Eberspacher Airtronic S2 M2 Diesel Heater Fault Codes Repair Troubleshooting Manual

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Vehicle Heaters | Technical Documentation EN



The repair instructions are valid for the following

engine-independent air heaters:

Air heaters for diesel fuel Order No. Order No. incl. EasyStart Pro

Airtronic S2, D2L, 12 V 25.2721.05.0000 25.2753.05.0000

Airtronic S2, D2L, 24 V 25.2726.05.0000 25.2754.05.0000

Airtronic M2, D4L, 12 V 25.2720.05.0000 25.2755.05.0000

Airtronic M2, D4L, 24 V 25.2729.05.0000 25.2756.05.0000

Airtronic M2, D4R, 12 V 25.2746.05.0000 25.2757.05.0000

Air heaters for petrol Order No. Order No. incl. EasyStart Pro

Airtronic M2, B4L, 12 V 20.1987.05.0000 20.2032.05.0000

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

Chapter Chapter title Page

Chapter contents

1 Introduction
1.1 Concept of this document 5
1.2 General information 5
1.3 Reference documents 5
1.4 Special text formats and presentations 5
1.4.1 Lists 5
1.4.2 Cross references 5
1.5 Picture symbols 5
1.6 Intended use 6
1.6.1 Range of application of the heater 6
1.6.2 Intended use of the heater 6
1.7 Non-intended use 6
1.8 Safety instructions 6
1.9 Warranty and liability 6
1.10 Accident prevention 6
1.11 Functional test following a repair 6

2 Function and operation

2.1 Functional description 7
2.1.1 Switching on 7
2.1.2 Temperature selection with the control unit 7
2.1.3 Control in heating mode 7
2.1.4 Ventilator mode 7
2.1.5 Switch off 7
2.2 Control and safety devices 7
2.2.1 Forced shutdown in ADR mode (for 24 V heaters for diesel fuel only) 8

3 Technical data
3.1 Airtronic S2 D2L 9
3.2 Airtronic M2 D4L 10
3.3 Airtronic M2 D4R 11
3.4 Airtronic M2 B4L 12
3.5 Control values 13
3.5.1 Resistance values 13
3.5.2 Exhaust value 13
3.5.3 Checking the “external” temperature sensor 13

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

4 Troubleshooting
4.1 What to check first in case of faults 13
4.2 Control box is locked 13
4.3 Unlocking the control box 13
4.4 Overview of the test equipment and control units suitable for diagnosis 14
4.5 Notes on heater diagnosis with control units 14
4.5.1 Easy Start Pro 14
4.5.2 EasyStart Web 14
4.5.3 EasyStart Remote+ 14
4.6 Flashing code display 15
4.6.1 Function display and error output via flashing code 15
4.7 Fault code table 16

5 Repair instructions
5.1 Special tool 21
5.1.1 Release tool 21
5.2 Repair steps 21
5.3 Exploded drawing of heater 22
5.4 Dismantle the heater 23
5.4.1 Removing the upper jacket shell 23
5.4.2 Removing the control box 23
5.4.3 Removing the glow plug 24
5.4.4 Visual inspection of glow plug lining 25
5.4.5 Removing the heater 25
5.4.6 Removing the outlet hood 25
5.4.7 Removing lower jacket shell 26
5.4.8 Testing the combination sensor 26
5.4.9 Removing the combination sensor 26
5.4.10 Removing the fan 28
5.4.11 Removing the combustion chamber 28
5.4.12 Removing the heat exchanger 28
5.5 Assembling the heater 29
5.5.1 Installing the heat exchanger 29
5.5.2 Installing the glow plug lining 29
5.5.3 Installing the combustion chamber 29
5.5.4 Installing the fan 30
5.5.5 Installing the combination sensor 30
5.5.6 Install glow plug 30
5.5.7 Connecting the glow plug 31
5.5.8 Connecting the lead harness 31
5.5.9 Connecting the combination sensor 31
5.5.10 Installing the control box 32
5.5.11 Mounting the lower jacket shell 32
5.5.12 Installing the outlet hood 32

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5.5.13 Mounting the upper jacket shell 33

5.5.14 Installing the heater 33
5.6 Checking the fuel supply 34
5.6.1 Manual measurement of the fuel quantity 34
5.6.2 Measuring the fuel quantity with EasyScan 34

6 Electrics
6.1 Heater wiring 35
6.2 Parts list for the Airtronic S2 and Airtronic M2 circuit diagrams 35
6.3 Circuit diagrams for Airtronic 36
6.3.1 Heater 36
6.3.2 Cable harness 37
6.3.3 Cable harness with ADR (24 V only) 38
6.4 Circuit diagrams, control units TP 7.0 (for 12 V only) 39
6.4.1 EasyStart Timer 39
6.4.2 EasyStart Remote+ 40
6.4.3 Easy Start Remote 41
6.4.4 EasyStart Select 42
6.4.5 EasyStart Web 43
6.5 Circuit diagrams, control units TP 7.1 44
6.5.1 Easy Start Pro 44

7 Service
7.1 Technical Support 45

8 Environment
8.1 Certification 45
8.2 Disposal 45

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

1 Introduction Installation recommendation (heater-dependent)

Describes vehicle-specific installation situations.
1.1 Concept of this document Installation Instructions Plus
This document assists the workshop with troubleshooting and repair Supplementary information on heaters and control units.
of the heater.
1.4 Special text formats and presentations
The document is divided into the following chapters to make it easier
to find information quickly. Special text formats and picture symbols are used in this document
to emphasise different situations and subjects. Please refer to the
1 Introduction
following examples for their meanings and appropriate action.
Important, introductory information about the structure of this docu-
mentation, safety and intended use of the heater 1.4.1 Lists
2 Function and operation ƒ This dot (ƒ) indicates a list or action step, introduced by a heading.
Basic information on the function and operation of the heater – If an indented dash (–) follows a “dot”, this list/action step is a
3 Technical data sub-section/secondary step of the black dot.
Technical data of the heater
1.4.2 Cross references
4 Troubleshooting Underlined blue text denotes a cross-reference, which can be clicked
Information about unlocking the control box and the fault codes of in the PDF format. The part of the document named in the text is then
the heater, their meaning and troubleshooting measures / remedies displayed.
based on a clear table

5 Repair instructions 1.5 Picture symbols

Information about special tools, dismantling and assembly of the
heater’s components as well as a component drawing
This information indicates a statutory regulation. Any violation of
6 Electrics / Circuit diagram these regulations results in expiry of the type-approval for the
Information on the electrical components and circuit diagrams of the heater and exclusion of any guarantee and liability claims against
heater and the cable harness Eberspächer Climate Control Systems GmbH & Co. KG.
7 Environment
Information about certification and disposal of the heater Danger!
8 Service This information indicates an imminent risk to life and limb. Failure to
Information about setup times and technical support avoid this hazard will result in death or severe injuries.
Æ This arrow indicates appropriate precautions to take to avert the
1.2 General information danger.

This document is used to correct faults and to carry out repairs for
the heaters listed on the title page, and is valid to the exclusion of Warning!
all liability claims. The necessary work may only be carried out by This information indicates a potentially imminent risk to life and limb.
appropriately trained personnel of an Eberspächer service partner. Failure to avoid this hazard can result in death or severe injuries.
Æ This arrow indicates appropriate precautions to take to avert the
Depending on the version or revision status of the heater, differ-
ences may occur compared to this documentation. Please check this
before carrying out the repair and take any possible differences into
account. Caution!
This information indicates a potentially imminent risk. Ignoring this
1.3 Reference documents information can result in slight or minor injuries.
Æ This arrow indicates appropriate precautions to take to avert the
Technical description
Describes the function and proper installation and contains all infor-
mation necessary for safe operation of the heater.

Spare parts list

Contains the information necessary for ordering spare parts.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

Æ Repair and installation of the heater by authorised and trained

skilled personnel only.
These remarks contain recommendations for use and useful tips for
Æ Use original spare parts only.
the operation, installation and repair of the heater.
Æ Comply with the official regulations.
Æ Take into account and follow this document and all applicable
1.6 Intended use

1.6.1 Range of application of the heater
ƒ Comply with the vehicle manufacturer's instructions.
The air heater operating independently of an engine is intended for
ƒ In case of electric welding work on the vehicle, disconnect the
installation in the following vehicles:
positive pole from the battery and connect it to ground.
ƒ All types of vehicles (max. 8 seats + driver's seat) and their trailers
ƒ Construction machinery
ƒ Agricultural machinery 1.9 Warranty and liability
ƒ Boats, ships and yachts (only diesel heaters)
Eberspächer Climate Control Systems GmbH & Co. KG does not
ƒ Camper vans
accept any liability whatsoever for defects and damage, which are
1.6.2 Intended use of the heater due to installation or repair by unauthorised and untrained persons.

ƒ Pre-heating, de-misting windows Compliance with official regulations and the safety instructions is
ƒ Heating and keeping the following warm: prerequisite for liability claims. Failure to comply with official regula-
– Driver and working cabs, ship's cabins tions and safety instructions leads to exclusion of any liability of the
– Freight compartments manufacturer.
– Passenger and crew compartments
– Camper vans 1.10 Accident prevention
Note Always follow all general accident prevention regulations as well as
Only use and operate the heater within the scope of the intended use workshop and operating safety instructions.
stated by the manufacturer and in compliance with the documenta-
tion enclosed with each heater. 1.11 Functional test following a repair
ƒ After installing the heater, the whole fuel supply system must be
carefully vented: please refer to and follow the vehicle manufactur-
1.7 Non-intended use er's instructions.
On account of its functional purpose, the heater is not approved for ƒ Switch on the heater at the control unit and during the trial run,
the following applications: check all water and fuel connections for leaks and tight fit.
ƒ Long-term continuous operation, e.g. for heating: ƒ Correct any faults during operation with the help of diagnostic
– Residential rooms equipment or the control unit.
– Garages
– Work huts, weekend homes and hunting lodges
The function of the heater is described in detail in the “Technical
– Houseboats, etc.
Description” document.
ƒ Heating or drying of:
– Living creatures (people or animals) by blowing hot air directly
Emergency shutdown – EMERGENCY OFF
at them
In an emergency carry out an emergency shutdown as follows:
– Objects
ƒ Switch off the heater via the control unit or disconnect it from
– Blowing hot air into containers
the power supply (remove fuse / disconnect battery).

