Sustainable Water Management

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Jan T.L. Yap

CKNet Indonesia
Malang, 3 April 2017

1. Introduction 6. Technology
2. Defining Sustainability 7. Risk
3. Change 8. Human Capital
4. Scale 9. Achieving Sustainability
5. Indices and Guidelines 10.Conclusions & Next Steps
Brundtland Report: Our Common Future 1987

 Development is sustainable if “it meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.”
 From the debates that have taken place since 1987, one thing is
clear: a more specific definition is needed to help those who are
engaged in development work to evaluate their efforts with
respect to sustainability.
 In spite of that need, it has been extremely difficult to define just
what sustainability is in terms more specific than those
suggested by the Brundtland Commission.
Sustainable Water Resources Systems
 A concept that emphasizes the need to consider the long-term
future as well as the present (1987);
 Sustainable Water Resources Systems: are managed to satisfy
the changing demands placed on them, now and on into the
future, without system degradation.

Sustainable water resource systems are those designed and

managed to fully contribute to the objectives of society, now
and in the future, while maintaining their ecological,
environmental, and hydrological integrity.
(ASCE, 1998; UNESCO, 1999).
Think about it!

 How can water resources management be sustainable when we

cannot look into the future with any degree of certainty?
 We do not know with certainty what all the impacts of even our current
decisions will be ……
 We do not know what future generations of individuals or societies will
want or value ……
 Nevertheless, we still need to consider what we think they will be as
we develop plans, designs, and policies for managing our water
 If successful, these plans, designs, and policies should help us satisfy
not only our immediate demands and desires, but those of future
generations as well.
Risk and Uncertainty

 Sustainability is intimately related to various measures of risk

and uncertainly about a future we cannot know, but which we
can surely influence.
 Our guesses about the future, with certainty, will be wrong, and
they will need to be revised periodically.
 Recognizing that some management objectives will change over
time, we must consider the adaptability or robustness of the
systems we design and operate today to this management
uncertainty and to the inevitable changes in the quantity and
quality of the resource being managed.
Multi-objective, -disciplinary and -participatory

 Sustainability is a function of various economic, environmental,

ecological, social, and physical goals and objectives;
 WRM must inevitably involve multi-objective tradeoffs in a multi-
disciplinary and multi-participatory decision-making process;
 They can only be determined through a political process
involving all interested and impacted stakeholders;
 At least attempt to take into account the likely preferences of
those not able to be present in this decision-making process, i.e.
those who will be living in the future and who will be impacted
by our current resource management decisions.
Objective: Food for Thought.

 An attempt to identify some of the major issues and challenges

raised by the concept of sustainability applied to water
resources management, and
 to review ways we can respond to the two core issues regarding
➢ we cannot look into the future with any degree of certainty,
➢ even if we could, we might not feel obligated to act on behalf
of our descendants based on that vision.

 Can mean different things to different people, but it always

includes a consideration of the future. So does planning;
 Brundtland was concerned about how our actions today will
affect the ability of future generations to meet their needs;
 What will those needs be? We, today, can only guess as to what
they may be;
 Is it appropriate to even attempt to meet needs if and when they
overstress the system designed to meet them?
 We simply cannot know for certain just how sustainability can be
Sustainability of Non-renewable Water Resources

 Do we enhance the welfare of future generations by preserving or

enhancing the current state of our natural environmental resources and
ecological systems? If so, over what time & space scales should we do it?
 How do we allocate over time and space our non-renewable resources,
e.g. water in deep groundwater aquifers, not being replenished by nature?
 To preserve non-renewable resources now for use in the future, in the
interests of sustainability, would imply that those resources should never
be consumed as long as there will be future generations;
 If permanent preservation seems unreasonable, then how much of a non-
renewable resource might be consumed, and when?
 Does everything need to be sustained? If not, what should?
Sustainability of Renewable Water Resource Systems

 To achieve higher levels of sustainability of our renewable water

resource systems, we may consume some non-renewable
resources now and leave some for future generations;
 But we must preserve and enhance their renewing capacity,
their capacity to produce the desired amounts and qualities of
water and to support the environment and ecosystems upon
which we are all dependent;
 This is certainly a necessary condition if such systems are going
to be able to satisfy to the maximum extent possible the needs
of future generations, whatever those needs may be.
Sustainability at River Basin level
 At river basin or regional levels, it may not be possible to meet
the needs or demands of even the current generation, let alone
future generations, if those needs or demands are greater than
what can be obtained on a continuing basis at acceptable
economic, environmental, and social costs;
 Demand management is as important as supply management;
 Since it becomes increasingly difficult to estimate what future
needs or demands will be, our obligation is to ensure that
whatever we do today to meet todays needs, we should
continually strive to maintain and enhance our renewable water
resource systems.
Considering Change

 Change over time is certain. Just what that change will be is the only
thing that is uncertain. But whatever they are, these changes will
surely impact the physical, biological, and social dimensions of water
resource systems;
 An essential aspect in planning, design, & management of
sustainable water resource systems is anticipation of change in the
➢ natural system due to geomorphologic processes,
➢ physical engineered infrastructure components due to aging,
➢ demands or desires due to a changing society, and
➢ supply of water, possibly due to climate change.
Sustainable Systems
 Sustainable Water Resource Systems (SWRS) are those
designed and operated in ways that make them more adaptive,
robust, and resilient to these changes;
 Sustainable systems, may fail, but when they fail, they must be
capable of recovering and operating properly without undue costs.
 In the face of changes, but with uncertain impacts, an evolving
and adaptive strategy is a necessary condition of SWRS;
 Inflexibility in the face of new information and new objectives and
new social and political environments is an indication of reduced
system sustainability.
Adaptive Management
 is a process of adjusting management actions and directions, as
appropriate, in light of new information on the current and likely future
condition of our total environment and on our progress toward
meeting our goals and objectives;
 Adaptive management recognizes the limitations of current
knowledge and experience and that we learn by experimenting;
 It helps us move toward meeting our changing goals over time in the
face of this incomplete knowledge and uncertainty;
 It accepts the fact that there is a continual need to review and revise
restoration and management approaches because of the changing,
uncertain nature of our socio-economic and natural environments.
Role of Institutions

• Water resource professionals must understand how institutions

function under stress or under pressures for and against change
from individuals within and outside the institution.
• To be sustainable, water resource systems must perform reliably
as they change;
• The transition to new technologies, new management practices,
and new institutions (or institutional leadership) must proceed in
an orderly and equitable manner;
• Continuity and confidence in the new systems are prerequisites
for sustainability, as are a proper respect for operation rules and
for maintenance of the physical infrastructure.
Spatial and Time Scales

 Not every hectare of land or every reach of every stream in every

watershed need be sustainable or self-sufficient;
 we need to consider the appropriate spatial scales when applying
sustainability criteria to specific water resource systems;
 We also need to consider the appropriate temporal scales when
considering the sustainability of specific water resource system;
 The achievement of higher levels of water resource system
sustainability does not imply there will never be periods of time in the
future when the level of welfare derived from those systems
Failure of water resource systems

 Given the variations in natural water supplies, e.g. the fact that
floods and droughts do occur, it is impossible, or at least very
costly, to design and operate water resource systems that will
never fail;
 During periods of failure, the economic benefits derived from
such systems may decrease. However, ecological benefits may
depend on these events;
 One of the challenges of measuring sustainability is to identify
the appropriate temporal scales in which those measurements
should be made.
Sustainability Criteria

 How can we quantify relative levels of sustainability? They can be

defined in a number of ways;
 One way is to express relative levels of sustainability as separate or
weighted combinations of reliability, resilience, and vulnerability
measures of various criteria that contribute to human welfare and
that vary over time and space;
 These criteria can be economic, environmental, ecological, & social.
 To do this, one must first identify the overall set of criteria, and then
for each one decide which ranges of values are satisfactory and
which ranges are not.
For further considerations

• These decisions are subjective;

• They are generally based on human judgment or social goals,
not scientific theory;
• In some cases they may be based on well-defined health
standards, but most criteria will not have predefined or
published standards or threshold values separating what is
considered satisfactory and what is not;
• For many criteria, the time duration as well as the extent of
individual and cumulative failures may be important.
Computer-based Decision Support Tools

 All stakeholders involved in or impacted by the planning and

management of water resources can be aided by the use of
modern information processing technology;
 This technology includes computer-based interactive optimization
and simulation models and programs, all specifically developed to
perform more comprehensive multi- sector, multi-purpose, multi-
objective water resources planning and management studies;
 Without such models, programs, and associated databases, it
would be difficult to predict the expected future impacts of any
proposed plan and management policy.
Stakeholder’s Focused

 Without the development and use of computer programs

incorporating various models, programs, and databases within
an interactive, menu- driven, graphics-based framework, it
would be difficult for many to use these tools and databases to
explore their individual ideas, to test various assumptions, and
to understand the output of their analyses.
 Programs that allow the stakeholders themselves to create their
own models, rather than to be forced to use someone else’s
model, can help achieve a shared vision among all stakeholders
as to how their system functions, if not how they would like it to

