XML Issue
XML Issue
XML Issue
XML Browser
Feature mechanism:
XML browser simply means that the SIP phones’ LCD screen display can be managed by
external applications.
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. It is a markup language much like HTML.HTML
is designed to display data and to focus on how data looks, while XML is designed to describe
data and to focus on what data is.
XML enables SIP phones to serve as output devices for many exciting applications. The XML
infrastructure allows the phones to interact with external applications in a flexible and
programmable manner.
Use the XML Browser feature usually can be integrated with Auto provisioning feature, all the
content through auto provisioning can be supported by XML Browser feature as well. The XML
API is intended to provide you with flexibility in developing applications on the phones while
tightly integrating into the phone’s telephony capabilities and functions.
More details you can refer to the “XML Browser” guide which you can find the latest version
on support.yealink.com.
Issue Description:
1. When using PUSH XML/SIP NOTIFY, the phone has not response
2. The phone shows” load file error”
3. The phone shows “File format error”
4. The phone can download XML file normally but can’t execute it.
b. If it still can’t work after check these setting, please check the format of Push XML and
SIP Notify.
2. Issue: The phone shows” load file error”, means the phone can’t load the file
a. Make sure the XML Browser address is correct and accessibility, you can copy the link to
the web browser to see if the PC can download the file, in this case, the PC should in the
same network as the phone. If the PC can’t download the file, the phone can’t download
it either, please check the server
b. If XML Browser using HTTPS, please check whether the phone has contained the
certificate of the server, you can disable the “Only Accept Trusted Certificate” under
“Security->Trusted Certificates” page to check, if it can work well after disable the option,
means the issue is caused by the certificate, please upload it to the phone.
a. Get the XML file from customer then check the content in the file is correct
b. If can’t find the error, use the file to do local test, if can’t work either, you can check
customer file and see what effect customer want to realize and then change it based on
the working template file to avoid any tiny changes cause the error.
If above steps can’t work, ask the customer to send us the config.bin file, pcap trace and level
6 syslog to see.
Trace analysis:
From the trace, we can see whether phone has sent out the correct request or received the
Like below this is PUSH XML, the server send the “ClearCallerList” XML file to the phone to clear
the history.
Then you can see the phone send 200 OK message to the phone, so this is working scenario.
push xml.pcap
And the related log, you can find the details as well by search “xml” filed and see the phone has
really execute the Command: ClearCallerList.
Firmware version: