting (4). The airflow to vent
outlets is dependent on driving speed. See Fig. 1.
This knob, in center of control panel, allows the increase or decrease of temperature in passenger compartment.
See Fig. 1.
Airflow can be directed to windshield, upper body area, or to footwells. Intermediate positions are also possible.
In the footwell position, a small amount of air flows to the windows to keep them from fogging up. See Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: A/C-Heater Control Panel & Airflow Patterns
Pin voltage charts are supplied to reduce diagnostic time. Checking pin voltages at the A/C-heater control unit
determines whether it is receiving and transmitting proper voltage signals. Charts may also help determine if
A/C-heater control unit wiring harness has a short or open circuit.
NOTE: All voltage tests should be performed with a Digital Volt-Ohmmeter (DVOM) with
minimum 10-megohm input impedance.
WARNING: To avoid injury from accidental air bag deployment, read and carefully
Remove radio. Pull off A/C-heater control panel knobs. See Fig. 2. Remove screws and pry off front panel.
Disconnect control cables and electrical connector. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Fig. 2: Removing Front Panel (Z3)
Fig. 3: Removing Center Console (Z3)
Remove windshield wiper assembly. Unclip 3 fan covers at firewall. Disconnect fan electrical connectors.
Unclip fan retaining bracket. Lift out blower motor. See Fig. 4. To install, reverse removal procedure.
1. Disconnect negative battery cable. Discharge A/C system, using approved refrigerant recovery/recycling
equipment. Disconnect A/C hoses for evaporator core in engine compartment.
2. Remove lower instrument panel covers. Disconnect A/C pipes from firewall to evaporator core by
removing the A/C pipe holder screws and sliding pipes upward with pressure plate. See Fig. 5.
3. Remove evaporator cover from evaporator case. Remove evaporator by sliding sideways off of case.
Remove expansion valve from evaporator core. Drain refrigerant oil from evaporator and measure
4. To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace oil in evaporator with the same amount that was drained.
Replace all "O" rings and coat them with refrigerant oil before installation. Evacuate, charge, and leak test
A/C system.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
A/C Compressor Bolts 16 (22)
A/C Compressor Clutch Spring Plate 15 (20)
Pressure Safety Switch
High Pressure (1) 18 (25)
Fig. 7: Manual A/C Circuit - (1 of 1)
The refrigerant Freon(R) R12 is used in most BMW automobiles with an air conditioner up through the 1992
model year. It has a boiling point of --29.8°C (sea level), at which the refrigerant is transformed from a liquid
into a gaseous state. This boiling point, however, is not constant. It is displaced in the direction of higher
temperatures as pressure increases.
Freon(R) R12 complies with the requirements expected of a safety refrigerant. Freon(R) is not combustible and
does not turn into an explosive mixture with air. It is also odorless and non-toxic. Conformance with certain
safety regulations is essential to the handling of refrigeration systems.
Avoid any contact with liquid refrigerant, since this could cause frostbite. Protect eyes with safety
goggles and hands with gloves. Contact a doctor without delay in case of an accident.
Freon(R) R12 is heavier than air, so this refrigerant must not be discharged in closed rooms. There is
danger of asphyxiation in a sunken work area (pit). Do not store bottles of refrigerant at temperatures
above 113°F/45°C or heat them.
Never weld on or near a system filled with refrigerant. Heat could cause excessive pressure and an
explosion. In addition, Freon(R) R12 will decompose at high temperature or when subjected to an open
flame. The resulting decomposition products would be hazardous to health.
Make sure you read the container label instructions completely prior to use.
Obtain and use the correct type of refrigerant recovery/recycling machine. Follow the directions included
in the machine's instruction manual.
The refrigerant HFC-134a (also known as R-134a) is used as of the following models with an air conditioner:
This environmentally friendly refrigerant performs similar functions as Freon(R) R12, but the refrigerants Freon
(R) R12 and R-134a must NEVER be mixed or combined in any way under any circumstances.
See T.R.I. 64 01 92 (2121) for general information, S.I. Bulletin B 64 10 92 (3536) for overall description and
diagnostic procedure, and S.I. Bulletin B 64 02 92 (3495) for non-approved refrigerants.
Always wear eye protection and gloves while handling refrigerant or servicing air conditioning systems.
Avoid breathing R-134a and lubricant vapor or mist. Exposure may irritate eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.
Use only approved service equipment to discharge A/C systems. If accidental system discharge occurs,
ventilate work area before resuming service.
If refrigerant or compressor oil contacts the skin or eyes, large quantities of cool water should be used to
flush the affected area.
Never heat a refrigerant container with an open flame. Keep all refrigerants away from open flames, since
burning refrigerant can produce poisonous gas.
Under no circumstances should R-134a service equipment or vehicle A/C systems be pressure tested with
air/R- 134a mixtures. Some mixtures of air and R-134a have been shown to be combustible at elevated
The use of compressed air (shop air) for leak detection in R-134a systems could result in fire or explosion
causing injury or property damage. In addition, introducing compressed air into A/C systems or components
contaminates the system and/or refrigerant with moisture.
Obtain and use the correct type of refrigerant recovery/recycling machine. Follow the directions included
in the machine's instruction manual.
A mineral-based oil is used. The oil level in the compressor must be checked before filling an air conditioner
with refrigerant. It can be checked only if the system is without refrigerant.
Always check the oil level each time a new system is filled with Freon(R) R12 or after repairs. The oil level is
very important for the entire air conditioning system. Part of the oil (approx. 25% depending on amount of
refrigerant) is mixed with the refrigerant and is continuously circulated in the system. This oil lubricates the
moving parts of the system, such as the expansion valve and compressor.
A synthetic oil is used, which is totally different than the mineral-based oils used in Freon(R) R12 systems.
R-134a systems require Polyalkylene Glycol lubricants, often referred to as "PAG" oil. Use of R-12 compressor
oil in R-134a systems will cause the compressor to seize and fail. The R-12 mineral oil does not stay in solution
in R-134a. In addition, R-134a compressor should not be used in an R-12 system. Long term damage and
corrosion will result.
The GREEN R-134a system labels, usually located near the top side of the fan shroud in the engine
compartment, will display the refrigerant requirement for R-134a systems. An example is illustrated.
R-12 systems will have a BLACK label in a similar location.
PAG oil should only be stored in its original container, and sealed as tightly as possible. PAG oil is totally
devoid of moisture when packaged, and will absorb moisture readily (hygroscopic) if exposed to the
atmosphere, rendering it useless. Dispose of all extracted lubricants from A/C systems. Never reuse old
compressor oil. Contaminated PAG oil should never be added to the air-conditioning system, and old PAG oil is
typically contaminated with moisture. R-134a is even more sensitive to moisture contamination than R-12
systems, and because of the desiccant material change (refer to "Receiver-Dryer"), the capacity per volume of
the receiver-dryer is typically less.
"Airguard" by J. J. Products, Inc.; "Airsept" by The Auto Doctor or Air Conditioning and Heating System
Treatment by Wurth USA, Inc.
Note that some 1993 Model Year early production R-134a equipped vehicles have under-hood labels that
specify higher charge values than those specified in the chart. Testing has confirmed that the values given are
the optimum fill capacities. Consult the chart before refilling. Labels with the lower refrigerant charge amount
specified on the chart have been phased into production as of 11/92.
When performing repairs to the A/C system that require recharging, only the specifications given in this chart
should be used, as well as the label part numbers, as appropriate (see chart). However, inadvertent refrigerant
charging up to the fill capacity given on an " original" ('93 MY production prior to 11/92) under-hood label will
not cause any problems.
3/E36, R-134a M coupe and M All 950 +/- 26 Refer to HEATING 64 50 8 391
roadster (2.09 +/- AND AIR 525
E36 .
3/E36, R-134a All All from 11/92 825 +/- 25 120 +/- 20 (4.1 +/- 0.7) 64 50 8 367
(1.82 +/- (5) , (6) 947
0.05) 150 +/- 10 (5.1 +/- 0.3)
(5) , (7)
3/E46, R-134a All All 740 +/- 25 160 +/- 10 (5.4 +/- 0.3) 64 50 8 380
(1.63 +/- (5) , (6) 053
3/E90, R-134a All All 500 +/- 15 Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 6 952
(1.10 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 937
0.03) REPAIR
5/E28, R-12 524, 535, M5 All 975 +/- 25 170 +/- 20 (5.7 +/- 0.7) 64 50 1 380
(2.15 +/- 981
5/E28, R-12 528e, 533 All 1275 +/- 25 170 +/- 20 (5.7 +/- 0.7) 64 50 1 380
(2.81 +/- 984
5/E34, R-12 525i, 535i, All up to 9/92 1925 +/- 25 200 +/- 20 (6.8 +/- 0.7) 64 53 1 382
525iT (4.24 +/- 614
5/E34, R-12 M5 All up to 9/92 1500 +/- 25 200 +/- 20 (6.8 +/- 0.7) 64 53 1 378
(3.31 +/- 247
5/E34, R-134a M5 From 9/92 (2) 1450 +/- 25 160 +/- 20 (5.4 +/- 0.7) 64 50 8 391
(3.19 +/- (5) 751 (4)
5/E34, R-134a All Others All from 9/92 1550 +/- 25 160 +/- 20 (5.4 +/- 0.7) 64 50 8 391
3.42 +/- 0.05) (5) 523 (4)
5/E39, R-134a All Up to 9/98 1210 +/- 25 160 +/- 15 (5.4 +/- 0.5) 64 50 8 362
(2.67 +/- (5) , (6) 434
180 +/- 20 (6.1 +/- 0.7)
(5) , (7)
5/E39, R-134a All From 9/98 750 +/- 25 160 +/- 15 (5.4 +/- 0.5) 64 50 8 387
(1.65 +/- (5) , (6) 412
0.05) 180 +/- 20 (6.1 +/- 0.7)
(5) , (7)
5/E60, R-134a All (Includes From 8/03 810 +/- 10 Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 6 920
M5) (1.78 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 708
0.02) REPAIR
5/E61, R134a All All 810 +/- 10 Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 6 920
(1.78 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 708
0.02) REPAIR
6/E24, R-12 Rear Air All 1800 +/- 25 170 +/- 20 (5.7 +/- 0.7) 653 1 380
Conditioner (3.97 +/- 728
6/E24, R-12 All Others All 1100 +/- 25 170 +/- 20 (5.7 +/- 0.7) 64 50 1 380
(2.43 +/- 982
5/E63/E64, R- All From 8/03 810 +/- 10 Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 6 920
134a (1.78 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 708
0.02) REPAIR
E63/E64 .
7/E23, R-12 733, 735 All up to 9/85 1275 +/- 25 170 +/- 20 (5.7 +/- 0.7) 64 50 1 380
(2.81 +/- 984
7/E23, R-12 735 All from 9/85 1175 +/- 25 170 +/- 20 (5.7 +/- 0.7) 64 50 1 380
(2.59 +/- 983
7/E32, R-12 750iL All up to 11/92 1925 +/- 25 200 +/- 20 (6.8 +/- 0.7) 64 53 1 382
(2) (4.24 +/- 614
7/E32, R-12 735i, 735iL All up to 3/92 1925 +/- 25 200 +/- 20 (6.8 +/- 0.7) 64 53 1 382
(2) (4.24 +/- (5) 614
7/E32, R-134a 735i, 735iL From 3/92 (3) 1550 +/- 25 160 +/- 20 (5.4 +/- 0.7) 64 50 8 391
(3.42 +/- (5) 523
7/E32, R-134a 740i, 740iL, From 9/922 1550 +/- 25 160 +/- 20 (5.4 +/- 0.7) 64 50 8 391
750iL (3.42 +/- (5) 5234
7/E38, R-134a All All up to 11/97 1210 +/- 25 180 +/- 30 (6.1 +/- 1.0) 64 50 8 362
All All from 11/97 (2.67 +/- (5) , (6) 434
0.05) 180 +/- 20 (6.1 +/- 0.7) 64 50 8 381
680 +/- 25 (5) , (7) 241
(1.50 +/-
7/E65, R-134a 745i, 750i All 810 +/- 25 Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 6 920
(1.78 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 708
0.05) REPAIR
7/E66, R-134a 745Li, 750Li All 810 +/- 25 Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 6 920
(1.78 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 708
0.05) REPAIR
7/E66, R-134a 760Li All 1120 +/- 25 Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 6 924
(2.46 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 568
0.05) REPAIR
8/E31, R-12 All All up to 9/92 1925 +/- 25 200 +/- 20 (6.8 +/- 0.7) 64 53 1 382
(4.24 +/- 614
8/E31, R-134a All All from 9/92 1550 +/- 25 Nippon Denso 160 +/- 30 64 50 8 391
(3.42 +/- (5.4 +/- 1.0) 523
0.05) Seiko Seiki 180 +/- 20
(6.0 +/- 0.7)
Z4/E85, R-134a All All 740 +/- 10 Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 6 920
(1.63 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 364
0.05) REPAIR
Z8/E52, R-134a All All 710 +/- 25 Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 8 384
(1.56 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 651
0.05) REPAIR
X5/E53, R-134a 3.0, 4.4i, 4.6i, All 440 +/- 10 Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 8 385
4.8iS (0.970 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 985
0.02) REPAIR
X3/E83, R134a 2.5, 3.0 All 740 +/- 25g Refer to HEATING AND 64 50 8 385
(1.63 +/- AIR CONDITIONING - 985
0.05) REPAIR
(1) The Modine condenser was used in many E36 vehicles over the production range 9/91 - 3/92. This
condenser has a smaller volume, and the A/C system must be charged accordingly. Refer to S.I.
Bulletin B 64 09 92 (3529) for details concerning the identification and charging of E36 Modine
(2) Production start of 1993 MY E34/S38 (M5) 9/92; E32/M70 (750iL) 11/92.
(3) R-134a, the environmentally friendly air conditioning refrigerant, was introduced to the U.S. market
beginning with 3/92 production E32/M30 (735i/iL) vehicles. refer to S.I. Bulletin B 64 10 92 (3536)
for information pertaining to R-134a.
(4) Labels reflecting the proper charging volumes given on this chart are available form BMW Parts.
These may be used in place of the original equipment labels on '93 model year vehicles produced
before 11/92.
(5) All vehicles equipped with R-134a refrigerant require special PAG lubricant. refer to S.I. Bulletin B
64 10 92 (3536).
(6) Nippon Denso
NOTE: For scheduled maintenance intervals and the related fluid capacities, fluid
specifications and labor times for major service intervals, see SCHEDULED
SERVICES article in this section. Warranty information and specifications for
fluid capacities, lubrication specifications, wheel and tire size, and battery type
are covered in this article.
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is stamped on the right hand side of the heater bulkhead and also on
an adhesive label located inside the left front door opening. The number is also stamped on a metal strip that is
fastened to the dash adjacent to the middle of the windshield. In an effort to deter theft, VIN number is stamped
on body, engine and transmission components.
Numbers preceding the explanations in the legend below refer to the sequence of characters as listed on VIN
identification label. See VIN example below.
Fig. 1: VIN Code ID Explanation
The condition of camshaft drive belts should always be checked on vehicles which have more than 50,000
miles. Although some manufacturers do not recommend belt replacement at a specified mileage, others require
it at 60,000-100,000 miles. A camshaft drive belt failure may cause extensive damage to internal engine
components on most engines, although some designs do not allow piston-to-valve contact. These designs are
often called "Free Wheeling".
Many manufacturers changed their maintenance and warranty schedules in the mid-1980's to reflect timing belt
inspection and/or replacement at 50,000-60,000 miles. Most service interval schedules in this manual reflect
these changes.
Belts or components should be inspected and replaced if any of the following conditions exist:
The maintenance services are done in sequence: Engine Oil Service, Inspection I, Engine Oil Service,
Inspection II. An Annual Service is to be performed with, or in addition to, all other services when due.
NOTE: There is insufficient snow chain clearance when 195/65 VR 14 (14 x 6.5 wheel)
or 205/55 VR 15 (15 x 7 wheel) are fitted. Snow chains must be used on drive
wheels, in pairs only.
CAUTION: When battery is disconnected, vehicles equipped with computers may lose
memory data. When battery power is restored, driveability problems may
exist on some vehicles. These vehicles may require a relearn procedure.
All models use group 48 batteries with cold crank rating of 690 amps.
At date specified on label in glove box, entire SRS should be thoroughly inspected.
WARNING: To avoid injury from accidental air bag deployment, read and carefully
follow all warnings and service precautions. See appropriate AIR BAGS
CAUTION: Disconnect negative battery cable before servicing any air bag system,
steering column or passenger side dash component. After any repair, turn
ignition key to the ON position from passenger's side of vehicle in case of
accidental air bag inflation
Modifications or improper maintenance, including incorrect removal and installation of the Supplemental
Restraint System (SRS), can adversely affect system performance. DO NOT cover, obstruct or change the
steering wheel horn pad in any way, as such action could cause improper function of the system. Use only plain
water when cleaning the horn pad. Solvents or cleaners could adversely affect the air bag cover and cause
improper deployment of the system.
WARNING: To avoid injury from accidental air bag deployment, read and carefully
follow all warnings and service precautions. See appropriate AIR BAGS
CAUTION: Disconnect negative battery cable before servicing any air bag system,
steering column or passenger side dash component. After any repair, turn
ignition key to the ON position from passenger's side of vehicle in case of
accidental air bag inflation
The anti-lock brake system contains electronic equipment that can be susceptible to interference caused by
improperly installed or high output radio transmitting equipment. Since this interference could cause the
possible loss of the anti-lock braking capability, such equipment should be installed by qualified professionals.
On models equipped with anti-lock brake systems, ALWAYS observe the following cautions:
DO NOT attempt to bleed hydraulic system without first referring to the appropriate ANTI-LOCK
BRAKE SYSTEM article in the BRAKES Section.
DO NOT mix tire sizes. As long as tires remain close to the original diameter, increasing the width is
acceptable. Rolling diameter must be identical for all 4 tires. Some manufacturers recommend tires of the
same brand, style and type. Failure to follow this precaution may cause inaccurate wheel speed readings.
Use ONLY recommended brake fluids. DO NOT use silicone brake fluids in an ABS-equipped vehicle.
CAUTION: Before replacing a blown fuse, remove ignition key, turn off all lights and
accessories to avoid damaging the electrical system. Be sure to use fuse
with the correct indicated amperage rating. The use of an incorrect
amperage rating fuse may result in a dangerous electrical system
CAUTION: Any modification to the exhaust system on turbo models, which reduces
exhaust backpressure, will lead to lean fuel mixtures and excessive spark
advance. This could cause serious engine damage.
WARNING: Contact with live ignition system components while engine is running
could lead to a fatal electric shock.
WARNING: Relieve fuel system pressure prior to servicing any fuel system
component (fuel injection models).
WARNING: Halogen bulbs contain pressurized gas which may explode if overheated.
DO NOT touch glass portion of bulb with bare hands. Eye protection
should be worn when handling or working around halogen bulbs.
CAUTION: Always disconnect the fan motor when working near the radiator fan. The
fan is temperature controlled and could start at any time even when the
ignition key is in the OFF position. DO NOT loosen or remove radiator cap
when cooling system is hot.
WARNING: Keep hands away from radiator fan. Fan is controlled by a thermostatic
switch which may come on or run for up to 15 minutes even after engine
is turned off.
NOTE: When using the removable towing eye, ensure it is fully tightened.
CAUTION: Due to the different warranties offered in various regions and the variety of
after-market extended warranties available, please refer to the warranty
package that came with the vehicle to verify all warranty options.
Covers every manufacturer supplied part for 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever occurs first. Tires are
covered by a separate warranty offered by the tire manufacturer.
Warrants cars to be free of defects in materials or workmanship for a period of 4 years or 50,000 miles,
whichever comes first. (1989-90 vehicles covered for 3 years/36,000 miles.)
Covered by the Limited Warranty for a period of 3 years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first.
Covers holes caused by corrosion in body sheet metal for 6 years, without respect to mileage, so long as the
yearly inspection and maintenance services are performed.
Manufacturer warrants to the initial purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that this vehicle is designed, built,
and equipped so as to conform at the time of sale with all U.S. and California Air Resources Board emission
regulations. The vehicle is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship which cause it to
fail to conform with applicable regulations within the first 5 years or 50,000 miles, whichever occurs first.
Warrants that vehicle is free from defects in materials and workmanship which cause it to fail to conform with
applicable emission requirements or to fail a California Smog Check test or EPA approved short test for a
period of 3 years or 50,000 miles, whichever occurs first. After 3 years or 50,000 miles, repairs are limited to
the repair or replacement of those parts listed on the California Emissions Warranty Parts List. If your
California registered vehicle is between 3 and 5 years old and has been driven less than 50,000 miles, then your
vehicle is eligible for additional coverage under the Emissions Control System Limited Warranty.
The fuse box with spare fuses, fuse removal tool and relays are located on the left wheel arch inside the engine
Fig. 8: Fuse Panel Identification
1 - 30 Amp Sunroof
2 - 25 Amp Auxiliary Connector
3 - 30 Amp Headlight/Foglight Cleaning Module
4 - 15 Amp Unloader Relay (K9)
5 - 30 Amp Power Seats
6 - 20 Amp Rear Defogger Relay
7 - 5 Amp Power Door Locks, Convertible Top, Trunk Lid Relay
8 - 15 Amp Horn Relay, Anti-Theft Control Module
9 - 20 Amp Radio, Hi-Fi Amplifier
10 - 30 Amp Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System
11 - 7.5 Amp Right Low Beam Headlight, Check Control Module
12 - 7.5 Amp Left Low Beam Headlight, Check Control Module
13 - 5 Amp Not Used
14 - 30 Amp Body Electronic Control Module
15 - 15 Amp Foglights, Instrument Cluster
16 - 5 Amp Cooling Fan Relays, A/C Compressor Control Relay
17 - 10 Amp Rear Foglight Switch (Canada)
18 - 15 Amp Fuel Pump
19 - 15 Amp Relay Module
20 - 30 Amp Blower Relay, Park Ventilation Relay
21 - 5 Amp Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System
22 - 5 Amp Light Switch
23 - 5 Amp Unloader Relay (K9), Rear Defogger Relay, Combination Switch, Climate Control System,
Clock, Instrument Cluster, On-Board Computer
24 - 10 Amp Power Mirrors
25 - 5 Amp (USA) Light Switch
25 - 5 Amp (Canada) Light Switch, Low Beam Light Relay, Right Park Light/License Plate Light Relay,
Left Park Light Relay
26 - 10 Amp Back-Up Lights Switch, Program Switch, Transmission Range Switch, Throttle Flap Heater
27 - 5 Amp Instrument Cluster
28 - 5 Amp Automatic Transmission Range Switch
29 - 7.5 Amp Left High Beam Light
30 - 7.5 Amp Right High Beam Light
31 - 5 Amp Climate Control System, On-Board Computer, Instrument Cluster, Clock, Chime Module,
On-Board Display
32 - 30 Amp Front Cigarette Lighter
33 - 10 Amp Light Switch, Charging Socket, Telephone Transceiver, Body Electronic Control Module,
CD Changer, Trunk Light, Left Park Light Relay (Canada), Front Dome & Map Lamps, Ignition Switch
34 - 15 Amp Crash Control Module, Hazard Flasher Relay
35 - 25 Amp Convertible Top Motor, Body Electronic Control Module
36 - 30 Amp Wiper Relay
37 - 10 Amp Light Switch, Right Park Light/License Plate Light DRL Relay (Canada)
38 - 30 Amp ABS Pump Motor Relay
39 - 7.5 Amp Compressor Control Relay
40 - 30 Amp Power Seats
41 - 30 Amp High Speed Relay
42 - 7.5 Amp Rollover Sensor, Supplemental Restraint System Control Module
43 - 5 Amp Convertible Top Control Module, Seat Load Assembly, Body Electronics Control Module,
Telephone Transceiver, Anti-Theft Control System, Make-Up Mirrors, Front Dome & Map Lights
44 - 15 Amp Radio, Wiper/Washer Module, Washer Pump, Twin Relay Module
45 - 7.5 Amp Wiper Relay, Wiper Motor Relay, Clock, On-Board Computer, On-Board Display Check
Control Module
46 - 15 Amp Cruise Control System, Instrument Cluster, Brake Light Switch
NOTE: Most vehicles are equipped with a Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) or check
engine light. If light comes on and remains on while driving, the vehicle requires
some type of repair. See appropriate service and repair information. After
repairing fault(s) and clearing fault code(s), the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)
or check engine light should go out. Some models may use a dual-function
indicator light, which is also used to indicate emission component service is
due. After performing required service, reset indicator light.
NOTE: Brake pad warning light should go out after replacement of brake pad thickness
sensor. If warning light does not go out, turn ignition on, engine off, for 30-45
seconds. Warning light should go out. If the above procedure is not successful,
connect vehicle to DIS tester, access Instrument Cluster/IKE, then "clear fault
NOTE: The base instrument cluster OIL SERVICE INSPECTION display is located on
the bottom of the cluster, to the right of center. The base cluster is also
equipped with a graphic display of the car that shows if a door or the trunk lid is
open. The high instrument cluster OIL SERVICE INSPECTION display is located
on the bottom of the cluster, to the left of center.
NOTE: To determine the appropriate reset procedure, refer to BRAKE PAD WARNING
LIGHT RESET INDEX. Only vehicles listed in this index have a specific brake
pad warning light reset procedure. For other vehicles, perform PROCEDURE 1
first. If light does not reset, perform PROCEDURE 2. If the above procedures are
not successful, connect vehicle to DIS tester, access Instrument Cluster/IKE,
then "clear fault memory".
1. Every 30,000 miles (25,000 miles on 528i) the OXYGEN light in dash will come on as a reminder to
replace the oxygen sensor.
NOTE: On 528e models, pull the protective metal plate off before removing
oxygen sensor.
2. On 528e models, no interval reset switch is provided. After replacing sensor, remove instrument panel.
Remove and discard bulb for OXYGEN sensor light.
3. On all other models, trace speedometer cable to interval switch (in-line with cable, mounted on frame rail
left of transmission). Press White reset button. See Fig. 1. Ensure warning light is out.
Fig. 1: Locating Oxygen Sensor Warning Light Reset Switch (All BMW Models Before 1983)
NOTE: Some late production (February 1985 and later) BMW models have a reset
button on rear of the light control assembly located near pedal assembly. Press
button to reset light after servicing oxygen sensor.
No reset switch is provided. When oxygen sensor light comes on, service oxygen sensor. Remove and discard
bulb from indicator.
NOTE: This is sometimes referred to as the "Oil Change Light" or "Oil Service Light".
NOTE: On models that still use the round diagnostic connector in engine compartment,
use SIA reset tool to reset service lights. See SERVICE INTERVAL LIGHT
RESET - PROCEDURE 1. On models without the round diagnostic connector in
the engine compartment, the use of the SIA reset tool is not possible. See
only be reset using the reset mode in the instrument cluster or by using BMW
hardware. This procedure applies to 3-Series from production date 9/99, and 5-
Series and 7-Series from production date 9/00 (except 2002-05 7-Series and
2004-05 5-Series) without an engine compartment diagnostic connector. For
2002-up models with condition based service (CBS) interval system reset
Starting in 1983 and ending on some models in 1999, service indicator on instrument panel consists of 5
Green, 3 Red and one Yellow Light Emitting Diodes (LED) and the inscriptions OIL SERVICE and
INSPECTION. When ignition is on, as many as 5 Green LEDs will light up. The Green LEDs go out
when the engine is started. If the Yellow LED glows and one of the inscriptions comes on and remains on
when the engine is started, maintenance service is due immediately. When maintenance interval has been
exceeded (after approximately 1000 miles) the Red LED's will come on in addition to the Yellow LED as
a reminder for servicing.
Beginning on some models in 1999, a new method for displaying the service interval is used. Colored
LEDs are no longer used to display the amount of time until the next service or inspection is due. The
actual mileage remaining until the next service will be displayed for five seconds when the ignition is first
switched on. The text OIL SERVICE or INSPECTION will also illuminate to show which service is due.
A minus symbol (-) before the mileage display indicates that a service is past due.
The 2002-05 models with condition based service (CBS) interval system uses an entirely different service
1. To reset instrument cluster SIA OIL SERVICE indicator, turn ignition switch to ON position. Connect
Service Indicator Resetter (62 1 110) to diagnosis connector in engine compartment. See Fig. 2.
2. Press Yellow OIL SERVICE button. Green LED will illuminate. Wait until Yellow LED illuminates and
then goes out again. Ensure that OIL SERVICE indicator has been reset.
3. To reset SERVICE INTERVAL indicator, press Red INSPECTION service button for inspection. Green
LED illuminates. Wait until Red LED illuminates and then goes out again. Turn ignition switch to OFF
position, wait 20 seconds and repeat procedure in order to adapt interval of annual inspection to
inspection. Ensure that SERVICE INTERVAL indicator has been reset.
Models use a Condition Based Service (CBS) service interval system, which displays a Service Need Display
(SND). When ignition is on, Service Need Display appears under the speedometer in the instrument cluster for
10 seconds in the place where the fuel tank level is normally displayed. The first line corresponds to the mileage
dependent service items. It specifies the mileage when the next service is due.
If the mileage is exceeded (service overdue), it appears with a minus sign. The second line corresponds to the
time dependent service items and is displayed by a clock symbol. It specifies the weeks/months/years when the
next service is due. If the service is overdue, it appears with a minus sign. The actual service item (with
additional information) can be viewed in the control display.
NOTE: On some models an appropriate scan tool may be used to reset CBS service
schedules. By using suitable diagnostic equipment connected to the vehicle
diagnostic connector it is possible to reset CBS service schedules at any time.
By selecting the `CBS' option, the diagnostic equipment will gather information
regarding the current state of CBS items from their relevant modules on the
CAN network.
Service reset is accomplished using instrument cluster:
NOTE: If the odometer button is pressed too long (10 secs in total), German
writing will appear (giving the software level/ can bus etc. of the vehicle).
This indicates that you've overshot the reset procedure and you need to
re-start from the beginning.
4. The service menu should now be displayed. Use the toggle switch on indicator stalk (twisting the stalk) to
scroll up/down through the various service items.
5. When the item to be reset is showing, press the BC button on end of indicator stalk. "Reset" should now
appear in the display. Press in and hold the BC button for 2-3 secs and a whirling clock icon will be
displayed. The reset procedure for the selected service item is done.
6. Scroll up/down to select another item (as in step 4), or press the start/stop button to exit.
NOTE: Residual wear or remaining time are specified (possibly with a minus sign). The
"1" symbol means that you can reset service operation (early production
vehicles may show an "F"), while a "0" indicates it is not resettable (the first 20
percent of the service interval is also protected against accidental reset). For
additional information about Condition Based Service (CBS), see RESETTING
The BMW maintenance system SIA IV (service interval indicator) is used on X3 models (E83). The service
interval indicator is a system subject to constant development which in its development stages has been
integrated in various model series such as E85 (Z4) and E46 (3 and M3-Series).
The service indicator appears in the LC display in the instrument cluster's speedometer. The indicator is shown
for 5 seconds in the LC display after terminal R is "ON". See Fig. 7.
NOTE: If a tire pressure has been adjusted, or a wheel or tire has been changed or
replaced, or repairs have been made to air spring suspension, the TPM system
must be reinitialized. System must be reinitialized both before and after pulling
a trailer.
CAUTION: When driving with snow chains or a space-saver spare tire, DO NOT
initialize the system.
NOTE: To determine the appropriate reset procedure, refer to TPMS RESET INDEX.
Only vehicles listed in this index have a TPMS reset.
4. Drive vehicle. Initialization is automatically completed during the drive, without any feedback issued.
NOTE: The initialization finishes during driving, which can be interrupted at any time.
When driving resumes, the initialization is continued automatically.
NOTE: It takes at least 10 minutes before the TPM system can detect and report a
flat tire.
6. Select counterclockwise left arrow button and confirm to exit from menu.
Fig. 13: Identifying TPM System Reinitialization Messages (1 Of 2)
When the color of the tire indicator is Green, tire pressure is within the established target value. When the
indicator color is Yellow in one of the wheel, check for a flat tire or substantial loss of pressure in the indicated
tire. A message also appears in Control Display.
If indicator color is Yellow in all wheels, check for flat tire or substantial loss of tire pressure in several tires. A
message will also appear in Control Display.
If indicator color is Gray, system cannot detect a puncture. Check for TPM being reset, temporary malfunction
caused by systems or devices using the same radio frequency or a system malfunction.
NOTE: The initialization finishes during driving, which can be interrupted at any time.
When driving resumes, the initialization is continued automatically.
CAUTION: When driving with snow chains or a space-saver spare tire, DO NOT
initialize the system.
Fig. 16: Locating TPM System Reset Button (M-Coupe & Roadster)
Fig. 17: Locating TPM System Reset Button (X3)
With iDrive
CAUTION: Do not initialize the system while snow chains are attached.
NOTE: Each time a tire inflation pressure has been corrected or a wheel or tire has
been changed, reset the system.
Initialization: :
The initialization is completed during driving, which can be interrupted at any time. When driving resumes, the
initialization is continued automatically.
Fig. 22: iDrive Showing Tire Monitor "Reset"
NOTE: Each time a tire inflation pressure has been corrected or a wheel or tire has
been changed, reset the system.
The color of the tires represents the status of the tires and the system. TPM takes into account that tire pressures
change while the vehicle is being driven. The tire pressures do not need to be corrected unless the TPM instructs
you to do so by means of color indicators.
Green: The tire inflation pressure corresponds to the established target value. "TPM active" appears on
the Control Display.
One Wheel Yellow: There is a flat tire or substantial loss of tire pressure in the indicated tire. A message
appears on the Control Display.
All Wheels Yellow: There is a flat tire or substantial loss of tire pressure in several tires. A message
appears on the Control Display.
Gray: The system cannot detect a puncture. Possible reasons for this:
TPM is being reset.
Temporary malfunction caused by systems or devices using the same radio frequency.
Initialization (Reset): :
After driving a few minutes, the set inflation pressures in the tires are accepted as the target values to be
monitored. The system reset is completed during your drive, and can be interrupted at any time. When driving
resumes, the reset is continued automatically. On the Control Display, the tires are shown in green and "TPM
active" is displayed again.
IMPORTANT: If a flat tire is detected while the system is resetting and determining the
inflation pressures, all tires on the Control Display are displayed in yellow. The
message "Low tire!" is shown.
Message For Unsuccessful System Reset: The warning lamp lights up yellow. A message will appear on
the Control Display. Check the tire inflation pressure and reset the system.
Malfunction: The small warning lamp flashes in yellow and then lights up continuously; the larger
warning lamp comes on in yellow. On the Control Display, the tires are shown in gray and a message
appears. No punctures can be detected. This type of message is shown in the following situations:
If there is a malfunction. Have the system checked.
If TPM is temporarily malfunctioning due to other systems or devices using the same radio
Without iDrive
Indirect System (Flat Tire Monitor)
CAUTION: Do not initialize the system while snow chains are attached.
NOTE: Each time a tire inflation pressure has been corrected or a wheel or tire has
been changed, reset the system.
Reset: :
The initialization is completed during driving, which can be interrupted at any time. When driving resumes, the
initialization is continued automatically.
CAUTION: Do not initialize the system while snow chains are attached.
NOTE: Each time a tire inflation pressure has been corrected or a wheel or tire has
been changed, reset the system.
IMPORTANT: The system does not work correctly if it has not been reset; for example, a flat
tire may be indicated even though the tire inflation pressures are correct. The
system is inactive and cannot indicate a flat tire if a wheel without TPM
electronics, such as a compact spare wheel, has been mounted, or if TPM is
temporarily malfunctioning due to other systems or devices using the same
radio frequency.
Reset: :
After driving a few minutes, the set inflation pressures in the tires are accepted as the target values to be
monitored. The system reset is completed during your drive, and can be interrupted at any time. When driving
resumes, the reset is continued automatically. The indicator lamp goes out after the system reset is completed.
Fig. 25: Tire Pressure Monitor Status Display
Message For Unsuccessful System Reset: The warning lamp lights up yellow. The system was not reset.
Check the tire inflation pressure and reset the system.
Malfunction: The small warning lamp flashes in yellow and then lights up continuously; the larger
warning lamp comes on in yellow. On the Control Display, the tires are shown in gray and a message
appears. No punctures can be detected. This type of message is shown in the following situations:
If there is a malfunction. Have the system checked.
If TPM is temporarily malfunctioning due to other systems or devices using the same radio
These operating fluids specifications describe the standards which are necessary for approval and application
for BMW automobiles. Operating fluids are arranged in vehicle group category and are approved for all
assemblies. Any reference to a particular fluid contained in an active Service Information Bulletin since January
1987 will be listed next to the fluid's part number. Before applying operating fluids, it is important to make sure
that the specifications and manufacturing codes on the container conform with those on the enclosed
specification list.
Prior to their approval, all operating fluids are tested in detail on test stands, in laboratories, and in cars during
field tests.
As new information is received, the Operating Fluids Manual will be updated. Some lubricants or fluids may be
listed in more than one specific group. For example, Part No. 81 22 1 468 879 (Pentosin CHF7.1 Fluid) is listed
under Group 32 (Steering) as well as in Group 37 (Integrated Suspension Systems). BMW Car Care products
are listed in Group 99.
BMW of North America has also approved various fluids for use which are not available through the Parts
Department, but may be obtained locally. A list of these approved fluids is found on sections 4.0
Some fluids have been phased out of PDC inventory. Such fluids will be marked by an asterisk (*) after the part
number along with the name(s) of alternate supplier(s) and the product name/part number.
Replace engine oil and filter after engine reaches operating temperature. Run engine several minutes after
replacing oil.
Engine oil must be replaced every 12 months. Factory engine oil (in new cars) can remain in the engine up to 12
Disconnect battery ground lead to avoid discharging battery through current draw of electrical equipment. Or,
switch off battery main disconnect switch (if equipped).