 Models that help us predict the impacts of possible actions we

take today are based on the current conditions of our water
resource systems;
 What we might do to improve or increase the derived benefits of
our water resource systems is, to a large extent, dependent on
the state of those systems that exist today;
 Those who preceded us have given us what we have today, and
we cannot redo any of their actions so as to change what exists
Models are only tools ……

 The resources and condition of the systems future generations

will have to work with may well depend on what actions we take
 There may well be trade-offs between what we would like to do
today for our own benefit and what our descendants might wish
we had done;
 Modeling can help us identify these possible trade-offs;
 While models cannot determine just what decisions to make, the
trade-off information derived from such models can contribute to
the decision-making debate.
Threats and Variability

 Sustainability implies a condition in which the frequency and

severity of threats to society are decreasing over time;
 It implies a condition in which our environment and ecosystems
are being managed in a way that prepares people to cope with
stresses when they occur;
 Variability in water flow and quality is a natural phenomenon and
must be preserved if such systems are to sustain their natural,
or near natural, ecosystems.
Extreme Events do occur

 Very extreme events typically bring substantial economic

 Thus, the prevention, management, and control of very extreme
events have a high priority in the achievement of sustainability;
 Yet it is usually neither politically feasible nor economically
possible to eliminate all potential hazards or to design all water
resources systems to withstand any conceivable extreme event;
 Of interest, is the effectiveness of recovering from such events.
Risk assessment

In any risk assessment relevant questions include:

➢ What could go wrong?
➢ What is the likelihood that it will go wrong?
➢ What would be the consequences?
➢ What can be done, i.e., what options are available for hazard
reduction and response?
➢ What are the associated tradeoffs in terms of all costs,
benefits, and risks?
➢ What are the impacts of current management decisions on
future options?
Risk Management Planning

 Sustainability criteria include risk measures and management as

part of the overall assessment of possible system failures and
their possible consequences;
 Water resource systems risk assessment and risk management
planning should involve all who have an interest in or who are
impacted by those systems.
 Long-term demand management involving land use and
conservation programs can promote the efficient use of water
continuously under normal conditions as well as during extreme
events such as floods and droughts.
National Drought Policy and Plans

 The effect of drought on public water supplies necessitates

cooperation between water users and local, regional, and
national public officials;
 But since droughts are infrequent in many areas, water
managers are faced with dealing with situations for which they
typically have little or no past experience;
 Developing a national or regional drought policy and plan, then,
is essential for reducing societal vulnerability and, hence,
increasing system sustainability.
Flood Management and Planning

Flood management and planning must not only take into account
the risks of potential economic and social (psychological) damages
resulting from flooding, but also the ecological and economical
benefits of alternative flood- plain development and use, and how it
can be done to reduce potential damages.
Human Resources
 Key to SWRM is the existence of sufficiently well trained personnel
in all of the disciplines needed in the planning, development, and
management processes;
 Training and education are a key input, and requirement, of SD;
 While outside experts and aid organizations can provide temporary
assistance, each major river basin region must inevitably depend
primarily on its own professionals to provide the know-how and
experience required for water resources development and
 Capacity building is one of the most essential, strategic and
important long-term conditions required for SD.
Capacity and Local Knowledge

 Another important factor in SWRM is that the local people must not
only be capable, but must also be willing to assume the
responsibility for their water resources systems;
 One of the drawbacks of a centralized dominating government that
takes the responsibility for local system design and operation is that
the local people become accustomed to looking to government for
help, rather than to looking to themselves;
 The ideal local water resources managers are well-trained persons
who know the behavior of that system, have experience with its
floods and its droughts, and know the concerns and customs of the
people of the region, a group to which they belong.
Water Resources Development and Management
 Everyone involved in water resource systems development and
management has an obligation to see that those systems
provide sufficient quantities and qualities, at acceptable prices
and reliabilities, and at the same time protect the environment
and preserve the biodiversity and health of ecosystems for
future generations;
 If our current water resources development and management
practices result in degraded environments and ecosystems,
those particular water resource systems will surely not be
Failures of Water Resources Management Systems

 There are many examples today where system failures

happened. Would these failures have occurred if sustainability
criteria were considered when decisions were made?
 Are those who develop and manage water resource systems
to meet todays expressed demands for food and water, and
economic livelihood considering the impact of their actions on
future generations and their expected demands?
 Those who are managing natural resources need to ensure
that the public as well as their representatives who make
decisions are aware of the short and long- term temporal as
well as spatial impacts and trade-offs.
Guiding Principle for Achieving Sustainable Systems