1.8 Safety instructions


Fire hazard. Risk of poisoning due to exhaust gases.

Improper repair or installation can result in toxic exhaust gases

getting into the interior of the vehicle or a fire.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

2 Function and operation 2.1.4 Ventilator mode

The EasyStart R+ and EasyStart Pro control units and the mini con-
2.1 Functional description troller can be used to activate the “Ventilate” function. The “Heat /
Ventilate” switch is also required for the module timer and the control
2.1.1 Switching on unit, whereby for fan operation, the “Heat / Ventilate” switch must be
actuated first and then the heater must be switched on. The fan runs
When the heater is switched on, the control lamp/illuminated rink in
in ventilator mode with constant speed.
the control unit lights up. The glow plug is switched on and the fan
starts at low speed.
2.1.5 Switch off
Note When the heater is switched off, the control lamp goes out and the
ƒ If there is still too much residual heat in the heat exchanger from fuel delivery is switched off. The fan runs on for approx. 4 minutes to
when the heater was last used, firstly only the fan starts up (cold cool down. The glow plug is switched on for approx. 40 seconds to
blowing). Once the residual heat has been cleared, the heater clean it during the fan after-running.
starts. Special case:
ƒ Only the burner motor is activated for the “Ventilate” function. If no fuel has been supplied or if the heater is in the “OFF” stage until
it is switched off, the heater is stopped without any after running.
Starting the Airtronic
After approx. 65 seconds, the fuel supply starts and the fuel / air mix- 2.2 Control and safety devices
ture in the combustion chamber ignites. After the flame sensor has ƒ If the heater does not ignite within 90 seconds after the fuel starts
detected the flame, the glow plug is switched off after 60 seconds. to pump, the start is repeated. If the heater still does not ignite
The heater is now in normal operation. after another 90 seconds of pumping fuel, a safety lock-out occurs,
Starting the Airtronic M i.e. the fuel supply is off and the fan continues to run for approx.
After approx. 60 seconds, the fuel supply starts and the fuel / air 4 minutes.
mixture in the combustion chamber ignites. After the flame sensor ƒ If the flame goes off by itself during operation, the heater is initially
has detected the flame, the glow plug is switched off after approx. restarted. If the heater does not ignite within 90 seconds after
90 seconds. The heater is now in normal operation. After a further the fuel delivery has started, or ignites but goes out again within
120 seconds, the heater has reached the “POWER” control stage 15 minutes, a safety lock-out occurs, i.e. the fuel delivery is switched
(maximum fuel quantity and maximum fan speed). off and the fan carries on running for approx. 4 minutes. The safety
lock-out can be cancelled by briefly switching off and on again.
2.1.2 Temperature selection with the control unit
The control unit can be used to preselect the required interior tem- Do not repeat the switching off / on routine more than twice.
perature of the space to be heated. The temperature can be within
the range from +10 °C to +30 °C. It depends on the selected heater, ƒ In the event of overheating, the combined sensor (flame sensor/
on the size of the space to be heated and the prevailing outdoor tem- overheating sensor) triggers, the fuel supply is interrupted and
perature. The setting to be selected at the control unit is an empirical a safety lock-out occurs. Once the cause of the overheating has
value. been eliminated, the heater can be re-started by switching off and
on again.
2.1.3 Control in heating mode ƒ If the lower or upper voltage limit is reached, a shutdown on faults
During heating mode, the room temperature or the temperature of takes place after 20 seconds.
the hot air drawn in is measured constantly. The control begins on ƒ The heater does not start up when the glow plug or the fan motor
approaching the required (preselected) temperature. The heating is defective or when the electric lead to the metering pump is
output is controlled continuously, so that fine adjustment of the heat interrupted.
flow supplied by the heater to the heat requirement is possible. The ƒ If the combined sensor (flame/overheating sensor) is defective or
fan speed and fuel quantity correspond to the respective control the electric lead is interrupted, the heater starts and the safety
stage. lockout (shutdown on faults) does not take place until during the
If the set temperature is still exceeded in the smallest control stage, start phase.
the heater goes to the “OFF” stage with the fan running on for ƒ The speed of the fan motor is monitored continuously. If the fan
approx. 4 minutes to cool down. The fan then continues running at motor is not running or if the speed deviates by more than 10 %,
minimum speed (circulation mode) until the restart or is switched off safety lockout (shutdown on faults) takes place after 30 seconds.
(fresh air mode with external temperature sensor). ƒ When the heater is switched off, the glow plug is switched on for
40 seconds (after glowing) while the fan carries on running to
clean off any combustion residues.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

2.2.1 Forced shutdown in ADR mode (for 24 V heaters for diesel

fuel only)
In vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods (e.g. tanker trucks),
the heater must be switched off before the truck drives into a danger
area (refinery, petrol station, etc.).

Failure to comply results in the heater switching off automatically

ƒ the vehicle engine is switched off.
ƒ an additional unit is switched on (auxiliary drive for unloading
pump, etc.).

The fan then carries on running briefly for max. 40 seconds.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

3 Technical data

3.1 Airtronic S2 D2L

Heater type Airtronic
Heater Airtronic S2
Version D2L
Heating medium Air
Diesel – standard commercially available (EN 590)
For information on “Fuel quality” and “Fuel at low temperatures” see page 8.
Control of the heat flow Maximum Minimum Off
Heat flow (watt) 2200 850 –
Hot air throughput without backpressure (kg/h) with hood 75 mm 105 42 13
Fuel consumption (l/h) 0.28 0.1 –
Average electrical power consumption (watt) during operation 31 6 4
while starting ≤ 100
Closed-circuit power consumption 100 μA
Rated voltage 12 volt or 24 volt
Operating range
Lower voltage limit: approx. 10.5 volt or approx. 21 volt
An undervoltage protector installed in the control box switches off the heater if Undervoltage protection response time: 20 seconds ±1
the voltage limit is reached.
Upper voltage limit:
approx. 16 volt or approx. 32 volt
An overvoltage protector (surge suppressor) installed in the control box switches
Overvoltage protection response time: 20 seconds ±1
off the heater if the voltage limit is reached.
Ambient temperature Heater during operation –40 °C to +70 °C
not in operation –40 °C to +85 °C
Metering during operation –40 °C to +50 °C
pump not in operation –40 °C to +125 °C
Hot air intake temperature max. +40 °C
Combustion air temperature max. +50 °C
Interference suppression Suppression class 5 to EN 55025
Degree of protection in accordance with ISO 20653 during operation IP5k4k
not in operation IP5k6k and IP5k9k
Weight approx. 2.7 kg
Ventilation mode possible

Attention! Note
Safety instructions for technical data! Provided no other values are given, the technical data provided is
Failure to comply with the technical data can result in with the usual tolerances of ±10 % at rated voltage, 20 °C ambient
malfunctions. temperature and reference altitude Esslingen.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

3.2 Airtronic M2 D4L

Heater type Airtronic
Heater Airtronic M2
Version D4L
Heating medium Air
Diesel – standard commercially available (EN 590)
For information on “Fuel quality” and “Fuel at low temperatures” see page 9.
Control of the heat flow Maximum Minimum Off
Heat flow (watt) 4000 900 –
Hot air throughput without backpressure (kg/h) with hood 90 mm 180 60 22
Fuel consumption (l/h) 0.51 0.11 –
Average electrical power consumption (watt) during operation 42 6 5
while starting ≤ 100
Closed-circuit power consumption 100 μA
Rated voltage 12 volt or 24 volt
Operating range
Lower voltage limit: approx. 10.5 volt or approx. 21 volt
An undervoltage protector installed in the control box switches off the heater if Undervoltage protection response time: 20 seconds ±1
the voltage limit is reached.
Upper voltage limit:
approx. 16 volt or approx. 32 volt
An overvoltage protector (surge suppressor) installed in the control box switches
Overvoltage protection response time: 20 seconds ±1
off the heater if the voltage limit is reached.
Ambient temperature Heater during operation –40 °C to +70 °C
not in operation –40 °C to +85 °C
Metering during operation –40 °C to +50 °C
pump not in operation –40 °C to +125 °C
Hot air intake temperature max. +40 °C
Combustion air temperature max. +50 °C
Interference suppression Suppression class 5 to EN 55025
Degree of protection in accordance with ISO 20653 during operation IP5k4k
not in operation IP5k6k and IP5k9k
Weight approx. 4.5 kg
Ventilation mode possible

Attention! Note
Safety instructions for technical data! Provided no other values are given, the technical data provided is
Failure to comply with the technical data can result in with the usual tolerances of ±10 % at rated voltage, 20 °C ambient
malfunctions. temperature and reference altitude Esslingen.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

