Assignment For CH 1

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Name ; Riswanda Bayu Pratama Class: D-III Nautika NIT: 21.066.001.

Unit 1. The Seafarer
Exercise 1.
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of To Be. (Am, Is, Are)
1. I am 19 years old 6. Is he married?
2. We are cadets 7. Is he the Chief Officer?
3. You are from Italy 8. Are they cadets?
4. She is the crewing agent 9. Are you engineer?
5. The Master is 40 years old 10. Are you from Finland?

Exercise 2.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of To Have (Have, Has)
For example:
1. I have a chart. Do you have binoculars?
2. The ship has a cargo of crude oil. Is he have a seaman’s book?
3. We have three children Is the ship has lifeboats?
4. The port has six tugboats. Do you have the fire extinguisher?
5. They have lifejackets. What we have visas?

Exercise 3.
Complete the sentences by using nationality or name of country.
For example: The Master is from Singapore (country). He is Singaporean (nationality)
1. The surveyor is from India. He is indian
2. The superintendents are from Greece They are Greek
3. The Captain is from Canada. He is Canadanian
4. The Engineer is from Brazil He is Brazilian.
5. The 2nd Officer is from South Africa. He is African
6. The agents are from Japan They are Japanese.
7. The owners are from America. They are American.
8. The pilot is from Britain. He is English people
Exercise 4:
Please write about yourself, introduce your family. Inform us about the things you have and your
family members have. For example: I have a dictionary, my brother has a phone.
Excuse me mam, Let me introduce my self, My name is Riswanda Bayu Pratama, you can call
me Bayu, I from Kebumen, Central Java, I am the first son, i have 2 brother and sister, my sister
now on junior high school and my brother on playgroup, i like sing a song, playing kendang and
somethimes i go to hunting and going riding with motocycle

Exercise 5:
Complete these SMCP by filling the correct form of the verb be.
Positive Statements
I am in danger of capsizing – list increasing (example)
MV JANE is under attack by pirates
Person picked up to crew member of MV John
We are aground
.Negative Statements
No, dangerous goods did not on fire
No, fire is not under control
No, the depth of water is not sufficient in position XY.
No, the turning effect of the propeller was not very strong
No, I am not underway
…Are… dangerous goods on fire? (example)
is the fire under control?
are you underway?
is the turning effect of the propeller very strong?
are the depth of water sufficient in position XY?
To have
I He
You have She Has
We It
Example : ( + ) I have a new passport
( + ) He has a ticket
( - ) I don’t have a new passport
( - ) She doesn’t have a car
( ? ) do you have automatic pilot?

( ? ) does he have a watch?

Complete the following SMCP by filling in the correct form of the verb have.

Possitive Statements

MV Kate was dangerous list to port side/ starboard

I have problems with steering gear

I have damage below waterline

MV Kate have problem with propeller

Negative Statements

No, we don’t have any damage. Do not/ don’t

No, we not have dangerous list.

No, MV Kate didn’t have Problem with propeller.


Are you a doctor on board?

What problems was MV Kate have?

Do you have any list?

Do you have any deficiences?


PRONOUN Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive Possessive

Adjectives Pronouns

I I take the helm He invites me That’s my book The book is


You You sail to Japan He gives you the It is your ship The ship is
pen yours

He He sends the I call him His ship is The letter is

letter loading his

She She is a lecture We like her Her job is The subject is

lecturing hers

It It is my vessel We clean it every Its bridge is The lifebuoy is

morning wide its

We We paint the hull Let us paint the Our vessel is The new
hull new vessel is ours
The manuals
They They repair the Show them the Their manuals are theirs
bridge way located in the

Complete the sentences by filling in the pronoun in its correct form

Foe Example: I : Let me know the information.
1. I : can you show me that device, please?
2. I : this is not my seaman’s book.
3. you : when is your next contact with VTS?
4. you : sorry, I can’t understand you it’s to noisy.
5. he : I can’t remember his name
6. he : I don’t want to give him all details.
7. it : I’m looking for my torch. Where is it?
8. it : please write down this message. This content is important.
9. she : I told she a lot about our voyage.
10. she : she gave me his address.
11. we : there was some trouble with our main engine.
12. we : could you help us, please. It’s urgent.
13. they : can I test they now?
14. they : we can join in they search.

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