Operate air conditioner monthly for 10 minutes in order to lubricate the seals and the expansion valve. Note:
The air conditioner will only work at temperatures above 37°F/3°C.
Replace brake fluid if car has been parked outdoors longer than six (6) months.
Fill the vehicle fuel tank with fresh fuel in order to prevent condensation inside the tank (applies only to metal
fuel tanks).
Check, and if needed, correct the coolant level and concentration of long-term antifreeze and corrosion
Apply brakes to dry the brake discs of any moisture and spray them with a corrosion inhibitor. Spray the
complete brake assemblies after parking the car at its final storage location.
Do not apply the parking brake. Brake linings could seize when the parking brake is applied for an extended
period of time. Rather, engage first gear (manual transmissions) or " park" position (automatic transmissions) to
hold vehicle stationary.
Thoroughly clean the entire car, including underside, engine and engine compartment.
Repair any damage to the paint finish. Wash entire vehicle exterior with BMW Car Wash Shampoo (Part No. 82
14 9 400 129) or equivalent. Polish painted and chrome finishes with Car Polish Cream - 3M Part No. 6055
(former BMW Part No. 82 14 9 400 131) or equivalent.
Polishing the vehicle with abrasive cleaners and/or cleaner waxes may have a detrimental effect on the
appearance of the paint. Waxing of Paint Sealer treated vehicles may still be done, but only if non-abrasive
cleaners or non-abrasive cleaner-waxes are used.
Wax painted and chrome finishes with BMW Car Wax (Part No. 83 12 9 408 527) or equivalent.
Wax painted and chrome plated parts if storage period is 12 months or longer. Dewax and rewax cars every six
(6) months if stored outside.
Conversion Factors:
(1) These items are no longer available through BMW NA Parts Department.
(2) Stops electrical and mechanical faults due to water, moisture, rust, dirt and friction. Colorless,
neutral, free of grease and silicone, suitable for all applications. Examples: Stops moisture on
distributor, generator, ignition coil, starter, spark plugs, coils, relays, contacts, etc. Prevents metal
parts from corroding. Stops rubber and plastic parts from aging prematurely. Applications: from -50°
C to +150°C.
(3) Removes stubborn stains and grit without attacking skin. Contains special skin protectant. Does not
clog pipes.
(4) Loosens rust, eliminates squeaking and similar noises, prevent rust seizure. Displaces water on
ignition components to allow quick starting. Insulates electrical systems against moisture and stops
(5) Removes tar, oil and grease stains from seat covers, leather upholstery and painted plastic
(6) A water repellent high-pressure grease for lubricating flywheel gear rings, starter motor pinions, etc.,
and also as an acid-proof grease for battery terminal posts.
(7) Anaerobic, silicone sealant for aluminum flange surfaces. Provides instant sealing when flanges are
(8) Removes all residual or excess adhesive, sealing and coating compounds, wax, grease or oil films
from painted and plastic surfaces, i.e. before installing front or rear spoilers and decor strips.
(9) Black cyanacrylate adhesive for joining metals, rubber, PVC.
(10) Powerful adhesive for leather and leatherette, rubber moldings, seats, rubber mats, noise-absorbent
materials, etc. Has good heat resistance and does not attack paint. See S.I. Bulletins B 54 02 95 and
B 54 01 93 (3754).
(11) Long-life high-adhesion lubricant for clutch and brake linkages, spring struts, stabilizers, idler levers
and pivots.
(12) Colorless lubricant with high lubricant content. Eliminates squeaks and grating noises from spring
seat bases. Lubricates door stops and locks, seat adjustment mechanism, etc. Resistant to
temperatures between -50°C and 120°C.
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
AUDI (1989-04)
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Make/Model Year Location Table
Allroad 2001-04 D-P, SI, HI Audi-4
A4 2002-04 D-P, SI, HI Audi-4
1999-01 D-P, SI, HI Audi-2
1996-98 D-P, SI Audi-2
A6 2000-04 D-P, SI, HI Audi-4
1998-99 D-P, SI Audi-4
1995-97 D-P Audi-1
A8 2004 D-P2 SI, HI, Audi-6
2002-03 D-P, SI, HI Audi-4
2000-01 D-P, SI, HI Audi-3
1997-99 D-P, SI Audi-3
Cabriolet 1995-98 D-P Audi-1
1994 DS Audi-1
Coupe 1990-91 DS Audi-1
S4 2004 D-P, SI, HI Audi-3
2000-02 D-P, SI, HI Audi-3
1993-94 D-P Audi-1
1992 DS Audi-1
S6 2002-04 D-P, SI, HI Audi-4
1995-96 D-P Audi-1
S8 2002-03 D-P, SI, HI Audi-4
2000-01 D-P, SI, HI Audi-3
TT 2003-04 D-P, SI Audi-5
2000-02 D-P, SI Audi-3
V8 Quattro 1993-94 D-P Audi-1
1990-92 DS Audi-1
80 Series 1990-92 DS Audi-1
90 Series 1995 D-P Audi-1
1990-94 DS Audi-1
100 Series 1993-94 D-P Audi-1
1990-92 DS Audi-1
200 Series 1989-91 DS Audi-1
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Energy reserve module (1989-93 models If any components are
Instrument panel (A6, S4, S6 & only); Seat belts & mounting points; damaged or bent, they must
100); Spiral spring; Air bag Voltage transformer (1989-93 models be replaced.; After vehicle is
control unit; Front seat belts; only); Wiring harness; repaired, ensure AIR BAG
Upper instrument panel (V8 warning light is functioning
Quattro); Side air bag control properly.; Manufacturer
sensors(1); Seat back padding & recommends replacing all
cover(1); components (except wire
harness) every 15 years.;
(1) On side of deployment (if equipped).
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Air Seat belts & mounting points; Instrument If any components are
bag control unit (ACU)(1); panel; Side impact air bag sensor(s)(4); damaged or bent, they must
Spiral spring; Flap & mounting Air bag control unit (ACU)(5); be replaced.; After vehicle is
frame for passenger-side air repaired, ensure AIR BAG
bag module; Side impact air warning light is functioning
bag sensor(s)(2); Seat back properly.; Manufacturer
recommends replacing all
cushion(s) & cover(2); components (except wire
Deployed seat belt harness) every 15 years.;
pretensioners; Moulded After replacing air bag
headliner(3); A-pillar through module(s) or air bag control
D-pillar trim panels(3); unit, attach supplied stickers
(only tear-off strips) to
registration card and send to
(1) On A4, S4 built on or after 10-98, replace Air Bag Control Unit (ACU) if front air bags deploy or
every third head, side and-or seat belt pretensioner deployment.
(2) On side of deployment.
(3) On vehicles with head impact air bags. If head impact air bags have deployed.
(5) Replace if body tunnel is damaged within 7.87" (200 mm) of ACU.
(3) If equipped with rear seat side impact air bags and folding rear seat.
(6) Replace if body tunnel is damaged within 7.87" (200 mm) of ACU.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Air Seat belts & mounting points; Instrument If any components are
bag control module(1); Spiral panel; Side impact air bag sensor(s)(5); damaged or bent, they must
spring; Deformed passenger- Air bag control module(6); be replaced.; After vehicle is
side air bag module supports; repaired, ensure AIR BAG
Instrument panel; Front impact warning light is functioning
air bag sensors (if equipped); properly.; Manufacturer
Side impact air bag sensor(s) recommends replacing all
(2); Front-rear seat back components (except wire
harness) every 15 years.;
cushion & seat cover(2); After replacing air bag
Foldable rear seat side pad(3); module(s) or air bag control
Deployed seat belt module, attach supplied
pretensioners; A-pillar, B- stickers (only tear-off strips)
pillar, C-pillar & D-pillar trim to registration card and send
panels(4); to manufacturer.;
(1) After 10-98, replace air bag control module if front air bags deploy or every third head, side and-or
seat belt pretensioner deployment.
(2) On side of deployment.
(3) If equipped with rear seat side impact air bags and folding rear seat.
(6) Replace if body tunnel is damaged within 7.87" (200 mm) of air bag control module.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Air Air bag control module; Instrument panel; If any components are
bag control module(1); Side impact air bag sensor(s); Seat belts damaged or bent, they must
Passenger-side air bag module & mounting points; be replaced.; After vehicle is
flap & frame(2); Spiral spring; repaired, ensure AIR BAG
warning light is functioning
Side impact air bag sensor(s)(3) properly.;
>,> (4); Deployed seat belt
(1) Replace Air Bag Control Module (ACM) if front air bags have deployed or every third head, side
and-or seat belt pretensioner deployment. Replace ACM if housing is damaged or if there is tunnel
deformation within 8" (200 mm) of ACM.
(2) DO NOT bend frame back into shape.
(4) Replace any side impact sensor if floor pan around sensor has been deformed.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Air Seat belts & mounting points; Seats & If any components are
bag control module(1); Spiral seat backs; Instrument panel; Side impact damaged or bent, they must
spring; Instrument panel with air bag sensor(s); Air bag control module; be replaced.; After vehicle is
air bag guide; Passenger-side repaired, ensure AIR BAG
air bag module retainers and warning light is functioning
bolts and air bag module properly.; Manufacturer
mounting nuts; Knee bag recommends replacing all
mounting bolts(2); Glove box components (except wire
harness) every 15 years.;
with mounting bolts(3); Front After replacing air bag
impact air bag sensors; Side module(s) or air bag control
impact air bag sensor(s)(4); A- module, attach supplied
pillar, B-pillar, C-pillar & D- stickers (only tear-off strips)
pillar trim panels ; Deployed to registration card and send
seat belt pretensioners; to manufacturer.;
(1) Replace Air Bag Control Module (ACM) if front air bags have deployed or every third head, side
and-or seat belt pretensioner deployment. Replace ACM if housing is damaged or if there is tunnel
deformation within 8" (200 mm) of ACM.
(2) If knee air bag has deployed.
(4) On side of deployment or if floor pan around sensor has been deformed.
BMW (1986-04)
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Make/Model Year Location Table
L7 1986-87 DS BMW-2
M Coupe-Roadster 2000-02 D-P2, SI BMW-1
1998-99 D-P, SI BMW-1
M3 2001-04 D-P2, HI, SI BMW-3
1998-00 D-P, SI BMW-1
1995-97 D-P BMW-1
1990-91 DS BMW-2
M5 2000-03 D-P2, SI, HI BMW-3
1990-93 DS BMW-2
X3 2004 D-P2, SI, HI BMW-3
X5 2000-04 D-P2, SI, HI BMW-3
Z3 2000-02 D-P2, SI BMW-1
1998-99 D-P, SI BMW-1
1996-97 D-P BMW-1
Z4 2003-04 D-P2, SI, KI BMW-1
Z8 2001-03 D-P2, SI BMW-1
3 Series 2000-04 D-P2, SI, HI BMW-3
1998-99 D-P, SI, HI BMW-1
1994-97 D-P BMW-1
1990-93 DS BMW-2
5 Series 2000-04 D-P2, SI, HI BMW-3
1998-99 D-P, SI, HI BMW-1
1997 D-P, SI BMW-1
1994-95 D-P BMW-1
1989-93 DS BMW-2
6 Series 2004 D-P2, SI, HI BMW-3
1989 DS BMW-2
7 Series 2000-04 D-P2, SI, HI, BMW-3
1998-99 D-P, SI, HI BMW-1
1997 D-P, SI BMW-1
1993-96 D-P BMW-1
1988-92 DS BMW-2
8 Series 1993-97 D-P BMW-1
1991-92 DS BMW-2
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
Passenger's Side (Dual-Stage)
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; AIR BAG warning light; Instrument Repair only those cables
Control-diagnostic module; panel; Control unit; Knee bolster; Glove which show visible signs of
Control unit (after third box; Integrated seats; Seat belts & damage. If no visible damage
deployment); Seat belts (if mounting points; Seat belt pretensioners; can be identified, entire cable
worn during impact); Deployed Steering column; Steering wheel; Wiring must be replaced.; After
seat belt pretensioners; Contact harness; vehicle is repaired, ensure
ring; Impact sensors; AIR BAG warning light is
Passenger-side air bag module functioning properly.;
cover-door; Battery safety
terminal (if equipped);
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed sir bag modules; All Knee bolster; Seat belts & mounting Repair only those cables
impact sensors; Control unit points; Steering column; Steering wheel; which show visible signs of
(after third deployment); Wiring harness; Glove box; Instrument damage. If no visible damage
Contact ring; Control unit; Seat panel; AIR BAG warning light; can be identified, entire cable
belts (if worn during impact); must be replaced.; After
Deployed seat belt vehicle is repaired, ensure
pretensioners; Battery safety AIR BAG warning light is
terminal (if equipped); functioning properly.;
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; AIR BAG warning light operation; Repair only those cables
Control module (after third Instrument panel & support tube; Knee which show visible signs of
deployment); Seat belts (if bolster; Seat belts & mounting points; damage. If no visible damage
worn during impact); Seat belt pretensioners; Steering column; can be identified, entire cable
Passenger-side air bag module Steering wheel; Wiring harness; must be replaced.; After
cover-door; Deployed seat belt vehicle is repaired, ensure
pretensioners; Door trim panel AIR BAG warning light is
(If side air bag deployed); A-, functioning properly.;
B- & C-pillar trim panels (if
head air bag deployed);
Headliner (If head air bag
deployed); Battery safety
terminal (if equipped);
JAGUAR (1990-04)
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Make/Model Year Location Table
S Type 2002-04 D-P2, HI, SI Jaguar-5
1999-01 D-P, SI Jaguar-3
X Type 2004 D-P2, HI, SI, Jaguar-4
2002-03 D-P2, HI, SI Jaguar-4
XJ Series 2004 D-P2, HI, SI Jaguar-5
1998-03 D-P, SI Jaguar-1
XJR 1995-97 D-P Jaguar-2
XJS 1994-96 D-P Jaguar-2
1990-93 DS Jaguar-2
XJ6 1994-97 D-P Jaguar-2
1993 DS Jaguar-2
XJ12 1994-96 D-P Jaguar-2
XK Series 2001-04 D-P2, SI Jaguar-4
1998-00 D-P Jaguar-1
1997 D-P Jaguar-2
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Seat Diagnosis Module (DM); Impact sensors; If any components are
assembly(1); Instrument panel Knee Bolster; Seat belts & mounting damaged or bent, they must
& deployment door; Seat belts points; Seat belt pretensioner; Single be replaced.; Replacement of
(2); Deployed seat belt Point Sensing (SPS) unit; Steering all air bag modules is required
pretensioner; column; Steering wheel; after 10 years of service.;
(1) If side air bag module deployed, replace seat assembly on side of deployment.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules(1); Diagnosis Module (DM); Impact sensors; If any components are
Knee bolster; Rear safing sensor; Seat damaged or bent, they must
belts & mounting points; Steering be replaced.; Replacement of
column; Steering wheel; all air bag modules is required
after 10 years of service.;
(1) Includes sensor assembly
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Seat Air bag modules; Electronic Crash Sensor If any components are
belts(1); (ECS); Side crash sensors; Seat belts & damaged or bent, they must
mounting points; Steering column; be replaced.; Electronic Crash
Steering wheel; Sensor (ECS) replacement is
not required until system has
incurred 5 separate
(1) In use at time of air bag deployment.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Restraints control module (RCM)(2); If any components are
Restraints Control Module Impact sensors(2); Instrument panel; Knee damaged or bent, they must
(1) (2)
(RCM) , ; Deployed seat Bolster; Seat belts & mounting points; be replaced.; Replacement of
belt pretensioners; Seat belts(3), Seat belt pretensioner; Steering column; all air bag modules is required
(4); Seat assembly(5); Steering wheel; after 10 years of service.;
(1) Restraints Control Module (RCM) requires replacement if the system has incurred 5 separate
deployments. DO NOT replace RCM for less than 5 deployments.
(2) Inspect sensor mounting bracket and pigtail for deformation. If damaged, replace sensor whether or
not the air bag has deployed.
(3) Replace all seat belts that were in use at time of collision. (2002-03 X Type only)
(4) All seat belt assemblies should be replaced unless a qualified technician finds the assemblies show no
damage and operate correctly. Seat Belt assemblies not in use during a collision should also be
inspected and replaced, if either damage or improper operation is noted. (2002-03 X Type only)
(5) If side air bag module deployed, replace seat assembly on side of deployment. (2002-03 XK Series
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Restraints control module (RCM)(2); If any components are
Restraints Control Module Impact sensors ; Instrument panel; Knee damaged or bent, they must
(RCM)(1), (2); Seat belts(3); Bolster; Seat belts & mounting points; be replaced.; Replacement of
Seat assembly(4); Headliner, A- Seat belt pretensioner; Steering column; all air bag modules is required
after 10 years of service.; DO
pillar & C-pillar trim panels(5); Steering wheel;
NOT repair air bag module
circuits. Repairs are made by
replacement of harness.;
(1) Restraints Control Module (RCM) requires replacement if the system has incurred 5 separate
deployments. DO NOT replace RCM for less than 5 deployments
(2) Inspect sensor mounting bracket and pigtail for deformation. If damaged, replace sensor whether or
not the air bag has deployed.
(3) Replace seat belts in use at time of collision.
If side air bag module deployed, replace complete seat assembly on side of deployment.
(5) If head impact air bag(s) has deployed. Also, inspect B-pillar trim panel for visible damage or
deformation before reusing on vehicle.
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
Land Rover-1
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Air Air bag module & mounting surfaces; After vehicle is repaired,
bag diagnostic control unit; Air Crash sensors & mounting brackets; ensure AIR BAG warning
bag wiring harness(1); Rotary Steering column & wheel; Wiring harness light is functioning properly.;
coupler; Front crash sensors(2); & connectors; Front seat frames (side If side impact air bags have
Deployed seat belt impact air bag modules); Seat belts & deployed, replace seat foam
pretensioners; Seat back foam mounting points; and air bag cover.;
& cover (if side air bag
(1) Fly leads (where applicable) connecting air bags and pretensioners to air bag system wining harness.
Land Rover-2
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Air Air bag module & mounting surfaces; After vehicle is repaired,
bag diagnostic control unit; Fly Sensors & mounting brackets; Steering ensure AIR BAG warning
leads(1); Rotary coupler; Side column & wheel; Wiring harness & light is functioning properly.;
crash sensors (replace both connectors; Front seat frames (side If side impact air bags have
sides)(2); Deployed seat belt impact air bag modules); Seat belts & deployed, replace seat foam
pretensioners; Head air bag mounting points; and air bag cover.;
retaining clips(2); Headliner
trim panel(2);
(1) Fly leads (where applicable) connecting air bags and pretensioners to air bag system wining harness.
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Make/Model Year Location Table
C Class 2001-04 D-P2, SI, HI Mercedes-1
1998-00 D-P, SI Mercedes-1
1994-97 D-P Mercedes-1
CL Class 2000-04 D-P2, SI, HI Mercedes-1
CLK Class 1998-04 D-P2, SI Mercedes-1
E Class 1999-04 D-P2, SI, HI Mercedes-1
1996-98 D-P, SI Mercedes-1
1994-95 D-P Mercedes-1
G Class 2002-04 D-P2 Mercedes-1
M Class 2002-04 D-P2, SI, HI Mercedes-1
2001 D-P2, SI Mercedes-1
1998-00 D-P, SI Mercedes-1
S Class 2000-04 D-P2, SI, HI Mercedes-1
1997-99 D-P, SI Mercedes-1
1994-96 D-P Mercedes-1
SL Class 1996-04 D-P, SI Mercedes-1
1994-95 D-P Mercedes-1
SLK Class 2001-04 D-P, SI Mercedes-1
1998-00 D-P, SI Mercedes-1
190D-E 1986-93 DS Mercedes-2
260E 1989 D-P Mercedes-2
1987-88 DS Mercedes-2
300CE-D-E 1989-93 D-P Mercedes-2
1986-88 DS Mercedes-2
300SD-SDL 1989-93 D-P Mercedes-2
1986-88 DS Mercedes-2
300SE-SEL 1989-93 D-P Mercedes-2
1986-88 DS Mercedes-2
300SL 1990-93 D-P Mercedes-2
300TD-TE 1989-93 D-P Mercedes-2
1987-88 DS Mercedes-2
350SD-SDL 1990-91 D-P Mercedes-2
400E-SE 1992-93 D-P Mercedes-2
400SEL 1992-93 D-P Mercedes-2
420SEL 1989-91 D-P Mercedes-2
1986-88 DS Mercedes-2
500E-SEC 1990-93 D-P Mercedes-2
500SEL-SL 1990-93 D-P Mercedes-2
560SEC 1989-91 D-P Mercedes-2
1986-88 DS Mercedes-2
560SEL-SL 1989-91 D-P Mercedes-2
1986-88 DS Mercedes-2
600SEC 1992-93 D-P Mercedes-2
600SEL 1992-93 D-P Mercedes-2
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Any parts that fault codes show as faulty; DO NOT attempt SRS wiring
Deployed seat belt Instrument panel; SRS mounting brackets harness repairs.; In case of
pretensioners; Instrument panel & location; SRS harness; Seat belts & any collision, side air bags
(1); Passenger-side air bag mounting points; Steering wheel; and sensors should be
instrument panel cover and air Instrument panel; inspected and replaced if
bag covers in door trim panels damaged or deployed.;
(2); SRS control unit(3);
(2) If applicable.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Any part that fault codes show as faulty; DO NOT attempt SRS wiring
Deployed seat belt Instrument panel; SRS mounting brackets harness repairs.;
pretensioners; SRS control unit; & location; SRS harness; Seat belts &
mounting points;
MINI (2002-04)
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Make/Model Year Location Table
Cooper 2002-04 D-P2, SI, HI MINI-1
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; AIR BAG warning light; Instrument DO NOT service-repair any
Control module (after third panel; Control module; Seat belts & components or wiring. If
deployment); Passenger-side air mounting points; Seat belt pretensioners; components or wiring are
bag module cover-door; Steering column; Steering wheel; Wiring damaged, replacement is
Deployed seat belt harness; necessary.; After vehicle is
pretensioners; Clockspring; repaired, ensure AIR BAG
Door trim panel (if side air bag warning light is functioning
deployed); Headliner (if head properly.;
air bag deployed); A-, B- & C-
pillar trim panels (if head air
bag deployed); Battery safety
terminal (if equipped);
PORSCHE (1987-04)
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Make/Model Year Location Table
Boxster 2002-04 D-P, SI Porsche-2
1998-01 D-P, SI Porsche-1
1997 D-P Porsche-1
Cayenne 2003-04 D-P2, SI, HI Porsche-3
911 Series 2002-04 D-P, SI Porsche-2
1999-01 D-P, SI Porsche-1
1990-98 D-P Porsche-1
928 Series 1990-95 D-P Porsche-1
944 Series 1987-92 D-P Porsche-1
968 Series 1992-95 D-P Porsche-1
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Knee bolster; Mounting brackets; DO NOT attempt SRS wiring
Contact ring; Control unit(1); Passenger-side air bag dash trim cover; repairs.;
Air bag sensors; Seat belts & mounting points; Wiring
(1) On Boxster, replace after third deployment.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Knee bolster; Mounting brackets; DO NOT attempt SRS wiring
Contact ring; Control unit ; Passenger-side air bag dash trim cover; repairs.;
Side air bag sensor(2); Air bag Seat belts & mounting points; Wiring
sensors; Deployed seat belt harness;
(1) Replace control unit after third deployment.
(2) Replace side air bag sensor after third side air bag module deployment.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Knee bolster; Mounting brackets; Seat DO NOT attempt SRS wiring
Contact ring; Control unit(1); belts & mounting points; Wiring harness; repairs.;
Side air bag sensor(2);
Deformed or damaged seat
components; Deployed seat belt
pretensioners(3); Instrument
(1) Replace control unit after third deployment.
(2) Replace side air bag sensor after third side air bag module deployment.
SAAB (1989-04)
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Make/Model Year Location Table
9-3 2003-04 D-P2, SI, HI Saab-5
1999-02 D-P, SI Saab-4
9-5 2002-04 D-P2, SI Saab-4
1999-01 D-P, SI Saab-4
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; System wiring; Windshield; Seat belts & Never splice SRS wiring.;
Clockspring; Knee bolster; mounting points; Damaged insulation can be
Deployed seat belt replaced if copper conductor
pretensioners; Seat belts in use wire is undamaged.;
at time of collision; SRS
control unit; Steering column;
Steering wheel;
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Front sensor brackets; Steering column & Never splice SRS wiring.;
Clockspring; Front sensors; shaft; System wiring; Windshield; Seat Damaged insulation can be
Seat belt in use at time of belts & mounting points; replaced if copper conductor
collision; SRS control unit; wire is undamaged.;
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Knee bolster; Sensor brackets; Steering Never splice SRS wiring.;
Clockspring; Front sensors; column; Steering column bracket; Damaged insulation can be
Deployed seat belt Steering column shaft; System wiring; replaced if copper conductor
pretensioner; SRS control unit; Seat belts & mounting points; wire is undamaged.;
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules ; System wiring; Windshield; Knee bolster; Never splice SRS wiring. If
Instrument panel; SRS control Seat belts & mounting points; damaged, entire cable must be
unit(2); Deployed seat belt replaced.;
pretensioners; Seat belts in use
at time of collision;
Clockspring; Side impact
sensor(3); Steering column;
Steering wheel;
(1) If side air bag module is deployed, replace seat back upholstery cover.
(2) SRS control unit can be used a maximum of 3 times for activating seat belt pretensioners and-or side
air bag modules.
(3) On side of impact.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules(1), System wiring; Windshield; Knee bolster; Never splice SRS wiring. If
(2); SRS control unit(3); Front Seat belts & mounting points; damaged, entire cable must be
replaced.; Pillar trim panels
impact sensor(4); Side impact and headliner are designed to
sensor(4); Instrument panel(5); augment head protection
Deployed seat belt system. After collision, these
pretensioners; Seat belts(6); items must be replaced in the
Clockspring; Steering column; seat positions that were
Steering wheel; occupied.(2);
(1) If side air bag module is deployed, replace seat back upholstery cover. If head air bag module is
deployed, replace A-, B-, C-pillar trim panels and headliner.
(2) If at least one air bag has been deployed and there was a passenger in the rear seat, all energy
absorbing components must be replaced. If only the front seat was occupied, all forward energy
absorbing components up to the B-pillar must be replaced. If there is damage to the roof or pillar,
these components must be replaced. If any uncertainty, all energy absorbing components must be
replaced. If there is visible damage to the trim or energy absorbing components, they must be
(3) SRS control unit can be used a maximum of 3 times for activating seat belt pretensioners and-or side
air bag modules and head air bag modules.
(4) Sensor does not need to be replaced if there has been no mechanical damage to the sensor or if sensor
does not give a diagnostic code.
(5) If passenger-side air bag has deployed.
(6) Replace both seat belts on outer rear seats and seat belt for rear center seat if in use at time of
collision. Replace all seat belts if it cannot be established without doubt which belts were in use when
collision occurred.
VOLKSWAGEN (1990-04)
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Make/Model Year Location Table
Cabrio 1999-02 D-P, SI Volkswagen-1
1995-98 D-P Volkswagen-1
Cabriolet 1990-93 DS Volkswagen-1
EuroVan 1992-03 D-P Volkswagen-1
Golf 2000-04 D-P, SI, HI Volkswagen-1
1997-99 D-P, SI Volkswagen-1
1994-96 D-P Volkswagen-1
GTI 2000-04 D-P, SI, HI Volkswagen-1
1997-99 D-P, SI Volkswagen-1
1995-96 D-P Volkswagen-1
Jetta 2000-04 D-P, SI, HI Volkswagen-1
1997-99 D-P, SI Volkswagen-1
1994-96 D-P Volkswagen-1
New Beetle 2004 D-P2 SI Volkswagen-2
1998-03 D-P, SI Volkswagen-1
Passat 1999-04 D-P, SI, HI Volkswagen-1
1998 D-P, SI Volkswagen-1
1995-97 D-P Volkswagen-1
Phaeton 2004 D-P2, SI, HI Volkswagen-3
Touareg 2004 D-P2, SI, HI Volkswagen-3
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
Passenger's Side (Dual-Stage)
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules(1); Wiring harness; Seat belts & mounting If any components are
Control unit; Control unit points; damaged or bent, they must
bracket(2); Sensors for be replaced.; DO NOT
deployed air bag modules; attempt SRS wiring repairs.;
Air bag system can only be
Driver-side seat belt(2); tested using Diagnostic Tester
Passenger-side seat belt (if in (VAG-1551) and Multimeter
use at time of accident)(3); (US-1119).; Replacement
Deployed seat belt year and month appear on a
pretensioners; Passenger-side sticker located on driver-side
air bag module support; Spiral sun visor. If sun visor is
spring (clockspring); Side air replaced, SRS replacement
bag in-seat wiring harness (if information must be
air bag has deployed); Seat transferred to the new sun
cover & cover clips (if air bag visor.;
has deployed);
(1) Includes head impact air bags on Golf, Jetta and GTI beginning May, 2000.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Wiring harness; Seat belts & mounting Replace any damaged or bent
Passenger-side air bag module points; components.; DO NOT
support; Control unit; Sensors attempt SRS wiring repairs.;
for deployed air bag modules; Air bag system can only be
Deployed seat belt tested using Diagnostic Tester
pretensioners; Spiral spring (VAG-1551) .; Replacement
(clockspring); year and month appear on a
sticker located on driver-side
sun visor. If sun visor is
replaced, SRS replacement
information must be
transferred to the new sun
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Wiring harness; Seat belts & mounting Replace any damaged or bent
Passenger-side air bag module points; Rear interior lights; Roof grab components.; DO NOT
support; Control unit; Sensors handles; Roof close-out moulding; attempt SRS wiring repairs.;
for deployed air bag modules; Air bag system can only be
Deployed seat belt tested using Diagnostic Tester
pretensioners; Spiral spring (VAG-1551) and Multimeter
(clockspring); Headliner, door (US-1119).; Replacement
seals with weatherstripping, year and month appear on a
curtain air bag guides, grab sticker located on driver-side
handle brackets and A-, B-, C- sun visor. If sun visor is
and D-pillar trim (if curtain air replaced, SRS replacement
bag is replaced); information must be
transferred to the new sun
VOLVO (1987-04)
WARNING: Accidental air bag deployment is possible. Personal injury may result.
Avoid area near steering wheel and instrument panel even if air bags have
deployed. Dual-stage air bag modules may be present that could contain
an undeployed stage. When disposing of a deployed dual-stage air bag,
always treat it as a "live" module. See appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT
SYSTEM article.
Make/Model Year Location Table
Coupe 1991 DS Volvo-2
C70 Coupe 2000-02 D-P, SI Volvo-3
1998-99 D-P, SI Volvo-1
C70 Convertible 2000-04 D-P, SI Volvo-3
1998-99 D-P Volvo-1
S40 & V40 2001-04 D-P2, SI, HI Volvo-4
2000 D-P, SI Volvo-3
S60 2001-04 D-P2, SI, HI Volvo-4
S70 & V70 2000 D-P, SI Volvo-3
1998-99 D-P, SI Volvo-1
V70 2001-04 D-P2, SI, HI Volvo-4
S80 2001-04 D-P2, SI, HI Volvo-4
1999-00 DS, PS2, SI, Volvo-4
S90 & V90 1998 D-P Volvo-1
XC70 2003-04 D-P2, SI, HI Volvo-4
XC90 2003-04 D-P2, SI, HI Volvo-5
240 Series 1990-93 DS Volvo-2
740 Series 1987-92 DS Volvo-2
760 Series 1987-90 DS Volvo-2
780 Series 1987-90 DS Volvo-2
850 Series 1995-96 D-P, SI Volvo-1
1993-94 D-P Volvo-1
940 Series 1994-95 D-P Volvo-1
1991-93 DS Volvo-1
960 Series 1996 D-P, SI Volvo-1
1993-95 D-P Volvo-1
1992 DS Volvo-1
Driver's Side
Head Impact
Knee Impact
Side Impact
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Instrument panel & frame; Instrument DO NOT attempt SRS wiring
Contact reel; Ignition wiring to panel speakers; Knee bolster & brackets; repairs.; Visually inspect
passenger module; Seat belt Panels under instrument panel; SIPS & seats in event of
units; Sensor module ;(1) Windshield & moulding; Seat belts & minor collisions without
Steering wheel; SIPS (sensor mounting points; deployment.;
module, ignition circuit & bag
(1) Replace if fault code cannot be erased or if there is damage in the area of the sensor module.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Crash sensor mounting bracket; Wiring DO NOT attempt SRS wiring
Contact reel; Crash sensor; harness; Seat belts & mounting points; repairs.; If fault code 1 is
Deployed seat belt displayed, the crash sensor
pretensioners (if equipped); must be replaced.;
Steering wheel;
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Instrument panel and frame; Instrument DO NOT attempt SRS wiring
Passenger-side air bag module panel speakers; Knee bolster & brackets; repairs.(2);
ignition cable (if equipped); Panels under instrument panel;
Contact reel; Seat belts & Windshield & bonding; Seat belts &
deployedseat belt pretensioners; mounting points; Seat back frame; Side
Air bag control unit(1); Steering air bag module & seat rail;
wheel; Instrument panel &
frame; Seat back upholstery,
foam filling & protective pad
(1) Replace if fault code cannot be erased or if there is damage in the area of the air bag control unit.
(2) On S80 models, wiring repairs are only to be performed in specific areas.
(3) On S40 & V40, replace components if module has deployed. On S60, S80 & V70, inspect and
replace components as necessary if module has deployed.
(4) On S40 & V40 if curtain air bag deploys.
Inspect & If Damaged Replace
Component (Even If Air Bag Did Not
Replace After Deployment Deploy) Comments
Deployed air bag modules; Whiplash protection system (if equipped); DO NOT attempt SRS wiring
Front impact sensors ; Side Contact reel; Front impact sensors; Side repairs.;
impact sensors(2); Seat belts & impact sensors; Instrument panel and
deployed seat belt frame; Instrument panel speakers; Knee
pretensioners; Air bag control bolster & brackets; Panels under
unit; instrument panel; Headliner; Interior trim
panels; Seat belts & mounting points;
Seat back frame; Seat rail;
(1) Replace following frontal impact.
For air bag system identification, see AIR BAG SYSTEM APPLICATION table.
1 Air Bag Ignition Capacitor Defect Replace Ignition Capacitor, Air Bag System Will
Not Function If This Is Not Corrected
2 Diagnostic Unit Malfunction Examine All Faults & Delete Them From Fault
Memory, If Fault Recurs, You Must Replace SRS
Control Unit
3 Air Bag Supply Wire, Drivers Side Resistance Too High, Check Wire Resistance, If
Necessary Replace Cable Set
4 Air Bag Supply Wire, Driver Side, Check Wire Resistance, If Necessary Replace Cable
Power Supply Defect Set
5 Seat Belt Tensioner Supply Wire Check Wire Resistance, If Necessary Replace Cable
Resistance Too High Set
6 Seat Belt Tensioner Supply Wire, Check Sensor Wire For Breaks Or Shorts, Check
Power Supply Defect Connectors For Corrosion & Breakage
7 Crash Sensor Triggered, Front Left Check Sensor, Wires & Connections For Breaks,
Shorts Or Defects, Delete Faults In Memory, Drive
Vehicle Over 15 MPH, Then Rerun Diagnosis
8 Crash Sensor Fault, Front Left Check Sensor, Wires & Connections For Breaks,
Shorts Or Defects, Delete Faults In Memory, Drive
Vehicle Over 15 MPH, Then Rerun Diagnosis
Replace Crash Sensor If Fault Recurs
9 Crash Sensor Ground Contact Check Sensor Ground Contact, Check Battery
Fault, Front Left Ground Contacts, Delete Faults In Memory, Drive
Vehicle Over 15 MPH, Then Rerun Diagnosis,
Replace Crash Sensor If Fault Recurs
10 Crash Sensor Triggered, Front Check Sensor, Wires & Connections For Breaks,
Right Shorts Or Defects, Delete Faults In Memory, Drive
Vehicle Over 15 MPH, Then Rerun Diagnosis
11 Crash Sensor Fault, Front Right Check Sensor, Wires & Connections For Breaks,
Shorts Or Defects, Delete Faults In Memory, Drive
Vehicle Over 15 MPH, Then Rerun Diagnosis,
Replace Crash Sensor If Fault Recurs
12 Crash Sensor Ground Contact Check Sensor Ground Contact, Check Battery
Fault, Front Right Ground Contacts, Delete Faults In Memory, Drive
Vehicle Over 15 MPH, Then Rerun Diagnosis,
Replace Crash Sensor If Fault Recurs
13 Crash Sensor Supply Resistance Check Sensor, Wires & Connections For Breaks,
Too High, Front Left Shorts Or Defects, Delete Faults In Memory, Drive
Vehicle Over 15 MPH, Then Rerun Diagnosis
14 Crash Sensor Supply Wire Fault, Check Sensor, Wires & Connections For Breaks,
Front Left Shorts Or Defects, Delete Faults In Memory, Drive
Vehicle Over 15 MPH, Then Rerun Diagnosis
15 Crash Sensor Supply Resistance Check Sensor, Wires & Connections For Breaks,
Too High, Front Right Shorts Or Defects, Delete Faults In Memory, Drive
Vehicle Over 15 MPH, Then Rerun Diagnosis
16 Crash Sensor Supply Wire Fault, Check Sensor, Wires & Connections For Breaks,
Front Left Shorts Or Defects, Delete Faults In Memory, Drive
Vehicle Over 15 MPH, Then Rerun Diagnosis
17 Warning Lamp Short Circuit Short Circuit Exists In Instrument Panel Or In
Supply Wire From Control Unit To Instrument
Panel, Check Whether SRS Warning Light Lights
Up Permanently Or Not At All
18 Warning Lamp Defect Check Air Bag Signal Bulb In Instrument Panel &
Replace If Necessary
19 (1) Crash Detection Accumulator Detection Accumulator Is Activated By Operation
Activated Of SRS System
20 SRS Control Unit Defect, Dealer Delete Fault Stored In Memory, Operate Vehicle For
Replacement Only 5 Minutes, If Fault Re-Occurs, SRS Control Unit
Will Need Replacement
21 Air Bag Supply Wire Resistance Check Wire Resistance, If Necessary Replace Cable
Too High, Passenger Side Set
22 Air Bag Supply Wire, Driver Side Check Wire Resistance, If Necessary Replace Cable
Wire Defect Set
(1) This accumulator can only be diagnosed and reset by a BMW dealer.
