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The passage provides technical specifications and performance details for the Airbus A319, A320 and A321 aircraft models.

The passage lists the dimensions, weights and maximum take-off weights for each Airbus model on page 1.

The passage details the engine options and thrust ratings for each Airbus model on page 1.

A319-100 Dimensions: Length 110'10" 123' 3" Wing Span 111'10" 111'10" Height 38' 6" 38' 8"

General Information: Airbus A319-100 , A320-200 A321-100 & A321-200 A320-200 A321-100 A321-200 146' 0" 111'10" 38' 9" 146' 0" 111'10" 38' 9"

Weights (lbs): Empty 88,537 Fuel 42,423 Payload 37,132 MTOW 141,095 MLW 134,505

93,000 42,423 42,090 162,040 142,222

105,580 41,956 47,895 182,980 162,068

105,580 52,451 47,895 196,210 Maximum Take-off Weight 196,210 Maximum Landing Weight

Engines: A319-100

2 * 97.9kN CFMI CFM56-5A4 or IAE V2522-A5 turbofans (22,000 lb.) thrust


2 * 117.9kN CFMI CFM56-5B4 or IAE V2526-A5 turbofans (26,500 lb.) thrust

A321-100 / A321-200

2 * 133.4kN CFMI CFM56-5B1 or IAE V2530-A5 turbofans (30,000 lb.) thrust 2 * 146kN CFMI CFM56-5B3 or IAE V2533-A5 turbofans (33,000 lb.) thrust

Operating Performance :

Mno 0.78 Mach Normal Operating Speed Mmo 0.82 Mach Max. Operating Speed Mne 0.89 Mach Never Exceed Speed Vno 350-360 KIAS Normal Operating Speed Vmo Max. Operating Speed IAS Vne 365-370 KIAS Never Exceed Speed IAS Vat 137-140 KIAS Landing @ Runway Threshold Speed @ MLW full flap/Gear down * DO NOT Exceed 250kts @ or Below 10,000ft Altitude.*

Take-off speed @ MTOW:

V1 135kts @ flap2/3 (V1 is the go or no-go decision speed) VR 140 - 145kts (VR is the rotation speed ie lift-off speed) V2 145 - 156 kts (V2 is the safe climb-out speed)

ILS & Approach speed @ MLW:

180 kts Flap2 (Kyb 2) to full flap/gear down @ Vat 137 - 139kts Vat = 1.30 Vso (Vso is stall speed @ full flap/gear down)

Cruise Speeds:

Max Cruise Speed 487 KTAS @ 28,000' Typical Cruise Speed is 0.78 - 0.82 Mach @ FL300 - FL350 (30,000-35,000ft)

Long Range Cruise is 454 KTAS @ 37,000'

When flying long routes (over 2hrs) with MTOW, climb to FL300 & hold Alt with cruise speed 0.78 - 0.80 Mach , then fly that level for 30-45 min. then climb to FL310 - 320 @500 fpm and so on until you reach FL350 @ 0.80 - 0.82 Mach. Try not exceed 91% N1 during cruise in order to have available thrust for emergencies & be more efficient with fuel burn. The reason I mentioned the above procedure with X-Plane is to avoid too much nose pitch up attitude which put the aircraft wing @ higher angle of attack causing speed bleed leading to a clean stall if you are not careful. The time taken between cruise climb is important because the aircraft will burn fuel (losing weight), your speed will gradually increase @ the same N1 setting , your aircraft pitch up will decrease helping you for the next cruise climb. Rate of climb at these alts should be between 300-500 fpm in order not to lose speed rapidly. The more you climb to FL350 the more the air density is less the better the engine fuel consumption (more range)& the less is thrust. I usually output data for N1 on the screen & switch the EICAS (Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System) to fuel management to observe aircraft status on fuel burn & range. You should carry fuel enough for the flight + 40mins for diversions & emergencies i.e. if your trip is 3hrs long, you load fuel for the required 3hrs flight plus fuel for an extra 40 min. You should know your aircraft's average fuel consumption for the type of engines fitted with in order to determine the fuel weight required for the flight. Remember that weight is drag, drag is more fuel burn which costs money (for virtual pilots flying for virtual airlines), so do not carry fuel more than you need. You have a destination to go to & MLW limit. You do not want to arrive to your destination with total weight above MLW!. FAR Field Lengths Take-off Landing 5,500 ft to 8,000 ft 4,500 ft to 5,500 ft

Take-off Check List

Allowable Take-off Weight (MTOW or lower) Checked Flaps Set Trim Set Autopilot Controls Off

Final Landing Check List

Gear Down/Green Flaps/Slats Set/ 3 or 4 Speed Brakes Armed (shift-8) ILS freq Tuned

During Descent Check

Check Allowable Landing Weight (MLW or lower) Review your ILS approach & Runway heading

ROC Rate Of Climb Below 10,000ft

max. 3,800 fpm @ 250kts (fpm is Feet per minute) * DO NOT Exceed 250kts @ or Below 10,000ft Altitude.*

Above 10,000ft to Cruise Flight Level FL

2000 - 2500fpm from 10,000 - 20,000ft @ 260 - 350kts 2000 - 1500fpm from 20,000 - 26,000ft 1500 - 300fpm from 26,000 - 35,000 ft depending on weight.

ROD Rate Of Descent

From Cruise FL to 10,000ft hold 0.78 Mach until 290 kts, reduce thrust for 2500 fpm Below 10,000ft rate of descent varies with ATC requirements, but is between 800 - 3000fpm In normal conditions 250kts idle descent , then slow & configure speed so as to not add power until on Glide

Slope. Glide Slope descend is between 1500 - 500fpm depending on your situation At Runway Threshold descend between 400 - 200fpm for a smooth touchdown landing ( A Greaser Landing).

MLW = Maximum Landing Weight MTO = Maximum Take-off Weight V2 = Safe Climb-out speed (The speed after Vr, Rotation speed or Lift-off speed) Vat = Landing speed at runway threshold Flap/Gear down (X-Plane @ 50'...25'...10') Vapr= Approach Speed , just add 5-10kts to Vat with flap/gear down @ MLW or less Vno = Normal Operating Speed Vmo = Maximum Operating Speed Vne = Never Exceed Speed FL350 = Flight Level 35,000' Thanks to Mohammed Gazzawi, Designer/Test Pilot MGXP

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