3.3 Airtronic M2 D4R

Heater type Airtronic
Heater Airtronic M2
Version D4R
Heating medium Air
Diesel – standard commercially available (EN 590)
For information on “Fuel quality” and “Fuel at low temperatures” see page 10.
Control of the heat flow Maximum Minimum Off
Heat flow (watt) 4000 900 –
Hot air throughput without backpressure (kg/h) with hood 90 mm 185 55 22
Fuel consumption (l/h) 0.51 0.11 –
Average electrical power consumption (watt) during operation 65 6 5
while starting ≤ 100
Closed-circuit power consumption 100 μA
Rated voltage 12 volt
Operating range
Lower voltage limit: approx. 10.5 volt
An undervoltage protector installed in the control box switches off the heater if Undervoltage protection response time: 20 seconds ±1
the voltage limit is reached.
Upper voltage limit:
approx. 16 volt
An overvoltage protector (surge suppressor) installed in the control box switches
Overvoltage protection response time: 20 seconds ±1
off the heater if the voltage limit is reached.
Ambient temperature Heater during operation –40 °C to +70 °C
not in operation –40 °C to +85 °C
Metering during operation –40 °C to +50 °C
pump not in operation –40 °C to +125 °C
Hot air intake temperature max. +40 °C
Combustion air temperature max. +50 °C
Interference suppression Suppression class 5 to EN 55025
Degree of protection in accordance with ISO 20653 during operation IP5k4k
not in operation IP5k6k and IP5k9k
Weight approx. 4.5 kg
Ventilation mode possible

Attention! Note
Safety instructions for technical data! Provided no other values are given, the technical data provided is
Failure to comply with the technical data can result in with the usual tolerances of ±10 % at rated voltage, 20 °C ambient
malfunctions. temperature and reference altitude Esslingen.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

3.4 Airtronic M2 B4L

Heater type Airtronic
Heater Airtronic M2
Version B4L
Heating medium Air
Petrol – standard commercially available (DIN EN 228)
For information on “Fuel quality” and “Fuel at low temperatures” see page 11.
Control of the heat flow Maximum Minimum Off
Heat flow (watt) 3800 1300 –
Hot air throughput without backpressure (kg/h) with hood 90 mm 180 85 24
Fuel consumption (l/h) 0.54 0.18 –
Average electrical power consumption (watt) during operation 42 7 5
while starting ≤ 100
Closed-circuit power consumption 100 μA
Rated voltage 12 volt
Operating range
Lower voltage limit: approx. 10.5 volt
An undervoltage protector installed in the control box switches off the heater if Undervoltage protection response time: 20 seconds ±1
the voltage limit is reached.
Upper voltage limit:
approx. 16 volt
An overvoltage protector (surge suppressor) installed in the control box switches
Overvoltage protection response time: 20 seconds ±1
off the heater if the voltage limit is reached.
Ambient temperature Heater during operation –40 °C to +50 °C
not in operation –40 °C to +85 °C
Metering during operation –40 °C to +50 °C
pump not in operation –40 °C to +125 °C
Hot air intake temperature max. +40 °C
Combustion air temperature max. +50 °C
Interference suppression Suppression class 5 to EN 55025
Degree of protection in accordance with ISO 20653 during operation IP5k4k
not in operation IP5k6k and IP5k9k
Weight approx. 4.5 kg
Ventilation mode possible

Attention! Note
Safety instructions for technical data! Provided no other values are given, the technical data provided is
Failure to comply with the technical data can result in with the usual tolerances of ±10 % at rated voltage, 20 °C ambient
malfunctions. temperature and reference altitude Esslingen.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

3.5 Control values 4 Troubleshooting

3.5.1 Resistance values 4.1 What to check first in case of faults

ƒ Check
Resistance values
– Fuel in the tank?
at 20 °C 12 volt 24 volt
Glow plug 0.42 Ω – 0.70 Ω 1.2 Ω – 2.0 Ω – Fuel lines leaking? (Visual check)
Metering pump 9.5 Ω ±0.50 Ω 36.0 Ω ±1.8 Ω – Summer diesel in the fuel line?
– Combustion air system or exhaust system damaged or blocked?
Control unit Left stop switch Right stop switch – Hot air system blocked?
resistance values position position – New generation control box installed?
Mini controller min. 1730 Ω min. 2120 Ω Features:
(12 volt / 24 volt) max. 1780 Ω max. 2240 Ω > Control box cable loom wound with cable tape
ƒ Electrical components
3.5.2 Exhaust value – Cables, connections damaged?
CO2 in the exhaust – Contacts corroded?
in “Power” control stage: 7.5 – 12.5 % by vol. – Fuses defective?
Bacharach soot number: < 4 – Incorrect wiring? (short circuits, interrupted / broken)
ƒ Measure battery voltage
3.5.3 Checking the “external” temperature sensor – Battery voltage < 10.5 volt: the undervoltage protection of the
(Order No.: 25.1774.89.0300) 12 volt heater has triggered.
The “external” temperature sensor must be checked using a digital – Battery voltage < 21.5 volt: the undervoltage protection of the
multimeter. Replace the temperature sensor if the resistance value is 24 volt heater has triggered.
not the same as the curve in the diagram or the table of values. ƒ Measure voltage supply (Terminal 30)
– Disconnect the 10-pin connector XS10 / XB10 and measure the
applied voltage in connector B1 between chamber 2 (br) and
chamber 4 (rd).
– If it differs from the battery voltage, check the fuses, the supply
cables, the negative connection and the positive support point
Resistance (ohm)

on the battery for voltage drop (corrosion / interruption).

4.2 Control box is locked

The control box is locked if the following faults occur:
ƒ Unsuccessful start attempts
– After 10 consecutive failed start attempts.
ƒ Overheating
Temperature (°C) – After 10-times shutdown on overheating.
Table of values – “External” temperature sensor
4.3 Unlocking the control box
Temperature °C Resistance Ω
In case of locking due to too many overheating events, the control
min. max.
box can be unlocked by removing the heater fuse:
0 1600 1660
5 1670 1730 ƒ Switch on heater.
10 1745 1800 ƒ Remove heater fuse within 20 seconds.
15 1820 1870 ƒ Re-insert the heater fuse after around 5 seconds.
20 1895 1950
25 1970 2030
30 2050 2110 The control box can also be unlocked using test equipment / a control
35 2130 2190 unit. For the procedure and description for testing equipment and
40 2210 2280 control units, see “Installation Instructions Plus – EasyStart / Altitude
45 2295 2370 Kit / Special Functions and Diagnosis”.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

4.4 Overview of the test equipment and control units

suitable for diagnosis
The electronic control box can store up to 20 faults, which can be
read out and displayed (10 active faults, 10 stored faults). The follow-
ing test equipment and control units can be used to query the fault
memory in the control box and if necessary, to delete the locking of
the control box:

Test equipment Order No.:

ƒ EasyScan 22.1550.89.0000

The following control units can also be used:

Control units Order No.:

ƒ EasyStart Remote+ 22.1000.34.1700
ƒ Easy Start Pro 22.1000.35.2200
ƒ EasyStart Web 22.1000.34.5100
ƒ EasyStart Web 22.1000.34.7800

ƒ If the readout is made using a LIN control unit, only 1 active and 5
stored faults are displayed.
ƒ Control units connected to the heater via the switch input S+
cannot be used for diagnosis.

4.5 Notes on heater diagnosis with control units

4.5.1 Easy Start Pro

For details of how to read out the heat faults, see ES Pro installation

4.5.2 EasyStart Web

The heater faults are read out via the workshop access of the web
application, see also PLUS installation instructions

4.5.3 EasyStart Remote+

ƒ Connection via LIN interface

If faults occur while the heater is running, they are displayed with
“Err” after the mobile unit is activated.

The current fault is displayed. The stored faults “F1” to “F5” can be

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4.6 Flashing code display

4.6.1 Function display and error output via flashing code

Output of the operating display (combustion mode or output control):

Æ LED lights up permanently

In case of error:
Æ Output of the current error as a flashing code (see table)
2s 4s 6s 8s No. Error

0 No fault / normal operation

1 Locking due to overheating

2 Overvoltage cut-off

3 Undervoltage cut-off

4 Glow plug is defective

5 Burner motor is defective

6 Invalid configuration

7 Safety time exceeded

8 Overheating

9 Metering pump is defective

Ext. Temperature sensor / setpoint transmitter is


11 Combination sensor is defective

12 Flame cutout

13 Too many exceedances of “safety time 1”1)

14 Control box defective

15 Other errors: EasyScan diagnosis necessary

1) Exceeding of the allowable number of starts

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4.7 Fault code table

Fault code Error description Cause
P000… for EasyScan ƒ Remedial action
and TP 7.1 (if con-
nected via CAN)
(…) for TP 7 (LIN)
Overheating/air outlet sensor ƒ Check overheating sensor.
P000100 (071) – Interruption – Check cables for continuity, short circuit and damage.
P000101 (072) – Short circuit – Unplug connector -XB2, measure resistance between cable BU (chamber 1)
P000102 (073) – Short circuit to battery (+) and cable GN (chamber 2).
– Measured values see page 27, in case of deviating values –> renew
lead harness of heater.
Air inlet error ƒ Check the Air inlet sensor.
P000110 (087) – Interruption Check cables for continuity, short circuit and damage.
P000111 (088) – Short circuit – Unplug connector -XB2, measure resistance between cable BU (chamber 1)
P000112 (089) – Short circuit to battery (+) and cable GN (chamber 2).
– Measured values see page 27, in case of deviating values –> renew
lead harness of heater.
Cold blowing The combustion chamber has not cooled sufficiently for a restart.
P00010A (051) – Timeout ƒ Check whether hot combustion air is drawn in. If not –> check flame sensor,
see Fault code P000120 (064) and Fault code P000121 (065).
P000114 (014) Possible risk of overheating Temperature difference between the flame and overheating sensor is too large.
(implausible signal) ƒ For remedial action see Fault code P000115 (012).