5WK4 060
In case of repair, steering components on E21 vehicles are to be lubricated with a sodium-based grease, with a
temperature range of -30°C to +75°C.
In case of brief hydraulic noise after starting at low outside temperatures, we recommend replacing the red ATF
with green CHF or LHM oil (see below).
E32 models with self-leveling rear suspension and mutual oil supply tank in the engine compartment (see
Countries with very low outside temperatures (e.g. Canada) had their power steering systems filled at the
factory with Pentosin CHF 7.1 since 9/87 through 9/91. This is also to be used on vehicles built before 9/87.
Since 9/91, vehicles now use Pentosin CHF 11S instead of CHF 7.1.
These cars are marked with a pertinent label located close to the oil tank.
LHM oils (green color) of the following manufacturers may also be used instead of Pentosin (CHF 7.1):
Shell LHM
Castrol LHM
Exxon LHM
Pentosin CHF 4548 was used on vehicles built before 9/87 but is no longer available. However, mixing of
Pentosin CHF 7.1 with residual quantities of Pentosin CHF 4548 are permitted in these earlier vehicles. Mixing
of these two oils is not permitted for E32 / E38 vehicles.
The hydraulic system for power steering and power-assisted brakes must be drained as completely as possible
when changing from one type of oil to the other.
All oil supply reservoirs are marked with the type of oil being used - ATF or CHF.
3M Part No. 8945
CRC Part No. 3046 010
Silicone sprays are not acceptable, as they are extremely slippery and don't dry. If applied to the tire bead, it is
likely that the tire moves on the rim, causing an imbalance.
The cooling-turbine wheel covers of the M5 (E34) produced from March 1990 to October 1990 may be secured
to the wheel by applying Loctite 242 to the attaching screw threads. First clean screw threads with Loctite
Cleaning Solvent 755.
1991-2002 Chassis & Engine Identification
Model (Chassis Code) Engine Size (Code)
318i & 318is (E36) 1.8L (M42)
325i & 325is (E36) 2.5L (M50)
318ti (E36) 1.8L (M42)
M3 (E36) 3.0L (S50)
318is (E36) 1.9L (M44)
318i (E36) 1.9L (M44)
Z3 (E36) 1.9L (M44)
318ti (E36) 1.9L (M44)
328i & 328is (E36) 2.8L (M52)
M3 (E36) 3.2L (S52)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52)
323i & 323is (E36) 2.5L (M52)
M Roadster (E36) 3.2L (S52)
M Coupe (E36) 3.2L (S52)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M52TU)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52TU)
M Coupe (E36) 3.2L (S54)
M Roadster (E36) 3.2L (S54)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M54)
Z3 (E36) 3.0L (M54)
E36 vehicles are equipped with rack and pinion steering. They are equipped with either a ZF or a LuK/Vickers
vane power steering pump.
Some vehicles are equipped with quick-release couplings on hydraulic lines. For use of these lines see
Regular oil changing is not necessary. However, it is recommended to replace the oil after completion of
Use Dexron-III ATF type fluid. Areas with very low outside temperatures (e.g. Canada) are filled at the factory
with Pentosin CHF 11S. These cars are marked with a pertinent label located close to the oil tank. In case of
brief hydraulic noise after starting at low outside temperatures, replace the red ATF with green CHF or LHM oil
in Shell LHM, Castrol LHM or Exxon LHM.
CAUTION: Before removing the oil tank cap, clean the tank and its immediate vicinity
thoroughly. No dirt is allowed to enter the system.
1. Turn off engine and fill oil tank until level reaches "MAX" mark on dipstick.
2. Start engine. Turn steering wheel twice each as far as left and right lock.
3. Turn off engine and top off hydraulic fluid again to "MAX".
1. Adjust toe and toe-difference angle. Set steering gear to straight ahead position. Marking on case and
steering shaft must be aligned. See Fig. 1 .
2. Loosen nut on tie rod. Adjust wheel toe-in by rotating steering tie rod. See Fig. 2 . For toe-in
3. Ensure that ball joint is not twisted. Tighten tie rod clamping nut to specification. See TORQUE
Fig. 1: Locating Marking On Case
Fig. 2: Adjusting Wheel Toe-In
Check steering sleeves, flexible disk and axle and tie rod sleeves for damage (e.g. cracks, holes) for leaks or
missing clamping bands on gaiters.
Check all visible connections, hoses, lines and steering gear for traces of fluid. See Fig. 3 .
Fig. 3: Power Steering Components & Lines
Steering Wheel
Move steering wheel back and forth and check for zero clearance.
There must be no clearance between tie rod arm (2) and tie rod joint (1). See Fig. 4 .
Fig. 4: Identifying Tie Rod Assembly
1. Detach pressure line from pump and connect special tool (32 4 000). See USING SPECIAL TOOL (32
4 000) .
2. Close valve (A) and open valve (B). See Fig. 5 .
3. Start engine. Ensure correct hydraulic fluid level in tank.
4. Heat hydraulic fluid to approximately 122°F (50°C) by moving steering wheel at increased engine speed.
5. Close valve (B) for a maximum 10 seconds and read off pressure. If pressure exceeds 1595 psi (110-120
bar) by more than 10 percent replace vane pump. If pressure is 10 percent less than 1595 psi 1595 psi
(110-120 bar), check V belt tension. If V belt tension is OK, replace vane pump.
Fig. 5: Checking Vane Pump
NOTE: Depending on the pressure hose connection on the pump, the special tool (32 4
000) must be assembled. See Fig. 7 .
1. Screw special tool (32 4 004) with 14 x 1.5 mm banjo bolt (1) and 2 sealing rings to special tool (32 4
000). See Fig. 8 .
2. Screw special tool (32 4 011) onto pump and connect special tool (32 4 004).
3. Screw special tools (32 4 006/012) onto special tool (32 4 000) and connect pressure hose with 14 x 1.5
mm banjo bolts and 2 sealing rings.
Fig. 7: Identifying Special Tool (32 4 000) Component
Fig. 8: Connecting Pressure Hose To Pump With 14 x 1.5 mm Banjo Bolt
1. Screw special tool (32 4 004) with 14 x 1.5 mm banjo bolt (1) and 2 sealing rings to special tool (32 4
000). See Fig. 9 .
2. Screw special tool (32 4 005) onto pump and connect special tool (32 4 004).
3. Screw special tools (32 4 006) onto special tool (32 4 000) and connect pressure hose with 16 x 1.5 mm
banjo bolts and 2 sealing rings.
Fig. 9: Connecting Pressure Hose To Pump With 16 x 1.5 mm Banjo Bolt
1. Screw special tool (32 4 004) with 14 x 1.5 mm banjo bolt (1) and 2 sealing rings to special tool (32 4
000). See Fig. 10 .
2. Connect special tool (32 4 004) to pump.
3. Screw special tools (32 4 006/005) onto special tool (32 4 000) and connect pressure hose.
Fig. 10: Connecting Pressure Hose To Pump With 16 x 1.5 mm Union Bolt
1. Push quick-release coupling (1) against pipe (4) thereby relieving strain on spring (2). Press plastic ring
(3) into quick-release coupling (1) and remove coupling (1). See Fig. 11 .
2. To install, markings (K) on coupling and pipe (4) must be flush. Push quick-release coupling (1) onto
pipe (4) until a "click" can be heard. To check that quick-release coupling has been installed correctly,
pull it back forcefully.
Fig. 11: Identifying Quick Release Coupling With ID Marking
CAUTION: Coupling is not correctly engaged if both indication pins (4) fail to
protrude from housing. Leakage will occur. See Fig. 12 .
1. Press plastic ring (2) into quick-release coupling (1) and remove coupling (1). See Fig. 12 .
2. To install, push quick-release coupling (1) onto connector (3) until both indication pins (4) can be seen
and felt to point outwards at outside diameter of housing. To check that quick-release coupling (1) has
been correctly fitted, feel indication pins (4) at outside diameter of housing. When correctly seated,
indication pins (4) cannot be pressed into housing.
Fig. 12: Identifying Quick Release Coupling With Indication Pins
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace self-locking nuts and tighten to specification. See
2. Note position of steering spindle. See Fig. 17 .
3. Replace sealing rings. Install line with rubber grommet in bracket. Tighten to specification. See
4. Install tie rod. Replace self-locking nuts and tighten to specification. See TORQUE
5. Bleed power steering system. See BLEEDING POWER STEERING SYSTEM under
6. If the steering gear is replaced, adjust the front axle after installation. See ADJUSTING FRONT AXLE
CAUTION: Make sure all parts are absolutely clean. No dirt is allowed to enter the
system. Seal off pipe connections with plugs.
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace self-locking nuts and tighten to specification. See
2. Set steering gear to straight ahead position (marking on case). Turn steering spindle until bolt (1) of upper
universal joint is vertical. Place lower universal joint on steering gear. Bolt must be located in groove of
steering gear spindle. See Fig. 21 . Replace self-locking nut and tighten to specification. See TORQUE
3. Replace self-locking nuts on tie rod and tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
4. After assembly, align front axle. See SPECIFICATIONS & PROCEDURES article in WHEEL
Fig. 21: Installing Lower Universal Joint
CAUTION: Clean rack and steering tie rod. Grease toothed area of rack. If polished
surface of rack is damaged (rust), replace steering gear. See STEERING
1. On vehicles with steering damper, unbend lockplate with pliers (never with hammer) in order to avoid
damaging rack and bearing. Insert rack as far as possible. Unscrew tie rod using special tool (32 2 110).
See Fig. 22 .
2. On vehicles with steering damper, remove damper holder. Loosen both clamping straps and remove
3. On vehicles without steering damper, loosen clamping straps and pull off bellows. See Fig. 23 .
4. On vehicles without steering damper, unbend lockplate with pliers (never with hammer) in order to avoid
damaging rack and bearing. Insert rack as far as possible. Unscrew tie rod using special tool (32 2 110).
See Fig. 24 .
Fig. 22: Unscrewing Tie Rod
Fig. 23: Pulling Off Bellows
Fig. 24: Unscrewing Tie Rod
1. On vehicles with steering damper, mount new sleeve with new clamping straps. Replace lockplate.
Turning lock (1) must engage in groove (2) of damper holder. See Fig. 25 . Bend lockplate with pliers
and tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
2. On vehicles without steering damper, replace lockplate (A or B). If lockplate (B) (with spacer to limit
steering angle) is installed, new lockplate must also be fitted with a spacer. See Fig. 26 .
3. On vehicles without steering damper, turning lock (1) must engage in groove (2) of rack. See Fig. 27 .
Tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
4. On vehicles without steering damper, bend lockplate with pliers.
Fig. 25: Replacing Lockplate
Fig. 26: Replacing Lockplate
Fig. 27: Engaging Turning Lock
CAUTION: When working on steering gear, always work carefully in clean conditions.
All use of force is prohibited during assembly and disassembly. This can
otherwise give rise to damage and culminate in failure of the steering unit.
1. Remove power steering gear. See POWER STEERING GEAR under REMOVAL &
2. Remove tie rods. See appropriate FRONT article in SUSPENSION.
3. Remove leakage oil line. Remove pressure lines and remove O-rings from threaded bores or from lines.
See Fig. 28 .
4. Mark position of adjusting screw (1) relative to case with peening marks. Determine installation depth of
adjusting screw (1) in case with a depth gauge and note down the result. Loosen adjusting screw (1).
Remove spring (2), O-ring (3) and pressure piece (4). See Fig. 29 .
5. Unscrew and remove screw cap. See Fig. 30 .
6. Center steering gear by halving total number of turns. In this setting marks on steering spindle, cap and
case all match. Add marks if necessary.
7. Determine dimension (A) of rack with a depth gauge and note down result. This measurement is required
for checking during installation. See Fig. 31 .
8. Remove protective cap (1) from steering spindle. Unfasten nut. Brace against square nut on steering
spindle. See Fig. 32 .
9. Remove circlip. Withdraw steering spindle from case. See Fig. 33 .
10. Remove bearing bush (1). See Fig. 34 .
11. Drive radial shaft seal (2) and bearing (3) out of bearing bush (1) with special tool (32 1 140/250). See
Fig. 35 .
12. Remove connection for leakage oil line. See Fig. 36 .
13. Insert retaining ring through bore in leakage oil line and remove from case. See Fig. 37 .
14. Pull rack and bearing bush (1) out of pipe. See Fig. 38 .
15. Drive radial shaft out of bearing bush (1) with special tool (32 1 140) and (33 3 331). See Fig. 39 .
16. Drive radial shaft seal out of pipe with special tool (32 1 140/210). See Fig. 40 .
17. Carefully drive bearing out of steering spindle housing with a punch. This improves access to radial shaft
seal. See Fig. 41 .
18. Carefully drive radial shaft seal (1) out of steering spindle housing with a punch. Do not damage polished
cylinder bore. See Fig. 42 .
19. Thoroughly clean all parts. Coat new seals with hydraulic fluid and fill radial shaft seals between edge
and sealing lip with grease.
1. Replace O-ring (1). Insert plastic bush (2) and thrust shim (3) in bearing sleeve. Insert radial shaft seal
(4). See Fig. 43 .
2. Drive new radial shaft seal (4) firmly home in bearing bush. The open side should be facing special tool
(32 1 140/220). See Fig. 44 .
3. Insert plastic bush (1) and thrust shim (2) in pipe. Drive new radial shaft seal (3) firmly home in pipe. The
open side should be facing special tool (32 1 140/220). See Fig. 45 .
4. Grease bearings and drive firmly home in steering spindle housing with special tool (32 1 140/120). See
Fig. 46 .
5. Drive new radial shaft seal firmly home in steering spindle housing. The open side should be facing
special tool (32 1 140/230). See Fig. 47 .
6. Replace O-ring (1) and piston ring (2). See Fig. 48 .
7. Carefully insert rack in pipe to avoid damage to the internal radial shaft seal by the spline and the piston
race (2). Fit bearing bush to rack and slide into pipe. See Fig. 49 .
8. Fit circlip with open side opposite to leakage oil bore. See Fig. 50 .
9. Replace piston rings (1) and O-rings (2) beneath them. See Fig. 51 .
10. Insert new radial shaft seal (3), open side upwards, in bearing bush (1) and drive firmly home with special
tool (32 1 140/240/250. Replace O-ring (2). See Fig. 52 .
11. Drive bearing (2) firmly home, lettering upwards, into bearing bush (1) with special tool (32 1
140/240/250). See Fig. 53 .
12. Slide bearing bush (1), radial shaft seal outermost, onto the steering spindle. See Fig. 34 .
13. Grease rack and pinion. Pull out rack to recorded dimension (A). Carefully insert steering spindle into
case and install retaining ring. Check that marks are aligned. See Fig. 54 .
14. Push on protective cap in this position, whereby marking of housing, steering spindle and protective cap
must align. See Fig. 55 .
15. Replace self-locking nut. See Fig. 32 . Tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
16. Install screw cap. See Fig. 30 . Tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS . Secure by
17. Insert foil insert (1) and replace O-ring (2). See Fig. 56 .
CAUTION: The rack must be able to move freely over the entire range of travel.
18. Grease and install pressure piece (4), spring (2) and O-ring (3). Tighten adjusting screw (1) down to
determine screw-in depth and align all the marks. Secure adjusting screw by peening. See Fig. 29 .
19. Fit connections for leakage oil line. Fit leakage oil line and attach pressure lines with new O-rings. See
Fig. 57 . Tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
20. Install tie rods. See appropriate FRONT article in SUSPENSION.
21. Install power steering gear. See POWER STEERING GEAR under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION.
Fig. 43: Installing Components In Bearing Sleeve
Fig. 44: Driving In Radial Shaft Seal
Fig. 45: Inserting Plastic Bush In Pipe
Fig. 46: Installing Bearings
Fig. 47: Installing Radial Shaft Seal In Steering Spindle Housing
Fig. 48: Replacing O-Ring & Piston Ring
Fig. 49: Inserting Rack In Pipe
Fig. 50: Fitting Circlip
Fig. 51: Replacing Piston Rings & O-Rings
Fig. 52: Inserting Radial Shaft Seal In Bearing Bush
Fig. 53: Driving Bearing Into Bearing Bush
Fig. 54: Inserting Spindle Into Case
Fig. 55: Installing Protective Cap
Fig. 56: Inserting Foil Insert & O-Ring
Fig. 57: Installing Leakage Oil Lines & Pressure Lines
1. Remove pump. On M52 and M54 engines see POWER STEERING VANE PUMP (M52/M54
ENGINE) under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. On other engines, procedure is not available from
2. Clamp pump in vise with pulley flange. Mark components relative to one another. See Fig. 58 .
3. Unfasten screws. Remove case half (3) with spring (6) and valve spool (7). See Fig. 59 .
4. Remove pressure plate (8) with rotor ring (9) and cylinder pins (10). See Fig. 60 .
5. Unclip retaining ring (11). Remove vane blades (12) and O-ring (13). See Fig. 61 .
6. Remove rotor (14) and pressure plate (15). See Fig. 62 .
7. Remove front case section from the shaft. Pry out radial shaft seal (16). See Fig. 63 .
8. Thoroughly clean all parts.
Fig. 58: Identifying LuK/Vickers Pump Components
Fig. 59: Removing Case Half
Fig. 60: Removing Pressure Plate
Fig. 61: Removing Vane Blades
Fig. 62: Removing Rotor
Fig. 63: Prying Out Radial Shaft Seal
1. Remove pump. On M52 and M54 engines see POWER STEERING VANE PUMP (M52/M54
ENGINE) under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. On other engines, procedure is not available from
2. Remove pulley.
3. Mark bracket on pump housing. Unscrew bolts and take off body. See Fig. 73 .
4. Remove face plate (3). See Fig. 74 .
5. Press rotor (4) on shaft (5) in downward direction. Remove circlip (6) and pull shaft out of body. Remove
rotor (4). See Fig. 75 .
6. Clean all parts thoroughly.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Hydraulic Line Connections To Vane Pump & Steering Gear
10 mm 9 (12)
14 mm 26 (35)
16 mm 30 (40)
18 mm 33 (45)
Cap Screw 27 (36)
Protective Cap Nut 13 (17)
Screw Cap 24 (32)
Steering Gear To Front Axle Carrier 31 (42)
Tie Rod/Axial Joint To Rack 52 (71)
Tie Rod Clamping Nut 33 (45)
Tie Rod End Nut 24-29 (33-40)
LuK/Vickers Vane Pump Screws 22 (30)
ZF Vane Pump Screws 12-14 (16-19)
Inch Lbs. (N.m)
Leakage Oil Line & Pressure Lines 71 (8)
Model (Chassis Code) Engine Size (Code)
318i & 318is (E36) 1.8L (M42)
325i & 325is (E36) 2.5L (M50)
318ti (E36) 1.8L (M42)
M3 (E36) 3.0L (S50)
318is (E36) 1.9L (M44)
318i (E36) 1.9L (M44)
Z3 (E36) 1.9L (M44)
318ti (E36) 1.9L (M44)
M3 (E36) 3.2L (S52)
328i & 328is (E36) 2.8L (M52)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52)
323i & 323is (E36) 2.5L (M52)
M Roadster (E36) 3.2L (S52)
M Coupe (E36) 3.2L (S52)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M52TU)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52TU)
M Coupe (E36) 3.2L (S54)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M54)
Steering column consists of a steering wheel (with or without air bag), steering spindle and an anti-theft steering
column lock/ignition switch. There may also be an interlock cable to the gear shift. Steering columns may be
telescopic and/or tilt.
Observe the following precautions when working on air bag systems:
1. When working around steering column and before any repairs are performed, disable SRS. See
appropriate AIR BAG RESTRAINT SYSTEMS article.
2. Always ensure the radio is off before disconnecting battery. This will prevent damage to radio
3. Before performing any body damage straightening or electrical arc-welding, disable SRS. See appropriate
AIR BAG RESTRAINT SYSTEMS article. Disconnect front sensors.
4. Wait at least 5 minutes on vehicles up to 9/93 and 5 seconds for vehicles from 9/93 after SRS is disabled
before servicing system as system maintains SRS voltage at least that long. Servicing SRS before waiting
period may cause accidental air bag deployment and personal injury.
5. Always wear safety glasses and gloves when handling a deployed air bag module. Air bag module may
contain sodium hydroxide deposits which are irritating to the skin.
6. Never use any SRS component that has been dropped from 3 feet or more.
7. To avoid air bag deployment when trouble shooting SRS, DO NOT use self-powered electrical test
equipment such as battery-powered or AC-powered voltmeter, ohmmeter, etc. DO NOT perform any
repair on any portion of SRS wiring circuit.
8. Always handle air bag module with trim cover away from your body. Always place air bag module on
workbench with trim cover up, away from loose objects.
9. Never expose SRS components to temperatures greater than 212°F (100°C).
10. Never expose any SRS system components to cleaning agents such as solvents, gasoline, lye, etc.
To center contact ring by aligning arrows on front of steering wheel, press down hub center spring clip lock and
hold it down. On bottom side of steering wheel, turn contact ring fully clockwise or counterclockwise until it
stops. Turn contact ring back about 3 turns until arrows align, and release spring clip lock. Contact ring is in
center position.
Removal & Installation (318i, 318is, 325i, 325is, 328i, 328is, & M3 )
1. Remove bottom trim panel screws at left side of center console. See Fig. 1 .
2. Pull bottom trim panel to the side out of the clips. See Fig. 2 .
3. To install, reverse removal procedure.
Fig. 1: Locating Trim Panel Screws (318i, 318is, 325i, 325is, 328i, 328is, & M3 )
Fig. 2: Pulling Bottom Trim Panel (318i, 318is, 325i, 325is, 328i, 328is, & M3 )
1. Remove caps (1) and screws. Lift trim backwards to remove. See Fig. 3 .
2. To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace defective cover caps.
Fig. 3: Removing Trim Panel (318ti)
1. Turn rotary clips (1) through 90° and remove. Pull trim (2) downwards and backwards to remove. Do not
damage the guides (3). See Fig. 4 .
2. Remove caps (1) and screws. Unscrew trim (2) and pull outwards and downwards to remove from
oddments tray (3). See Fig. 5 .
3. To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace defective covers (1). See Fig. 5 .
4. Slide on speed nuts (1). Fit seal (2) on steering column and seal (3) on air outlet (heating) correctly. See
Fig. 6 .
5. Do not damage guides (1) on the trim (2). See Fig. 7 .
Fig. 4: Removing Trim (Z3, M Roadster & M Coupe)
Fig. 5: Removing Trim From Oddments Tray (Z3, M Roadster & M Coupe)
Fig. 6: Locating Trim Components (Z3, M Roadster & M Coupe)
Fig. 7: Locating Guides On Trim (Z3, M Roadster & M Coupe)
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. Pull steering column firmly home towards interior and tighten
shear-off bolts until heads shear off.
2. On models with AIRBAG, screw bolt to dashboard carrier. Ensure nut (1), spacer bush (2) (not fitted to
US models), washer (3) and screw (4) (US models, 2 screws 8 x 22 mm Z1) are installed. See Fig. 12 .
3. Install bayonet in proper order of bayonet (1), rubber ring (2), joint socket (3) and ball joint (4) with
teflon ring if necessary. Bayonet must be heard to lock. See Fig. 14 .
4. Check position of collar relative to snap ring. Recess in collar locks snap ring. See Fig. 11 .
5. Screw must locate in retaining groove of upper steering spindle. See STEERING SPINDLE .
Fig. 14: Installing Bayonet
For removal and installation of steering column switches, see STEERING COLUMN under OVERHAUL.
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. Dowel pin must fit in bore. See Fig. 21 .
2. Tighten Torx screws until they shear off. See Fig. 19 .
3. Fit bush (2). Fit snap ring (1) with special tool (32 1 090) and steering wheel retaining screw until it
engages in groove of steering spindle. Snap ring (1) can also be mounted using special tool (32 3 070).
See Fig. 22 .
4. Lock headless screws with varnish.
5. Guide both holders of upper section into bores. See Fig. 23 .
6. Check for correct position of lock. On 318ti, use new shear-off screws. On all models see Fig. 24 .
7. Check position of collar relative to snap ring. Recess in collar locks snap ring. See Fig. 11 .
8. Test lock cylinder and electric operation (e.g. ignition, radio, etc.).
Fig. 21: Fitting Dowel Pin In Bore
Fig. 22: Mounting Snap Ring
Fig. 23: Locating Upper Section Holders
Fig. 24: Pulling Apart Steering Column Sections
CAUTION: On vehicles with freewheel lock cylinder up to 10/95, twist lock cylinder
back through 12°.
1. Remove lower section of steering column trim on cars with ring antenna. Using special tool (61 3 300),
press ring antenna off locking cylinder.
2. With ignition key, use workshop key for better accessibility, turn lock cylinder to "R" position (radio,
windshield wiper, fan).
3. Push special tool (32 3 110) into hole of lock cylinder and swivel handle forward by approximately 90°.
Remove lock cylinder.
4. To install, reverse removal procedure.
WARNING: Conform with safety precautions. Incorrect handling can activate AIRBAG
and result in injury.
NOTE: Loosening of steering wheel bolt activates the spring clip (1) which holds
the contact ring in center position. See Fig. 25 .
4. Unscrew bolt. Mark position of steering wheel relative to steering spindle and remove. See Fig. 26 .
5. Adjust contact ring if necessary. Press down spring (1). Turn contact clockwise or counterclockwise as
far as stop. Turn back about 3 turns until arrows for center position are aligned. Release spring (1). See
Fig. 27 .
6. To install, reverse removal procedure. Coat slip ring with grease except on sports steering wheel. See Fig.
28 .
7. When attaching steering wheel, lockpin (1) must engage in opening (2) of contact ring. See Fig. 29 .
Tighten steering wheel bolt to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
Fig. 25: Locating Spring Clip
Fig. 26: Locating Steering Wheel Bolt
Fig. 27: Releasing Spring
Fig. 28: Locating Slip Ring
Fig. 29: Installing Steering Wheel
WARNING: Conform with safety precautions. Incorrect handling can activate AIRBAG
and result in injury.
CAUTION: Be careful not to damage turn signal cancelling cams. Set turn signal to
center position.
1. Disconnect battery and cover negative pole or terminal. Remove AIRBAG unit. See AIRBAG article.
2. Unscrew steering wheel screw. Mark position of steering wheel relative to steering spindle and remove.
See Fig. 30 .
3. To install, reverse removal procedure. Coat slip rings with grease. See Fig. 31 .
4. Tighten steering wheel screw to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
Fig. 30: Locating Steering Wheel Screw
Fig. 31: Locating Slip Rings
CAUTION: Be careful not to damage turn signal cancelling cams. Set turn signal to
center position.
11. Knock lower steering spindle bearing out of outer tube. See Fig. 40 .
12. Remove outer tube of height adjustable steering column by knocking lock washer (6) out in downwards
direction. Unscrew nut (1), press lever (4) in direction of bolt (5) and unscrew bolt (5). Unscrew stud. See
Fig. 41 .
1. On height adjustable steering column, apply light coat of grease to anti-friction surfaces of bearing block
(3) and steering column tube (9). See Fig. 42 .
2. Pre-assemble adjustment lever (4) with dowel pin (2) in lever setting "jammed" to dimension (A) . (A)
is .82-.85" (21-21.7 mm). Then slide firmly home to right side. See Fig. 42 .
3. Screw bolt (5) in until it contacts stud (2). Push lever (4) to left. Square shoulder of bolt must engage in
outer tube (9). See Fig. 42 .
4. Tighten new nut (1) in "jammed" lever position to torque of 62 Inch lbs. (7 Nm). Check clamping effect.
5. To assemble, reverse disassembly procedure.
6. On all vehicles, lubricate bearing seat with grease. See Fig. 40 .
7. Lubricate spring (3) with grease. Recess in collar (2) must point to snap ring (1). See Fig. 39 .
8. Fit dowel pin in bore. See Fig. 21 .
9. Tighten shear off screws until heads shear off. See Fig. 19 .
10. Insert bearing inner sleeve with bevelled end pointing to steering lock. See Fig. 43 .
11. Fit bush (2). Fit snap ring (1) with special tool (32 1 090) and steering wheel retaining screw until it
engages in groove of steering spindle. Snap ring (1) can also be mounted using special tool (32 3 070).
See Fig. 22 .
12. Lock headless screws with varnish.
13. Guide both holders of upper section into bores. Insert ignition lock ring. See Fig. 23 .
14. Check for correct position of lock when assembling lower section of casing to upper section. See Fig. 24 .
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Steering Wheel To Steering Spindle
Nut 59 (80)
Screw 45 (63)
Universal Joint/Coupling To Steering Gear/Steering Spindle 14 (19)
Fig. 44: Identifying Release Mandrel (32 3 110)
Fig. 45: Identifying Removal Tool (61 3 300)
Fig. 46: Identifying Set Of Tools (32 3 070)
Fig. 47: Identifying Thrust Piece (32 1 090)
The structure and consistency must be maintained over long service life with temperatures from -22°F to
+302°F (-30°C to +150°C) in continuous operation and very high loads.
Oxidation stability
A lubricating grease contains effective inhibitors (which limit or prevent chemical reactions) in order to
stop oxidation at very high operating temperatures.
A high temperature multi-purpose grease is water resistant. At the same time lubricated parts are given
maximum protection against rust by the corrosion inhibitors.
50 grams grease packing in wheel hub and 20 grams in wheel hub grease cap per wheel.
CRC Part No. SL 3131 (former BMW Part No. 81 22 9 407 710)
Pentosin CHF 4548 and CHF 7.1 can be mixed in these cars.
Reputable brand name LHM oils (green color) can also be used (Shell, Castrol, Exxon, etc.)
Reputable brand name LHM oils (green color) can also be used.
NOTE: All cars have a label indicating the respective type on the hydraulic fluid
reservoir. Since both Pentosin CHF 11S and CHF 7.1 are green in color, the
reservoir label must be carefully checked prior to adding fluid.
NOTE: All cars have a label indicating the respective type on the hydraulic fluid
reservoir. Since both Pentosin CHF 11S and CHF 7.1 are green in color, the
reservoir label must be carefully checked prior to adding fluid.
Special checking instructions apply to the E32 - always refer to the latest edition of the Repair Instructions.
NOTE: Never fill above the " max" mark. There are no replacement intervals for
hydraulic fluid.
These and other properties are already contained in brand-name hypoid gear lubricants because of the high
content of EP additives (EP = extreme pressure).
The factory has not approved oil additives for hypoid gear lubricants.
All final drives are designed in such a manner that they do not require any type of oil additives. Any type of
additives is fundamentally rejected by the factory. BMW NA cannot accept any liability for follow-up damage
resulting from the use of additives.
Mineral based final drive oils are no longer recommended due to the release of synthetic final drive oils for all
vehicles with or without limited slip differentials.
With the introduction of the Z3 roadster a new synthetic final drive oil for all vehicles with a multi-plate
limited-slip differential has been released. The new BMW final drive oil SAF-XJ will replace the old final drive
oil SAF-XLS.
The SAF-XLS final drive oil is not to be used in the final drive of the Z3 roadster.
NOTE: If a non-limited slip differential oil is used in a limited slip differential a whining
or chattering sound can be heard on very tight turns and will eventually result
in a failure of the differential.
NOTE: See S.I. Bulletin B 33 01 92 for additional final drive oil info.
Use reputable brand SAE 80 manual transmission oil conforming with specifications MIL-L-2105 A or API-GL
All models as of 9/97 production are factory-filled with synthetic rear axle oil having a lifetime service rating.
No oil changes are required for the life of the vehicle.
Drive the car with changing engine speeds and road speeds during the first 1,200 miles/2,000 km, but never
faster than 2/3rds of maximum speed in a selected gear. Avoid using full throttle and kick-down positions of the
accelerator pedal during this period.
These break-in procedures are, of course, also applicable to replacement final drives.
The amount of joint grease required after repairing is supplied in the " dust cover repair kit".
Bearing unit is lubricated for its service life, cannot be disassembled and does not require subsequent
Wurth Part No. 8932700
Loctite Part No. 21438
Silicone sprays are not acceptable, as they are extremely slippery and don't dry. If applied to the tire bead, it is
likely that the tire moves on the rim, causing an imbalance.
The cooling-turbine wheel covers of the M5 (E34) produced from March 1990 to October 1990 may be secured
to the wheel by applying Loctite 242 to the attaching screw threads. First clean screw threads with Loctite
Cleaning Solvent 755.
Rear - E36
Model (Chassis Code) Engine Size (Code)
318ti (E36) 1.8L (M42)
Z3 (E36) 1.9L (M44)
318ti (E36) 1.9L (M44)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52)
M Roadster (E36) 3.2L (S52)
M Coupe (E36) 3.2L (S52)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52TU)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M52TU)
M Roadster (E36) 3.2L (S54)
M Coupe (E36) 3.2L (S54)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M54)
Z3 (E36) 3.0L (M54)
The E36 uses independent rear suspension. Trailing arms locate the rear wheels and anchor the coil springs,
shock absorbers and stabilizer bar. The differential is mounted to the rear axle carrier with rubber mounts. See
Fig. 1 .
Fig. 1: Identifying Rear Suspension Components
Load each front seat with 150 lbs. Place 46 lbs. in trunk and ensure gas tank is full. To measure front ride
height, see FRONT - E36 article. Measure rear ride height from lower edge of wheel arch to bottom edge of
wheel rim. Determine average value of each wheel after lifting and lowering vehicle body and then average
each axle. For correct ride height, see REAR RIDE HEIGHT SPECIFICATIONS table. If ride height is not
within specification or deviates more than 0.4" (10 mm) between wheels, coil springs must be replaced.
Replacement spring can be determined from parts microfiche, parts supplier, or on old spring at one end.
To trouble shoot most symptoms, see TROUBLE SHOOTING table.
Whether a spring strut shock absorber has to be replaced can only be ascertained by checking while it is
installed with a shock absorber tester or while it is removed with a shock absorber test machine.
Fault Cause Remedy
Shock Absorbers Bottoming Rubber Damper Faulty Check/Replace Rubber Damper
Shock Absorbers Bottoming Shock Absorber Faulty Replace Shock Absorber
Drumming Noise Rubber Mount Of Rear Axle Replace Rubber Mount
Carrier Faulty
Drumming Noise Rubber Mount Of Final Drive Replace Rubber Mount
Suspension Faulty
Drumming Noise Rubber Mount Of Control Arm Replace Rubber Mount
Drumming Noise Rubber Mount Of Trailing Arm Replace Rubber Mount
Grinding Noise Only When Wheel Bearing Faulty Replace Wheel Bearing
Driving In Curves
Poor Handling Characteristics Or Rubber Mount Of Control Arm Replace Rubber Mount
Low Directional Stability Faulty
Poor Handling Characteristics Or Rubber Mount Of Rear Axle Replace Rubber Mount
Low Directional Stability Carrier Faulty
Poor Handling Characteristics Or Rear Axle Geometry Not OK Perform Chassis Alignment
Low Directional Stability
Shock Absorber noise Shock Absorber Loose Tighten Shock Absorber
Shock Absorber noise Installed New Shock Absorber Store Shock Absorbers Standing
Was Stored Horizontally With Upright With Piston Rods Run
Retracted Piston Rod Out At Room Temperature For 24
Shock Absorber noise Shock Absorber Faulty Shock Absorber Faulty
Rattling Noise Shock Absorber Loose Tighten Shock Absorber
Rattling Noise Upper Shock Absorber Bushing Replace Bushing
Rattling Noise Lower Shock Absorber Bushing Replace Shock Absorber
Rattling Noise Stabilizer Bracket Loose Tighten Bracket
Rattling Noise Stabilizer Rubber Mount Faulty Replace Rubber Mount
Rattling Noise Stabilizer Broken Replace Stabilizer
Rattling Noise Rubber Mount On Rear Axle Replace Rubber Mount
Carrier Faulty
Worn Down Areas On Tire Shock Absorber Faulty Replace Shock Absorber
Excessive Tire Wear Rear Axle Geometry Not OK Perform Chassis Alignment
Long After Swinging Of Body Shock Absorber Effect Replace Shock Absorber
After Driving Over Rough Road Insufficient
Body Dipping While Accelerating Shock Absorber Effect Replace Shock Absorber
Wheels Jumping Even On Normal Shock Absorber Effect Replace Shock Absorber
Road Surfaces Insufficient
Rear Of Car Out Of Control While Shock Absorber Effect Replace Shock Absorber
Braking Insufficient
Rear End Skid When Braking Rubber Mount Of Trailing Arm Replace Rubber Mount
With Each Side On Different Faulty
Road Surface
Hesitation Of Rear Wheels With Rubber Mount Of Trailing Arm Replace Rubber Mount
Hard Braking Faulty
Unsteady Taking Of Curves Due Rubber Mount On Rear Axle Replace Rubber Mount
To Self-Steering Or Poor Rear Carrier Faulty
End Track Stability
Unsteady Taking Of Curves Due Rubber Mount Of Final Drive Replace Rubber Mount
To Self-Steering Or Poor Rear Suspension Faulty
End Track Stability
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace self-locking nuts. Tighten fasteners to specification. See
2. Bleed brake system and adjust handbrake. See appropriate DISC article in BRAKES.
NOTE: Observe installation position of rubber mount in axle carrier. See Fig. 8 .