 Maintain the options available to future generations;

 What we do now should interfere as little as possible with the
proper functioning of natural life cycles within the watershed;
 Throughout the water resource system planning and
management process, it is necessary to identify and include
within the set of evaluation criteria all the beneficial and adverse
ecological, economic, environmental, and social effects
especially the long-term effects associated with any proposed
Challenges ahead

 Whatever is done to increase the level of sustainability of our

water resources infrastructure will likely involve some costs or
require some reduction in the immediate benefits those of us
living today could receive.
 Wherever possible, the prevention of pollution in excess of the
receiving systems assimilative capacity is preferable to, and
cheaper than, the reduction or elimination of its consequences;
 The challenge is to create the incentives that result in pollution
prevention, that result in behavior that leads to higher levels of
Role of Professional Water Managers
 Everyone makes water management and use decisions, not just the
professionals and the politicians;
 It is the job of the professionals to provide the information upon
which informed decisions can be made;
 As our knowledge increases and as conditions and expectations
change, so will our decisions;
 Professionals, particularly engineers, can contribute to sustainable
development in two ways: by introducing environmentally beneficial
practices within their own organizations, and by insuring that their
projects not only meet their client’s needs but at the same time
contribute positively to sustainable development.
The Cost Factor

 Whatever is done to increase the degree of sustainability of our

water resources infrastructure will almost certainly involve some
costs or require some reduction in the immediate benefits those
of us living today could receive;
 And that is the challenge: deciding what should be done today
given what is known as well as what is not, and cannot, be
known; determining how much cost and sacrifice are warranted;
and choosing who is going to pay;
 These issues need to be debated, and this debate should
involve everyone having interests in the systems and decisions
under discussion.
An Integrated Process

 Sustainability is an integrating process. It encompasses technology,

ecology, and the social and political infrastructure of society;
 It is probably not a state that may ever be reached completely, but it
is one for which we should continually strive;
 And while it may never be possible to identify with certainty what is
sustainable and what is not, it is possible to develop some
measures that permit one to compare the performances of
alternative systems with respect to sustainability.
 For water resource managers, considerations of sustainability
challenge us to develop and use better methods for explicitly
considering the possible needs and expectations of future
generations along with our own.
Sustainable Water Resource Systems defined

“water resource systems designed and managed to fully contribute to

the objectives of society, now and in the future, while maintaining their
ecological, environmental, and hydrological integrity.”
 They must be planned, designed, and managed in such a way that
the life-support system at all biological levels remains functional
and that the water and related land resource is not irreversibly
degraded over time;
 This imposes constraints on every stage of development, from
project planning to its final operation and management within its
overall social and technical system.
Conflicting Views and Trade-offs
 In many situations, the overall goals of conserving environmental
and natural resources and alleviating poverty and economic
injustice are compatible and mutually reinforcing.
 However, there will always be conflicting views on how these overall
goals can be met and tradeoffs will have to be made among the
conflicting views and objectives;
 The challenge for political leaders and professional resource
managers is to make the best of situations where complements are
real, while remaining aware that there are very real situations that
will require difficult decisions and choices if sustainable water
resources management is to be achieved.
Still Unanswered Questions
 There are many unanswered questions related to the sustainable
development and management of any renewable or non-renewable
water resource system;
 Water resources managers has not the luxury of waiting until all
these questions are answered as they still can work toward
increasingly sustainable levels of development and management;
 This includes learning how to get more from our resources and how
to produce less waste that degrades these resources and systems;
 Constantly improve our processes and procedures of planning,
developing, upgrading, maintaining, and paying for a changing
infrastructure that we and future generations need in order to obtain
the maximum benefits from the resources we manage and use.
A Holistic Approach is required

The current understanding of SWM is based primarily upon the

principles devised in Dublin during the International Conference on
Water and the Environment (ICWE) in 1992, namely:
• Freshwater is a finite and valuable resource that is essential to sustain life, the
environment and development.
• The development and management of our water resources should be based on a
participatory approach, involving users, planners and policy makers at all levels.
• Women play a central role in the provision, management and safeguarding of
water resources.
• Water has an economic value and should therefore be seen as an economic
Water Resources Management Concepts

 These Dublin principles reflect the importance of water in our

daily lives and the need for proper communication, gender
equity, and economic and policy incentives to manage the
resource properly.
 And this leads us to the need and necessity to apply the
concepts and philosophy of

Integrated Water Resources Development (IWRM)


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