Note! ƒ Check flame sensor.

Fault code P000114 (014) is – Unplug connector -XB4, measure resistance between cable BU (chamber 5)
displayed only if and cable BU (chamber 6).
ƒ the heater is in operation – Measured values see page 27, in case of deviating values –> renew
lead harness of heater.
ƒ Temperature reached at over-
heating sensor at least 80 °C.

Overheating Temperature at overheating sensor >125 °C

P000115 (012) – Software threshold exceeded ƒ Check air throughput
ƒ Check overheating sensor
– Check cables for continuity, short circuit and damage.
– Unplug connector -XB4, measure resistance between cable RD (chamber 9)
and cable RD (chamber 10).
– Measured values see page 27, in case of deviating values –> renew
lead harness of heater.
Overheating Temperature at overheating sensor >130 °C
P000116 (017) – Hardware threshold exceeded ƒ For remedial action see Fault code P000115 (012).
ƒ Check overheating sensor.
– Check cables for continuity, short circuit and damage.
– Unplug connector -XB4, measure resistance between cable RD (chamber 9)
and cable RD (chamber 10).
– Measured values see page 27, in case of deviating values –> renew
lead harness of heater.
Operating lock-out The control box is locked due to too frequent consecutive overheating (Fault
P00011A (015) – Too many overheating events code P000114 (014), Fault code P000115 (012)).
detected ƒ For remedial action see Fault code P000114 (014), Fault code P000115 (012).
ƒ Unlock control box, see Chapter 4.3, p. 13.

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Fault code Error description Cause

P000… for EasyScan ƒ Remedial action
and TP 7.1 (if con-
nected via CAN)
(…) for TP 7 (LIN)
Flame sensor ƒ Check flame sensor.
P000120 (064) – Interruption – Check cable for continuity, short circuit and damage.
P000121 (065) – Short circuit – Unplug connector -XB2, measure resistance between cable BU (chamber 1)
P000122 – Short circuit to battery (+) and cable GN (chamber 2).
– Measured values see page 27,
in case of deviating values –> renew lead harness of heater.
ƒ Further display Fault code P000120 (064) and Fault code P000121 (065)
–> replace control box, see Chapter 5.4.2, p. 23.
P000125 (057) Flame cutout from start process ƒ Check exhaust and combustion air system.
P000126 (053) Flame cutout within the control ƒ Check fuel quantity and fuel supply, see Chapter 5.6, p. 34.
range ƒ Check flame sensor, see Fault code P000120 (064) and Fault code P000121
0% – 25% (065).
P000127 (054) Flame cutout within the control
25% – 50%
P000128 (055) Flame cutout within the control
50% – 75%
P000129 (056) Flame cutout within the control
75% – 100%

In case of flame cutout during
the start phase or in normal
operation the heater is restarted
(max. 5 times). If the restart was
successful, the fault code display
is deleted.

P00012A (052) Unsuccessful start procedure ƒ Check exhaust and combustion air system.
ƒ Check fuel quantity and fuel supply, see Chapter 5.6, p. 34.
ƒ Renew the fuel filter.
ƒ Clean the fuel filter in the connection socket of the metering pump.
P00012B (050) Operation inhibit, too many unsuc- Following five unsuccessful start attempts the control box is locked.
cessful start procedures ƒ Unlock control box, see Chapter 4.3, p. 13.
ƒ Check fuel quantity and fuel supply, see Chapter 5.6, p. 34.
External air inlet temperature ƒ Test external air inlet sensor
sensor (LEF2) ƒ Disconnect the GYRD / BNWH plug-in connection of the external sensor and
P000130 (060) – Interruption measure the resistance value, diagram and table of values see page 13,
– if temperature sensor is ok, re-connect the GYRD / BNWH plug-in
ƒ Disconnect connector XS12/XB12 at the heater and measure the resistance
value in connector housing XB12 between PIN 6 and PIN 12. If an interruption
occurs, the ohmic value is > 7175 Ω / > 3 kΩ.
ƒ If resistance value is ok –> replace control box.

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Fault code Error description Cause

P000… for EasyScan ƒ Remedial action
and TP 7.1 (if con-
nected via CAN)
(…) for TP 7 (LIN)
External air inlet temperature ƒ Test external air inlet sensor
sensor (LEF2) ƒ Disconnect the GYRD / BNWH plug-in connection of the external temperature
P000131 (061) – Short circuit sensor and measure the resistance value, diagram and table of values see
P000132 – Short circuit to battery (+) page 13,
– if ok, re-connect the GYRD / BNWH plug-in connection.
ƒ Disconnect connector XS12/XB12 at the heater and measure the resistance
value in connector housing XB12 between PIN 6 and PIN 12. In case of short
circuit, the ohmic value is < 486 Ω / < 800 Ω.
ƒ If the error P000131 (061) continues to be displayed –> replace control box.
Air pressure sensor ƒ Delete error and try again.
P000143 (006) – Implausible signal ƒ If error occurs again, replace control box.
Metering pump ƒ Check metering pump lead harness for continuity, short circuit and damage.
P000200 (048) – Interruption – Lead harness ok –> renew the metering pump.
P000201 (047) – Short circuit
Metering pump ƒ Check cables for continuity, short circuit and damage.
P000202 (049) – Short circuit to battery (+) or – Unplug the connector at the metering pump.
transistor error ƒ Display Fault code P000200 (048) metering pump defective –> replace
metering pump.
Glow plug ƒ Check glow plug.
P000210 (020) – Interruption – Check cables for continuity, short circuit and damage.
P000211 (021) – Short circuit – Unplug connector -XB4, unclip cable WH (chamber 3) and cable WH (cham-
P000212 (022) – Short circuit to battery (+) or ber 4).
transistor error – Apply 9.5 V ±0.1 V voltage to the glow plug and after 25 sec measure the
current intensity.
– Measured value 9.5 A (+1 / –1.5) the glow plug is ok
Damage to unit in case of
– In case of deviating values –> replace glow plug.
Voltage > 9.5 V irreparably dam-
ages the glow plug.
Æ Test function with max. 9.5 V.

Note the short-circuit withstand
capability of the power pack.

Glow plug Glow plug energy input is too low.

P000213 (019) – Ignition energy too low ƒ Check cables for continuity, short circuit and damage.
ƒ Test glow plug, see Fault code P000210 (020) to Fault code P000212 (022).
P000220 (031) Electric motor – interruption ƒ Visual inspection of electric motor / control unit (contacting).
P000221 (032) Electric motor – short circuit ƒ Check electric motor for dirt / corrosion, clean if necessary.
P000222 (034) Electric motor – short circuit ƒ Check blower wheel for blockage, remove blockage if necessary.
downstream of +Ub or transistor ƒ Replace electric motor if necessary.

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Fault code Error description Cause

P000… for EasyScan ƒ Remedial action
and TP 7.1 (if con-
nected via CAN)
(…) for TP 7 (LIN)
Burner motor Impeller blocked (frozen, soiled, sluggish, ...).
P000223 (033) – Blocking ƒ Remove blockage.
P000224 (035) – Current input too high – Check electric motor for smooth and easy running by turning the impeller

In the case of the Airtronic D4L 24V, during running heating mode and simulta-
neous motor start and undervoltage of the vehicle battery, in exceptional cases,
error message P000223 (033) can occur, although no valid faults exist.
ƒ Delete faults using EasyScan and acknowledge in the control unit on

Further display Fault code P000300 (074)

ƒ Renew fan, see Chapter 5.4.10, p. 28.
Universal output Test universal output.
P000260 – Interruption ƒ Test WHRD conductor for continuity, short circuit and damage.
P000261 – Short circuit ƒ If cable ok –> replace control box.
P000262 – Short circuit to battery (+) or
transistor error
P000300 (074) Overheating detection ƒ Test air outlet sensor.
Metering pump hardware or – Check cables for continuity, short circuit and damage.
cutout circuit defective – Unplug connector XB4, measure resistance between cable RD (chamber 9)
and cable RD (chamber 10).
– Measured values see page 27,
in case of deviating values –> renew lead harness of heater.
ƒ Further display Fault code P000300 (074) –> replace lead harness of the
ƒ Unlock control box, see Chapter 4.3, p. 13..
P000301 (090) Watchdog reset ƒ Delete errors, the heater remains ready for operation.
P000302 (090) Too many watchdog resets ƒ Replace control box, see Chapter 5.4.2, p. 23
P000303 (099) Operating lockout: Too frequent ƒ Replace control box, see Chapter 5.4.2, p. 23
output stage errors
P000304 (091) Too many resets (loose contact) ƒ Replace control box, see Chapter 5.4.2, p. 23
P000305 (095) Control box not calibrated ƒ Replace control box, see Chapter 5.4.2, p. 23
P000306 (098) Second cutout circuit is defective ƒ Replace control box, see Chapter 5.4.2, p. 23
P000307 (081) CAN communication error in
control unit
P00030A CAN communication error Delete error. Heater remains ready for operation.
P000310 (010) Control box cutout due to Overvoltage applied at the control box without interruption for at least
overvoltage 20 seconds.
P000311 (010) Heater cutout due to overvoltage ƒ Unplug connector -XB1 at the heater.

Note! ƒ Start the vehicle engine.

Heater is not functioning. ƒ Measure voltage between cable RD (chamber 1) and cable BN (chamber 2).
– Airtronic 12 volt – voltage > 16 V –> check generator controller
– Airtronic 24 volt – voltage > 32 V –> check generator controller
– Check the battery.