3. Coat NEW rubber mount with Circolight. Pull in with special tool (33 3 103/104/112/115). See Fig. 10 .
4. Install axle carrier assembly. See AXLE CARRIER ASSEMBLY .
NOTE: Only refit coil springs with identical BMW number. On the rough road package
version, the spring pad top is .8" (22 mm) thick.
1. Check coil spring for surface damage and check spring mounts. Replace if necessary.
2. To install, reverse removal procedure. Use washer (1). See Fig. 11 . Tighten screw to specification. See
WARNING: Shock absorber prevents trailing arm and drive axle from dropping too
far. Support trailing arm during disassembly to avoid CV joint damage.
CAUTION: The shock absorber has the function of an arrester band. To prevent
damage to the axle shaft, do not remove the support or raise the vehicle.
1. On convertible models, remove shock absorber nuts located under plastic caps in the convertible top
compartment. On Z3 Roadster, remove panel from convertible top compartment. On all other vehicles,
remove trunk trim.
2. Raise and support vehicle. Using a jack, support trailing arm and unfasten screw (1). See Fig. 12 .
3. If necessary, remove reinforcement plate. Pull off cap. Unscrew nuts and remove shock absorber. See
Fig. 13 .
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace all self-locking nuts and tighten to specification. See
2. When replacing the shock absorber, always ensure that the replacement unit is marked with the same code
(K) as the old shock absorber. See Fig. 14 .
3. Install NEW seal between body and shock absorber.
4. On Z3 Roadster and coupe, if the support bearing is replaced, stick a rubber ring in middle of underside
of joint seal (2) and in middle on upper side of support element (5). It is essential to ensure that rubber
ring is stuck on exactly in middle so that when screwed on ring is not jammed between inner sleeve of
support bearing (3) and joint seal (2) or support element (5). See Fig. 15 .
Fig. 14: Identifying Shock Absorber
Fig. 15: Identifying Support Bearing Components
1. Raise and support rear of vehicle. Remove stabilizer bar with links.
2. Clamp stabilizer bar link in a soft jaw vise. Rotate stabilizer bar and pull out of link. See Fig. 16 .
3. If rubber mount remains on stabilizer bar, cut through rubber with a knife and remove.
4. Clamp NEW stabilizer link in soft jaw vise. Coat end of stabilizer bar and inside rubber mount with
Circolight. Press stabilizer bar as far as possible into stabilizer link with rotary motions.
5. Immediately rotate stabilizer link into position. Once mounting agent (Circolight) has evaporated,
stabilizer link can no longer be rotated. See Fig. 17 .
6. To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. Replace self-locking nuts and tighten to specification. See
2. Bleed brake system. See appropriate DISC article in BRAKES.
For removal and installation of wheel bearings, see appropriate DISC article in BRAKES.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Axle Carrier To Body 57 (77)
Brake Hose Couplings 13-14 (17-19)
Compression Strut On Body
8.8 Thread 15 (21)
10.9 Thread 22 (30)
Differential Cover To Body 57 (77)
Trailing Arm To Rear Axle Carrier
10.9 Thread 57 (77)
All Others 49 (67)
Shock Absorber Piston Rod On Thrust Bearing 10 (14)
Shock Absorber Support On Rear Axle Carrier 10 (14)
Shock Absorber To Trailing Arm 57 (77)
Wheel Lug Bolt 81-96 (110-130)
Fig. 21: Identifying Hydro-Lifter Basic Unit (00 2 030)
Fig. 22: Identifying Set Of Supports (33 3 270)
Fig. 23: Identifying Set Of Tools (33 3 100)
Model (Chassis Code) Engine Size (Code)
318i & 318is (E36) 1.8L (M42)
325i & 325is (E36) 2.5L (M50)
318ti (E36) 1.8L (M42)
M3 (E36) 3.0L (S50)
318is (E36) 1.9L (M44)
318i (E36) 1.9L (M44)
Z3 (E36) 1.9L (M44)
318ti (E36) 1.9L (M44)
328i & 328is (E36) 2.8L (M52)
M3 (E36) 3.2L (S52)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52)
323i & 323is (E36) 2.5L (M52)
M Roadster (E36) 3.2L (S52)
M Coupe (E36) 3.2L (S52)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M52TU)
Z3 (E36) 2.8L (M52TU)
M Coupe (E36) 3.2L (S54)
M Roadster (E36) 3.2L (S54)
Z3 (E36) 2.5L (M54)
CAUTION: On vehicles with air springs, pull fuse of air supply system so there is no
NOTE: On vehicles with electronic chassis controls, all systems should be functional
before attempting riding height or wheel alignment adjustment.
Before adjusting alignment, check riding height. Riding height must be checked with vehicle on level floor and
tires properly inflated. Load front seats with 150 Lbs. (68 kg) each. On vehicles with back seats, load center of
back seat with 150 Lbs. (68 kg). Load 31 Lbs. (14 kg) in center of trunk and fill fuel tank.
Measure actual ride-level height from wheel-house lower edge to rim flange at height of wheel center.
Determine average value of each wheel after lifting and lowering vehicle body and then average value of axle
from these values. Ride height measurement must be within .04" (10 mm) of each side. For specifications, see
RIDE HEIGHT SPECIFICATIONS. If ride height is not correct, see appropriate FRONT article.
For Z3 no extra loading is necessary. Open hood, insert measuring tool (31 3 010) in bore in wheel arch and
measure distance "A" from bottom center flange of wheel rim (2) to Measuring Tool (1). See Fig. 1. Determine
average value of each wheel after lifting and lowering vehicle body and then average value of axle from these
values. Ride height measurement must be within .04" (10 mm) of each side. For specifications, see RIDE
HEIGHT SPECIFICATIONS. If ride height is not correct, see appropriate FRONT article.
Fig. 1: Measuring Front Ride Height (Z3)
E36 (Z3)
E52 (Z8)
E53 (X5)
NOTE: Fig. 2 is not intended to represent the exact structure of each vehicle's frame,
underbody or body outline. It is presented only to provide reference points.
The following illustration indicate areas (parts) of the underbody and frame which may be used to raise and
support the vehicle, using either floor jack or hoist. These points are indicated by shaded areas on the frame. See
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2: Locating Jacking & Hoisting Points
Those points designated on the outline of the body were specifically designed to facilitate the use of the
vehicle's own jack. These jacking points are indicated by circular dots on the outline of the body. See Fig. 2. If
using floor jack or hoist, exercise extreme care to avoid damaging outer body shell.
CAUTION: On vehicles with air springs, pull fuse of air supply system so there is no
NOTE: Prior to performing wheel alignment, perform preliminary visual and mechanical
inspection of wheels, tires, riding height and suspension components. See
Front (E46)
1. If necessary, drive out centering pin (1) towards bottom. unscrew M3 centering pin (1) and discard.
Centering pin is no longer needed. See Fig. 3.
2. Remove dirt in area of support bearing in wheel arch from below with compressed air. Remove nut (2)
and slacken nuts (3) approximately 1 1/2 turns. See Fig. 3.
3. Insert special tool (32 3 140) in opening of wheel arch and over nuts. See Fig. 4. Adjust camber by
turning nut to specification. See E46 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS.
4. Replace nut (2). See Fig. 5. Tighten to specification. See E46 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
5. Remove special tool.
6. Replace nuts (3). See Fig. 3. Tighten to specification. See E46 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
7. A change in camber also means a change in toe. After adjusting camber, check and adjust toe-in. See
Fig. 3: Locating Centering Pin
Fig. 4: Adjusting Camber (E46)
Fig. 5: Locating Nut (2)
Front (E53)
Front (E65)
1. Detach cap from wheel arch. Remove centering pin (1) with hexagon socket screw key. this pin is no
longer needed. Remove dirt in area of support bearing in wheel arch from below with compressed air.
Slacken nut (2) approximately 1 1/2 turns. See Fig. 8.
2. Insert special tool (32 3 144/145) into opening of wheel arch and over nut. Replace nuts (3) and screw on
but do not tighten down fully. Adjust camber by turning nut (4) in special tool. See Fig. 9.
3. Adjust camber to specification. See E65 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS.
4. Tighten down nuts (3) to specification. See E65 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
5. Remove special tool. Replace nut (2). See Fig. 8. Tighten to specification. See E65 under TORQUE
6. Adjust toe-in. See FRONT (E65) under TOE-IN ADJUSTMENT.
Fig. 8: Locating Wheel Arch Components (E65)
Fig. 9: Adjusting Front Camber (E65)
Rear (E36)
NOTE: A change in camber also means a change in toe. This means that camber must
be adjusted first.
1. Replace and tighten down hexagon collar nut. The eccentric washer must be located between the support
cams. Tighten collar nut to specification. See E36 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
2. Slacken hexagon collar nut approximately 1/2 turn. See Fig. 10. Turn eccentric screw and adjust camber
to specification. See E36 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS.
CAUTION: If the hexagon collar nut is tightened down more than 10 times during
adjustment, it must be replaced. The self-locking effect becomes too
3. Tighten hexagon collar nut again to specification. See E36 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
Fig. 10: Locating Hexagon Collar Nut
Rear (E39)
NOTE: A change in camber also means a change in toe. This means that camber must
be adjusted first.
1. Before adjusting, replace disc collar nut (1) and ensure eccentric washer (2) is correctly located. See Fig.
11. Tighten disc collar nut to specification. See E39 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
2. Loosen disc collar nut 1/2 to 1 complete turn.
3. Using the eccentric screw, adjust camber precisely to specification. See E39 under WHEEL
CAUTION: If the hexagon collar nut is tightened down more than 10 times during
adjustment, it must be replaced. The self-locking effect becomes too
4. Tighten down disc collar nut (1). Ensure that eccentric washer (2) is correctly located. See Fig. 11.
Tighten disc collar nut to specification. See E39 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
Rear (E46)
1. Replace hexagon collar nut (1). Ensure eccentric washer is correctly located (2). See Fig. 12.
2. Tighten hexagon collar (1) to specification. See E46 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
3. Release hexagon collar nut (1) approximately 1/2 turn.
4. Adjust camber with eccentric screw precisely to specification. See E46 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT
5. Locate the eccentric screw between the stops (1). See Fig. 13.
CAUTION: If the hexagon collar nut is tightened down more than 10 times during
adjustment, it must be replaced again. The self-locking effect
becomes too slight.
6. Tighten hexagon collar nut to specification. See E46 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
Fig. 12: Locating Hexagon Collar Nut (E46)
Fig. 13: Locating Eccentric Screw
Rear (E52)
1. Replace and tighten down disk collar nut. See Fig. 14.
2. Tighten disk collar nut to specification. See E52 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
3. Release disk collar nut again by 1/2 to 1 turn.
4. Adjust camber with eccentric screw. See Fig. 15. Adjust camber to specification. See E52 under WHEEL
CAUTION: If the disk collar nut is tightened down more than 10 times during
adjustment, it must be replaced again. The self-locking effect
becomes too slight.
5. Tighten down disk collar nut to specification. See E52 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
6. Adjust toe-in. See Rear (E52) under TOE-IN ADJUSTMENT.
Fig. 14: Locating Disk Collar Nut (E52)
Fig. 15: Adjusting Camber (E52)
Rear (E53)
1. Replace nut (1). Eccentric screw (2) must be located between stops (3). See Fig. 16.
2. Tighten down new nut (1) to specification. See E53 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
3. Slacken nut (1) approximately 3/4 turn.
4. Turn eccentric screw and adjust camber to specification. See E53 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT
5. Position eccentric screw between the stops (3). See Fig. 16.
CAUTION: If the nut is tightened down more than 4 times during adjustment, it
must be replaced again. The self-locking effect becomes too slight.
Rear (E65)
1. Replace nut (1) and tighten down. Ensure eccentric washer is correctly located (2). See Fig. 17. Tighten
nut (1) to specification. See E65 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
2. Release nut (1) again by 1/2 to 1 turn.
3. Adjust camber with eccentric screw. See Fig. 18. Adjust to specification. See E65 under WHEEL
CAUTION: If the nut (1) is tightened down more than 10 times during
adjustment, it must be replaced again. The self-locking effect
becomes too slight.
4. Tighten nut (1). Ensure eccentric washer is correctly located (2). See Fig. 17. Tighten to specification.
5. Adjust toe-in. See REAR (E65) under TOE-IN ADJUSTMENT.
Fig. 17: Locating Nut & Eccentric Washer
Fig. 18: Adjusting Camber (E65 Rear)
NOTE: Information for E53 and E65 is not available from manufacturer.
1. On E39 and E52, check if rubber mounts for tension/traction strut are defective and replace if necessary.
2. On E39 and E52, check if tension/traction strut is misshaped and replace if necessary.
3. On all vehicles, check if control arm is deformed and replace if necessary.
4. On all vehicles, check if spring strut shock absorber is deformed and replace if necessary.
5. On all vehicles, check if wheel house (spring strut mount) is deformed and repair front end if necessary.
6. On all vehicles, check if there is distortion in floor assembly (engine carrier) and repair body if necessary.
Front (E36 & E39 - Except M5 & 540i)
1. Position steering gear to straight-ahead position. Alignment marks on case and steering shaft should align.
See Fig. 19.
2. Loosen lock nut on tie rod. See Fig. 20. Adjust wheel toe-in to specified value by rotating steering tie rod.
3. Ensure that ball joint is not twisted. Tighten tie rod clamping nut to specification. See E36 or E39 under
4. On cars equipped with Electronic Damper Control, it is essential after wheel alignment to perform a
"steering angle check/adjustment" with the BMW Diagnosis System.
1. Move steering wheel gear into straight ahead setting Marks on housing and steering shaft must line up.
See Fig. 21.
2. Loosen clamping screws on tie rods. Adjust toe-in of wheel by turning the tie rod precisely to
specification. See Fig. 22. For alignment specification, see E39 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT
3. Ensure that the ball joints are not twisted and tighten clamping screws to specification. See E39 under
Fig. 21: Matching Marks On Housing
Fig. 22: Adjusting Toe-In
Front (E46)
NOTE: A change in camber also means a change in toe. This means that camber must
be adjusted first. See FRONT (E46) under CAMBER ADJUSTMENT.
1. Move wheels and steering gear to straight ahead position. Markings on cap (1) and on housing (2) must
line up. See Fig. 23.
2. Slacken clamping nut (1) on steering tie rod. Adjust wheel toe-in by turning tie rod at hexagon head (2).
See Fig. 24. For specification, see E46 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS.
3. Make sure steering packing is not turned. Tighten clamping nut to specification. See E46 under TORQUE
Fig. 23: Locating Marks On Cap & Housing
Fig. 24: Adjusting Toe-In (E46)
Front (E52)
1. Move steering wheel gear into straight ahead setting. Marks on housing and steering shaft must line up.
See Fig. 25.
2. Slacken lock nut (1) on steering tie rod, gripping outer tie rod in so doing. Adjust wheel toe-in by turning
tie rod (2). See Fig. 26. Adjust wheel toe-in to specification. See E52 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT
3. Grip outer tie rod and tighten lock nut to specification. See E52 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
Fig. 25: Locating Mark On Housing & Steering Shaft
Fig. 26: Adjusting Wheel Toe-In
Front (E53)
NOTE: The camber must be adjusted first. See FRONT (E53) under CAMBER
1. Move wheels and steering gear to straight ahead position. Markings on cap (1) and on housing (2) must
be aligned. See Fig. 27.
2. Loosen lock nut (1) on tie rod. Adjust wheel toe-in by turning tie rod at hexagon head (2). See Fig. 26.
Adjust to specification. See E53 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS.
3. Make sure steering pack is not turned. Tighten lock nut (1) to specification. See E53 under TORQUE
Fig. 27: Locating Markings On Cap & Housing (E53)
Front (E65)
NOTE: The camber must be adjusted first. See FRONT (E65) under CAMBER
1. Move steering gear and wheels to straight ahead position. Markings on cap (1) and on housing (2) must
match up on steering gear. See Fig. 28.
2. Loosen lock nut (1) on tie rod, gripping tie rod in so doing. Adjust wheel toe-in by turning tie rod axial
joint at hexagon head (2). See Fig. 26. Adjust to specification. See E65 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT
3. Make sure steering sleeve is not twisted. Grip tie rod and tighten down lock nut (1) to specification. See
Fig. 28: Aligning Steering Gear
Rear (E36)
Release bolts approximately 1 1/2 turns on bearing support. Apply special tool (32 3 080) on bolt head between
stops (1). See Fig. 29. If bearing support has a pin or notch, attach special tool (32 3 030) to bolt head and
pin/notch (1). See Fig. 30. Rotate special tool and adjust toe-in of left/right wheel to specification. See E36
Fig. 29: Adjusting Toe-In
Fig. 30: Identifying Bearing Support With Pin Or Notch
Rear (E39)
CAUTION: If the disk collar nut is tightened down more than 10 times during
adjustment, it must be replaced. The self-locking effect becomes too
5. Ensure that eccentric washer (2) is correctly located. See Fig. 32. Tighten down disk collar nut (1) to
specification. See E39 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
Fig. 31: Removing Trim
Fig. 32: Locating Disk Collar Nut (E39)
Fig. 33: Adjusting Toe-In (E53 Rear)
Rear (E46)
1. Release screws approximately 1 1/2 turns at bearing pedestal. Attach special tool (32 3 030) to screw
head and to notch (1). See Fig. 30.
2. Turn special tool and adjust toe-in to specification. See E46 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT
3. Tighten screws at bearing pedestal to specification. See E46 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
Rear (E52)
NOTE: Any change in camber always involves a change in toe. The camber must
always be adjusted first. See REAR (E52) under CAMBER ADJUSTMENT.
1. Replace and tighten down disk collar nut. See Fig. 34.
2. Tighten disk collar nut to specification. See E52 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
3. Release disk collar nut again by 1/2 to 1 turn.
4. Adjust toe-in with eccentric screw. See Fig. 35. Adjust to specification. See E52 under WHEEL
CAUTION: If the disk collar nut is tightened down more than 10 times during
adjustment, it must be replaced. The self-locking effect becomes too
5. Tighten down disk collar nut to specification. See E52 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
Rear (E53)
1. Release nut (1) with special tool (32 3 151/152) and remove. See Fig. 36.
2. Replace nut (1). Eccentric washer (2) must be located between stops. See Fig. 32.
3. Tighten down new nut (1) with special tool (32 3 151/152) to specification. See E53 under TORQUE
4. Slacken nut (1) approximately 3/4 turn.
5. Adjust toe-in by turning eccentric screw. See Fig. 33. Tighten to specification. See E53 under WHEEL
CAUTION: If the nut is tightened down more than 4 times during adjustment, it
must be replaced again. The self-locking effect becomes too slight.
6. Tighten down nut with special tool (32 3 151/152) to specification. See E53 under TORQUE
Fig. 36: Releasing Nut (E53 Rear)
Rear (E65)
NOTE: A change of camber always involves a change of toe. Adjust camber first. See
1. Replace nut (1). Ensure eccentric washer (2) is correctly located. See Fig. 37. Tighten nut (1) to
specification. See E65 under TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
2. Release nut (1) again by 1/2 to 1 turn.
3. Adjust toe with eccentric screw (3) precisely to specification. See E65 under WHEEL ALIGNMENT
CAUTION: If the nut is tightened down more than 10 times during adjustment, it
must be replaced again. The self-locking effect becomes too slight.
4. Ensure eccentric washer is correctly located (2). See Fig. 37. Tighten nut (1) to specification. See E65
Fig. 37: Locating Nut & Eccentric Washer (E65 Rear)
WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS (318i, 318is, 323i, 323is, 325i, 325is, 328i & 328is)
Application Preferred Range
Standard Suspension
Total Toe
Front .3° .17 To .43°
Rear .4° .3 To .5°
Front (Up To 95) (1) -.67° -1.17 To -.17°
Front (From 95) (1) -.5° -1 To 0°
Rear (2) -1.67° -1.92 To -1.42°
Toe Difference Angle With 20° Inside Wheel -1.57° -2.07 To -1.07°
Lock (1)
Caster (1)
With 0 To 20° Wheel Lock 3.73° 3.23 To 4.23°
With 0 To 40° Wheel Lock 3.87° 3.37 To 4.37°
Front Wheel Displacement 0° -.25 To .25°
Rear Geometrical Axis Deviation 0° -.05 To .05°
Maximum Wheel Lock
Inside Wheel About 44° N/A
Outside Wheel About 36° N/A
Turning Circle 34.1 Ft. (10.4 M) N/A
Low Slung Sports Suspension
Total Toe
Front .3° .17 To .43°
Rear .4° .3 To .5°
Front (Up To 95) (1) -.97° -1.47 To -.47°
Front (From 95) (1) -.85° -1.18 To .35°
Rear (2) -2° -2.25 To -1.75°
Toe Difference Angle With 20° Inside Wheel -1.34° -2.07 To -1.07°
Lock (1)
Caster (1)
With 0 To 20° Wheel Lock 3.83° 3.33 To 4.33°
With 0 To 40° Wheel Lock 3.95° 3.45 To 4.45°
Front Wheel Displacement 0° -.25 To .25°
Rear Geometrical Axis Deviation 0° -.05 To .05°
Maximum Wheel Lock
Inside Wheel About 44° N/A
Outside Wheel About 36° N/A
Turning Circle 34.1 Ft. (10.4 M) N/A
Rough Road Package
Total Toe
Front .3° .17 To .43°
Rear .4° .3 To .5°
Front (Up To 95) (1) .12° -.38 To .62°
Front (From 95) (1) .05° -.45 To .55°
Rear (2) -1° -1.25 To -.75°
Toe Difference Angle With 20° Inside Wheel -1.57° -2.07 To -1.07°
Lock (1)
Caster (1)
With 0 To 20° Wheel Lock 3.43° 2.93 To 3.93°
With 0 To 40° Wheel Lock 3.55° 3.05 To 4.05°
Front Wheel Displacement 0° -.25 To .25°
Rear Geometrical Axis Deviation 0° -.05 To .05°
Maximum Wheel Lock
Inside Wheel About 44° N/A
Outside Wheel About 36° N/A
Turning Circle 34.1 Ft.(10.4 M) N/A
(1) Difference between left and right is a maximum .5°
The safety, stability, handling and performance of a vehicle depends on many factors. One of the most
important aspects of these characteristics is the design of the suspension and steering systems. BMW vehicles
are known for their superior handling and road performance. The design of the BMW suspension systems is a
key factor in achieving these goals.
Suspension geometry is defined as: "The angular relationship between the suspension, the steering linkage and
the wheels - relative to the road surface."
There are several alignment geometry angles which relate to the suspension components and steering linkages
Steering Roll Radius (steering offset)
Steering Axis Inclination (SAI) and Included Angle (IA)
Toe Out on Turns
Thrust Line and Thrust Angle
The suspension geometry for any given vehicle is a result of the design engineers development of the vehicle
and the design criteria for that particular vehicle.
Caster is the forward or rearward tilt of the steering axis centerline, as viewed from the side of the vehicle, and
is measured in degrees from a vertical. It is a directional control geometry angle that helps keep the vehicle
moving straight ahead.
If the steering axis is tilted rearward, it is called "Positive Caster". A forward tilt is called "Negative Caster".
Fig. 1: Identifying Caster
On BMW vehicles, Caster is always positive. Positive Caster increases stability at high speeds. Positive Caster
also causes increased steering effort at low speeds. Systems such as Servotronic help minimize this negative
effect. In addition to increased high speed stability, cornering is enhanced and steering wheel returnability is
improved by positive Caster.
Caster is measured in degrees. On BMW vehicles, Caster is a non-adjustable angle. But Caster is influenced by
damaged suspension components. When performing a wheel alignment, always check Caster to insure there is
no hidden damage.
Cross Caster
Cross Caster is the difference in the Caster measurement from left to right. Excessive Cross Caster can cause
the vehicle to pull to the side with the least positive caster.
Camber is the inward or outward tilt of the wheels when viewed from the front of the vehicle. The amount of tilt
is measured in degrees from the vertical and is called the camber angle.
If the wheel tilts out at the top, the camber angle is positive and if the wheel tilts in at the top it is negative.
Fig. 2: Identifying Positive Camber Zero Camber Negative Camber
Excessive Positive Camber will cause abnormal wear on the outer edge of the tire.
Excessive Negative Camber will cause abnormal wear on the inner edge of the tire.
Camber is measured in Degrees and Minutes and is measured at the front and rear of the vehicle. Camber is
adjustable on some BMW models.
Cross Camber
Cross Camber is the difference between camber angles from left to right. If Cross Camber is excessive, the
vehicle will pull to the side with the most positive Camber.
Toe is the difference in length by which the wheels of each axle differ from each other, front to rear, in the
straight ahead position. The rear wheels are also subject to toe measurement.
Toe is measured at the center of the wheels from one wheel rim to the other. When the distance is greater at the
rear of the wheels, it is called toe-in.
Fig. 3: Identifying Toe In
When the distance is greater at the front of the wheels, it is called toe-out.
Rear wheel drive vehicles generally will have a small amount of toe-in at the front wheels. This will allow the
wheels to toe out when rolling to achieve a zero running toe.
Toe is measured in Degrees when using BMW specifications. Front toe is adjustable on all BMW vehicles. Rear
toe is only adjustable on some models.
The steering offset is the distance between the point of contact of the projected line drawn through the steering
axis to the road surface and the center point of the tire contact area (foot print). The roll radius is the distance
between these two lines.
A positive roll radius exists when the steering axis line is inside the center line of the tire.
A negative roll radius exists when the steering axis line is outside of the tire center line.
When the Steering Roll Radius is excessively positive, stability during braking is reduced. When the Steering
Roll Radius is excessively negative, the directional stability is reduced and there is reduced feedback to the
driver through the steering wheel. BMW vehicles are designed with a slightly positive Steering Roll Radius.
This gives the driver a better "road feel" without compromising braking stability.
Steering Roll Radius is not adjustable, but can be influenced by improper tire and wheel combinations. Wheels
with incorrect offsets can compromise handling characteristics. Scrub Radius is another term used to describe
Steering Roll Radius.
Steering Axis Inclination is the inward tilt (angle) of the strut assembly with respect to a vertical line to the road
SAI results in self-correcting forces that cause the front wheels and steering wheel to return to a straight ahead
position after cornering.
SAI is not adjustable, but is affected by damaged suspension components. Most current alignment equipment
can measure SAI and can aid in the diagnosis of damaged parts. Bent strut or spindle assemblies are common
causes of incorrect SAI readings.
Included angle is the Camber angle and SAI combined. IA is also helpful when trying to diagnose bent
suspension components. Knowing the IA and SAI is helpful when adjusting Camber. If the desired Camber
angle cannot be achieved, then looking at SAI and IA could help determine the cause.
Fig. 6: Identifying Steering Axis Inclination (S.A.I.)
Geometric Axis
The Geometric Axis (Centerline) is an imaginary line that is drawn between the midpoints of both front and rear
wheels. The Axis is perpendicular to front and rear axles at 90 degrees. This is an imaginary angle that is not
The Thrust Line is represented by an imaginary line that bisects the rear toe angle. This angle represents the
overall "direction" in which the rear wheels are pointing. The Thrust Angle is the difference between the
Geometric Axis and the Thrust Line. The optimum Thrust Angle is Zero Degrees, any deviation from this will
affect the position of the steering wheel.
Positive Thrust Angle - is formed when the Thrust Line is to the right of the Geometric Axis (Centerline).
When this situation occurs, the steering wheel position will be off to the right as well. The rear of the vehicle
will tend to move to the right which will cause the front of the vehicle to steer left, the driver will move the
steering wheel to the right to compensate.
Negative Thrust Angle - is formed when the Thrust Line is to the left of the Geometric Axis (Centerline).
When this situation occurs, the steering wheel position will be off to the left as well. The rear of the vehicle will
tend to move to the left which will cause the front of the vehicle to steer right, the driver will move the steering
wheel to the left to compensate.
Alignment Procedures
When performing a wheel alignment, make sure that the thrust angle is as close to zero as possible. Failure to do
so can result in a steering wheel that is not centered.
Fig. 8: Identifying Thrust Angle
Front Axles
Two basic design front axles are used on BMW vehicles including:
The single-joint spring strut axle is used on E30, E36 (all incl Z3 and 318ti) and E85 models. The axle beam is
bolted to the body through four locating bushings. It supports the engine mounts, steering rack, anti-roll bar and
lower control arm mount.
The "C" shape lower control arm is additionally mounted through a rubber bushing to the body and serves as the
lower pivot for the steering system.
The E46 front suspension is based on the E36 design. There have been some design changes to improve ride
quality and handling characteristics. The following changes were incorporated into the E46 front suspension
A new forged aluminum lower control arm is used (Except all-wheel drive). If offers the advantages of
weight reduction and lower unsprung mass.
Hydraulic bushings are used for the rear lower control arm support.
Hollow strut piston rods are used to reduce weight.
The steering knuckles are press fit into the strut tubes which reduce the tolerances of the front suspension
The Caster has been increased to improve straight line stability.
The track has been widened for improved cornering
Aluminum brake dust shields are used for weight reduction.
Altogether there is 5.72 lbs. less unsprung weight in the front suspension which enhances ride comfort
and handling.
Front toe is adjustable on all variants. Caster is NOT adjustable, but should always be checked during the wheel
alignment to insure there is no damage.
Camber is adjustable on the E46 and E85. There is a slot in the upper strut tower which will allow small
Camber changes. A pin must be driven down in order to allow the Camber changes. The upper strut plate can
then be moved to make a slight Camber correction of up to .5 degrees.
If the Camber adjustment cannot be achieved, check for suspension damage. Make sure the vehicle is at the
proper ride height.
The "Double Pivot Spring Strut Axle" is used on the following vehicles:
The axle beam of the double pivot is bolted to the sub-frame through three triangulated mounting bolts.
The axle beam supports the steering box, engine mounting and lower control arms. The tubular cross
member and compression struts complete the double pivot suspension frame work.
Fig. 13: Identifying Front Suspension
The double pivot refers to the lower mounting of the strut and spindle assembly around which the wheel turns.
The lower control arm and the compression strut form the two lower pivot points.
The lower pivot point is actually an imaginary point formed by the extension of the two lower mounting arms.
Fig. 14: Identifying Left Front Wheel
Fig. 15: Identifying Steering Assembly
BMW utilizes several different configurations for the rear suspension systems depending on the model and
specific needs of the vehicle in terms of handling, ride and performance. Alignment angles are not adjustable on
the early rear suspension systems. The Central "C" Link rear suspension and the Integral Link rear suspension
have adjustable Camber and Toe. The different rear suspension systems used include:
Semi-Tailing Arm - E30, E36/5 318ti and E36/7 Coupe and Roadsters
Semi-Trailing Arm with Track Link - E32, E34, E28, E24
Central "C" Link - E36, E46 and E85
Integral Multi-Link - E38, E39, E31, E53, E65, E66 and E52.
Fig. 16: Identifying Rear Suspension System
Semi-Trailing Arm
The semi-trailing arm is an independent suspension system. The axle geometry is such that all points on the hub
carrier move in a circular path, on a single plane during bounce and rebound. As a result of this, the rear camber
and track will vary with the up and down movement of the wheel. The are no adjustable angles on this
suspension system. Rear Camber is influenced by ride height. In the event of an incorrect rear toe situation,
offset bushings can be installed on the trailing arms to make slight corrections.
Fig. 17: Identifying Semi Trailing Arm
The Track Link is a modified semi-trailing arm rear suspension. It incorporates an additional link that is
mounted between the trailing arm and the rear axle carrier beam. The track link is mounted through rubber
bushings that allow it to flex during bounce and rebound. The track link reduces the pivot axis from 20 degrees
to 13 degrees which reduces the amount of camber and track change during bounce and rebound.
It provides better handling, reduces "squat" and "dive" tendencies and allows less camber change due to heavy
There are no rear suspension adjustments, small corrections can be made with offset bushings.
The Central Link rear suspension consists of a cast iron longitudinal are that is bolted to the body through a
rubber bushing. The wheels are additionally supported by two transverse arms that are connected to the rear
axle sub-frame.
The design of this suspension allows for individual tuning of longitudinal and lateral forces acting on the
vehicle. Longitudinal forces, such as starting and stopping are absorbed by the central arm. Lateral forces, such
as cornering, are absorbed by the transverse links. The complete suspension exhibits little or no change in toe-in
while driving.
Fig. 19: Identifying Central C Link Rear Suspension
The Central "C" Link rear suspension on the E46 is almost identical to the E36 with some minor modifications:
Upper Transverse Control Arms (Lateral Links) are made from aluminum.
The Subframe (rear axle carrier) is of tubular steel construction.
The differential is mounted to the subframe with a hydraulic mount.
Fig. 20: Identifying E46 Rear Suspension
The E85 rear suspension is taken from the E46 design with some minor changes for the roadster. The track
width has been increased by 30 mm. A reinforcement plate has been added to increase rigidity. Due to
underbody aerodynamics, a duct has been added to direct airflow to the differential. The differential cover has
cooling fins which will help keep the differential within it's operating temperature range.
Rear Toe
Toe is adjusted by moving the forward central arm bushing mount with a special tool. The tool part number
varies between models.
Fig. 22: Identifying Rear Toe Adjustment Bolt Tool # 90 88 6 323 080 For E36
Rear Camber
Rear Camber is adjusted by rotating an eccentric bolt located at the outer end of the rear lower lateral link. No
Special tools are required to make the Camber adjustment.
Fig. 24: Identifying Rear Camber Bolt (1 Of 2)
Fig. 25: Identifying Rear Camber Bolt (2 Of 2)
The "integral" multi-link suspension was introduced on the E31 and variations of it are used on the 5 and 7
series vehicles. Slightly modified versions are also used in the X5 and E39 Sportwagon with EHC. The multi-
link suspensions incorporate what is called "elastokinematics" that allow each wheel to move and flex
individually without transmitting loads and forces through the sub-frame to the other wheel.
These suspension systems incorporate anti-dive, anti-squat geometry which serves to keep the vehicle level
during hard acceleration and braking.
Elasto-kinematics relates to the suspension system design type. The term "elasto" implies stretching, which in
fact the system does. Under extreme load (acceleration, turning, braking) the suspension changes its geometry
to counteract inherent changes induced by the increased loads.
Fig. 27: Identifying Elasto-Kinematics
The system changes are pre-determined and built into the system. The geometry changes provided by this
system correct for unwanted changes that occur under load in non-elastokinematic systems.
The E38 and E39s use a modified version of the E31 multi-link rear suspension system. The system was
modified to be more compact yet provide the same handling and ride characteristics as the E31 system.
The trailing arm was eliminated and all suspension mounting is to the sub-frame of the vehicle. The E38/E39
Multi-Link Rear Suspension is made up of the following:
Fig. 28: Identifying E38/E39 Multi-Link Suspension
Fig. 29: Identifying Links
Camber and toe angles are adjustable on the E38/39 rear suspension through two eccentric bushings. There are
no special tools required to perform these adjustments.
Fig. 30: Identifying Camber Adjustment Bolt
With the introduction of the E39 Sportwagon and the E53 X5, the rear suspension system has been modified to
accommodate the increased cargo capacity. The rear suspension is also modified to allow for the optional EHC
system. The X5 and Sportwagon rear suspensions differ from the standard E38 and E39. The springs are now
located on the perches that are part of the wheel carrier assembly. The E39 and E53 rear suspensions are also
slightly different from one another, the E39 upper shock mounts are part of the subframe assembly. The E53
upper shock mounts are still located in the body.
Both the E39 and E53 are available with optional EHC, this means that the rear springs will either be coils
springs or "air springs".
The E39 rear suspension also uses special "hydro mounts". This modification is necessary due to the fact that
the upper shock mounts are on the subframe. The "hydro mounts" are used to isolate the subframe to suppress
road noise and vibrations from being transmitted to the body.
The rear axle on the E65/E66 is also the integral type. It is very similar to the E38/E39 rear suspension. The rear
axle carrier (subframe) is made from tubular aluminum. The E65/E66 is also available with optional systems
such as:
The Rear Toe and Rear Camber are adjusted by means of eccentric bolts. No special tools are needed to make
these adjustments.
The following procedure is an outline to follow based on BMW procedures. The actual alignment procedures
will vary depending upon the alignment equipment being used. Refer to the alignment equipment manufacturers
procedures for specific information. The steps listed below should be followed as closely as possible to perform
a quality alignment.
Vehicle Inspection - The vehicle inspection should include a road test before and after the alignment.
Note any concerns during the pre-alignment road test and verify that the concern has been rectified during
the post-alignment road test.
Install Specified Weight - Install Specified weight in vehicle and compensate for fuel by adding extra
weight if needed.
Install Alignment Sensors - Install alignment sensors as per the alignment equipment manufacturers
recommended procedures.
Compensate Sensors - Depending upon the alignment sensors being used, compensation may not be
necessary. Compensation may require the vehicle to be lifted from the alignment rack. If so, be sure to
remove the pins from the front and rear slip plates. If the sensors do not need to be compensated, the next
step can be ignored.
Lower Vehicle and Jounce - Make sure the pins are removed from the slip plates. Lower the vehicle
back onto the alignment rack and jounce the vehicle. This will insure that the suspension has settled.
Check Ride Height - Check ride height using metric tape measure. Always check ride height after
compensating the sensors. This will avoid having to check the ride height twice.
Perform Alignment - Refer to the equipment manufacturers instructions for the next steps of the
When performing an alignment of a vehicle equipped with air suspension (EHC), disable the system by
removing the fuse for the air supply system. This will insure that the ride height will stay consistent.
