MT402 R1 Financial Accounting & Management

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MT402- R1- Financial Accounting & Management


Course code:MT402-R1
Course title: Financial Accounting &Management
Co- requisite(s):NIL
Credits:3 L:3 T:0 P:0
Class schedule per week: 3
Class: MBA
Semester / Level: 1/4
Name of Teacher:

Course Objectives

This course enables the students:

A. To develop an understanding about the scope of financial markets and

accounting with understanding the concept of wealth maximization in modern
fast changing complex business world

B. To give knowledge about the analysis of changes in financial position of

corporate entity and develop capabilities in solving complex managerial
problems like project appraisal as a business manager.

C. To impart knowledge about Capital structure theories for decision making in

Leveragingof any business corporations.
D. To impart knowledge of working capital management and to give an insight
about the trade-off between liquidity and profitability.

E. To impart knowledge about different types of dividends and dividend decisions

Course Outcomes

After the completion of this course, students will be able to:

CO1. Explain accounting statements and analyze thefinancial statements with the
help of ratioanalysis. To differentiate between Capital Market and Money

CO 2. Apply the concept of time value of money for any investmentdecision. To

appraise the various business projects by applying the concept of Capital

CO 3. To analyze the capital structure of a firm and its impact on firm’sprofitability.

CO 4. Implement the concept of working capital management by referring to various

policies for financing of working capitalmanagement.

CO 5. Explain dividend policies and its impact on market value of shares of the

Module 1 (12 Lectures)

Scope & Functions of Finance, Role of Finance Manager, Goals of Financial Management-
Profit Maximization Vs Wealth Maximization, Introduction to Financial Market, Introduction
to Accountancy. Accounting Principles and Conventions, Double Entry system, Journal,
Ledger, Trial Balance and Preparation of Final Account. Statement of Changes in Financial
Position , Analysis of Financial Statement– Profitability Ratios, Turnover Ratios, Liquidity
Ratios, Leverage and Financial Ratios, Sensitivity Analysis.

Module 2 (9Lectures)
Time Value of Money-Future value of a single cash flow, Annuity, Present value of a single
cash flow, Annuity, Present value of an Uneven Cash Flow, Multi-Period Compounding.
Capital Budgeting Decision, Methods of Appraisals – Discounting and Non Discounting
Techniques –NPV, IRR, Profitability Index, Pay Back, ARR .

Module 3 (9Lectures)
Capital structure- Relevance of Capital Structure, Capital Structure Decision - EBIT – EPS
Analysis. Cost of Capital- Cost of Debt, Cost of Preference Capital, Cost of Equity Capital,
Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Financial Leverage, Operating Leverage, Combined

Module 4 (9Lectures)
Concept & Importance, Factors Influencing Working Capital Requirements, Operating Cycle
and Cash Cycle. Determinants of Working Capital, Working Capital Policy, Working Capital
Financing Policy, Issues in working capital management.

Module 5 (9 Lectures)
Meaning & Forms of Dividend, Theory of Relevance- Walter’s Model, Gorden’s Model,
Theory of Irrelevance- Miller-Modigilani Model, Influencing Factors of Dividend Policy.

Text books:
1. Financial Management, M.Y. Khan, P.K.Jain, Tata McgrawHillPublication
2. Financial Management, Prasanna Chandra, Tata McgrawHillPublication
3. Financial Management, I.M.Pande, VikashPublication

Reference books:

1. Financial Accounting – AManagerial Perspective, Narayanaswamy, PHI,

2. Accounting for Managers, Anthony R.N.andReiceJ.S.
3. Advance Accountancy, S.N. Maheshwari, VikasPublication
4. Modern Accountancy, Amitabh Mukherjee &MdHanif, TMHPublication.
5. Financial Management – An Introduction, Jim McMenamin, Taylor andFrancis
6. Accounting, Robert N Anthony, David F Hawkins and Kenneth AMerchant

Course Delivery methods

Lecture by use of boards/LCD projectors/OHP
Mini projects/Projects
Laboratory experiments/teaching aids
Industrial/guest lectures
Industrial visits/in-plant training
Self- learning such as use of NPTEL
materials and internets

Course Outcome (CO) Attainment Assessment tools & Evaluation

procedure Direct Assessment

Assessment Tool % Contribution during CO Assessment

End Sem Examination Marks 50
Quiz (s) 30
Assignment 10
Seminar 10
Indirect Assessment –
1. Students Feedback on CourseOutcome

Mapping of Course Outcomes onto Programme Outcomes

Course Outcome #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
4 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1
5 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 2

Gaps in the syllabus (to meet Industry/Profession requirements)

POs met through Gaps in the Syllabus
Topics beyond syllabus/Advanced topics/Design
POs met through Topics beyond syllabus/Advanced topics/Design Mapping between

COs and Course Delivery (CD) methods

Course Delivery
CD Course Delivery methods Outcome Method
CD1 Lecture by use of boards/LCD projectors/OHP projectors CO1 CD1and CD8
CD2 Tutorials/Assignments CO2 CD1 and CD2
CD3 Seminars CO3 CD1 and CD2
CD4 Mini projects/Projects CO4 CD1 and CD4
CD5 Laboratory experiments/teaching aids CO5 CD1 and CD8
CD6 Industrial/guest lectures
CD7 Industrial visits/in-plant training
CD8 Self- learning such as use of NPTEL materials and internets
CD9 Simulation

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