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Fault code Error description Cause

P000… for EasyScan ƒ Remedial action
and TP 7.1 (if con-
nected via CAN)
(…) for TP 7 (LIN)
P000312 (011) Control box cutout due to Undervoltage applied at the control box without interruption for at least
undervoltage 20 seconds.
P000313 (011) Heater cutout due to undervoltage ƒ Unplug connector -XB1 at the heater.

Note! ƒ Start the vehicle engine.

Heater is not functioning. ƒ Measure voltage between cable RD (chamber 1) and cable BN (chamber 2).
– Airtronic 12 volt – voltage < 10 V –> check generator controller
– Airtronic 24 volt – voltage < 21 V –> check generator controller
– Check the fuses, the supply cables, the ground connections and the posi-
tive terminal post at the battery for voltage drop (corrosion).
P000330 (092) ROM error ƒ Replace control box, see Chapter 5.4.2, p. 23
P000331 (093) RAM error ƒ Replace control box, see Chapter 5.4.2, p. 23
P000332 (094) NVMEM error (EEPROM, ƒ Replace control box, see Chapter 5.4.2, p. 23
P000342 Invalid configuration Check ADR coding.
ADR button ƒ Test ADR button.
P000394 – Short circuit – Check the cables at GYRD / BNWH for continuity, short-circuit and damage.
– If cables ok –> replace control box.
P000440 (083) Timeout, communication with ƒ Delete errors and disconnect heater from the power supply.
control unit ƒ If error occurs again –> replace control unit.

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5 Repair instructions 5.1 Special tool

This chapter describes the permitted repair work on the heater.
5.1.1 Release tool
Before starting the repair work, always dismantle the hot air intake
An AMP release tool is used to unlock plug-in contacts. This can be
hose and the hot air hose at the heater.
ordered directly from AMP.
If necessary, remove the heater from the vehicle to carry out repair
work. ƒ Junior power timer AMP Order No. 1-1579007-6

Assembly of the heater is described from page 29. ƒ Micro-timer AMP Order No. 0-0539960-1

Danger! 5.2 Repair steps

Risk of injury, burns and poisoning!
Ensure the following before carrying out any work on the heater: Note!
Æ Switch off the heater and leave it to cool. Basically, in the repair steps it is assumed that a defective compo-
Æ Disconnect the battery. nent is removed and a new or functioning old component is installed.
Æ Do not operate the heater in enclosed spaces The description of the repair therefore omits the name “new”.
(garage / workshop).
Remove / install control box
Exception: Existing exhaust extraction available directly at the
ƒ Chapter 5.4.2, p. 23
entry to the exhaust pipe.
ƒ Chapter 5.5.10, p. 32
Remove / install glow plug
ƒ Chapter 5.4.3, p. 24
Damage to the unit
ƒ Chapter 5.5.6, p. 30
Æ Always renew the seals and O-rings of dismantled components.
Visual inspection of glow plug lining / install lining
Æ Check all components for damage and replace if necessary.
ƒ Chapter 5.4.4, p. 25
Æ Check plug-in contacts, plug-in connections and cables for corro-
ƒ Chapter 5.5.2, p. 29
sion and damage, and repair if necessary.
Remove / install heater
Æ Only use original Eberspächer spare parts.
ƒ Chapter 5.4.5, p. 25
Æ Operation and after running of the heater may only be stopped in
ƒ Chapter 5.5.14, p. 33
an emergency (see “EMERGENCY STOP” on page 6) by inter-
Remove / install outlet hood
rupting the battery current (risk of heater overheating).
ƒ Chapter 5.4.6, p. 25
ƒ Chapter 5.5.12, p. 32
Remove / install bottom jacket shell
Thread-forming screws are used to fix the components in the
ƒ Chapter 5.4.7, p. 26
factory. In case of repair the thread is already pre-cut by the initial
ƒ Chapter 5.5.11, p. 32
Remove / install combination sensor
Installation instructions ƒ Chapter 5.4.9, p. 26
ƒ Position screw by hand and screw in. ƒ Chapter 5.5.5, p. 30
– Always keep to the given tightening torque. Check combination sensor
ƒ When screwing for the second time also position by hand and do ƒ Chapter 5.4.8, p. 26
not cut a new thread. Remove / install fan
ƒ The screw is suitable for max. 6 installation attempts. ƒ Chapter 5.4.10, p. 28
ƒ Chapter 5.5.4, p. 30
Note! Remove / install combustion chamber
After completing all the work and installing the heater in the vehicle, ƒ Chapter 5.4.11, p. 28
carry out a functional check on the heater. ƒ Chapter 5.5.3, p. 29
Remove / install heat exchanger
ƒ Chapter 5.4.12, p. 28
ƒ Chapter 5.5.1, p. 29

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5.3 Exploded drawing of heater












1 Heat exchanger incl. combustion chamber 8 Fan fixing screws 15 Jacket shell, bottom
2 Heat exchanger 9 Fan / heat exchanger seal 16 Flange seal
3 Combustion chamber 10 Cable harness heater 17 Combination sensor, overheating / flame
4 Combustion chamber / heat exchanger seal 11 Control box sensor
5 Rubber grommet 12 Control box fixing screws 18 Glow plug incl. installation tool
6 Combustion changer fixing screws 13 Jacket shell, top 19 Control box sign
7 Fan 14 Rubber grommet

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5.4 Dismantle the heater

ƒ Before starting the repair work, dismantle the hot air intake hose
at the heater.
ƒ The repair step 5.4.1 must be carried out for all repair work.
ƒ Before removing the heater (step ), dismantle the hot air hose
from the outlet hood.

5.4.1 Removing the upper jacket shell

ƒ Unlock both latch fasteners, lift the upper jacket shell and pull off
2. in the direction of the arrow.

2 Next possible repair step:

Remove control box, see step 5.4.2


1 Jacket shell, top

2 Latch fastener

5.4.2 Removing the control box

ƒ Unscrew 3 fixing screws of the control box [1].
1 ƒ Pull the control box [2] off the fan motor [3].
2 ƒ Pull lead harness [5] with grommet out of the lower jacket shell
Please note that after replacing the control box, all existing cod-
5 ings, e.g. for ADR mode, etc. must be restored.

1 Fixing screws M4 × 16 (Torx) 4 Connector, control box

2 Control box 5 Lead harness
3 Fan motor 6 Jacket shell, bottom

Disconnect the combination sensor connector at the control box

ƒ Press the connector lock [2] on the combination sensor connector
4 [1] to unlock it.
ƒ Disconnect the connector at the control box.
3 ƒ Pull the connection cables [3] out of the cable routing [4] in the
1 direction of the arrow.

Next possible repair steps:

– Test combination sensor, see step 5.4.8
– Remove combination sensor, see step 5.4.9

1 3-pin connector, combina- 3 Connecting leads

tion sensor 4 Cable routing
2 Connector lock

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Removing the control box connector

1 2 3 4
The control box connector is equipped with a special installation and
locking function and cannot be simply pulled off the control box.

ƒ Pull the glow plug connection cables [1] out of the cable routing
ƒ At the control box connector [3], push down the yellow lock [4] to
ƒ Push the grey part of the connector [5] in the direction of the yel-
low lock until the connector releases itself from the control box.
The control box can be replaced.

Next possible repair step:

Remove glow plug, see step 5.4.3

1 Connection cables, glow plug 4 Fuse, yellow

2 Cable routing 5 Connector part, grey
3 Connector, control box

5.4.3 Removing the glow plug

1 2 3 To replace the glow plug, unpin the connection cables from the
control box connector.
It is not necessary to unpin from the control box connector for the
mere visual inspection of the glow plug.

ƒ Carry out step 5.4.1 and step 5.4.2.

ƒ At the control box connector, completely pull out the red pin
1 Pin protection, red protection [1].
2 Rubber grommet ƒ Use the AMP tool to unpin the glow plug connection cables at the
3 Special socket spanner AF 12 control box connector from chamber 1 (BN) and chamber 7 (WH).

Connector shown from the cable inlet side.

ƒ Pull off the rubber grommet [2] at the heat exchanger [4] and use
special socket spanner AF 12 [3] to unscrew the glow plug.

If the special socket spanner is not to hand or if the glow plug
cannot be undone using the special socket spanner, remove the
fan, see step 5.4.10. The glow plug is then accessible via the heat
exchanger and can be unscrewed from the combustion chamber
using an open-end spanner AF12.

Next possible repair steps:

– Visual inspection of glow plug lining, see step 5.4.4
– Install glow plug, see step 5.5.6

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5.4.4 Visual inspection of glow plug lining

ƒ Carry out step 5.4.1 to step 5.4.3.
ƒ After removing the glow plug, check the lining in the socket for
– Normal soiling of the surface: Use suitable agents to clean lining.
– Heavy soiling of the surface: Replace glow plug lining, see
step 5.5.2

A highly soiled lining can only be removed destructively. On remov-
ing, ensure that no dirt or parts of the braiding fall into and block
the fuel line. After removing the lining, clean the glow plug sockets.

Next possible repair step:

Install glow plug, see step 5.5.6

5.4.5 Removing the heater

The heater must be removed from the vehicle for steps 5.4.6 to
ƒ Remove fuel connection.
ƒ Remove combustion air hose.
ƒ Remove exhaust pipe.
ƒ Unscrew the fixing screws at the unit flange.
ƒ Undo the clamp on the outlet hood, pull off the hot air hose and
remove the heater from the vehicle.

If there is sufficient space around the heater in the place of instal-
lation, the outlet hood can also be removed without dismantling
the hot air hose from the lower jacket shell, see step 5.4.6

5.4.6 Removing the outlet hood

4 1 ƒ Carry out step 5.4.1 and step 5.4.5.

ƒ 1. Insert the flathead screwdriver [1] into the recess [2] of the
jacket shell [3].
2 ƒ 2. Use the flathead screwdriver to bend up the jacket shell in the
direction of the arrow until the snap connectors [4] release.
3 4 ƒ Release the outlet hood, with or without hot air hose, from the
2. lower jacket shell.

Next possible repair step:

1 Flathead screwdriver 3 Jacket shell, bottom Remove lower jacket shell, see step 5.4.7
2 Recess in the jacket shell 4 Snap connector

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5.4.7 Removing lower jacket shell

ƒ Carry out step 5.4.1 and step 5.4.6.
1 ƒ Hold onto the heater [1] and lower jacket shell [2]
3. ƒ 1. Pull off flange seal [3].
ƒ 2. Fold down the jacket shell.
ƒ 3. Remove the jacket shell from the heater in the direction of the
2. arrow and place to the side.

Next possible repair steps:

– Remove combination sensor, see step .
3 – Remove fan, see step 5.4.10

1 Heater 3 Flange seal

2 Jacket shell, bottom

5.4.8 Testing the combination sensor

1 0,5 BU
For the test with a digital multimeter, remove the combination sensor,
see step 5.4.9.
0,5 BNWH
Replace the combination sensor if the resistance values are not the
0,5 GN
same as the curves in the diagram or the table of values.
1 NTC overheating sensor 50 kΩ
Note the maximum temperature 320 °C for the test.
2 PT 1000 flame sensor

5.4.9 Removing the combination sensor

3 4 ƒ Carry out step 5.4.1 to step 5.4.3 as well as step 5.4.5 to
step 5.4.7.
2 ƒ Insert a flathead screwdriver [3] (2 mm wide blade) between two
claws [4] on both fixing tabs [2] of the defective combination sen-
sor [1] and bend at least two claws per tab upwards.
ƒ Remove defective combination sensor.
Next possible repair steps:
– Install combination sensor, see step 5.5.5
1 Combination sensor 3 Flathead screwdriver – Remove fan, see step 5.4.10
2 Fastening tabs 4 Claws

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Testing the overheating sensor

Carry out step 5.4.1 to step 5.4.9.

To test the overheating sensor, measure the resistance in chambers 1

and 3 in connector -XS2.
Resistance (kohm)

Table of overheating sensor values

Temperature °C Resistance kΩ
min. max.
– 40 1597.00 1913.00
– 20 458.80 533.40
0 154.70 175.50
20 59.30 65.84
Temperature (°C) 40 25.02 28.04
60 11.56 13.16
80 5.782 6.678
100 3.095 3.623
120 1.757 2.081
140 1.050 1.256
160 0.655 0.792
180 0.425 0.519
200 0.286 0.351

Check flame sensor

To test the flame sensor, measure the resistance in chambers 1 and
2 in connector -XS2.

Table of flame sensor values

Resistance (ohm)

Temperature °C Resistance Ω
Setpoint min. max.
– 40 843 826 860
– 20 622 803 940
0 1000 980 1020
20 1078 1056 1100
40 1155 1132 1179.5
60 1232 1208 1257
Temperature (°C)
80 1309 1283 1335
100 1385 1357 1413
120 1461 1432 1490
140 1536 1505 1567
160 1611 1578 1643

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5.4.10 Removing the fan

1 2 3
ƒ A defective fan cannot be repaired. Replace the complete fan.
ƒ The combustion air impeller is a sensitive, high-precision moulded
component. Therefore, never place the fan on the combustion air
impeller when dismantling / installing or expose the impeller to
mechanical loads. Put the fan down to the side only.
ƒ Carry out step 5.4.1 to step 5.4.3 as well as step 5.4.5 to
1 Fixing screws M5 × 20 (Torx) 3 Seal step 5.4.7 and step 5.4.10.
2 Fan 4 Heat exchanger ƒ Unscrew the fixing screws [1] of the fan [2] at the heat exchanger
ƒ Remove the fan [2] and seal [3] from the heat exchanger. Dispose
of seal according to regulations.

Next possible repair step:

Remove combustion chamber, see step 5.4.11

5.4.11 Removing the combustion chamber

1 2 3
ƒ Carry out step 5.4.1 to step 5.4.3 as well as step 5.4.5 to
step 5.4.10.
ƒ Unscrew fixing screws [1] of the combustion chamber [2] at the
heat exchanger [4].
ƒ Pull the combustion chamber with fuel connection and grommet
out of the heat exchanger.
ƒ Remove the seal [3] of the combustion chamber – heat exchanger
and dispose of according to the regulations.
1 Fixing screws M5 × 12 (Torx) Note!
2 Combustion chamber The combustion chamber is fixed with three screws in the Airtronic
3 Seal S2 heater and with four screws in the Airtronic M2 heater.
4 Heat exchanger

5.4.12 Removing the heat exchanger

To remove or replace the heat exchanger, carry out the steps

“5.4.1 Removing upper jacket shell” to “5.4.3 Removing the glow


“5.4.5 Removing the heater” to “5.4.9 Removing the combination

sensor” as well as

“5.4.10 Removing the fan” and “5.4.11 Removing the combustion


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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

5.5 Assembling the heater

Damage to unit caused by third party, damaged or deformed
Installing third party, damaged or deformed components has a nega-
tive effect on the function of the heater.
ƒ Replace damaged or deformed components.
ƒ Use original Eberspächer spare parts only, see spare parts list.
ƒ Use all the components included in spare parts kits.
ƒ Always renew the heat exchanger after a heater operating period
of 10 years.
ƒ Always renew the seal between the combustion chamber and heat

5.5.1 Installing the heat exchanger

Before installing a used heat exchanger, check it for wear, damage or
Check a new heat exchanger for transport or material damage.

5.5.2 Installing the glow plug lining

2 ƒ Push the lining [1] onto the installation tool [2] so that the lining
and installation tool markings match.
ƒ Insert the lining carefully into the glow plug socket [3] until it
stops; at the same time, check for correct positioning.

The installation tool is enclosed with the lining spare part.

Next possible repair step:

1 Lining Install combustion chamber, see step 5.5.3
2 Installation tool
3 Glow plug socket

5.5.3 Installing the combustion chamber

1 2 3
The heat exchanger is a component subjected to high thermal
loads. Before installing the used heat exchanger, check for wear
and deformation and replace if necessary.
ƒ Clean the sealing surfaces of the heat exchanger [4] and combus-
tion chamber [3] to remove possible seal residues.
ƒ Insert new seal [3] into heat exchanger.
1 Fixing screws M5 × 12 (Torx) ƒ Insert the combustion chamber [2] with fuel connection and grom-
2 Combustion chamber met into the heat exchanger.
3 Seal ƒ Screw in the fixing screws [1] and tighten in the described order,
4 Heat exchanger tightening torque 5 ±0,5 Nm.

The combustion chamber is fixed with three screws in the Airtronic
S2 heater and with four screws in the Airtronic M2 heater.

Next possible repair step:

Install fan, see step 5.5.4

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

5.5.4 Installing the fan

3 5
ƒ If applicable, carry out step 5.5.3 first
ƒ Put on seal [3]. Push the tabs of the seal onto the locating pin [5]
of the heat exchanger [4].
ƒ Fix the fan [2] using the fixing screws [1] and tighten in the given
order. Tightening torque 4 ±0,5 Nm.
1. The combustion air impeller is a sensitive, high-precision moulded
component. Therefore, never place the fan on the combustion air
impeller when dismantling / installing or expose the impeller to
3. mechanical loads. Put the fan down to the side only.

2. 4 Next possible repair steps:

– Install combination sensor, see step 5.5.5
1 Fixing screws M5 × 20 (Torx) 3 Fixing screws – Install glow plug, see step 5.5.6
2 Fan 4 Heat exchanger
5 Locating pin

5.5.5 Installing the combination sensor

ƒ Manually premount the combination sensor [1] on the locating pin
4 2
ƒ Use an auxiliary tool [4] to press the combination sensor fixing
1 tabs [3] onto the fixing bolt until they stop.
ƒ Check for correct fit of the sensor in the retaining recess [5].

3 Next possible repair steps:

2 – Connect combination sensor, see step 5.5.9
– Install lower jacket shell, see step 5.5.11
1 Combination sensor 4 Auxiliary tool
2 Fixing bolt 5 Retaining recess
3 Combination sensor fixing tabs

5.5.6 Install glow plug

3 2 ƒ Carry out step 5.5.2 to step 5.5.4.
ƒ Insert glow plug [1] into the sockets and screw in by hand.
ƒ Use special socket spanner [2] to tighten glow plug; tightening
torque 6 +0.5 Nm.
The special socket spanner AF 12 is enclosed with the glow plug
spare part.

1 Glow plug 3 Rubber grommet ƒ Insert the rubber grommet [3] into the glow plug hole [4] in the
2 Special socket spanner 4 Glow plug hole heat exchanger.

Personal injuries and damage to the unit due to leaks
Incorrect installation of the rubber grommet leads to leaks and can
result in personal injuries as well as malfunction or damage to the
heater. Insert the rubber grommet exactly into the glow plug hole
in the heat exchanger.

Next possible repair step:

Connect glow plug, see step 5.5.7

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

5.5.7 Connecting the glow plug

1 ƒ Pin the connection cables of the glow plug in chamber 1 (BN) and
chamber 7 (WH) of the control box connector.

Connector shown from the cable inlet side.

ƒ Completely push in the pin protection [1] on the control box con-
1 Pin protection, red nector [2].
2 Connector, control box

5.5.8 Connecting the lead harness

2 3 4
ƒ Carry out step 5.5.7
ƒ Pull in the connection cables of the glow plug [2] from the inside
to the outside in the left-hand cable routing [1] at the control box.
Ensure that the cables coming from the glow plug are fed through
from the top down.
ƒ Plug the control box connector [3] into the socket of the control
box. The yellow connector lock [4] points towards the heat
ƒ The side lobes grip into the recesses in the grey part of the
5 4
ƒ Press the connector into the control box. The grey part of the
connector [5] slides in the direction of the impeller by itself. Com-
pletely push in the connector part and push the yellow connector
lock [4] upwards.

Next possible repair step:

Connect combination sensor, see step 5.5.9
1 Connection cables, glow plug
2 Cable routing, left
3 Connector, control box
4 Connector lock, yellow
5 Connector part, grey

5.5.9 Connecting the combination sensor

ƒ Lay the combination sensor connection cables to the control box
between the fins of the heat exchanger so that no cables are
4 ƒ Pull in the connection cables [1] from the inside to the outside in
the right-hand cable routing [2] at the control box. Ensure that the
1 3 cables coming from the combination sensor are fed through from
the top down.
ƒ Plug the combination sensor connector [3] into the anti-twist
socket [4] on the underside of the control box. The connector sits
1 Connecting leads 4 Bush precisely, if the snap lock [5] audibly latches into position.
2 Cable routing 5 Snap lock Next possible repair step:
3 Combination sensor connector Install control box, see step 5.5.10

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

5.5.10 Installing the control box

ƒ Position the control box [2] on the contact pins of the fan motor
and fasten using fixing screws [1].
ƒ Pull the connection cables of the combination sensor [3] and glow
2 4
plug [4] downwards to prevent crushing of the cables.
Next possible repair step:
Install lower jacket shell, see step 5.5.11

1 Fixing screws M4 × 16 (Torx)

2 Control box
3 Combination sensor connection cables
4 Connection cables, glow plug
5.5.11 Mounting the lower jacket shell
1 ƒ 1. Insert the heater [1] into the lower jacket shell [2].
1. 2
ƒ 2. Swing up the lower jacket shell.
ƒ 3. Prefix with the flange seal [3].
4 ƒ Depending on the connection situation in the vehicle, insert the
cable harness grommet [4] into the right or left-hand recess of the
lower jacket shell.
Next possible repair step:
Mount upper jacket shell, see step 5.5.13

1 Heater 3 Flange seal

2 Jacket shell, bottom 4 Cable harness grommet

5.5.12 Installing the outlet hood

ƒ 1. Position the outlet hood [1], with or without hot air hose, on the
heat exchanger side of the lower jacket shell [2]. The pins of the
snap connector [3] must be positioned on the jacket side with the
recess [4].
ƒ 2. Press the outlet hood into the lower jacket shell until the snap
connectors latch into position.
Next possible repair step:
2 4 Install upper jacket shell, see step 5.5.13

1 Outlet hood 3 Snap connector

2 Jacket shell, bottom 4 Recess

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

5.5.13 Mounting the upper jacket shell

ƒ 1. Insert the jacket shell and fold down.
ƒ 2. Press together the jacket shells until the two latch fasteners
2 snap into position.
ƒ Check the hot air impeller for free running.
ƒ The heater is ready for installation.
2. Next possible repair step:
Install the heater, see step 5.5.14
1 Jacket shell, top
2 Latch fastener

5.5.14 Installing the heater

ƒ Use the fixing screws to screw the heater onto the vehicle.
ƒ Make the fuel connection.
ƒ Attach the combustion air hose.
ƒ Attach the exhaust pipe.
ƒ Position the outlet hood with hot air hose on the heater and press
into the jacket shell, until the fastening lobes of the hood latch into
the jacket shell.
ƒ Connect the heater cable harness to the vehicle’s cable harness.
ƒ Perform functional test (see Page 40).

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

5.6 Checking the fuel supply

Before measuring the fuel quantity, check the following points in the
fuel supply.
ƒ If necessary, check the strainer in the metering pump.
ƒ Check the laying of the fuel pipes.
ƒ Check fuel pipes for leaks.
ƒ Check and tighten the hose connections. 2
ƒ Is the fuel removal installed according to the details in the techni-
cal description? 4

5.6.1 Manual measurement of the fuel quantity

Preparation 1 from the fuel tank 3 Measuring cylinder (size 10 ml)

ƒ Remove the fuel pipe at the heater and discharge the fuel into a 2 Metering pump (example) 4 to the heater
measuring cylinder (volume 25 cm3).
ƒ Switch on the heater, if the fuel is uniformly pumped (begins 5.6.2 Measuring the fuel quantity with EasyScan
approx. 60 sec after being switched on), the fuel pipe is full and
vented. Preparation
ƒ Switch off the heater, as otherwise a start repeat is performed and ƒ Pull off the fuel pipe at the heater and discharge the fuel into a
fuel is pumped again. measuring cylinder (volume > 25 cm3).
ƒ Empty the measuring cylinder. ƒ Make the connection between the heater and EasyScan diagnostic
interface VCI. To do this, connect the EasyScan to the diagnostics
Note! connector of the cable harness.
– For precise fuel measurement, at least 11 / 22 volt or maximum ƒ Start the EasyScan diagnostic software
13 / 26 volt should be applied to the control box during the
ƒ In the “Diagnosis” menu, open the [Component activation] tab.
ƒ Call up the [External components] submenu.
Measurement ƒ Enter this test parameter in the [Metering pump] menu:
ƒ Switch on heater – the fuel begins to be pumped approx. 60 sec – Frequency: 7 Hz
after switching on the heater. – Duration. 60 seconds
ƒ During the measurement, hold the measuring cylinder at the level ƒ Press the [Start metering pump] button to start the measurement.
of the glow plug. ƒ Wait until the measurement process has ended, then read off the
pumped quantity of fuel in the measuring centre.
Airtronic S2 heater
If the measured quantity of fuel lies outside the values listed in the
ƒ After 90 seconds the pumping of the fuel is switched off
table, the metering pump must be replaced.

Airtronic M2 heater Table of values – fuel quantity

Heater type Airtronic 2
ƒ After 105 seconds the pumping of the fuel is switched off
Heater version S2 (D 2 L) M2 (D 4 L) M2 (B 4 L)
Delivery period in sec. 60
Note Fuel quantity, nominal [ml] 8.7 8.1
Switch off heater! Fuel quantity - max. [ml] 9.5 8.9
Important, as otherwise a start repeat is performed and fuel is Fuel quantity - min [ml] 7.9 7.3
pumped again. Delivery period in sec. 90
Fuel quantity, nominal [ml] 13.1 12.2
ƒ Read off the quantity of fuel in the measuring cylinder. Fuel quantity - max. [ml] 14.4 13.4
Fuel quantity - min [ml] 11.8 10.9
If the measured quantity of fuel lies outside the values listed in the
Delivery period in sec. 105
table, the metering pump must be replaced.
Fuel quantity, nominal [ml] 15.3 14.2
Fuel quantity - max. [ml] 16.8 15.6
Fuel quantity - min [ml] 13.7 12.8

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

6 Electrics -F1 Heater fuse: 12 V = 20 A / 24 V = 10 A

-HG Heater
6.1 Heater wiring -R1 Glow plug
-Y1 Fuel metering pump
The electronic control box is integrated in the heater, which makes
-p Switch output
wiring during installation much easier.
-XB6/1 Bush housing, tester
Caution -XS6/1 Mating connector with terminating resistor
Safety instructions Optional
The heater is to be connected up electrically according to the EMC b Activation of vehicle blower and / or separate fresh air fan
EMC can be affected if the heater is not connected up correctly. For Note
this reason, comply with the following instructions: ƒ The plus signal is applied in “Low” control stage only (PIN 16, plus
ƒ Ensure that the insulation of electrical cables is not damaged. signal for relay, Imax = 200 mA).
Avoid: Chafing, kinking, jamming or exposure to heat.
d to the ADR acknowledgement button, see on page 26
ƒ In waterproof connectors, seal any connector chambers not in use
n Generator input D+
with filler plugs to ensure they are dirt-proof and water-proof.
o Secondary drive input N A+
ƒ Electrical connections and ground connections must be free of
corrosion and firmly connected. Note
ƒ Lubricate connections and ground connections outside the heater ƒ It must be ensured that if the battery isolating switch is pressed
interior with contact grease. due to EMERGENCY STOP, all the heater’s electric circuits are dis-
connected from the battery immediately (without any consideration
Note of the heater’s status).
Comply with the following when wiring the heater and the control ƒ If the battery isolating switch is pressed to disconnect the battery
unit: from all electric circuits, the heater must be switched off first and
ƒ Electrical leads, switch and control boxes must be positioned in the if applicable you must wait until the heater’s afterrun has finished.
vehicle so that they can function perfectly under normal oper-
a to the heater
ating conditions without impairment (e.g. due to heat exposure,
c1 to the control unit CAN
moisture, etc.).
c2 to the control unit LIN / S+
g to the external temperature sensor / mini controller
ƒ The following cable cross-sections are to be used between the
x insulate and tie back any cables that are not needed
battery and heater. This ensures that the max. permissible voltage
drop in the cables does not exceed 0.5 V for 12 V or 1 V for 24 V Note
rated voltage. Circuit diagram for Airtronic S2 / Airtronic M2 from page 42.
Cable cross-sections for a cable length (plus cable + minus cable) Circuit diagrams for control units, e.g. EasyStart Remote+ etc., see
of: from page 42.
– up to 5 m = cable cross-section 4 mm2
– from 5 m to 8 m = cable cross-section 6 mm2 Cable colours
ƒ If the positive cable is to be connected to the fuse box (e.g. termi- bk = black og = orange
bn = brown rd = red
nal 30), the vehicle's cable from the battery to the fuse box must
bu = blue vt = violet
also be included in the calculation for the total cable length and
gn = green wh = white
re-dimensioned if necessary. gy = grey ye = yellow
ƒ Insulate unused cable ends.