Vehicle Inspection
Before attempting to align any vehicle, it is important to inspect the vehicle completely to insure there are no
damaged or loose suspension components. Regardless of the age or mileage of the vehicle, a complete
inspection should be performed. The following items should be checked thoroughly:
Tires and Wheels - Check tires for wear patterns that could indicate suspension problems. Make sure the
tires are the correct size and type. Check for the correct inflation pressures. Look for wheel/rim damage
which could indicate impact damage.
Wheel bearings - Check to make sure there is no excessive wheel bearing play. This needs to be
addressed for safety reasons, but loose wheel bearings will affect the quality of the alignment as well.
Steering Linkage - Check the tie rods, center link, idler arm and pitman arm. On vehicles with rack and
pinion steering, check for loose inner/outer tie rods etc.
On vehicles with a center link, make sure the center link is level. Check flexible coupling between
steering shaft and rack and pinion assembly (or steering box).
Suspension Components - Check Struts/Shocks for leakage or damage. Check springs and perform ride
height measurements.
Subframe - Check the front and rear axle carriers. Look for bent/twisted sub frames. Check the
crossmembers for evidence of shifting or displacement. Check the mounting bolts for "clean spots" which
could indicate shifting or movement.
Brakes - Check braking system by road testing the vehicle. A road test could help to identify brake
related issues such as pulling or brake induced vibrations.
Drivetrain - While road testing the vehicle, observe and vibrations and/or noises and try to isolate the
cause. Noises and vibrations under acceleration (rather than coasting) may be an indication of drivetrain
Road Testing
Whenever possible, a vehicle should be road tested before and after an alignment. If time allows, drive on
various road surfaces and note the vehicle behavior. Check for brake pull when stopping. And most importantly,
note the position of the steering wheel before and after the alignment. These are important steps to avoid
comebacks and unnecessary return visits.
When performing alignments on BMW vehicle, the ride height must be set and checked before proceeding with
any measurement or adjustments. Ride height is measured from the lower edge of the wheel rim to the lower
edge of the wheel housing. Ride height specifications are in millimeters. In order to obtain the correct
specification, the vehicle and suspension type must be identified. Ride height specifications depend upon rim
size (15", 16", 17" etc.), engine size and the type of suspension. There are 4 different types of suspension
The example shown below is the ride height specifications for an E39 540i (Front Axle).
15" Rim mm +/- 10 579
16" Rim mm +/- 10 592
17" Rim mm +/- 10 607
18" Rim mm +/- 10 620
Low Slung Sports Suspension
15" Rim mm 559
16" Rim mm 572
17" Rim mm 587
18" Rim mm 600
Rough Road Package
15" Rim mm +/- 10 599
16" Rim mm +/- 10 612
17" Rim mm +/- 10 627
18" Rim mm +/- 10 640
M Sports Package
15" Rim mm +/- 10 562
16" Rim mm +/- 10 575
17" Rim mm +/- 10 590
18" Rim mm +/- 10 603
Ride Height
When measuring ride height, measure from the lower edge of the wheel rim to the lower edge of the wheel
opening. Use a metric tape measure with divisions of 1 mm.
When measuring ride height on the E36/7 (Z3). Use special tool # 313 010. Due to the design of the hood on the
Z3, this tool is used to simulate the lower edge of the wheel opening.
Fig. 34: Identifying Special Tool # 313 010
Identification Of Suspension
When performing an alignment, the suspension variant must be identified. This insures that the correct
alignment specifications are used and the ride height is correct. There are numerous suspension variants, there is
the standard "series" production suspension, the "low slung" sports suspension, "M Sport Package" and the
"Poor Road Surface" package. The latter term is for Eastern Europe, this is not used in the US.
There are various methods for determining the suspension variant used. The following is a summary of some
common models:
E38 - The "Sports" suspension variant is identified by paint markings on the front springs or by a front
sway bar diameter of greater than 21.5 mm.
E65/E66 - There is no additional identification needed to determine suspension variant (at this time).
E39 - There is a symbol (or code) located on the front strut assembly. There is a chart in repair
instructions to match to the symbol found.
E36 - There is an auxiliary spring located on the front strut assembly. There is a measurement that needs
to be made to determine suspension variant.
E46 - There is a symbol (or code) located on the front strut assembly. There is a chart in repair
instructions to match to the symbol found.
The following page shows the E39 suspension identification chart. Note the markings on the front strut
housing below.
Vehicle Loading
In order to obtain the correct ride height, the vehicle must be loaded with the specified weight. The normal
specified weight for most vehicles is as follows:
Not all vehicle need to be weighed down. Usually E39 M5 and E36/E46 M3 are measured without any weight.
The proper test conditions can be found under "Normal Position/Inspection Conditions".
If the vehicle fuel tank is not full, compensate by adding weight in the trunk. Fuel is approximately 7 pounds
(about 3.2kg) per gallon. For example: If the vehicle has an 18 gallon tank and it is 1/2 full, add about 63 lbs.
(about 28kg.)
There are two types of alignment sensor mounting, this depends upon equipment used. The first type is the
"Rim Clamp" Method which "clamps" on the edge of the wheel rim. This method of mounting requires that the
sensor be "compensated" electronically to allow for wheel runout and mounting irregularities. The second type
is the "Beissbarth" type clamp, this method allows the clamp to be indexed to the rotor hub through holes in the
wheel rim. The clamp hold on to the tire tread with a spring loaded clamp. The "Beissbarth" clamping method
does not have to be compensated due to the fact that the clamp is actually mounted to the rotor hub,
theoretically this method eliminates the need for compensation. Always remember that the holes in the rim
should be clean and free of excessive rust, this could cause irregular mounting and inaccurate alignment results.
Fig. 36: Identifying Rim Clamp Mounting
Fig. 37: Identifying Beissbarth Type Mounting
Alignment Specifications
There is a slight difference in terminology between this information and the information found on most
alignment equipment. The following text should be helpful in understanding the different terms used. The
alignment specifications are shown on the opposing page:
Front Toe - The Total Toe specification represents the left and right toe specs added together. Toe is
measured in degrees and minutes.
Front Camber - Camber is also measured in degrees and minutes. Camber is adjustable only a some
vehicles. The maximum amount of Camber adjustment is approximately .5 +/- degrees.
Track Differential Angle with 20° lock on inside wheel - This angle is also known as "Toe Out on
Turns". With the inside wheel turned to 20 degrees on the front turn plates, the difference in the toe angle
should be as specified.
Caster - Caster must be measured by sweeping the wheel through an arc of 10-20 degrees. (Most
alignment equipment requires at least 20 degrees). Ride height is crucial to this specification. If the
vehicle is too high or low in the rear, the Caster measurement will be affected. Caster is NOT a "live
angle", the wheels must be re-sweeped to check the measurement again. Although Caster is NOT
adjustable, it should always be checked to insure there is no "hidden damage".
Front Wheel Displacement - More commonly known as "Setback", this is a measurement of the angle
formed between the front axle to the Geometric Axis. The front axle centerline should be at 90 degrees to
the Geometric Axis. A quick check of setback is to look to see if the wheel is centered in the wheel
opening. Setback is a good diagnostic angle, if the Caster is off, the Setback measurement could indicate
the cause. Look for bent suspension components or damaged suspension carrier/subframe.
Maximum Wheel Lock - Also known as "Maximum Steering Angle". This is the maximum angle of the
wheels when turned to the inward and outward lock position. When this measurement is out of
specification, check to see if the steering rack or steering box is centered. This can cause a hazardous
condition and premature tire wear.
Rear Toe - Just as with front toe, this is the combined measurement of the rear left and right toe. Rear
Toe is also measured in Degrees and Minutes.
Rear Camber - Rear Camber is always negative on BMW vehicles. Rear Camber adjustable on some
Geometrical Axis Deviation - The Geometrical Axis Deviation is also known as the "Thrust Angle". The
optimum angle is zero degrees. The Thrust Angle is the angle formed between the Geometric Centerline
and the Thrust Line which is the imaginary line which bisects the rear toe angle. A Thrust Angle of Zero
Degrees is Optimal.
Depending upon the type of alignment equipment used, the specifications can be expressed a number of ways.
Whenever possible, set the alignment equipment to read in degrees and minutes. Some alignment equipment has
this option, this is more desirable than trying to convert from inches to degrees etc.
The alignment angles are expressed in degrees and minutes. For example:
There are 360 degrees in a circle and 60 minutes to each degree. The are also 60 seconds to each minute, but
adjustments this fine are rarely used.
Clutch is single-plate, dry-disc type. Flywheel is a dual-mass type. Diaphragm spring-type pressure plate uses a
vibrational damper. Release bearing is operated by slave cylinder push rod and release lever. Slave cylinder is
mounted on clutch housing and extends inside housing. See Fig. 1 . Clutch master cylinder is connected to
clutch pedal by a push rod. Master cylinder is mounted to firewall.
Clutch pedal stroke and free play are adjusted automatically. On 5-Series, ensure dot on clutch pedal arm
eccentric bolt is positioned 180 degrees away from master cylinder. See Fig. 2 .
NOTE: On vehicles with speed and reference mark sensors, check component
locations for proper installation reference. If sensors are reversed, engine will
not start.
1. Remove negative battery cable. Check clutch lining wear before removing transmission. On 3-Series,
remove clutch slave cylinder and insert Clutch Lining Thickness Gauge(21-2-070) into slave cylinder
opening. Replace clutch disc, if scale on check tool is not visible.
2. On 5-Series, insert Clutch Lining Thickness Gauge (21-2-060) into slave cylinder opening, up to stop on
tool grip. Replace disc if gap is more than .197" (5.0 mm).
3. On models equipped with automatic stability and traction control, remove throttle body. From inside
engine compartment, remove upper transmission-to-engine mount bolts and bracket. Remove control rod
at transmission from gearshift lever.
4. Raise and support vehicle. Remove front exhaust system components. Remove bolts and discard lock nuts
holding drive shaft flange to transmission shaft flange. Remove heat shield. Disconnect back-up light
switch connector. On 5-Series, remove stabilizer link and breather cap. On 3-Series, disconnect O2 sensor
5. On all models, disconnect center support bearing and bracket. Remove drive shaft from front flange and
position shaft out of way. Hold rear of engine with overhead support. Support transmission with jack.
Remove rear transmission mount and crossmember from body.
6. Remove clutch slave cylinder from clutch housing. Remove engine position sensors from clutch housing
(if equipped). Unplug electrical connectors from transmission. Remove transmission mount bolts. Slide
transmission rearward and lower away from vehicle.
7. Remove flywheel cover. Install Flywheel Holder (11-2-160). Remove pressure plate bolts one turn at a
time in a crisscross pattern.
Fig. 1: Side View Of Clutch (Typical)
1. Check lining for cracks, glazing and oil. Minimum lining thickness is .295" (7.5 mm). Maximum runout
should be less than .20" (5.0 mm) from disc outer edge.
2. Ensure hub slides smoothly on input shaft splines. Check end surface of diaphragm spring fingers for
wear. Spring finger height should vary less than .024" (.60 mm).
1. Using clutch aligner, install clutch disc and pressure plate. Install flywheel holder. Tighten pressure plate
mount bolts evenly in a crisscross pattern.
2. Lightly grease contact surfaces of disc hub splines, release bearing and release lever. Install transmission
and drive shaft. Install slave cylinder with bleed screw at bottom.
3. To preload center bearing on models with slide on center mount, move bracket .16-.24" (4-6 mm) forward
in slots. To preload center bearing on models without slide on center mount, move bracket .08-.16" (2-4
mm) forward in slots. Install and tighten NEW drive shaft flange lock nuts.
4. On models with automatic stability and traction control, adjust throttle plate clearance to .02-.04" (.5-1.0
mm). To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
With transmission removed from engine, remove spring from pivot end of release arm. Remove release arm and
bearing assembly.
Coat contact points and pack inside groove of release bearing with molybdenum grease. To complete
installation, reverse removal procedure.
1. Remove trim under left side of instrument panel. On 3-Series, remove accelerator cable. On 5-Series,
remove air filter housing. On all models, remove bolt attaching master cylinder push rod to clutch pedal.
2. Disconnect and cap hydraulic lines from clutch master cylinder. Remove master cylinder mount bolts at
firewall. Remove master cylinder from vehicle.
To install, reverse removal procedure. Bleed hydraulic system. See HYDRAULIC SYSTEM BLEEDING .
On 5-Series, ensure dot on clutch pedal arm eccentric bolt is positioned 180 degrees away from master cylinder.
See Fig. 2 .
Fig. 2: Adjusting Clutch Pedal Arm Eccentric Bolt (5 Series)
Siphon fluid from reservoir. Remove slave cylinder from clutch housing. Disconnect hydraulic line and remove
cylinder. To install, reverse removal procedure. Ensure cylinder is mounted with bleed screw at bottom. Fill
reservoir and bleed system. See HYDRAULIC SYSTEM BLEEDING .
NOTE: Coat all pivot points on clutch pedal assembly with Molykote 2 prior to
Remove master cylinder. Remove dust boot and circlip holding push rod. Remove piston assembly. Clean
components with denatured alcohol. Inspect cylinder bore for corrosion or scoring.
Replace all rubber parts. Lubricate internal parts with brake fluid and reassemble. Adjust push rod length to
5.5" (140 mm). See Fig. 3 . Reverse disassembly procedure to complete reassembly. Bleed hydraulic system.
Remove retaining ring. Remove push rod, boot and piston assembly. See Fig. 4 . Clean internal parts with
denatured alcohol. Inspect bore for scoring and corrosion.
Replace all rubber parts. Ensure all internal parts are lubricated with brake fluid. Reverse disassembly
procedure to reassemble. Bleed hydraulic system. See HYDRAULIC SYSTEM BLEEDING .
Fig. 4: Side View Of Clutch Slave Cylinder (Typical)
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Drive Shaft Flange Bolt 72 (98)
Flywheel Mounting Bolt 84-96 (114-130)
Master Cylinder Mount Bolt 18 (24)
Pressure Plate Mounting Bolt 18 (24)
Slave Cylinder-To-Clutch Housing Mount Bolt 18 (24)
Transmission-To-Engine Bolt
Hex Head Bolts
8-mm 19 (25)
10-mm 37 (49)
12-mm 55 (74)
Torx Head Bolts
8-mm 16 (22)
10-mm 32 (43)
12-mm 53 (72)
Diagnostics - BMW
NOTE: A BMW scan tool (MoDiC, Group Tester One (GT1) or Displus) is necessary to
diagnose and test these systems.
Use BMW tool (MoDiC, Group Tester One (GT1) or Displus) or generic scan tool to pull code. Connect scan
tool to BMW connector or OBD-II diagnostic connector. Follow scan tool manufacturer's instructions. See Fig.
1-Fig. 3 .
PCode BMW Code Possible Cause Diagnostic Parameters
P0705 8 Transmission Range Sensor "A" Circuit See 6-CYLINDER
Malfunction (PRNDL Input) DIAGNOSIS (M COUPE,
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P0720 42 Output Speed Sensor Circuit See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P0731 100 Gear 1 Incorrect Ratio See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P0732 100 Gear 2 Incorrect Ratio See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P0733 100 Gear 3 Incorrect Ratio See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P0734 100 Gear 4 Incorrect Ratio See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P0740 111 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit/Open See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P0743 32 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P0748 5 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" Electrical See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P0753 30 Shift Solenoid "A" Electrical See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P0758 33 Shift Solenoid "B" Electrical See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1743 4 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" Electrical See 6-CYLINDER
(M44/M52: Brake Band Electrical) DIAGNOSIS (M COUPE,
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1746 104 Transmission Control Module Output See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1747 150 CAN-Bus Monitoring See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1747 151 CAN-Bus Monitoring See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1747 156 CAN-Bus Monitoring See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1748 103 Transmission Control Module Self-Test See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1748 105 Transmission Control Module Self-Test See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1748 110 Transmission Control Module Self-Test See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1749 108 Secondary Pressure Solenoid No Diagnosis Available
Communication Error (M52: Internal
Transmission Control Module Memory
P1750 54 Secondary Pressure Solenoid Circuit No Diagnosis Available
(M44/M52/S52/M62/M73: System
Voltage Input Low)
P1761 2 Shiftlock Solenoid See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1765 154 CAN Throttle Valve See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1765 158 CAN Throttle Valve See 6-CYLINDER
328IS, 528i - 9/98-5/99).
P1780 152 CAN Torque Reduction No Diagnosis Available
P1780 163 CAN Torque Reduction No Diagnosis Available
Application Trans. Model Number BMW Model Number
318i, 318is, 318ti, 323i, 323is, 328i, 328is, 4L30-E A4 S 310 R
528i & Z3
Identification plate is located on side of transmission case. See Fig. 1 . Identification plate information may be
required when ordering replacement components.
NOTE: Electronic control diagnosis and code retrieval procedures are not available for
BMW. Wiring diagrams are included in this article. See WIRING DIAGRAMS .
Automatic transmission is electronically controlled, providing 4 forward speeds and one reverse speed.
Transmission consists of a torque converter, clutches, planetary gears and brake band. See Fig. 2 .
Transmission shifting and torque converter lock-up are controlled by the control module. Control module
receives information from various input devices and uses this information to control shift solenoids, band apply
solenoid and Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid. Control module uses input signals to control force
motor solenoid operation, which activates pressure regulator valve for controlling line pressure.
A torque management control system is used to reduce engagement shock caused by a change in vehicle speed
during shifting.
The control module contains a self-diagnostic system which stores a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) if a
specified failure or problem is present in the transmission electronic control system. If fault has set a DTC, the
CHECK TRANS light on instrument panel will flash. The DTC may be retrieved to determine transmission
problem area.
Transmission is capable of 3 different shift modes, Auto mode, Sport mode and Manual mode. Shift mode may
be selected by "S" or "M" mode switch mounted on center console, near gearshift lever. Shift modes are used to
change transmission shift points for various vehicle operating conditions.
The control module contains an emergency running system. When a failure or problem is present in the
transmission electronic control system, the control module may go into a back-up mode using pre-programmed
values, allowing vehicle to be driven. The CHECK TRANS light on instrument panel will flash to inform driver
of a problem. Vehicle can be driven, but shifting must be done manually. When manually shifting transmission,
if gearshift lever is placed in "D" or "3" position, transmission remains in 4th gear. If gearshift lever is placed in
"2" position, transmission remain in 3rd gear. If gearshift lever is placed in "L" position, transmission remains
in 1st gear. If gearshift lever is placed in "R" position, transmission will shift into reverse.
Transmission is equipped with shift and key lock systems. Shift lock system prevents gearshift lever from being
moved from "P" position unless brake pedal is depressed, ignition is on and release button on gearshift lever is
Key lock system prevents ignition switch from being placed in LOCK position unless gearshift lever is in "P"
position. Shift lock cable is connected between gearshift lever and ignition switch. When gearshift lever is
placed in "P" position, shift lock cable moves lock on ignition switch so ignition switch may be placed in
LOCK position.
Fig. 2: Identifying Transmission Component Locations
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
1. Drain fluid. Remove bolts, main case oil pan and gasket. See Fig. 4 . Remove bolts, servo cover and
gasket. Loosen lock nut on servo adjusting screw.
2. Using an INCH-lb. torque wrench, tighten servo adjusting screw to 40 INCH lbs. (4.5 N.m). Back off
servo adjusting screw 5 revolutions. Hold sleeve on servo piston. Tighten lock nut to 14 ft. lbs. (19 N.m).
Ensure servo adjusting screw does not rotate while tightening lock nut.
3. Using a NEW gasket, install servo cover. Install and tighten bolts to specification. See TORQUE
SPECIFICATIONS . Using a NEW gasket, install main case oil pan. Install and tighten bolts to
specification. Fill transmission with Dexron-III ATF.
Key lock system prevents ignition switch from being placed in "0" position unless gearshift lever is in "P"
position. Key lock system also prevents gearshift lever from moving out of "P" position with ignition switch in
"0", or with key removed. Shift lock cable is connected between gearshift lever and ignition switch. When
gearshift lever is placed in "P" position, check that ignition switch may be placed in "0" position. If ignition
switch cannot be placed in "0" position, perform the following shift lock cable adjustment.
1. Ensure gearshift lever is in "P" position. Remove console components for access to shift lock cable at
gearshift lever.
2. Loosen screw retaining cable in bracket allowing cable to move slightly.
3. Ensure that ignition switch is in "0" position. Press interlock lever at rear of gearshift lever down to its
limit and tighten cable retaining screw.
4. Ensure ignition switch can be turned to "0" position only when gearshift lever is in "P" position. If
operation is not as specified, readjust shift lock cable.
1. Before performing transmission trouble shooting, check fluid level, fluid condition and shift linkage
2. Perform hydraulic pressure test to identify problem. See HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TEST under
No Reverse Gear
Poor Acceleration
No Upshift 1-2
No 3-4 Upshift
No "M" Program
No Kickdown
No Downshift
No Engine Braking (Selector In "D", 3rd Gear, "M" Program Lever In "3", "2" Or "1")
NOTE: Before beginning any testing, check fluid level, fluid condition and shift linkage
Warm engine to normal operating temperature. Ensure transmission fluid level is correct. Apply parking brake.
Block all wheels.
1. With engine off, remove pressure tap plug from line pressure tap, located near torque converter housing
on driver's side of transmission case, just above adapter case oil pan. See Fig. 3 .
2. Install oil pressure gauge on line pressure tap. Start engine and allow it to idle.
3. Line pressure is checked in each transmission shift mode with engine idling and at torque converter stall
speed with gearshift lever in specified position. Shift mode may be selected by "S" or "M" mode switch
mounted on center console, near gearshift lever. When neither Sport or Manual mode are selected,
transmission will remain in normal mode.
4. With engine idling, place gearshift lever in specified position and note line pressure. See LINE
PRESSURE SPECIFICATIONS . Line pressure should be within specification.
5. To check line pressure at torque converter stall speed, fully depress brake pedal. Place gearshift lever in
"D" position and in proper shift mode. Fully depress accelerator no more than 5 seconds and note line
pressure reading.
CAUTION: DO NOT perform line pressure test for more than 5 seconds at torque
converter stall speed or transmission may be damaged.
Transmission must be cooled between pressure tests by placing
gearshift lever in "N" position and operating engine at 1200 RPM for
at least one minute.
6. Place gearshift lever in "N" position. Operate engine at 1200 RPM for at least one minute to cool
transmission. Repeat line pressure test procedure at torque converter stall speed with gearshift lever in
"3", "2", "L" and "R" positions in proper shift mode.
7. Line pressure should be within specification. See LINE PRESSURE SPECIFICATION . If line
pressure is not within specification, see LINE PRESSURE TEST . Turn engine off.
8. Remove pressure gauge and adapter. Apply Loctite 242 on threads of pressure tap plug. Install and
tighten pressure tap plug to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
1. Remove torque converter. Remove "O" ring from end of turbine shaft.
2. Remove screws, cover and mode switch and wiring harness. See Fig. 4 . Remove bolts, adapter case oil
pan and gasket.
3. Disconnect electrical connectors at solenoids on adapter case valve body. Note location of adapter case
valve body bolts for reassembly reference. Remove bolts, adapter case valve body, transfer plate and
transfer plate gaskets.
4. Remove wiring harness for solenoids on adapter case valve body. Remove bolts, main case oil pan,
magnet and gasket. Remove bolts and oil filter.
5. Remove bolts and manual detent. Disconnect wiring harness at solenoids on main valve body and the
case 4-pin connector. Remove 4-pin connector.
6. Remove bolts, servo cover and gasket. Position transmission case with main valve body facing upward.
Note location of main valve body bolts for reassembly reference. Note position of manual valve link, as
long end fits into manual valve and short end fits into range selector.
7. Remove bolts, main valve body with manual valve link, transfer plate gaskets and transfer plate. Note
location of 2 check balls in transmission case. See Fig. 5 . Remove check balls from transmission case.
Fig. 4: Exploded View Of Transmission Case & Components
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
Fig. 5: Identifying Check Ball Locations In Transmission Case
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
8. Using spring compressor, compress servo piston and return spring. Remove servo piston retaining snap
ring. Slowly release spring compressor. Remove spring compressor, servo piston, apply rod and return
spring. See Fig. 4 .
9. Remove bolt and speed sensor with "O" ring from extension housing. Remove drive shaft companion
flange nut, drive shaft companion flange and "O" ring from rear of transmission. Remove bolts, extension
housing and gasket from transmission case.
10. Remove retaining ring, speed sensor drive gear and parking lock gear with seal ring from output shaft.
Position transmission case in vertical position with torque converter housing facing upward.
11. If removing oil pump assembly from torque converter housing, loosen but DO NOT remove the 5 inner
bolts on torque converter housing. These are the oil pump assembly-to-torque converter housing bolts.
12. On all applications, remove torque converter housing-to-adapter case bolts. These are the 7 outer bolts.
Remove torque converter housing, outer seal ring, oil pump, gasket and selective thrust washer.
13. Remove 4th clutch retainer from turbine shaft. See Fig. 6 . Pull upward on turbine shaft and lift overrun
clutch assembly and 4th clutch plates and clutch discs from transmission case. Remove thrust bearing,
overdrive internal gear and thrust washer.
14. Remove adapter case and center support assembly with 4th clutch piston. See Fig. 7 . Remove seal ring,
selective thrust washer and "O" rings from transmission case.
15. Using spring compressor, compress 4th clutch retainer and spring assembly. Remove snap ring from
adapter case. Remove spring compressor, snap ring and 4th clutch retainer and spring assembly.
16. To remove 4th clutch piston from adapter case, hold adapter case and pull 4th clutch piston from adapter
case. Remove converter housing-to-main case bolts.
17. While holding intermediate shaft, twist and pull out 2nd and 3rd clutch assemblies with reverse clutch
plates and clutch discs from transmission case while holding onto output shaft. See Fig. 7 . Separate 2nd
and 3rd clutch assemblies. Remove thrust washer, reverse clutch plates and pressure plate.
18. Remove bearing, washer, planetary carrier and thrust bearing assembly from transmission case. See Fig.
7 . Remove reaction sun gear, needle bearing, brake drum, brake band and thrust bearing assembly.
19. For reassembly reference, measure height of spring pin in relation to transmission case. Spring pin retains
selector shaft in transmission case. See Fig. 8 .
20. Insert wire into center of spring pin to prevent spring pin from collapsing during removal. Protect
machined surface of transmission case. Remove spring pin.
21. Remove selector shaft nut from end of selector shaft. Remove parking lock and range selector lever with
actuator rod from selector shaft. Remove selector shaft.
Fig. 6: Removing & Installing 4th Clutch Retainer, Turbine Shaft, Overrun Clutch Housing, 4th Clutch
Plates, Overdrive Internal Gear, Thrust Bearing & Thrust Washer
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
Fig. 7: Removing & Installing Adapter Case, 2nd & 3rd Clutch Assemblies, Planetary Carrier &
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
Fig. 8: Identifying Spring Pin, Selector Shaft, Parking Lock & Range Selector Lever
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
1. Clean components with solvent and dry with compressed air. Inspect all gears and shafts for chipped
gears, excessive wear and damage. Replace components as necessary.
2. Using feeler gauge, measure planetary carrier pinion end clearance. See Fig. 9 . Planetary carrier pinion
end clearance should be .005-.035" (.13-.89 mm). Replace planetary carrier if pinion end clearance is not
within specification.
1. Remove oil pump assembly-to-torque converter housing bolts from center of torque converter housing.
Remove torque converter housing, outer seal ring and wear plate from oil pump assembly. See Fig. 10 .
2. Remove bolts and oil seal ring from center of torque converter housing. If disassembling oil pump
assembly, place reference marks on drive and driven gears for reassembly reference to ensure gears are
installed in original direction.
3. Remove components from oil pump assembly. See Fig. 10 . Use care when removing pins and snap rings,
as they are under spring pressure.
Clean components with solvent and dry with compressed air. Inspect for damage and excessive wear. Replace
components as necessary. Replace oil seal, seal rings and gasket.
1. Lubricate all components with Dexron-III ATF. To reassemble oil pump assembly, reverse disassembly
2. Ensure spring seat is installed on pressure regulator valve with flat side of spring seat against shoulder on
pressure regulator valve. Ensure spring seat is installed on throttle signal accumulator piston spring with
flat side of spring seat away from the spring.
3. To reassemble torque converter housing, install NEW oil seal ring on torque converter housing. Install
and tighten bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
4. Install wear plate on oil pump assembly. Install NEW gasket and NEW outer seal ring. Install torque
converter housing on oil pump assembly.
5. Install Guide Pins (J-38588) in torque converter housing and oil pump assembly. See Fig. 11 . Loosely
install oil pump assembly-to-torque converter housing bolts.
6. Using Oil Pump Centering Adapter (J-38557), center oil pump assembly on torque converter housing.
Tighten oil pump assembly-to-torque converter housing bolts to specification in a crisscross pattern.
Remove oil pump centering adapter and guide pins.
Fig. 10: Exploded View Of Torque Converter Housing & Oil Pump Assembly
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
CAUTION: When disassembling main valve body, place components in order and
mark spring locations for reassembly reference. DO NOT use force to
remove components from main valve body. Remove solenoids by pulling
on metal tip. DO NOT pull on electrical connector housing on solenoid.
1. Remove transfer plate-to-main valve body bolts. Remove transfer plate gaskets and transfer plate from
main valve body. Note location of check ball in main valve body. See Fig. 12 .
2. Remove components from main valve body. Use care when removing pins and plugs, as components are
under spring tension.
Clean components with solvent and dry with compressed air. Inspect components for damage or signs of wear.
Replace components as required. Ensure valves slide freely in bores on main valve body.
1. Lubricate all components with Dexron-III ATF. To reassemble, reverse disassembly procedure using
NEW transfer plate gaskets. Ensure components are installed in correct location. See Fig. 12 .
2. Use guide pins in main valve body when installing transfer plate gaskets and transfer plate on main valve
body. Install and tighten transfer plate-to-main valve body bolts to specification. See TORQUE
CAUTION: When disassembling adapter case valve body, place components in order,
and mark spring locations for reassembly reference. DO NOT use force to
remove components from adapter case valve body.
1. Remove components from adapter case valve body. See Fig. 13 .
2. Use care when removing spring pins and plugs, as components are under spring tension. When removing
plug for screen assembly, screw a 5-mm bolt in center of plug to aid in plug removal.
Clean components with solvent and dry with compressed air. Inspect components for damage or signs of wear.
Replace components as required. Ensure valves slide freely in bores on adapter case valve body.
1. Lubricate all components with Dexron-III ATF. To reassemble, reverse disassembly procedure using
NEW "O" rings.
2. Ensure force motor solenoid is positioned with electrical connections on solenoid facing toward mounting
surface on adapter case valve body. Tighten force motor solenoid and torque converter clutch solenoid
retaining bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
Fig. 13: Exploded View Of Adapter Case Valve Body
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
1. Place 3rd clutch drum and intermediate shaft upright, using overdrive internal gear as a support. See Fig.
14 .
2. Locate end of retaining ring at opening on side of 3rd clutch drum. Using screwdriver, compress one end
of retaining ring and install one Retaining Ring Compressor (J-38450) near end of retaining ring to hold
retaining ring clear of groove in 3rd clutch drum. See Fig. 14 .
3. Compress other end of retaining ring and install retaining ring compressor near end of retaining ring.
Repeat procedure by installing 3 remaining retaining ring compressors at equal intervals between
retaining ring and 3rd clutch drum. Ensure retaining ring is fully disengaged from 3rd clutch drum.
4. Pull upward on input sun gear assembly until retaining ring clears groove in 3rd clutch drum. Remove
retaining ring compressors. Remove input sun gear assembly from 3rd clutch drum.
5. Remove retaining washer, thrust bearing and thrust washer from 3rd clutch drum. Remove clutch plates,
clutch discs and spring cushion plate from 3rd clutch drum. Note direction of clutch plates, clutch discs
and spring cushion plate installation for reassembly reference.
6. To remove clutch piston from 3rd clutch drum, using spring compressor, compress return springs and
return spring seat. DO NOT over compress return springs and return spring seat.
7. Remove retaining ring from center of 3rd clutch drum. Release spring compressor. DO NOT allow return
spring seat to bind in groove for retaining ring.
8. Remove spring compressor, return spring seat and return springs. Remove clutch piston from 3rd clutch
drum. Remove seal rings from clutch piston.
9. To remove sprag assembly from input sun gear, remove sprag assembly outer race. See Fig. 15 . Note
direction of sprag assembly installation on input sun gear for reassembly reference. Remove sprag
assembly from input sun gear.
Fig. 14: Removing & Installing Input Sun Gear Assembly
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
Fig. 15: Exploded View Of 3rd Clutch & Sprag Assembly
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
1. Clean metal components with solvent and dry with compressed air. Inspect components for damage or
signs of wear. Replace components as required.
2. Ensure check ball is located in clutch piston. Shake clutch piston to ensure check ball moves freely in
clutch piston.
CAUTION: Sprag assembly must be installed on input sun gear so flared shoulder on
sprag assembly is toward input sun gear.
1. Lubricate all components with Dexron-III ATF. Place input sun gear on flat surface with sun gear facing
2. Install sprag assembly outer race on sprag assembly. Install sprag assembly with sprag assembly outer
race on input sun gear with flared shoulder on sprag assembly toward input sun gear. Push downward on
sprag assembly while rotating input sun gear counterclockwise until sprag assembly seats on input sun
3. To check sprag assembly operation, hold input sun gear. Rotate sprag assembly outer race. Sprag
assembly outer race should rotate freely counterclockwise and lock when rotated clockwise. See Fig. 16 .
If sprag assembly operation is not as specified, sprag assembly is incorrectly installed on input sun gear.
4. Install NEW seal rings on clutch piston so lip on seal ring faces toward shaft end of 3rd clutch drum
(toward front of transmission). Lubricate seal rings with Dexron-III ATF.
5. Install clutch piston in 3rd clutch drum. Use care not to damage seal rings. Install return springs and
return spring seat.
6. Using spring compressor, compress return springs and return spring seat. Use care to not allow return
spring seat to bind in groove for retaining ring or over compress return springs and return spring seat.
7. Install retaining ring at center of 3rd clutch drum. Remove spring compressor. Place 3rd clutch drum and
intermediate shaft upright, using overdrive internal gear as a support.
CAUTION: Spring cushion plate must be installed in 3rd clutch drum so beveled
side of spring cushion plate is toward 3rd clutch drum. See Fig. 15 .
8. Install spring cushion plate in 3rd clutch drum with beveled side of spring cushion plate toward 3rd clutch
drum. See Fig. 15 .
9. Install clutch plates and clutch discs in 3rd clutch drum, starting with clutch plate and alternating with
clutch disc.
10. Install thrust washer, thrust bearing and retaining washer on 3rd clutch drum. Install input sun gear
assembly on 3rd clutch assembly.
11. Ensure splines on sprag assembly fully engages with tangs on clutch discs. Rotate input sun gear
assembly back and forth to ensure sprag assembly outer race engages with 3rd clutch drum.
12. Install retaining ring compressors at each side of retaining ring. Using screwdriver, compress retaining
ring while pushing downward on sprag assembly outer race until retaining ring aligns with groove on 3rd
clutch drum.
13. Remove retaining ring compressors. Ensure retaining ring fully engages in groove in 3rd clutch drum.
1. Remove retaining ring, ring gear, retaining ring and spacer from 2nd clutch drum. See Fig. 17 .
2. Remove clutch plates, clutch discs and waved plate from 2nd clutch drum. Note direction of clutch plates,
clutch discs and waved plate installation for reassembly reference.
3. To remove clutch piston from 2nd clutch drum, using spring compressor, compress return springs and
return spring seat. Remove retaining ring from center of 2nd clutch drum.
4. Release spring compressor. DO NOT allow return spring seat to bind in groove for retaining ring.
Remove spring compressor, return spring seat and return springs.
5. Remove clutch piston from 2nd clutch drum. Remove seal rings from clutch piston.
1. Clean metal components with solvent and dry with compressed air. Inspect components for damage or
signs of wear. Replace components as required.
2. Ensure check ball is located in clutch piston. Shake clutch piston to ensure check ball moves freely in
clutch piston.
1. Lubricate all components with Dexron-III ATF. Install NEW seal rings on clutch piston so lip on seal ring
faces toward inside of 2nd clutch drum (toward front of transmission).
2. Install clutch piston in 2nd clutch drum. Use care not to damage seal rings. Install return springs and
return spring seat.
3. Using spring compressor, compress return springs and return spring seat. Ensure return spring seat does
not bind in retaining ring groove.
4. Install retaining ring at center of 2nd clutch drum. Remove spring compressor. Install waved plate in 2nd
clutch drum. Ensure waved plate is installed in original direction.
5. Install clutch plates and clutch discs in 2nd clutch drum, starting with clutch plate and alternating with
clutch disc. See Fig. 17 .
6. Install spacer with proper end of spacer facing clutch plate. See Fig. 17 . Install retaining ring, ring gear
and remaining retaining ring.
Fig. 17: Exploded View Of 2nd Clutch
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
1. The 3-4 accumulator is located in adapter case. See Fig. 18 . Using spring compressor, depress cover.
Remove snap ring from adapter case. Remove spring compressor.
2. Using slide hammer screwed into the center of cover, pull cover from adapter case. Remove spring and 3-
4 accumulator piston. Remove all seal rings.
Clean metal components with solvent and dry with compressed air. Inspect components for damage or signs of
wear. Replace components as required.
To reassemble, reverse disassembly procedure using NEW seal rings. Lubricate seal rings with Dexron-III ATF.
1. Using Spring Compressor (J-23327), compress return springs and return spring seat on center support.
See Fig. 19 . DO NOT over compress return springs and return spring seat or damage to return spring seat
may result.
2. Remove retaining ring. Remove spring compressor, return spring seat and return springs. Remove rear
clutch piston. See Fig. 20 .
3. Remove bolts, center support, gasket, transfer plate and gasket from adapter case. See Fig. 20 . Remove
restrictor from adapter case. See Fig. 21 .
