Instructor’s Creed
As a scuba instructor I have the opportunity to see:
• Fear changed to courage
• Faint-heartedness converted into accomplishment
• Timidity transformed into confidence
• Anticipation turned into passion
As a scuba instructor I can:
• Open hearts and minds to the hidden beauty of nature’s creation and our obligation
to protect it
• Foster self-esteem in another person
• Teach the value of character and integrity
• Transform another human being and change a life for the better and forever
“From what we get we make a living. From what we give we make a life.” Winston Churchill
PADI (Professional Association of Diving In- vironmental knowledge to students in stages.
structors) is the world’s largest recreational PADI courses are student-centered and provide
diving membership organization. The member- for maximum practice and application. Students
ship includes dive businesses, resort facilities, learn the basics through independent study
academic institutions, instructor trainers, dive and then are guided through additional devel-
educators, divers, snorkelers and other water- opment by their instructors. The goal is to get
sports enthusiasts. Professional PADI Members students in the water as soon as possible and
(dive centers, resorts, educational facilities, provide them with the instruction necessary to
instructors, assistant instructors and divemas- gain confidence in their diving abilities.
ters) teach the vast majority of the world’s PADI’s entry-level scuba certification is
recreational divers, issuing more than 800,000 Open Water Diver. Once certified, divers can
certifications each year. PADI Professionals make continue their education by becoming Ad-
underwater exploration and adventure acces- venture, Advanced Open Water, Specialty and
sible to the public while maintaining the highest Rescue Divers. Further training, such as the
industry standards for dive training, safety and Divemaster and Assistant Instructor courses,
customer service. allow interested divers to become dive leaders.
PADI is international in scope with service Divers looking for scuba diving careers often
offices in Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, choose to become PADI Instructors.
Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the The PADI Instructor Development pro-
United States. PADI Worldwide (corporate head- gram sets the industry standard for instructor
quarters) is located in California, United States. training. Through a comprehensive curriculum,
PADI Offices serve more than 130,000 individual dive leaders build upon their supervisory skills
professional members and more than 5300 dive and learn to teach PADI courses. Each new
centers and resorts in more than 183 countries PADI Instructor has demonstrated a thorough
and territories. To serve the needs of divers knowledge of the PADI System and the ability
worldwide, translations of PADI materials are to conduct PADI programs by meeting specific
available in at least 24 languages. evaluation criteria during a PADI Instructor
PADI provides members with a full range Examination (IE). PADI Instructor Development
of educational materials, training aids, promo- programs may only be conducted by quali-
tional pieces and recognition materials to con- fied PADI Course Directors. Course Directors
duct and market PADI programs. These materials are experienced Master Instructors who have
are developed by credentialed instructional received training and gained experience in
designers who use state-of-the-art technology conducting instructor development programs.
and learning theories to produce quality prod- PADI Instructor Examinations are conducted by
ucts. When students successfully complete PADI a select group of Instructor Examiners who are
courses, they receive positive identification cer- under contract with PADI. Having IEs conducted
tification cards that identify them as PADI Divers. only by authorized Examiners ensures that the
In addition to course materials and certification evaluation process is objective, fair and consis-
cards, PADI supports members’ teaching efforts tent.
by supplying consultation services in current All PADI programs, entry-level through
instructional methods and protocols. instructor training, fall under strict educational
The PADI System of diver education is standards to maintain worldwide consistency
based on progressive training that introduces and quality. PADI takes a proactive approach to
skills, safety related information and local en- quality assurance, with a full-time department
that randomly surveys PADI Divers to monitor other membership news. Web visitors can also
PADI programs and to confirm that they meet view various diving related sites linked to the
PADI’s high standards. This commitment to a PADI web site.
strong quality assurance process helps maintain To assist PADI Members grow both
credibility and continually improve customer personally and professionally, PADI conducts
satisfaction. annual seminars that cover various educational,
To keep PADI Members up-to-date on im- marketing and risk management topics. PADI
portant dive issues, safety, training techniques, also offers sales training and business develop-
and business information, PADI publishes a ment programs. Each year PADI staff attend
magazine and various newsletters. The Undersea advisory meetings and member forums to dis-
Journal (a magazine for dive industry profession- cuss local issues and supply participants with
als) features information regarding diver edu- information regarding current trends in diving.
cation, safety standards, dive retailing, travel, PADI Regional Managers visit PADI Dive Centers
industry news, science and the environment. and Resorts to consult with members regarding
PADI Members also receive from their PADI Of- sales, merchandising, marketing and staff train-
fice special bulletins and newsletters, such as ing. Retailers and resort operators also have
the Surface Interval – a monthly eNewsletter – access to a variety of business services through
that allows members to stay abreast of training the PADI International Resort and Retailer As-
and education issues, instructor development sociations.
news and information specific to the needs of As PADI Members, both individuals
PADI Dive Centers and Resorts. The Dive Indus- and dive businesses can obtain professional
try News which provides information regarding liability as well as several other types of busi-
PADI’s stance on dive industry issues, is mailed ness insurance policies. PADI maintains a staff
with The Undersea Journal. Published quarterly, of professionals who address legal, insurance
the Training Bulletin keeps members updated and legislative issues that affect PADI Members
regarding training suggestions and requirements and diving in general. PADI is also involved in
as well as important changes to PADI courses developing national and international dive com-
and programs. PADI Offices also publish regional munity minimum training standards. With the
newsletters and bulletins that keep PADI Mem- assistance of legal advisors and interaction with
bers informed on a local level. other organizations, PADI represents the inter-
In addition to member publications, Sport ests of members and divers in the community
Diver - The PADI Diving Society Magazine is dis- and before governments.
tributed to PADI Diving Society members in the With thousands of members and millions
United States and the United Kingdom. These of divers, PADI-sponsored programs are becom-
magazines cover the people, places and events ing a growing force in the worldwide effort to
that make up the diving lifestyle and encourage preserve the underwater environment. Project
readers to seek the assistance of PADI profes- AWARE (Aquatic World Awareness, Responsibil-
sionals to meet their diving needs. ity and Education) encompasses PADI’s environ-
PADI’s, web site,, features mental awareness and protection philosophy.
interesting topics for everyone from the non- Through their training, PADI Divers learn the
diver to the PADI professional. The public can importance of protecting fragile aquatic ecosys-
find information on current events, learning to tems and are encouraged to become involved in
dive or continuing diver education with a PADI preservation efforts.
Dive Center or Resort. PADI Members can access
training updates, job placement information and PADI — The Way The World Learns to Dive ®
Vision Mission
PADI intends to be the world leader in the educa- We want to teach the world to scuba dive.
tional development of scuba diving professionals
and enthusiasts.
PADI Worldwide
PADI Foundation
The following are programs that can be offered through qualified PADI Members: