Cummins Isx

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Truck Maintenance and Operation

ISX15 (EPA 2007)

Quick Reference Guide
For ease of identification, important characteristics of this engine are:
- Two camshafts
- High Pressure Injection (HPI) fuel system
- DPF only
- ECM871
- Exhaust Gas Recirculation system (EGR)

Maintenance Intervals
X15 Severe Duty X15 Normal Duty X15 Light Duty
<5.5 mpg 5.5 to 6.5 mpg >6.5 mpg
15,000 mile interval 25,000 mile interval 35,000 mile interval
Miles / Hours / Months Miles / Hours / Months Miles / Hours / Months
Oil and filter: 15,000 / 500 / 6 25,000 / 800 / 6 35,000 / 800 / 6
Fuel filter: 25,000 / 800 / 6 25,000 / 800 / 6 25,000 / 800 / 6
Check DCA levels: 25,000 / 800 / 6 25,000 / 800 / 6 25,000 / 800 / 6
Coolant filter: 50,000 / 1,500 / 12 50,000 / 1,500 / 6 50,000 / 1,500 / 6
Crankcase filter: 125,000 / 3,000 / 12 125,000 / 3,000 / 12 125,000 / 3,000 / 12
HC Dosing Injector*: 150,000 / 4,500 / 12 150,000 / 4,500 / 12 150,000 / 4,500 / 12
Particulate filter: 300,000 / 6,750 / 24 300,000 / 6,750 / 24 300,000 / 6,750 / 24
Valve adjustment: 500,000 / 10,000 / 60 500,000 / 10,000 / 60 500,000 / 10,000 / 60
Radiator cap: Check for 15 lbs. psi at EVERY service interval
Compatible with
Extended Life Coolant: Yes Yes Yes

Maintenance Information
Caution Check the oil pressure indicators, temperature indicators,
• When changing the engine mounted fuel filter, never warning lights, and other gauges daily to make sure they
pre-fill by pouring fuel in the center hole (clean side). are operational.
Recommended procedure is to install filter dry and
cycle the key switch on 3-4 times and allow the priming Check the oil pressure, coolant temperatures, and other
pump to fill the filter. engine parameters daily via the OEM instrument panel or
• If you have to pre-fill the filter, use the smaller outside gauge cluster to make sure they are operational. Check the
holes (dirty side) and let the fuel flow through the filter instrument panel regularly for any alarm messages. Take
media to provide clean, filtered fuel to the clean side. appropriate action to rectify the alarm condition or contact
• Synthetic or Semi-Synthetic oils may be beneficial your nearest Cummins Distributor.
for extreme arctic or extreme heat conditions but
DO NOT EXTEND Oil Drain Intervals with synthetic For best fuel economy and performance, take advantage of
or semi-synthetic oils. the following electronic engine features, setting the parameters
• 10W-30 oils are NOT recommended for these engines. to meet your needs:
• Road Speed Governor and Cruise Control
DPF Maintenance • Idle Control
• The engine must be operated with ultra low sulfur diesel • Load-Based Speed Control
fuel and the use of additives that contain sulfur or mineral • Gear Down Protection
composites should be avoided to preserve the integrity of

the system.
For guidance in parameter settings:
• It is important to use lubricating oils with low ash content

(API grade CI-4).
• Prolonged idling does not provide the necessary
temperatures for the filter to regenerate passively (by itself). *In 2013, Cummins introduced a new maintenance-free
• An illuminated DPF lamp will indicate a regeneration is hydrocarbon dosing injector compatible with EPA 2007 engines
needed, which can be accomplished by either of (P/N: 4309454)
the following:
1. Increase engine power demand by bringing the vehicle
to highway speeds for at least 20 minutes to increase
exhaust temperatures.
2. Perform a parked regeneration.
Truck Maintenance and Operation
ISX15 (EPA 2007)
Quick Reference Guide
Lubricating Oil System Cooling System Information
Specifications General Information

Oil Pressure Cummins Inc. recommends the use of fully-formulated antifreeze

At Idle (minimum allowable at 93°C [200°F] oil temperature) or coolant containing a precharge of supplemental coolant
103 kPa [15 psi] additive (SCA) for the ISX15 CM871. The antifreeze or coolant
At No-Load Governed Speed (automotive and industrial only) must meet the specifications outlined in the Technology and
241 to 276 kPa [35 to 40 psi] Maintenance Council (TMC) Recommended Practice (RP) 329
(ethylene glycol) or Recommended Practice (RP) 330 (propylene
Oil Pressure Range glycol). The use of fully-formulated antifreeze or coolant
Cold Engine Up to 1034 kPa [150 psi] significantly simplifies cooling system maintenance.
Warm Engine 241 to 276 kPa [35 to 40 psi]
Fully-formulated antifreeze contains balanced amounts of
Normal Oil Temperature antifreeze, SCA, and buffering compounds, but does not contain
200 to 245°F 50 percent water. Fully-formulated coolant contains balanced
amounts of antifreeze, SCA, and buffering compounds already
Normal Coolant Temperature premixed 50/50 with deionized water. Alternative maintenance
180 to 220°F practices for cooling systems can be found in Cummins Coolant
Requirements and Maintenance, Bulletin 3666132.
Normal Coolant Temp when Fan Kicks on
210°F (EGR Equipped) For complete maintenance recommendations and guidelines,
refer to EPA 2007 X15 CM871 Owners Manual, Bulletin 4960314
Normal Coolant Temp and EPA 2007 X15 CM871 Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Engine Intake Manifold Temp when Fan Kicks on Bulletin 3666251.
200°F (EGR Equipped)

Recommended Low Idle

600 RPM

Pressure Drop Across Oil Filter

Maximum Allowable (with 15W-40 oil at operating temperature)
172 kPa [25 psi]

Oil Filter Capacity of Standard Engine

Combination Full-Flow/Bypass Filter 3.8 liters [1 gal]

Oil Pan Drain

Fitting Size M27x2 STOR

Oil Pan Capacity- Stamped Steel (Standard)

High 45.4 liters [12 gal]
Low 37.8 liters [10 gal]

Oil Pan Capacity- Aluminum (Optional)

High 47.3 liters [12.5 gal] Wedge type cast
Low 43.5 liters [11.5 gal] Wedge type cast
High 43.5 liters [11.5 gal] Rear center sump
Low 35.96 liters [9.5 gal] Rear center sump

Oil Change Capacity (oil pan and filter filled to capacity)

Stamped Steel fill 43.5 liters [11.5 gal]
Aluminum (wedge type cast) fill 45.4 liters [12 gal]
Aluminum (rear center sump) fill 41.6 liters [11 gal]

Total Lubricating Oil System Capacity Including Filter CumminsLogo.pdf 1 5/8/09 2:43 PM

and Residual
Stamped Steel and Aluminum 49.2 liters [13 gal]
Cummins Inc. Phone: 1-800-DIESELS™ (1-800-343-7357)
Box 3005 Internet:
Columbus, IN 47202-3005 Bulletin 4971468 Printed in U.S.A. 1/15
U.S.A. ©2015 Cummins Inc.

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