4. Remove retainer plate from side of center support. See Fig. 20 . Remove plug, overrun lock-out valve
spring and overrun lock-out valve from center support.
Clean components with solvent and dry with compressed air. Inspect components for damage or signs of wear.
Replace components as required.
1. Lubricate all metal components with Dexron-III ATF. Install overrun lock-out valve in center support so
small long diameter is toward the overrun lock-out valve spring area in center support. See Fig. 20 .
Install overrun lock-out valve spring.
2. Install plug and retainer plate on center support. Install restrictor in rear of adapter case. See Fig. 21 .
3. Using NEW gaskets, install transfer plate and center support on adapter case. Install and tighten center
support bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
4. Install reverse clutch piston on center support. Install return springs and return spring seat. Using spring
compressor, compress return springs and return spring seat. Install retaining ring. Remove spring
Fig. 19: Compressing Return Springs On Rear Clutch
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
Fig. 20: Exploded View Of Reverse Clutch Piston & Center Support
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
Fig. 21: Removing & Installing Restrictor In Adapter Case
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
1. Position overrun clutch assembly upright, using overdrive internal gear as a support. Remove snap ring
and overdrive carrier assembly. See Fig. 22 .
2. Remove sun gear and turbine shaft. Remove snap ring, backing plate, clutch discs and clutch plates. Note
direction of clutch discs and clutch plate installation for reassembly reference.
3. Using spring compressor, compress release spring retainer and diaphragm spring. Remove snap ring from
center of overrun clutch drum. Remove spring compressor.
4. Remove roller clutch cam, roller clutch, release spring retainer and diaphragm spring. Remove clutch
piston from overrun clutch drum. Remove seal rings from clutch piston if seal rings are not molded onto
clutch piston. Remove turbine shaft seal rings from turbine shaft.
Fig. 22: Exploded View Of Turbine Shaft & Overrun Clutch Assembly
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
1. Clean metal components with solvent and dry with compressed air. Inspect components for damage or
signs of wear. Replace components as required.
2. Using feeler gauge, measure overdrive carrier assembly pinion end clearance. See Fig. 23 . Overdrive
carrier assembly pinion end clearance should be .009-.025" (.25-.64 mm). Replace overdrive carrier
assembly if pinion end clearance is not within specification.
1. Lubricate all metal components with Dexron-III ATF. Apply petroleum jelly on turbine shaft seal rings.
Install turbine shaft seal rings on turbine shaft.
2. Install NEW seal rings on clutch piston if seal rings are not molded onto clutch piston. Install clutch
piston in overrun clutch drum. Use care not to damage seal rings.
3. Install diaphragm spring in overrun clutch drum. Ensure diaphragm spring is installed in proper direction
on overrun clutch drum. See Fig. 22 .
4. Install release spring retainer, roller clutch and roller clutch cam in overrun clutch drum. Using spring
compressor, compress release spring retainer and diaphragm spring. Install snap ring at center of overrun
clutch drum. Remove spring compressor.
5. Install clutch plates and clutch discs in overrun clutch drum, starting with clutch plate and alternating
with clutch disc. See Fig. 22 .
CAUTION: Sun gear must be installed with countersunk area on sun gear facing
toward overrun clutch drum.
6. Install backing plate and snap ring. Install turbine shaft on overrun clutch drum. Install sun gear with
countersunk area on sun gear facing toward overrun clutch drum.
7. Install overdrive carrier assembly. Rotate overdrive carrier assembly counterclockwise during installation
until roller clutch fully engages overdrive carrier assembly. Rotate overdrive carrier assembly and listen
for looseness in the rollers on roller clutch. Install snap ring on end of turbine shaft.
Fig. 23: Measuring Overdrive Carrier Assembly Pinion End Clearance
Courtesy of ISUZU MOTOR CO.
NOTE: Lubricate all components with Dexron-III ATF before reassembly. Coat all thrust
bearings assemblies with petroleum jelly before installing.
1. Install NEW shaft seal for selector shaft in transmission case. Install selector shaft. Install spring pin in
transmission case. See Fig. 8 . DO NOT install spring flush with surface on transmission case.
2. Install parking lock and range selector lever with actuator rod on selector shaft. Install and tighten selector
shaft nut to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
3. Install brake band in transmission case. Ensure servo pin area aligns with servo hole. Install thrust bearing
assembly in rear of transmission case.
4. Install brake drum, reaction sun gear and needle bearing. See Fig. 7 . Install thrust bearing assembly on
output shaft on planetary carrier.
5. Pinions on planetary carrier must be properly aligned. Each pinion is marked with 2 dots to indicate
master tooth space and a single dot to indicate the master tooth. Planetary carrier is marked with double
lines which should align with the 2 dots on 2 opposite pinions. Single lines on planetary carrier should
align with single dot on the other 2 pinions. See Fig. 24 .
6. Properly align all pinion on planetary carrier. Install 2nd and 3rd clutch assemblies on planetary carrier. If
pinions are properly aligned, 2nd and 3rd clutch assembly should fit easily on planetary carrier.
7. Rotate 3rd clutch and ensure pinions with 2 dots are at tooth No. 1 and 46 on ring gear in 2nd clutch
assembly. See Fig. 24 . Pinions with one dot should be between tooth No. 23 and 24 on ring gear in 2nd
clutch assembly. If not as specified, realign as necessary.
8. Once correct pinion alignment is obtained, install planetary carrier in transmission case. Install washer
and bearing on planetary carrier. See Fig. 7 .
9. Install thrust washer on 2nd clutch. Ensure tangs on thrust washer engage with slots on second clutch.
Align tangs on clutch plates in 2nd clutch. Install 3rd clutch assembly in 2nd clutch drum.
10. Install assembled 2nd and 3rd clutch assemblies in transmission case. Ensure planetary carrier is properly
aligned. Rotate output shaft and clutch assemblies to ensure proper engagement.
11. Install pressure plate in transmission case. Ensure pressure plate is installed in proper direction with lip
side facing upward. See Fig. 7 . Tang side on pressure plate must be toward main valve body surface on
transmission case.
12. Install reverse clutch plates and clutch discs, starting with clutch plate and alternating with clutch disc.
Install waved plate with center tang facing valve body surface on transmission case.
13. The 2nd clutch end play must now be checked. Install Selective Thrust Washer Gauge (J-23085-A) on
transmission case, against intermediate shaft. Move inner shaft on selective thrust washer gauge
downward against thrust surface on 2nd clutch hub. Perform STEP 1. See Fig. 25 . Tighten thumb screw
on selective thrust washer gauge.
14. Remove selective thrust washer gauge from transmission case. Install spacer ring on inner shaft of
selective thrust washer gauge. Measure distance "G" from end of inner shaft to surface on spacer ring.
Perform STEP 2. See Fig. 25 .
15. Using dimension "G", determine color code of selective thrust washer that fits on the center support. See
SELECTIVE THRUST WASHER SPECIFICATIONS . This should provide a final 2nd clutch end
play of .014-.031" (.36-.79 mm).
16. Install NEW seal rings on 4th clutch piston. Lubricate seal rings with Dexron-III ATF. Install 4th clutch
piston in adapter case. Use care not to damage seal rings.
17. Install 4th clutch retainer and spring assembly on 4th clutch piston. See Fig. 7 . Using spring compressor,
compress 4th clutch spring retainer and spring assembly. Install snap ring in adapter case. Remove spring
18. Apply petroleum jelly on selective thrust washer. Install selective thrust washer on center support. Install
NEW "O" rings on front of transmission case and NEW seal ring on adapter case. See Fig. 7 .
19. Install guide pins in front of transmission case for aligning adapter case. Install adapter case and center
support assembly on transmission case.
20. Install thrust washer on adapter case. Ensure tangs on thrust washer engage with slots in adapter case.
Apply petroleum jelly on thrust bearing and install at center of overdrive internal gear with Black side of
thrust bearing facing upward. See Fig. 6 .
21. Install overdrive internal gear with thrust bearing on turbine shaft and overrun clutch assembly. Install
turbine shaft and overrun clutch assembly with overdrive internal gear in adapter case.
22. Install 4th clutch plates and clutch discs in following order: clutch plate, clutch disc, clutch plate, clutch
plate, clutch disc and clutch plate. Clutch plates must be installed with short tang facing toward adapter
case valve body surface.
23. Install 4th clutch retainer with notch area toward adapter case valve body surface. Overdrive clutch end
play must now be checked.
24. Install Selective Thrust Washer Gauge (J-23085-A) on adapter case, against turbine shaft. Move inner
shaft on selective thrust washer gauge downward against thrust surface on overrun clutch housing.
Perform STEP 1. See Fig. 26 . Tighten thumb screw on selective thrust washer gauge.
25. Remove selective thrust washer gauge from adapter case. Measure distance "G" from end of inner shaft to
surface on selective thrust washer gauge. Perform STEP 2. See Fig. 26 .
26. Using dimension "G", determine color code of selective thrust washer that fits on rear of oil pump
assembly. See SELECTIVE THRUST WASHER SPECIFICATIONS . This should provide a final
overdrive clutch end play of .004-.031" (.10-.80 mm).
27. Install NEW outer seal ring on torque converter housing and NEW gasket on oil pump assembly. See Fig.
10 . Apply petroleum jelly to selective thrust and install on rear of oil pump assembly. Ensure selective
thrust washer is fully seated on oil pump assembly.
28. Install torque converter housing with oil pump assembly on adapter case. Install and tighten torque
converter housing-to-adapter case bolts to specification. Ensure oil pump gears rotate freely.
29. Install dial indicator, Turbine Shaft Puller (J-25022) and End Play Fixture (J-24773-1) onto turbine shaft.
See Fig. 27 . Pull turbine shaft upward until slight resistance is felt. Zero dial indicator.
30. Continue to pull turbine shaft upward and note turbine shaft end play. Turbine shaft end play should
be .004-.031" (.10-.80 mm). Remove dial indicator, turbine shaft puller and end play fixture.
31. If turbine shaft end play is not within specification, different thickness selective thrust washer must be
installed on rear of oil pump assembly. Repeat steps 24 -26 for selective thrust washer selection
Application In. (mm)
Output Shaft End Play .014-.031 (.36-.80)
Overdrive Carrier Assembly Pinion End Clearance .009-.025 (.25-.64)
Overdrive Clutch End Play (1) .004-.031 (.10-.80)
Planetary Carrier Pinion End Clearance .005-.035 (.13-.89)
Turbine Shaft End Play .004-.031 (.10-.80)
2nd Clutch End Play (1) .014-.031 (.36-.79)
(1) For measuring procedure, see TRANSMISSION REASSEMBLY .
Application Ft. Lbs (N.m)
Adapter Case Valve Body Bolt
8mm Bolt 18 (25)
5/16" Bolt 24 (32)
Adapter Case Intermediate Plate Bolt 18 (25)
Brake Band Adjustment Lock Nut 15 (21)
Center Support Bolt 18 (24)
Drive Shaft Companion Flange Nut 76 (103)
Electrical Socket-To-Transmission Case 10 (14)
Extension Housing Bolt 24 (32)
Main Valve Body Bolt 15 (20)
Manual Detent Bolt 15 (20)
Oil Fill Pipe 72 (98)
Oil Filter Bolt 15 (20)
Oil Pan Drain Plug 18 (25)
Oil Pan Overfill Plug 24 (33)
Oil Pump Assembly-To-Torque Converter Housing Bolt
1st Pass 7 (10)
2nd Pass 15 (20)
Oil Strainer Bolts 15 (20)
Output Flange Collar Nut 74 (100)
Reinforcement Plate-To-Transmission 17 (23)
Selector Shaft Nut 16 (22)
Servo Cover Bolt 18 (24)
Solenoid Valve-To-Valve Body Bolt 7 (10)
Torque Converter-To-Flywheel Bolt 33 (45)
Torque Converter Housing-To-Adapter Case Bolt 31 (42)
INCH Lbs. (N.m)
Adapter Case Oil Pan Bolt 106 (12)
Brake Band Adjustment Screw 44 (5)
Force Motor Solenoid Bolt 89 (10)
Main Case Oil Pan Bolt 106 (12)
Mode Switch Bolt 115 (13)
Oil Seal Ring Bolt 27 (3)
Pressure Tap Plug 106 (12)
Speed Sensor Bolt 80 (9)
Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Bolt 89 (10)
Torque Converter Housing Radial Shaft Seal 27 (3)
Transfer Plate-To-Main Valve Body Bolt 115 (13)
Fig. 28: 4L30-E Transmission Wiring Diagram - 1997 BMW 3-Series (1 Of 2)
Fig. 29: 4L30-E Transmission Wiring Diagram - 1997 BMW 3-Series (2 Of 2)
Fig. 30: 4L30-E Transmission Wiring Diagram - 1998 BMW 3-Series (1 Of 2)
Fig. 31: 4L30-E Transmission Wiring Diagram - 1998 BMW 3-Series (2 Of 2)
Fig. 32: 4L30-E Transmission Wiring Diagram - 1997-98 BMW Z3 1.9L (1 Of 2)
Fig. 33: 4L30-E Transmission Wiring Diagram - 1997-98 BMW Z3 1.9L (2 Of 2)
Fig. 34: 4L30-E Transmission Wiring Diagram - 1997-98 BMW Z3 2.8L (1 Of 2)
Fig. 35: 4L30-E Transmission Wiring Diagram - 1997-98 BMW Z3 2.8L (2 Of 2)
Friction behavior of Automatic Transmission Fluid in plate-type clutches under very different operating
conditions is extremely important. Other important factors are:
Wear Protection
Oil Film Shear Resistance
Adhesive Property
Oxidation Resistance
Corrosion Inhibition
Sludge Prevention
Temperature-Dependent Viscosity Changes
Compatibility With Sealing Materials
*Transmission identification plate can be utilized to determine proper transmission fitted in vehicle
All reputable brand name Automatic Transmission Fluids of the Dexron(R) III formulation.
All reputable brand name Automatic Transmission Fluids of the Dexron(R) III formulation.
All reputable brand name Automatic Transmission Fluids of the Dexron(R) III formulation.
All reputable brand name Automatic Transmission Fluids of the Dexron(R) III formulation.
The transmission oil pan will be labeled with either Texaco ETL - 7045 or Dexron(R) III, please fill or top off
with the proper fluid only. Do not mix Texaco ETL - 7045 and Dexron(R) III fluids.
The transmission oil pan will be labeled with either Texaco ETL - 7045 or Dexron(R) III, please fill or top off
with the proper fluid only. Do not mix Texaco ETL - 7045 and Dexron(R) III fluids.
*Transmission identification plate can be utilized to determine proper transmission fitted in vehicle
Utilizes Castrol TQ or Texaco Havoline Automatic Transmission Fluids of the Dexron(R) III formulation.
Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs or topping up.
Utilizes a lifetime filling of synthetic transmission fluid, ESSO LT 71141, no subsequent transmission fluid
changes are necessary. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs or topping up.
Utilizes Castrol TQ or Texaco Havoline Automatic Transmission Fluids of the Dexron(R) III formulation.
Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs or topping up.
A5S325Z (5HP19)
No subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid
when doing repairs or topping up.
No subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid
when doing repairs or topping up.
X3 All Models
No subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid
when doing repairs or topping up.
No subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid
when doing repairs or topping up.
No subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid
when doing repairs or topping up.
No subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid
when doing repairs or topping up.
No subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid
when doing repairs or topping up.
No subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid
when doing repairs or topping up.
Utilizes a lifetime fill of transmission fluid, no subsequent oil changes are necessary on this transmission. If
transmission fluid is required for repair purposes, use only the oil approved for this transmission. It is not
permitted to mix this oil with other grades of transmission fluid.
Utilizes lifetime fill of transmission fluid, no subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary.
Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs or topping up.
Utilizes a lifetime fill of transmission fluid, no subsequent oil changes are necessary on this transmission. If
transmission fluid is required for repair purposes, use only the oil approved for this transmission. It is not
permitted to mix this oil with other grades of transmission fluid.
540i/iT from 1993 through 1995 production
Utilizes a lifetime fill of transmission fluid, no subsequent oil changes are necessary on this transmission. If
transmission fluid is required for repair purposes, use only the oil approved for this transmission. It is not
permitted to mix this oil with other grades of transmission fluid.
Utilizes lifetime fill of transmission fluid, no subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary.
Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs or topping up.
Utilizes lifetime fill of transmission fluid, no subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary.
Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs or topping up.
Utilizes lifetime fill of transmission fluid, no subsequent transmission fluid changes are necessary.
Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs or topping up.
ESSO LT 711 41, BMW Part No. 83 22 9 407 807.
The transmission fluid has a Condition Based Service interval of approximately 100,000 miles; please refer to
S.I. B00 07 02 for further information. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs
or topping up.
The transmission fluid has a Condition Based Service interval of approximately 100,000 miles; please refer to
S.I. B00 07 02 for further information. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs
or topping up.
550i All
The transmission fluid has a Condition Based Service interval of approximately 100,000 miles; please refer to
S.I. B00 07 02 for further information. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs
or topping up.
E63, E64
750i All
The transmission fluid has a Condition Based Service interval of approximately 100,000 miles; please refer to
S.I. B00 07 02 for further information. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when doing repairs
or topping up.
750Li All
The transmission fluid has a Condition Based Service interval of approximately 100,000 miles; please refer to
S.I. Bulletin B 00 07 02 for further information. Never mix any other oil with this transmission fluid when
doing repairs or topping up.
Due to the substantial expansion of transmission fluid when heated it is only possible to measure the oil level
correctly at specified oil temperatures (after driving a distance of about 12 mi./20 km).
Refer to appropriate BRAKES article for complete details about brake fluid.
Use UNIREX S2 (replaces Klueber Microlube GL 261) for the lubrication of splines on the transmission input
shaft, lubricating groove of the clutch release bearing, piston rod sleeve, clutch master cylinder and front push
rod of the clutch slave cylinder.
As of 11/93 the clutch release bearings are available as a replacement part which have plastic sliding sleeves
instead of aluminum. Such updated bearings should not be lubricated at all. This applies to all models with
manual transmission except for 8 Series models.
High-pressure additives.
Corrosion inhibitors.
Oxidation inhibitors (inhibitors which limit or prevent chemical reactions).
Anti-foaming agents.
BMW disapproves the use of any oil additives and cannot accept the liability for any consequential damage that
results from using oil additives.
NOTE: Mobil SHC 630 is available in 5-gallon pails or 55-gallon drums from:
Filling BMW transmissions with unapproved synthetic gear lubes could cause the following damage:
NOTE: Do not use synthetic fluid Mobil SHC 630 in other vehicles. The
transmission synchronizers of cars other than listed above are not
compatible with synthetic fluid and premature wear will result.
NOTE: To reduce the physical effort required to change gear at low ambient
temperatures, the following oils can be used in the transmission during
the winter:
Single-grade HD mineral engine oils SAE40, SAE30, SAE20
In countries where the ambient temperatures are particularly low, ATF oils can also be used.
This has the disadvantage that the transmission tends to rattle or knock while in neutral at higher
CAUTION: These transmissions must never be filled with synthetic engine oils
or multigrade engine oils, since these oils contain coefficient of
friction-reducing agents that can adversely affect operation of the
synchromesh mechanism.
C. Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) of Dexron(R) II or Dexron(R) III formulation on any of the
Dual mass flywheel
Manual transmissions which are filled with ATF have 17mm external hex plugs in the filler and drain
openings as well as an orange label on the transmission bell housing next to the filler plug.
Fig. 2: Identifying Orange Label For Oil Specification (Automatic Transmissions Fluid)
D. From model year 1998 (9/97 production) all manual transmissions are filled with Esso/Exxon "MTF-LT-
1" lifetime fluid. A yellow label with the letters "MTF-LT-1" is located next to the oil filler plug.
No oil change is required for the entire service life of these transmissions.
In the event of a repair, the transmission must only be filled with the lifetime oil.
Esso/Exxon MTF-LT-1
E. From model year 2004 some manual transmissions are filled with Castrol "MTF-LT-2" lifetime fluid.
This fluid has the same properties as the "MTF-LT-1" fluid indicated above in section D. The "MTF-LT-
1" fluid may be mixed and/or substituted for the "MTF-LT-2" manual transmission fluid.
MTF-LT-2 Fluid
F. From Model Year 2006 all vehicles equipped with a manual transmission and the N52 engine require the
MTF-LT-3 lifetime fluid.
No oil change is required for the entire service life of these transmissions.
NOTE: The following information does not apply to transmissions filled with lifetime
Transmission cold shift effort is reduced by replacing the original oil (SAE 80 or Mobil SHC 630) with a
reputable brand single-grade HD engine mineral oil of API-SE standards (SAE 20, SAE 30, or SAE 40).
Thinner oils will run the risk of increased gear noise.
A further reduction in shift effort can be obtained by using ATF, but gear noise will be more noticeable
compared to single-grade engine mineral oils.
For summer operation it is recommended that ATF or engine oil be drained and replaced by the original
lubricant, either SAE 80 or Mobil SHC 630 (as specified) transmission fluid.
CAUTION: Never fill a manual transmission with synthetic engine oils or multigrade
mineral-based engine oils, since they have friction-reducing components
that could impair the function of the synchronizers.
Starting with 1998 models all manual transmissions are filled with lifetime fluid and require no fluid changes
for the life of the vehicle.
Vehicle Application Transmission Model
318i S5D 250 G
318is S5D 250 G
325i S5D 250 G
325is S5D 250 G
318i S5D 250 G
318is S5D 250 G
318ti S5D 250 G
325i S5D 250 G
325is S5D 250 G
318i S5D 200 G/S5D 250 G
318is S5D 200 G/S5D 250 G
318ti S5D 250 G
Z3 S5D 250 G
318i S5D 250 G
318is S5D 250 G
318ti S5D 250 G
Z3 S5D 250 G
318i S5D 250 G
318ti S5D 250 G
323i S5D 250 G
323is S5D 250 G
Z3 S5D 250 G
318ti S5D 250 G
323i S5D 250 G
323is S5D 250 G
Z3 S5D 250 G
Gear Ratio
1st 4.23:1
2nd 2.52:1
3rd 1.66:1
4th 1.22:1
5th 1.00:1
Reverse 4.04:1
The BMW S5D 200/250 G (Getrag) 5-speed transmission is fully synchronized and uses constant mesh, helical
gears in forward and reverse gears. Shifting is accomplished through 3 shift rails and forks. Transmission case
has 2 sections, a front case which includes clutch bellhousing and a rear case which contains shift linkage and
gear sets.
Manual transmissions are filled with lifetime synthetic oil, BMW (83 22 408 942 ), and are marked with a
Yellow label located near transmission oil plug which reads "Lifetime Oil MTF-LT-1".
WARNING: DO NOT mix synthetic oil MTF-LT-1 with any other oil grades, as damage
to transmission may occur.
The output shaft seal is serviceable with transmission in vehicle. See OUTPUT SHAFT SEAL under
Lightly coat NEW input shaft seal with transmission fluid. Drive seal into place on front of transmission case.
Refer to STEPS 2 and 3 in illustration. See Fig. 1 . Loctite and tighten 4 guide tube bolts to specification. See
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS . To complete installation, reverse removal procedure. Check transmission
Fig. 1: Installing Input Shaft Seal
1. Remove 3 bolts retaining driveshaft, remove driveshaft from output shaft flange and tie to one side. If
necessary, remove retaining plate over output shaft flange to access output shaft flange collar nut.
Remove output shaft flange collar nut.
2. Remove output shaft flange. Remove output shaft seal from transmission case.
NOTE: On transmissions with build dates as of Model Year 01/99, heat output
shaft flange to about 176°F (80°C) prior to sliding output flange onto
output shaft.
3. To install, lightly coat NEW output shaft seal with transmission fluid and install output shaft seal into seal
bore. Heat output flange (if necessary) and install onto output shaft.
4. Tighten output shaft flange nut in 2 stages. Tighten to 140 ft. lbs. (190 N.m), back off nut, then tighten to
104 ft. lbs. (120 N.m). To complete installation, reverse removal procedure. Tighten Flange and
driveshaft bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS . Check transmission fluid level.
Remove 3 bolts retaining driveshaft, remove driveshaft from output shaft flange and tie up to one side. Push
locking sleeve on shift selector lever backwards and drive out locking pin. Refer to illustration for step
procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 2 . Remove shift selector lever from transmission and pry out selector shaft
seal; see STEP 2. Lightly coat NEW selector shaft seal with transmission fluid and drive in seal flush with case;
see STEP 3.
Fig. 2: Removal & Installation Of Selector Shaft Seal
1. Remove transmission from vehicle and secure in holding device. Drain oil. Remove clutch release
mechanism and lever. Remove output shaft flange and seal, see OUTPUT SHAFT SEAL under
REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. Remove guide sleeve cap, compression springs and lock pins from
upper right front of housing. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEPS 1 and 2. See Fig. 3 .
2. Remove locking stops and ball stops; see STEP 3. Ensure locking pin on middle selector rod is positioned
in center of selector rod; see STEPS 4 and 5. Transmission must be shifted into 2nd gear to secure locking
pin into position in center of middle selector rod.
3. To shift transmission into 2nd gear, insert pin punch or screwdriver into bore of selector shaft. Twist
selector shaft counterclockwise to first detent and press selector rod into transmission case. Remove 4
bolts retaining countershaft cover from within bellhousing. Remove back-up switch, hex head screws and
pry out spring and arrestor bolt cap from the side of transmission case. Refer to illustration for step
procedures, see STEPS 1 and 2. See Fig. 4 .
4. Remove hex-head screws from side of transmission case; see STEP 3. Remove 9 bolts from inside
bellhousing. Remove transmission from holding fixture and place on bench with output shaft side facing
upwards. Remove rear case section.
NOTE: Use care when removing countershaft selector shaft. Lower end of
selector shaft contains 4 rollers which may fall out when selector shaft is
5. Raise middle selector rod until all 3 selector rods are at the same height. Remove retaining plate and
magnetic disc from countershaft assembly. Remove pin, pivot lever, gearshift rail and 1st-2nd gear
selector shaft. See Fig. 5 . Place transmission case, gears and shafts into holding fixture and place on
bench. Remove guide tube and input shaft seal. See INPUT SHAFT SEAL under REMOVAL &
6. Use Special Tool (23 2 460 ) to protect input shaft and remove input shaft snap ring. Remove closing
ring, slide inner snap ring onto Special Tool (23 2 460 ), remove special tool and lift off input shaft shim
from input shaft. Press case section from gears and shafts assembly. Remove roller bearing from on top of
fixed wheel and remove Reverse gear pins and Reverse gear. See Fig. 6 . Remove complete geartrain and
selector rods from holding fixture.
Fig. 3: Disassembling Selector Rod Assemblies
Fig. 4: Removing Back-Up Switch, Case Screws & Arrestor Spring, Bolt & Cap
Fig. 5: Removing Gearshift Rail, Pin, Pivot Lever & Selector Shaft
Fig. 6: Removing Counter Shaft Needle Bearing & Reverse Gear Assembly
NOTE: Mark synchro-mesh rings and needle bearings to ensure reassembly in original
positions. DO NOT lose thrust pieces, springs or balls located inside
synchronizer assemblies.
1. Separate counter shaft, selector rods from output shaft. Place input/output shaft assembly on bench with
input shaft facing up. Remove input shaft, roller bearing and 5th gear synchronizer ring from output shaft.
Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 7 . Remove 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer
slider and snap ring retaining synchronizer hub; see STEP 2.
2. Turn output shaft over so that output end is facing up. On transmissions with a double-taper synchronizer,
remove 1st gear, needle bearing, synchronizer ring, taper ring and friction ring from output shaft; see
STEP 3. On transmissions with a single-taper type synchronizer, remove 1st gear, needle bearing and
synchronizer ring from output shaft; see STEP 4.
NOTE: DO NOT lose thrust pieces, springs or balls located inside synchronizer
3. Remove 1st-2nd gear synchronizer slider and remove snap ring retaining 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub
to output shaft. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 8 . Using arbor press,
remove 2nd gear and 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub from output shaft assembly; see STEP 2. Turn output
shaft over again so that input end is facing up. Using arbor press, remove Reverse gear and 5th-Reverse
gear synchronizer hub assembly; see STEP 3.
Check all gears, bearings or synchronizer components for burrs, scores or overheating. Check all synchronizer
assemblies for looseness and excessive wear. Using a feeler gauge, measure air gap between synchronizer ring
and corresponding gear near detent lugs. See STEP 4 in Fig. 8 . For synchronizer air gap specifications, see
NOTE: During reassembly procedures ensure that all bearings, gears and synchronizer
assemblies are lightly coated with transmission fluid. Perform all visual and air
gap checks in INSPECTION .
1. Install needle bearing, Reverse gear and Reverse gear synchronizer ring onto output shaft. Place output
shaft with Reverse gear, synchronizer ring and 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer hub in an arbor press. Heat
5th-Reverse gear synchronizer hub to about 248° (120°C). Once heated, press 5th-Reverse gear
synchronizer hub onto output shaft using Special Tool (23 1 290 ) until fully seated. Refer to illustration
for step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 9 .
2. Install 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer snap ring. Using a feeler gauge, measure clearance between snap
ring and 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer hub; see STEP 2. Maximum clearance should be .002" (.04 mm).
If clearance is more than specification, install appropriate selective snap ring. Snap rings are available in
sizes from .078-.090" (2.0-2.3 mm) in increments of .002" (.05 mm).
3. Install 3 thrust pieces with bevels outward, and springs into 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer hub. Place
5th-Reverse gear synchronizer slider onto Reverse gear with groove facing toward Reverse gear, see
STEP 3. To install synchronizer balls, tilt thrust pieces outward so that balls can be placed on springs; see
STEP 3. See Fig. 9 . Push balls inward and simultaneously press thrust pieces into synchronizer slider.
4. Install 5th gear synchronizer ring onto synchronizer assembly. Pull upwards on synchronizer slider so it
locks in Neutral position. Rotate output shaft so that input end is facing upwards. Install needle bearing
and 2nd gear onto output shaft. If transmission is equipped with a single-taper type 1st-2nd gear
synchronizer, go to next step. If transmission has a double-taper type 1st-2nd gear synchronizer, go to
step 6 .
5. Install synchronizer ring. Heat 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub to about 248° (120°C). Once heated, press
1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub onto output shaft using special tool (23 1 290 ) until fully seated. Go to
step 7 .
6. Assemble synchronizer as shown in STEP 4. Heat 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub to about 248° (120°C).
Once heated, press 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub onto output shaft using Special Tool (23 1 290 ) until
fully seated. Similar to STEP 1, see Fig. 9 . Ensure detent lugs on synchronizer ring align with opening in
synchronizer hub. Go to next step.
7. Install 3 thrust pieces with bevels outward, and springs into 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub. Refer to
illustration for step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 10 . On double-taper type 1st-2nd gear synchronizer
hubs, install synchronizer slider onto synchronizer assembly. On single-taper type 1st-2nd gear
synchronizer hubs, install synchronizer slider as shown; see STEP 2. To install synchronizer balls, tilt
thrust pieces outward so that balls can be placed on springs and push balls inward and simultaneously
press thrust pieces into synchronizer slider.
8. Install 1st gear synchronizer ring onto 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub assembly. Pull upwards on
synchronizer slider so it locks in Neutral position. Install 1st-2nd gear synchronizer snap ring. Using a
feeler gauge, measure clearance between snap ring and 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub. Similar to STEP 2
in Fig. 9 . Maximum clearance should be .002" (.04 mm). If clearance is more than specification, install
appropriate selective snap ring. Snap rings are available in sizes from .078-.090" (2.0-2.3 mm) in
increments of .002" (.05 mm).
9. On double-taper type synchronizer, install needle, synchronizer ring, friction ring, taper ring and 1st gear
as shown in illustration. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 3. See Fig. 10 . On single-
taper type synchronizer, install needle bearing and synchronizer ring with ring lugs positioned towards
sliding blocks and install 1st gear. On all transmissions, install roller bearing, 5th gear synchronizer ring
and input shaft onto output shaft; see STEP 4. Place input/output shaft assembly aside until transmission
is ready for reassembly.
NOTE: Mark synchro rings and needle bearings to ensure reassembly in original
positions. DO NOT lose thrust pieces, springs or balls located inside
synchronizer assembly.
1. Place counter shaft in special tool (23 2 400 ), or equivalent holding fixture and place on bench. Place
countershaft in arbor press with appropriate support and press counter shaft loose from fixed wheel.
Remove closing ring retaining 4th gear to counter shaft by bending 4 locking tabs outwards with pliers.
Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 11 . Remove supporting ring (2 pieces) and
stop disc from behind 4th gear closing ring.
NOTE: DO NOT lose thrust pieces, springs or balls when removing 3rd-4th
synchronizer slider.
2. Remove 4th gear, synchronizer ring and 4th gear needle bearing. Remove 3rd-4th synchronizer slider.
Place counter shaft in arbor press and press 3rd gear, 3rd gear synchronizer ring, 3rd-4th synchronizer
hub and 4th gear needle bearing inner race from counter shaft; see STEP 2. Remove 3rd gear needle
bearing from counter shaft.
Fig. 11: Disassembling Counter Shaft
NOTE: During reassembly procedures ensure that all bearings, gears and synchronizer
assemblies are lightly coated with transmission fluid. Perform all visual and air
gap checks in INSPECTION .
1. Install 3rd gear needle bearing, 3rd gear and 3rd gear synchronizer ring onto counter shaft. Heat 3rd-4th
gear synchronizer hub to about 248° (120°C). Once heated, press 3rd-4th gear synchronizer hub onto
output shaft using Special Tool (23 1 290 ) until fully seated. Similar to STEP 1 in Fig. 9 . Ensure detent
lugs on 3rd gear synchronizer ring align with opening in 3rd-4th gear synchronizer hub.
2. Heat 4th gear needle bearing inner race to about 176°F (80°C) and push onto countershaft until fully
seated against 3rd-4th gear synchronizer hub. Install 3 thrust pieces with bevels facing outward, and 3
springs into 3rd-4th gear synchronizer hub. Install 3rd-4th gear synchronizer slider with groove toward
3rd gear. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 12 . The 3 sets of 3 inner recessed
teeth on 3rd-4th gear synchronizer slider must align with springs and thrust pieces.
3. To install synchronizer balls, tilt thrust pieces outward so that balls can be placed on springs. Push balls
inward and simultaneously press thrust pieces into synchronizer slider. Pull upwards on synchronizer
slider so it locks in Neutral position. Install 4th gear needle bearing, 4th gear synchronizer ring and 4th
gear onto counter shaft. Install stop disc onto counter shaft.
4. Install supporting ring (2 pieces) downwards into groove in counter shaft; see STEP 2. See Fig. 12 . If
supporting ring was replaced, end play must be checked and adjusted if necessary. Maximum end play
should be .001" (.04 mm). If end play is more than specification, install appropriate selective supporting
ring. Supporting rings are available in sizes from .114-.124" (2.9-3.15 mm) in increments of .002" (.05
mm). If end play is okay, go to next step.
5. Install closing ring with 4 locking tabs into groove on counter shaft; see STEP 3. Place counter shaft in
arbor press. Heat fixed wheel to about 176°F (80°C) and press onto countershaft until fully seated, see
STEP 4. Install fixed wheel snap ring onto end of output shaft. Assemble counter shaft and input/output
shaft assemblies. Install 3 gear selector rods and shift forks onto geartrain assembly.
Fig. 12: Reassembling Counter Shaft
NOTE: During reassembly procedures ensure that all bearings, gears and synchronizer
assemblies are lightly coated with transmission fluid.
1. Place geartrain assembly along with gear selector rods in holding fixture and place on bench. Install
reverse gear with collar and short extension facing upwards and reverse gear shaft onto geartrain. Install
End Play Gauge Tool (23 2 420 ) onto input shaft and seat fully against 5th gear. Refer to illustration for
step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 13 .
NOTE: When performing input shaft end play check, DO NOT install NEW inner
input shaft snap ring onto input shaft as snap ring shape and tension may
be changed or weakened.
2. Install input shaft shim, removed in step 6 under TRANSMISSION DISASSEMBLY, onto input shaft
and seat fully against End Play Gauge Tool. Place NEW inner input shaft snap ring in groove of input
shaft as shown. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 13 .
3. Measure input shaft end play between input shaft shim and inner input shaft snap ring. End Play should
be .001" (.04 mm). If end play is more than specification, install appropriate selective shim. Shims are
available in sizes from .091-.104" (2.3-2.65 mm) in increments of .002" (.05 mm). Remove correct input
shaft shim and End Play Gauge Tool (23 2 420 ) from input shaft.
4. Heat input shaft inner bearing in front case section to 230-248°F (110-120°C) with hot air blower or
equivalent; see STEP. Align gear selector rods with one another. After heating , insert roller bearing with
assembly lube into bearing sleeve with large diameter facing upwards; see STEP 2.
NOTE: Ensure 5th gear synchronizer ring does not jam when lowering front case
section onto geartrain. After transmission final assembly, 5th gear
synchronizer ring can be loosened by turning input and output shafts
against each other.
5. Carefully lower front case section onto geartrain and gear selector rods. Install correct input shaft shim
selected in step 2 . Using Special Tool (23 2 460 ), install NEW inner input shaft snap ring into lower
groove on input shaft. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 3. See Fig. 13 . Using Special
Tool (23 2 460 ), install closing ring and NEW input shaft snap ring into upper groove on input shaft.
6. Install input shaft seal and guide tube, see INSTALLATION under INPUT SHAFT SEAL under
REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. Connect reverse gear shaft to front case section. Lightly coat reverse
gear shaft-to-case bolt with Loctite No. 243 and install into front case section; see STEP 4. Tighten
reverse gear shaft-to-case bolt to specification, see TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
7. Remove front case and geartrain assembly from holding fixture. Lightly coat 4 rollers with petroleum
jelly and install them on gear selector rod. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig.