6.2 Parts list for the Airtronic S2 and Airtronic M2

circuit diagrams
-A1 Airtronic Ax2 control box
-A30 Fuse holder, 3 pin
-B1 Air inlet sensor, internal (LEF1)
-B6 Flame and air outlet sensor
-R1 Terminating resistor I
-R2 Terminating resistor II
-R3 Terminating resistor, stub line

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

6.3 Circuit diagrams for Airtronic

6.3.1 Heater

Ign (+)
Light (+)
Bat (+)
Bat (-)


2,0 WH
2,0 BN


-XS12 -XB12
-M4 1 1
U U -XS10
2 2 0,5 BURD 1
3 3 1,5 BN 2
W W 4 4 0,5 BUBK 3

5 5 1,5 RD 4

6 6 0,5 GYRD 5
-B6 a
0,5 BU 7 7 0,5 BNWH 6
Θ 1 1
8 8 1,0 GNRD 7
0,5 GN 2 2
9 9 0,5 BUWH 8
0,5 BNWH 3 3
10 10 0,5 WHRD 9

11 11 0,5 YE 10

12 12
0,5 BU
0,5 BU

Parts list on Page 43 25.2720.00.9601.0A

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

6.3.2 Cable harness

Ign (+)
Light (+)
Bat (+)
Bat (-)

4,0 RD 4,0 BN 0,5 WHRD Anschluss EasyScan

-XB6/1 -XS6/1
0,5 BN 1 1
4,0 RD 1,0 RD 2
0,5 BURD 2
-A30 1 1 1 0,5 RD 3 3
-F1 -F2 -F3
5A 0,5 BUBK 4 4
2 2 2


9,2 kOhm

Anschluss CAN Bedienteil

-XB10 0,5 RD 1
1 0,5 BURD -R2 -R2 0,5 BURD 2
2 1,5 BN 0,5 BN 3
120 Ohm 120 Ohm
3 0,5 BUBK 0,5 BUBK 4
4 1,5 RD
5 0,5 GYRD Anschluss externer Temp.-Sensor / Miniregler
a 6 0,5 BNWH 0,5 GYRD x
7 1,0 GY 0,5 BNWH
8 0,5 BUWH
9 0,5 WHRD
Anschluss LIN-Bedienelement und S+
10 0,5 YE
0,5 RD
0,5 BN
0,5 BUWH
0,5 YE
1,0 GY 1,0 BN

-XB2 2 1

2 1

Parts list on Page 44 25.2720.00.9602.0A

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

6.3.3 Cable harness with ADR (24 V only)

Ign (+)
Light (+)
Bat (+)
Bat (-)
p n o

4,0 RD 4,0 BN 0,5 WHRD 0,5 BUWH 0,5 YE Anschluss EasyScan

-XB6/1 -XS6/1
0,5 BN 1 1
4,0 RD 1,0 RD 2
0,5 BURD 2
-A30 1 1 1 0,5 RD 3 3
-F1 -F2 -F3
5A 0,5 BUBK 4 4
2 2 2


9,2 kOhm

Anschluss CAN Bedienteil

-XB10 0,5 RD 1
1 0,5 BURD -R2 -R2 0,5 BURD 2
2 1,5 BN 0,5 BN 3
120 Ohm 120 Ohm
3 0,5 BUBK 0,5 BUBK 4
4 1,5 RD
5 0,5 GYRD
a 6 0,5 BNWH
7 1,0 GY 0,5 GYRD
8 0,5 BUWH 0,5 BNWH d

9 0,5 WHRD
10 0,5 YE

1,0 GY 1,0 BN

-XB2 2 1

2 1

Parts list on Page 45 25.2720.00.9603.0A

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

6.4 Circuit diagrams, control units TP 7.0 (for 12 V only)

6.4.1 EasyStart Timer

Ign (+)
Light (+)


-XB10 -XS10
0,5* RD 1 1 0,35 RD
0,5 GYBK 2 2 0,22 GYBK
c 0,5* BN 3 3 0,22 BN
0,5* BUWH 4 4 0,22 BUWH
5 5 0,22 VT
6 6 0,35 YE
7 7 0,22 BNYE
8 8 0,22 WHRD
0,22 BNWH 9 9 0,22 BNWH
0,22 GY 10 10 0,22 GY

-XB10 -XS10


-B8 Room temperature sensor (optional) Note

-E3 EasyStart Timer ƒ Heater circuit diagrams, from Page 46.
c to the heater ƒ Further circuit diagrams for the EasyStart timer are printed in
the Installation Instructions Plus, these are available to view and
download from the Service Portal.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

6.4.2 EasyStart Remote+

Ign (+)
Light (+)

0,5 GYRD

g y -E5 -W2
0,5 BNWH
0,5 RD
c 0,5 BN
0,5 BUWH

-H2 0,22 RDYE

0,22 BNYE

0,22 BN
0,22 BNWH
-B8 9
0,22 GY


-B8 Room temperature sensor Note

-E5 Stationary unit, EasyStart Remote+ ƒ Heater circuit diagrams, from Page 47.
-H2 Button ƒ Further circuit diagrams for the EasyStart Remote+ are printed in
-W2 Antenna the Installation Instructions Plus, these are available to view and
c to the heater download from the Service Portal.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

6.4.3 Easy Start Remote

Ign (+)
Light (+)

-E4 -W2

0,5* RD
c 0,5* BN
0,5* BUWH

-H2 0,22 RDYE

0,22 BNYE

0,22 BN



-E4 Stationary unit EasyStart Remote Note

-H2 Button ƒ Heater circuit diagrams, from Page 48.
-W2 Antenna ƒ Further circuit diagrams for the EasyStart Remote are printed in
c to the heater the Installation Instructions Plus, these are available to view and
download from the Service Portal.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

6.4.4 EasyStart Select

Ign (+)
Light (+)


-XB4 -XS4
0,5* RD 1 1 0,35 RD
0,5 GYBK 2 2 0,35 GYBK
c 0,5* BN 3 3 0,35 BN
0,5* BUWH 4 4 0,35 BUWH

-XB4 -XS4


-E2 EasyStart Select Note

c to the heater ƒ Heater circuit diagrams, from Page 49.
ƒ Further circuit diagrams for the EasyStart Select are printed in
the Installation Instructions Plus, these are available to view and
download from the Service Portal.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

6.4.5 EasyStart Web



;% ;6
 5'    5'  5'


F  %1    %1  %1

 %8:+    %8:+


+  %1<(










c to the heater Note

-H4 Easy Start Web button ƒ Heater circuit diagrams, from Page 50.
-B10 Sensor, interior temperature ƒ Further circuit diagrams for the Easy Start Web are printed in
-E6 EasyStart Web the Installation Instructions Plus; these are available to view and
download from the Service Portal.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

6.5 Circuit diagrams, control units TP 7.1

6.5.1 Easy Start Pro

Ign (+)
Light (+)


-XB2 -XS2
0,22 BNWH 1 1 0,22 BNWH
0,5 GYBK 2 2 0,22 GYBK
0,22 GY 3 3 0,22 GY


1 0,35* RD
2 0,22 BURD
c 3 0,35* BN
4 0,22* BUBK

1 2
1 2 3 3 4

-XS2 -XS1


-B1 Room temperature sensor (optional) Note

-E1 Easy Start Pro ƒ Heater circuit diagrams, from Page 51.
c to the heater ƒ Further circuit diagrams for the Easy Start Pro are printed in the
Installation Instructions Plus; these are available to view and
download from the Service Portal.

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Repair instructions | Airtronic 2

7 Service 8.2 Disposal

Disposal of materials
7.1 Technical Support End-of-life devices, defect components and packaging material can
all be separated and sorted into pure-grade factions so that all parts
If you have any technical questions or problems with the heater, the
can be disposed of as required in an environment-friendly manner
control unit or the operating software, please contact the following
recycled where applicable.
service address:
Electric motors, control boxes and sensors (e.g. temperature sensors)
[email protected]
are deemed to be “electronic scrap”.

Dismantling the heater

8 Environment The heater is dismantled according to the repair stages in the current
troubleshooting / repair instructions.
8.1 Certification
The high quality of the Eberspächer products is the key to our The packaging of the heater can be kept in case the heater has to be
success. sent back.
To guarantee this quality, we have organised all work processes in
the company along the lines of quality management (QM).
Even so, we still pursue a large number of activities for continuous
improvement of product quality in order to keep pace with the simi-
larly constantly growing requirements made by our customers.
All the steps necessary for quality assurance are stipulated in inter-
national standards.
This quality is to be considered in a total sense.
It concerns products, processes and customer - supplier
Officially approved public experts assess the system and the corre-
sponding certification company awards a certificate.
Eberspächer Climate Control Systems GmbH & Co. KG has already
qualified for the following standards:
Quality management in accordance with
ISO TS 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016
Environmental management system in accordance with
ISO 14001:2015

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© Eberspächer Climate Control Systems GmbH & Co. KG

Subject to change without notice

Eberspächer Climate Control Systems

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Eberspächerstraße 24
73730 Esslingen
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