IM1.1. Intro To UD Urban Design and Community (1 of 3)
IM1.1. Intro To UD Urban Design and Community (1 of 3)
IM1.1. Intro To UD Urban Design and Community (1 of 3)
Intro to Urban
AR 451
Design and
Community Planning
An illuminating exploration of the core principles
behind urban design and community planning
to Urban
Design and
Urban design is a multidisciplinary It involves the strategic planning
field that focuses on shaping the and arrangement of buildings, public
physical layout, organization, and spaces, transportation systems,
aesthetics of cities, towns, and infrastructure, and landscapes to
communities. create functional, attractive, and
sustainable urban environments.
"The shaping of the physical setting for life in cities; the art of making places;
design in an urban context."
Urban design is a process which deals with the design of the overall appearance
of an urban area and the design of individual sites, such as parks, housing areas,
or industrial areas.
The term "urban" refers to areas that are In the context of urban design, "design"
densely populated and characterized by refers to the intentional and thoughtful
various built environments, infrastructure, process of planning, arranging, and
economic activities, and social interactions. shaping the physical elements within
urban environments.
As a product, urban design refers to the As a process, urban design encompasses
tangible outcome of the planning, the dynamic and iterative series of steps
organization, and arrangement of physical undertaken to conceptualize, plan, and
elements within an urban area. implement changes in the urban
1. Should urban design be focused at 4. Should urban design be the province of
particular scales or levels? Architects, planners, or landscape
2. Should it focus only on the visual
qualities of the urban environment or, more 5. Should it be a public or private sector
broadly, address the organization and activity?
management of urban space?
6. Should it be seen as an objective-rational
3. Should it simply be about transforming process (a science) or an expressive-
spatial arrangements, or about more subjective process (an art)?
deeply seated social and cultural relations
between spaces and society?
7 Community Engagement
Urban design engages communities in the planning process,
empowering residents to shape their surroundings, fostering a sense
of ownership, and building social cohesion.
Urban Design: Deals with the overall arrangement Urban Design: Considers the broader context of the
and organization of entire cities or communities, city or community, incorporating social, cultural,
focusing on urban layouts, infrastructure, public economic, and environmental factors to create
spaces, and connectivity. cohesive urban environments.
Architecture: Focuses on the design and Architecture: Takes into account the specific context
construction of individual buildings, considering of a building's site, considering neighboring
their functionality, aesthetics, structural integrity, and structures, topography, climate, and local regulations.
user experience.
Urban Design: Influences the character and Urban Design: Involves the arrangement of streets,
functionality of entire neighborhoods, districts, or plazas, parks, transportation networks, and
cities, addressing the macro-level spatial landmarks, focusing on the overall layout and
relationships. connectivity of the urban fabric.
Architecture: Impacts the immediate surroundings Architecture: Involves the design of building forms,
and interior spaces of individual buildings, addressing facades, interior spaces, materials, and structural
micro-level design details. elements, concentrating on the specific aesthetics
and functions of individual structures.
Urban Design: Urban design deals with the larger Urban Design: Urban design takes into account the
scale of a city, town, or community as a whole. It broader context of the city or community,
focuses on the organization and aesthetics of the considering historical, cultural, and social factors to
entire urban environment, including the layout of shape the overall identity and character of the urban
streets, buildings, open spaces, and infrastructure. environment.
Site Planning: Site planning, on the other hand, is Site Planning: Site planning zooms in on the
concerned with a specific parcel of land or site immediate surroundings of a particular site,
within the larger urban context. It involves the considering elements such as topography,
detailed arrangement and design of buildings, neighboring properties, and local regulations to
landscapes, and amenities on a particular piece of ensure seamless integration within the existing
property. context.
Urban Design: Decisions made in urban design have a Urban Design: Urban design entails considering a
far-reaching impact, influencing the configuration wide array of elements, ranging from the layout of
and functionality of neighborhoods, districts, and streets and transportation networks to the creation
even the entire city, fostering a sense of unity and of landmarks and public spaces, all contributing to
connectivity. the overall cohesion and visual identity of the urban
Site Planning: Site planning decisions have a more landscape.
localized effect, focusing on optimizing the Site Planning: Site planning deals with the intricate
functionality and aesthetics of a specific area or arrangement of buildings, parking facilities, green
property without necessarily impacting the broader spaces, and circulation paths on a specific site,
urban fabric. aiming to ensure practicality and aesthetic appeal
within the confines of that site's boundaries.
Urban design and architecture are closely linked. Architects Urban design and urban planning share a common
shape individual buildings to align with the broader urban goal of shaping urban environments. Planners offer
design vision, emphasizing the relationship between insights into land use, zoning regulations, and
buildings and their surrounding context. transportation networks, which influence the layout
and functionality of cities.
Landscape architects collaborate with urban designers to Urban design and environmental science
create public spaces, parks, streetscapes, and green areas, collaborate to create sustainable cities, integrating
enhancing the visual appeal and ecological sustainability of green infrastructure, renewable energy, waste
urban areas. management, and environmental impact mitigation
Transportation planners collaborate with urban designers to Social scientists contribute insights into the cultural
design efficient transportation networks that accommodate dynamics, social interactions, and behavioral patterns
various modes of transit, including pedestrians, cyclists, and of communities. This knowledge informs designs that
public transportation. are inclusive, socially cohesive, and responsive to
community needs.
Economic considerations influence urban design decisions, Public health experts contribute to designing
impacting land use patterns, development opportunities, and walkable and accessible communities that promote
the allocation of resources for public projects. This physical activity, mental well-being, and overall
collaboration ensures the economic vitality of urban areas. health.
Collaboration with cultural experts ensures that urban design Civil, structural, and transportation engineers provide
respects and integrates cultural heritage, traditions, and local technical expertise to ensure the safe and functional
identities, promoting a sense of place and belonging. implementation of urban design projects, including
infrastructure and buildings.
The Visual-Artistic Tradition The Social-Usage Tradition The Making Places Tradition
This tradition draws inspiration from The social-usage tradition centers on the The making places tradition emphasizes
aesthetics and the visual aspects of cities. It social interactions and behaviors that occur the process of place-making and the role
emphasizes the artistic and design within urban spaces. It emphasizes the of community involvement in shaping
elements of urban spaces, focusing on way people use and inhabit urban urban spaces.
how urban environments can be visually environments, focusing on the needs,
pleasing and evoke certain emotions. experiences, and behaviors of residents.