14 . Install gearshift rail with opening facing up and gear selector rod into front case section; see STEP 2.
Install pivot lever with wide head facing selector rod (polished side facing case). Install pin into pivot
lever; see STEP 3.
8. Install locking pin in selector rod with petroleum jelly and place in center; see STEP 4. Clean case sealing
surfaces. Lightly coat sealing surfaces and face of short extension on reverse gear with Sealant (Loctite
574). Install retaining plate with Aligning Tool (23 2 440 ) attached to geartrain. Ensure retaining plate
flat side faces up on 2nd gear on counter shaft.
9. Install magnetic disc removed in step 5 under TRANSMISSION DISASSEMBLY into geartrain. Remove
selector shaft seal. See SELECTOR SHAFT SEAL under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. Heat inner
bearing race and rear case section in area around bearing to 230-248°F (110-120°C) with hot air blower
or equivalent. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 15 .
10. Install rear case section until fully seated onto front case section and geartrain. Install 3 hex head bolts
with NEW sealing rings into retaining plate through back of transmission case finger tight. Remove
Aligning Tool (23 2 440 ) used in step 9 , and install hex head bolt with NEW sealing ring into retaining
plate. Tighten all 4 hex head bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
11. Place transmission assembly in holding fixture. Install all case bolts and tighten to specification. See
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS . Loosen reverse gear shaft bolt No. 1. Lightly coat reverse gear shaft
bolt No. 2 with Loctite (243) and install into case. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 2.
See Fig. 15 . Tighten reverse gear shaft bolts No. 1 and 2 to specification. See TORQUE
12. Install selector shaft seal, output shaft seal and output shaft flange. See OUTPUT SHAFT SEAL and
SELECTOR SHAFT SEAL under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. Install locking ball, arrester ball
and locking pin in order. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 3. See Fig. 15 . Install
compression springs, locking pins and guide sleeve cap. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see
STEPS 1 and 2. See Fig. 3 .
13. Install arrestor bolt and spring. Ensure arrestor roller is installed horizontally. Install knock-in plug over
arrestor bolt and spring. Lightly coat shear-off screw with Loctite (243) and tighten. Install back-up light
switch. Install clutch release mechanism and release lever.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Universal Joint-To-Drive Shaft & Transmission Bolts
M12x8.8 60 (81)
M12x10.9 74 (100)
Case Bolts (Front & Rear Section) 16 (22)
Guide Tube Bolts
M8x22 13 (18)
M8x30 18 (25)
M6 7 (10)
Oil Drain Plug 37 (50)
Output Shaft Flange Collar Nut
Stage 1 140 (190)
Stage 2 104 (120)
Reverse Gear Shaft-To-Case Bolt
M8 18 (25)
M10 33 (45)
INCH Lbs. (N.m)
Retaining Plate Bolts 88 (10)
Vehicle Year & Model Transmission Model
M3 S5D 310 Z
328i S5D 320 Z
328is S5D 320 Z
M3 S5D 310 Z
328i S5D 320 Z
328is S5D 320 Z
528i S5D 320 Z
M Roadster S5D 310 Z
M3 S5D 320 Z
328i S5D 320 Z
328is S5D 320 Z
528i S5D 320 Z
M Coupe S5D 310 Z
M Roadster S5D 310 Z
M3 S5D 320 Z
Z3 S5D 320 Z
323i S5D 320 Z
328i S5D 320 Z
328is S5D 320 Z
528i S5D 320 Z
Gear Ratio
1st 4.21:1
2nd 2.49:1
3rd 1.66:1
4th 1.24:1
5th 1.00:1
Reverse 3.85:1
The 5-speed transmission is fully synchronized and uses constant mesh, helical gears in forward and reverse
gears. Shifting is accomplished through a shift rail, 3 shift forks and a locking lever. Transmission case has 2
sections, a front case which includes clutch bellhousing and a rear case which contains shift linkage and gear
Use only BMW MTF-LT-1 (83 22 408 942 ) synthetic gear oil. Transmission oil does not require changing. DO
NOT mix synthetic oil with any other type of lubricant, as damage to transmission may occur.
The output shaft seal is serviceable with transmission in vehicle. See OUTPUT SHAFT SEAL under
1. Remove 2 catch pin sealing covers from top of rear case section. Remove catch pin sealing cover from
top of front case section. Remove countershaft, input shaft and output shaft retaining plate bolts from
inside front and rear case sections and remove retaining plates. Remove output shaft seal. Heat front and
rear case sections in area around countershaft, input shaft and output shaft bearings to about 176°F (80°C)
with hot air blower or equivalent. Remove countershaft, input shaft and output shaft bearings by driving
towards inside of case.
2. Clean front and rear case sections. To install input, output and countershaft bearings, heat front or rear
case section in area around bearing seats to about 176°F (80°C) and reverse removal procedure. Install
bearing retaining plates and bolts. Tighten retaining bolts to specification. See TORQUE
SPECIFICATIONS . Install output shaft seal. See OUTPUT SHAFT SEAL . Place front and rear case
sections aside until transmission is ready for reassembly.
Lightly coat NEW input shaft seal with transmission fluid. Drive seal into place on front of transmission case.
Install sealing ring flush with case. Refer to STEPS 2 and 3 in illustration. See Fig. 1 . Loctite and tighten 4
guide tube bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS . To complete installation, reverse
removal procedure. Check transmission fluid.
Fig. 1: Installing Input Shaft Seal
1. Remove 3 bolts retaining driveshaft, remove driveshaft from output shaft flange and tie to one side. If
necessary, support transmission assembly with transmission jack and remove rear transmission cross-
member to access output shaft seal. If equipped, remove retaining plate over output shaft flange to access
output shaft flange collar nut. Remove output shaft flange collar nut.
2. Remove output shaft flange. Remove output shaft seal from transmission case.
3. To install, lightly coat NEW output shaft seal with transmission fluid and install output shaft seal into seal
bore. Heat output flange to about 176°F (80°C) and install onto output shaft.
4. Tighten output shaft flange nut in 2 stages. Tighten to 140 ft. lbs. (190 N.m), back off nut, then tighten to
104 ft. lbs. (120 N.m). To complete installation, reverse removal procedure. Tighten Flange and
driveshaft bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS . Check transmission fluid level.
Remove 3 bolts retaining driveshaft, remove driveshaft from output shaft flange and tie up to one side. Push
locking sleeve on shift selector lever backwards and drive out locking pin. Refer to illustration for step
procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 2 . Remove shift selector lever from transmission and pry out selector shaft
seal; see STEP 2. Lightly coat NEW selector shaft seal with transmission fluid and drive in seal flush with case;
see STEP 3.
Fig. 2: Removal & Installation Of Selector Shaft Seal
1. Remove transmission from vehicle and secure in holding device. Drain oil. Remove clutch release
mechanism and lever. Remove guide pipe and input shaft seal, see INPUT SHAFT SEAL under
2. Remove left bearing shaft bolt, reverse gear shaft bolt and locking lever bearing shaft bolt from front case
section. Refer to illustration for step procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 3 . Remove back-up light switch
and right bearing shaft bolt from front case section; see STEP 2. Remove snap ring, sealing cap, spring
and catch pin; see STEP 3.
3. Remove bolts retaining front and rear case sections and separate case. When separating case sections, 5th-
Reverse gear catch pin and spring will fall into case. Remove 5th-Reverse gear catch pin and spring.
Remove roller bearing from front of countershaft. Remove shift shaft from top of rear case section. DO
NOT lose needle bearings and rollers when removing shift shaft from rear case section. Remove 5th-
Reverse gear shift arm from 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer slider.
NOTE: When disassembling transmission, discard old bearing shaft pins. Always
install NEW bearing shaft pins during reassembly.
4. Remove 2 right and 3 left bearing shaft pins from front case section. Remove locking lever, spring and
1st-2nd gear catch pin from inner left side of rear case section. Remove reverse gear half-shell bolt from
left side of rear case section. Remove reverse gear, needle bearings, thrust washer and half-shell from rear
case section.
5. Remove countershaft rear cap seal from outer rear case section. Hold output shaft flange and place
transmission in gear. Remove countershaft rear bolt and washer. Place transmission in Neutral position.
With output shaft flange being held, remove output shaft flange collar nut. Remove output shaft flange
from output shaft.
6. Using large tie-strap or equivalent, hold countershaft and input/output shaft together as an assembly; see
STEP 4. See Fig. 3 . Press input/output shaft and countershaft assemblies from rear case section as a unit;
see STEP 4. During removal, ensure counter and input/output shafts are free from binding against bearing
surfaces at rear of case. Remove countershaft and input/output assemblies from rear case section and set
aside for disassembly.
1. Remove shift forks for 1st-2nd gear and 3rd-4th gear synchronizer sliders. Separate countershaft and
input/output shaft assemblies. Remove input shaft, 5th gear synchronizer ring, roller bearing from output
shaft assembly. Clamp output shaft in soft-jawed vise with input end facing up. Remove 5th-Reverse gear
synchronizer slider. DO NOT lose thrust pieces, balls or springs from 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer
2. Remove snap ring from input end of output shaft. Slide 1st-2nd gear synchronizer slider towards 2nd
gear. Using an arbor press, press 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer hub, reverse gear synchronizer ring and
1st and reverse gear assemblies from output shaft assembly. Remove bearing sleeve, needle bearing and
washer from output shaft. Remove inner race, intermediate ring and 1st gear synchronizer ring from
output shaft.
3. Remove 1st-2nd gear synchronizer slider. DO NOT lose thrust pieces, balls or springs from 1st-2nd gear
synchronizer assembly. Remove 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub snap ring and shim. Using an arbor press,
press 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub, 2nd gear synchronizer ring and 2nd gear assembly from output shaft
assembly. Remove needle bearing from output shaft.
Fig. 4: Exploded View Of S5D 310Z & S5D 320Z Transmission
Check all gears, bearings or synchronizer components for burrs, scores or overheating. Check all synchronizer
assemblies for looseness and excessive wear. Using a feeler gauge, measure air gap between synchronizer ring
and corresponding gear near detent lugs. See Fig. 5 . For synchronizer air gap specifications, see
NOTE: During reassembly procedures ensure that all bearings, gears and synchronizer
assemblies are lightly coated with transmission fluid. Perform all visual and air
gap checks in INSPECTION .
NOTE: When installing 2nd gear, ensure recesses on 2nd gear are facing up.
1. Clamp output shaft in soft-jawed vise with input end facing up. Install needle bearing, 2nd gear, inner
race, intermediate ring and 2nd gear synchronizing ring onto output shaft. Heat 1st-2nd synchronizer hub
to about 176°F (80°C) with hot air blower or equivalent and press onto output shaft with long shoulder
facing 2nd gear.
2. Ensure lugs on inner race align with inner openings in 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub, and lugs on 2nd
gear synchronizer ring align with outer openings in 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub. Install shim and NEW
snap ring onto output shaft. NEW snap ring should fit into output shaft groove without end play. If end-
play exists, replace shim. Shims are available in sizes .070-.080" (1.8-2.05 mm). Install 3 thrust pieces
with bevels outward, and springs into 1st-2nd gear synchronizer hub.
NOTE: Ensure lugs on inner race align with inner openings in 1st-2nd gear
synchronizer hub, and lugs on 1st gear synchronizer ring align with
openings in 1st gear.
3. Place 1st-2nd gear synchronizer slider onto 2nd gear with flat side facing up. To install synchronizer
balls, tilt thrust pieces outward so that balls can be placed on springs. Push balls inward and
simultaneously press thrust pieces into synchronizer slider. Pull upwards on synchronizer slider so it
locks in Neutral position. Install 1st gear synchronizer ring, intermediate ring, inner ring, needle bearing
and 1st gear onto output shaft.
4. Heat thrust washer and bearing sleeve to about 176°F (80°C) with hot air blower or equivalent and press
onto output shaft. Install needle bearing, reverse gear and reverse gear synchronizer ring onto output
shaft. Heat 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer hub to about 176°F (80°C) with hot air blower or equivalent
and press onto output shaft with conical end facing up. Ensure lugs on reverse gear synchronizer ring
align with openings in 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer hub.
5. Install shim and NEW snap ring onto end of output shaft. NEW snap ring should fit into output shaft
groove without end play. If end-play exists, replace shim. Shims are available in sizes .142-.157" (3.60-
4.00 mm). Install 3 thrust pieces with bevels outward, and springs into 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer
hub. Install 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer slider onto reverse gear with shouldered end facing reverse
6. To install synchronizer balls, tilt thrust pieces outward so that balls can be placed on springs. Push balls
inward and simultaneously press thrust pieces into synchronizer slider. Install 5th gear synchronizer ring
onto synchronizer assembly. Pull upwards on synchronizer slider so it locks in Neutral position. Install
roller bearing onto input end of output shaft and install input shaft onto output shaft. Place input/output
shaft assembly aside until transmission is ready for reassembly.
Remove inner bearing race, thrust washer, 4th gear, needle bearing and 4th gear synchronizer ring from
countershaft. Using an arbor press, press downward on countershaft to remove it from 3rd-4th gear
synchronizer hub. DO NOT lose thrust pieces, balls or springs from 3rd-4th gear synchronizer assembly.
Remove 3rd gear synchronizer ring, 3rd gear and needle bearing from countershaft.
1. Reverse disassembly procedures to reassemble. Heat 3rd-4th gear synchronizer hub to about 176°F (80°
C) with hot air blower or equivalent and press onto countershaft. Install 3 thrust pieces with bevels
outward, and springs into 3rd-4th gear synchronizer hub. Install 3rd-4th gear synchronizer slider onto 3rd
gear with notched shoulder facing 4th gear.
NOTE: Heating may be required to install thrust washer and inner bearing race
onto countershaft. Heat to about 176°F (80°C) with hot air blower or
equivalent and press onto countershaft.
2. To install synchronizer balls, tilt thrust pieces outward so balls can be placed on springs. Push balls
inward and simultaneously press thrust pieces into synchronizer slider. Install 4th gear synchronizer ring
onto synchronizer assembly. Pull upwards on synchronizer slider so it locks in Neutral position. Install
needle bearing, 4th gear, thrust washer and inner bearing race onto countershaft. Inner bearing race
shoulder faces down towards thrust washer.
NOTE: During reassembly procedures ensure all bearings, gears and synchronizer
assemblies are lightly coated with transmission fluid. During reassembly
procedures, refer to illustration for component locations. See Fig. 4 .
1. Using large tie-strap or equivalent, hold countershaft and input/output shaft together as an assembly.
Refer to STEP 4 in Fig. 3 . Install 3rd-4th shift fork with sliding blocks onto 3rd-4th gear synchronizer
slider with shift arm lock on left side of input/output shaft assembly. Refer to illustration for step
procedures, see STEP 1. See Fig. 6 .
CAUTION: When installing geartrain into rear case section, lightly coat output
seal with petroleum jelly or damage to output seal may occur.
2. Install 1st-2nd shift fork with sliding blocks onto 1st-2nd gear synchronizer slider with shift arm lock on
left side of input/output shaft assembly; see STEP 1. Lightly coat output shaft seal with petroleum jelly.
Carefully install geartrain assembly into rear case section, inserting output shaft through output shaft
bearing and countershaft into countershaft rear bearing.
NOTE: Ensure countershaft and shift arms are not binding while pulling geartrain
into rear case section.
3. Lightly coat collar nut threads with Loctite and install output shaft flange and collar nut onto output shaft
finger tight. Slowly tighten output flange collar nut to specification. See TORQUE
SPECIFICATIONS . By hand, align the 3rd-4th gear shift arm with bore on rear case section. Once
aligned, install both bearing shaft bolts on left and right side for 3rd-4th gear shift arms. Tighten bearing
shaft bolts to specification.
NOTE: Ensure countershaft inner bearing race has been installed and pressed
into position in REASSEMBLY step 2 . See COUNTERSHAFT under
4. Remove tie-strap or equivalent holding geartrain together. Lightly coat countershaft bearing bolt threads
with Loctite and install washer and bearing bolt onto countershaft. Countershaft bearing bolt has left-hand
threads. Hold output shaft flange from turning and place transmission in gear. Tighten countershaft
bearing bolt to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS . Install sealing cap over countershaft
bearing bolt.
NOTE: When installing reverse gear onto reverse gear shaft, reverse gear
shoulder faces case. See STEP 2 in Fig. 6 .
5. Coat reverse gear half shell with sealing compound and install into rear case section. See STEP 2 in Fig.
6 . Install shaft, thrust washer, needle bearing and reverse gear into rear case section. Lightly coat reverse
gear half shell bolt with Loctite and tighten to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS . Install
5th-Reverse gear shift fork with sliding blocks onto 5th-Reverse gear synchronizer slider with shift arm
lock on left side of input/output shaft assembly. See STEP 1.
6. Install locking lever with long end in slot of 5th-Reverse shift fork. See STEP 1. Slide locking lever
inwards and hook it into the recesses of the 1st-2nd shift fork and 3rd-4th shift fork. See STEP 1. Align
locking lever with rear case section bores. Install 2 bearing shaft pins on right side and 3 bearing shaft
pins on left side of rear case section. Tighten bearing shaft pins to specification. See TORQUE
SPECIFICATIONS . Check movement of locking lever.
7. Install shift shaft into top of rear case section. Coat needle bearings and 4 rollers with petroleum jelly and
install onto shift shaft. Install selector shaft seal. See SELECTOR SHAFT SEAL under REMOVAL &
INSTALLATION. Hold shift shaft in Neutral position. Install magnet in rear case section. Lightly coat
countershaft front needle bearings with petroleum jelly and install onto countershaft assembly. Hold 5th-
Reverse gear shift fork in place with string. See STEP 4 in Fig. 6 .
CAUTION: If case bolts are used to push input shaft through input shaft bearing
in front of case, damage to case or input shaft bearing may occur. If
available, use input shaft puller when seating input shaft into input
shaft bearing.
NOTE: Press front and rear cases together only so far that the piece of string can
still be removed after installation of right bearing shaft bolt.
8. Coat front and rear case section sealing surfaces with sealing compound. Install 2 bolts (8 x 100 mm) into
front case section as alignment pins and install front case section to rear case section. Align holes in 5th-
Reverse shift fork with bores in case. Install right bearing shaft bolt finger tight. DO NOT tighten bolt.
Remove string holding 5th-Reverse shift fork in place. Press front case section onto rear case section until
fully seated.
9. Remove alignment bolts from front case section. Install all front case-to-rear case bolts and tighten to
specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS . Align holes in remaining loose shift forks with bores
in front or rear case section. Install remaining bearing shaft bolts for shift forks and locking lever finger
tight. When all bearing shaft bolts are installed, tighten to specification.
10. Install 3 catch pins and springs for shift arms into top of transmission. See STEP 3 in Fig. 6 . Install NEW
sealing caps into bores to retain catch pins and springs. Ensure catch pin roller is horizontal and install
catch pin, spring, NEW cap and snap ring into side of front case section. Ensure snap ring is fully seated
into case. Install back-up light switch.
NOTE: Special Tool (23 2 380) or equivalent must be used to install input shaft
snap ring to avoid damage to input shaft.
11. Using Special Tool (23 2 380), install shim and snap ring onto end of input shaft. Snap ring should fit into
input shaft groove without end-play. If end-play exists, replace snap ring. Snap rings are available in
sizes .087-.102" (2.20-2.60 mm). Install input shaft seal, sealing ring and guide tube. See
Fig. 6: Reassembling Front & Rear Case Sections & Geartrain
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Bearing Shaft Bolt 33 (45)
Case Bolts (Front & Rear Section) 16 (22)
Counter Shaft Bearing Bolt 22 (30)
Guide Tube Bolts
M8x22 13 (18)
M8x30 18 (25)
M6 7 (10)
Oil Drain Plug 37 (50)
Output Shaft Flange Collar Nut
Stage 1 140 (190)
Stage 2 104 (120)
Reverse Gear Half-Shell Bolt
M8 15 (20)
M10 33 (45)
Universal Joint-To-Drive Shaft & Transmission Bolts
M12x8.8 60 (81)
M12x10.9 74 (100)
INCH lbs. (N.m)
Retaining Plate Bolts 88 (10)
Overview - BMW
Electronically controlled transmissions were introduced on BMW products in 1986 on 5 and 7 series vehicles.
Currently EH (Electro-hydraulic) transmissions are offered on almost every production model (Except E46 M3
and E39 M5). EH transmissions offer the following benefits the to driver:
Increased driving safety by reducing fatigue. All shifts are automatic as opposed to manual transmissions
which require more driver interaction.
Increased fuel economy through use of lock up torque converter.
Increased fuel economy through optimized shift points.
Improved shift comfort by use of "Overlap Shift" technology (ZF).
More available features through the use of CAN bus technology. See Fig. 1 .
In addition to providing shift control, the TCM also adapts to changing conditions within the transmission by
monitoring slip ratios and modifying line pressure. This increases the life of the transmission and reduces
maintenance and adjustments. The TCM controls the operation of the Lock-Up Torque Converter which further
increases economy.
On current models, the TCM also has the capability of adapting to driver habits and responds to changing
environmental conditions. Items such as rate of throttle input and kickdown requests are monitored to select the
most appropriate shift program.
The EGS system is also required to maintain occupant safety, safeguard drivetrain damage, improve vehicle
emissions and operate in failsafe mode when a malfunction occurs.
BMW automatic transmission are manufactured by two suppliers for the US market:
Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen: Commonly referred to as ZF. ZF manufactures both manual as well as
automatic transmissions.
GM Powertrain - Hydramatic: Hydramatic is a manufacturing division of General Motors located in
Strasbourg, France. Hydramatic supplies automatic transmissions to BMW for four and six-cylinder
BMW has developed an internal numbering system for their transmissions for ordering parts, information
research and identification. Also, each transmission manufacturer uses an internal identification system. Here is
a breakdown of these identification codes:
Hydramatic Transmissions have internal designations, however they are not used often. The internal code for
the A4S310/270R is 4L30-E and the A5S360/390R is 5L40-E. See Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 .
In order to identify BMW transmissions there are identification tags located externally on the transmission case.
The tag contains information such as Manufacturer, Serial number, transmission type etc. This information is
needed when ordering parts, referencing bulletins and calling for technical assistance. ZF tag is located on:
Right hand side (passenger side) of transmission case. (5HP30 and 5HP18).
Left hand side (drivers side) of transmission case. (6HP26Z, 5HP24 and all 4HP).
Rear under output shaft. (5HP19). See Fig. 7 .
Fig. 7: Identifying ZF Identification Tag Location
The TCM receives inputs, processes information and actuates the output elements to provide optimal shift
points. See Fig. 9 . The TCM is programmed for maximum shift comfort and fuel economy. The TCM on most
BMW vehicles is located in the E-Box next to the ECM (DME). There are several types of TCM housings:
The Turbine Speed Sensor is used to provide input (turbine) shaft speed information to the TCM (EGS). The
input shaft speed signal is used in conjunction with the output shaft speed signal to determine gear range and
slip time information for processing in the TCM. Not all BMW transmissions use a turbine speed sensor. Some
TCM's use the TD (engine speed) signal to determine input shaft speed. All transmissions with the exception of
the A5S325Z use an inductive type sensor which generates an A/C analog signal. The A5S325Z currently uses a
Hall Effect Turbine Speed Sensor which will send a digital square wave signal to the TCM.
These transmissions do not use a Turbine Speed Sensor. The TD signal is used to determine input shaft speed.
The TD signal is an output signal of the DME control unit.
These transmission use a turbine speed sensor. The TD signal is also used with the turbine speed signal to allow
the TCM to monitor Torque Converter Clutch operation. The TCM can control torque converter clutch slippage
and also monitor for faults.
The TCM is provided with transmission oil temperature information via a temperature sensor. See Fig. 12 . On
most BMW transmissions, the sensor is an NTC element which is part of the transmission internal wiring
Fig. 12: Identifying Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor
NOTE: Mechatronics Module is not currently serviceable at this time. Do not attempt
any repair or replacement of the Mechatronics Module.
The transmission oil temperature information is used to:
The transmission oil temperature sensor is connected to the TCM via a 5 Volt reference and a circuit ground. As
transmission oil temperature increases, the circuit resistance and voltage decrease proportionately.
4HP22/24 (EH)
These transmissions do not use a transmission oil temperature sensor. There are no transmission oil temperature
influenced features on the 4HP transmissions.
The transmission fluid temp sensor is part of the transmission internal wiring harness. On these transmissions,
the sensor cannot be replaced separately. The harness must be replaced.
A5S360/390R Transmission
The sensor is a separate, replaceable sensor that can be unplugged from the harness.
The sensor is located in the Mechatronics Module, which is located inside of the transmission.
The TCM receives a kickdown request via one of two possible methods:
The kickdown signal is a direct ground input to the TCM. The kickdown input is provided by a kickdown
switch located under the accelerator pedal. See Fig. 13 . This method is used on most BMW vehicles
without electronic throttle control systems (except M52TU with MDK).
Fig. 13: Identifying Kickdown Switch Location
The kickdown request is provided by the ECM (DME) via the CAN bus. The kick down request
originates from the PWG. There is no separate switch in the PWG. When the PWG voltage reaches
approximately 4.5 volts, the ECM will process a kickdown request to the TCM via CAN. The PWG
contains a kickdown detent to simulate the feel of a kickdown switch. This method is used on the
M62TU, M54, M73, M73TU, N73 and N62 engines. See Fig. 14 .
Fig. 14: Identifying Kickdown Switch Circuit
The brake switch is located on the brake pedal linkage. See Fig. 15 . The brake switch signal is an input to the
TCM which is used for:
De-activation of the shift lock solenoid. When the ignition key is turned to KL15 the shift lock is active.
The shift lock solenoid is de-activated when the brakes are applied.
De-activate the Torque Converter . The TCC is deactivated whenever the brake is applied. (only on
Hydramatic Transmissions).
On early vehicles such as E32, E34, E36, E24, E28 and E31 the brake switch is a double-contact
mechanical switch. There is a brake light circuit and a brake test circuit. The brake test circuit is used for
a plausibility check to indicate faults within the brake light circuit.
On the E38, E39, E46, E65/66, E85 and E53 the brake switch is a hall effect type switch. The electronic
switch is also monitored for faults and plausibility.
Fig. 15: Identifying Brake Light Switch Components
The range selector switch is an input to the TCM. The input is used by the TCM to determine the position of the
manual valve. The range switch uses the familiar "coded input" signal to determine selector lever position. See
Fig. 16 . On all transmissions except the A5S360/390R, the range switch uses a 4 wire configuration to
determine 7 range selector positions. The A5S360/390R uses a five wire arrangement.
Most range switches are located on the transmission case with some exceptions. The E36 with the
A4S270/310R the range switch is located in the center console on the selector lever assembly. The E39 with
A4S270R the range switch is located on the transmission case and is adjustable. The range selector switch on
the A5S360/390R is located inside the transmission housing. GA6HP26Z is part of the Mechatronics Module.
The range switch can be checked by using "Status Requests" in the DISplus or GT-1. A multimeter or an
oscilloscope can also be used to check the range switch. If the reading on "Status Requests" does not match the
actual selector lever position, there will be various transmission malfunctions. Always refer to the proper ETM
when diagnosing the range selector switch. Use the switch logic chart to diagnose faults in the switch.
In the example below, the range switch is in neutral. Using the logic chart, switches L1, L2 and L3 are closed
providing B+ voltage to the corresponding pins of the TCM. Switch L4 is open and no voltage is sent to the
TCM. Malfunctions in the range switch or wiring can cause various shifting complaints and possible no-start
complaints. See Fig. 17 .
The transmission program switch is used to switch between various operating modes of the transmission. The
normal default mode of the TCM is Economy which is indicated in the program display as "E". Economy mode
allows the transmission to operate in the most efficient mode. Shift priorities are for maximum economy and
shift comfort. On some vehicles the program switch is designated "A" for economy mode. Program switches
come in 2 or 3 position configurations. Early vehicles with the 4HP (Early E7) used a rotary program switch.
The TCM can also be switched to "Manual Mode" which on some vehicles is designated "Winter Mode".
Manual mode is used to start the vehicle off in a higher gear when encountering slippery conditions. The
program display will indicate "M" (manual) or an asterisk symbol for "Winter Mode".
Sport Mode is the third operating mode that is available. Sport mode allows for a slightly delayed and more
aggressive shift. Sport mode is obtained a number of ways. On vehicles with 2 position program switches,
moving the selector lever out of drive to 4, 3, or 2 with the program switch in Economy will allow Sport mode.
On vehicles with 3 position program switches, Sport mode can be obtained by switching to "S". See Fig. 18 .
Fig. 18: Identifying Transmission Program Switch
The Steptronic system uses additional components not found on a conventional system. These components
consist of a manual switch and an Up/Down microswitch. Otherwise, the Steptronic system uses the same
transmission and TCM. The TCM monitors the Steptronic shifter position from P through D via the
conventional range selector switch located on the transmission. The Range Selector Switch provides positions P
through D to the TCM because the automatic gate of the shifter only travels through these positions. See Fig.
19 .
When the Steptronic Shifter is moved to the left 15 degrees into the manual gate, the TCM receives a ground
input from the manual gate switch. The ground signal is provided to the TCM through the Transmission
Position Indicator. The transmission position indicator also provides range position signaling to the range
position indicator in the shift console.
Steptronic was introduced on the E31 850Ci (10/94) and the 840Ci (1/96). Steptronic was subsequently
introduced into the E38, E39, E46, E36/7 and the E53. The Steptronic system can be diagnosed through "Status
Requests" with the DISplus or GT-1. From 2002 model year the Steptronic shifter has changed slightly.
Downshifts are now achieved by moving the selector lever forward and upshifts are now rearward.
Fig. 19: Identifying Steptronic Components
Magnetic Valves (MV) are used to electronically control hydraulic fluid flow to the various shift elements
within the transmission. See Fig. 20 . Magnetic valves are located on the valve body and replaceable as separate
components. In ZF transmissions, MV valves are designated MV1, MV2, MV3 etc. In Hydramatic
transmissions, they are designated Shift Valve A, Shift Valve B, Shift Valve C etc.
The magnetic valves are controlled by the TCM. They are supplied power by an internal TCM relay and are
ground controlled. The TCM switches one or more of the MV's on or off in various combinations to achieve
various shifts. Most transmission have 2 or 3 MV's to control shifting.
In addition to controlling shifts within the transmission, magnetic valves are also used for overlap shifting and
pressure regulation on some transmission applications. For example MV4 and MV5 are used for overlap
shifting in the A5S310Z. MV5 is used for pressure regulation on the 4HP22/24EH transmissions. When used
for pressure regulation, the magnetic valves are pulse width modulated by the TCM.
Fig. 20: Identifying Magnetic Valve Operation
Pressure Regulating Solenoids are used to modify line pressure for use in the transmission. See Fig. 21 . There
are numerous terms for these solenoids depending upon transmission type and manufacturer. ZF transmissions
use the term EDS, while Hydramatic Transmissions use the term DR solenoid, Force Motor Solenoid and
Variable Bleed Solenoid (VBS). EDS valves are used for main line pressure regulation, TCC application and
Overlap Shift Pressure Control on the A5S440Z and A5S560Z.
All pressure regulating solenoids are controlled by Pulse Width Modulation. Using the example in the picture
below, this is a section of the A5S440Z/560Z valve body. The EDS valves are used for the following:
The valve body shown in illustration is from the A5S360/390R. Note location of main pressure regulator.
Depending upon the reference text, the pressure regulator is also known as the Force Motor Solenoid, Variable
Bleed Solenoid or PC Solenoid. See Fig. 22 and Fig. 23 .
The cluster is used to report information to the driver regarding transmission status. There are three items of
information needed by the driver:
Transmission Range
This indicates the position of the range selector lever. The driver needs to know whether the transmission is in
P, R, N, D, 4, 3, or 2.
Transmission Program
This indicates the mode of operation. There are 3 modes, Economy, Manual and Sport.
The driver needs to know of there is a malfunction in the transmission. Depending upon application,
transmission faults can be indicated by an icon or by a "Transmission Program" message in the instrument
cluster display matrix. See Fig. 24 .
Depending upon vehicle model and transmission, these pieces of information arrive at the cluster through
different methods:
The most current method for this information to arrive at the cluster is through the CAN bus. The cluster
processes this information from the TCM via CAN.
On early E38 and E39 vehicles these is a "One Way Data Signal" from the TCM to the cluster. There is a
one way serial data line that transfers this information to the cluster. On later vehicles, the cluster was
introduced to the CAN bus and this method was no longer used. This was used on the E38 vehicles to
5/97 and E39 vehicles to 8/97 production. See Fig. 25 .
Early vehicles such as E32, E34, E36 etc. used a various combination of methods to transfer this data.
Some clusters use the "Coded Input" method for the program indicator. Fault indication is done by a
ground circuit through the TCM. Transmission range indication is achieved by a direct connection
between the range switch and cluster or by a coded input to cluster.
Pressure adaptation has been a feature of ZF automatic transmissions since the 4HP22EH. The TCM will
maximize shift quality by adapting to transmission wear over time. The TCM will adjust transmission shift
pressures to compensate for wear in the multi-plate clutches. This is accomplished by monitoring the input and
output speeds of the transmission. When the transmission shifts, the TCM monitors the time that it takes to
accomplish the shift. The time change in gear ratio is monitored and compared to an internal time value in the
TCM. If the ratio change takes more time than the stored value, the TCM will compensate by adjusting the
transmission shift pressures via the EDS valve solenoids. The adaptation value is stored in the TCM. This
adaptation values can only be cleared by the diagnostic tester (DIS plus or GT-1). See Fig. 26 .
Downshift protection is a feature that prevents unwanted or improper downshifting. If the range selector were
moved to a lower gear at a high road speed, engine damage could occur from an unintended over-rev. This
feature will prevent engine over-rev by delaying or preventing the unwanted downshift until the proper road
speed is achieved. The result is increased safety by preventing unwanted deceleration slip.
The TCM will lockout reverse above 3 MPH to prevent drivetrain damage. The range selector lever will go into
the reverse detent, but reverse will not engage. This is achieved by the TCM through hydraulic intervention.
The transmission will appear to be in neutral.
The transmission shift points are modified after cold start to raise engine RPM during shifting. This allows for a
faster engine warm up and reduction of catalyst warm up time. The TCM uses the transmission oil temperature
information to determine the implementation of this function. The warm up phase program will be terminated if
any of the following conditions exist:
During ASC/DSC regulation upshifts are inhibited to enhance the effectiveness of tractional control. Depending
upon vehicle model, this action can take place via the CAN bus or a dedicated shift intervention signal wire. On
later model vehicles where the ASC/DSC module is connected to the CAN bus, the shift intervention signal is
sent to the TCM via CAN.
In order to allow a smoother shift and reduce load on the transmission, engine torque is reduced during shifting.
This is accomplished by a signal that is sent from the TCM (EGS) to the ECM (DME) during shifting. The
ECM will retard timing momentarily during the shift for a few milliseconds. This timing change is transparent
to the driver. Depending upon application, the torque reduction signal is sent over a dedicated wire or a signal
over the CAN bus.
When a malfunction occurs within the transmission, the emergency program (failsafe mode) will be initiated.
The emergency program will prevent unintended gear engagement and ensure driver safety. The following will
occur during failsafe operation:
The fault indicator varies depending upon model, year and cluster type etc. See Fig. 27 . High version
instrument cluster will display a message in the matrix display. Vehicles with low version clusters will display a
fault symbol in the cluster. During failsafe mode the transmission will be shifted into a higher gear to allow the
vehicle to be driven to a service location. Depending upon application, the transmission will shift into 3rd or 4th
gear (on a 4 spd) and 4th or 5th gear (on a 5 spd). For example the A5S360R transmission will go into 5th gear
when there is a malfunction and 4th when there is a power failure to the TCM. Since pressure regulation ceases,
the shift to failsafe mode will be abrupt or harsh, unless the transmission is already in the failsafe gear. On
newer OBD II complaint vehicles, the MIL light will also be illuminated by the ECM (DME).
When the A/C Compressor is switched on, additional load is placed on the engine. To compensate for the
additional load, the TCM modifies line pressure and shift points. On the THMR-1, the TCM receives these
signals via a direct connection to the A/C compressor control circuit. On vehicles equipped with CAN bus
technology, the "AC on" signal is sent to the TCM from the DME as a CAN bus message. See Fig. 28 .
The shift lock solenoid is mounted on the selector lever assembly and locks the selector lever in Park or Neutral
when the ignition is ON. See Fig. 29 . This prevents the selection of a gear unless the brake pedal is depressed.
The solenoid is activated by a switched ground from the TCM. Power is supplied by the TCM internal relay.
During failsafe operation, the shift lock is disabled. On later models, the shift lock will also be active when the
TD signal is present and the shifter will remain locked above an engine speed of 2500 RPM regardless of brake
Fig. 29: Identifying Shift Lock Solenoid
A torque converter clutch was added on EH controlled transmissions. The torque converter clutch locks the
turbine to the converter housing. This creates a mechanical coupling with a ratio of 1:1. This can only be
achieved at higher engine speeds, the torque converter clutch must be disengaged at low engine speeds to
prevent stalling. There are two methods for controlling the torque converter clutch on BMW transmissions:
A4S310/270R, 4HP22/24 EH, A5S310Z - These transmissions use an on/off control method to lock and
unlock the torque converter. The Torque Converter Clutch is either completely engaged or disengaged.
This method of engagement provides an abrupt sensation when the TCC is locking and unlocking. This
abrupt sensation can be undesirable to some drivers.
A5S560Z, A5S440Z, A5S325Z, GA6HP26Z,A5S360/390R - These transmissions use a gradual approach
to TCC control. The TCC is gradually applied and released, this method reduces the abrupt feel of the
on/off type TCC. The TCC solenoid is controlled by pulse width modulation. This allows fluid to be
gradually introduced and released to the TCC.
