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Input Processing Theory

Input Processing Theory is a theory in second language acquisition that explains
how language learners process and acquire new information from input. Input theory is
focuses on form vs. meaning. It is concerned with identifying the conditions in which
learners make initial form-meaning connections. Learners process content words in the
sentences they hear or read before anything else. More on, understanding the meaning
rather than how speaker pronounce the words. Input Processing Theory emphasizes
the importance of input that is comprehensible and challenging, but not so difficult that
learners become overwhelmed or frustrated. It also highlights the importance of
attention to form, as learners must notice the features of the language in order to
incorporate them into their own language knowledge. Overall, Input Processing Theory
provides a framework for understanding how language learners process and acquire
new information from input, and emphasizes the importance of providing learners with
input that is appropriately challenging and comprehensible.

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