The TCC is spring loaded to the engaged position. Pressurized fluid releases the TCC, when the pressurized
fluid is released, the TCC is engaged. Depending on transmission application, the TCC can be engaged in 3rd,
4th or 5th gear. The TCC must be disengaged at low speeds to prevent stalling. See Fig. 30 and Fig. 31 .
Magnetic valves are used to direct the flow of transmission fluid to control shift elements in the transmission.
Another Term for "Magnetic Valve" is "Shift Valve". Magnetic valves (MV) are solenoids controlled by the
TCM. They can be switched by B+ or B-. On ZF transmissions, magnetic valves are designated MV1, MV2,
MV3 etc. On GM transmissions they are designated Shift Valve A, Shift Valve B, Shift Valve C etc. Either
valve can be checked for proper resistance using a multi-meter, DISplus or GT-1. Also, the "Activate
Components" function can be used to check the Magnetic valves. Most all magnetic valves are switched on/off
instead of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). All magnetic valves (except THM R-1 to 12/95) are supplied power
from an internal relay located in the TCM. The magnetic valves are switched on and off by final stage
transistors in the TCM. During failsafe operation, power to all MV's is switched off by the internal relay.
Magnetic valves are located on the valve body. They can be replaced individually. Refer to proper repair
instructions for installation and removal procedures. See Fig. 32 .
Pressure regulating solenoids modify line pressure for hydraulic operation. Solenoids for pressure regulation are
referred to as EDS valves in ZF transmissions. GM transmissions have a few terms such as Force Motor
Solenoid, Variable Bleed Solenoid, and DR solenoid. Regardless of the name used, they are all used to control
main line pressure based on throttle position and engine load. On ZF transmissions, EDS valves are also used to
control "Overlap Shifting". This allows for improved shift comfort by controlling pressures during shifting.
Depending upon transmission application, pressure regulating solenoids can be controlled using Pulse Width
Modulation on B+ or B-. The TCM will increase line pressure by regulating current flow to the pressure
regulator. Current flow is controlled by pulse width modulation. When the duty cycle is low, the current flow to
the solenoid is low. This allows spring pressure to close the valve. Therefore maximum line pressure is
achieved. As the duty cycle increases, the current flow also increases. The valve opening increases, which
allows pressure to be released through the pressure discharge which in turn decreases line pressure. Main line
pressure is also increased during failsafe operation and when needed during "Adaptive Hydraulic Pressure
Control" functions. Mainline pressure will also default to maximum pressure when power to the TCM is
switched off. See Fig. 33 .
BMW EH transmissions have selectable shift programs (or modes) to suit driver needs and operating
conditions. See Fig. 34 . There are 3 basic shift programs available:
Economy Program - The economy program is the default program which is adopted every time the
vehicle is started. When in economy mode, the operating priority is for maximum economy and shift
comfort. Shifts will take place at low engine RPM and road speed. The economy mode is indicated by an
"A" on the program switch. The cluster will display an "E" to indicate economy mode.
Manual Mode (Winter Mode) - Manual mode is used to start out the vehicle in a higher gear on slippery
surfaces when more traction is needed. A higher gear will reduce torque to the rear wheels. Manual mode
can also be used to select a lower gear when needed such as when climbing a hill. Depending upon
vehicle application an "M" will appear in the cluster when in Manual Mode or an asterisk (*) symbol will
appear in the instrument cluster to indicate Winter Mode.
Sport Mode - Sport Mode provides raised shift points and a more aggressive shift program for the
"Enthusiastic" BMW driver. The cluster will display an "S" when in sport mode.
Regardless of vehicle application, the program switch provides a momentary ground to the TCM to switch
between modes. There have been numerous designs of the program switch since it's introduction. The program
switch configurations are as follows:
2 Position Slide Switch - This switch has the "A" and the "M" selection. Sport mode is achieved by
moving the selector lever from "D" to 4, 3 or 2 when in the Economy Mode. The 2 Position slide switch
is used on most models. These vehicles usually have a range and program display located in the
instrument cluster.
2 Position Rocker Switch - This switch operates the same as the slide switch, but it is used exclusively on
the E36. The E36 does not have a program indicator in the cluster. The rocker switch will illuminate,
indicating the current program.
3 Position Slide Switch - This switch has the added position for sport mode. The shifter does not have to
be moved out of drive (D) to be in sport mode. This switch is used on the E36 M3 and the 4HP22/24 EH
(Version Late E-7).
3 Position Rotary Switch - This switch is used only on the Early 4HP22 EH trans missions (Version Early
No Program Switch - On some vehicles with AGS features, there is no program switch. Shift modes are
obtained by moving the shift lever out of "D" range or automatically by adaptive shift functions.
(Example E39).
Fig. 34: Identifying Shift Program
The Steptronic shifting system was introduced to the BMW model line on the 95 E31 850Ci (from 10/94).
Steptronic was subsequently added to other BMW models and is available on all BMW models with automatic
transmissions. Other than a few additional components in the shifter mechanism, Steptronic equipped vehicles
use the same transmission and TCM as non-Steptronic equipped vehicles. Since the introduction of Steptronic,
there have been several variations in Steptronic function. Regardless of version, the Steptronic system provides
the driver with two modes of operation:
The Steptronic shift lever console contains and automatic and a manual shift gate. The automatic gate contains
the gear lever positions P/R/N/D. When the lever is placed in "D" all of the shifting takes place based on the
shift map programming in the TCM. To enter the manual gate the shift lever is moved 15 degrees to the left.
Depending upon application, there are three possible configurations of the manual gate:
On the E31 850Ci, the gate is marked as "M" only. There is a plus and minus sign for manual shifting.
Upshifts are achieved by momentarily moving the shifter forward. Downshifts are achieved by moving
the shifter rearward. When placing the shifter into the "M" gate, the transmission will adopt the current
gear that is engaged. The transmission will stay in that gear until an upshift or down shift request is made.
On all other vehicles until the 2002 model year, the gate is marked M/S. There is also a plus and minus
sign for manual shifting. When placing the shifter into the M/S gate, the transmission will adopt Sport
mode. All shifts will still be automatic. Full manual mode is achieved when an upshift or downshift
request is made. Upshifts are achieved by moving the shifter forward momentarily and downshifts are
achieved by moving the shifter rearward.
On all models with Steptronic from 2002, the only change is to the manual shifting modes. In order to be
consistent with SMG operation, the positions were reversed. Upshifts are now achieved by moving the
shifter rearward and downshifts are now forward. Otherwise, Steptronic operation is identical to the
previous models.
When in manual mode there are certain functions which occur automatically to prevent drivetrain damage and
improve driveability:
Engine Overspeed Prevention: To prevent engine over-rev, the TCM will upshift automatically just prior
to maximum engine cutoff.
Kickdown: If plausible, the TCM will automatically shift down to the next lower when a kickdown
request is received.
Decelerating: If in 5th gear and coasting to a stop, the TCM will automatically down shift to 4th gear at
approximately 31 mph and then 3rd gear at approximately 19 mph. The automatic downshift allows for
an acceptable gear when re-accelerating. (6 cylinder models will shift to 2nd gear when stopping vehicle).
Implausible Gear Requests: Certain shift requests are ignored by the TCM. For example, requesting a
downshift at a high rate of speed would be ignored. Any shift request that would cause the engine to
exceed the maximum RPM limit would not be allowed. Also starting out in a high gear is also not
allowed. Only 1st, 2nd or third gear is allowed when accelerating from a stop. See Fig. 35 .
In order to achieve manual shifts with Steptronic, the selector lever is moved 15 degrees to the left. A pin on the
selector lever engages the "up/down" microswitches which are a ground input to the TCM. The selector lever
also triggers the "M" gate microswitch which is also a ground input to the TCM. The example in illustration
shows a typical shift console for an E31. See Fig. 36 . Note the shift pattern, upshifts are forward and
downshifts are rearward. This shift pattern was used on vehicles up to the end of 2001 production. On vehicles
from 2002 production, the shift pattern is reversed. See Fig. 37 .
Fig. 36: Identifying Steptronic Shifter
Fig. 37: Steptronic System Comparison
The driving program selection is not adapted on a long term basis - nor is it stored in the control module
memory when the ignition is switched off. It continually changes as the driver of the vehicle changes driving
The AGS system selects the appropriate shift program based on the amount of acceleration that occurs during
takeoff. When driving away under full throttle the transmission will shift from XE to E.
Based on these inputs, the AGS will select one of three different driving programs as follows:
Extreme Economy - Shift points are at low speeds for maximum comfort and economy.
Economy - The shift points are raised for more performance with economy as priority.
Sport - The shift points are higher to take advantage of full engine performance.
Under full throttle acceleration at high speed, single gear downshifts are possible. A two gear downshift is
possible if the accelerator pedal is moved quickly to kick-down. The Extreme Sport program was eliminated as
part of the kick-fast feature. See Fig. 40 .
Fig. 40: Identifying Environmentally Influenced AGS Features
Upshift from first to second - followed by a downshift from second to first - followed by another upshift
from first to second. This is then followed by the vehicle coming to a complete stop.
After this sequence occurs, the transmission will stay in second gear. The AGS control has recognized stop and
go driving and this function will prevent excessive shifting during heavy conditions. The second gear start will
be cancelled when:
This feature is activated when the TCM detects slippage at the rear wheels by comparing front and rear wheel
speed signals. When slippage is detected by the TCM, the transmission will start in second gear and the shift
points will be lowered. This will reduce torque to the rear wheels allowing improved driveability and traction on
slippery roads.
There are two hill recognition programs, one for Uphill and one for Downhill. The TCM will activate this
feature when it receives a high engine load signal at slower road speeds. The TCM will perceive this
information as being consistent with climbing a hill. The shift points will be raised to prevent constant up and
down shifting. This is referred to as the pendulum shift effect. When driving downhill, road speed will increase
with minimal throttle input. The TCM will detect a downhill situation and hold the current gear to prevent an
upshift when going downhill.
This feature will inhibit upshifts when the vehicle is in a curve. This is to improve stability when the vehicle is
cornering at high speeds. The TCM will initiate this feature when it detects a difference between left and right
(front) wheel speed signals. The difference in these signals will indicate that the vehicle is in a curve. Be aware
that improper tire sizes, brands and inflation pressures can influence this feature. Always address these issues
first when diagnosing delayed upshift complaints.
A special cruise control shift map is selected by the TCM when cruise control is active. The TCM will prevent
unwanted locking and unlocking of the torque converter clutch. Also, upshifting and downshifting will be
minimized. Depending upon application, the cruise control interfaces with TCM via a single wire data link or as
on vehicles with electronic throttle control, the TCM will interface with the ECM (DME).
This feature is activated by moving the shift lever to position 4, 3 or 2. This activates the "Extreme Sport
Program" where the shift points are raised for maximum RPM and performance. On Steptronic equipped
vehicles, the sport program is obtained by moving the shifter to the manual gate to initiate the "Sport Program".
Since the introduction of AGS features in 1994, there have been some software changes to address customer
concerns. Some AGS features have been perceived by the customer as malfunctions. To correct this, some of
the AGS features were modified with updated software. The AGS features previously discussed in this text
reflect the updated modifications.
On earlier EGS systems, various signals were transmitted on individual signal wires. This reduced reliability
and increased the amount of wiring needed. The CAN bus allows faster signal transmission and increased
versatility. For example, the signals listed in the chart below were previously transmitted on individual wires,
now these signals are all on the CAN bus. This chart represents only some of the signals on the CAN bus, there
are many more signals transmitted between the TCM and ECM. See Fig. 41 and Fig. 42 .
The CAN bus consists of two twisted copper wires. Each wire contains an opposing signal with the exact same
information (CAN-High, CAN-Low). The opposing signals transmitted through the twisted wire serve to
suppress any electrical interference. Early CAN bus wiring included a grounded shield around the two wires,
later vehicles discarded the shield in favor of the unshielded twisted pair wiring. Due to the linear structure of
the network, the CAN bus is available for other modules in the event of a disconnected or failed control unit.
This is referred to as a "Tree" structure with each control unit occupying a branch. See Fig. 43 and Fig. 44 .
As previously mentioned, the CAN bus initially was used as a high speed communication link between the
DME and AGS control units. With the introduction of the E38 750iL (95 M.Y.), the CAN bus was expanded to
include the EML and DSC control modules. The 750iL made exclusive use of the "star coupler" to link the
individual CAN bus ends to a common connector. The 1998 model year introduced new users of the CAN bus.
The instrument cluster and the steering angle sensor were linked to expand the signal sharing capabilities of the
vehicle. The 1999 750iL was the last vehicle to use the shielded cable, after which the entire CAN bus went to
twisted pair wiring.
On most current models the CAN bus provides data exchange between the following control modules:
EML (750iL E38).
On models that use twisted pair, the wire color of the CAN bus is uniform throughout the vehicle with CAN-
Low GE/BR and CAN-High GE/SW or GE/RT. Shielded wiring is easily identified by the black sheath
surrounding the CAN bus.
The failure of communication on the CAN bus can be caused by several sources:
CAN-H/L interrupted.
CAN-H/L shorted to battery voltage.
CAN-H/L shorted to ground.
CAN-H shorted to CAN-L.
Defective plug connections (damaged, corroded, or improperly crimped).
In each instance, the connected control units will store a fault due to the lack of information received over the
CAN bus.
The voltage of the CAN bus is divided between the two data lines: CAN-High and CAN-Low for an average of
2.5V per line. The voltage measurement is taken from each data line to ground. Each module on the CAN
contributes to this voltage. The fact that 2.5V are present does not mean that the CAN bus is fault free, it just
means that the voltage level is sufficient to support communication.
Terminal resistors are used in the CAN bus circuit to establish the correct impedance to ensure fault free
communication. A 120 Ohm resistor is installed in two control units of the CAN between CAN-H and CAN-L.
Because the CAN is a parallel circuit, the effective resistance of the complete circuit is 60 Ohms. On some
vehicles there is a jumper wire that connects the two parallel branches together, others have an internal
connection at the instrument cluster.
The resistance is measured by connecting the appropriate adapter to any of the modules on the CAN and
measuring the resistance between CAN-L and CAN-H. The resistance should be 60 Ohms. The CAN bus is
very stable and can continue to communicate if the resistance on the CAN bus is not completely correct;
however, sporadic communication faults will occur. The terminal resistors are located in the ASC/DSC control
unit and either the instrument cluster or in the DME. Early 750iL vehicles that used the star connector have a
separate external resistor which connect CAN-H and CAN-L together. Modules which do not have the terminal
resistor can be checked by disconnecting the module and checking the resistance directly between the pins for
CANH and CAN-L. The value at these control units should be between 10k Ohms and 50k Ohms.
Always verify customer complaint, make sure the complaint is not related to normal operation. (i.e.
Warm Up Phase, AGS operation etc.).
Survey Fault Memory - Perform complete quick test. There may be other systems that interface with EGS
that could cause faults. (i.e DME, ASC/DSC, IKE/Kombi etc.).
Print out all fault codes with fault conditions. Also print out copy of Identification page and diagnostic
Check to see if there are any service bulletins that apply to your specific complaint.
Ensure that battery voltage is sufficient. Battery voltage must be greater than 12.5 with ignition switched
off. Check battery connections for tightness and condition.
Check ground connections. (chassis to engine, grounds to bulkhead and shock tower).
Check over vehicle to look for transmission leaks, physical damage, loose connections etc.
If necessary, check fluid level and condition using DISplus or GT-1.
Check to see if any aftermarket or performance components have been installed that could effect
transmission operation. (DME or EGS software as well as any engine modifications).
Check repair history to see if there were any recent repairs that could effect the proper operation of the
transmission (i.e. engine replacement with damaged dowel pin etc.).
Once all of the pre-diagnostic criteria has been satisfied, a logical diagnostic plan should be followed. A logical,
well organized diagnostic plan will help avoid improper diagnosis, unnecessary parts replacement and lost
diagnostic time. The productivity of the technician can also be improved by following a logical, common-sense
approach to problem solving. The following steps are recommended to form a diagnostic plan:
Verify the Customer Complaint - This step is the most important, but also the most overlooked. The focus
should always be on the exact customer concern. Make sure that the customer complaint is not a
misunderstanding of proper vehicle operation. This step can avoid unnecessary diagnosis and lost time.
Also make sure that the conditions under which the concern has occurred are duplicated. For example: If
the customer is complaining about a shifting concern after a cold start, then the vehicle should be road
tested under those conditions.
Analyze the Problem - Once the complaint has been verified, then all available resources should be used
to find the "root cause" of the complaint. Start out by checking technical service bulletins. Use the
DISplus or GT-1 to access the diagnostic program and perform Diagnostic Test Modules where
applicable. Wiring diagrams should also be used when needed.
Isolate the Problem - Now, the problem can be narrowed down into the final steps of diagnosis. Using
proper tools and procedures, the technician can "Isolate" by using the process of elimination and common
sense. Perform all necessary electrical checks such as Voltage Drop, resistance measurements etc.
Repair the Problem - Once the concern has been correctly identified, perform all necessary repairs.
Verify the Repair - Make sure the customer concern has been rectified. Road test the vehicle under the
same conditions whenever possible.
When diagnosing transmission fault codes, always print out the fault code(s) and the fault conditions. When
referring to the fault code itself, be aware that there are actually 3 formats for the fault code. See Fig. 45 .
Fig. 45: Identifying Fault Code Components
When a fault code is set, it is stored with a set of environmental conditions. The environmental conditions are
used to aid in pinpointing the root cause of the fault. Some of the information found in the fault conditions
contain information on transmission temperature, engine speed and road speed etc. This information is also
helpful when trying to duplicate the customer complaint. For example, if a customer complains about a shifting
complaint when cold, check the fault conditions to verify this complaint. Remember to always print out the fault
codes with the fault conditions. This information is helpful to the technician as well as technical assistance.
The ID page is helpful to determine the transmission and control system used as well as the chassis number and
current software version. Always print out a copy of the ID page when performing any diagnosis or
programming procedures.
There are two diagnostic formats (programs) used on current model BMW vehicles. The earlier diagnostic
program was used on the E38 and E39. The latter diagnostic program was introduced as the "E46 Diagnostic
Concept". This is used on the E46, E65 and the E52 (Z8). The E53 X5 uses a mixture of both diagnostic
programs depending upon engine/transmission options. Below is an example of the earlier diagnostic program.
The diagnostic program contains the following features:
Fault Symptoms - This is a symptom driven program that will lead the technician into guided diagnostics.
It contains several possible fault scenarios that are common to electronic transmissions. This path is
helpful when the technician is not sure where to start in his diagnostic plan.
Function Test - There are no function tests for electronic transmissions.
Service Functions - This is where you will find the ATF level check function. Also Test Codes can be
obtained and printed out for warranty purposes. The Adaptation values can be cleared as well as printed
Expert Mode - Expert Mode should be used when the technician has a thorough working knowledge of
the system. You will find several items in expert mode: Read/Clear fault memory, Diagnosis (Status)
requests, Component Activation and Test Modules.
Test modules are found in the diagnosis program of the DISplus and GT-1. These allow the technician to take
advantage of a guided diagnostic plan. The program will direct the technician through the various steps using a
"trouble tree" format. When using test modules it is important to follow the instructions exactly. Due to the
complex nature of some faults, the test modules are not always conclusive. The test module is only as effective
as the information provided by the technician. The technician also needs to rely on his experience and some
common sense. The test modules should be used to assist the technician, not as a replacement for good
diagnostic skills.
The following consists of some helpful hints to assist the BMW diagnostic technician. It is designed to assist the
technician to form a logical path of diagnosis. These suggestions should be used in conjunction with other
approved diagnostic routines. Transmission concerns can be broken down into several categories:
Shift Quality Complaints - Shift Quality complaints consist of harsh up or down shifts, improper shift
points and erratic shifting. These complaints could be related to electronic/software issues or
hydraulic/mechanical problems. Perform quick test and check TSB's before proceeding. As with most
concerns, check the transmission fluid level and condition as well.
Delayed/No Upshifts - Before proceeding on delayed upshift complaints, make sure you are aware of the
conditions that this occurs. This could be normal operation, such as the "Warm-up Phase" program.
Always check front tires for proper inflation pressures, correct size and type. Also check for uneven tire
wear. Variations in front tire size from left to right can activate the AGS "Curve Recognition" feature.
The TCM will interpret the difference in wheel speed signals as being a turn and suppress (or delay)
Slipping - This type of issue is usually associated with a fault code. Be sure to check the transmission
fluid level and condition.
Noise, Vibration - Noises and vibrations should be checked over by a good visual inspection. Look for
loose transmission or engine mounts. Check the driveshaft, center bearing and flexible coupling (or
constant velocity joints). Also check the lateral alignment of the driveshaft.
No Forward or Reverse Gear - Start by checking transmission fluid level and note the fluid condition.
Inspect for leaks and external transmission damage.
Leaks - When investigating transmission leaks, be sure to verify that the suspected leak is actually
transmission fluid. Engine oil, hydraulic and brake fluid can be mistaken for a transmission leak. Check
the transmission cooler lines, transmission cooler and transmission pan gasket. Try to locate the source of
the leak.
Fault Codes - Perform COMPLETE short test (Quick test) on all vehicle systems. It is important to survey
all systems in the event that a related system is causing the transmission fault. Always print out the ID
Page, Fault codes and fault conditions.
Coding will assign the control unit to a particular application. Information such as differential ratio, tire size,
vehicle series, engine, engine control system, with or without A/C etc., are some of the possible variants that
have to be considered. Transmission control units are coded using various methods:
Grounding pins in wiring harness connector - On early models equipped with the 4HP22/24 EH
transmissions, the TCM was coded to the vehicle by means of grounding pins in the wiring harness
connector for the TCM. By selectively grounding specific pins in the harness, the TCM was assigned to
that vehicle. For example, TCM could be installed in a 535, 635, or a 735. This only applies to the early
7-series (E23, E24, E28).
TCM ordered for specific application - On some later models, the TCM was ordered for a specific vehicle
application, coding was not necessary.
Coding performed during programming - On systems that use a flash programmable TCM, the coding
process is done during flash programming. See Fig. 46 .
Programming refers to the instructions that the TCM is to follow. The TCM is programmed to apply certain
shift maps according to operating conditions such as vehicle speed, engine speed, engine temperature, engine
load and throttle position. This information can be entered into the TCM via an updated EPROM or through
flash programming. Flash programmable control units use a EEPROM which is Electronically Erasable. The
EEPROM is also soldered into the TCM and cannot be removed or replaced. Flash programmable TCM's can be
programmed up to 14 times (with a new TCM). See Fig. 46 .
NOTE: Do not program a TCM to correct a complaint unless there is a specific TSB that
covers the issue.
Fig. 46: Identifying TCM Coding & Programming
The automatic transmission provides filtered, pressure regulated hydraulic fluid for all of the transmissions
functional requirements. All BMW automatic transmissions are designed to operate with specific fluids. Use of
non-approved oil will cause malfunctions and irreparable transmission damage which is not covered by BMW
warranty. The transmission fluid provides the following functions:
Lubricates mechanical components (planetary gears, bearings etc.).
Removes heat and transfers heat to transmission cooling system. (Heat Exchanger).
Removes debris and contaminants to sump and filter when circulated.
Provides a transfer of kinetic energy in the torque converter.
Allows hydraulic operation of mechanical components (clutches, brakes) via control of the valve body.
Also, transmission fluid has various properties to prevent oxidation and breakdown from heat and friction. Each
type of transmission fluid has properties specific for each transmission application. Fluid level is crucial in the
proper operation of an automatic transmission. Improper fluid levels will cause improper operation and
eventually irreparable transmission damage. Improper fluid level can cause:
A low fluid level can cause an interruption in oil flow during fast acceleration or hard braking which can
cause gear shift malfunctions and noises.
An excessively high fluid level can cause the rotating mechanical components to paddle in the oil. This
produces foam which introduces air into the hydraulic system.
A low fluid level can also cause transmission overheating causing premature transmission failure.
Transmission fluid checking is accomplished using the DISplus or GT-1. The DISplus or GT- 1 is used to
monitor transmission fluid temperature to insure the transmission is not over or under-filled. As with most other
current ZF transmissions there is no dipstick, the fluid level is checked and filled at the fill plug. The location of
the fill plug varies between transmissions. See Fig. 47 . Transmission fluid should be checked between 30 and
50 degrees Celsius (unless otherwise specified). Use the DISplus and/or GT-1 to determine transmission
temperature. When checking transmission fluid, observe the following items:
Transmission in Park.
Parking brake applied.
Engine Running.
Vehicle level.
No engine load.
Trans Temp 30-50C.
Observe correct drain plug torque.
Use correct fluid.
When replacing parts on transmissions that use lifetime fluid, drain fluid into a clean container and reuse.
Fig. 47: Identifying Drain & Fill Plug (Typical)
There are numerous types of transmission fluid used in BMW transmissions. With the exception of the early
transmissions (4HP22/24, A4S310/270R and the A5S310Z in the E34) all current BMW transmissions use
"Lifetime Fill" transmission fluid. See Fig. 48 . There is no maintenance required for these transmissions. It is
important to use the correct fluid. Incorrect use of the transmission fluid can cause non-warrantable
transmission damage. When performing repairs on transmissions with lifetime fluid, it is important to drain the
transmission fluid in to a clean container for re-use. New fluid should only be used for transmission replacement
and for topping off after repairs. Also, transmission fluid level is vital to the proper operation of the
Fig. 48: Transmission Fluid Application
Currently, service of transmissions is limited to electrical, minor mechanical and hydraulic repairs as well as
service adjustments. See Fig. 49 . Part availability is limited to include the repair of the following:
Application Year Range
318i 1993-98
318is 1993-97
318ti 1995-99
323i & 323is 1998-99
325i & 325is 1992-95
328i & 328is 1996-99
525i 1991-95
525iT 1993-95
528i 1997-2000
535i 1991
M3 1995
Z3 1996-2000
CAUTION: On vehicles with ASC+T, the throttle body (ASC+T) and/or the expansion
tank on the master brake cylinder can become damaged when the
transmission is lowered.
NOTE: Clean oil cooler and pipes with compressed air and flush twice with ATF if
the transmission is faulty.
CAUTION: Do not let drive shaft fall into joints. This would squash the rubber
gaiter, especially on the constant velocity joint.
CAUTION: Always brace bolt with special tool 24 5 210 to avoid deformation of
the cable. Special tool 24 5 210 can only be fitted in position "P".
18. If equipped with M51 engine, remove cover from manifold. Secure special tool 11 2 370 on intake pipe,
rear. Assemble special tool 00 0 200 and attach to special tool 11 2 370. Tighten spindle. See Fig. 14 .
19. If equipped with M43 engine, attach special tool 11 8 022. See Fig. 15 .
20. Support transmission with appropriate transmission jack.
21. Remove cross tube. See Fig. 16 .
22. Remove cross member with rubber mounts. See Fig. 17 .
Fig. 14: Installing Engine Lifting Fixture (M51)
Fig. 15: Installing Engine Support Fixture (M43)
Fig. 16: Removing/Installing Cross Tube
Fig. 17: Removing/Installing Cross Member
23. Lower transmission, until the cylinder head or manifold no longer abuts the engine fire wall or the heating
connections (visual inspection).
24. If equipped with M43 engine, fit carrier of special tool 11 8 022 firmly with knurled screws on oil pan.
See Fig. 18 .
NOTE: This special tool prevents the engine from tilting backwards when the
transmission is removed.
25. Release oil cooler pipe clamps from crankcase and oil pan. See Fig. 19 .
26. Unscrew front oil cooler pipe. See Fig. 20 .
27. Unscrew rear oil cooler pipe. See Fig. 21 .
Fig. 18: Installing Engine Tilt Preventer (M43)
Fig. 19: Removing/Installing Oil Cooler Pipe Clamps (Crankcase & Oil Pan)
Fig. 20: Disconnecting/Connecting Front Oil Cooler Pipe
Fig. 21: Disconnecting/Connecting Rear Oil Cooler Pipe
28. Unscrew transmission on engine (Torx screws). See Fig. 22 and Fig. 23 .
29. Secure converter from slipping by fitting and securing tool 24 4 080 to transmission housing with flat side
of retaining element (1) facing converter. See Fig. 24 . Pull transmission off engine.
CAUTION: Models with M50 engine are equipped with sheet metal flywheel (2). See
Fig. 25 . Sheet metal flywheel has three indentations for the torque
converter mounting tabs. When guiding the engine and transmission
together, the three mounting tabs on the torque converter must be aligned
with the three indentations in the sheet metal flywheel. Non-conformance
leads to follow-up damage on the automatic transmission. Turning on the
torque converter, or engine, is no longer possible after guiding the engine
and transmission together and would lead to damage.
1. Check that dowel sleeves (1 and 2) are not missing. See Fig. 26 . If necessary, convert or replace dowel
sleeves. Ensure correct position of cover plate.
Fig. 25: Identifying Sheet Metal Flywheel
Fig. 26: Locating Dowel Sleeves
6. Guide transmission in carefully with special tool 24 2 300 in bore (3) on the drive plate. See fig.
7. Bolt transmission housing to engine. Check that washers are fitted to Torx screws. See Fig. 23 . Tighten
bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
8. Unscrew special tool 24 2 300 from the tab towards the front. Mount torque converter.
9. Connect rear oil cooler pipe. Check seals, replacing if necessary. See Fig. 21 . Tighten to specification.
10. Connect front oil cooler pipe. Check O-ring (1), replacing if necessary. See Fig. 20 . Tighten to
specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
11. Install crossmember and mounts. See Fig. 17 . Ensure transmission is centered. See CENTERING
12. Install cross tube. See Fig. 16 . Remove engine support fixtures.
13. Install torque converter-to-drive flange bolts, using special socket 24 1 110. See Fig. 12 . Tightening to
specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
CAUTION: Only use original bolts.
14. Connect speed sensor harness connector. See Fig. 11 . Connect transmission wiring harness plug (2). See
Fig. 10 . Ensure that marks are aligned.
15. Connect shift cable. See Fig. 9 . Adjust shift mechanism. See SHIFT CABLE ADJUSTMENT
16. Install driveshaft. Use NEW stop nuts and self-locking nuts. See Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 . To prevent torsion
stress on the joint disc, only turn the nuts or bolts on the flange side, if possible. See Fig. 30 . Install
center mount. Ensure mount is preloaded 4-6 mm in forward direction. See Fig. 7 . Tighten screw-on ring
(1) with special tool 26 1 040. See Fig. 4 . Tighten driveshaft fasteners to specification. See TORQUE
17. Install clamp/holder with long shoulder (3) facing forward. See Fig. 3 . Tighten bolts to specification. See
18. To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
19. After the transmission has been installed, the oil level must be checked and topped off if necessary. See
appropriate SERVICING article.
Centering Transmission
1. Determine measuring point. Measure from center of bore towards inside (A = 31 mm). See Fig. 31 . Mark
measuring point.
2. Starting from center of transmission, measure 10 mm to left, mark and attach special tool 26 1 020. See
Fig. 32 .
3. Move transmission sideways until special tool gauge has equal distances on left and right sides. Secure
crossmember. See Fig. 33 . Tighten bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
Move selector lever (1) to "P". See Fig. 34 . Loosen nut (2). Special tool 24 5 210 can be applied only in
position "P". Press lever (3) forward (park position). Press cable rod (4) in opposite direction to travel, then
release again. Clamp cable rod (4) by tightening nut (2) (brace with special tool 24 5 210. Tightening to
specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS .
Fig. 34: Adjusting Shift Cable
1. To install, reverse removal procedure. To facilitate assembly, coat gaskets with acid-free grease.
2. Adjust bowden cable with clearance of 0.5-1 mm. See Fig. 39 .
3. Fit hose for crankcase venting to suction hose. See Fig. 35 .
4. Read out fault memory of ASC+T control unit, check error messages in memory, rectify faults and cancel
fault memory. See appropriate SELF-DIAGNOSTICS article in ENGINE PERFORMANCE.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Crossmember-To-Body Bolts 16 (21)
Driveshaft Center Mount-To-Body Bolts 16 (21)
Driveshaft Coupler-To-Transmission (Self-Locking Nuts) 44 (60)
Oil Cooler Cap Nut (At Radiator & Transmission) 15 (20)
Oil Lines (At Transmission) 27 (37)
Torque Converter-To-Flywheel Bolts 33 (45)
Transmission-To-Engine Bolts (Torx)
M8 Thread 16 (21)
M10 Thread 31 (42)
M12 Thread 53 (72)
Universal Joint-To-Driveshaft & Transmission (Stop Nuts) 35 (48)
Bowden Cable-To-Shift Tower/Transmission 133 (15)
Drive Shaft Screwed-On Ring 89 (10)
Shift Lever Clamping Screw 89 (10)
Vehicle Application Transmission Model
Z3, 318i, 318is, 318ti, 328i, 328is & 528i 4L30E
540i, 740i, 740iL & 840Ci 5HP 30
NOTE: Transmission is sealed at factory for life of transmission. If any leaks are found,
factory recommends replacing transmission assembly.
1. Ensure transmission fluid is between 68-86°F (20-30°C). Use BMW Service Tester (if available) to
monitor transmission fluid temperature. Turn on headlights and A/C to raise idle speed. Apply parking
brake and start engine. Select each gear and return gear selector to "N" or "P" position.
2. Remove fill plug from center (raised area) of oil pan. There is a "stand pipe" behind plug. Some oil will
spill from above plug when removed. If oil continues to spill out after plug is removed, transmission is
full. Add oil until it begins to overflow from fill plug. Ensure engine continues to run during procedure.
Replace fill plug and tighten to 74 ft. lbs. (100 N.m).
1. Move gearshift lever to Park position. Loosen cable attaching nut on shift lever at transmission. Push
transmission shift lever forward to Park position, and push cable rod rearward. See Fig. 1 .
2. Tighten shift cable rod nut to 88-106 INCH lbs. (10-12 N.m). Check proper operation of gearshift lever in
each gear selection, and readjust cable if necessary.
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Filler Plug 74 (100)
INCH Lbs. (N.m)
Shift Cable Rod Nut 88-106 (10-12)
Model Transmission
Z3 M-Series & M3 Getrag 310
Z3, 318i, 318ti Getrag 250
328i, 328is, 528i Getrag 320
540i Getrag 420
Inspect fluid level when vehicle is serviced. Fluid change interval schedule is not available from manufacturer.
Check lubricant at fill hole. Lubricant should be at bottom of filler plug hole.
Transmissions have a Red label on transmission bellhousing that specifies ATF-OIL, use Dexron-II ATF. If
vehicle bellhousing has a Green label that specifies SPECIAL-OIL, use Mobil Synthetic Gear Lube (SHC 630).
Application Ft. Lbs. (N.m)
Drain Plug 29-44 (40-60)
Filler Plug 29-44 (40-60)
Fig. 1: Air Conditioning Circuits
Fig. 2: 1.9L, Anti-lock Brake Circuits, W/ Traction Control
Fig. 3: Anti-lock Brake Circuits, W/O Traction Control
Fig. 4: 2.8L, Anti-lock Brake Circuits, W/ Traction Control (1 of 2)
Fig. 5: 2.8L, Anti-lock Brake Circuits, W/ Traction Control (2 of 2)
Fig. 6: Anti-lock Brake Circuits, W/O Traction Control
Fig. 7: Drive-Away Protection (EWS II)
Fig. 8: Forced Entry Circuit
Fig. 9: Body Computer Module Circuit
Fig. 10: On-Board Computer Circuit
Fig. 11: Computer Data Lines
Fig. 12: 1.9L, Auxiliary Cooling Fan Circuit
Fig. 13: 2.8L, Auxiliary Cooling Fan Circuit
Fig. 14: Cruise Control Circuit
Fig. 15: Defogger Circuit
Fig. 16: 1.9L, Engine Performance Circuits (1 of 2)
Fig. 17: 1.9L, Engine Performance Circuits (2 of 2)
Fig. 18: 2.8L, Engine Performance Circuits (1 of 2)
Fig. 19: 2.8L, Engine Performance Circuits (2 of 2)
Fig. 20: Back-up Lamps Circuit
Fig. 21: Exterior Lamps Circuit (1 of 2)
Fig. 22: Exterior Lamps Circuit (2 of 2)
Fig. 23: Ground Distribution Circuit (1 of 3)
Fig. 24: Ground Distribution Circuit (2 of 3)
Fig. 25: Ground Distribution Circuit (3 of 3)
Fig. 26: Headlight Circuit
Fig. 27: Horn Circuit
Fig. 28: Instrument Cluster Circuit (1 of 2)
Fig. 29: Instrument Cluster Circuit (2 of 2)
Fig. 30: Interior Light Circuit
Fig. 31: Power Distribution Circuit (1 of 3)
Fig. 32: Power Distribution Circuit (2 of 3)
Fig. 33: Power Distribution Circuit (3 of 3)
Fig. 34: Power Door Lock Circuit
Fig. 35: Power Mirror Circuit
Fig. 36: Heated Seats Circuit
Fig. 37: Power Seats Circuit
Fig. 38: Power Window Circuit
Fig. 39: Radio Circuits
Fig. 40: Shift Interlock Circuit
Fig. 41: Charging Circuit
Fig. 42: Starting Circuit
Fig. 43: Supplemental Restraint Circuit
Fig. 44: 1.9L, A/T Circuit (1 of 2)
Fig. 45: 1.9L, A/T Circuit (2 of 2)
Fig. 46: 2.8L, A/T Circuit (1 of 2)
Fig. 47: 2.8L, A/T Circuit (2 of 2)
Fig. 48: Warning System Circuits
Fig. 49: Washer Jet Heater Circuit
Fig. 50: Wiper/Washer Circuit, Canada
Fig. 51: Wiper/Washer Circuit, USA